Appendix A: Policy Example

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Appendix A: Policy


Included in this appendix is an example of a policy template that

is filled in to show you how it is developed. Each of the document’s
elements is covered in the template.
See Ch. 3 for more examples of policies.

146 Developing and Managing Engineering Procedures

Title: Engineering Lab Notebooks Policy No.: P-02
Release Date: 5/3/00 Page: 1 of 2

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide the guidance for the

use of engineering lab notebooks to document potential patentable

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to all personnel involved in the design of

new products.

3.0 Policy

Engineering lab notebooks will serve as the initial documen-

tation of the conception of inventions, as well as a daily record of
technical investigations, analysis, and findings. Data recorded in
engineering lab notebooks will form the basis for product design and it
will establish a legal record of conception and witnessing of technical
innovation. Specific requirements regarding engineering lab notebooks
are set forth in an engineering procedure. Compliance is essential, as
these notebooks could serve as evidence in a legal action arising from
patent disputes.
All engineers involved in design and development activities will keep
and maintain engineering lab notebooks. Each engineer will be respon-
sible for the security of his or her notebooks. Engineering lab note-
books will be restricted and confidential and will be treated as such.

Prepared By:
Engineer: Date:

Approved By:
Engineering Manager: Date:
Vice President Engineering: Date:

Example–Policy Template Page 1

Appendix A: Policy Example 147

Title: Engineering Lab Notebooks Policy No.: P-02
Release Date: 5/3/00 Page: 2 of 2

3.0 Policy (Cont’d.)

Engineers and technicians will be required to comply with

this policy as a condition of employment. Engineering lab notebooks
will be the property of the company and, as such, will be surrendered
to engineering document control upon termination or job change.

Engineering lab notebooks will be supplied, issued, num-

bered, and controlled by engineering document control. The front
cover of each notebook will have a non-removable label containing the
following information: department, name of responsible engineer or
technician, company name address, date allocated, and notebook
control number.

Example–Policy Template Page 2

4-Oct-A001 JMR

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