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Relief Material (1) Subject Teacher: Lematha

Name :________________________ Year : 9
Class: Year 9 -________ Subject : ICT
5th July 2021
Date : ________________ Topics: Chapter 3 (Storage devices and media)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Which three of the following are backing storage devices? (circle)

RAM Plotter Hard drive Speaker

CD RW drive Keyboard ROM Pendrive

2. What is the function of the following devices in a personal computer:

a. Magnetic hard disk drive

It allows data to be written to or read from the disk surface.

b. CD ROM Drive
CD-ROMs are used to store music files, software

3. Backups of a programs and data should be taken on a regular basis.

a. Explain what is meant by back up.

Backing up is the process of using a storage device to copy files and data to a different storage medium in case of a problem with
the original copy.
b. Give one reason why backups should be taken on a regular basis?
Original data could be accidentally copied over and deleted or hackers would access
to our data and damage the computer files system.

c. Give on example of backing storage suitable for the taking of backup copies and explain
why is it suitable.
I think pendrive is a suitable backing storage medium for the taking of backup
copies as it's small in size which makes it portable to carry around with us and does not

need any additional software to work on most computers.


4. State one difference between main internal memory and backing storage.
Main internal memory is usually used to store data temporarily while backing storage is usually
non-volatile in which it stores data for a long time.

5. A website designer has the choice of backing their work up using either pen drive or a portable
hard disk. Give two advantages of using the portable hard disk for backup.
Portable hard disk has a fast data transfer rate and access time. It also has a large storage
capacity which stores a lot of data.


6. A student wants to transfer work from a computer in school to their home computer. They have
the choice of using a CD or a pendrive. Give three reasons why the student should choose pendrive
rather than a CD.
It is rather more robust than CD
i. ________________________________________________________________________________

It avoids getting affected by magnetic fields

It is much more compact compare to CDs


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