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Music Program/Department of the Arts

MUSC 2000-01: World Music (3 cr.)

Time: UW, 3:30-4:45 pm
Course format: online Zoom Office Hour (link below): W, 6 pm
Instructor: Chelsea Green Link: on Blackboard under Course Navigation
Email: TA: TBA
Email: TBA
Communication Procedures 
The professor or TA will respond within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends. Students
must use their official AUC email for communication. Blackboard announcements will be used
throughout this course; these announcements will be sent to your AUC email. Please email the
professor and/or the TA directly through Blackboard via the link titled Send Email that is located on
the left hand navigation of the course.

Catalog Description and Prerequisites

This course has no pre-requisites and requires no prior knowledge of music.

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Students will:
 Identify instruments, cultural origins, musical forms, and genres
 Grasp the various histories, values, and worldviews present in selected musical cultures
 Speak and write effectively about the elements of music, music-cultures and music-makers
 Explore themes in current ethnomusicological discourse such as globalization, colonization,
identity, technology, commercialization and more

Readings (PDFs on Blackboard):

 Marcus, Scott. Music in Egypt: Experiencing Music; Expressing Culture. Oxford University
Press, 2007.
 Titon, Jeff Todd (ed.). Worlds of Music. Cengage Learning, Inc., 2008.
 Wade, Bonnie C. Thinking Musically: Experiencing Music; Expressing Culture. Oxford
University Press, 2009.

Required Materials
 The free app (for smartphones, tablets and iPads)
 Internet access to Blackboard & Zoom
 Internet access to AUC online databases: Oxford Music Online, JSTOR, Garland
Encyclopedia of World Music & Ethnographic Video Online

Technology Requirements
Students will need Internet access and a PC computer or a Macintosh with the latest version of a web
browser. Firefox Web or Google Chrome work best with Blackboard. Students can access Blackboard
anywhere Internet access is available. If wireless connectivity problems are encountered, switch to a
hardwired connection.

Online Course Components 

This course has required online components and is taught using multiple instructional
methods. Students will be required to watch recorded lectures and videos, participate in online
discussions, submit online assignments and work online in small groups.
 Students are responsible for downloading/streaming all course material in a timely manner.
 This course has an External Links section, which will link to online resources, etc.

Syllabus  World Music  Chelsea Green  pg. 1

 Online Announcements will be used throughout this course to share important information.

Exams and Assignments

It is essential that you access the Blackboard course website frequently—at least every other day—for
important announcements. See the Participation rubric on Blackboard.

Song Analysis Worksheet

There will be four worksheets assigned throughout the semester. Each worksheet is 5% of the total
grade. Students will be graded on accuracy of the analysis, proper use of terms, qualitative insights
and writing style.

Documentary Film Discussions

Students will be required to watch two documentary films for homework and discuss them in a Zoom
class. Each film discussion is 5% of the total grade. Grades will be based on quality of discussion.
See the Documentary Films rubric on Blackboard.

Reaction Papers
There will be four reaction papers throughout the semester. Three are in response to a music-culture
studied in detail. The fourth is a rewrite. All papers must be uploaded to Blackboard as either a Word
Doc or a PDF by the start time of class. See the Reaction Papers guidelines on Blackboard.

Grade Determinants
 Participation: 10%
 Song analysis worksheets: 20% (5% each)
 Documentary film discussions: 10% (5% each)
 Egyptian Heritage reaction paper: 15%
 Egyptian Heritage reaction paper rewrite: 15%
 Black American Blues reaction paper: 15%
 African Polyrhythm & Indonesian Gamelan reaction paper: 15%

Grading Scale
Letter Grade Numeric Grade
A 93 - 100
A- 90 - 92.99
B+ 87 - 89.99
B 83 - 86.99
B- 80 - 82.99
C+ 77 - 79.99
C 73 - 76.99
C- 70 - 72.99
D 60 - 69.99
F 0 - 59.99

Syllabus  World Music  Chelsea Green  pg. 2

Course Navigation
See the video entitled Course Navigation (in the Sunday Videos folder) on Blackboard.

Netiquette Guidelines
Communication is very important in this online course. In order to maintain a positive online environment
for our class, we all need to follow the netiquette guidelines summarized below. All students are expected
1.     Show respect for the instructors and for other students in the class. 
2.     Express differences of opinion in a polite and rational way. 
3.     Maintain an environment of constructive criticism when commenting on the work of other
4.     Stay on topic when involved in group discussions or other collaborative activities.
5.     Use sentence case in messages. Use of all uppercase in a message is the equivalent of shouting and
is considered offensive.
6.     Be careful when using acronyms. If you use an acronym it is best to spell out its meaning first, and
then put the acronym in parentheses afterward, for example: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
After that you can use the acronym freely throughout your message.
7.    Use good grammar and spelling, and avoid using text messaging shortcuts.

Students are required to attend all announced synchronous class sessions. The university attendance policy
as communicated regarding the Spring 2021 semester will apply. Attendance will be taken at the official
start-time of each class. Students who miss more than six classes per semester will automatically fail the
course. Excuses such as hospitalization will not be accepted. There will be no exception to this rule.
Students will be tested on material from every class—even classes that were missed due to absence. In the
event of an absence, it is the student's responsibility to acquire class notes from peers and/or attend office

Late Arrival/Early Exit

A late arrival occurs if the student arrives after the completion of attendance. In the case of arriving late, you
may still attend class. A late exit occurs if the student leaves class before the formal end time. Too many
lates decrease the participation grade.

Missed Coursework and Exams

All assignments are due by the start of class on the due date. Students who are not present for the class in
which work is due are responsible for submitting work by the start of class. Late work will lose 10% points
for every week it is late. Further, late work may not be graded immediately upon submission.

Students with Disabilities

Students with documented disabilities that require modified instructional procedures should notify me within
the first week of classes.

Policy on Academic Integrity

AUC academic fraud and dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following categories: cheating,
plagiarism, fabrication, multiple submissions, obtaining unfair advantage, unauthorized access to academic
or administrative systems, aiding and abetting, impersonation, threatening harm, and copyright infringement.
For more elaboration about AUC academic integrity policy, please check this link. 

Student Honor Code

By submitting this exam/quiz/assignment, I affirm that I have followed AUC’s Code of Academic Ethics and
the work submitted is my own. I have not consulted unauthorized resources or materials nor collaborated
with other individuals unless allowed


Week 1
U, Jan. 31 Watch Course Navigation Videos
W, Feb. 3 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Synchronous Session: Intro to World Music
Zoom Post-session: read Wade, pg. 1-34
Week 2
U, Feb. 7 Watch Thinking About Music Videos
W, Feb. 10 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Thinking About Music
Post-session: read Wade, pg. 35-72
Week 3
U, Feb. 14 Watch Thinking About Instruments Videos
W, Feb. 17 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Thinking About Instruments
Post-session: read Wade, pg. 73-102
Week 4
U, Feb. 21 Watch Thinking About Time Videos Song analysis worksheet I
W, Feb. 24 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Thinking About Time
Post-session: read Wade, pg. 103-133
Week 5
U, Feb. 28 Watch Thinking About Pitch Videos
W, Mar. 3 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Thinking About Pitch
Post-session: read Wade, pg. 134-163
Week 6
U, Mar. 7 Watch Thinking About Structure Videos Song analysis worksheet II
W, Mar. 10 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Thinking About Structuring
Post-session: read Wade, pg. 164-194
Week 7
U, Mar. 14 Watch Thinking About Issues Videos
W, Mar. 17 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Thinking About Issues
Post-session: read Marcus, Ch. 7
Week 8
U, Mar. 21 Watch Egyptian Heritage 1.1 & 1.2 Videos Song analysis worksheet III
Videos Watch Egyptian Heritage Doroob Video
W, Mar. 24 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Egyptian Heritage
Post-session: watch A Voice Like Egypt (film)
Week 9
U, Mar. 28 Watch How to Write About Music & Reaction
Videos Papers Explained Videos
W, Mar. 31 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures A Voice Like Egypt discussion
Zoom Session: discuss film
Week 10
U, Apr. 4 Watch Black American Blues 1 Video (64 min.) Egyptian Heritage reaction paper
Videos (due Monday, April. 5)
Easter (H)
W, Apr. 7 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Black American Blues
Post-session: watch Feel Like Going Home (film)
Week 11
U, Apr. 11 Watch Black American Blues 2 Video
W, Apr. 14 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures Feel Like Going Home discussion &
Zoom Session: Black American Blues Egyptian Heritage rewrite reaction
Week 12
U, Apr. 18 Watch African Polyrhythm 1.1 & 1.2 Videos
W, Apr. 21 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures Black American Blues reaction
Zoom Session: African Polyrhythm paper
Week 13
* (H) make-up Watch African Polyrhythm 2.1 & 2.2 Videos
Video Watch African Polyrhythm 3.1 Video (optional)
W, May 5 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: African Polyrhythm
Week 14
U, May 9 Watch Indonesian Gamelan 1.1 & 1.2 Videos
W., May 12 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures Song analysis worksheet IV
Zoom Session: Indonesian Gamelan
Week 15
U, May 16 Watch TBA
W., May 19 Pre-session: watch Sunday's online lectures
Zoom Session: Indonesian Gamelan
M, May 24 African Polyrhythm & Indonesian
2:30-4:30 pm Gamelan reaction paper

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