Iwcp2 024

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Mid-Semester of IWCP2

NAME : Letisia

NIM : 180107024


a. Make a title based on the thesis Statement you choose below

b. Choose one of Thesis Statements and make an essay
c. The essay consists of six (6) paragraphs, namely:
1. One paragraph for introduction
2. Four paragraphs for bodies
3. One paragraph for conclusion
d. Your essay must be submitted on Tuesday to your class leader (kosma)
e. The class leader must give me the essays on Tuesday based on the class attendance

Questions :

1. Thesis Statement: studying at a university is very different from studying at a high

Question: why are studying at university is very different from studying at high
school ?

Answers: a. studying at university we have to more active in class

b. studying at university more practice
c. studying at university is prepared as a teacher
d. studying at university is fleksible suitable by lecture

2. Thesis Statement: school children should not be allowed to bring their mobile phones
into the classroom
Question: why should not school children to bring their mobile phones in classroom
Answers: a. it can bother children’s focus in learning proccess
b.children can access bad link (pornography)
c. can bother other friends to foccus in lerning can make children be a cheather in test
3. Thesis Statement: to get an A score in IWCP2 course, you have to do severing things
Question: what do you have to do for getting an A score in IWCP2 course ?
Answers: a. participant the midle and last test
b.filling the attendence list ideas when disccuss and active in class
d.doing the homework and exercise

Answer :

a.I take thesis statement number 1 “different studying between at university and at senior high

b. Choose one of Thesis Statements and make an essay ,I choose “ studying at university is very
different from studying at senior high school “

c. Make an essay

Title ““The differences in studying between at university and at high school “

Almost all of Senior high school students are usually eager to graduate of their senior
high school and continue their study in universty,they think when they come in campus or be the
students of universty more fun,easier than at senior high school,but actually ,most of time
students of university dreams for going back at senior high school again .There are many things
that make the differences in studying between at university and at senior high school ,namely
sistem of learning,tachers,style,and tests .

The first different thing at senior high school and universty is the “sistem in learning”. In
senior high school,their sistem of learning very rigid and must not be pushed back por forward
by the teachers but on a schedule set up by the school .while sistem of learning at university can
be altered according to lectures’s code , at senior high school when students get a bad score the
teacher will ask to remedial for their students ,but if at university if you want to get a good score
you have to ask to your leature to remidial if not you will get a reall score .The second different
aspect at senior high school and at university is the teachers. Teachers are professionals
educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assess, and
evaluate students. At school teachers  give us basic knowledge. Teachers at senior high school
are care. They will usually take care of us, remind they of their tasks and homework. They
provide you with information and learning material, and are often available for conversation
before, during, or after the class. Teachers at senior high school are easy to be consulted. When
they need to meet he or she they just come to his or her room. They also can to made an
appointment for meeting he or she.
 Lectures at university are differents .They are professional educators and scientists to
transform primary task it, developing, and disseminating science, technology, and the arts
through education, research, and community service . At university they take education to
supplies go directly to the community. Several lecture at university are no to care to students.
They don’t remind you of their tasks and homework, because it is our responsibility to do . They
will reference the learning material, but it is not their responsibility to provide them with
information, instead, students are the one who need to collect information students need.
Lecturers in at university are usually hardly available for conversations out of class except
students make an appointment with them beforehand.

The third different aspect at senior high school and at university is styles, , student’s
styles of at senior high school really natural, they just wear uniform of school there is no fashion
for them,they wear shoes as like asked by teachers at school ,they after in class they wil go to
kantin for baying someting like snacks .While if you be a students of university their style not
natural because they will use the lispticks and so on to make up their face ,they do not wear the
uniform , but they just wear alma mater of campus but it is not anytime .Their fashiom is
perfect ,wear the high heels and their snacks more expensive again .It is more prominent from
one of the different aspect at senior high school and at university.

And the last different aspect at senior high school and at university is the tests. At senior
high school, tests are frequent and cover small amount of material. Make up tests are availables
if they get the low score at a test they can join a remedial . The beginning  exam usually Monday
through Saturday. from morning untill afternoon. At high school there are systems of test. there
are daily tests, midle test, final exam and national exam,While at university, tests are infrequents
and they cover big amount of material. There are two to three tests for one subject in the one
semester, and their scores matter a lot. There is not any make up tests unless students need to re
quest one. Furthermore, there is not a remedial test if they get low score.  At university The
lecture between study program one another nothing special. At university there are systems of
test. We know Quiz (test periodically at a certain time), midle test, and final exam. Instead, they
will need to fight for the upcoming test or exam to better the score.

It can be concluded that at senior high school and at university , both of them have vary
significant differences ,star from sistem of learning at senior high school , the tachers,student’s
style,and tests , sistem of learning at senior high school very rigid and must not be pushed back
or forward by the teachers but on a schedule set up by the school while at university can be
altered according to lectures’s code .Next the tachers and leactures very defferent in teaching or
explaining students ,then the test at senior high school and at university also defferent and the
last that more prominent defference is student’s style .

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