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Chapter 8에서 온라인으로 학습하기

1. Activity of various enzymes at various temperatures (a) and at various pH (b)

Which temperature and pH

profile curves on the graphs are most likely associated with an enzyme isolated from a
human stomach where conditions are strongly acid?

A. curves 1 and 5
B. curves 2 and 4
C. curves 1 and 4
D. curves 3 and 4

C. curves 1 and 4
2. A(n) _____ reaction occurs spontaneously. C. exergonic

A. anabolic
B. endergonic
C. exergonic
D. kinetic
E. chemical
3. As a result of its involvement in a reaction, an enzyme _____. E. is unchanged

A. permanently alters its shape.

B. loses a phosphate group
C. loses energy
D. is used up
E. is unchanged
4. Biological systems use free energy based on empirical data that all organisms require a A. The organism must ultimately
constant energy input. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be neither obtain all the necessary energy for
created nor destroyed. For living organisms, which of the following statements is an life from its environment.
important consequence of this first law?

A. The organism must ultimately obtain all the necessary energy for life from its
B. The entropy of an organism decreases with time as the organism grows in complexity.
C. The energy content of an organism is constant except for when its cells are dividing.
D. Organisms are unable to transform energy from the different states in which it can exist.
5. Characterization of the complete three-dimensional structure of a newly purified protein C. It is probably an enzyme that is
suggests that it catalyzes the breakdown of a large substrate. The protein consists of a regulated by noncompetitive
single polypeptide chain. It has a large pocket that appears to be the binding site for the inhibition.
substrate and a smaller indentation that appears to be the binding site for a regulatory
molecule. What do these structural observations suggest about the mechanism by which
the activity of this protein is likely regulated?

A. It is probably a multi-subunit enzyme that is regulated by allosteric regulation.

B. It is probably an enzyme that is regulated by competitive inhibition.
C. It is probably an enzyme that is regulated by noncompetitive inhibition.
D. It is probably an enzyme that is regulated by cooperativity.
6. Chemical energy is a form of _____ energy. A. potential

A. potential
B. kinetic
C. motion
D. entropic
E. heat
7. Chemical equilibrium is relatively rare in living cells because metabolic pathways are C. a chemical reaction in which neither
interconnected. Which of the following statements describes an example of a reaction the reactants nor products are being
that may be at chemical equilibrium in a cell? produced or consumed.

A. an exergonic reaction in which the free energy at equilibrium is higher

B. an exergonic reaction in which the entropy change in the cell is balanced
C. a chemical reaction in which neither the reactants nor products are being produced
or consumed.
D. an endergonic reaction in an active metabolic pathway where the energy for that
reaction is supplied only by the heat from the environment.
8. "Conservation of energy" refers to the fact that _____. B. energy cannot be created or
destroyed but can be converted from
A. the net amount of disorder is always increasing one form to another
B. energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to
C. the entropy of the universe is always increasing
D. if you conserve energy you will not be as tired
E. no chemical reaction is 100 percent efficient
9. A decrease in entropy is associated with which type of reaction? B. dehydration

A. hydrolysis
B. dehydration
C. catabolic
D. depolymerization
10. During a laboratory experiment, you discover that an enzyme-catalyzed reaction has a A. -20 kcal/mol
∆G of -20 kcal/mol. If you double the amount of enzyme in the reaction, what will be
the ∆G for the new reaction?

A. -20 kcal/mol
B. -40 kcal/mol
C. +20 kcal/mol
D. -10 kcal/mol
11. The energy for an endergonic reaction comes from a(n) _____ reaction. A. exergonic

A. exergonic
B. anabolic
C. glucose + glucose --> maltose
D. synthesis
E. ADP + P --> ATP
12. An enzyme _____. C. is an organic catalyst

A. is a inorganic catalyst
B. increases the EA of a reaction
C. is an organic catalyst
D. can bind to nearly any molecule
E. is a source of energy for endergonic reactions
13. Enzymes work by _____. A. reducing EA

A. reducing EA
B. increasing the potential energy difference between reactant and product
C. adding a phosphate group to a reactant
D. decreasing the potential energy difference between reactant and product
E. adding energy to a reaction
14. The figure illustrates the energy states associated with the reaction A + B ↔ C + D.
Which of the following represents the activation energy required for the enzyme-
catalyzed reaction in the figure?
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d

B. b
15. The figure illustrates the energy states associated with the reaction A + B ↔ C + D.
Which of the following terms best describes the forward reaction in the figure?

A. endergonic, G < 0
B. exergonic, G > 0
C. exergonic, G < 0
D. endergonic, G > 0

C. exergonic, G < 0
16. The following reaction A. exergonic
A --> B + C + heat is a(n) _____ reaction.

A. exergonic
B. anabolic
C. endergonic
D. exchange
E. dehydration synthesis
17. How do cells use the ATP cycle illustrated in the figure?

A. Cells use the cycle primarily to generate heat.

B. Cells use the cycle to recycle energy released by ATP hydrolysis.
C. Cells use the cycle to recycle ADP, phosphate, and the energy released by ATP
D. Cells use the cycle to recycle ADP and phosphate. D. Cells use the cycle to recycle ADP
and phosphate.
18. How do cells use the ATP cycle illustrated in the figure? D. Cells use the
cycle to recycle
A. Cells use the cycle primarily to generate heat. ADP and
B. Cells use the cycle to recycle energy released by ATP hydrolysis. phosphate.
C. Cells use the cycle to recycle ADP, phosphate, and the energy released by ATP hydrolysis.
D. Cells use the cycle to recycle ADP and phosphate.
19. How does a noncompetitive inhibitor decrease the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction? A. by binding to an
allosteric site, thus
A. by binding to an allosteric site, thus changing the shape of the active site of the enzyme changing the
B. by binding to the active site of the enzyme, thus preventing binding of the normal substrate shape of the active
C. by binding to the substrate, thus changing its shape so that it no longer binds to the active site of the site of the enzyme
D. by decreasing the free-energy change of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme
20. How might a change of one amino acid at a site, distant from the active site of an enzyme, alter an B. by changing the
enzyme's substrate specificity? three-dimensional
conformation of
A. by changing the stability of the enzyme the enzyme.
B. by changing the three-dimensional conformation of the enzyme.
C. by changing the optimum pH for the enzyme
D. by changing the binding site for a noncompetitive inhibitor.
21. In addition to activating or inhibiting enzymes through allosteric regulation, what other means does a cell A. localization of
use to control enzymatic activity? enzymes into
specific organelles
A. localization of enzymes into specific organelles or membranes or membranes
B. secretion of enzymes out of the cell
C. assembly of enzymes into large aggregates
D. altering internal pH
22. In a metabolic pathway, succinate dehydrogenase catalyzes the conversion of succinate to fumarate. The B. Succinate is the
reaction is inhibited by malonic acid, a substance that resembles succinate but cannot be acted upon by substrate, and
succinate dehydrogenase. Increasing the amount of succinate molecules to those of malonic acid reduces fumarate is the
the inhibitory effect of malonic acid. Which of the following statements correctly describes the role product in the
played by molecules described in the reaction? reaction.

A. Succinate dehydrogenase is the enzyme, and fumarate is the substrate in the reaction.
B. Succinate is the substrate, and fumarate is the product in the reaction.
C. Succinate dehydrogenase is the enzyme, and malonic acid is the substrate in the reaction.
D. Fumarate is the product, and malonic acid is a noncompetitive inhibitor in the reaction.
23. In cells, what is usually the immediate source of energy for an endergonic reaction? E. ATP

A. sugar
B. as spontaneous reactions, endergonic reactions do not need an addition of energy
D. glucose
24. In general, enzymes are what kinds of molecules? A. proteins

A. proteins
B. nucleic acids
C. carbohydrates
D. minerals
E. lipids
25. In your body, what process converts the chemical energy found in glucose into the chemical energy found in A. cellular
ATP? respiration

A. cellular respiration
B. potentiation
C. digestion
D. anabolism
E. redox
26. ________ is a regulatory mechanism in which the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an enzyme that C. Feedback
catalyzes an early step in the pathway. inhibition

A. Allosteric inhibition
B. Cooperative inhibition
C. Feedback inhibition
D. Metabolic inhibition
27. The mathematical expression for the change in free energy of a system is ΔG = ΔH - T ΔS. Which of the D. ΔG is the
following statements is correct? change in free
A. ΔS is the change in enthalpy, a measure of randomness.
B. ΔH is the change in entropy, the energy available to do work.
C. T is the temperature in degrees Celsius.
D. ΔG is the change in free energy.
28. Most cells cannot harness heat to perform work because _____. B.
temperature is
A. heat is not a form of energy usually
B. temperature is usually uniform throughout a cell uniform
C. heat can never be used to do work throughout a
D. heat must remain constant during work cell
29. A number of systems for pumping ions across membranes are powered by ATP. Such ATP-powered pumps are A. ATPase
often called ATPases, although they do not often hydrolyze ATP unless they are simultaneously transporting activity must
ions. Because small increases in calcium ions in the cytosol can trigger a number of different intracellular be pumping
reactions, cells keep the cytosolic calcium concentration quite low under normal conditions, using ATP- calcium from
powered calcium pumps. For example, muscle cells transport calcium from the cytosol into the membranous the cytosol to
system called the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). If a resting muscle cell's cytosol has a free calcium ion the SR against
concentration of 10-7 while the concentration in the SR is 10-2, then how is the ATPase acting? the
A. ATPase activity must be pumping calcium from the cytosol to the SR against the concentration gradient. gradient.
B. ATPase activity must be opening a channel for the calcium ions to diffuse back into the SR along the
concentration gradient.
C. ATPase activity must be powering an inflow of calcium from the outside of the cell into the SR.
D. ATPase activity must be transferring Pi to the SR to enable this to occur.
30. Rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction as a function of varying reactant
concentration, with the concentration of enzyme constant.
In the figure, why does the reaction rate plateau at higher reactant concentrations?

A. Feedback inhibition by product occurs at high reactant concentrations.

B. The rate of the reverse reaction increases at high reactant concentrations.
C. The reaction nears equilibrium at high reactant concentrations.
D. Most enzyme molecules are occupied by substrate at high reactant concentrations.

D. Most enzyme molecules are

occupied by substrate at high reactant
31. The reaction ADP + P --> ATP is a(n) _____ reaction. C. endergonic

A. spontaneous
B. chemical
C. endergonic
D. hydrolysis
E. exergonic
32. The relationship between catabolism and anabolism is most similar to the relationship C. exergonic; endergonic
between which of the following pairs of terms?

A. work; free energy

B. free energy; entropy
C. exergonic; endergonic
D. exergonic; spontaneous
33. Select the INCORRECT association. C. exergonic ... uphill

A. potential energy ... positional energy

B. kinetic energy ... motion
C. exergonic ... uphill
D. exergonic ... spontaneous
E. enzyme ... protein
34. A series of enzymes catalyze the reactions in the metabolic pathway X → Y → Z → A. C. an allosteric inhibitor
Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from its
active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. With respect to the
enzyme that converts X to Y, substance A functions as ________.

A. the substrate
B. an intermediate
C. an allosteric inhibitor
D. a competitive inhibitor
35. A series of enzymes catalyze the reactions in the metabolic pathway B. a substrate
X ----> Y ----> Z ----> A
Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from it's
active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. What is substance X?

A. an allosteric inhibitor
B. a substrate
C. an intermediate
D. the product
36. What is energy coupling? A. the use of energy released from an exergonic
reaction to drive an endergonic reaction
A. the use of energy released from an exergonic reaction to drive an
endergonic reaction
B. a barrier to the initiation of a reaction
C. the use of an enzyme to reduce EA
D. a description of the energetic relationship between the reactants and
products in an exergonic reaction
E. the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + P
37. What is the correct label for "A"?

A. energy of activation
B. substrate energy
C. uphill
D. enzyme energy

A. energy of activation
38. What is the fate of the phosphate group that is removed when ATP is B. It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic
converted to ADP? reaction.

A. It is used to convert an ATP into an AQP.

B. It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic reaction.
C. It is broken down into one phosphorus and four oxygen atoms.
D. It is acquired by a reactant in a spontaneous reaction.
E. It is acquired by a reactant in an exergonic reaction.
39. What is the name of the thermodynamic barrier that must be overcome D. activation energy
before products are formed in a spontaneous reaction?

A. free energy
B. the equilibrium point
C. entropy
D. activation energy
40. What name is given to the reactants in an enzymatically catalyzed D. substrate

B. products
C. active sites
D. substrate
E. reactors
41. What type of reaction breaks the bonds that join the phosphate groups in D. hydrolysis
an ATP molecule?

A. entropic
B. dehydration decomposition
C. dehydration synthesis
D. hydrolysis
E. anabolism
42. When chemical, transport, or mechanical work is done by an organism, what happens to the heat C. It is lost to the
generated? environment.

A. It is captured to store energy as more ATP.

B. It is used to power yet more cellular work.
C. It is lost to the environment.
D. It is used to generate ADP from nucleotide precursors.
43. Which of the following aspects of enzyme structure is best described by a clasping handshake B. the specific manner in
analogy? which an enzyme binds
A. the specific manner in which an enzyme folds to form secondary and tertiary structures
B. the specific manner in which an enzyme binds substrate
C. the specific manner in which an enzyme interacts with water
D. the specific manner in which an enzyme is denatured by low pH
44. Which of the following conditions may be overcome by increasing the substrate concentration A. competitive inhibition
in an enzymatic reaction with a fixed amount of enzyme?

A. competitive inhibition
B. the need for a coenzyme
C. noncompetitive inhibition
D. allosteric inhibition
45. Which of the following graphs most likely describes the effect of pH on the function of the
enzyme catalase in human cells? Note: The x-axis is pH and the y-axis is enzyme activity.

A. Regular increase
B. Continuous declining
C. Regular increase & decline
D. Stable

C. Regular increase and

46. Which of the following is an example of potential rather than kinetic energy? C. a molecule of glucose

A. water rushing over Niagara Falls

B. a crawling beetle foraging for food
C. a molecule of glucose
D. light flashes emitted by a firefly
47. Which of the following is a primary function of the active site of an enzyme? C. It catalyzes the reaction
associated with the enzyme.
A. It binds allosteric regulators of the enzyme.
B. It binds noncompetitive inhibitors of the enzyme.
C. It catalyzes the reaction associated with the enzyme.
D. It is activated by the presence of the end product of the metabolic pathway in which the
enzyme is involved.
48. Which of the following is the most correct interpretation of the figure?
A. ATP is a molecule that acts as an intermediary to store energy for
cellular work.
B. Pi acts as a shuttle molecule to move energy from ATP to ADP.
C.ADP + Pi are a set of molecules that store energy for catabolism.
D. Energy from catabolism can be used directly for performing cellular
work. A. ATP is a molecule that acts as an intermediary to
store energy for cellular work.
49. Which of the following is the most correct interpretation of the figure? A. ATP is a molecule that acts as an intermediary to
store energy for cellular work.
A. ATP is a molecule that acts as an intermediary to store energy for
cellular work.
B. Pi acts as a shuttle molecule to move energy from ATP to ADP.
C. ADP + Pi are a set of molecules that store energy for catabolism.
D. Energy from catabolism can be used directly for performing cellular
50. Which of the following statements about anabolic pathways is true? B. They consume energy to build up polymer from
A. They are usually spontaneous chemical reactions.
B. They consume energy to build up polymer from monomers.
C. They release energy by degrading polymers to monomers.
D. They decrease the entropy of the organism and its environment.
51. Which of the following statements about enzyme function is true? C. Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions by
lowering activation energy barriers.
A. Enzyme function is generally increased if the three-dimensional
structure or conformation of an enzyme is altered.
B. Enzyme function is independent of physical and chemical
environment factors such as pH and temperature.
C. Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions by lowering
activation energy barriers.
D. Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions by providing
activation energy to the substrate.
52. Which of the following statements describes a central role that ATP D. ATP provides energy coupling between exergonic
plays in cellular metabolism? and endergonic reactions.

A. Hydrolysis of ATP provides an input of free energy for exergonic

B. Its terminal phosphate bond is stronger than most covalent bonds in
other biological macromolecules.
C. Hydrolysis of the terminal phosphate group stores free energy that is
used for cellular work.
D. ATP provides energy coupling between exergonic and endergonic
53. Which of the following statements describes a common characteristic of D. They are exergonic and provide energy that can be
catabolic pathways? used to produce ATP and ADP and i.

A. They combine small molecules into larger, more enrgy-rich

B. They require energy from ATP hydrolysis to break down polymers
into monomers.
C. They are endergonic and release energy that can be used for cellular
D. They are exergonic and provide energy that can be used to produce
ATP and ADP and i.
54. Which of the following statements describes a key component of the A. Binding of substrate to the active site changes
induced fit hypothesis of enzyme catalysis? the shape of the active site of an enzyme.

A. Binding of substrate to the active site changes the shape of the active site
of an enzyme.
B. Substrate binds to an allosteric site rather than to the active site of an
C. The conformation of the active site is determined by the tertiary or
quaternary structure of the enzyme.
D. Binding of an activator molecule changes the shape of the active site of
an enzyme.
55. Which of the following statements describes the first law of D. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

A. The entropy of the universe is constant.

B. Energy cannot be transferred or transformed.
C. The entropy of the universe is decreasing.
D. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
56. Which of the following statements is a logical consequence of the second C. Each chemical reaction in an organism must
law of thermodynamics? increase the total entropy of the universe.

A. If the entropy of a system increases, there must be a corresponding

decrease in the entropy of the universe.
B. If there is an increase in the energy of a system, there must be a
corresponding decrease in the energy of the rest of the universe.
C. Each chemical reaction in an organism must increase the total entropy of
the universe.
D. If the entropy of a system decreases, there must be a corresponding
decrease in the entropy of the universe.
57. Which of the following statements is an important consequence of the first B. An organism ultimately must obtain all of the
law of thermodynamics for a living organism? necessary energy for life from its environment.

A. The energy content of an organism is constant.

B. An organism ultimately must obtain all of the necessary energy for life
from its environment.
C. The entropy of an organism decreases with time as the organism grows in
D. Organisms grow by converting energy into organic matter.
58. Which of the following statements is true for all exergonic reactions? C. The reaction proceeds with a net release of free
A. The products have more total energy than the reactants.
B. The reaction goes only in a forward direction: all reactants will be
converted to products, but no products will be converted to reactants.
C. The reaction proceeds with a net release of free energy.
D. A net input of energy from the surroundings is required for the reactions
to proceed.
59. Which of the following statements is true for a system at chemical D. The system can do no work.

A. The system consumes energy at a steady rate.

B. The system releases energy at a steady rate.
C. The kinetic energy of the system is zero.
D. The system can do no work.
60. Which of the following statements is true of metabolism in its entirety in all C. Metabolism consists of all the energy
organisms? transformation reactions in an organism.

A. Metabolism depends on a constant supply of energy from food.

B. Metabolism uses all of an organism's resources.
C. Metabolism consists of all the energy transformation reactions in an
D. Metabolism manages the increase of entropy in an organisms.
61. Which of the following terms most precisely describes the cellular process of B. catabolism (catabolic pathways)
breaking down large molecules into smaller ones?

A. dehydration
B. catabolism (catabolic pathways)
C. anabolism (anabolic pathways)
D. metabolism
62. Which of the following types of reactions would decrease the entropy within a D. anabolic reactions

A. hydrolysis
B. catabolic reactions
C. digestion
D. anabolic reactions
63. Which of these are by-products of cellular respiration? D. heat, carbon dioxide, and water

A. ATP and carbon dioxide

B. ATP, carbon dioxide, and water
C. carbon dioxide and water
D. heat, carbon dioxide, and water
E. glucose, carbon dioxide, and water
64. Which of these is ATP?

3 Phosphate groups attached to a Ribose

attached to Adenine
65. Which of these is exhibiting kinetic energy? B. a space station orbiting Earth

A. a person sitting on a couch while watching TV

B. a space station orbiting Earth
C. a rock on a mountain ledge
D. an archer with a flexed bow
E. the high-energy phosphate bonds of a molecule of ATP
66. Which of these reactions requires a net input of energy from its surroundings? C. endergonic

A. ATP --> ADP + P

B. hydrolysis
C. endergonic
D. exergonic
E. catabolic
67. Why do hydrolysis reactions occur more readily in solution than dehydration B. Hydrolysis reactions are exergonic
reactions? and increase entropy of the system.

A. Hydrolysis reactions are endergonic and increase entropy of the system.

B. Hydrolysis reactions are exergonic and increase entropy of the system.
C. Hydrolysis reactions increase G, or Gibbs free energy of the system.
D. Hydrolysis reactions are exergonic and decrease entropy of the system.
68. Zinc, an essential trace element for most organisms, is present in the active site of the D. a cofactor necessary for enzyme
enzyme carboxypeptidase. The zinc most likely functions as _____. activity

A. an allosteric activator of the enzyme

B. a coenzyme derived from a vitamin
C. a noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme
D. a cofactor necessary for enzyme activity

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