Analysis of Prestress

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Dse stvess ing dev (e) Ane hoqe devies:

4. Mechan fcaf Des:

Methanesl deotccs qeneslly se weiqhts u iß
(o) twithoot leuevd tvnsmisston Ger tvsnsmission,

pulle block transmisston, Scvw facks nd
nd t r e wind

ng roahines. bese deuices ave used manly fo

pre stressinq structux Concrete Components producc d
mpss Scale in ocoe s.
. Hydraulte Devtces:
These deufces the most Comrnonly
pe stvessnq tehntque orpro duct ng the rge pre -5-
tresst n Orce

3 ehica Deufces
Here, h res/ tendens ar elecstcolly heated
Loncrett fs poured. Thfs roethed
and 30 choved befove
fs slso Colltd Thexmo pre sre ssing.The dfsaduantaqe
hs Tnethod is that ab Safety MeasUYes

a ele ty and hest re


A. Chemical Deces:
Cements ave used
Here, ex parsve
pre-ste85 Stnqthe

Matrtsls PresbresStd (on CYete

Hh Sthenqth oncete
Htah strength Concete r qenevally uscd

psc mem beYS a5 veqives oco Compe $3

steoqth. lexursl Ghegkand tensile sength
Also. Crceep
Cee nd Shrnkoat Should be minmum to

yelatn the pe-stess er Ahe Tqd time. 'Indian

6pe Concyet qad of M3o or tos
tenstontng nd M4o pYe ten Siontnq.

b. Hon Sthenqth Stee

The steel Sed or pSc rnembevs ne.
velly Con
sfsts o wives, b as, nd Stvan ds (tendo
The hqhey tensile styeng s qenerally achu b
nctas ng Covbon Content 9 md SteeC The h
Hensilt Sttel Sualfy tontains o.6 to o.85 Jp
Carbon 8ndthe rests Consists ofman aneg e
Sutphur phospho rouS ond tees oP sflfcon. The ttnse
Shenqh of wives vafes 315 N /om. t
90to Nmm f wre dametevs afmm to 2-5mm
The nomna sis a Cold dawn uwircs ave
2.53,4.6, nd 8mm, accordlnq
Ts-1485 1983 part T.
The igh tenstle sttel bavs Cormmonky uSd in
Dve 5rs6 inq n nominal si3s
om. 12mm, lbmm,
20mm, 22m60, 25mm, 28mm and
32mm The minimvm tensl strength f stee brs
should be 80 v m

Shess Shain ph 'gh Sthength loncve t

tih Strenqfh Steel
e Stvessiro
Co Stnd
e yrss (ne

Hah a loy baY

Con erete
HySD 6os

n d s foa

Strfn Strein

nalysts oP e-shese:
Concen tic ttndons
The ollew inq
netotfons and sten
used 4he n a l y s f s e p r - S e ss
p pre-shressing ovce posttue when

frect CompTesston
e Eccen tric+ty pre Stre ssng fore.
M:P*e moment

A CrosS-secttona orea he
ofthe pre-S te ss ng
Tnertfs of +he Section aboof
I norne of
s Cen trofds
Selon modolus top ond
Zand Z =

and P = pre Stress n Concee deuelop st top
4sup hen
snd botlom bresposffir
Compress ue nd negshie hen
P +

Considev a Concvet besm ufth a Concentric tendon

5 Shown n the
4he qure. Here, a unttorm pve stress

P/A ComPhs sve acts acvoS6 the dept6heam

lods dead losd Endued
How ever the pp ed snd
beam snd
tensle stresses nerh SoPel o the
ve Counter balanced move
efkively by
ten dons.

CPse Eecentf& tendons

P -P

pe 1

pe 2 Pe
Seior ysS
The t shows
cencvefe ben Subfecle4 a

pnecce.ntte pe ste esine foret

loatrd t
meanthude p
cccentfety of eThe stre 65
eurlopef e tep n d betlomn brS ae


CaSe 3 t:Eccentre ten dons uth Evtemal oads

P Pe Ma 2


el Ma
Dived Bend na
Seurior 5tse ss DI srss

vttna Losds

aure shouss Concet beom cavwng UDL o

hayidqJ D 9ith n cccenhit pe sttsstn9
fore p at on etcentit oe .The bendhg sttess
due to D nd LL D qtven b
Ma 9 nd Mg9
The esultsod stresS Se Sehon s obtaine
by Supex mposmg the effef of pe-sres ndex uvat
Stress due fo losds

TheeSullso stre fop nd botn 9°bey re

gven below Pe Ma
sup A

P Pe Mg M

PeMe Ma
Pe Mg Mg

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