New Era University: College of Communication No.9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

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New Era University

College of Communication
No.9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City
el. No. 981-4221 local 3920 |



Prepared by:

Patricia Ann A. Camacho

Aliyah Shane D. Llagas

Princess Sarah L. Santiago

May 15, 2021

Chapter 1


People have different perspectives wherein they intend to do something based on their

interests and wants. Watching Netflix in today’s generation has become rampant and more

increasing since we are in Pandemic. In the past, researchers wondered about television’s effects

on its viewers and found that it can influence how people perceive the world (Gerbner & Gross,


Aside from the typical categories of drama, sci-fi, comedy, or horror, “binge-worthy” is a

new category to select from when choosing which television series to watch in full. Although

consumers in the late 20th century had to wait for series to become available on video cassette

tapes, and later, DVDs or even DVR, new developments in the early 21st century made watching

TV programming easier and more accessible (Eboch, 2015). Netflix is the conclusive media

company of the 21st century. It was among the primary to parlay modern Internet innovations

into a successful business show, and within the process it changed how customers get to film and

television. It is presently one of the driving suppliers of carefully conveyed media substance and

is persistently extending to over a share of stages and portable gadgets

In the past couple of years, television audience viewership went through a variety of

developments. More and more people are likely to shift from broadcast or cable TV to watching

TV shows via video-on-demand streaming services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. For

instance, in 2014 a significant decline of watching traditional TV has been reported which was

more abrupt than in any other previous year (Luckerson, 2014). In fact, Netflix is not only aware
of the rapid increase of binge watching, but seems also to be facilitating the phenomenon as a

viable consumptive activity (Pitmann & Sheehan, 2015).

The process of making a film is a very complex one. (Cox, 1985) It may be a profoundly

collaborative art form that depends on the imaginative inputs of a few individuals, who must be

given particular roles to guarantee the method unfolds easily. Aspiring filmmakers watching

movies on Netflix to gain more knowledge and techniques that they can use in the future.

In this study, many aspiring filmmakers are more obsessed with Netflix, not as being

addicted and leading to the wrong effect, but as someone who has been able to inspire them

every time they watch netflix. Researchers want to know the reasons why aspiring filmmakers

see themselves so much that they can also make a film someday. These situations prompted the

researchers to conduct a qualitative content analysis about student;s perception towards

NETFLIX as aspiring filmmakers.

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1
Theoretical Framework Model


- Cultivation Netflix FILMMAKERS
The figure above shows how media influences our behavior, the way we think, interests

and even our careers. Evidence from cultivation research indicates that watching television

shows can influence viewers’ perceptions of reality through its many facets (Shanahan &

Morgan, 1999). Viewers’ perceptions are altered through the processes of mainstreaming and

resonance and the content of the shows. The strength of these processes and effects depend on

the number of hours viewers spend watching television (Gerbner et al., 1986), as well as the

viewers’ transportation into the shows (Green & Brock, 2000).

Cultivation theory (aka cultivation hypothesis, cultivation analysis) was a theory

composed originally by G. Gerbner and later expanded upon by Gerbner & Gross (1976 – Living

with television: The violence profile. Journal of Communication, 26, 76.), they began research in

the mid-1960s endeavoring to study media effects, specifically whether watching television

influences the audience's idea and perception of everyday life, and if so, how. Cultivation theory

recommends that repeated presentation to media impacts beliefs about the real world over time.

Cultivation Theory Summary. Media is a major piece within society that is often linked to the

notion of social influence. Society understands the notion or concept of being influenced as an

"external force" (the media) linking itself or connecting with a personal action or viewpoint of

the recipient. (John Corner: 2000: 378).

The influence of media through Cultivation theory can be attached to Netflix wherein the

career path that will be chosen by individuals will be influenced by the media. Aspiring

filmmakers might encounter many unique and amazing films wherein they also want to create

films that can be known by many people in the future. Television includes online streaming for

movies like Netflix can influence their desires to be like their favorite characters and to obtain a

goal occupation that aligns with that of their favorite characters.

Basis Input Process Output

1. Which among the

genres of the films in
NETFLIX showed the
interest of aspiring Identified the
filmmakers ? student’s
A qualitative perception
2. What gender of research
aspiring filmmakers towards
design in netflix as
are into Netflix? descriptive aspiring
3. How do these films method using filmmakers.
change aspiring observation.
filmmakers' film
4. How does the film
negatively affect the
perspective of aspiring
5. How does film
positively affect the
perspective of aspiring

Figure 2
Research Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

This study made a qualitative content analysis and attempts to find evidence to the

Effects of NETFLIX to Selected Comm Students as aspiring filmmakers.

More specifically it seeks to find the answers to the following questions:

1. Which among the genres of the films in NETFLIX showed the interest of aspiring

filmmakers ?

2. What gender of aspiring filmmakers are into Netflix?

3. How do these films change aspiring filmmakers' film standards?

4. How does the film negatively affect the perspective of aspiring filmmakers?

5. How does film positively affect the perspective of aspiring filmmakers?


Aspiring filmmakers have become more motivated by what they watch on Netflix.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the research are of benefit to the following:

The primary reason for the researcher’s interest in undertaking a study about the Student's

perception towards Netflix as aspiring filmmakers was their own fascination for it. As students

themselves, researchers have their own perceptions towards Netflix TV series, shows, and

movies which gave them inspiration to come up with this study. The researchers were also

surprised that only few other studies tackled this topic considering the time Netflix hit the

Philippine media from 2016 until now.

To communication students. The researchers firmly believe that through this study,

communication students may gain understanding about their career and how they can use Netflix

as a guide for their future. The study may become the basis for communication students to
recognize different style, genre, and story in filmmaking. This would also be beneficial to those

students who have skills in filmmaking but yet still undecided which career will they take.

To aspiring filmmakers. The findings of this study could strengthen and contribute to making

Netflix as a lead for those students as aspiring filmmakers. The researchers believe that this study

will help those aspiring filmmakers who’s on the line to be on the top. Also the researchers were

convinced that Netflix is a great source of knowledge for those students when it comes to

filmmaking because their series and movies are written, animated, and edited by different

professionals around the globe.

To filmmakers. The researchers believe that this study motivates filmmakers to create more

outstanding and admirable series and movies for their audience, for those aspiring filmmakers,

and also for those people who are interested in filmmaking.

To future researchers. This study will encourage future researchers to conduct an analysis

regarding how Netflix affects students as aspiring filmmakers. In addition, the findings of the

study may serve as a guide to the future researchers who will conduct research similar or related

to the topic and may offer them reliable groundwork.

Scope and Limitation

The study did not attempt to generalize all communication students, but rather focused

primarily to those students as aspiring filmmakers. By conducting an observation, the study

described their different perceptions regardless of what genre Netflix presented.

Definition of Terms

Aspiring- According to Collins dictionary, If you use aspiring to describe someone who is

starting a particular career, you mean that they are trying to become successful in it

Binge-worthy- According to Oxford dictionary, engaging enough to encourage the watching of

multiple episodes over a short period of time.

Complex. According to Macmillan dictionary, an emotional problem caused by unreasonable

fears or worries.

Fascination. Fascination is defined as something that attracts or intrigues someone, or the state

of being attracted and intrigued. (yourdictionary)

Film. According to Oxford, it is a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a

story, watched at a cinema or on a television or other device.

Filmmakers- According to Collins dictionary, a filmmaker is someone involved in making

films, in particular a director or producer.

Filmmaking. It is the process or art of making a film according to the Oxford dictionary.

Parlay- According to Oxford dictionary informal Transform into (something greater or more


Profoundly. It is a way that has a very great effect on somebody/something according to the

Oxford dictionary.

Prompt. According to the Oxford dictionary, to make somebody decide to do something; to

cause something to happen.

Rampant- According to Cambridge dictionary used to describe something bad that gets worse

very quickly and in an uncontrolled way.

Chapter 2

This chapter consists of affiliated studies of different local and foreign studies that are

related to the research. The RRLs will be set as a guide for the researchers and for the readers to

understand more the study that is being conducted. This review also presents the synthesis of the

researcher’s objective, aiming to provide a comprehensible background of the research.

Chapter 3


In this chapter, the methods and processes on how the researchers conducted their study

gathered all the necessary data and information needed to determine the effects of Netflix to

selected communication students as aspiring filmmakers. This included the research design, data

collection techniques, instrumentation, sampling, procedure, and ethical consideration.

Research design

The researcher utilized the qualitative approach using a descriptive method in gathering

information about the topic. According to Cresswell (1994), a qualitative study is defined as an

inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex,

holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a

natural setting.

Besides, the study was descriptive research. Krathwohl, D. R., (2009), defined

descriptive research as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating

data about prevailing condition, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and case-effect relationships

and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without the aid of

statistical method.

Data collection techniques

In order to achieve the essence and purpose of this study, as researchers and

communication students, we watched films and conducted observations. Researchers didn’t do

surveys but rather observations and merely understanding from related papers.

Observation method is one extensively used method of primary data collection.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, observation means accurate watching and noting

phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to cause and effect or mutual relation.


In this study, the researchers used a Participant Observation. This is the type of

observation where the researchers join in and become part of the group they are studying to get a
deeper insight in their lives. The researchers used this observation method to get all the important

information carefully because this will lead to answering the main objective of this study.


The researchers undertook qualitative research because qualitative methods are especially

useful in discovering the meaning that people give to events that they experience (Merriam,


Ethical consideration

Ethics is the discipline of dealing with what is right and wrong within a moral framework

that is built on obligation and duty (Nation, 1997, p. 92). The intentions of the researchers are

pure and clean in discussing the student's perception towards Netflix as aspiring filmmakers.

There’s no biases, personal views and opinions. All the information is based on facts to

avoid misleading information to the readers. Researchers also made sure that no offensive words

have been used to describe the parts of this research. Proper citations and credits to acknowledge

other authors have been executed to prevent plagiarism.

Kumar (2005) acknowledges that it is unethical to accumulate information without the

knowledge of participants, and their expressed willingness and informed consent. The

researchers do the study informed, with consent and with their willingness.

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