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Ghania Qolbi Ulinuha



Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a

virus that can affect respiratory system. The disease cause of this virus infection called by
COVID-19. Corona virus can make disruption in respiratory sistem, acute pneumonia, even

Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as called as corona

virus is a new kind of corona virus which is contagious from animal to human and from
human to human. This virus can affect anyone, baby, children, adult, elderly, pregnant
woman, nor breast feeding mother.

COVID-19 first happened in Wuhan, China. Then, now this virus infection spread
more than 100 country, include Indonesia. Therefore WHO claimed this virus infection as a
pandemic disease.

When someone infected by this virus, they will have flu-like symptom, fever, cough,
cold. However, after the days, the infected person can blown cause of infected lungs

To protect our body from this virus infection we have to wash our hands frequently
with soap, monitor our temperature twice daily, cover our mouth with tissues paper or elbow
when sneezing or coughing, throw used tissues in a closed lined trash can, avoid close contact
if you are sick or with people exhibiting the symptom, call doctor or the national public
organitation if we have symptom, trust the information given by expert and scientists.

Therefore, handling this virus must be done rapidly. To deal with this pandemic, hard
work is needed throughout the country. And the community must also help to deal with it, by
following the government's instructions.

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