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General Instructions
1. You should arrive in good time to your specified examination room, and are permitted to
enter the room 10-15 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination. For large
examinations this may be extended to 30 minutes.

2. You will not be permitted to enter the exam if you arrive more than 30 minutes after
the scheduled start time. If you arrive within the first 30 minutes, you will be admitted,
but you will not be given any extra time to complete the examination.

3. You MUST sign the attendance register, if your details do not appear on the register
you should seek guidance from the Invigilator.

4. Valuables should not be brought into the examination room. If you choose to do so, it
will be at your own risk.

5. You MUST bring your student ID card to all your examinations, it should be visible and
placed, photograph up on your desk

6. Only write your student number, not your name, on each answer book.

7. A bottle of water and small items of confectionary are allowed in the examination room.
Sandwiches, crisps, fizzy and canned drinks are not permitted and will be confiscated.

8. Remain seated and raise your hand if you wish to attract the attention of the Invigilator
during the examination.

9. During the first 45 minutes from the start of the examination or during the last 30 minutes
you will not be permitted to leave the examination room permanently for reasons other
than illness

10. If you wish to leave the examination room for any reason, including having completed the
examination, you may only do so with the permission of the Invigilator. If you intend to
return to the examination, you must be accompanied by an Invigilator.
11. During and at the end of the examination students must remain seated until the
Invigilator has given you permission to leave and collected all exam scripts.


If a fire alarm sounds during the examination, please follow the instructions of the
Invigilator at that time. If the room is to be evacuated, you will be asked to leave the building
by the nearest available exit and do not use the lifts. You may only return to the examination
room to collect personal effects when told that it is safe to do so by a member of staff

DO NOT remove any examination material from the room, or discuss the examination with
other candidates during the fire alarm evacuation period or whilst waiting to re-enter the

Exam Conditions remain in force unless the Invigilator informs you

APSE & TTU October 2012

UEL’s Academic Misconduct Regulations

UEL regards as particularly serious, any attempt to introduce to, or remove from, the
examination room materials other than those specifically permitted; or to gain access to
supplementary materials (including by communication with others), whether or not the
materials were actually used. Such behaviour will never be excused on the grounds of
professed ignorance, or other supposed mitigation.

If you are seen to act in breach of any of these rules through disruptive behaviour,
failure to observe the instructions of the Invigilator or attempting to gain an unfair
advantage, an investigation will be conducted under our Academic Misconduct
Regulations. If it is established that you attempted to gain an unfair advantage, you
will incur a severe penalty.

1. Any mobile phone on a desk/on your person; which rings, vibrates or sounds an alarm
during an examination, is a breach of our academic misconduct regulation, and will be
reported. This could lead to you having to resit the examination.

Mobile phones must be switched off and placed face down under
your desk or chair
2. Materials permitted on your desk:
a. Student ID Card (this is essential)
b. Pens / Pencils / / Writing materials/Ruler / Eraser / Pencil Sharpener
c. Clear plastic bag/case
d. Bottled water & small confectionery items
e. Other materials or equipment (e.g. Calculators) ONLY if specified for a particular

3. Material NOT permitted on you or your desk:

a. Notes on papers or Post it Notes
b. Drawings / Graphs / Books
c. Notes written on clothing / hands / arms or other areas of the body
d. Fizzy Drinks / Food for example crisps, sandwiches
e. Mobile Phones / PDAs / IPods / MP3 / Bluetooth Devices and Headphones and
any other electronic devices
f. Coats / bags /scarves / hats – place at the front of the room

4. If you are unsure about any article ask the Invigilator immediately - if you have
brought to the examination room any article which is not permitted, it must be deposited
at the front of the examination room as directed by the Invigilator before you go to your

5. You must not:

 Attempt to speak to, or have any communication with, other candidates during
the examination.
 Smoke during examinations, nor behave in a manner likely to disturb other
 Remove any (used or unused) examination materials from the examination room,
including any rough notes which must be made within an examination booklet
and crossed out.
 Start writing nor make any notes until instructed by the Invigilator. Any writing
before the examination begins is strictly prohibited.

APSE & TTU October 2012

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