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FAX t-0.

llEi'L'B!.lC or THE PH\LIPPll':ES

l)FFl('f OF ".'H(: Cl rv :,.A,\'!(•R

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(HUil.DiNG Ol·f!CIAL)
FRCl'I G I l.11:RE. 1-E l GHTS FAX MJ, (2/2.l.JS Jf:N.
10 2051 11:34R'1 PJ

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h.N(J\\I Al.I Ml.I� II',' "1111.SJ' l'RFSFNTS;

11111, c ·,u111.,,.1 to 1111y and Sell executed on this ,:_day of March. 1997 by and hc1•�1!c11

CANE AND GRAJ>ES, INC., a corporation duly org11n1J'cd aud c.,1�1111v,

under Philippine laws with office and business address al #23 Ja111:1ica Dnvc
Forest Hills Subd. Novaliches, Quezon City, represented herein by its
President, MR. ARNULFO ALTUNA. and hereinafter referred to as
"SE!.LER" '

EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC, a corporation duly organized

and existing under Philippine laws with office and bQ:sioess address at the 14/F
Soli1fllank Bldg., 777 Paseo de Roxu, Makati City, represented herein by its
c h11ir,11t111, Ml(. ANl)ltl:W L TAN 1&11d hereinafter rcfcrre<! to :is "BUYER''


WHEREAS, the SELLER has the rights and ir.- over:

a) a parce, of land located at Barangay San Andru, Cainta. Rizal. Metro Manila,
described as Lot No. 30501, AP 04-008429, with an ,area of THIRTEEN
THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIJITY ONE (13,151) square meters of
which an area of two hundred sixty tllne ud 55/100 (263.55) square meters
has been expropriated by the government tcaving a total arta of lWELVE
(12,887.45) square meters as the subject of herein salej

b) two parcels of land located at Barangay San Andres. Cainta., Rizal Metro
Manila described as Lot No. 8 Psu,..94859 end Lot No. 9, Psu-94859, presently
both covered by TCT No. 617731 ?ftheR.cgistry of Deeds of the Province or
Rizal, with a combined lot area of FORTY NINE THOUSAND SlX
HUNDRED TEN (49,610) square meters of which an area of three k•ndred
twenty seven (327) square meters bas been expropriated by the government
leaving a total area of FORTY NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED
EIGHTY THREE (49,283) square mcters as the subject of herein sale;

WHEREAS, the BUYER has offered to pul-chasc the above-described three (3) parcels
of land and the SELLER has agreed so SELL the same to the BUVbR;

NO\V THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the
payment of the purchase price hereinlftu specified the SELLER has agreed to SFLI.,
TR�NS' ER and CONVEY to the BUYER who has agreed to BUY, the above-described three
(3) parccl-, of land subject to the following tenns and conditions:

I) The total purchase price ,hall be FIVE HUNDRED TEN MILLION Pf'�O\
(PS I 0,000,000.00), Philippine Currency payable in the following manner·


(P459,000,000.00) upon execution hereof.

b) The balance of FIFn' ONE MILLION PESOS (PS 1,000,000.00)

within six (6) monJhs from cxecution of this Agreement and upon
delivery of TCT to be transfim'cd to the name of the BUYER.

v e �,1ies subject of this Agreement to the BlJYE

io., of lh\. Deed
!)car Mr. ran,

We would like to inform you that we shall be executing addi� p&ymcnts for the purchase
of the OHIO Construction & Development Corp. (OHIO) Properties located at Barangay San Andres,
{ ".1i111,1. R i,al ;u1d fu1 :hC'r dcecnt-cd ns follows:
I uh '..Ju I I ..• Nc,.-.----r---,,
, .-,..-<'"..-m-,-----,
--, ·,

, ,
' 1�· -�
J 1�
· c4 '5"9,,_
8 +----------=i',
l ,�9,,9� 6
- ., 1i 17731
tv 17711 I -��(pl..��
" '
Q (111.111 PSI J.IJ4_RS9) l li§..14
_ _ __ _ __ lUTAl.: ='-+------9,610 4 _

We .trc p1upo�ing the Iollcwmg 111 support of lhc connnillncnts you Ir.rvc to honor an<l
payments that need to be made Lo release your title from ltCBC free from all liens and encumbrances.

The following arc proposed for the additional and eventual full payment to OHIO in
connection with the purchase of Properties located at Cainta, Rizal:

a) '\'li,it GILMORE and OJ-110 have agreed to the total ccnsidcration of SEVENTY
I'll' rv (P7Q 11 (1.9SO) fqr the purchase of the OHIO Propcnics described above;

b) 'J'h.11 out of the tot.1! cousnlcrntion mcnuonec in ite.n (a) GILMOi<.L h.i� o1l1e::11dy p.11J
'f\VEN1')' FOUR. !v11LLJOM (P24,000,000) PESOS to OHIO. The remaining balance
due to 01-110 from GILMOH.E as of 21 October 1997 now becomes FIFTY FIVE
PSS.316,950} and is detailed as follows:
I. Rizal Conuucrcial Bankinz Corporation P �2.6SO 000 00
2. 01110 Construction & l)evelopmcnt
Cornoration 24 336 265.00
3. Norbert l·crnandcz I,SJS,444.SO
4. Raymund J,1LJ111ncs 730,666.50
s. Macario L. Ching 1,626,339.00
6. Ma. Theresa L. Chua 1,108,867.50
7 Sarnmv Perez 741.867.50
Su1>-total: 5. rsc, 185.00
Ullt Payments (OST & CGT/CWT):
7. Commissioner or Internal Revenue FAQ 1,985,000.(1()
Ohio Construction & Ocvelopmen1 Corp.
8. Commissioner of Internal Revenue FAO 595,500.00
Oh,(l Coostrucnon & Dcveloomem Com.
Sub-rcta': 2,580,500.00

·roTAL: P SS.316 950.00

c) -rhat the arnount or 1'WENTY TWO MILLION SIX llUNDRED FIFTY

·r11CUSAND {P22,bSO,OOO) PESOS as computed by RCBC and submiucd by OHIO
-c Gilmore Property Marketing Associates. Inc. (Oll..MORE) once paid directly by
GIL�IORE to RCBC will release the Title to the above-described Property to
GILMORE and OHIO free from all lie'lS and encumbrances�

d) Thal the total amount due to the brokers (PS,750,ISS) and BIR (1'2.SS0,500) shall be
made directly payable to them by GILMORE for tbe 1CCOunt of 01110 simultaneous
with the date of full and final payment of the net amount due to OHJO from
GIL�10RE. Said payments shall be duly acknt.>wledied as received by OHIO from

c) That tax payments to be remitted to BIR (P2,S80,SOO) for the account of OHIO are
sufficient for it� purpose and shall enable GILMORE' to transfer ownen,hip of title tc
its name upon payment by GILMORE, for its account, of the Transfer Tax:
'3uo.<uflu '011 'aUt:tr.tnSt?}{ CS upclVWlll J\t. i-v-� ,.._


Th s CONTRACT TO BUY ANO SELL ("this Contract") executed this

. ��&al 11:ltolll
t • Decernoc- 20CO by J:>d �e!,\ eeo

CANC AND GRAPES, INC. a corporanon duly organ12ed and existing under the laws of
the Rh1J1ppines ,v1lh ot'rce ano ovsmess address at #23 Jamaica Ortve. Forest H1IIS Suhd1v1sion.
Ncvaucbes Quezon C,ty, represented herein by its authorized representative
MS.CONEGUNOA L. '\RMAS hereinafter referred to as the "SELLER"·


EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC., a �omesbccorpcntlon with office and business
edoress at 21/F The World Centre 330 Sen Gil Puyat Avenue, Makllti City, reprnented herein
by its Chairtnan, MR. ANDREW L. TAN and hereunder referrAd to as "BUYER".

WI TN ES SETH :"(hot

WHEREAS, 'he SELLER has the nghts and interest over a parcel of land located at
Barno ,.1a:at,kf,.,. Carita near, descnbed as Lot 3 of the subidivistan Plan, {LRC) tss-:::27383 and
covered by TCT No 641\548 of tne Registry of Deeds of the Pro-nnce of Rrzal, with an area of
SIXTtEN THOUZAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX (16,176) square meters as the subject
Of h !!' IH

WH.'.:RCAS. tue BUYER has offered to purrhase the abOve-dt::,<;nL<.:d pau ul ,,f l,u11J .u,,J
the SE .. i..ER has aJri:;,�d to sen the same to the BUYER:

NOW THEREFORE for· and in consideration of the for�go1ng premises the BUYER
here", ... Jr, �::"'It:;, 'I ..,n1 'h (',E, l ER aq-ecs to sell the Property suo'ect to the fo lowing terms
a-to •"I"\(. ' -,5 II •,'!;

•. Ine .,�·ee:J totai contract pnce tor the Property is PESOS. ONE HtlNOREO SIXTY ONE
Currency mctusrve of VAT

2 That a downpaymenl of PESOS: SIXTY TWO MILLION (P62.000,000.00), Philippine

Currency, shall be paid by the B'JYER upon execution hereof.

3 That the rema,sing balance of PESOS. NINE1Y NINE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRE.l SIXTY
THOUSAND (P99.7€0,000.00), 0hilippine currency, &hall be �aid by the BUYER as follows


(P83 584 000.00) wrttun one (1) yea, from execution of u,;s Agreement


ID 16 11e 1CO 001 cpcn cehvery of utle transferred to the name of the BUYER

4 T11e SELL�.r, _rail•1 over the prope-ty subject ot this Agreement to the DUYER free from
a1: :c:101ts and/or squatters upon execution of the Deed of Absolute saie

5 1/Vit'ih::dd,rg tax shall be for the account of the Si::LLER while documentary stamp tax.
transfer tax. reqtstrauoo fees, and all other fees and expenses shall be for the account of the

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: EDL YN C ESTREV[LLO - Aft• Mmager, Mandaluyong
: BUDGET 2005 fjtl�f 111·'1
o... : NOVEMBER 19, l80I

Endorsing to you our budget for year 2005 amounting to Phf' 560,592.(XJ.
Monthly budget 2005 • Php 41,.716.00
Monthly budr,et 2004 • Php 35,581.'Tl

The followinp, items are requested ror budget 21Xl5:


-1 . Retiairs &: Maintenance - Electrical

2. Repairs & Mainten.mce'-Civil
Provision for :i,__p,l n' , -hxtncal su11pliPS and lights
-----··· -
Provision for d t101 lockset. padlocks. gi ease an<l
�- alue
3. Rcnatrs & Mdint(>nan,c - WatPr and Sanitarv _!'rovis1on for pool �!;�n11<,1l..,, g�1d1•< L<, and futuurs 1

4. Repairs &. Maintenance - Equipment Provision for comp utcr maintenance and refill of
ftre exurutulsbers
5. Office Ex- - Meetin= and Cooference Provision for Chnst 111.;is p,trtv budget
6. Miscellaneous Expense - Provision fer Curls unas d�'t·ors. s•�V'"l�t' and first
aid kit I

Itcrns wtlh provision for mte,tncrease:

I. Service Conlracl.<i - Janitorial &. Ground Provtvron for Lo·1t11
� Maintenance
1 l"'I"\ it,, C"nnlr,u ,,. p,. .. , Contr11I G,,rvit pc: l',,.v,,.,.,., ,,,, , 1,,.,,, , , , I 1 ., I,• 11 ,, 1 , , ,• ,

1·,�·11<.•1ty Mr1u.ig,•11n·11t AJ111J1llbl.lJ1Uu11 I,·,· 1·, •• ,,1·,l,111 ••••. , ,.,h· ,, 1,.,� I

4. Qffn, Expense - Postage, Telephone & Pr��1s1on Ior LC tephonc apphcaucn, monthly 1
Telceraeh navmcm and pr. •n, 11J card for P,\
5. Office Expense - Office Supplies Provision for m k LJrtri<lt•,1', - --.b -,-,-
, ,-, .-,, .-,-sn-,-o-,--< ,

detector) and '>U f� h<"> rate 1nln•,1<:{>

6. Office Expense - Photocopying. Printing and Massive documen L<, need to he photocopied, rate
Develonmz increase.
7. Offir<> Exnef'I.IIW -Tra'nsoortotion Provision for fare r .ill' int rt•JSt'

Attached here\Vith are:

.i. t'roposed Budget f'lr year 2015 (broakdown uf I o�l)
b. Budget for year 2004
c. 2004 Budl!"' VS 2005 Propooed Budget
d. 2004 Projected Actual l!xpe, ... VS 2005 Proposed Budgel
A e. 2004 Projected Actual ExpetllleS VS 2004 Budp,N
h,r vour ,·� and approval



• c



!CLUBHOUSE AREA (estimate) 6,oofilio}


I. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - Electrical . 4,805.00 0.73

2. Rc/\PIRS & MAll'ITENANCE - Civil Works 1,920.CO 0.29
3. REPAIRS & MAll'ITENANCE - Water and Sanita!J! !il,000.00 8.64
4. REPAIRS & MAll'ITENANCE - Eauipment 6,000.00 0.91
5. SERVICE CONTRACTS - Janitorial and Ground Maintenance 122,800.00 18.61
6. S:CRVICE CON,RACT5 - Pest Control Services 21,000.00 3.18
7. PROPERTY MA."'JAGEMENT - Adrninistration Fee 290,400.00 44.00
S. OFFICE EXPE�5E - Postaoe Teleohone and Telecraph 29,600.00 4.46
9. OFFICE EXPENSE - OfflCe Su,.,lies 11,527.00 ! 75
10. OFFICE EXPENSE - Photocoovino Printi ••• and Develc,ping 3,240.00 0.49
11. OFFICE EXPENSE - Transpo<tation s.soo.on 0.73
12. OFFICE EXPENSE - Meetioas and Conferences 0,000.00 0.45
13. MISCELLA1:EOUS EXPENSE 4.500.00 0.68
jB. TOTAL DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSE 560,591.0lls ! 84.94!

. co�M�M=O��
:C �A�R�G�ES=@�P�-=s
7 �/"'SQ"""
o M . �·-�---,----'--�s94,ooo.oo I 90.DO!

jo. NET DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSE (33,40&.00)! -s:;@
- Ir. TOT111 nuocn {E - CJ •_,(Jr.1000.00 ! -----�


By: Reviewed lly: �ingn

Recom;�ij Aporoval:

earl Angela ll. Amado L&��Ragas tJ 1 fr 11r1

Edlyn Ci evillo Marivic v. Trinos
Ad ln Internal Auditor Area Minager-MandalJ VP - ocesnlc Realty

Apprfed B� Approved By: Approved By:

-· l\:r. ___,"){tt,'f-
Ant'\�io T. Tar, Evelyn G. cacho Anthony Charlemange C. Yu
rvr Opcr 111i:,n<;, MC VP � Finance, Er1 I ti l't '",!d("II I fl 111



DL9 davJil'lht
PL7 warm white
10 --- 1
Halonen lamp !SOw 12vl
GE sueerlux 140w\
-- 1
Candle bulb (El40wl
Osram bulb omtvoc (50w)
GE davlioht tube 140w)
--- 1
Linestra slnale l60W1
Electrical tace
Electrical wire
- 1

Fluorescent Ballast 20w)

1 -
lot 1
• Fluorescent Ballast 4Qw)
Fluorescent Lamn 2Qwl
Flourescent Lamn 40w)

-N 1

Grease 1 lot 1 1 200.00 200.00

Door I ocksct 2 set 1 7 �OU.00 l,000.00
Multl·nur� clue 1 lot, 1 1 500.00 500.00
Minh'" Bond ._ 2 1 2 50.00 100.00
l',•1ll•11lo:•, 2 � l ) - (,o.:Ki --
� !LO.OU


•· 57-000.00
1 lot I 1 I 1 I l 000.Qi) 1 000.00 I
Pool chemlcal5 & uadeets 1 I lot I 4 I 4 I 1,i,000.00 56,000.00


Comouter Maintenance I 1 I
Refill of Fire Extinnuisher (.?.01bs) I 4 I -
lot 2
1 I


Continnen 1 lot 1 1 0
L,QQQ.QO 1 000.00
�ertilizers 20 kilos 3 60 30.00 1,800.00
J.!nitcr/Gardener 1 man 12 12 10,000.00 120 000.00


Pest Control servces I 1 I � I 6 I -6 I 3,SOu.00 21.000.00
Manaoement Fee 'I l


' 12 I 12 I

24 200.00 290,400.00

I --

Telenhone aeolcaton 1 unit 1 1 2,000.00 2,000.00

Telenhone 1 unit 12 12 1 800.00 21 600.00
g_r�ld card of PA 1 unit 12 12 500.X· 6,000.00

Batterv (smoke detector)
Battetv AA (remoter
--- 6
Bond Pacer Subs. 24 (lonn ream 3 3 220.00
Bond Parv>r Subs. 24 /short) '·
1 ream 3 3 200.00

Comeeter Diskettes 1 box 1 1 :100.00 200.00
Ccnuxner fnk HP 581649G /colored) 1 2 2 1,600.(l() J,).00.00
Computer Jnk HP C6614D fblackl 1 3 3 1,400.00 4,200.00

I I 50.00 50.00
En I ID 3.00 30.00
En I 20 4.0G 80.00
En short brown I 20 3.'lC 60.00
Fa51211er 2 2 40.00 80.0C
Folder Ion I 30 7.00 210.00
Folder short I 20 6.00 120.00
Glue Stid< I I 30.00 30.UO
I 3 50.00 150.00
I 5 40.00 200.00
i 3 3 30.00 90.00
I 2 2 15.00 30.00
I 2 2 SO.DO 100.00
I 3 3 3::i.00 105.00
I I 1 30.00 30.00
I 2 2 45.00 90.00


I lot 2 2 300.00 600.00

I lot 2 2 120.00 240.00
I lot 12 12 200.00 2,400.00


Admln.strator l man 12 12 400.00 4 800.00

12. OFFICE EXPfNSE • MEETINGS - 3 000.00

Chrtstmas Pa I lot 1 1 3 000.00 3000.00


Christmas I lot I I 2 000.00 2,000.00

s· n & EMHbOards I lot I I 2 000.00
Medoone First Aid I lot I 1 500.0U

TOTAL FOR YEAR 2005 560,592.00-l

• I--�����--'"
-i -o_�j !!_age
r::T;;-h--e :;C;-a-m-:b�r:d:-g
PropoMd Budget'" yur 2004 .:...... __ '
......... or, : _,., I FRE<l<JENC,

J1nl!ona1 /::!'"Yl::s
- 1'b.? f 11 10 664 06 17 ,-14 66
111,304 66 I
F"111st Control t
1 "" I
6 2,500 00 !f, C(,\J JC
15 00000

Mr11mistrullen Fees
Mon11gument Fees
"°' II " 22 00,1 00 ',I, ,0'
242 000 00
PT & T
PLOT i";harges
e-o 00. . ,�[, ,c
"" 11
9 �50.00
Off,ce E�penses

Short Bond Paper ,...., 6 1?000 »o C-0

long Bond Pape,
1 PG . •• 140 '.JO
40 00
,,.,0 <.,)
100 )0
Fu Paper - -_.,roT 8 f 5 00 $�0 ,10
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Long Envelope
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e cc
35 :'�
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Shor. En�elope
Sco1ch Tape
1 ""
""" "5' :� 0..1
130 00
!60 • '
1 pc
to 00 sc oa
__ J 10 00 L10 0
Peper Chp J ts 00
' pe
" "" 2.7�7.00
Pl'oto,;cipy111g & Pn111ing I
Photocapying 1 lol j: 11 'a 200 DO )J J
JTranspor1.a11on 2 200 00
Transporta1ion 1 <I 11 a-c 00

- ' 50
Jltl,�U t oe I

\ PIIP J..>,!il'! 1 97
P,eparei by Noled by

!Glenda s Punoo Ma Vtetona V T1w,o·

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"'"' .

ARTICLE:'; '.,F lt-.COR�l.)F' A 1 ION
·o: ,ED _,; '1'1 ·�1
. ··' '

- !

'-J!{; rB}v»«f,q;-,6.,, 4}f.&4e '@;11,v;17uitzkv//l-

:7 O'

--9k!ta(/£>/1· .s:

That we, all of legal � ges, residents, Hnd citize.1:1 of the Philippines have this
day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a non-
stock non-profit corporation under the i:ro11i�ions of Republic Act No. 4726 and
other pertinent aws of the Republic of the Ph,li;,pin,?:s :


FIRST : 'r.iat the name of th6. Corporation shill be

SECOND : That the purpose or purposes fer wh•:r, the Corporation is formed
are: (a) to own or hold title to the commc.n areas 'n the condominium project
known and identified as .;a; �um&i,'JtJ 6)-J,4.,.. ?)IJ,u1,,,,.,;,,,·,,,... �"<'Y<lli"r J..t-. ·(the "Project�)

which has been constituted pursuar.t to the provisions of Republic Act No ·1726
(the · Condominium Act')\ on the property Jescribec' in and brought under the
operation of said Condominium Act tiy tne Amended Master Deed with Declaration
of Re.:itrictions executed by Empire East Lard Holdings, Inc. and Gilmore Proµerty
Marketing Associates. Inc. and acknowledyed on 09 May 2003 before Notary
Public Atty. Fatima S. Reyes of Makat, City, i'hilippines as Doc No. 360, Page No.
73, Book No. V, Series of 2003 (the "/\manned Master Deed�; (b) to manage the
said Proj3cl pursuant to and in acccrda-ics wlth the orov isions of the said
Cono'omin,um Act and the Amended Master Deed, as well as the .follcwinq
incidental powers or purposes to wit ;

a) To adopt such measures ,s nay be necessary for the protection and

safeguard of the unit owners and thei,· J: operty in the Project, including power tr=
to contract for security services tor the t ntire Projec: and, in accordance with the
Amended Master Deed of tne Project, tc obtain and rnantain insurance coveraqe
on the entire Protec;
b) To make and adopt needful n les and regulatons concerning the proper
use. enjoyment and occupancy of all tr ! u.uts and common areas in the Projact,
and to fix penalties, by way of liquidated Jan12"11es. for any violation thereof;

c} To provice for the malntenan e, repair, sanitation and cleanliness of the I

common areas of the Project, as we as for the beautification and betterment
thereof or otherwise improvamerr and additions thereto, and for its
reconstruction, res,toration or repair v ien r.ecessitateo by damage, destruction,



rasidentaal u11it-;

d) Clusters 7 & 9 twenty-four (24) tumnierQal units

sixty-eight(�) ore-bnd,oom residential unitS
e) Cluste · 8 & 10 one h•Jndred thirty-eig�t (138) tne-bedl'OOII'
residential unit-.
!) Clusta, 14 seventy-llv� (75) on,->edroom resldenbal units
,;,,i,ere �ach floor shall have an electrical rncm, cornmor, hJllway end stairs, with a roof
deck on each duster where th• laundry •rea for 11ch e11Md!r shall be loc1ted with
indiyiduef faundry cages for each unit lo each cl\JSl!r. IAMl:NDl!D AS or APRIL
25, 2003)

Reproduct10 , s of the noor �lans for the fourteen (14) dusters are hereto attached
as Annex "C".

Section 3 QESCR{PT(ON Of THE UNI rs. tech unit In the Project Shall
cons,st of the arda measured horizontalf)<, from t·1e cent111 of the Interior wan of the
partibons separat,ng such unit from other 'units or from •ne defined common arees.
Vertically, each unit shall consist of the spa:e betwuen the top of the concreta floor-and
•he underside of tne ceiling. Each unit shall oe dee ned to include any �djacent balcony,
all the walls and partilions which are not le-ad baaing within the perimeter walls of the
unit. the inner decorated 01 finished surface of all wans of tha units, floors and ceilings
and the built-in fixtures •

Secuon 4. USE OF UNITS. Ur,lts r the Project shaH be used either for
commercial or residential purposes, as the case m:,y be, subject to suchrestncnons and
hm1tat,ons on th.e use, possession and occupancy ul Units es may be provided for
1n th?
Amended Master Deed, or as the Condominium Corooration. to be const;tuted in
accordance witn this Amend•d Maaur De•d as provided 111 Section e; may hereafter
reasonably and vahdly promulgate.

Section 5. THE COMMON AREAS. The common elements or areas of

the Projec: (herein referred 10 as the •common Areas") shall comprise all the parts of
the Project other than the residential units, and shall be cla,sified as fellows

Limited Conmon Areas - refers to a common area ass.!ilned fo; the

exclusive use of an individual unit (J.g. parkirig slot).
Ch.L�ter Common Are� - rt:1fers .'� "'" area: und parts of. the bu1ld1ng or
Project wrtrnn each c.uster wh1ci are not classified as a limrted
Comrton .�rea.

, The use and enJoyment of the Cluster Commryn Arens shall be considered as
· esmcted in th<t sense tnat !heir use a11d enjoynenr arc reserved tor the benefit of lhe
unrts withm the cluster where they ere sit�atac Converse.y, the expenses to, lhe

�!���::�:;:�:� !:,�:aff:�:
r;pairs insurance premiums. ma,ntena ice ind admini:.frat;on c,' said Clu.ste r Co mrr.ort
orecs shall be for the sore and exclusive e«
dev.elopment, landscaptng. alteration 01 repai;:u;�/0

-- . �

the over-all integrity u appearance nf the wholo ,.,,..,je.:t shnll be regulated by the Board
of Diiectors of the Condominiu,n CCl,poration.

iii. Ge.1erc 1 Common /.reas • refers to all th� areas a!"d parts of the
Projec. particularly but not limited to the fo,lowing, to wit:

(a) The parcels of l•nd herelnabove descr1bed, including all ramps.

driveways, roadways, path·vays, �arks, playgcounds and other
open spaces �thin the Projet..'"t,

(b) All walkways, entrances and exits, including the guardhouse/s, if

any, of the Projea, ·

(c) The perimeter walls;

(d) All central and appurtenant equipment and installation for utility
services such as power, light, water. gar ,age, telephone,
sewerage, drainage, water shaf11, tanks, pumps, motor fans,
compressors and centrfl eq,·:pment ana all common utility spaces
and areas servicing th<?- whcle Project and the like, and i,11 other
utility systems OL.tside lhe cluster except the outlets theref)f wf1ich
are located within the s&id cluster.

(e) All other parts of the Froject and all stru:tures and f,c.,ities,
apparatus, equipment, installations a1ld areas therein which ard
for general use of the whol, Project or necessary or convenient to
the existence, maintenance or safety of tne entirµ, Project.

(!) All other property rights herein granteO in ft var of · the

Con.dominiu.m Corporation, or otherv...ise established in favor of
or for the benefit of thP. Projc -r uncar the Amended Master

Tre Common Areas shall rerr aln undivided �nd nc unit owner may bring an
action for parunon thereof except in contormhy with ttiia provisions of the Condormmurn
Notwithstanding the foregoin,, prvvisions, 'tl1e ownership, use, control and
disposition of'the clubhouse, sw,mming poo'/s, tennis r:ourt and/Cir landscape
area or the Protect is hereby reseryP.d b{ the DE�Or.EP.. subject to such fe«!.!i,
rules :ind regulations as the DEVI;LOPER m1y subsrquer,tly promulgate. The
n,embers of the Asst.iciatlon may, h�e:, avril of, USf' and e�the aforesaid
facilities. (AMENDED �s OF APRIL 2�. i003)

Section 6. THE CONDOMINIUM COF<.PO."'IA TIQN. a) A corporation

hereinafter referred to as the Condominium Corporation. shall lie formed ·and
orqanr-ed pursuant to the Condominium Act and the Corpo .. atic.11·, Code to hold title to the
Co,nmon Areas in_ th� Project. to ma'lage the Project. and tu d.> such other thin�s as
maybe necessary, mcidental and/or convenient to the accom,J1ishment of saic purposes.
_All owners of units in the Project and who have r.o more pecuniary obligation to the
c _o '

constructed as herein represented, or des�•n1ting any changes made. Such plans.
specificatiocs or certificate, whaA sl]ned aod acknlJWladged by DJ!CYUNTS and
registered i, accordance with Sectio1 4 of 'hi Condo•nlnlum Act, shall constitute an
amendment of this Amend.If llraat,,r Da•C:. · '
{b) . Prior tc completion of the Pro,'ect, notwithstanding any term or condition
of any contract to sell over any unit to the contrary, the DJWJ:rnJ'D reserves the right
to amend, revise or revoke this Amended Jl,ut.r Deed oy reglstr.iiol\• with' the
• R�11try of Deeds for City of Manila, PhlllpJ,ir .ea of an l"strument duly e,:;ecuted by the


Section 9. SCOPE AND CO!(gP.AGE. This Declaration of Restrictions.

as may from time to tim& be amended, shall emb.xly such restrict,o, 1c;, liMitabons,
covenants, undertak1nos and .,;ondJtion� as may be :-equlred or permitted by tne
Condormntom Act or tho Ame...., Mas- Deed to be provided herein. Subject to
excepuons which may be expressly set forth in the Condominium Act, in the Amend<rd
Master Deed or herein, said l"'!tstrictions, lin:·tation!:i, covenants, undenalong!:i and
conditions shall be deemed to rur. with thd lar.d,'the bcildings and ether improvements
making up the Project, shall conctitute a llec upcn the Project an� each unit, and shall
,nure to the benefit of. and be blnrtlnQ upon all J)l!r;ie• owning or hol�ing any umt er any
nght or interest therein or in the Project pursuant to. t�e provisions of the Condominium

Section 10. THE MA{\A�NT CODY. {a) The'Corulommn.m

Corporation shall constitute the management budy of u,� Project once the :;ame rs
formally turned over to the Condo,ninium Corporat:nn by tr,e DEVE.'..OPER. Its power
sn211 be such as ,nay be providej by the r.o.1dom,niu,n �ct. the Amended Master
D••d. this De�laret,on of Restrtctions, ,ts Arti.:le• �f 1.,corporatlon ,nd By-Laws, and
such applicable provisions of the Corporation Cod.l as are n:>t :nc.Jnsistent wi•h the
Condominium Act. \ny such powers may ha e'<ercis'?_d by or delegated to, such offio:ers
or other persons. and in such manner, as t�By-L.&ws mJy ,rovide. The Condominium
Corporation may hire managerial, legal, aud1Ung, aCCOJCting, and other professional
and technical services in the manner provided i,l 'Its 8' The Condomimum
Corporation shall not have the power to condu.;t an active business for the prof� of its
members or any of them. For a period of ten (10J ye•r• from and after the formal
turnover of the Project by the D.IWZLOJ'ER to thr CGruJominium Corporation, the
. .,-·-
administration and ,nar.a�ament of the Project 1ha1t be �sslgnod or da.egate1 by the
' Condominium Cori.·oration to a property mRnagement t1ntlty to be nominated by th�

(b) No provision of this Amendad 11-r Deed shall b� construed as

d1m1nishing the powers vested in the Boltfl1 �f Dire-:tors as the management body of the
Condominium Co,p >ration and as such, an cont-acts o• .ICtions to be entered Into or
\ brought for or against the Condominium Co,poration sha1t be executed, prosecuted or
\ .----ct,fended in th& name of the Condominium Corponmon. ·

. . .. /
�· II 8

assessed' against each unit owner in tt,tl P. oject and paid tr, the Condominium
Corporation, in proportion to such unit ownefs oppurten�nt lnte,.11 In the
Co:-tdominium Corporation., the following, to wi' :

I 1 J Regular assessments for QP8Jlllfng expensBs. . The

Condominium Corporation ,hall, from time to time, and at annually,
prepore an estimate of Ille rperating expenses of the Col'ldominium
Corporation. and assess against each unit owner In proportlor, to s1.1c11 owner's
appurtenant interest In the ConC:Wrr,inium Corpo, -a?ion., such an:iounts as shall
be necessary to meet the operating expentes. Such �xpensas shall Include. but
shall not be limited to l�e following:

(ii The cost of insurance policies ;nsurtng earh cluster in ti .e

P.roject against loss by fire, earthquake. casualty liability and ott,er
insurable risks in accordance with S•ction 16, and 17 hereinfollowing a, 1d
to the extc.nt deerfled necessary by l'·.a Con'.iominium Corporation;

(ii) The cost of regular and ,ecurrent maintenance and

ordinary repairs and utlities·.and othttr SNvlces benefiting the Common
Areas of each cluste· in the Project,

(11i} The coot of f•.Jm1tL·re, furnishings, fixtures and equiprpent

for the Common Areas of Jach duste" the Project and the main lobby "'
each cluster therefor as the Condominuur� C.Jrp<>ration may from time to
t,me dt terrmne to be necess2ry or orc..pir:

(w) The cost of any )ther maiena's. supolies, •umishings and

fixtures labor services. maintenar,ce, repairs, taxes or assessments
which the Col'ldominium Co11-ora.i�n :s required or empowered tc
charge under the Am•nd.d Ma,. tar »••d or for the en{orcemant of the
provisions of the Buttding Rules: provldnd, that W such expenses are
expended for the benefit of particulnr L'ni•s 1n ttu, Project. such expenses
shall thereafter be assessed to the memt en; owning such units and shall
be assess.!d under Paragraph 4 uf 5:ection 1 'i(, 1f.

(",) The expanses enumerated in faction 1J (a) (1) (i}, (,i), (ii,)
and (iv) hereof •hall ba charged equitably to •nd among the unit owners
in a particular cluster benefrted t,y such �,penditu"es based on their
interest or participation in th..i Condominiw1 Co,poiution;

{< iJ If the c�l'ldom,nium Co,porar:nn'a estimate of operating

expenses proves i.,ad•quata for any reascn. Including no�yr.,ent ot
any assessmant, It mar at an•, time levy e further assessment.

121 f'eautar •m�olf fJr cap/lat expendityr9s. The

Col'ldominium Corporation ,·,au levy upon all un·t uwnars relative to their
respective c'usters based on tllelr Interest of par:icipi.tlon In the Col'ldominium
Corporation an annual assessment for the pt ,rpore of creating and maintaining
a special fund for capital expenditures on the :::Ommo.1 Areas of their respective
clusters in t_h� Pro;ect, induding the cost of e> traordinary repairs, reconstruction

That the following· named ITlf.'mbeni ha"" costributed to the Corporation, Iha
amounts set out after their respecave names, to wit:
Name C{tizsnsh;p A.mount of Contribution
ANTONIO T. TAN FiUpino> Php 1,000.00

RODULFO A. QUINTANA, JR. Filipirc 1,000.00

EVELYN G. CACHO Filipino 1,000. '.lO

ELMER P. PINEDA Filip inc 1,000.00

RIGOBERTO A. SANTOS FiUpinc 1,000.00

T-. Fhp
NINTH : Membenlhip in the Cotl)GIB/jon callll<'t be traullenc. con,eyed,
ena.imbered or otherwise disposed cf aeparalely 1r,:ll the condomilium untt of
which rt is an appJr ,onance and r)Y tranJler �11veyance, encumbrance or
d1sposrtion of a unit shall include the appurtenant men,bellh1p in the ::O,po111tion.
Any member who ceases to <Mn a una in the Projr,ct eulOmatically ce a lo be a
'118mber of the '::orpotation. n- condit:ons lhl!II �ppear In aU Certllicate& cf
Membership to be isaued by the Cor,,o{alion

TENTH : Tt at EVELYN G. CACH.:l h• bflet1 elec:!ed by the members •

Treasurer of the Co,poration, to act tuch unt.J his l'J" - is duly elect'ld and
qualified in accordance wrth It..., By-Laws of the Corpo,aoon and to nsceivE' for and
in its behatt all c·,es, contribulions, a.-ients �lo, donations paid in Ind/or
given by all membeni and/or t 11rd persons thellllo. ID•

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have he�unto ML our hand1 tttio/JJ6 2J;IIIIS

---+-"-- 2006 at Makati Crty, M,otro Mas11a, l"litippine.

� _, ROJPo�ANA, JR.

O SAll'ni '

s, in �e presence


Republic of the Philippines )

Makati City ) §.§

AU,.BEFO �,l,IE, Notary Public for ar.d In Makll'.I, Mello Manila, Philippines this
b M io/tlllllt 2C:i6 at Makati, Metro Manil.,, Pt,illppines, per90nally appeared
ttie following to wit .

!!l!!!l! c T.C, Nn. Pt«ta & Placa J,e'tc/

ANTONIO T. ,"AN 09;723611 1--05-08/Mandaluyong
RODULFO A QUINTAM, J�. 24t.16411 1·18--061Makati City
EVELYN G. t;ACHO 24798233 1·111-081Makati City
ELMER P. Pn;EDA 24606484 1-14-06/Makali City
RIGOBERTC> A. SANTOS 27292838 6-28--081Makali City

an knowr, to me and to me known to be the 181ne penons who executed the

foregoing instrument and lhey acknowladyed to n,e tlutlhe lhelt
and volurtary act and deed.
This instrument related to the Anic/88 of lncotpotBtion of Cambridge Village
Condom. oium Association Inc. e<.naisting of five (5) pages, Including the p-
where tl"is acknowleJgement is written, signec' by the �rties and their
instrumental wnnesses on each aod ever, page thereof and iealed with notaliai

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereJnto set my hand on the day, year and
place first aforewntten.

Doc. No.'*·
• Page No.-'t!..;
Book No . ...L.
Series of 2006


That I, ANTONIO T. TAN, of 1eua1 age, Filipl·lG, anc the President of T�E
non-stock non-profit Association wtich is in the pr.n es's of incorporation with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and 'vit't office ar-d business address at Blk. 19,
Kabisig Road, Earanqay San Andres, Flcodway. cetme, 1,izal, Philippines 00 HEREBY
CERTIFY to the following. to wit·

"THIS T� ���;l�;t�::,���-i� ��-m�er�g



sil,1i/ar corporation with,n 'rlie ·cambric!ge 'Village'

co, aomunum pro1ect to date."
i9 ._.,.._ AUS 2 R 2006
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set in hand or, the -- Cay of
August 2006 at Makati City, Philippines

IU tr .._.- AUG 2 A 20flfi
SUBSCRIBED AND SWOR� to berore me this_ d(iy ofAugLst 2006
at Makatr Ctty.Phllippmes, affia11t exl't.BftinJ to me his Community Tax Ceniticate
No. 09772366 issued on January 05 :::.006 at Makati City, Philippines.

Doc No�
Page No . .:i.Q..
Book No. 1,
Senes ot 2006
A� M,jf��SA ,
al - UnJt 31 Doc. 2006
IBP No.156l6 � Ctr
PTll. lln MU 455l5Sl811)4 .11A. III06
, Roi Ho. 41337
7• Ar. l'ase,,, Bldg. Plseo De Pl.- """"� O!v
CIT\, lF MAKA1 I ) s. s.


I, ANTONIO T. TAN, of legal age Filipino, with address at Ground Floor, The
World Centre nuilding, No. 330 Sen. Gil i'uyat / .•. enue, Makati City, Philippines, after
havinj, been m to in accordance with Jaw hereby depose and states:

am the Presiden.

CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC.," which is in the process of
incorporation and registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2. That I, in behalf of said corporation, hereby undertake to change its

corporate name in the event another person. firrr. or entity has acquired a prior
right to the use of the said firm name f-1y virtue of registration with other
gt)",·rnmC'11t ar,r>f"'cies or our name is identical or deceptively or confusingly
sin '..1r to hat c ·1y existing corporation or to any other name already protected
by 1 ..11"'' c11 is pal, 1)' deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing law.i.


That this affidavit is execrted to attest to the truth of the foregoing
and for whatever legal purpose and intent

In witness whereof, 1 hereby sign this affidavit on'

Makatt City.
AUG 2 8 )�st 2006


_ _ lil
� me •.hb t -- •• AUG 2 8 20DS
SUBSCRrnt:D A.\/D SW'.:JRN TO Jeore August 2006
a'fiant exhibiting to me his Corrun.mity ..Iax..("'er.+ificdtP No. 09772366 issued on
05 January 2006 .rt Mandaluyong City.

Do.:. No. J"IZ

Page No. jtL_
Book No. __.l__ uty. M 0. VIRJOSA
Scnes of 2006. Notary F,oblic-Otfd-Und 31 Doc. 2006
IS�tt.., 'i6361W1)4�Clly
PTR tlo. MIA 45S632\'04 Jo,, lCD6
Rall No. 49337
1• Ar. """"'-:..,,i,,, Bldg. Paseo De - Mokatl o- ·
' ·��-�.
• -
.. •

J . ' The
1h Ji,,r, .
//i.!', ··l�'r�:
AMENDED MASTER DEED. c. ' '· ',,,.
witlt / · .
.• of


· . :This A.mended Master Deed with Declaration of Restrictions (hereinafter
referrBd to as •Amended Nla.ster Deed", whether reference iS to the _enabling deed o�
the deciara:ion of restrictions, or both), executed thi.s 25� day ot Apn! 2003 at Makat,
'' City, Metro Manila, Philippines, by the parties hereinafter mentioned collectively and
referred-to as" D.ECLA.RANTS", to wit:

EMPIRE EAST LAND HCLDINGS, tNC., a 'corporation duly organized

. • and existing under end by a virtue of the laws of the Republic of the .
·. Philippll2l!S-With offices at the 21/F 'fhe World Centre Bldg., #330 Senator
·GH J. Puyat Avense, Makati City,. Metro Manila, ·Philippines represente'd
·herein by its duly au'.horized representative, Mr. ANTONIO 7. 1 AN, and
t;\ereinafter refArred to as the ''DEVELOPER"
- and -
domestic corporation duly ".lrganized and existing under and by a virtue of
.the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with offices at the 21/F The _
World Centre Bldg., #330 Senator Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Maka!i City, Metro
Manila, Philippines represented herein' by its duly authorized Pre'sident,
• Mr. FRANCISCO C. CANUTO, and hereinafter referrad to as the
''OWNER'' '!I

W I T N E S S E T H : That

: . WHEREAS, the OW.N'ER has entered lnto a Memorandum of Agreement dated

April. 29, 2002 (the "Agreement") with the DEVELOPER whereih the former shall
contiib�te one ,1) parcel of land· covered by' Transfer Certificate of Title No. 644736
issued·by the Registry of Oeeds for the Provin,e of Rizal, Philippines with an area of
Forty,Nlne Thousand Six Hundred Ten (49,610) Square Meters, more ore less, (the
•Cilmpre Property") .while the latter shall, aside from contribuk,g its own two (?.) parcels
cif Ian� covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 662045 and 648844, both issued by
the Registry of Deeds for the Province of Rizal, Philippines with an agJregate area of
Twenty-�lne Thousand Thre"!i Hundred Twenty-Seven'(29,32(') 'Square ;\,�more or
. less '(the "Empire East Lana Properties"), develop simultaneously all three (3) parcels
, of land Jnto a condomi�ium project to be known as 71,e, Cambru:lfie' Vtllag� .(the
Proje.ttj. Certified tru� copies of the transfer certificate., of title covering the aforesaid
arcels of land are hereto attached as Annexes "A", "B" and "C", respectively;
. .
� ·.
. .. .

WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER has undertaken that the Gilmcrc Prope,;ty and
the Emp,ire Ea,st Land Prope,ties, together with tha Improvements to b� constructed .
th•reen .shall be governed and subject to the operation of Republic Act. t-.o: 4726,
otherwise· known as the Condominium Act' thereby constituting toe sald c:ilrhore
Prof}ert!J and the Bmpire Ea5t Land Properties as a cono1ominium project pursuant to
the prevlslons, of the said Act; · "'·
.. · WHEREAS, the DECLARANTS desire to impose on the Project certain
restrictlons which, unless otherwise provlded herein, shall constitute a lien upon the
= Project. ar:,,d shall inure to and bind all parties owning or holding any or any right or
interest therein or in the Project. oursuant to the provisions of the Condorrinlurn Act:

'. WHEREAS, the OWN£R oas constituted and appointed the DEVELOPER to,
among ·other!i, do and perform for a1,d in behalf of the OWNER the preparation of this
Amended Master Deed

".NOVI THEREFORE, for and in consideration, of the foregJing premises •. the

DECLARANTS hereby execute this Amended Master Deed for the aforestated
Project · and hereby . submit the Gilmore Property and the Empire East Ldnd:
Properties, together with the improvements found thereon, to the provisions of Republic
Act. No:.4726, otherwise know as the Condcminium Act, and declare that :


Section 1. CONSTITUTION OF PROJECT. A condornln.urn project to

be known as �Ccunbr� V�<e-is hereby constituted on the Gilmore Property
and t�e Empire East Land Properties.
. .
.: likewise, a copy of the Survey Plans of the aforesaid parcels nf land on which
the PrOje(!t _will stand is hereto attached as Annex 11ot1•

· 1 he improvements are being constructed by the DEVELOPER substantially in

, accordance with the plans,and specifications therefore prepared by MEGA (M & E
Group of Architects). subject to such modifications approved by the DEVELOPER Such
plans. and specifications are hereto attached es.Annex '1E.,.

. Section 2. , DESCRIPTION OF BUILDINGS. The Project shall consist of

fourteeh (14) condominium clusters. There shall be no cluster which shall be referred as
Cluster .13. Tlie Project shall have a total of ninety-four (94) commercial units located at
the ground floor levels of each cluster concerned and six hundred twen'.y-one (621.) one-
bedroom residential units distributed as follows, to wit :

.a) Clusters 1 &, 3 twenty-two (22) commercial units

sixty-two (62) 11.,e bedroom residential units
Clusters 2 & 4· one hundred twenty-six {126) -cne-bedrocm
residential units
c) en,sters 5, 6, forjy-eight (48) commercial units
11 & 12 one hundred fifty-two (152) one-bedroom
. / J
./·. d) Clusters 7 & 9
residential units
Wanty-four (24} commercial units ·
sixty-e;ght �8) one-bedroom residential units

e) Gluster 8 & 10 one 'hundred thirty-eight (138) one-bedroom

residential• units

!) Cluster 14· seventy-five (75) on�-bedroom residential units

where each flooi: shall have an

electrical room, common hallway and stairs, with a roof
deck on each cluster !'.'here the laundry area for each cluster shaU be located· with
Individual laundry cages for each unit in each cluster. (AMENDED AS OF APRIL
25, 20031 '

Reproductions of the floor plans for the fourteen (14) clusters are hereto attached
as Annex "C". '
Section 3. . DESCRIPTION OF THE UNITS. Each unit in tlie Project shall
consist of the area measured �orizontally from the center of the interior wall of the
partltions separating such unit from other units or from the defined common areas.
Vertically, each unit shall consist of the space between the top or the concrete floor and
the undersid·a of the ceiling. Each unit shall bs deemed to include any adjacent balcony,
all the walls and partitions which are not·load bearing within the ;,erime,er walls of the
unit, t�.e
inner decorated or finished surface of all walls of the units, floors and ceilings
and the built-in fixtures.

Section 4. USE OF 'JNITS. Units in the Project shall be used either for
commercial or residential purposes, as the case may be, subject to such restrictions and
limitations ori the use, possesslon and ocr:upancy of Units as may be provided for in the
Am,nded Master Deed. or as the Condominium Corporation, constituted in
accordance with this Amended Mcuter Deed as provided in secuon 6, may hereafter
reasonably and validly promulgate.

Section S. 'THE COMMON AREA$. The common elements or areas of

the Project (herein referred to E.S the •common Areasj shall compriseall the partsct
the Project other than the residential units, and shall be classified as follows :

tf i.

Limited Common Areas · reters to a common area assigned for the
exclusive use af an individual u'nit (e.g. parking slot).

ii. Cluster Common ·Ar'eas - refers to all areas and parts of the building or
ProJect within each cluster· which are not classified as a Limited
Common Area.

The use and enjoyment of the Cluster Common Areas shall be considered as
restricted in the sense that their use and enjoyment are reserved for the benefit of the
units within the cluster where they are situated. Conversely, the expenses for. the
repairs, insurance premiums, maintenance and administration of sa;d Cluster Common
Areas shall be for the sols and exclusive account of ths said particular cluster. The

) ,,.---
development, landscapinq, alteration or repair Of any cluster common area which affects

\ .
./""""- <, I '

/- .
"' 4

,,,-,.,., the over-all integrity or appearance of the whole Project. shall be regulated by the Board
of Di[�Ors of the Condominium Corporation ·
iii. General Coni.mon Arecis • refers to all the areas and parts of the
Project, particularly but not limited to the following, to wit: ·

(a) The parcels of land hereinabove described, including ail ramps,

dr1v9w"ays, roadways, .pathways, parks, playgrou.ndti and other
open spaces within the Project,

(b) All walkways, entrances and exits, including the quardhousws. if

ar.y, of Jhe Project, ,
(c) The perimeter waii;

'(d) All central and appurtenant equipment and installation for utility
services such as PC?Wer, light, water, garbage, telephone,
sewerage, drainage; water shafts, tanks, pumps, motor fans,
compressors and central equipment and all common utility spaces
and areas ser.ricing the whole Project and tt-e like, and all o_ther
utility systems outside the cluster except the outlets thereof which
are located withln the said cluster. ·

(eJ All Other parts of the Project and all structures and faGjlities,
apparatus, equipment, installations and areas therein which are'
for general use of the whole Project or necessary cir convenient to
the existence, maintenance or safety of the entire Project,

(!) All other property rights herein granted in favor of the

CondCJ�{nium Corporation; or otherwise established in favor of
or for �he benefit of the Project under the Aritended Master

The Common Arecs shall remain undivi.ded and no unit owner may bring an
action fcir partition thereof except in ,conformity with the provisions of the Condominium
_.y> Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, ·the ownership, use, control and
-I disposition of the clubhouse, sy1Jmming pool/s, tennis court ·anc!for landscape
area of the Pro/ect is hereby reserved by the DEVELOPER, Subject to such fees,
rules and regulations as the DEVELOPER may subseguentl'/ promulgate. n,�
membei"s of the Association may, however, avail of, use and enioy the aforesaid
facilities. (AMENDED AS OF APRIL 25, 2003)

. Section 6. THE CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION. a) A corporation

hereinafter referred to .as the Condominium Corporation, shall be formed and
organized pursuant to t;1e Condominium Act and the Corporation Code tc hold title to the
Common Area; in the Project, to manage ttie Projea and to do such other things as
mayb� necessary, incidental and/or convenient to the accomplishment of said purposes.
All owners of units In the Project. and who have no more pecuniary obligation to the

h/ ·. ' .
\ '

" . .. . - : -... ! --

DEVELOPER shall become members to the exclusion of all others, of the
CondOminium Corporation in accordance-with Section 8 hereof.
b) 1'he management of the C�ndomir� Corporation st',all be vested in a
Board of Directors of seven \7) members who.shall be elected by the unit owners of the
Project based on the unit owners' respective appurtenant interests as determinect in
Section 7 (c)'hereof, provideo that no cluster shall have more than one representative in
the Bo;ird.


OF A UNIT. (a) The owner/purchaser er a unit in the Project: shall acquire
ownership of such unit as described in Sectioh 3 hereof, subject t� the terms .and
conditions of the Instrument conveying the unit to the owner/purchaser, or to the term?
and conditions conveying such unit. •

. {b) The owner or purchaser .of a unit shall further acquire � non-exclusive
right tb utilize the Common Areas.
. .
· · fc) The owner of a unit shall further acquire an appurtenant interest. or
participation in the Condominium Corporation, equal to the perce.,tage share which the
'Neighted floor area of the? Onit bears lo the total floor area of au the units in the

Condominium Project, by virtue of which interest the unit owner further acquires an
indirect· undivided interest in· the Common Areas in proportion to his interest or
participetlon in the Condominium 'Corporation, thus :

. Weighted 11oor Area

af Unft
• __ % fnterest of partfdpatl.on __ % in the
•· Total area of UnlU In ln the Cand'omlnlum Project Corttrnan A,.ea.s
the Project, exclu.slue
o.f Cammon Ahas

' The perCer,tage share. of each· Unit is set forth in the schedule attached hereto
as Annex "F". ·

'(d) Eacl1 member of the Condominium Corporation shill share in the

common expenses of the Project, and shall have such voting rights in the cases
provided in the Condorniniurn Act In accordance with;n the same sharing or per:::entage
statedfn Annex HF" hereof. In all cases, the owner of a unit shall have 31 least one (1)
vote In the Condominium Cu,poratiOn for every unit owned by him in the Pi oject.

le) , In the event' that tho Condominium · Corporation is dissolved, the

members thereof shall become co-owners of the Common Areas with shares thereto as
shall correspond to. thelr appurtenant interest or pa�icipation in the Condominium
CorpPrtltion as provided in ihis section .
MASTER DEED. (a) DECLARA1''TS reserve the right- to amend al any tlme: the
development plans by filing such additional, supplemental and/or revised plans and/or
specifications as may be required to describe adequately the tompletion of
improvements together. wit� the changes thP.rein, if any.: Such completion may be shown
by a certificate of an architect or engineer certifying that the improvements have been

' fl . . . .

/ 6

constructed es herein represented, or designating any changes made. 5uch plans,

' specifica!ions or certificate, when signed and acknowledged by DEC:LARANTS and
reglst�red In accordance with seeuon 4 of the Condominium. Act, !: .hall constitute an
amendment of this Am•nded Ma.,ter Deed.
... ·:_(b) Prior to compleflori of the Project, notwithstanding· an�1 term or condition
of any contract to sell over any unit to tne contrary, the DEVELOPER reserves the right
to amend, revise or revoke this Amended Master Deed by registration with the
P.eglstry of Deeds for City of Manila, Philippines of an instrument duly executed by the


' ... Section 9. SCOPE AND GOVERAGE This Declaration of Restrictions,

as may from time tu time be amended, shall embody such restrictions, limitations,
covenants, undertakings and condilions as may be required or permitted by lhe
Condominium Act or the ·Amended Ma.Jter Deed to be provided herein. Subject to
exceptions which may be expressly settorth in the Condominium Act, ln �he Amended
Ma.sier Deed or herein,. said restrictions, limitations, covenants, undertakings and
conditions shall be deernec to run with the land, the buildings and other improvements
. making up the Project, shall constitute a lien upon the Project and .?ZICi"'t unit, and shall •
inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon all parties owning or holdil)g any unit or any
right or interest therein or in the Project, pursuant to the provisions of the Condominium
Act. '

·Section 10. T:-IE MANAGEMENT BODY. {af The Condominium

Corporation shall constitute ihe management body of the Project once the same is
fom,a"IIY turned over to the Condominium Corporatiori by the DEVELOPER. Its -power
shall be such as may be provided by the- Condominium Act, the Amended
Deed, this Dsclaratbn of Restrictions, ·its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, ar.d
such applicable provisions of the Corporation CC\de· as are not inconsistent with'the
Cor.dominium Act Any such powers may be exercised by or delegated to, such officers
or othu persons, and in such manner, as lhe By-Laws may provide. The Condort1ini11m
Corporation may hire managerial, legal, auditing, accounting, anc other professional
and teGhnical services in the manner provided in its By-Laws. The Condominium
Corpe,ratioft shall not have the power to conduct an active buslnes's for the profit of its
members or any of them. For a period of ten (1 O} years from and after the formal
turnover of the Project by. th& DEVELOPER to the Condominium Corporation, the

Condominium Corporation
. .
administration and management of the Project shall be assigned or delegated by the
to a property management entity to be nominated
. by the

(bJ No provision of this Amended Master· Deed shall be construed as

diminishing the powers vested in the Board of Directors as the management body of the
Condominium Corporatiot: and as such, all contracts or actions to be · entered "into or
brought for or against the Condominium Corporation shall be executed, prosecuted or
defended in tpe name of the Condominium Corp.or11tion.
'\ . .
,,•,. 7


. classification of.all metntenance. repair, alteration, etc. works shall tie as roucws. to wit :

Individual such maintenance, repair or alteration that benefits

· only individual units in a particular cluster;

'· (ii) cluster such maintenance, repair or a'teraticin that benefits

' any limited or common area in each building;.

= (iii) general such maintenance, repair or alteration that benefits

the whole Project or the general common areas.

(b) All maintenance of and repairs of.any unit (other than maintenance of and
repairs to· any of the CommOn Areas contained therei"n not necessitate.d by the act or
negligence of the owner, tenant or occupant of such unit)'shall be made by, and at u-.e
expense of, the owner, tenant or occupant of such unit. Each unit owner shall be
respcnslble to promptly report in writing to the Board of Directors of tile Condominium
Corporation of any detect or need for repairs on any of the Common Areas found in or
within the vicinily of his unit. 1 he Board of Girectcrs shall determine whether such repair
or maintenance is classified as "cluster" or M9(3neral". If classified as cluster, the c:.:.Jster
unit cwners shall be held responsible for such repair and maintenance. In the event the
classification is general, the Condominium CorJiorati.on shaf be responsible for such
repair, maintenance or.alteration, Common Areas are classified as cluster or general
area 'as specified in Section 6 of Part I hereof. All ·others not so, classified shall be
.. determined by the Board of Directors whose decision, in cases of conflict, is final.

. Except as may be limited or restricted herein er in the, each unit owner
shall.have the exclusive right, at hls own expanse, to paint, repaint, ti:e, wax, paper, or
otherwise reflrlish and 'reoecorate the Inner surfaces of the walls, floors, windows and
doors bounding hiS own unit.' • ·

Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, t'he"oWner, tenant or occupant of a unit

may not undertake ariy structural. repairs or alterations, or any other work wl-,iCh -would
jeopardize the safety or structural integrity of the building, or another unit, or any of the
Common Areas,. or impair a,1y easement, witnout the prior approval of the
Condominium •Gorporation and of the owners of the units directly affected by such
work. ·

: (c) All IYlaintenance of and repairs to the Common Areas or Limited

Common Areas, whether loc.ated )nside or outside the units (unless necessitated by the
act or'neollgenc-e Of a unn owner, tenant, or occupant, in which case suc.h expense shall
. be charged to the owner of the .unit) shall be made by the cluster unit owners or by the ·
. Condbminium Corporation, applying the principles embodied in this section.

{d} The By-Laws ol the Condominium Corporation may contain such further
provisions relating to maintenance, repairs, alteratlcns or additions to supplement the
provisions heteln. ·
' .
Section 12. ASSESSMENTS. .fa) At such times and in. such manner
as shall be provided in the Pv-Lawa of the Condominiusn C(,,7'<,r·,1;/, .. : thPr·p $.h::111 t-P
·/ 3

, . assessed aga;nst. each unit owner in the ?rojecl and paid to tho Corviaminium
· Corp.,rt1tl.or•, In· proportion . to such unit owner's appurtenant interest ir. the
Cortdomiriiur,1 Corporatio,1; the follov1ing1 tc wit :·

{.l.} 8.filJylat assess,nents ror DQpra1'i,--;� exp_ens..§.§.. The

Con,iomir�:'t..i.,r. Corporation shall, from time to time, and at least annually,
p11.;1pard a11 ·esti:i\ate of the operating expenses of the Ccndominium
Corporation. and assess against each unit owner in procortlon to such owner's
appurtenant interest in the Condominium. Corporation: such amounts as shall
be ,1,=ceSsa1y 'co meet the operating expenses. Such expenses shall ir:clude, bul
shall not be ltmlteu to the for!o•Ning:

(i) Th,. cost of insurance policies insuring each cluster in the

Project against loss by fir�. · earthquake, casualty liability and other
insurable risks in accordance with Section 16, and 17 hereinfollowing and
to the extent deemed necessary by th� Conaominium Corporrttion;_

(ii) , The cost of regular and recurrent maintenance ·and

ordinary repairs and utilities and other service's benefiting the Common
Areas of each cluster in the Project,

(iii) Tho cost of furniture, fumishings, fixlures and equipment

(or the Common Areas of each cluster the·l'toject and the main lobby of
each cluster therefor as the Cortdominium Corporation may from time to
time determine to be necessary or proper;

(iv) · The cost of any other materials, supplies, furrlishings and

fixtures, labor services, maintenance, repairs, taxes er assessk1ents
which the Condominium Corporation is required or empowered to '
charge under the Amended Master Deed or for the enforcement of the
provisions of the Building �ules; provided, that if· such expenses are
expended for the benefit of particular units in the Project, such expenses
shall thereafter be assessed to the members oWning such units and shall
be assessed under Pa,agraph 4 or Section 13(a);'

(v) in
.The expenses enumerated Section 13 (a) {1) (i), (ii), (iii)
and (iv) hereof shall be charged equitably to and among the unit owners
in a particular cluster benefited by such expenditures based on their
Interest or p3rticlPa,lo_n In the Condominium Corporation;

(vi) If the Condominium Corporoiion's estimate of cperating

expenses proves inadequate for any reason, including non-payment of
any assessment, it may at any time levy a further assessment.

(2) REJqularassessments for capital expe'nditures. The

Condominium · Cor;,orahon shall levy upon all unit owners relative to their
respective clusters based on their interest of participation in the Condominium ·
, Corporation an annual assessment for ttie purpose of creating and maintaining
a SP.ecial fund for capital expenditures on the Common Areas of their respe"ctive
· clus�ers in the Project, 1ncludi"ng tha Cost of extraordinary repairs, reconstruction

� ��������:__���������
-: .. or restoration necessitated by damage, depreciation, obsotescencs, expropria-

.',.tion or condemnation of such Common A'reas or part(sJ thereof, as well as the

.:cost of improvements or additions thereto authorized, in accordance with the
.. provi1icn1 · of the By-Laws of the Condominium Corp•iration. Such capital
.' ·...expenses sl",all be charged only' to the concerned unit owners within a particular
cluster benefited by such expenditures based on their interest or participation in
·tl"!e Co'J-dominium Corporation.
(3) Deficiency and other assessments. Special assessments
to make up for the deficiency in case the special fund provided for' in Par. 2
= herelnaaove, together with the insurance or other proceeds or recovery, if any,
are Insufficient tu cover the cost of such capital exp9nditures, unless the
. damage, obsolescence, expropriation or condemnation is of sucn extent as to
-, n,ee't the conditior.s Ior dissolution of the Condominium Corporation: required by
the Condorninigrn Act 'end the required vote of unit owners. ot the entire Project
. so decide for dissolution, there may also be assessed aqainst.Ihe unit owners, in
.'the manner prescrioed herein or in the 'By-Laws of the Condominium
. ·:Corporation, such other assessments as are not specifically provided for h·ereln.
· Such 'assessments shall be charged only to the unit owners concerned pursuant
to the scheme mentioned m Par. 2 herelnabove.

(4) Speciaf assessments for Separat.J Expense:>. Particular units

• . may also be subjec] to special assessments authorized :n accordance with the
·Amended Master Deed or the By·Laws cf the Condominium Corporation for
. non-common expenses (r.ereln referred to as "Separate Expenses'), suet] as,
.bur 'not limited to : (i) expenses for maintenance and repair of any unit if such
. maintenance er repair is, in the judgment of the Condominiun, Cnrporation,
ne�ess.ary to protect the floors, Common Areas or any oth ar portion of the.
·tiullding or to safeguard the value and attractrvaness of the Project, and tne unit
:- owner fails or refuses. to perform such maintenance or repair within the tin1a fixed
.. in the written notice of the · Condominium Corporation to effect · such
.malrt�nance or repair, the Condominium Corporation sh.311 thereafter aSsess
.�aid expenses to the member owning such unit; (ii) assessments or fees for the
iJ�e and e,njoyment of the flnors' Limited Common Areas, sucu as but not ·
limited to balconies and terraces, parking spaces, and other portions of the .
Common Area.; classified as Limited Common Areas under this Amended
.'Master Deed. In this regard, the co',-idominium Corporation may impose
· · interests and penalty i:harges on such special a�ses,;ments. ·

(b) Classification of Assessmer.ts.

(i) individual assessment drawn against an individual unit
in a particular cluster fbr its 'i ole benefit.

(ii) cluster assessment drawn against au unit owners

within a .cluster for common expenses of
such cluster. ·

(iii) geiiernl assessment drawn against all unit owners in

. the entire Project.
--- -· ·- -

/� (c;
., , 10

.. . ,': ' Assessment against units for Commott Expenses shall be based on
appurt6n�Ot Interests as determined under Section �(c) her:eof.
.. . .(d)Assessments aga:llst unit owners or purchasers (whether 'general" or
"cluster'. ox?er"lsAs (herein referrSd to as •common Expensesj st1::ill be made in
proportion to such unit owner's appurtenant interest in the C9ndominium Corporation.
PartiC:1:Jlarly but not by way of limitation,. Common 'Expenses shall include; (i) expanses
for adininistration of each cluster or for the whole Project, and expenses of maintenance.
operations, repair or replacement o( the Corrimon Areas, as well as the cost of their
= · improvements; (ii) any vaiid charge against each cluster, the Project as � �hole or the
Condpminium Corporation; and (iii) expenses declared to be Common Expenses
(cluster expenses or general expenses) Qy the provisions of this Amended Master
Deed or the By-Laws or Building Rules of the Condominium Corporatiort

· (e) Unless othsrwise specifically provided by the Con4,�miniu.(11

Corporation, tre foregoing assessments shall not be refundable.
· UJ -, The amount of any assessment, the interests due in case of oeunquency,
the c6sf.o.f collection (including attorney's fees, if any) and penalty for delinquency shal!
const\t�l$ a lien against the unit and the unit owner's interest c;>f pardclpztion in the
Condominium corporation. St1ch liens shall be constituted and en'orced, or the
amourlt .of the assessment otherwise collected, in the manner provided in the By-Laws Of
the <!On�dominium CQrporation. '·

/i,J. Except as otherwise provided in the Declaration of Restrictions or in the

Condornlniurn Act, the lien for assessments provided herein shall be suoerior to all other
liens and encumbrances.

ihl · In
case of foreclosure, the transfer or the conveyance, as,well as the
redernptlon. of the delinquent .unit , shall include the unit owner's a,purtenant
membefship in the Condomi_nium Corporation. The Condominiiun Corporation shall
have me.power to bid at t�e foreclosure sale.

· (i) In case of default by any unit owner in the payment 'of any assessment,
includiiig. any interest anU penalty ,thereon, the Conrlominiurn Corpom'iun. witnout
prejudice to any other rights or remedies to which it is entitled as provided herein or in
law or equity shall, among the rights or remedies to which it is entitled as provided herein
or in law or equity, uponprior written notice to the defaulting unit owner, nave !he right to
·cut·off- Or' withhold from such unit or unit owner, utilities and/or services which are
provided tor or administered by the Condominium Corporation for such reasonable
period of time as the Condominium Corporation may determine.

f:Eiction 13.
owner Shall execute such instruments and take such actions as may reasonably be
specifled by the Condominium Corporation to obtain a separate assessment of his own
.unit for Pl,!rposes of taxatlcn and special assessments On rea: property. �everthe:ess, if
-there is any possibility that any tax or assessment may becom« a lien on the other units
of the Project or any part of its Comrnon Arebs, the same may be paid by the
Condominium Corporation and said amount shall in tum be assessed by the .
Condomi,1itim Corporation against the unit owner or owners concerned, together v,ith
such rate of interest and ,costs as may be determined by the Condaminium


Co,poratiOrt Such assessment shall constitute a lien on the unit or units assessed,
pu,��an\ to Section 13 i1nmediately hereinfollowing .


.: ·: Section The units ar.d the correspor,ding
Cami!'ion Areas shall be occupied andused subject to the following nmt'aucns :

(a) No unit owner, except when he has the prior written approval of
. ·. tha Condcminium Corporation; shall occupy or .use his unit or permit the same
•. or any part thereof to be occupied o'r used for any purpose other ·than that
·indicated in the Amended Master Deed, or under the pertinent Contract to
: .S•II. provided that the latter is not consistent with the former. Unless the
= . . Amended Ma.stur Deed is amended, no unit may be divided or subdivided into
. : a smaller unit nor any portion thereof sold or otherwise transferred.
.. .
(b) Common Areas (except the J,imited Common Area.s) of the units
. ·intendeq for the furnishing of services and/or facilities for the ccmmcnenjcyment
.. of the units shall be used only for such purposes and shall not be epprcprieteo
· for the extlusive use or benefit of any particular unit or units. There shall be ro
: : obstruction of the Common Areas intended for ingress, egress or access to any
. part of the buildings in the Project. Nothing shall be stored in thP. Common
Areas (except in those areas intended for storage) without tho previous consent
pf the Condominium Corporation.

(c) DEVELOPER and/or it; assigoees shall have the sole right to
adopt, dlsplay, install. construct, own and control such signages and/or graphics
·• In the Project and no sign! of ary kind shall be displayed to the public View in or
from any unit or any portion Of the Project without the prior written consent of the
. DEVELOPER. . . '

(d) No us� or practice shall be permitted within any part of the Project
.which may be the source of annoyance to occupants therein or which may
interfere with the peaceful possession and proper use of the, property by the
occupants. No immoral, improper, offensive, or unlawful use shall be made of
•ny parrot the Projec:

. (e)All parts of the Project shall be kept in a pleasnnt and sanitary

conditjon, and no clothes or laundry materials shall be hanged or dried on the
doors or window as would expose them to Public view, and no rubbish, refuse, or
garbage shall be allowed to accumulate nor any fire hazard allowed to exist

U} All valid laws, ordinances, and regulations of all government •

bodies having jurisdiction thereof shall be observed and complied with. ·

(g) Nothing shall be done or kept in any unit of the Project that will
iricrease t."re rate of insurance on the Project, except, by prior written consent of
th1:1 Condomin·iurit Corporatiort. Any such increase in insurance 'premiums shall
be' charged to the delinquent unit owner and assessed: pursuant to Section 13,
P{irt ·u hereof. In no case may anything be done or kept in any part of the
Project,.whlch will result in the cancellation of the insurance policy on any of the
..,.•••or 001 part thereof

. v. It
. I


(h) Nothing shall be done to any unit or in or to any of lhe Cornmou

· -Arens that will lripalr the safety or structural integrity of any of the clusters."
. .
(i) In_ addition"'to the easements provided herein and/or by law: (1)
' .the Common Areas shall be subject to an easement for shelter in favor of all
units to which such areas are capable of rendering shelter. This easement shall
. · entitle ttie unit owner affected to replace, renew or restore any shelter: (2) each
· unit shall be subject to an easement for the passage of water, sewerage,
drainage, gas, electricity, garbage, and other utilities and in favor of the
·. · Condominium Corporation,as well as every other unit necessarily depending on
' the easement for extension of said utilities and service to the· unit. The
= 'easements shall be exercised in the manner which least interferes with the use
. and enjoyment of the servient unit/s. '

(j) Un\il the DEVELOPER has completed and sold all of the units,
neither the unitowners nor the Condominium Corporation nor the use of any
·part of the Project. shall interfere with the . completion of the contemplated
improvements and th• sale of t�e units. Tho DEVELOPER mey make such use
· : of the unsold units and Common Areas as m,ay Tacililat·l such completion and
· sBIE>, inciuding but not Hrnlted to the maintenance of a sales office. the showtnq of
the property, and the display of signs. ·

(k) · � Reasonable regulations (herein referred. to as "Building Rules")

concerning the use, occupancy and enjoymen\ of the units aad of the Common
Areas therefor may be made and amended by the Condomi,r:.1.1.m Cnrporntion
·in the manner provided by Its By·Laws. Coples of such regulations and
· ·a'rnendments thereto shall be furnished bythe Condominium Corporation to all
unit owners and occupants of the Projict upon proper request.

. Section 15. INSURANCE:_. The Condominium Corporation shall, for

its benei'it and tor the benefit of all the unit owners 1n each particular cluster or their
mortgagees, if any, as their interests may appear, obtain and rnalntain at all times
separate fire insurance coverage for each of the dusters, with such extended coverage·
as is customary for buildings in the locality, for the full reinstatement value of the
atoresald nits (exduding furnitures, ·furnishings, fixtures, lmprcvements and personal
properties supplied or installed by the unit owner) and the Ccmmcn Arzas i'n. each
particular cluster in the Project. Such reinstatement value may, with the contorrnlty of
th9 insurance company concerned, be revised by the Condominium Corporation from
year tO �ear, if r.ecessarv. The p61icy or policies shall provide that the proceeds thereof
shall be pa/able to the Condominium Corporation, as trustee for tne Lnit owners or
their f'l1Qrlgagees, If any, and, subject to this llmitatlon, shall also provide for a separate
loss endorsement in favor of the mortgagees of each unit, ii any. Upon receipt
of the proceeds, the Condominium Corporation shall use or pay the same in tha
manher provided. for in the following section. The premiums on such policy ·or policies
for each of the clusters shall be considered Common Expense of the Condominium
· Corporation and shall be assessed against each unit·Jn acc'ordance .with the provisions
of secuon 13 hereof. The authority to adjust losses under policies hereafter in force on
the Projec: pursuant to ·his section shall be vested· in the Cnndo,ninir,m Corporntinn,
provided, however, that en aggrieved unit owner may ask that the determination of the
Condominium Corporation be referred to a reputable insurance adjuster acceptable to
both parties. Nothing herein contained shall b& construed to prohibit any unit owner or


... -: his .n,crtgagees from ot.itaining additional insurance on thu unit corresponding to the unit
. owner's Improvements.thereon, provided, however, that such right shall not be exercised
in such a way a� to C:ecrease the amount reallzeble under the insurance coveraqe
obutli:,ed by the Condominium C:orporatio� provided, further, that thfl unit owner or hl•
mortgagAes shall be obliged to notify th'e Concµ>miniu.m corporation in '.Vriting b�fore
.. oQtalning such eddl\tonal cover.11ge and, within thirty (30) days after issuance of the
policy, to file a copy thereof with the Condominium Corporatir;,n.

. ·: .'Section 16. INSURANCE CLAIMS. All proceeds from insurance claims,

unless the conditions fer dissolution of the Condominium Corporation required by the
Condornlnium Act exists and the required vote of unii owners of the entire Project c1ecid�
= for dissolutlon, shall be exclusiveiy used for the reconstruction or repair of the particular
Cluster's damaged par: or parts ther�of. Reconstruction or repair as used in the present
context shall mean restoring the particular cluster or part/s thereof to the .sarne condition
as it existed prior to the loss, with each unit and th� Common Area.S having, 'to the
closes_t approximation possible, the s�r.,e vertical and horizontal bound�ries as betore.

·.1f the insurance proceeds are insufficieot to pay for all the costs of reconslruction
or repa� of the Common Areas within each clusl'er, a special assessment shall be made
against each unit owner within such cluster to. make up for the deficiency as provided in
Section 13 hereof. ·
If thu pro rata ihsurance proceeds are insufficient to cover all the costs of
reconstructlon or repair of one: or more or the destroyed or damaged units, the
Condominium Corporation may nevertheless proceed with the reconstruction or repair
of the destroyed or dam..,iged unit or units and the respective owner or c·wners of such
units so damaged or desuoyeo shall become liable to en assessment for the deficiency,
unless the conditions for clssolution of the CondominU'Jm Corporation required by the
Condominium Act exist and the required vote of unit owners in the entlr e Project ciecide
for dissolution.
If; by reason of the dissolution of the Condominium Corporation or for any other
• reason, the inSurance proceeds are not used for reconstruction or repair as nerein
provided, the proceeds shall be
paid to the respective mortgagees of \he units or to the
· Condomiriium Corporation tothe extent of the amount outstandinq on tne loan secured
.by the units, or the Common Areas or part thereof, if any there be, and tho balance of
·:),..· the proceeds to the owner or owners thereof, as his or their interest may appear, after

_deducting the amount of any �SSP.:s�ment due from him or them.
Seciion-17. PROCEDURE FOR TRANSFER OF UNITS. Exceplin cases
Qf transfers by gift, by hereditary succession or to another unit owner; no unit owner may
effectively dispose of his L'nit without the written approvai of or clearance by the
Condominium Corporation: A u,:t oWner intending to make a bona fide sale of his unit •
shall give to' the Condominium Corporation notice of such intention, togethe, with the
name and address of .the prcposed purchaser, and such other information concerning
the proposed purchaser as the Condominiu171 CorporatiOn may reasonab!y require.
Such notice, at the option of the unit owner, may Include a demand by him ihat the
cOndomin'ium Cor;por·,tir!n furnish a purchaser If the proposed purchaser is not
approved; and If such demand Is made, the notice shall be accompar.ied by a copy of
h proposed sales contract. Within sixty (60) days after receipt of the aforesaid notice,
\ Condominium Corporation must either approve or disapprove· thn pror');l')d
I ...

II '
• .I

'• )

' 14
. . . .
trapsacilon. If approved, the approval shall be stated· i� a certificate executed by the
appropr18.te officer c,f the Condo�inium Coiporation in r&glstrable form, as required by
Secilon 18 of the Condominium Act, provided the other provisions of the Declaration of
Res11:ct1ons have beel I complied with. If the Concwminium Corporation disapproves a
proposed sale end If the notice of sale given by'Jhe unit owner shall so demand, then
within sixty (60) days after ;eceipt of such notice and demand, th� Concwminium
Corpo_ration shall deliver personally or send by reglslered mail to the unit oWner an offer
f.(om_ a purchaser chosen by the Condominium Corporation from ':'n,ong other unlt
oymers willing to purchase the said unit, under th• terms and conditions. se, forth in the
proposed sales ·contract submitted by 1he selling unit owner. If the Condominium
Corporcition shall fail to provide a purchaser as rec,ulreo herein, then notvlithstanding
th� disapproval, the sale sh�II be deemed to have been approved, and the
Concwminium Corporation shall furnish a certificate of approval as provided earlier in
this secilqn. The limitations and restrictions contained in this section -shall not be
'. applicable'to the original conveyanr.e of units made by the DEV-,;LOPER and the
• '
· Section 18. NOTICE OF LIEN OR SUIT. (a) A unit owner shall @ive
written notice to the Condominium Corporation of every lien upon his unit (other tt,an
lien,s in favor of the Cor�domi,1ium Corporation), within five (5) days after the attaching
of the lien.
• •
{b) A written notice shall be given by a unit owner to the Condomini,,m
'Corporation of every suit or other procsedlnq wt,IC'.h may affect the title to his unit, within
five (5) days after the unit owner receive knowledge therect,

. 1 Section 19. /..EASE/MORTGAGE. A unit owner shall be free to lease or

mort1,aga his unit to any party, provided proper notice thereof, with such particulars as
the Concwminium Corporation ma� reasonably require, is given to the Condomir.ium
Corporatlon within five (5) days from effectivity of the lease. Any such lease ,or
mortgage' shall not free the unit owner from compliance with his obligations as such
• under. the Condominium Act, the Amended Ma..ter Deed, this Declaratlon of
Re::.lrictions, the Articles , of Incorporation and' By-Laws of the Condominium
Corporation or the Buih1ing Rules. In case of lease of any unit and th� unit awrier is
delinquent In the payment of any assessment, including any interest or penalties

thereon, the Condominium' Corporation may require the lessee of such leased unit to
l'!lnlt directly In favor of the Condominium Corporation any end all of the rentals
accruing to the delinqu�nt unit owner, which rentals shall be applied as payment; first, to
·the interest and the balao,ce; to the principal of the d�linquent accounVs with the
Condominium Corporation until full payment thereof is· made and}or secured.
. .
ENCl:JMBRANCES. Pending full payment of the purchase price, any purchaser
of, a. unit' sh�II not lease, mortgage or encumber his unit a� any partitions thereof, If such
be allowed, to any other person or entity without prior written consent of the
DEVELOPER. Violation of the provision of this section shall en)ltl• the DEVItLDPER to
cancel the•contract and forfeit by way of penalty and/or liquidated damages, fifty percent
(50%) of all sums so far pai_d. . ·
• Ill • '



access to each unit in the Project to inspect all pipes, wires, ducts, cables, conduits,
public utility lines. and other Common Areas located within the unit, to remove violations
therefrom, and to maintain, repair, or replace such Conunon Areas as well as Common
Areas located elsewhere in the floors of any of the clusters. Such right of access shall
be exercised during reasonable hours, except in cases of emergency, and with as little
inconvenience to the occupanVs of the unit as possible. And damage caused thereby
shall be repaired at the expense of the Co11do11ti11iu111 Corporation.


RESTRICTIONS AND BUILDING RULES. In the event any unit owner, tenant or
occupant fails or refuses to comply with any limitation, restriction, covenant, undertaking,
or condition herein contained involving an obligation other than the payment of money,
or with the Building Rules, the management body may, in accordance with the By-Laws
of the Cowiominiunv Corporation. remedy such breach or violation after failure of the
owner to do so within the period fixed in the notice and assess against the unit owner the
expenses incurred by the Condcmizuum Corporation: The Condominium
Corporation ls also empowered to impose, by way of penalty in case of violation,
liquidated damages upon the unit owner in such amount and in the manner prescribed in
the By-Laws of the Condominium Corporation. Whe� such liquidated damages are
irnposed, the same shall be considered as an assessment upon the unit and, like the
assessrnent for expenses, shall be secured by the lien provided for in Section 13 hereof.

Section 23. WAIVERS. No limitation, restriction, covenant or

condition herein contained and no regulation in the Building Rules shall be deemed to
have been abrogated or waived by reason of any failure to enforce the same,
irrespective of the number of violations or breaches thereof or lapse of time which may


UNITS. All present and future owners, tenants and occupants of all units in the
Project shall be subject to, and shall comply with the provisions of the Condominium Act,
the A111e,1ded Master Deed, this Declaration, the Articles and By-Laws, the Building
Rules and other rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as these instruments
may be amended from time to time. The acceptance of a deed or conveyance, or the
entering into of a lease, or the entering into occupancy of any unit in the Project shall
constitute an acceptance of the provisions of such instruments, as they may be
arnended from time to time, by such owner, tenant, or occupant. The provisions
contained in such instruments shall be covenants running with the land and shall bind
any person having at any time any interest or estate in such Unit, as though such
provisions were recited and fully stipulated in each deed, conveyance, or lease thereof.

Section 25. INVALIDITY. The invalidity of any provision of this

A111e11dcd Master Deed shall not affect in any manner the validity or 0nforceability of
the remainder of this A11te1tded Master Deed, and the other provisions of this
A111ended Master Deed shall continue in full force and effect as if such invalid
provision had never been included herein.


A,11e,1ded Mast•r Deed may be arnended by the affirmative vote of Unit owners
constituting at least 66·2/3°/o of total unit shares in the Project, at a meeting duly held in
_Jlccordance with the By-Laws of the Condominium Corporation.

..- .
• 16
�IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DECLARANTS have caused this instrument to be
8xeeUte8 on the date and at the place first afor8 1t1rltten.
. . . . ''
, (D PER) (OWNER) .
' .
by:' by: ·�- J-� ·
'i .· ...,,.....,. .
President ,

. . Signed in ihe presence of:


Republic of the Philippines )

'Mak1tl City, Metro Manila ) S.3.
.... . nAY n9J003
BEFORE ME, a Notary PJblic for and in Makati City, Metro Manila this ,
'· · day ol;.April 200� p� n11.I. appeared · ANTONIO T, JAN wjth Community Tax
,·' erti.ficat No. U �, Issued on \JAll · /� . 200�· at
�t-"q Philipplqes In his capacity as the duly-authorized .representative of
ND HOLDINGS, INC., with Community Tax Certificate No.
issued o� _ , 2003 at O ,

Phil!'!lJli!)es and-· FRANCISCO C. CANUTO with Comm·unity Tax Certificat� No.

· �l��f! · issued on \�. j( , 2001 at An 1Jj,�l .�� ,
Philippines in his ·capacity as President of GILMORE PROPEi'fN' MARKeiNG
ASSOCIATES, INC. with,'Cor.,munity Tax Certificate No. · . · · issu don
· • • , 2003 at , Philippines,'botl), known to me and
to me known tO be the same persons who executed the foregoing instn...ment and they
acknowtedg8d to me that the same is their own free and volUntary act and deed and of
the corporations represented herein. · · '
. ' . .
• · · This ln!trument relates to the Amended Masfur Deed with Declaration of
'Rutrl<;tlo� of The Cambridge Village constituted over those three (3)
contiguous parcels of land, together with the improvements thereon, situated along the
EaSI Bank Road, Mang�rhan Floodway, Brgy. Malatikiw, Cainta, Rizal, Philippines and
covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 644736, �62045 anc 648844, all Issued by
the Regkitry of D&eds for the Province of Rizal, Philippines, ·consisting of .seveitteen
(17) pag••.
lriclu�lng Ihe page where !his acknowledgmen1·;0 written, signed by the
partle� and their instrumental witnesses on each and e�ery page thereof al1d sealed with
. y notarial seal. . . ,' . . . . .
r I I . '

'' 16
·, ; .

.. �·
.r 17

-.. . .:/. i • iN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto

. I
s,t my hand on the day, year and
place first 1forewritten.
. J(a,()
l Doc.No.±; · Notary Pt1hlic
Page �o. : Until December 3:. 11w1'.\
.Book No. · ; . PTR No. i63S224/\. \ti·U.'li'h!L:ui L'i1y
Series , ol 2003. IBP Lifetime Roll No. u28 lb/Leytc
.,l •
' .

• • I


1 -,

, .

. -�-----,--_
, .....---;-- .
. .,�----



That this Deed entered into this _th day of---- l c_. al
Philippines by and between:

I i

MEGA\:VORLO PROPERTIES & HOLDINGS, INC .. a i··. cesric corporation
, •. ith office and business address at tht.;. 16/F Solid!J.1nk !:: · .• 777 Paseo de
Roxas. Makati City, Metro Manila. represented herein by · .. duly-authorized
· President. Mr. 1\NIJRl�\V l,,. 'J'A� and hereinafter .rred to as the
.·.. "ASSIGNOR",


EMPIRE EAST LAND 1-IOLDINGS, INC .. likewise. a l'.<• -csric corporation
with office and business address at the I I Ir: Solid Bank C • r·., 777 Paseo de
Roxas. Makati City, Metro Manila, represented herein by ·., duly-authorized ·,....
President. Mr. GERARTJO C. GARCIA. and hercinaltc: .vfcrred to as the
-. "ASSJG:"lEE",

W I T N E S S E T H That

./ t
"WHEREAS, the ASSIGNOR is a party to a Memorandum , '.greement (MOA) ,lated
December 7. 1995. copy whereof is attached as Annex "A" hereof,' .reby Mssrs. Erlinda M.
Reyes. Nelia M. Samson married 10 Praucisco M. Samson. Zenaida Wt 'ueda married to Narciso
M .. Pineda. Jose M. Millonado, Jr. married to, .Neinencia W. Mi!i ado, and the companies
Juanita -Maninez. Inc. represented hy Jose M. Millnnaclo,Jr., " ltowmnrt Corporation
represented by Erlinda M. Reyes. nn nnc hand :inJ ASSIGNOR. onu.. 1ihc� hand. a�rccd to the·
joint development of eight (8) parcels of larul. aggregately consisting ' a .total of 7 ,596 square
{' meters. more or less. located along Granad,, Street. San Juan. �'1.c:1:· vtanila, Philippines and
covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 129763, 129762, Rl · '359 (38920), .RT-22358
.(38981), RT-22357 (38431). RT.22354 (37819), and 65562. all •f Ill,· ::,:.istry of Deeds for San

"l!rojc..:t"); • • ..
Juan. Metro Manila. into ;1 Ilrsr-ctass . ..:11n1111r..:rl"j;1l/rCsidi:nli;1J •. 'ominunn pi·ojccl (the

WHEREAS, the ASSIGNOR i& obligated under the afc-esaid Memorandum of
Agreement to provide all the funds, financing, plans, designs and ·"! -ciflcatlons, construction
works, expertise, management. supervision. labor, materials. supplies, , uipmeru, tools, and all
other things or services required for the Project or the works relating 1:·:•.'\ .o:
� .
'\:Yl-lEREAS, the ASSIGNOR has offered to assign its rights : ' obligations, except the
management and supervision thereof, under-the aforesaid �.1.cmllranl'. .. I of Agreement and the
,\SSIG�EE has agreed to accept the same.
.. ' . .,
NOW 1'1-JgREFORE, for goo<l and valuable consideration rcrcipt of which ir. hereby
acknowledged by the ASSIGNOR from the ASSIGNEE. the ASS;'·� )R by these presents
herehy ASSIGNS. TRANSFERS and CONVEYS tn and in favor o,' .· · ASSIGNEE, ,111 the
ASSIGNOR'S tir-hts and obliuarions under the aforesaid N!ernorandun1 .� Agrecrnent. xnnex "A"
hereof,· �Saving and -except the right to manage and supervise th" caid Project which the
ASSIGNOR, with the express agreement of the ASSIGJl�l�E. herehy rcs.rves for itself.
•.. •
l '3 :a
/ ' ---------
Thar ASSIGNOR herehy warrants tbar it has conducted due diligence in the
dererniination of the va1icl rights and til��s of the owners o( the ri.:,\\ properties subject of the
aforesaid Memorandum of Agreement and is convinced nl' the gcn�.i:·11.:nc�s of the titles covering
the same, and hereby further warrants t\.SSICNEE's rights under "tc same Memorandum of
Agreement. and fina!!y guarantees to repair and/or take all act' ·> restore ASSIGNEE's
participation i11 another viuular or better pr ojcct for development 11. ".,1 :1ny reason. the Project

under the aforesaid Memorandum of Agrccmcru docs not push thrtH'\'
. .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, throus.. their duly: authorized
representatives, have hereunto set th�ir harids on.rhe day, year e.�d pi: ·: first aforewritten.
. } I


\ • :Assignee)

by: by:.
. � �- D� c. GA1�C1A
President /ER "resident

Signed in the presence of:


----- - - - ..... -

Republic of the Philippines)


. BEFORE ME a Notary Puhlic for andntil\KAT!, METRO M.··.-J.a, Philippines this _th
day or DEC 2 8 1995 , 19----Miil<A+JrMErnO MAllllJI Philipp." s personally appeared the
· following. to wit:

C.T.C. lli1.

, Megaworld Properties
& Holdings, Inc.
A11dre� L. Tan

Empire East Land

Holdings, Inc .

.,. Gerardo C. Garcia

all known to me and to me known to he the sanre persons who execute '. the foregoin"g instrument
and chef acknowledged to me that the same is their own free and vo' .'tary ecr and deed and of
th.e corporations represented herein. �., .

This instrument relates to Deed or •ssig111nent consisting of r'vee (3) pages, including the
is wriuen . signed by the part�s a!' -wir instrumental witnesses
page where this acknowledgment
r, on each and every thereof and scaled with my not.iria! seal.
IN WITNESS Wl·IEREOI'. 1 have hereunto set my ha�d 01: ·; d·ay,'year and place first

JOTil! G. BON .
or. �y PUBl,
I' H N, 7.'199935/1-16-95
Comm.l s s i on -o Lee s Oec. 31, 1995
Doc. Nu. JJ8 ·

· �...
Page N11.__1..Q_;
Book No. III
Series of \995.


.. :



.- ..


-- ....


T� Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions Is executed this

at Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines, by:
EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC., a corporation duly
organized and existing under and by virtue of Philippine laws, with
principal office address at the 21/F The World Centre, 330 Sen. Gil
Puyat Avenue, Makati City, represented herein by its duly authorized
• representative, Antonio T. Tan (hereinafter referred to as the

with the conformity of:

ERLINDA M. REYES, of legal age, Filipino, widow and with

residence at 80 Calbayog St., Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila;
ZENAIDA M. PINEDA, of legal age, Filipino, married to Narciso M.
Pineda: NELIA M. SAMSON, of legal age, U.S. citizen, married to
Francisco M. Samson: JOSE M. MILLONADO, JR., of legal age,
Filipino, married to Nemencia D. Millonado: HOWMART
duly organized and existing under Philippine laws, with office
address at 12 Granada St., Quezon City (hereinafter the

(The LANDOWNERS are represented herein by their attorney-in-

tact, EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC., by virtue of a Special
Power of Attorney executed on August 17, 2001 and duly
acknowledged, on August 21, 2001, before Notary Public for Makati,
Atty. Garry V. De Guzman, and entered in his notarial register as
Doc. No. 406, Page No. 63, Book No. XII, Series of 2001, which is in
turn represented herein by its duly authorized representative,
Antonio T. Tan.)


WHEREAS, Erlinda M. Reyes, Nelia M. Samson, Zenaida M. Pineda and Jose

M. Millonado, Jr. are the registered owners of a parcel of land having an area of 1,656
square meters, more or less, located at the corner of Gilmore Avenue and N. Domingo
Streets, Quezon City and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 129762 issued by
the Registry of Deeds for Quezon City;

WHEREAS, Howmart Corporation is the registered owner of two (2) parcels of

land having an aggregate area of 2,265 square meters, more or less, located at the
corner of Gilmore Avenue and N. Domingo Streets, Quezon City and covered by
Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. RT-22357 (38980) and 2358 (38981) issued by the
Registry of Deeds for Quezon City;

WHEREAS, Juanita Martinez, 1nc. is the registered owner of a parcel of land

consisting of an area of 618 square meters, more or less, located at the comer of
Gilmore Avenue and N. Domingo Streets, Quezon City and covered by Transfer
Certificale of Title No. RT-45246 (65562) issued by the Registry of Deeds for Quezon

(The above parcels of land are collectively referred to herein as the "Property"}

WHEREAS, the OECLARANT will develop the Property into a condominium

project (the "Project") to be known as "The Xavier Hills", in accordance with Republic
Act No. 4726, as amended. otherwise known as "The Condominium Act";

WHEREAS, in order to preserve and enhance the value, design and quality ot
the Project, the DECLARANT and the LANDOWNERS desire to impose upon the
Project certain mutually beneficial restrictions, which shall constitute a lien upon each
condominium unit, all areas appurtenant thereto, and upon the Project as a whole,
which restrictions shall inure to and bind all parties OWf'\ing or holding any right or
interest in the Project as well as their successors-in-interest;

WHEREAS, the DECLARANT, with the confotmity of the LANDOWNERS, has

executed a Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions for the Project dated 22 July

WHEREAS, the DECLARANT desires to amend said Master Deed and

Declaration of Restrictions to reflect the inclusion of Tower 1 in the Project as well as
alterations in the plans and specifications of the Project;

Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the

DECLARANT, with the conformity of the LANDOWNERS, hereby constitutes The
Xavier Hills condominium project on the Property in accordance with Republic Act No.
4726, as amended, otherwise known as 'The Condominium Act".


Section 1. Name of Project

The Project shall be known as "The Xavier Hills" condominium project.

Section 2. Description of Project

The Project will be constructed on four (4) parcels of land having an aggregate
area of 4,741 square meters, more or less (including a 528·square meter area
expropriated by the national government), located at the corner of Gilmore Avenue and
N. Domingo Streets, Quezon City, and covered by Transfer Certificates of Title (TCT)
Nos. 129762, RT 45246 (65562), RT-22357 (38980) and RT-22358 (38981) issued by
the Registry of Deeds for Quezon City. Copies of TCT Nos. 129762, RT �5246
(65562), RT-22357 (38980) and RT-22358 (38981) are attached as Annexes 'A" to "D"
hereof. A copy of the survey plan of the Property is attached as Annex ".E" hereof.

The Project will be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications
attached as Annex "F� hereof.

There shall be constructed four (4) towers on the Property that shall primarily
be for residential use. The towers Shall share a common basement parking facility
consisting of two levels with a mezzanine.

Tower One shall consist of g levels; Tower Two shall consist of 15 levels;
Tower Three shall consist of 18 levels; and Tower Four shall consist of 16 levels. No ,
floor in the Project shall be designated as a 13th floor.

Section 3. The Condominium Units

The Project shall have a total of 497 residential condominium units, 24 of which
shall be located in Tower 1, 148 In Tower Two, 191 in Tower Three, and 134 in Tower
Four. The Project shall have 22 commercial units, 6 of which shall be in Tower 1, 9 in
Tower Two and 5 in Tower Four.

A. Residential Units

The residential condominium units shall be located on the 2nd to 9th floors of
Tower 1, 2nd to 161h floors of Tower Two, ground to 19th floors of Tower Three, and
ground to 17th floors of Tower Four.

Horizontally, each residential unit shall consist of the area measured (1) from
the exterior surface of the windows or masonry wall; andt6r (2) from the center line of

the interior wall and/or door separating the unit from another unit; and/or (3) from the
center line of the interior wall and/or door separating the unit from a common area.

Vertically, each residential unit shall consist of the area measured from the top
of the concrete floor to the underside of the concrete ceiling up to the point of
intersection with the horizontal boundaries of the unit.

B. Commercial Units

The commercial units shall be located on the ground floor of Towers One. Two
and Four.

Horizontally, the commercial unit shall consist of the area measured: (1) from
the exterior surface of the windows or masonry wall; and/or (2) from the center line of
the interior wall and/or door separating the commercial unit from another unit; and/or
(3) from the center line of the interior wall and/or door separating the commercial unit
from a common area.

Vertically, the commercial unit shalt consist of the area measured from the top
of the concrete floor to the underside of the concrete ceiling, up to the point of
intersection with the horizontal boundaries of the commercial unit.

Section 4. The Parking Areas

The Project shall have a total of �r1<ing slots. 16 parking slots shall be
located at the ground-level outdoor while 320 parking slots shalt be
located in the basement parking facility.

The parking slots assigned to each unit, if any, shall be appurtenant thereto.
The parking slots shall be used for the parking of motor tehicles. The kind, make or
number of vehicles which may be allowed in the parking facility at any one time and
traffic patterns to be observed by the unit owners In entering or leaving the Project shall
be regulated by the Condominium Corporation (as hereinafter defined).

Section 5. The Common Areas

The Common Areas of the Project (the "Common Areas") shall consist of the
rand, buildings and all other areas in the Project other than the residentlal units,
commercial units and parking slots. The Common Areas shall be classified into
General Common Areas and Tower Common Areas.

A. General Common Areas are Common Areas for the use or benefit of all
condominium units in the Project. These include:

0. the land encompassed within the Project, including its perimeter walls;
O. all roads, walkways, alleys found within the Project;
O. all lawns, landscaped gardens and ornamental features within the Project;
o. all driveways and ramps In the parking facilities of the Project;
0. all amenities of the Project, such as swimming pool, clubhouse, chlldren's ,
O. all foundations, footings, columns, girders, beams, load-bearing walls,
masonry walls, supports, concrete floor slabs, concrete ceilings, and other
common structural elements in the common basement parking facility,
O. all lifts and lift lobbies, stairways, staircases, corridors, fire exits and other
passages in the basement parking facility of the Project;
O. all utility installations and all other equipment which are for the common use of
all the units in the Project, such as power, light. telephone, drainage, and
water (including all pipes, coils, ducts, vents, wires, hoses, cables, conduits,
valves, and outlets designed and intended for common use in connection
thereto), whether located in the Common Areas or in the units, including the
transformer vault. metering area, fan rooms, refuse room, pump room, fire
water tank and sewage treatment plant.

B. Tower Common Areas are Common Areas located within each tower and reserved
for the exclusive use or benefit of said tower. These include:

0. all roofs, foundations, footings, columns, girders, beams, load-bearing walls,

masonry walls, supports, concrete floor slabs, concrete ceilings, and other
common structural elements of each tower:
0. all stairways, staircases, corridors, hallways, fire exits and other passages
exclusively servicing each tower;
0. all passenger lifts and lift lobbies exclusively servicing each tower;
0. all utility installations and all other equipment which are available for the
exclusive use of all the units in each tower, such as but not limited to power,
light, telephone, drainage, and water (including all pipes, coils, ducts, vents,
wires, hoses, cables, conduits, valves, and outlets designed and intended for
common use in connection thereto), whether located in the Common Areas or
in the units, including electrical rooms, telephone rooms, garbage chutes, roof
decks and machine rooms

The Condominium Corporation may from time to time classify as Tower Common
Areas any portion of available and unutilized General Common Areas to be devoted to
the exclusive use and enjoyment of particular units, subject to such special
assessments or fees as may be reasonably imposed against said units by the
Condominium Corporation, without prejudice to the right of the Condominium
Corporation to subsequently cancel, amend, or revise any such classification of the
General Common Areas into Tower Common Areas as may have been effected by ii
pursuant to this paragraph.

Section 6. Amendments

The OECLARANT reserves the right to amend at any time the development
plan by filing such additional, supplemental and/or revised plans and/Or specifications
as may be required to describe adequately the completion of improvements together
with the changes therein, if any. Such completion may be shown by a certificate of an
architect or engineer certifying that the improvements have been constructed as herein
represented, or designating any changes made. Such plans, specifications or
certificate, when signed and acknowledged by the DECLARANT and registered in
accordance with Section 4 of the Condominium Act shall constitute an amendment of
this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions.

Section 7. Property Rights of Unit Owners

Upon full payment to the DECLARANT or the LANDOWNERS of the purchase

price of a condominium unit and compliance with all obligations in relation thereto, the
purchaser of such condominium unit shall acquire title to and ownership thereof, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the instrument conveying such unit from
the DECLARANT or the LANDOWNERS to such purchaser and subject, further, to the
provisions of this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions. AU unsold units and
parking slots and all units and parking slots not yet fully paid for shall pertain to and be
owned exclusively by lhe DECLARANT or the LANDOWNERS, as the case may be,
which shall have full and exclusive discretion as to the use and disposition thereof.

A unit owner shall acquire an undivided interest in and the non-exclusive right
to utilize the General Common Areas and the right to the exclusive use or benefit,
alone or with other unit owners similarly situated, of the Tower Common Areas
assigned to them, subject to reasonable rules and regulations as may be promulgated
by the Condominium Corporation from time to time. The appurtenant interest and
obligation of each unit owner in the Common Areas] and in the Condominium
Corporation shall be determined as follows:

Percentage of Interest Floor Area of Unit Owned

in the Condominium =
Corporation!Project Total Area of all Units in the Project
Exclusive of the Common Areas

A table reflecting the percentage of participation of the condominium units in the Project
Is attached as Annex "G" hereof.

Section 8. The Condominium Corporation

The DECLARANT shall form and organize a corporation to be known as "The

Xavier Hills Condominium Association, Inc.· (the ·condominium Corporation") pursuant
to the provisions of the Condominium Act, for the purpose of holding title to the
Common Areas and of managing the Project, and for such other purposes as may be
necessary, incidental or convenient to the accomplishment of said purposes.

A. Powers and Management Body

The powers of the Condominium Corporation shall be such as may be provided

by pertinent laws, this Master Deed, its Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, and shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

1. Enforce the provisions of this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions,

pass such reasonable rules and regulations (the "House I Rules") not contrary to the
Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions, on the use, occupancy and enjoyment of
the units and the Common Areas;

2. Levy and collect such dues, special assessments, and similar fees from the
own_ers or their successors-in-interest to be used for the management, maintenance,
improvement or insurance of the Project;

3. Enter into contracts on behalf of the unit owners. whenever warranted,

regarding the management, maintenance, improvement or insurance of any part of the

4. Acquire and hold, for the benefit of the unit owners, tangible and intangible
property, and dispose of, or encumber, the same by sale, mortgage, lease or

AU powers of the Condominium Corporation shall be exercised by a Board of

Trustees, which shall be the management body of the Condominium Corporation. The
Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) members who will be elected by the members
of the Condominium Corporation. Provided, that each tower shall at all times have at
least one ( 1) representative in the Board of Trustees.

B. Term

The term of the Condominium Corporation shall be coterminous with the

duration of the Project. Nevertheless, the Condominium Corporation may be dissolved
by the affirmative vote of all the members thereof at a meeting duly called for the
purpose in accordance with the requirements of pertinent laws. In the event that the
Condominium Corporation is dissolved, the members thereof shall become co-owners
of the Common Areas, with equity interest thereto corresponding to their respective
equity interest in the Condominium Corporation.

C. Membership

All unit owners, to the exclusion of all others, shall automatically become
members of the Condominium Corporation. The term 'unlt owner", as used in this
Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions, shall mean a person or entity who has
acquired a condominium unit from the DECLARANT, by purchase or any other lawful
means, and who has fully paid the purchase price or consideration thereof and
complied with all obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
instrument conveying such condominium unit In favor of said person or entity,
notwithstanding that title to the unit may not have been registered in the name of said
person or entity. All persons and entities holding legal title to condominium units in the
Project, other than the DECLARANT, shall also be considered unit owners.

The equity of each member in the Condominium Corporation shall be in

proportion to the unit owner's interest in the Project, which shall be determined in
accordance with the formula in Section 7, Part I hereof.

Membership in the Condominium Corporation cannot be assigned,

encumbered or transferred in any manner by a member except as an appunenance to

his unit. Any member that ceases to own a unit shall automatically cease to be a
member of the Condominium Corporation.

Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, a buyer of a unit, from

and after date of turnover, to him of his unit, shall observe all the conditions and
restrictions as provided In the Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions and shall be
liable tor all risks of loss and damage to the unit, charges and fees for utilities and
services, property taxes, association dues and other obligations and assessments
appertaining to the unit pursuant to the Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions
even if the condominium certificate of title covering said unit has not yet been
transferred to the name of said unit buyer.

0. Voting Rights

All unit owners have the right to vote in any meeting of the Condominium
Corporation. Unit owners by purchase are required to update their payment of
association dues and other assessments before they will be permitted to exercise said

The voting rights of the amortizing purchasers are deemed assigned in favor of
the DECLARANT until such time as the obligation, including but not limited to the
installments, association dues and other fees and assessments of the amortizing
purchaser to the DECLARANT is/are extinguished.

The DECLARANT shall also have the right to vote the unsold condominium
units corresponding to the equity of such units to be determined in accordance with the
formula in Section 7, Part I hereof.

In case of co-ownership, the co-owners shall collectively be entitled to such

number of votes as their respective equity interest combined could muster. In the
absence of a proxy from the other co-owners, a co-owner can vote only his interest in
the unit. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the interest of all co-owners in the unit
shall be equal.


The Projecf shall be. held, conveyed, encumbered, leased, used, occupied,
maintained and improved subject to the conditions, limitations, restrictions, and
covenants, found in this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions. The limitations,
restrictions, covenants and conditions contained herein shall be effective for the
duration of the Project and shall be binding upon all owners, occupants, and other
persons holding or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Project.
I .
Section 1. Limitation on the Use of the Units and the Common Areas

A. No unit owner shall occupy or use his unit or permit the same or any part
thereof to be occupied or used for any purpose other than that Indicated in the Master
Deed and Declaration of Restrictions, or under the pertinent sale agreements, provided ""
that the latter is not inconsistent with the former.

B. No use or practice shall be permitted in any part of the Project which may be
the source of grave annoyance to occupants therein or which may severely interfere
with the peaceful possession and proper use of the units in the Project by the
occupants, except when such use or practice is inherent in the very nature of a
particular unit or common area. The DECLARANT may, however, use any part of the
Project, except the sold units, in completing the construction of the Project and in
marketing any of the unsold units. Thus, the DECLARANT shall be authorized to
maintain a sales office in the Project, conduCt project tours for the benefit of
prospective buyers, or display marketing signs in the Project.

C. No unit owner shall have the right to adopt, display, install, construct, own
and control signages and/or graphics in the Project, and no sign of any kind shall be
displayed to the pubic view in or from any unit or any portion of the Project without the
prior consent of the Condominium Corporation.
' 7

0. No immoral, Improper, offensive, or unlawful use shall be made of any part of

the Project.

E. All parts of the PrOject shall be kept in a pleasant and sanitary condition. No
clothes or laundry items shall be hung or dried by the doors or windows as will expose
them to public view. No rubbish, refuse, or garbage' shall be allowed to accumulate or
anything which constitutes a fire hazard be allowed to exist In any part of the Project.

F. No construction or Installation of any structure or facility within the Project

shall be done which will impair the structural strength and safety of the Project or
change the appearance of any exterior portion thereof.

G. There shall be no obstruction of the Common Areas intended for ingress,

egress or access to any part of the Project in violation of the construction and design
guidelines of the DECLARANT. 1

H. Nothing shall be stored in the Common Areas, except in those areas intended
for storage, without the previous written consent of the Condominium Corporation.

_ I. Nothing shall be done or kept in any part of the units of the Project that will
increase the rate of insurance on the Project, except by prior written consent of the
Condominium Corporation. In no case may anything be done or kept in any part of the
Project that will result in the cancellation of the insurance on any of the towers or any
part thereof.

J. No residential unit may be divided or subdivided into smaller units nor any
portion thereof sold or otherwise transferred. Residential units may, however, be
combined to form a larger unit.

K. �II unit owners and the Condominium Corporation shall observe and comply
with all existing laws, ordinances, and regulations of the government as well as the
House Rules regarding the use and occupancy of the units and the Project.

Section 2. Easements

A. Each unit in the Project shall be subject to an easement for the passage of
water, sewerage, drainage, gas, electricity, garbage, and other utilities and services in
favor of the Condominium Corporation as well as every other unit necessarily
depending on said easement for the extension· of said utilities and service to the unit.
These easements shall be exercised in such manner as would least interfere with the
use and enjoyment of the servient units.

B. The Condominium Corporation, through its duly authorized agents, shall

have a right of access to each unit to inspect all pipes, wires, ducts, cables, conduits,
public utility lines, and other Common Areas located within the units, to remove
violations therefrom and to maintain, repair, or replace such Common Areas. Such
right of access shall be exercised during reasonable hours and with as little
inconvenience to the occupant of the unit as possible, except in cases Of emergency, in
which case the right of access shall be exercised at any time.

Section 3. Maintenance. Repairs and Alterations

A. Designation of DECLARANT as Property Manager

In order to insure that the value, quality, design and desirability of the Project
shall always be preserved, the DECLARANT is hereby designated as the property
manager of the Project for a period of tv,;enty-five (25) years after completion of the
Project. The DECLARANT may at anytime, without the necessity of securing approval
of the Condominium Corporation, delegate its property management functions to a ,..
subsidiary or affil!ate engaged in property management services.

B. Sharing of Expenses

1. Expenses for the maintenance, repair, improvement or reconstruction of any

unit shall be borne by the owner of such unit. Each unit owner shall be liable for all
' 8

damages to the other units and to the Common Areas resulting from his failure or
refusal to effect such maintenance and/or repairs.

2. Expenses for the maintenance and repair of the General and Tower Common
Areas shall be borne by all unit owners in proportion to their respective equity interest
in the Project. '\

3. Capital expenditures or expenses for extraordinary repairs, improvement or

reconstruction of the General Common Areas shall be borne by all unit owners in
proportion to their respective equity interest in the Project.

4. Capital expenditures or expenses for extraordinary repairs, improvement or

reconstruction of the Tower Common Areas shal! be borne by the unit Owners entitled
to the exclusive use thereof. The concerned unit owners shall share in said expenses
m proportion to their respective equity interest in the Tower Common Areas. The
respective equity interest of each unit owner. in the Tower Common Areas shalt be
determined by the Condominium Corporation.

5. Each unit owner shall be responsible to promptly report in writing to the Board
of Trustees any defect or need for repairs on any of the Common Areas found in or
within the vicinity of his unit

C. Construction and Maintenance Limitations

Any construction, improvement, alteration, reconstruction, or similar work in the

units or any other part of the Project shall:

1. be subject to and shall strictly comply with the construction and design
guidelines of the DECLARANT;

2. in no case impair the structural strength and safety of the Project or any
easement in favor of another unit or a common area;

3. be based on such architectural and engineenng plans approved in writing by

the Condominium Corporation;

4. be effected only by such contractors or workers approved by the Condominium

Security services and housekeeping services, including janitorial, pest control,
and other services, to be rendered for the units and an other areas In the Project shall
be rendered only by such agencies or contractors previously approved in writing by the
Condominium Corporation.

Section 4. Association Dues

A. Regular Assessment

The Condominium Corporation shall periodically collect association dues from

all owners of the units, rn such amounts as are sufficient to cover the cost of
maintenance, repair, insurance and security of, as well as real property taxes accruing
on, the General Common Areas and Tower Common Areas and alt other reasonable
expenses incurred solely for the benefit of said areas, subject to the provision on
Sharing of Expenses in Part II, Section 38, paragraphs 1 to 4 hereof.

8. Special Assessments

Al1 or some of the unit owners may be subjected to a special assessment for
legitimate expenditures, including the following:

1. any deficiency in the regular assessment specified in the preceding Section


2. non-common expenses, including unpaid utility bills, taxes, and the cost of
maintenance and repair of any unit if such maintenance or repair Is, ln the judgment of
the Condominium Corporation, necessary to safeguard the value of the floors,

Common Areas or any other portion of the Project. and the owner of said unit fails or
refuses to perform such maintenance or repair on such unit within the time fixed in
the written notice of the Condaminium Corporation;

3. capital expenditures on the General Common Areas and Tower Common

Areas, subject to the provision on Sharing of Expenses in Part II, Section 38,
paragraphs 1 to 4, which shall include the cost of extraordinary repairs, reconstruction
or restoration necessitated by damage, depreciation, obsolescence, expropriation or
condemnation of said areas or parts thereof, as well as t�e cost of Improvements or
additions thereto as may be authorized by the By-Laws of the Condominium

C. Overdue Assessments

-The Condominium Corporation shall be authorized to impose interest charges

upon any unit owner for overdue assessments. In case of default by any unit owner in
the payment of any assessment and/or interest charges ihereon, the Condominium
Corporation, without prejudice to such other rights or remedies to which it is entitled
under the pertinent laws or this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions, upon prior
written notice to the defaulting unit owner, shall be authorized to withhold from such
unit, utilities and/or other services being provided by the Condominium Corporation, for
such reasonable period of. time as may be determined by the Condominium

The amount of any assessment and interests due in case of delinquency, the
cost of collection thereof, including attorney's fees, if any, shall constitute a continuing
lien against the unit and the unit owner's equity interest in the Condominium
Corporation. Except as otherwise provided in Republic Act No. 4726, otherwise known
as "The Condominium Act", said lien shall be superior to all other liens and

In case of foreclosure, the transfer as well as the redemption of the delinquent

unit shall include the unit owner's proportionate equity interest in the Condominium

Section 5. Insurance

A. Common Insurance

The Condominium Corporation shall, for its own benefit and for the common
benefit of all the owners, maintain at all times fire and such other insurance coverage
which is customary for similar buildings in the locality, on the General and Tower
Common Areas for their full reinstatement value. The respective insurance policies
shall provide that the proceeds thereof shall be payable to the Condominium
Corporation which shall use or pay the same in the manner provided for in Part 11,
Section 5 (0) hereof. ·

B. Separate Insurance

The Condominium Corporation may at its option maintain a separate fire and
such other insurance coverage as is customary for similar units in the locality, on each
unit in the Project (excluding furniture, furnishings, fixtures, and improvements installed
by, and personal properties of, the owner or occupant), and shall, for this purpose, be
the irrevocable attorney-in-fact of the owners of the insured units for said purpose.
Each policy shall provide that the proceeds thereof shall be payable to the
Condominium Corporation, as trustee for the respective unit owners, which shall use or
pay the same in the manner provided for in Part ll, Section 5 (0) hereof.

C. Additional Separate Insurance

Each unit owner may obtain insurance on his unit, in addition to the Separate
Insurance obtained by the Condominium Corporation in the preceding paragraph,
provided that such right shall not be exercised in such a way as to decrease the
amount realizable under the Common Insurance or the Separate Insurance. The
Condominium Corporalton may require all unit owners to notify it of any such additional
. . ' )---., \


separate insurance obtained and to furnish it with a copy of the relevant insurance

D. Use of Insurance Proceeds

All proceeds of the insurance claims on all parts of the Project, whether from
Common Insurance or Separate Insurance, shall be used for the reconstruction or
repair of the areas respectively insured by the different insurance policies.
Reconstruction or repair shall mean restoration of the Project or the damaged parts
thereof (excluding the allowed personal improvements introduced by each owner or
occupant) to the same condition as it existed prior to the loss or damage, with each
unit. Tower Common Area, and General Common Area, having, to the closest
approximation possible, the same vertical and horizontal boundaries that each
possessed before being damaged.

If for any reason, the proceeds of the Common and Separate Insurance for the
insured units are not used for the reconstruction or repair as herein provided, the
proceeds thereof shall be paid pro-rata, after deducting the amount of any
assessments due, to their respective owners.

E. Deficiency in Proceeds

If the proceeds from the Common Insurance are insufficient to pay all the costs
of reconstruction or repair of the General Common Areas, a special assessment shall
be made against all unit owners to make up for the deficiency, in accordance with their
respective equity interest in the Project. Any further deficiency shall be covered by
funds lo be raised by the Condominium Corporation in the manner determined at a
special meeting of its members duly called for the purpose.

If the proceeds from the Common Insurance are insufficient to pay all the costs
of reconstruction or repair of the Tower Common Areas, a special assessment shall be
made against all unit owners entitled to the exclusive use thereof to make up for the
deficiency, in accordance with their respective equity interest in the Tower Common

lf the proceeds from the Separate Insurance are insufficient to pay all the costs
of reconstruction or repair of one or more of the destroyed or damaged units, the
Condominium Corporation may nevertheless proceed with the reconstruction or repair
of the destroyed or damaged units and the respective owners shall become liable to
pay a special assessment for the deficiency, unless the conditions for the dissolution of
the Condominium Corporation exist

Section 6. Taxes and Assessments

Each unit owner shall be solely responsible for the real property taxes and
assessments accruing on his unit. Nevertheless, if there is any possibility that any lax
or assessment may become a lien on any unit, the same may be paid in advance by
the Condominium Corporation and said amount shall in turn be assessed against said
unit owners in accordance with Part II, Section 4(6), with interest at prevailing market
rates together with au reasonable costs incurred by the Condominium Corporation in
making the advance payment.

All unit owners shall share in the payment of real property taxes and
assessments accruing on the General and Tower Common Areas, in proportion to their
respective interest in the Project All payments for taxes on the General and Tower
Common Areas shall be assessed against the unit owners either as a regular
assessment or special assessment in accordance with Part II, Section 4(8).

Section 7. Transfer of Units

Except in cases of transfers by gift, by hereditary succession or to another unit

owner, no unit owner may effectively dispose of his unit without the written approval of
or clearance by the Condominium Corporation. A unit owner intending to make a bona
fide sale of his unit shall give to the Condominium Corporation notice of such intention,
together with the name and address of the proposed purchaser, and such other
information concerning the proposed purchaser as the Condominium Corporation may

reasonably requee Such notice at the option of the unit owner, may include a demand
by him that the Condominium Corporation furnish a curcnaser if the proposed
purchaser is not approved; and if such demand is rrlade, the notice shall be
accompanied by a copy of the proposed sales contract. Within sixty \60) days after
receipt of the aforesoid notice, the Condominium Col'poratlon must either approve or
disapprove the proposed transaction. If approved, the approval shall be stated in a
certificate executed by the appropriate officer in registrable form, as required by
Section 18 of the Condominium Act, provided the other provisions of the Declaration of
Restrictions have been complied with. If the Condominium Corporation disapproves a
proposed sale and if the notice of sale given by the unit owner shall so demand, then
wlthin sixty (60) days after receipt of such notice and demand, the corporation shall
deliver or mail by registered mail to the. unit owner an offer from a purchaser chosen by
the Condominium Corporation from among other unit owners willing to purchase the
said unit, under the terms an6 conditions set forth in the proposed salts contract
submitted by the selling unit owner. If the Condominium Corporation shall fail to
provide a purchaser as required herein, then notwithstanding the disapprcval, the sale
shall be deemed to have been approved, and the Condominium Corporation shall
furnish a certificate of approval as provided earlier in this section. The limitations and
restrictions contained in this section shall not be appl!cable to the original conveyance
of units made by the DECLARANT.

Section 8. Liens and Encumbrances

A. A unit owner sh:111 glve written notice to the Condominium Corporation of

every lien or encumbrance upon his unit, other than liens in favor of the Condominium
Corporation, within five (5) days after the constitution of the lien or encumbrance. The
unit owner shall likewise give written notice to the Condominium Corporation of every
suit or other proceeding affecting his title to, or possession, of his unit. within five (5)
days after the unit owner has received knowledge thereof.

B. Each unit owner shall be free to lease his unit, provided that proper notice
thereof, with such particulars as the Condominium Corporation may reasonably require,
is given to the Condominium Corporation within five (5) days from the effectivity of the
lease Such lease shall not, however, free the unit owner from complying with his
obligations under the Condominium Act, this Master Deed and Declaration of
Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the· Condominiurr
Corporation, and the House Rules.

Pending full payment of the purchase price. any purchaser of a unit shall not
lease, mortgaae nor encumber hislherfits unit or any portion thereof to any other
person or entity without prior written consent of the DECLARANT. Violation of this
section shall entitle the OECLARANT to cancel the correspondmq contract of sale and
cause the forfeiture by way of penalty ancllor liquidated damages, fifty (50°/o) percent of
all sums so paid.

c. In case the unit owner is delinquent in the payment of any assessment,

Including any interest or penalties thereon, the Condominium Corporation may
require tne lessee of any leased unit to remit directly in Its favor any and all of the
rentals :::i.:cruing to the delinquent unit owner, which rentals shall be applied to the
delinquent accounts with the Condorninium Corporation, first to the Interest, then to the
principal, until the account is fully paid. Any excess shall be returned to the delinquent
unit owner.

Section 9. Obligations of Assignees, Tenants and/or Occupants

An present and future owners. tenants andfor occupants of units shall be

subject to, and shall comply with the provisions of the Condominium Act, the Master
Deed, this Declaration of Restrictions. the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the
Condominium Corporation, the House Rules and other rules and regulations adopted
pursuant thereto, as these instruments may be amended from time to time. The ...
acceptance of =:i deed or conveyance, or the entry into a lease, or the entry Into or
occupancy of any unit in the condominium project shall cotislitute an acceptance of the
provisions of such instruments, as they may be amended from time to time, by such
owner, tenant and/or occupant. The provisions contained in such instruments shall be
covenants running with the land upon which the Project is built and shall bind ar.y

person having at any lime interest or estate in such unit, as though such provisions
were recited and.fut!y stipulated in each deed, conveyance or lease thereof.

Section 10. Rights of the DECLARANT

A. Powers Prior to Incorporation and Organization of the Condominium Corporation

Prior to the incorporation and organization of the Condominium Corporation, all

powers and responsibilities conferred on the Condominium Corporation under the
Master Deed and Restrictions shall be exercised and performed by the DECLARANT to
the extent &llowed by law.

e. Retained Powers

1. Prior to and even after the organization of the Condominium Corporation.

the DECLARANT shall retain the exclusive right to name the Project.

2. The DECLARANT shall Ilkewise have the right to vote the equity of
a,nortizlng purchasers. as well as those of the unsold condominiun, units in accordance
with Section 8(0), Part I hereof.

3. All names and marks relative to the Project which are owned by the
DECLARANT shall be the exclusive property of the OECLARANT and may not be used
by any other person without the express written consent of the DECLARANT.

C. Agency Powers

Prior to the organization of the Condominium Corporation, the DECLARANT

shall, without need of any further act or deed, be as it is hereby constituted as the
attcmey-ln-fact of the unlt owners to do such acts in confom,lty with the powers of the
unit owners contemplated in this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions or by
law, including the amendment of this Master Deed and beclaration of Restrictions.
Such special power of attorney is coupled with an interest and is thus irrevocable.

Sec.ion 11. Enforcement of Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions by

the Condominium Corporotion and Unit owners

A. The Condominium Corporation or any unit owner shall have the right to
enforce by legul proceedings, all restrictions. conditions, covenants. reservations, liens
and charges now or hereinafter imposed by the provisions of this Master Deed and
Declaration of Restrictions, or the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the
Condominium Corporation.

B. The Condominium Corporation shall have the right to enforce the House ·
Rules and to assess and collect dues and other assessments authorized by this Master
Deed and Declaration of Restrictions, the By-Laws of the Condominium Corpcration
and the Jiouse Rules.

C. The Condominium Corporation shall also be empowered, to the extent

allowed by the By-Laws and this Master Deed and Declaration of Restricticns, to
impose separate assessments on some or any one of the affected owners to cover the
costs of any suit, attorney's fees or litigation expenses.

D. Failure by the DECLARANT, the Condominium Corporation, or any unit

owner to enforce any covenant. condition, or restriction in any instance or on any
particular occasion, shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to proceed againsl any
breach of the seme covenant condition, or restriction.

Section 12. Olher Provisions

A. Eminent Domain

In the event that any appropriate governmental authonty expropriates all or any
portion of the General Common Areas or Tower Common Areas, the unit owners
affected hereby appoint the Board of Trustees and such persons as tt-e Board of
Trustees may des,gnate, to represent all of the unit owners concerned in connection

with such expropriation. Any award received on account thereof shall be paid to the
Condominium Corporation for distribution to the affected unit owners in proportion to
their respective equity interest in the Project or in the ToWer Common Areas, as the
case may be.

B. Amenrlments

At any time prior to the conveyance and acceptance of the Project to the
Condominium Corporation, the DECLARANT may unilaterally amend this Master Deed
and Declaration ·of Restrictions. After such conveyance and acceptance, this Master
Deed and Declaration of Restriction! may be amended only by the affirmative vote of
unit owners whose equity interest in the Condominium Corporation constitutes at least
a simple maj�1rity of the total equity Interest in the Condominium Corporation, at a
meeting duly held in accordance with the By-Laws of the Condominium Corporation.

C. Severability

The invalidity of any provision of this Master Deed and Declaration of

Restrictions shell not affe:ct in any manner the validity or enforceability of the remainder
hereof, ana the other provisions of thls Master Deed and Declarancn of Restrictions
shall continue in full fores and effect as if such invalid provision had never been
included herein.

IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the DECLARANT, with the conformity of the

LANDOWNERS, has caused this instrument to be executed on the date and at the
place first above written.


as Declara a as Attorney-in-Fact

Duly Authorized Representative

Signed in the presence of:


Republic of the Phihppines)

Makati C·ly .,·.'i ) S.S.
"' ta�F�RE ME, a Notary Public for and in Makati City, Philippines, on this
\\>-'' . personally appeared:
Name Community Tax Date and Place of Issue

Antonio T. Tan
on behalf of Empire East Land
Holdings, inc.

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and who acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act
and deed and that of the corporations herein represented.

I hereby certify that this instrument relates to a Master Deed and Declaration of
Restrict:ons of The Xavier Hdls condominium project being constructed on portions of
four parcels of laud located at the corner of Gilmore Avenue and N. Domir',go Streets,
Quezon City, and covered by Transfer Certificates of Title (TCT) Nos. 129762, RT-
45246 (65562), RT-22357 (38980) and RT-22358 (38981) issued by !he Registry of
Deeds tor Quezon City I further certify that this instrument consists of fourteen (14)
. -'

pages ,ncluding this page wherein the acknowledgment is written, signed by the person
executing this instrument and his instrumental witnesses on each and every page

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, ! have hereunto set my Q;;ind and affixed my

notarial seat on the date, year and place first above written. (
DocNo� -

Page N . ·; 1

Book No.
Series of 2
i I'
� 1,-1:
NOT..\RX 1 _ �·
PTR ;;;u2.;z1c]-I nV\IV-111
t 1:... ((:(. 3
"TIN: 107·144-99
.[ . J
OF THE XAVIER HILLS/ £-� . · . ... , , . '·
.1 ··- .:.:l�'lr .
•! .. :' 'ti·;.,
f .:. . _ :.,:_ ··· -c"";::--...._ .
• i .. <; r,1,,�... <:. ,-�lb-_
:rhis . Master Deed and Declaration of ReStrlctiO!l_S . J""s-.eJtecfu\ed'Jtiis
at Makatl City, Metro Manila,'Philippines, by: ..... ��.::.����··
organized and existing under and by virtue of Philippine laws, · ..._
principal office address at the 21'1 Floor The Worfd Centre, 330 Sen.
Gii J. Puyat Avenue, Makatr City, represented herein by Its duly
authorized representative, Mtonlo T. Tan (herelnafter referred to as
. I

with the conformity of:

ERLINDA M. REYES, of legal aga, Filipino, widow and wrth

residence at 80 Calbayog St., Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila;
ZENAIDA M. PINEDA, of legal age, Filipino, married to Narciso M.
Pineda; NELIA M. SAMSON, of legal age, Filipino, married to
Francisco M. Samson; JOSE M. MILLONADO, JR., of legal age,
Flliplno, married to Nemencla D. MJllonado; HOWMART
CORPORATION and JUANITA MA,RTINEZ, INC., both corporations
duly organized and existing under Phili�pine. laws, with office
address at 12 Granada SI., Quezoll' City; (t'tr·reinafter collectively
referred to as the *LANDOWNER.) ·
. -
All landowners are represented herein by their attorney-in-fact,
EMPIRE EAST LANp HOLDINGS, INC., by virtue of a Special
Power of Attorney .executed on August 17, 2001 and duly
acknowledged, on August 21, 2001, before Notary Pubtlc for Makati,
Atty. Garry V. De Guzman, and entered in his notarial register as
Doc. No. 406, Page No. 63, Book No. XII, Serles of 2001, which is In
tum represented herein by its duly authorized representative,
Antonio T. Tan


WHEREAS, Erlinda M. Reyes, Zenaida M. Pineda, Nelia M. Samson and Jose

M. Mlllonado, Jr. are the registered owners of a parcel of land consisting of an area of
1,658 square meters, more or less, and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No.
129762 Issued by the Registry of Deeds for Quezon City; ·

WHEREAS, Howmart Corporation is the registered owner of two parcels of

land consisting of an aggregate area of 12,265 square meters, mere or less, and
covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. RT-22357 (38980) and RT-22358 (38981)
issued by the Registry of Deeds for Quezon City;, I , 1, '

WHEREAS, Juanita Martinez, lnc. is the 'registered owner o'f a parcel of land
consisting of an area of 818 square meters, more or less, and covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title No. 65562 issued by the Registry of Deeds for Quezon City;

(All four parcels of land are located at the corner Of Gilmore Avenue and N.
Domingo Streets, Quezon City and are collectively referred to herein as the "Property".)

WHEREAS, the DECLARANT will develop portions of the Property Into a

condominium project (the "Project") to be known as "The Xavier Hills"; In accordance
with Republic Act No. 4726, as amended, otherwise known as "The Condominium Act";


, ---
... ----------· ...

,,(;: WHEREAS, • , r rder to preserye and enhance the value, design and quality of
the Project, the DE� ..... �NT and LANDOWNER desire to Impose upon the Project
' '
certain mutually b , .- ;ial restrictions, which shall constitute a Uen upon each
condominium unit, i::: r.reas appurtenant thereto, and upon the Project as a whole,
which restrictions s., I inure to and bind all parties owning or holdirig any right or
interest in the Project · c well as their successors-in-interest:

Now, therefore, for and In consideration of the for,3golng premises, the

OECLARANT, with the conformity of the LANDOWNER, t,ereby constitutes The Xavier
Hiiis condominium project on the Property In accordance with Republlc Act No. 4726,
as amended, otherwise known as -i:ha Condominium Act·.

Pl,\RT1 I I· I I

Section 1. Name of Project

The Project shall be known es "The Xavier H!IIS- condominium project.

Section 2. Description of Project

The Project will be constructed on portions of the Property, consisting of an

·aggregate area of 4,306.24 square meters, more or less.
Coples of Transfer Certificates of Tltle Nos. 129762, 65562, RT-22357 (38960)
and RT-22356 (38961) are attached hereto as Annexes "A•, ·s·, ·c· and ·o· hereof A
copy of the survey plan of the Property Is attached hereto as Annex "E" hereof.

The Project will be constructed In accordance with the plans and specifications
attached hereto as Annex •p• hereof.

There shall be constructed four (4) towers on the Property but only three (3)
towers, Towers 2, 3 and 4. shall form part of the Project. All three towers forming part
of the Project shall primarily be for residential use ..The towers shall share a common
basement parking facility consisting of twO teveis wi,h a mezzanine.
11 I
ti .
Tower Two shall consist of 15 levels; Tower Three shall consist of 18 levels;
and Tower Four shall consist of 16 levels; inclusive of a ground floor for each tower.
There shall be no floor in the Project deslgnatE!d as a 131h floor. �

Section 3. The Condominium Units

The Project shall have a total of 452 residential condominium units, 135 of
which shall be located In Tower Two, 187 In Tower Three, and 130 In Tower Four. The
Project shall have 12 commerclal units, 7 of which shall·be In Tower Two and 5 of
which shall be In Tower Four.

A. Residential Units

The residential condominium units shall be located on the 2nc1 to 1611'1 floors of
Tower Two, 2r,c1 to 1 glh floors of Tower Three, and 2nc1 to 171h floOrs of Tower Four.

Horizontally, each residential unit shall consist of the area measured (1) from
the exterior surface of the wfndows or masonry wall; and/or (2) from the center line of
the Interior wan ·and/or door separating the unit from another uni\f and/or (3) from the
center line of the intertor wan and/or door sepa_�ating.the unit from a common area.
' . .
sh'a111Con'sis� d_ftlh�
Vertically, each rE!sidential unit area measured from the top
of the concrete floor to the underside of the concrete ceiling up to the point of
intersection with the horizontal boundaries o'f the unit.


·1··,·' .
��# ,.

1, '
' .

' I,

B. Commercial Units

The commercial units shall be located on the ground floor of Towers Two and

Horizontally, the commercial unit shall consist of the area measured: (1) from
the exter\or surface of the windows or masonry wall; an�or (2) from the center line of
the Interior wall and/or door separating the commercial unit from another unit; and/or
(3) from the center une of the interior wall and/or door separating the commercial unit
from a common area. '

Vertically, the commercial UJlit shall consist of the area measured from the top
of. the concrete floor to the underside of the concrete ceiling, up to the point of
Intersection with the horizontal boundaries of the commercial unlt.,

Section 4. The Par1<.ing Areas

The Project shall generate a total. of 30�arking slots. 36 parking slots shall
be located at a ground-level outdoor parking fapililb'. 1�hile 268 parking slots shall be
located in a basement parking facility. t

The parking slots assigned to each unit, If any, shall be ap.purtenant thereto.
The parking slots shall be used for the parking of motor vehicles. The kind, make or
number of vehicles which may be allowed in the parking facility at any one time and
traffic patterns to be observed by the unit owners in entering or leaving the Project shall
be regulated by the Condominium Corporation (as hereinafter defined).

Section 5. The Common Areas

The Common Areas of the Project (the "Common Areas") shall consist of the
land, build!ngs and all other areas in the Project other than the residentlal units,
commercial units and parking slots. The Common Areas shall be classified into
General Common Areas and Tower Common Areas.·

A. General common Areas are Common Areas for the use or benefit of all
condominium units in the Project. These Include:

1. the land encompassed within the Project, Including its perimeter walls;
2. all roads, walkways, alleys found within the Project; '
3. all lawns, landscaped gardens and ornamentalfeatures within the Project;
4. all driveways and ramps In the p�rkir,g facilit/�s of the Project:
5. all amenities of the Project, such as 'swimr(ling pool, clubhouse, children's
o. all foundations, footings, columns, girders, beams, load-bearing walls,
masonry walls, supports, concrete floor slabs, concrete ceilings, and other
common structural elements In the common basement parking facillty;
7. all llfts and lift lobbies, stairways, staircases, corridors, fire exits and other
passages in the basement parking facility of the Project;
8. all utility installations and all other equipment which are for the common use of
all the units. In the Project, such as power, light, telephone, drainage, and
water (includ!ng all pipes, coils, ducts, vents, wires, hoses, cables, conduits,
,,... valves, and outlets designed and Intended for common use In connection
!t·� .. thereto), whether located In the Common Areas or In the units, Including the
transformer vault, metering area, fan rooms, refuse room, pump room, fire
water tank and sewage treatment plant.

B. Tower Common Areas are Common Areas located within each tower and reserved
for the oxclusive use or benefit of said tower. These Include:

1. all roofs, foundations, footings, columns, girders, beams, load-bearing wans,

masonry walls, supports, concrete floor slabs, concrete ceilings, and other
common structural elements of each. .

,, /


2. all stairways, staircases, corridors, hallways, fire exits and other passages
exclusively servicing each tower;
3. all passenger lifts and lift lobbies exclusively servicing each tower;
4. all utility installatlons and all other equipment which are available for the
excluslve use of all the units In each tower, sych as but not limited to power,
llght, telephone, drainage, and water (Including all pipes, coils, ducts, vents,
wires, hoses, cables, conduits, valves, and ouilets designed and Intended for
common use In connection thereto), whether located In the Common Areas or
In the units, lncludlng electrical rooms, telephone rooms, garbage chutes, roof
decks and machine rooms.

Section 6. Property Rights of Unit Owners I '

Upon full payment of the purchase price of a unit, the purchaser of a unit shall
acquire title to 'ano ownership of the unit, subject to the terms and conditions of the
instrument conveying such unit from the DECLARANT to such purchaser and to the
terms and conditions of any subsequent conveyance under which the purchaser takes
title to the unit, and subject further to this Master Deed. Al1 unsold units and parking
slots and all units and parking slots not yet fully paid for shall pertain to and be owned
exclusively by the DECLARANT, and may be disposed of, leased or used by
DECLARANT In a manner It deems best.

A unit owner shall acquire en undivided interest In and the non-exclusive 1ight
to utillze the General Common Areas and the right to the exclusive use or benefit,
alone or with other unit owners similarly situated, of the Tower Common Areas
assigned to them, subject to reasonable rules and regulations as may be promulgated
by the Condominium Corporation from time to time. The appurtenant interest and
obligation of each unit owner in the Common Areas and In the Condom!nfum
Corporation shall be determined as follows:

Percentage of Interest Floor Area of Unit Owned

in the Condominium =
Corporation/Project Total Aref of all Units lnthe Project

A table reflecting the percentage of participation of the Condominiurn units in the Project
is attached hereto as Annex •G• hereof.

Section 7. Thf: Condominium Corporation

The DECLARANT shall form and organize a corporation to be known as "The

Xavier Hills Condominium Association, Inc: (the "Condominium Corporation") pursuant
to the provisions of the Condominium Act, for the purpose of holding title to the
Common Areas and of managing the Project, and for such other purposes as may be
necessary, Incidental or convenient to the accomplishment of said purposes.

A. Powers and Management Body

The powers of the Condominium Corporation shall be such as may be provided

by pertinent laws, this Master Deed, its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. and shall
Include, but shall not be l!mited to, the following:

1. Enforce the provisions of this Master Deed and Declaration or Restrictions,

pass such reasonable rules and regulations (the 'House Rules") not contrary to the
Master Deed and Declaration or RestrictiOl'\S, on the use, occupancy and enjoyment of
the units and the Common Areas;
I I ' �
,l I
2. Levy and collect such dues, special assessments. and similar fees from the
owners or their successors-In-Interest to be used for the management, maintenance,
improvernent or insurance of the Project;

3. Enter into e-vuracts on behalf of the unit owners, whenever warranted,

regarding the ma nae- , ot, maintenarice, improvement or insurance of any part of the
. I . I
4. Acquire anr . .,. for lhe benefit or lhe unit bwners, tangible and intangible
property, and dispo . or encumber, the same by sale, mortgage, lease or

All powers of ''''l Condominium Corporation shall be exercised by a Board of

Trustees, which shall · the management body of the Condominium Corporation. The
Board of Trustees sha': canslst of five (5) members who will be elected by the members
of the Condominium r- �;!)oration. Provided, that each tower shalt, at all times have at
least one (1) represen': · ,e in the B0ard of Trustees.

Prior to the orr. � -treucn of the Condominium Corporation, alt powers of the
Condominium corper- -: .. n granted In this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions
shall be exercised by ,>ECLARANT.

B. Tenn

The tenn of "!:. 1 Condominium Corporation shall be coterminous with the

duration of the ProJec! . !"vertheless, the Condominium Corporation may be dissolved
by the afflnnatlve vc ,.f all the members thereof at a meeting duly called for the
purpose in accordanc · ·. 'h the requirements of pertinent laws. In the event that the
Condominium corpo ' ' • is dissolved, the members thereof shall become co-owners
of the Common Arf- ·1.h equity interest �heret0r corresponding
to their respective
equity toterest in ttie ominfum Corporation. 1 t'

C. Membership

All unit own�-· �hall automatically become members of the Condominium

Corporation, to the ::�:..::.luslon of others. The equity of each member Jn the
Condominium corpo-: .. .cn shall be ln proportion to the unit owner's Interest In the
Project, which shall t:. _:,\ei'mined In accordance with the fonnuta In Section e of this
Master Deed. In ca.· ; co-ownership, all co-owners shall become members of the
Condominium Corpor· : ·. ;i.

Membership !.! the Condominium Corporation cannot be assigned,

encumbered or transf .. ·: Jd In any manner by a member except as an appurtenance to
his unit. Any member • hich ceases to own a unit shall automatica"lly cease to be a
member of the cone. · 'urn Corporation.

D. Voting Rights

Only unit owners shall have voting rights, In proportion to their respective
equity Interest in the Condominium Corporation, in any meeting of the Condominium
Corporation where voting is called for, subject to the requirements of pertinent laws.
I .
In case of co-ownership, the co-owners shall! collectively be entitled to such
number or votes as their respective equity interest combined could muster. ln the
absence of a proxy from the other co-owners, a co-owner can vote only his interest In
the unit. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the interest of all co-owners in the unit
shall be equal.


The Project shall be held, conveyed, encumbered, leased, used, occupied,

maintained and Improved subject to the conditions, limitat!ons, restrictions, and
covenants, found in this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions. The limitations,
restrictions, covenants and conditions contained herein shall be effective for the
duration of the Project and shall be binding upon all owners, occupants, and other
persons holding or acquiring any right, titre or Interest In the Project
-: .' 6

Section 1. Limitation on the Use of the Units and the Common Areas

A. No use or practice shall be permitted in any part of the Project which may be
the source of grave nnnayance to occupants therein or which may severely Interfere
with the peaceful r, .sesslon and proper use of the units In the Project by the
occupants, except \ : . an such use or practice is Inherent in the very nature of a
partlcular unit or common area. The OECI.ARANT may, however, use any part of the
Project, except the sc'a units, In completing the construction of the Project and in
marketing any of the L'nsold units. Thus, DECLARANT shall be authorized to maintain
a sales office in the Pi"oject, conduct project tours for the benefit of prospective buyers,
or display marketing sians Jn the Project.

B. No Immoral, improper, offellSJve, or unlawful use snau be made of any part of

the Project.

C. AH parts of thP. Project shall be kept in a pleasant and sanitary condition. No

clothes or laundry iterns sha11 be hung or ctried by the doors or windows as will expose
them to public view • rubbish. refuse, or garbage· shall be allowed to accumulate or
anyth1ng which consr es a fire hazard be allowed ioi_,xist in any part of the Project.

0. No construction or installation of any Structure or facility within the Project

shall be done which wltl Impair the structural strength and safety of the Project er
change the appearance of any exterior portion thereof. ·

E. There shall be no obstruction of the Common Areas intended for ingress,

egress or access to any part of the Project in vlclatkin of the construction and design
guidellnes of the DECLARANT.

F. Nothing shall be stored In the Common Areas. except in those areas intended
for storage, without the previous written consent of the Condominium Corporation.

G. No residential unit may be divided or subdivided Into smaller units nor any
portion thereof sold or otherwise transferred. Residential units may, however, be
combined to form a tarqer unit.

H. AU unit owners and the Condominium Corporation shall observe and comply
with all existing laws, ordinances, and regulations of the government as well as the
House Rules regarding the use and occupancy of the units and the Project.

Section 2. aasernents
I '1
A. Each unit in the Project shall be subject to an easement for the passage of
water, sewerage, drainage, gas, electricity, garbage, and other utllltles and services in
favor of the Condominium Corporation as well as every other unit necessarily
depending on said easement for the extension of said utllltles and service to the unit.
T-hese easements shall be exercised ln such manner as would least lntertere with the
use and enjoyment of the servlent units.

8. The Condominium Corporation, through its duly authorized agents, shall

have a right of access to each unit to inspect au pipes, wires, ducts, cables, conduits,
public utillty llnes, and other Common Areas located within the units, to remove
violations therefrom and to maintain, repair, or replace such Common Areas. Such
rtght of access shall be exercised during reasonable hoUrs and with as Uttle
inconvenience to the occupant of the unit as possible, except in cases of emergency, in
which case the right of access shall be exercised at any timO.

C. The basement parl<ing facility of the Project Is physically integrated with the
basement parking facility of an adjacent building wholly-owned by the LANDOWNER
(the •LANDOWNER'S Building"). As part of the consideration for the development of
the Property Into a resldentlal condominium project, the OECLARANT or the
Condominium Corporation hereby grants to the occupants of the LANDOWNER's
Bullding, a perpetual easement of vehiCular and' pedestrian right-of-way over the
Project's entrance ramp solely for the purpose Qf aho:1in9 ingress, egress or access to
the basement parking facility of the LANDOWNER's Buildingr

Section 3. Maintenance, Repairs and Alterations

A. Designation of DECLARANT as Property Manager

. The OECLARANT is hereby designated as the Property Manager of the Project

for a perlod of eight (8) consecutive years. DECLARANT may designate any of its
subsidiaries and affiliates to act as Property Manager for the Project.

8. Sharing of Expenses

1. Expenses for the maintenance, repair, improvement or reconstruction of any

unit shalt be borne by the owner of such unit. Each unit owner shall be Hable for all
damages to the other units and to the Common f\r.eas resulting from his failure or
refusal to effect such mainlenance llnd/or repairs'. ·I

2. Expenses for the maintenance and repair of the General and Tower Common
Areas shall be borne by all unit owners in pro'portion to their respective equity interest
in the Project.

3. Capital expenditures or expenses for extraordinary repairs, improvement or

reconstrudlon of the General Common Areas shall be borne by all unit owners In
proportion to their respective equity Interest In the Project.

4. Capita! expenditures or expenses for extraordinary repairs, improvement or

reconstruction of the Tower Common Areas shall be borne by the unit owners entitled
to the exciuslve use thereof. The concerned unit owners shall share in said expenses
In proportion to their respective equity interest ln the Tower Common Areas. The
respective equity Interest of each unit owner in the Tower Common Areas shall be
determined by the Condominium Corporation.

c. Construction and Maintenance Limitations

Any construction, improvement, alteration, reconstruction, or similar work in the

units or any other part of the Project shall: ·
I •
1 be subject to and shall strictly com\:)ly w�h the construction and design
guidelines of the DECLARANT;

2. Jn no case impair the structural strengtll al\d safety of the Project or any
easement in favor of another unit or a common area; -..

3. be based on such architectural and engineering plans approved in writing by

the Condominium Corporation;

4. be effected only by such contractors or workers approved by the Condominium


Security services and housekeeping services, Including Janitorial, pest control,

and other services, to be rendered for the units and all other areas In the Project shall
be rendered only by such agencies or contractors previously approved in writing by the
Condominium Corporation.

Section 4. Association Dues

A. Regular Assessment

The Condominium Corporation �

s a.1.1 Per1op1cally
collect association dues from
all owners of the units, in such amount as is sufficien\�o cover the cost of maintenance,
repair. Insurance and security of, as well as real property taxes accfUing on, the
General Common Areas and Tower Common Areas and all other reasonable expenses
incurred solely for the benefit of said areas, subject to the provision on Sharing of
Expenses in Part II, Section 38, paragraphs 1 to 4.


B. Special Assessments

All or some of the unit owners may be subjected to a special assessment for
legitimate expenditures, including the fo11owing:

I any octrclency In the regular assessment specttteo in the preceding Section

4A, . r

2. non-common expenses, including unpaid utility bills, taxes, and the cost of
maintenance and repair of any unit if such maintenance or repair is. in the [udqment of
the Condominium Corporation, necessary to safeguard the value of the floors,
Common Areas or any other portion of the Project. and the owner of said unit falls or
refuses to perform such maintenance or repair on such unit within the time fixed in
the written notice of the Condominiuin Corporation;

3, capital expenditures on the General Common Areas and Tower common

Areas, subject to the provision on Sharing of Expenses in Part II, Section 38,
paragraphs 1 to 4, which shall Include the cost of extraordinary repairs, reconstruction
or restoration necessitated by damage, depreciation, obsolescence, expropriation or
condemnation of said areas or parts thereof, as well as the cost of improvements or
additions thereto as may be authorized by the By-Laws of the Condominium

c. Overdue Assessments

The Condominium Corporation shall be authorized to impose interest charges

upon any unit owner for overdue assessments. In case of default by any unit owner in
the payment of any assessment and/or interest c�arqes thereon, the Condominium
Corporation, without prejudice to such other rights ot 'remedies to which it is entitled
under the pertinent laws or this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions, upon prior
written notice to the defaulting unit owner, shall be aUthorized to withhold from such
unit. utilities and/or other services being provided by the Condominium Corporation, for
such reasonable period of time as may be determined by the Condominium

The amount of any assessment and interests due In case of delinquency, the
cost of collection thereof, including attorney's fees, If any, shall constitute a continuing
llen against the unit and the unit owner's equity interest ln the Condominium
Corporation. Except as otherwise provided in Republic Act No. 4726, otherwise known
as "The Condominium Act", said lien shall be superior to ali'" other liens and

In case of foreclosure, the transfer as well as the redemption of the delinquent

unit shall Include the unit owner's proportionate equity interest in the Condominium

Section 5. Insurance

A. Cornman Insurance

The Condominium Corporation shall, fo'r ii� 'o,wn benefit and for the common
benefit of all the owners, maintain at all times fire and such other insurance coverage
which is customary for similar buildings in the locality, on the General and Tower
common Areas for their full reinstatement value. The respective insurance policies
shall provide that the proceeds thereof shall be payable to the Condominium
Corporation which shall use or pay the same in the manner provided for in Part 11,
Section 5 (D) hereof.

B. Separate Insurance
The Condominium Corporation may at its option IT\aintain a separate fire and
such other Insurance coverage as ls customary for similar units In the locality, on each
unit In the Project (excluding furniture, furnishings, fixtures, and improvements installed
by, and personal properties of, the owner or occupant), and shall, for this purpose, be
the Irrevocable attorney-in-fact of the owners of the insured units for said purpose.
Each policy shall provide that the proceeds thereof shall be payable to the


Condominium cor- 1, as trustee for the respective unit owners, which shall use or
pay the same in th- rer provided for in Part II, Section 5 (0) hereof.

c. Addlticnal Separ- insurance

Each unit o· � may obtain insurance on his unit, in addition to the Separate
Insurance obtained . .' ihe Condominium Corporation in the preceding paragraph,
provided that such . · .. I shall not be exercised in such a way as to decrease the
amount realizable l · r the Common Insurance or the Separate Insurance. The
Condcmlnlum corpor ... .tcn may require all unit owners to notify It of any such additional
separate insurance obtained and to furnish it with a copy of the relevant Insurance

D. Use of Insurance Proceeds

All proceeds of the Insurance claims on all parts of the Project, whether from
Common Insurance or Separate Insurance, shall be used for the reconstruction or
repair of the areas respectively insured by the different insurance policies.
Reconstruction or repair shaU mean restoration of the Project or the damaged parts
thereof (excluding the allowed personal improvempnts introduced by each owner or
occupant) to the same condition as it existed ptior to-the loss or damage, with each
unit, Tower Common Area, and General Common Area, having, to the closest
approximation posslble, the same vertical and horizontal boundaries that each
possessed before being damaged.

lf for any reason, the proceeds of the Common and Separate Insurance for the
insured units are not used for the reconstruction or repair as herein provided, the
proceeds thereof shall be paid pro-rata, after deducting the amount of any
assessments due, to their respective owners.

E. Deficiency in Proceeds

If the proceeds from the Common Insurance are insufficient to pay all the costs
of reconstruction or repair of the General Common Areas, a special assessment shall
be made against all unit owners to make up for the deficiency, In accordance with their
respective equity Interest In the Project. Any further deficiency shall be covered by
funds to be raised by the Condominium Corporation In the manner determined at a
special meeting of its members duly called for the purpose.

If the proceeds from the Common Insurance are .insufficient i"o pay all the costs
or reconstruction or repair of the Tower Common Areas, a special aSsessment shall be
made against alt unit owners entitled to the exclusive use thereof to make up for the
oencrencv. in accordance with their respective equit}'1 interest in the Tower Common

If the proceeds from the Separate Insurance are insufficient to pay all the costs
of reconstruction or repair of one or more of the destroyed or damaged units, the
Condominiurn:.�orporation may nevertheless proceed with the reconstruction or repair
of the destroy"ed or damaged units and the respective owners shall become liable to
pay a special assessment for the deficiency, unless the conditions for the dissolution of
the Condominium Corporation exist.

Section B. Taxes an� Assessments

Each unit owner shall be solely responsible for tl)e real property taxes and
assessments accruing on his unit. Nevertheless, if there Is any possibility that any tax
or assessment may become a llen on any unit, the same may be paid in advance by
the Condominium Corporation and said amount shall in tum be assessed against said
unit owners In accordance with Part ti, Section 4(B), with Interest at prevailing market
rates together with all reasonable costs Incurred by the Condominium Corporation In
making the advance payment.


All unit o. shall share in the payment of real property taxes and
assessments accn., . the General ·and Tower Common Areas, in proportion to their
respective interest · • Project. All payments for taxes on the General and Tower
Common Areas r · re assessed against the unit owners either as a regular
assessment or spc ·· ·sessment in accordance with Part II, Section 4(8).

Section 7. Transfer .'nits

No transfer c' any unit sh/311 be binding Upon the Condominium Corporotlon
unless accompaniec. .:: a certificate Issued, upon payment of a reasonable processing
fee, by the Condom· · rn Corporation and signed by an authorized officer thereof, that
such transfer is in 't, · trdance with the provisions of the Condominium Act and this
Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions. and that all fees and assessments on the
unit subject of the sale have been fully paid.· If \he sale, assignment or conveyance
does not violate the Condominium Act or Ibis I Master Deed and Declaration of
Restnctions and the self;ng unit owner is not in· any m1anner delinquent with respect to
any assessment, the Condominium Corporation shall be under obligation to Issue the
required certification within three (3) business days from receipt of the request.

Section 8. Liens and Encumbrances

A. A unit owner shall give written notice to the Condominium Corporation of

every lien or encumbrance upon his unit. other than liens In favor of the Condominium
Corporation, within five (5) days after the constitution of the lien or encumbrance. The
unit owner shall likewise give written notice to the Condominium Corporation of every
suit or other proceeding affecting his tftle to, or possession, of his unit, within five (5)
days after the unit owner has received knowledge thereof.

B. Each unit owner shall be free to lease his unit, provided that proper notice
thereof, with such particulars as the Condominium Corporation may reasonably require,
is given to the Condominium Corporation within five (5) days from the effectivity of the
lease. Such lease shall not, however, free the unit owner from complying with his
obligations under the Condominium Act, this Master Deed and Declaration of
Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Condominium
Corporation. and the House Rules.

C. In case the unit owner is detinqueut Ii" tne payment or any assessmenl,
including any interest or penalties thereon, thE: Condominium Corporation may
require the lessee of any leased unit to remit directly in its favor any and all of the
rentals accruing to the delinquent unit owner. which rentals shaH. be applied to the
delinquent accounts with the Condominium Corporation, first to the interest, then to the
principal, until the account is fully paid. Any excess shall be returned to the delinquent
unit owner.

Section 9. Rights of OECLARANT

A. OECLARANT shall have the exclusive rigfit to name the Project even after
management of the Project has been turned over to the Condominium Corporation.

B. All names and marks owned by the OECLARANT shall be the exclusive
property of the OECLARANT and may not be used by anyone without the consent of

Section 10. Enforcement of Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions

A. The OECLARANT, the Condominium Corporation or any unit owner shall

have the right to enforce by legal proceedings, alt restrictions, conditions, covenants,
reservations. liens and charges now or1hereinafter imposed by the provisions of this
Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions, or,t�e Articles of lncorporaticn and By-
Laws of the Condominium Corporation. · I ·

,, ..


B. Only the, Jminium Corporation, however, may enforce the House Rules
and the assessrner: collection of association dues authorized by this Master Deed
and Declaration of '. 'ctlons. the By-Laws of the Condominium Corporation and the
House Rules.

C. The C1 · ,minium Corporation shall also be empowered, to the extent

allowed by the By-L · ·, to Impose separate assessments on some or any one of the
affected owners to c · the costs of any suit, attorney's fees or litigation expenses.

D. Failure by the DECLARANT, the Condominium Corporation, or any unit

owner to enforce any covenant, ccndiucn. or restriction In any instance or on any
partlcu1ar occasion, shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to proceed against any
breach of the same covenant, condition, or restriction.

Section 11. Other Provisions.

I : I
A. Eminent Domain

In the event that any appropriate governmental authority expropriates all or any
portion of the General Common Areas or tower Common Areas, the unit owners
affected hereby appoint the Board of Directors and such persons as the Board or
Directors may designate, to represent all of the unit owners concerned in connection
with such expropriation. Any award received on account thereof shall be paid to the
Condominium Corporation for distribution to the affected unit owners In proportion to
their respective equity Interest In the Project or In the Tower Common Areas, as the
case may be.

B. Amendments

At any time prior to the conveyance and acceptance of the Project to the
Condominium Corporation, the DECLARANT may unilaterally amend this Master Deed
and Declaration of Restrictions. After such conveyance and acceptance, this Master
Deed and Declaration of Restrictions may be amended only by the affirmative vote of
unit owners whose equity Interest in the Condominium Corporation constitutes at least
a slmple majority of the total equity interest In the Condominium Corporation, at a
meeting duly heir! in accordance with the By-Laws of the Condominium Corporation.

C. Severabillly
I ,11
The invalidity or any provision of this Master Deed end Declaration or
Restrictions shall not affect in any manner the validity or ehforceability of the remainder
hereof, and the other �rovislons of this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions
shall continue in rull force and effect as if such invalid provision had never been
Included herein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DECLARANT has caused this instrument to be

executed on the date and at the place first above written .

as Declarant and as Attorney-in-Fact
of the DOWNER

Duly Au orized Representative

l d p:es�n'c��
In 'the of


._ ..... _
, '


Republic of the Ph·:·. 5)

. , Makatl City ) S.S .

BEFORE I Notary Public for and in Makati City, Philippines, on this

:sonally appeared:
]] JUL 20132
Name Community Tax Date and Place of Issue

Antonio T. Tan 07739668 1/04/02/Mandaluyong City

in his capacity as duly z.uthortzed
representative of Ernpire East Land ·•
Holdings, lnc.

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and who acknowledged to rne that the same is their free and voluntary act
and deed and that of the corporations herein represented.

I hereby certify that this lnsnurnent relates to a Master Deed and Declaration of
Restrictions of The Xavier Hills condorninium project being constructed on portions of
four parcels of land located at the corner of Gilmore Avenue and N. Domingo Streets,

Quezon City, and covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 129762, 65562, RT-
,., .... .· I:
22357 (38980) and RT-22358 (38981) issued by the Registry of Deeds for Quezon
. City. I further certify that this instrument consists of twelve (12) pages including this
' . page wherein the acknowledgment Is written, signed by the person executing this
instrument and his Instrumental witnesses on each and every page tllereof.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and al ed my

notarial seal on the date, year and place first above written.

Doc. No:2'.a..�
Page No.�' :
Book No."E_;
Series of 2002.
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lh1· SE. bv t'al!c /\. l!o11if":1c1n :Hui lo! 1·1, lllucl( 11,1, :;;1111c pl;111: ()11 the 3\V. by lots 15
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the pl;111\ and !.:1cc:1r1c;ilir:in< thl·1t'h11c- i,n·p:11C'd :hi' /\1("h. J. l!dp,:1r S Gon7.:1lc1, !i"h.rccl to
I 1nodil"ic:111011:; :11•l:1ovcd hy Ilic 1J!;VJ.;l.l)l'\!I{
An11cx "U...
S11�l1 l'l:111:; ;u\CI 5pecir1c;1lio11s :11:0 hereto aunchcd ns
. . .:
/"Ii,· /:11i/rli11,: onrl 1i'11·"(/11ir.1: i
. ',·. : '

·1111· ('n11dsu11i11111111 !Jl'l'l'li>1.11111·1,111'101•:cl.",!H111111�l·.� �·, r<1) Cluster of Fo111 �tnrt:_\'

llr�1r!,·1111.1I li1;1!di<l)t� 11·1!h ;1 il•lal 11f" l"ll)1l\''[�0):1·1111(�·: l111·liulrd 1v1ll1111 1hc site dcvclup111,·11! ,1it·:1 :11
g;(lu11d k·vc: ;11l· 1h( l1)ilo"'IH).!. :u1,il1.111 l>11iltl1n.�:� :uul :ur·:1:.. sccuutv 1�11;11d house. power and p11111p
1110111 1111•ll'1.:.i.:1,1u1tl 1•.•:•it'• tl�lt·111. :1 11·1llr;i[ l:1\Hl�c:111cd 11:11L :i11d ulavgr cuud wqh :111 :iic•;, 11f
:1pp10,11n.1lt·!v ::�).· !,1p1..r1· 1ut·!v1•,. 11<·111111·tt·r 1v.1II� 1•_.11h :111·! open p;11k111g slots. J)1:sC1iplro11 nr: c.rcb
block ;11•,: as fellows
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c:Si I own r11lr.111ct." f:11·i11g 111•· 1h1\"t;\v;1v :111d n111·1111:11k. 1·1·ji1c1I to 1!11.' n.-:•:I of tho cluster 1111ils. c:u:h mdividunl

.J •·....
�. 111111� .11c p101ult·d \\•1lli 111:tid".� 101,111. 111:11d"s l/11ltl, ldicl,,•n, Jivinl:!- and du;ing 100111 :111d 11tihly 100111.

("IJt1�·i J•.lt 2 r·(111!.1s1 or:1 7.-hl·d1n,,111 (A) 111:!'. ;:::d ,, J-bt�d100111 {lJ) pct 11001 lor :i 1ol:.! r11 ,, .
J 1ni.ts Wnh its ovvn c11l1�11ft( lr:1d111g in ll11: 11i;1111 staits nud fi1�·cx1( �t;iiis, lhc cluster is suatcgically
"located 111 hl·[\vC(!1 ("lt1.\IC1. I ;,.nd .i
·I •'
5.J.�l.i.).1.l::!.� .). ('011,;1�1 of J 111111.� uf .l-li\'dlonn1 (1\,ll, illHI (�) ;1111\ i1 7.·h�1l1nn111 (\)} p1:1 f111q�
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,., ' I 1')111ilij
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11111111·�1111111 111i1I lll·u i•ldl �!IIIL j. '

ronsisr of 2 111111:; of l.-bcdrno111 (1\ :111/i (') and 2 1111ils of .l-lll·droo1n (Ii rinil
l)J pl'I lh1,11 :nr :, 1(11:11 or lr1 u11il•; Tvpnnl lo th1\ olhi.:r cl,u�tl'r 1111it�. i1 has its own c1)trar1cc lt•adi11g lo
thr c!t1�1cr·s 111;1i11 sl;i11s ;uHi nil' l'\ll ,;!;11rs.

Cl,i!�_l"l�F. :" r·n11!.L!"! or 2 1uur., nf 2-bc.:drooin (l\.;111d !)) ;111d 2 uni'.s of J-bcd,00111 (ll ;ind
. '
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) . ..
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fo1u J-h1.·d10011; •1111!., for :i 11,1:il or 8 llllll�. ·1 hr· ch1�lc1 h_:is rts 01v11 ·&.1tr;u1cc ;111d is sci viced by 1ls v1vi1

,\'1,,ri,11, I. l',11hi11;:

·11iv11 · :111 · 1 1,·.ht v :,1,

I iir,) I' 11 I, 111r. :.lul.� 111 1 I 11 • p111J\'tI . , ·1r,l 11 \' t HO J of' wl 111 Ii a 11· l:nv1 ·n ·d
. ' (r,)
:1111 I �I:<
Oji\;, :111 ,,,1111:11, ha]] b1· ;1��11·,111·,l l,11 v:11111: l.o b11v1:1!. 111 the p1n11:<.:!
;. I. . .
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i.11h1r,·1 hl .... ,Ii 11·,;!111111111� .,� 1111y Ii,· l)�lt\d 11p11111i11 1111· .:.�11111111·11! Cl•tlVl'\'111/!. 11,,· \UHi!" fu1111 ih1·

l)l(\1El,.<>!'L�lt lo the 111111 o,v.,1·1/p111cl1.1•,l·1 ,11,d :1� 111.1y lie p10,�dccl 111 1111� tvl1\S fEH. l)[l:'.lJ:
: '

.I. 1'h1• (."111111;11111l1cr11


·1111· 1·01:1111011 1•it·1111·111-. or :111·:1•, nf th�· pro11�cf (111·11·111 t cfcuvd lo ;is the ("\01111111)11 ,\,l·:t�")
shall :0111p11�c :iii pau-, ol tlu: 1::01l'(I oihl·1 1!1.,11 Iln- tt·�11l{'nl1:,J 111111�. .uul shall be class1f1t·d ;1s fol lo,,·:;

I .11111\l·d ('(,t\1111()11 1\ll';15

11u:iv1cl11:1! 1111i1 (cg p:11k1111,��l,!i)

II ('l11.,1c1 {'111u1nn11 1\11':1,; - 11·[1·1�

each clusl cr ,vhit·h -ne nt,l cl:1.,;!>1ficd as a l11111lt"il t.:011u1101i ,11 <'a.
lo nll :111•;1!-,
:111d p;i,1[.� uf Ilic h11ildini1, 01 p1uji·1:t \'J1ihi11

'J he ,is,·
a.ul ("IIIO\'llll'111 r::r
1J,1: (111<,l('I (01111'1011 ;111·;1 shn]] he COIIS1tlc1cd :,.� r1";\1l<IC<l 111 11,1:
.,111s1· tlu-u 11<,c :ind 1·111o)•n1,·11t ;11e ll'�1·11•1•d fol' Ilic: bcpl'fiiS of !ht• units within Ilic cluster where

•, ';• ;i1t1
'"l\·;\ll'd. , .
'I.• ih •ih, ••. f'rtl\l'\'ISl'IV, lhQ !''\llt'll
.,,..,,.,,,,�, ,,.,., ,., �I! "''
"''"' rn1 1111, 1T11:1ir, ,il"ll"llfOI
, 1,. ",,,.., ,., .;1 1,. 111·,111'1
C 1:1 II•,.; ·•,,1111
, 11'111�1,'I'("
"\ ,III,',, 1•1,·
nd111i11i11tn,1i1111 ur 11:utl . cluster c:11,11111011 :u·l•n.• ,.l,all lilt for the sole il11d exclusive :,,.;1:011111 Ille �nid or
Jlillllt'lll.11 L'lil!,IL'I· !1t·l1111( !il111111L11 llt: lt·�.jH'(il\'l' llt1:1td ul' tlt,\'t:llitJlt, who \YIII c>"ctt:l�c llu·ir t11i1cho11s
111(1 po,,·l'l� 111 co11fu111111,, ,.,Hh lhc p10,·1�H"'� of !icc\11111 h. pars. h ,V.. c hereof. 'f'hc dcvcloptucnt .
.111dsc:ip111g, allc1,1!10II 01 !l'p;11r of :Ill,\' cl11Slt'I' couuuun ;ill ;i \Vl1tch :1r((;C1, the OVCl'·:Jll illlC1J,1ily 01'
:ippl·:11:111c1· or the ,,•holl' p1C'!,ic<·1 shall lit: 1t·1�11l:1l1:tl by tlu- IJn;i1ct or Dn cctor f Ilic ("011do1ni11i111n

!ti (i1,11·1.II (",1,111,uu1 ,\1t•:1s • 1'1·f'<'lr, lo all :11c:1s and palls of the co111:0111111i11111 project.
p:1111c11_l:11ly !;111 11nl lir11ill'<1 to llu- l\illu"'lll/�. lo 1v1(

(a) The p:11(<.'I or L11ul hC':1·i11.1IH1,·r. described. i11cl11d111g, ;ill r;i111p�:· drivcvavs: roadways,
p:ilh1,·;1�,· •. pa1k�. pl:1\'l'Jc,1111.d:: :111d 111!11·1 npl'n <:p:1ccs ,,.,,itl1111 lhr. I'rojcct


(cl "i ill'. \11.'I lllll'll'I' \\•.111�;

Cd) :,\,.u ,,.,

llf,hl, \\•:il,·t. 1•,.11h:it!C, \l'lrpli,111t·. ';{'\\\�1:11�(', d1:1111:i,�o. IV:ll\'I .�h:ins. t:1111<!,, p11111p:,. IIH/10'$
r- •• ,· .. , lll\ljll!".•.111 � ;1:i.l , , 111! 11 "'l"'IUllt 11: ;11ul :tll • nr,•111,,11 ,11i'1r· ' .••••• : ·111,1 .,,,.
'i •·

t Iii
' ll')

'1111· c-0111111011 :.1!':10: o:h:i11rr·ru:11111111,h,·icl,·d :111d 1111111111 owner 111:iy \11i11g ill\ ac'1011 for pa1tiliu11
!111·1t·11f1·,1·1·pl 111 111111111111•1,\ ,�11li lli1· p1111·1• 1011·. "I 1111• ('n,nl11111·n111111 A1t

.,·,.,.,,-,,., (,. / I,,· ( ,111,l,1111111/11111 ( ·.,,:1,t1111i1111

{:,) ,\ {"1111'01.l!lfln In 1,,. k11(l"'II .;·: 1111· 1.rrrt.l: IJ:\(ilJ10, Ci/\l{l)l�N� .,,:.;�i()('l1\'J"l()N,
' 1:-.J(' 1lu·11111,1l11 H h 111·d 1n .1•. lh1 �,r lh(· ('oqu11:,lio,1. �h�ll lie 'rnr111('l.l :inti'···
(',111d111:11111111n t 'oqi)11al•1·11
I 1•11•_;111111·1l pu1•.11.1111. l<1 tlu- r\uu!,1111111q1111 ,\,1 .111.! IIH· {.n,j,n1:it'11111 ('11d1· lo hold ut!« to c·u,111111111 :11e:1.1:.
' 1111111· 1'1,,,,-..1 111 .11:11::11•.1• ;1:r l111•Jt'CI :uul lo ;1,, :,11111 11lh1•1 thi1,{',.-; :,.-; 111:,\·hc 1;ccl·s.-;;11y. 111 the P1orl'CI or
c3i th,i�l' 11·h11 ha ,. :111 111n1,:: 1·,·c11111:•1v ohi1p.1l11111 Jn 11>1· f)!·\11 l,(ll'l;I{ r.h:111 :,11lo111:itic:ill�· be un-mbcrs to
·1 Ilic l'.\ cl 11� 1011 �f c11 hl'1 v . of I he ( · c,11dt11111n111111 { '11t p()1 :111n11 in :ic-:n1 ii:, 111:c wu h Seel 1011 7 her cof
(hJ ·r1ii.: 111:,11:1.:,c111•1:1 nr lht· ('u11do:u111i11111 ('n1pn1:111011 �li;1II li1· vested 111 :i llo:,1d of l)nccio1<;
of'l"l;N ( JO) 1111·1uin1• .. 1S1lli t,,.o ()) 11\\·1nl •• ·1·. t·:i,·h 1.:r,1111111•. 1"10111 ("l11�ll'I 1 . .1.'l. ,'\:.. '..i :,11d t•:•cl I) 1111·111b1-r
c.1l"h c11111111•! !'1n111 l·l11•.l1·1 J. :111.1 c,. ·.,li11 :.Ii.di h1· 1·h·,·tt·d hv 1ln11l·sp1·1·111,1! 111111 u,,.·111•1.-; nf 1-.:11·h l"h1slL·r of
!he P101ei.:1 h.1<;1·d Pl\ 1111· 111111 ll\VtH·r·<; :,11p111l111.1nl 11111·11•\! :,� d,·lL'IIHIIH'd Ill .S<'..:!1011 7 lli) ln-u-of".

.. I. , .. , I· I •I,. ",p,,I ,1• , 011 ,lot Jt·r ·.1,,11 I •• · l'•".l,·d 111 :1 rmrtl nl
l tu 11111.1· ,r 1 ·• tr 1111 1, r I'I I · I I t ·1 I · · I I I: :I 1. . I , t ,
1111 ll11,11d 111 !111111111111, 1111 1·,11111 1111,111 • l11dl 111(11 11111·1• t I J 1·11! 11

,\',·, 1i,111 7 .. N11t11r,• 11111' /111,•r1•1! .•l1·1i11lr1•,/ JI)' f)11'flt11'//Jll.1'1·/ii1.\1'1' l . I

' .
•if f)11i1/1 t ·, (' tI ,:;,

[.\) Tlu- ll\\lll('lfJ'llll'll:1:,<'I or ;1 11111[ II� !IIC'tl'l1°1Jl .. ·I !';'1:dl ;1rq11ilC OWIICft.lLip (1r f.Lll·h nnit :1�
dl·�r11l,,·d 111 :-;1·c!H>11 � iH·11:1,r .�11hfl1·i ;ht· tv/111� and l"n11d1:in11.� of lhl' 111sl111111c.,1l COtl\'C)'III!\ lhl1 IUU{

i<1 ilit· n>11n·:.'·,•111c.::li.1·,v1•, 111 lu !li1· lt·1111•. ·111,l 111111°11!1011� 1·n·1vcvi111• ,urh 11111l
. . . .. .
11111t/sli:1i1 :;1c.q1111c
(lJ) '1"1'1• 1'il1J.;l1;1<:l'I 111 01\'111·1 or' .1 f111lhr1 ;, 111y11-cxcl11�1v� lll�•t lo 11111!1.c 1:11.:
r:oJ\11\l\!ll 1\1(";L�
i: ··,"
tel /\, :1 l·o11',l1JL1l111·1· or nf a un1I. till' sh:111. subjcrt lo
Sl·,:!1011 (I h1·11•1·1hl'f'o11\ :111!u111.1l1r:'ll:,, h1·i.:,11111f ;1 1111-111hL'' of' IIH: ('011tlonu'11i11111 ('nri,r,1:,111111 1v1lh i;nch

I ' .
11111·11·i;1s. p::.:11111:111011 c,1 1·q111lv !li1·11·111 ,·011e�p11111lu,.'!, lo tlu- p<'1rrr1l:11,·,c or rr:ic,1011:,I i;ha1c'1vhi1·I• lht.•
1vr·11�li11·,I Ch,ur ;1tl·:1 .;11, 11 uni! ht•:11:. lo 11.1• 1,,1:11 �:11:ibh· _:,11·:, 111 1l1r. l'ru_ll'CI. Thu "lt1l:1I •;;dal>l1• :11l•:1
!' 1rcrcr�. 1·; the Con11J1ned nrio1 ;,1t·:1 or :di the 111111�.in thcl'rojcct:
\Vi:11�l,t1·d Fluu, /\1c:1
:ii i.h11i

.. , .... . .
···-------··- �-� ,inc c15·r.1 nf p:i rt ic:ip:,( 1n11 "!� i 11 the
I 1>l;d :lll':l c,f ;IIU\J; 111 Ill 1l1c ('.t111do111i11i11111 1'10JCCI ccnuuot I :, t cn
I. the· i'1111rct. l',,1·h,: svt,:
ur !',)llHl\01\ :l!l':I�
J"l,i.: jh'1rcn{:it;1· sli:i1e of L':1ch 11111! i\ set fo1lh 111 thc schcrlulc attached bcrcrcns /\1111cx "('."

( rl) I inch 111r.1illirr of the C'.n11dn111111i11111 (' 01 pl11 ;11 iu, 1 �11;1l] �I 1;11 c i11 the cor 11111011 expenses of Ihc
iiiHllt·I. ;,Ii,: Ali::11111;�:�\ �iit:I: �:1:111u1 ni:Jug Jn 1!1J rn�r� i:ro�i(sr! tn !!n; r:nll:!n:1!!n!i::�, ��! !�� : ��f.!!!�!�=�
\V!1lll11 Ill!'.! §ill!!\! �Iii!! illl-i 01 IH'!"E('!ll·,,�n jl� !lr1�1.J1:!1u·,1 II' Ht1rur111 'I {111 lilll'�of, hi 1111 eru,u11, !!HJ 11\WIUIJ' ur II
111111 sll:1J\ hnvll :il lc:,st one (I) vctu in ,l1u C'orporutlen tor i'.\·1·.v 1111il o,1i11cJ 6y IHi11/ll Ir, tlil1 J!1ujccl.
{r) ·1,, !ht: cvou 1h:,1 \11(' ("nndn111111i11111 1.� rhssol vcd. the 111t.•111l,c1s thrr cof shall'l'Clllll'.t·n-i,1�111·1�
or th\• ('11111111011 1\1�·:1� \\•1!11 :;h;il('J; lhctcru as i;h�JI l:01t'CSf1011d 10 thch' ;ippllr\1.;11;1111

?''" m !'·"''"'"'""' ,,. lhc Comlo.muuuu ( o,,m,at,ou :,., provided 1>,0,,s S•.•,1;01>.

. . ,, ...
,\,·, ,,,,,, s i 111, ri,f,,,, "' • I,', • • ", , , , ,•f I ·;,, , , .,., , I ,1 / ,111, , /I, , , I

f.11lll·\1ll!ll'l,.:. ••• ,.1,,·.1l11·11,·l,oo 11 I

lllrl IU ii ,Ill\' 111111' I I! I I I VI lt1pt111111 111.111 J,\' fdllit•. •.11, Ii
:uld1lu,1i.,I ,llj•[•;,.,1., 11, . .I 11111/,,i l\'I 1·, ,1 1•1,111· .. 1111 lt,1 ·.p,, 1111 ,1'al(111• ,•, 111,IV 111• 11 ,p111, ,I t,, ,1,, 1 1d,,•
i, :11l�·1p1:1lt·lv lhl' cn1:ipl,·111111 nl 111,p1uv,·111l·111· '"I• ;luf1 \\'1llo 1111·, li.1111•1 ·. tl11 u II d :111v !,u, I, ,
.. ,.1111,1, 11011
i 1n;iy bv •.1111"·11 uv :1 1v11di,;1le ,,r :111 ,11, h1,·,1 n1 ,111,,:11·•1 1,;,(111,1111·, 111,· i11q1101·1·11,t·11l•, 1i.11•t· h,·,·,1
full',1111< 11-,1 .,•: li.·11·111 11'!'1···.,·nt.�1. r,1 ,1, .. ,,.,1.,11111•, ::Ill\' 1l1:u11•.1··; 111:111·�� :; ••• h pl:111·.. ·r•·11ll' .,1100,·: 411
,· 1 l·1lll11 ".v. 11h111 ',!l',<u·d :,,..; :11 k111>\\l1 d1�1·,I \1\' {)\\ll•il·ll :,""I 1,·;•1\1(·1, +I 11, : •• ·, c11d.1111 ,. v,1th :;, , 111,11 •I oil
i lln.: ! 'n1u:01.111uu111 1\cl .,h:d: l1111�i1l1:h.: :111 :11111·11,:1111·111 of tlnv i\•i1\S 1 l:lt IJl'.!:lJ

c'3·.I (hll'••n1 tn cn11111l11t11n nflil\· c· •• ,,,:.11111111,;d, l'1PJ1,1. 11n11vJth<;l;uulit1J!.':111\' l1·1111·; :111,I 1·011di1i1111
nf :111y l••11lo:1\·t (,, •.,II ""<'I 1·: 1,1111 Ill :i, · ,,,:,/1:11•,•. lhl· l!l;\'f,:l,(;1'1·.I'. 1c<;t'l'V\'': lht·: ··.:11 I·• :1111l:11I.
-Bi 11·1•1,<;1· ••• lt",'C1k1· ;lu· 1\i,\'.; I,.:, 1;::1:1, :i, ,, :·t'.11,lllfJll ,._.:,ri
11,,· lt,·;�i·.ll'f ,,r 1)1'1:d<; or !;a:1 l.1 'I\ 1\l:,k;:::.

1\lrl111 ,\i:u11l:1. c,t' .111111,11111111·11: d11I\ ,.,,., ui1·I tiu- l)l:Vl:l.()t'1 I;!{

·� .,.

'Cj �
,\'c·1 tiou iJ. ,\,·o·:,• 11;1,i { ·,11•1•1<11·,·. ..
i., 'I l,1<; 1)1·1 l:11:111,111 11f ll1·<;\1nt11,11. a� ·11:1v r,0111 liurc Io limc be ;1111t•11<INI, r.!,;dl r111body
�ucil l\'�l1irl1,11:i:. l11,,1lal1t,n�. t•n1•l·11:11il•:. 1111d1•1i:ild11)tt .11.d t1u1tlilio11� :1� 111:1y lie t1:-r111ll1•1I 111 Pt1t1tllll'd bv
• tfu- ("fl11<:0111,1111111, •\ll "' 1h1• �i:1:.ll·r lh•t .. l lo!,,• p1ov1d,·d 1,;'.1c.i11. S11lljl'Cl.1o 1'X\:.t1>1i(l;J� 11•hi,·h :11:1v !;c
., ,·,p11·•,,J\' �··: 101111 ,;, 1h,· ("cu11l,n11111111111 1\,·:. !II lln- 1\·\;1-:11·1 Jl,'('I:! or hr-rr-us, �:iid r cs+ncuons. 111111!:iti,111� .
ro,·1·11.1;1!�. ,,11dl·1t:il.1111�" :ind c,u1cli!1c,t1:; vh.rll ln- cJ,·1·111t'il Ir 11111 \\1ll1 11,r laml, Ilic lh11ld1111� :111d (llhcr
11np101·1·n11·1·,1, 111;1i,1111.: 1·1, ;lu· P1c1c,·1. ·.11;111 1·(u1•.lil\1ll' :i hc,1 11pn11 1'11· l'101rr.l :11111 each lJ1111. .nnl shall
111,111· tn 1h1· h\,1l'l1t or. ;111.t hr h111du1/'. 11111111. ;ill 11:t;l1rs ,1\\'11i1iit. (1f h !din� ;111v lJnit or ;u,.i' 1i,1�hl nr
111lr1\'�l lh1·11·111 cH 111 llu: l'1111l·1l, p111�11:1nl in !Iii; p1ov1�1n11s of' the ('011do11 i111111\ct.

.Y,·· •ir111 .'O. t /q· /I: '"")'Clllt'I/( lf,,,�1·

(:,) '1 In· ('01uln111ini,u,, ( 0111n1:il1r111 .�hall ,011·:ri11,!c Ilic 111:tn:-cgt'llll"lll bti,1-., or11i� P,ojcct
fllo�l' lh{' ::·11111· 1•; lc•:111:i!ly h•uu·d ov,·1 lo Jin· ('011dn111111i11111 ('111p111;1!icu1 bv Hn- I) ·v1·h•l1l'1 11� po1v1·1
' . .
�h:ill h,· !:11 ·h !1� 111.,v h1· p101·idrcl :,v liic· ('cnuln111111 0111 Act. !hr i\1:ii;lrr Dcvd. lhrs i)l·cl;11;1l1nt1 or
l{r•.l111t1n11�. 11<; A1l1\'l1": 11f l11,;1u11r11:,11,111 ;111d llv-!.:11v<;, :,1ul �uch :ippl1c:il1lc p1nvi�11111� of lhc
('011u11:1t11111 t,;1,J :1<; ;111• 11n! 11111111�1 ... 11·111 11·1lh •hl· ('lu1;l11111111111111 Acl Any $11<.:h po11'l'I'$ n,:iy I,,· l'\t'tl:1$CII
t.,y 111 ,h.-lt·.l·.:,tl·tl 1,, �11.:!1 1,rric1·1� (H c11l11·1 l'l'l$1111.�. :uul i11 $U1h ,11;11u11·1. :1� the Hy-Laws Lll.t)' p1(1v11k·. ·1�1c-
( urpc11;1l11111 111:1v l111r n1:1nagl·t1:1l. ll·,�;11. :1111l1li111!.. :11.:,·t11111! 111!.. :ind other profC'slo11.1l .111d tecluucal
.. c,1·1,·1·� 111 1!!1· 111;111•H'I 1·1n1•1d ·d 101 1:·. ll• l .. 1,v•; "i lu- (',ap• ·.,!1r111 ·.h:111 1u,1 h:1v(' thr- 1,1111•1'!' tr, , onducl
..•• 1, . I" •• I ' I I' ,, ,I ;. ,.. I ' ' •••.. I ,I .• , I. I • l ,j .. 1 .. J II I . •. I. ,;,j ••. I
1ll!1 '11111: 11·1111111 !l1111 IP 1·1 Iii Iln- 111llll· l1ll111, l!lllll1 !!I ll11: I '11111!11111111111111111:.jt·t ! Iii; l.1f1\. Jt\ J 1111111 11 Iii::
I 11t11d11llllll!lllll I ',111'dl,1l111tf, d111 illh!IIIIP ll,1111111 mul 111,lllitl'l'llll'ltl 11f 11111 l 10lllh!l!IIIIHll1I l \11p11l1IIIIIII,
1'111,11,·t .�h.111 bt• :1!lr.q•J11•d 11r d1:lt•11.:1lt·d l.v lht1 l'u11do111111!11111 C'.t11p111nt1011 lo n p1np1·1t,Y 111n11:1)!,1�111:11l
co1i1111a1Ln11 lo h11 tu11111natl'tl bv l)l.£VIJ,(Jl'l:I{.
! • �· I'

(Ii! 1::H·h 1·h1�11·r i11 11> •• r•,r111·1·J <;hill be :,utur1r:::a;;;;; 111 11� upc1alilll1�. '111l! internal
ll],111:\)',l'lll<,:11_ t•f' t·;1ti1 C"lu:,1t•r 1.l1;ill h11 l'l":l.ld Ill ;1 1)(1:ncJ or {iOVly,l'llOI'; or tlucc ()) tl1Cl1lhl:l� fnl"\:iHh IO
Ii: ,·.,11·,111111,·d 111 lhr 11:;111111·1 p101·1dc-d Iru in S1Ti11111 (1 (.;) .1':,r)1 l l11·1r"f 1\ 111.,r•11i1v uf ll1l' 111('t11hc-1s
!-,l1.:ll ro11!,i1l1hC ,\ qt:<111:1;, ;111,f ,! 111 \I\IPII ul .'a 1.1,\/',• of ;i lj\lr,1;�11 �h:111 be s11n·lt'll'l1i :t� :'I vaitd :!Cl or
lht• t!n:nd (•f (�nv1·r11111s :!11;;1d nf (i,1v1•11u1rt; ehall ht· d,·1•111('{11(1 perfouu d1:ll·��:'ll<'1\ JlOl\'\'15 From
lhr llri;111l ,1r [)111·,·11111. nf" 11::· ( ·,,111!Cllllilll\!;ll ( 'n11ln1;1l1i111 111 1111' l'Xt·:,·i�c nr ll1cir IHll\'\'1� /\<; �ll(h, lhr.
lln.11,I 11i (; •• ·1•:11111', :.11:dl h.11·1· tl11· 111l11·11·! :ind 1·,,· -,n�·:,111•1": \u 1111pl1·1111·111 ;111v :11uli11• r11nv1\in1•.�1or lhv
. . 1 . : .. ' . .. .

I . .
UU.:!Jl')J/i;H' · - ±�
J.·f1• ·!fi��","l.
· � •••�_b.,
J �
- �OL,'\AI
_' I,_,_...,.._, I ' '.· '
, .
.• '"
t .I
·� � -�:..-..,,0
.' • · .• ' I 1 , • _.
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•.. I
,\i·[ .1111i nlht·• ;1:,j•l11·:,h!1· i:11,·-:. !11e ln11·1•.Jll1/� 1\1:11.!('f Deed \Villi l)r1·!;1;;;!1c,11 ;ii
ltc!.IH,:l1(11l.�. Iii!' 1\1l1t·lt·� .,f l11foq1t)1,1\1nn. I;,, l: .),: :11ul :l,.11);1• il.11!1·� (If' lht• \c,1po1;1l11,11 ('n11r:icl or
1!1•,:1_l'.!11·1111·11t :,·. to .1111• d1·11�11111 .11 p11i1rv ,.j flu· ��11:11d nl' I 1111·c!o1:: of llu: ('u11do1111111111•1 ( 'n1p1u;11ln11
;ind th.II of Ila· Ito.ud "' f 1nv,·1111o1:. 111 .tu,' 1 h1�l1·1,. !111: de1·,·.ru11/pql1t·v of !he Uc1a1d ol" li111·,11u•. :.:·.111

[ucv.ul .
;1111 I �11.1]1 b,: b:.iil111;:lu :ill 111111;
1h,1,1;1 :dl1,\\·d

' r ., ... ,,r
l\, .. :111,·111111, •,11:,:1 [,, ,· •• 11·.:•1n·d :,·;
I :..: •• IIHIVl�ll"I •• '.,:,,.,l• ;;1, •• ,,1111 lhl'l:11_.1111,11

d11111111•.!1111·� :ill' pt11\("I', 'l",il',I :11 1!i,· 111•:11,I 1,1 IJ1111it•I.\' ;!\ ,ht• h1,111.U�Cllll"lll bndy CJf llll' ("ond1111111,1111u
c:31 ( ·,,1p,u:1l11111 .1;1d .1, "I" h .. 111 ,,,:1(1.u 1·. ,,t .1\11,,11·, Ill h1· \·11h•1\·d 111!0 ,11 \1111111-:hl 1"01 ur :1:,:1111·.I :)i;·

,-el I
(",1111!,,11111>111111 ( "u,p111:1l11111 :, 1:111 lil· l.,\\'1,.uL1d. pl!i�\;\:111\"d Ill ;lt•l°l·11d1·d 111 \Ill! tuuuc t•f" the ('t111d11lllllll\llll

·l ,\,·, 1io11 If 1ii,1int,·,lf1111·1·, /\,:1,1i1·1 ,,11,l .•ilt,•1,:tioll.\'

l i


:1) in:l:rn!11;i! �11: !i !!!:�1nH·!!'.!!!f�: !!'l!!i!r !!!. :1!Jr!nli!ll! !!u�I 1>{ri�nl1·! 111�·

1111hv11l11:d 111ui•; 11111 p:1H1cul:11 t:ln:,ll'I

<' CJI .,

I Ir
; h) 1;111�!1,;1 !-11\"11 111;ii1111·11a111:t·. u-p: tr (l, :1\\v1;1;i(l11 ll1.1t bcncrus an\•
li1111i1·d 111 cnrn111(l:1;-i1l·;1111 c:11,;h

�111h 111,1111lt·11:1111:: -. r,·11::1r 01 ;1ll1•1;-ilio11 tl1:1l benefits lla;

\\•l11,i1· p111_11·\l t'r ��..:11v1;1l ro111111u11 a,e:1s.

I I/ ([1;, ,\ll 111;1111h·11,,11l"1: 111" :111tl 11·p.:11·; uf auv \)1111 (o,h1·1 (h.111 1illlJ..!.ll1,1;,11cc cir \he J1�1;1t1!, lo :111:,, of

i " Jhc (\11111·11,., /\lC,l), l.On!;111u·d lht'l("III 11c1! 111·cv�·;il:i\rd b) lh1: :11:\ pl lll'l�i�\;,:ICC CJf the l)',\'11(.'I, 11·11;111i 1.,:'

•. I'r- ·�· I,
o•:cup:111l -,
u,v,11·1 �l,;:li
r !-ucli
l1i� 1";1;!1111: (II" rl'r1,i.:1t
lJ111tJ ,h.111
b,; 111:1:11, I.\·. ;ind al lh11 c•:11..:n!,c of the U\Vll�f sut:h linil. l!:n:I. U1:i1

1·n·t·1·1 �llth
. .
all d:1111.:1�t·<: 1o ;111r ,,1111�1 \h11t
11'p:1i1s.· F:iCh 111,il OWIIC"I' :;h:1ii :11:;;o Iii:
IH,,.illCll:111i:r ;111.l/:11
. Irom
:u1d to lhlt ('.0111111011 1\rc:1:; 11·'iul'111J'.

I Jl::,11011�1lilc lo p1on1pll:t •ci1011 in \\'t11i111·. 1,, Ilu- llo;11d c,flio,;1_•11101!- of Hto ;ifft.'C!t:d cl11<:ll:l 111' :1;,_.., 1it:·,·ci
01 .. '('j1.\i1s or :111r or liu- ('(1111111011 1\1\.":1.� f(101i!I i11 01 ,vi11L1.1 the vicinity of his lJ11iL 'li:t: cl1;•;;l·1

' l' '\
ur (io1't·111u1s shall inll1;1lly 1'.1..1cn11inc \'Yht1hcr sq1rh 1t11:ii1 o� n1;1inlt11;;1,cc be clnssiflcd a.,; .. ,!,;:::c,·· or
"t•,l'nt•1::I" If c.l;1�.s11'1rd ;,:. clustcr , 1hc l·lusll'r'unil (11vnt:r::! be rc.ponsfb!c for i.;1,·h pnu :;11d
111 Hu• 1'Vl�11! ttu- ,·1:, .. !,di,::11111{1 1s 1·.,111·1:,I. tbc ch1,;\l'1 llcaid ,ir c;.,,.,..,.111:1rs ·:h:,ll
I : .! ' 111:111.1!r11;111l·c.
11111111·d1.11,·I \' 1111! if',' ! lie ( ·.1111.lllllHI 1111111 ( · •• !;;,•I :1; II ti I 1,•i11J ;,h.,11 he I \"Sjllli 1:,11,lc fur SI it;h 1111,;;;. :o:unl l"ll:J:1\."L'

'" :·1 .. 11,, .. ,,,,

II' I I " I"
11111111� 11l 11111,ll11 l
H11,.,1 :11·· P· :11<·, i.1·.·.if11 ,! :1·., 111 .11·1 "': •·:11·1 ii :1r,·:1 :i'i •:11ct"ifir,l 111 S, ... t1011 :, of' 1':111 I
! :1; t t I , J • ,I I ., J .I I ,f;. I. ..
1 111 IH111I

I 1: '1!" I:'

•l l:xrt·p1 ;,:; 111:1v lit: l111111l'd tu n:!,lllt:lt•d Ji1:1t•ir1 nr 111 tho onc.!t 1111\t ownur r,1111!! hhl'll

1111 1•1.t'llt..,ivt1 1 u1.l1l. m 11�· 111v11 t'.�IH'1,:a·. lo ll:1i111. rt'piji11t, ri!o, wnx, p;ipor;· or .o.Ll1cr;t·i1io �·cli�1.1sh ;uni
dcccrnt l· lh1: 111111.:r r.111 fal'cr. or : he ,va:I:,. flu111 s. .\vU1<ln\YS
.uul 11001 s bu1111di11n
his own Unit.

· I;·
,, •
i'h1!\111ih·.1;1111!111!', 1111: roll"/'.Pin.••. ptnvi·:iu11�:. Iii(' 111v11l'IS. lc11:u1t ur oc..:.11p:u1l of;, 11111t 111 \\' 11.1:
1111tll·1i:1:q• :111;,t �11111·1111.,J it·pau:; 111 alll·tali1111s�u1 a11v 111h1·1 wurk ,11hich
I!.,� b, uhl111i,}., or . ,110:ilhcr l Jni;. or 11: tp:11:. 1::i(1;nn.:11t. \viihnut !ht• p I ior
would jropanli�.1· !h� !,:1i·c_:1y of
cpp rovol . yr til,.;: (�.111dn11u111· 1111
( 01pn1;1l11111 .rnd 11, 11!1:u,,·111:11: pf tlu· 11111::: 111111:hy ;1ff1:,·1,·d b\' !,uc..:11 ,vo1k.

( c) /\! I
. I '
1::· :i; 1d I l"p:1i 1 •. 1 o 1rh1: { • 010;1hJl l or· 1:i1111l1·d Conunon ,\ 1 c:;;. v,,l11tncr Jt;c·1i rd
111.11,11 l'L 1:,nct·
i11.�:1!1: 111 <'11!�1111· 1li1· t 1,u1i: (111111·�:-; 111·i � Ii�·. 1h,: :it:! or 111·1i,li;•.l·1u.:e of ;1 Unit 11,v111:r, (t•ft:1111, 1•r
,·•:·:1ta11 ·d
,; 111 \•:!!1eh i::1•,1· �11f"h ,·,·,11·11•.l' ;.l11H \•\ cli.11J�rd lo tilt.: o,v111·1 or the ll11if). sh;1ll ln: 1:1�(11· h:1 lhti
th\: 1·i\1·.1t·r 111111 l)\\'H1·1• 1·:· i,y !IH,' \",111.l111111nill111 f"oq,11,at1(111. :,ppl_.,.i,1� llic p1incip!1·c. c1nb.,dit.i i11 1111�
... �·-·--l·
2 '
., .
�---r' f
(d) lhc 1)1• i,;n\·-. ,i: 111< ( ,,;po1:1[1011 1 o;1r l·,:111(;1111 ',l,lll Futtltct j)ICJVl!>•'Jll'., 1l'l:1\i1·1,. lt
in.HI 11\ I \:II!• ·1·, I l j l.ll I �, . Ii\ : :II ltl. 1;. 111 ,11 ;, i I I 11 •ll', \{., 1,1)p l1 1 IH'l ll I IH' I' I U I I�, tH I'. hC'I Cll I

,\,·c·ri,111 12. 11.1,·11111,·11(

:1;,:., •.. ·.111,.111 d1:i11·11 :11�:1in:;l ,111 individunl 1111it i11;, p;.l!icHl;11i
cl11•;llf For 1[:; so!c li<·:1rT11 I

:, ': (·:\!.�I t'I

' .
:1\•,(':,�111,:1l 1l1:11v11 :1r:1i11}l ,1il 1u11\ owners wnhin a cl11;lr1
11)1 1,,111111ull vxpvuscs of such clustur
.1:.•.1.,·�·.1111111 d1:n1•11 :i; .aiu\i all 01vnc1i. i11 !111 cuthc

(!.i :!.1·.. •H1�1 111111•. l,,1 ..::011111111111·.•:pvn:;cs shail ho ba:-:rcl 011 :q,p1111�·na11I i11lli11·:.1:: :1::
1\•,,,, -, ·.1:1< 111

d1·l:1111i11ru 111::l,·1 Sect.on ·1 { c l l 1c1 r1, 1·

(c> l hut 11111nt:1:; u1 l1111i:h.1!;l·1s (lvlir!111·1 ''i,;,e11c1:1I" or '\·h1�1�:1" ti\p:;11:,1�;
1\'i!>L''is11,,·11i:; ;1;•.:1111',I
jl1,•1t·111 1\·lenl·d to .1·, "('f,1111111111 l'.,,;p1·11,,;t·�··1 �h:dl be 111:l'IC 111 p1upo\tio11 to sucb 11n1! {)1'.•:i.·1·s
:ipp111!r11:111l 1ntc·1\":l 111 the l "(lnc\0111111111111 ("oqH11al1011. l'amcularty but n·JL by v1;1y of \1111i::1i10:,
c:01111nu11 11.,111;11:., .. ; �h:dl nu-ludc, (I) t.·.,;1111:.,·..: 1'01 adn1i1,i�11;1!1oii or 1.:a•:h cluster for Ilic ,vhu!(• P1qjct:.I.
;11111 l''>;l)l'll'.,l'S uf IH,\i1;;;.;;,UIC\', 11i:•:1:1i101,· .. 111):111 UI Jl'l!l;ll'l111c-11L of tl,l.l Couuucn /\ll::IS, ns \•1_-!1 :1� Hn.
C'I�\ 11r !11c11 1111p,Pv1·1111-11I!,; (i,1 a11y valid ,J,;;igc ;,i,.:111;;1 1·:1J1 cluster, the t'rojcct .a:; a \vl11J!;: ur !h1:
('t•1lll\1ill!lli11111 ('1,1po,,1!11i11, .nul (111) \".p•·n�;t·�- dci:L11rd lo ht• ro11111111n c.'<pc11st·� (rh··.tl·I C\ll\"ll'>l":. or
(/ /'J'lll',t·•1H:11sl'!,) bv tlu- p1,1,•1·.iu1\� lli' llus Mavtcr i)rl·d ,vilh I.Jc�l::ra\1011 (If l\c�\11;:lil,;::, ,·,1 1\a· D:,·

f: f:,i.i: .
Laws 01 I louvc J{11l1.:s uJ"t!?,: ( '01po1:ilH111.

(ii) lfnf1·�.� 11iht'I\VJ<.t• Spct:11'1s.ill_v provld(:d l)y Ilic ('.011dC1ll1ini1•n1 f:1'("1'(:i::::

;,\SCS'.l\lCILl•; shall uot l1t: 1•·f:::1dcd
J 1: }'
I ( .,>':. I
1 \ '· (r) ·, 111• ;,11101111! of ;111v ;1�·,1:�!,IHl11l,<;, 11,r 11111·1,�;1/:, ,h1l1 111 1;,·:T?;c �,r d1·li11q·1c11c\', llu- c,1·;1 .1 r
i v I. cullci.:l1p11 (;11cltu!111.1; ,llll11111·y·.� lt·e•;, rf :111�·) 01 :111,v 1•t·n.11ly lf'u1 dchuqucncy shull :1 hc11

ji ·.' ·.
;1;•,:1111:,! tbc lfn1l ;11iil tho 1111it ,nv;1l'1 ·� 111il·ro.;.�l of p.11iirq1;,l_1"11 iq 11, .. �·,, •• ,:G,.;;,"l"" ('u1p1'1;:lio1; '.1;1rl·
h•11·. ·11,II !,--,,.,,.f'»;,·,l .1·•·l •·11! •• ,,, i ·I,. 1,,,11111 ,· II,.'. ,,,.,,1 ,,1),.,. i .· I :!,
I 111.1111111 1:1 ; II'.; 111.! 1111• 111 I 11. it 11! 1111 I 111p1tl11llilll
t '. j' (1 1.%. .
\ :
(I J, l1,l·1·pl 1111 1nhu11,•11il1 p1'111,1d\•d 111 ll\11 l�l'1..l111r!!1111!.j H11!1l1lt:tlu11H�o1 J11 thu, ('v11du111111lu111 1,r
. 1\{'l, !ht1 l1l1, rnr :l\!,1.'1:�1Hl�1I hc1,·111al\•1 .�hall lu- ::11p,·1111r lo all other lieus nud cncu1nbn111c1·!1 (•
. .,,., . '\' .
(p.) In nf fon-closun-. (IH· llansre1 111I tho cunvcyancc.
case :is \VCII as thu 1,·1h·111p,11:n1. or Ihv
• .
dct111q,1r11l lJ1111 ;.l1;1II mcludc 111,, li1111 01v1u:1',; :1pp111il'IH111I ·111c111bc1sl11p 111 the (:t;n(:111111nl111:1
c:01 por;,:.:or;. The ( · 01 , 101 :111011 sh;il I hn vu ll u.: po�vf I I �1 lii,d, ;it !JJ�\ 1"01 c1.:I osur c sale.

\h) hr 1...1�c of d,·1:uil: 1,,. ·111v 11i1,i u11..11!t·1 111 i'111.· pay11n·111 or :111y :is::o..:s·;111,·111; i1,,:i·.1d1n_l', �.· y
i11lr1, .. ,1 :uid p('n;1l!y tlu-rcou. 1h1· {'u11di1111\11n1111 �·oq1e>1:il11111, wnhout p1cJUd1cc lo :,11�, utll1:1 11.l)i!s ur
re111'·dic•. to ._,h1t:h 11 1.� 111!1!lcd :1, 11:1n·1d1·d hc1tii1 01 11: l:i\v�f· cquuv. sh;,11 have the 1i1,�1L 01 l''•lll'•.li .. ::
11,v 11p;111
lo wluch u 1� c1ii1llrd a•; 1•:ovid1d ilc·1l"III �>r in or eq111{.Y, �11.dl have the 11.IJ.ll!, pr101 1\•1111111
11;1;1,·1· l<• ;l:e d1·f'.t1il1111;•. 111:i1 r•1\.'1H1. hi r1:1-orr q1 1�i1\ili11lrl r1ot11 such 11ni1 or 1111il u,.v1;e1. utilith'� ;::ul/·u
I ' I ;
�l·1v11·,·� 11l11ch ;111· 111,iv•dc1: ft)I u1 :1di111ni!,it:cd l\�· tl11: ('n11.Jo11t\11i11111 Corpt11:1l1u11 !cu :,Lll'.111 -,1•,:i11:1hil·
pc1t�1d l.'r l1111c .,� ll•c (' .... do1111111u111 i t1111i11:111011'l 111,1y ,!,�c1n1111cl ·
. . \

\f:{1, n Ii /\,·r1,' f',t1f'• tf)' 't 11111 ;,,10 ,1! 11, 1111,1·11:1
. '
( /:11! -. :I.Ii ,l \" I•, •
,,N:1f"i1·d h\' llH• ( ·.,s1do11:1•1i,1111 (\,q1t•1al1(,11 I" ni,1.1111 :\ . \")',H:1(1· ,,-:sl:��11\l'll( of 111.<: 1C',J''·' ti,c l:11ii !"01
l""l'"'-1··, .,( 1·,,.,,1,.,,, .,n,i ·,,,.., 1.·I :.·.�,· .. 111, ,,,., ,., .• ,.,I l'!''ill'II\ 1'/1·v,·1lh1·l1":·:. 1f t]i.•11· 1·. ;111•,- p,,•: ·1l11l1lv
1h:1I ;111\' I.I,\ (II .,:,:.1",',111\:ll 11, I', 111·, 011:v :1 I"\ I\"'' I '1111\1·. ,,1 :h1· ('1111dn,, •••••••••. l'1uj1',; ,.1 ,;;,, j], •• : •. : •...
('()j\li\i()!',f 1\ll1'.•\ ..... Ii:·· ··::;:;,, i11,1•' i11· j1:111: 11�· l]u· r·,·iult11,IIIIIIIIII (:01po1;1\JtUI .uul s:11d :111:c,11111 :,J1;1ll 111

II � .
111111 lie ;i).::c�-:ati l,; 11." i •• ;;,·1 .1·�::11 .: !la· I 111:l .,,,11,·: 01 !l\'.'l•,•1:. 1:CJ1ll'l:11a·d. io1�1·lhl·t \\•ili1 •.11,·:, 1:11!• c·1
111lr11•:;1 .,1u: \"(l�I·; a:. Ill.II,' :,1· ,.,·q·111111\l'd t,·, iii,·\ ,11p •• 1.il1 1:1 �ll\'h ilS�1·:,',llll1ll !;li;1ll l'IHll,l1i11:1. ;; li111 PII

i lhc Ll111i er lhut;, .1·.�, -, :.1·tl. p-it�\;,1111 l,1 S1·1i1d11 I� ht'llll:

(.':,r J . .":.;,'f:,;i,11 •.\

,\'1•1·(1,111 ( :.
�I ·j
c..) f:,' "I '
] 11: l,11.I:; ;U,IJ 11:, 1,,111'!-jhll\l I lllj: ('11;1:111,1;; :'.ll',l!, !-h,1 I'I he' u··1:uJH1:d
. .11111 uso I :;11bJ�'\.I lo i'"•
-e-:1 1: ·!,,!l,11'.'lllj; i,l);J!,1!HJI_I!,
I ri
. '
{:1) i\Jn 11111; 1•·11,1:, 1·.,.11·pl 1•.•li,11 d !1·1·; Iii\· plllJI \LJlf!!LII ilpjlllU'I\J IJf' !lit• l'1111•J11111it111·r11
(\,1p11u1ilOII. �l!:1!1 tl(LU/!r tJI 11'.ir 111!, lillll 111 i"-111111 ilt1· ''iH!I{; \11 illl\' IJll!1 \111�1fHr !!I Iii' f1··1:11pi1d ur 11:.·:d
fu1 ;111v'p111p<1_';1: <1!h1'r '.li::11 :h:1; 1:id1ca!1·d :11 ti1t· 1\\AS'\'i.£1( !)l'.1:1), 01 u11d1·1 the p<·,1111;1,t ('.111111 .... 1! "[\1
Sr!!. pi o\'1 ilL"d 111:11 t h1' l :1 Ii 1T 1 ·; 1111! 111,;!111': 1 �1 rut \,·it h the (01111c1 I JnJ cv, the Master l.>rl'd •:; :1111<11drd, 11'-'
lhut 111;1y 1;1· d1v1d�.I 01 .-11hd1vult!\'I 11110 :1 !,111.,Jlcr 1111it 11111 :\JI)' pu1lio11 thereof .sold ur nlhc11,·1·:c:
d·., lb) (',,a,a, •• r t :o11:::·. t1·�.,:111t thl· l.1111!11,; (',u11:1u,n i\ll-:'1';) 11flh1· t111:i?t i11IL111l1·,J lu1 ti,,· /i:;;11::l,.i1r

t ni' :,('1 I ll'C� ;1,11! r::, 111111·:, f(,• fii. \.'.(111\:\Hl'l ,•;:;n'."l1H�,II or ti\,• { hut sh:111 be 11!,t"d \lill\' 1PI ';:,rl1 ,,,:;1,,•;c:;
:uu.l .sh.,ll 11l•I bv .q1111op11.1,�·,: i11i lhc r-« l,1•:111· ;:',l" 111 hl·11l·l'1�11i':u1� 11:1111(111:,r llnil.111 l :111(. 'I 1;, 11• :,!::!:
he 110 ul1sl1u,;10:1 o:" !Ja: ('l,:n;1:(111 /\1t'::•. 1111!1,cl:"tl fdl 111j'.lt'!:·•. c-i1c::� or access lo ;11;•; :;·,Jthijl nf iit:
n1uldrn;�. ,,0111:1:1'. si,.,11 iu- i.111;,·1! in lhl· (',:1:::11;,11 1\11·.1s (1·.'<'(i'pl in rbusc intuulcd fer :.lc1;1ijt"j 1•:ilh:--11!
the pr t,,;10:1t. 1:•:1; ;1·11; or t ! tt: c: 1111do111i1;1111,1 l · 1: 1 p1,; :11 ion
(1.:) lJl'.\1l;i.(JPi•.I\ :u1c!/ur it•; ':.•.i,1i•,11i,'t�, !.,?1.:ill h:1,·,· lhc scil1· ii::J1l 1('1 :\dnpl. d.1:.;11:,.�·- i11·.1:.::.
'� c.suuuct , (l\V(l :1J:(: ccuuco! l,\:ci, .Slell:tj.•.�·,•; :ll;d/t)I /ll;1i',l11e,:, Ill the (:u11dtl!\lllli\llll /'to_il.'l:' "11nd l'Cl .�ii;,:1 ot'
. :111y l.i11d .�hall he di.,pl::ycd to the p11hlic. vn-w i11 ur 1'10:11 :1ny unit or ;in} onion Ilic r:t,11dc111i1u1u11 or
J>roj�x:l ,viLit,1,1l the p I it,1 of tl u,,: l):: \1 E; .;:,j 'I�:<..
(,;) No:,;.,·():' jll,1c.1ict.: ·;1,:,li Ill: pt'l!lltlird11,·ith;11 ;lll\' p;,1{ (Jr lhc I'rojrrt \\l\ir.'1 Iii.:�, ii:. l\1'.C
'. �, •• :1\•' ,1f .11,1a,v:11;,·1: tu 11r,·1 i':11,i, 1·11 ,vl11l!1 111:'1v 111il'lfi.;1l' 1-.,i;I, 1hl' pcac 1\il pcsscsviou :111d p1ufH!t IJ:,l; nf"
•I , , • ,I i, t,. ,. ; r, ,.,,,, .... ,I 1•,·1·1 •. ;,I 1 1111 1 , .. , ,,., ·11111 .. f11I '"t' ·.!1:111 i · rt··,:,-,,: ."I'.'
p,Hl lit 11111 ,'1111(• l.

' \
• (l!j 1\1\ p;u;•; qf 1110 l1n11l-...·I r.h:111 !,·1 l,ri'l ii1'.1 p!,�11.:111111111111111111111:,r 1•0111liliu11. ,1111,! 11111 l<•ll11 :, 111
• ••
J' l.1111111!1• 111.1t.·11;1l:. •,II.di In· !,;11111.1·,.I nt d111111111 Ila· d1u11·; ·1r wuulows :i:; 1•11)11ld.cxj,ni:ti t1\t•1111ti lht 1,111,lll:'
. I :·· v11:-.v; iu1d 11;, ruhlush, 1c-1'11'i(;, ,;r y;11h:1F,:.: :,;h.,:l lu· :�llnwcd lo :11.:.ii1_r11)1l:1r.1: 11<1r li,1r.:111J :illii\\'l:(i f'.1¥ (i!t_l, !�
cxut. 1 I ' ', t

(l'j l\'!_�i1l;1tit1l1�

.Ll'pt ,1:i '
fr,\ Nn1::111i·. !-li,i\l \ · ti,;,:,� 1,1 any 11:ul or !ill' 111\i\s or lhc l'rojcc.t ,•:hi..:!:· iii 11•c1�·5·: •.: li1l:
1 ;,le t.:r 111!- 110:i:irt.: 011 1 in: 1'1 OJl:l·i. c., l'1 If! 1, \; !•; 11 ,1 i·, ii: l 11 1:o.111.sr11l of 1 I 1c (�01\c lu111innn11 �-:, .; j: "· 1 :iin 1\:111
Slll'h 111crt·.1!-� 111 1nsu1a11t.l'. prc111i1u1;1: :.i;.1il lie fc.1t:1.1_�,·d .'.''. �ho d,·l!1H!IIL11l lh11\ .u,\1.'; ;· .1�1·. ::;. : ·:O:·'.·d
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,yhich ,v:li "l'�lill in.Ji, c,1,1cl'";1!Hi11 or du.! !11::u1;11��c 011 :\11j' of Oic l,lot.:i< •ir ;iny p;11l thc1t·Qf.
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[i:J;-�\,;i11r11. •.111:i 111.:: ,:u.ic '.n :;;iy ;J11;l n/ in nr io .1ny br lhc ('0111111011 A1c;1s ,,h:J1 v:iil 1:1o;1::;;
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{1) It: ;-:dd:t1t.•n l<• the 1·;:•,car,::1:·, i•111•1,,i\1J 1,y law ( i) 111c <.�0111:11011 Arc.,s i11 lhc 11;1i1� ,.h:1111,n
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lHJl" tile \ '1, .• c:111au:u1;11 ("•·'!",lr:1i,n,1 1:or :! •• : u ., 1,: ;111·{ p;11: ·,:f Iii,.: Jlrl·;�.d ::hal; 1111,,1:-.,c ,v,1i i"i·�

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...f)" hul llOl 11111,i·:d i11 ;he 1,,;1111>1;1;u1•.c: ti. :1 •,.ii, .. ;,,i111;, \11,: :,hO\'fiJ;i." ur 1:1c JJ1(1pc1ly, :ind �111: �;i:.;d,, .' ;,j

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:,.,,i :1111, II,;,;"·";,; 1',. l. '" .1:.,:. ·l' :·11:1.1•.i1.-,i :, .., 1:11. t 'ul1ho1.1;ip11 lc,'':dl U111r {J\�'lll�I"!: :,111! PC1...t:1•:•n:·, •. l,,i

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1{ lh1·11 11u,;:,;1,·r�:. ::·.u,y, .1, uv-u- :1::\·:c.1: 1.;.,y aj1j1•:;11. 11hi:1111 nud 1n;1in\aH1 ;,l :1ll li1111:·; J"::·· 11•,111:.···.. t'
J�j [\ \0\\11•:•. .' ,•,ih :.11rh_ i..:1.-,·1:<.·,I C(1,·,·1.\;.,1.· .r . f·: t"l•�·:\1111::11• inr .huild1111; i11 't.111.i loc;1l1fy, rrr 111,: u.u
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thcil·or be "�-�·.1l•li to tt.c ('.o;pi)i;i.11111 ;,� u-ustco fo1 lh..: Unit r;w11•:1� or t11C1r 1no1·i:·:1;·.::l::;. ;:· ;,1·-�1.
;u:<I, �·d·i,·.:1. ;,, ;!1i� li11:;;;:(1,:;1, �i1;di :il:.,J 11101·11:c fl);·,, �t·p;,1:11.o los� p;1y:1:;!,;. .. ::::i:·s�·1:1·:•'>i· · : .. ""'" ,, · ,:.,
�;;111. ,i· :i:1y. lJ;;011 1-:,_,::p: u!" Iii\'.· p1ocl:cds, U11.: G;, 1po1;ition ;.li.,i: 1i:c p;· r,:1:,- t,1·�
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: •. 111:,· .11 lhl· ··.1;1,,11;,·r 1,1101·1\!,Y) rnr 111 Ua: ;.nl\rJ•vu1!_:. Sl'1.".(1011 ·11ic 1;11·n11u;:1s 01 ·11...-li policy 1;1 '.•fi·i\·:,· •.. li:,!l
b1· 1·1111.1d,;\.i (·,,,;,;Hc,11 1�,1n·n·.1· of" 1li1: l:•111:r11;1\11111 ,ai;1i !,h;,l\ be ;1·.�c�::; "ll'f\111:,1 ,· ,ti• l-1:j: .,
.l,:\·c:d:1:1(1 ,�·1ih i!;..: ;,;n..-1�11111 of �;, ,):111, 11. !':11[ 11 l.t:11.oL "l"hc :1ulh9rity {(J ad;I':.' II':;:,;:;
I, 1,,. 1::' ·· 1!··· :1 ··•1:••·i '" 1:"�' ·,'····'. ·1· ;,., v1:�t\1; 111 1i·1• (',,•;·:;;;,· i·•·.
irr·· Ill I I r I; II' rl ·1 11 :1 I I I .111. I . : ••. /j .• j. Ii'.
I ll"l.111••\ 111 ii Ii l·lil,1111' ll111\IJ!ll1111111li111l1'1 11i 1 • plu!11!1111111111! jl11III• 'I, 1 liull'lh� llthl·III 1"1111li11111u 111111) If·
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r:nrpn1.1\!l1n 111 \1•r;1i11g b1·f"n1c ob1;,::ii11t·, :.;ah :1cldi1101\;1! l:o·,•cr.1c,c ,,nd, wiU1i11 1\ur\y (.'.tl/ .:::,,:r
1:;,-;11;,1 \l:C oi" liil: pol icy, tu i ti u ;: copy lhl"l t:"r \viih tht, ('.c rpor;-i: i011.
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.'i,•r:ti,:;. j;j. /,-, 111r1:1.c; (."/,;j;,,, .

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l t c�i;,:;01\:t;·:i:1, :;!1;11l bl: us«! fnr !Ii•:, :1..1..u11•,l1in uou �r rcpai: .'-! the U11ild1ni� or Lhc c!a1n::1:.•·,I ji:::i 1"11 !1::.-;.,

;., [j tnc.cct.
1 " •
,\1·.:.r,:1·;lructivn (1, rt p:;1r .i:. \1:,t,,.• 1n
pa·,;. 1J crvof ;u
. <ii.• ! ..�1111: <.:1,;,1.i<i,�11 ,\', 1:
• l 1 1r�·' p.-,::;rnl rcuucxt :, I 1;11·1 mean restonn.
1.;xi::,j·d pucr Ic lliu losv. ,•111.h each
. 1.1r:
,\1'l·:,.� il.\\'.•'/'.• : , tho 1.1·,:,•:•,l. ;1;1pruA1111;;\,c,;\ poSr.1\Jlc, the �.:1111,i vcmcal and horizontal l•111n1,J:1n:·:; ;15
., 1· :tt1•.ui:_;
;111.:: lh:�
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11",hc i11:;11:.111cc :11QC:rl:.I� :u;;
1\r(•·1s..,:1 �::•.:1:i:.! ,i<;.;":,..;11:l;\:. •:ii:d: 1;:1 111:11::,; ;:;::,ia!:t l'ar.:1 \)nil owner 1·::l:, .:,:1:: ,i·, ;,_r
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u1i:llfi1cil"� .. to p:1y :,II il11.: 1.;1, .. 1� or 1l·c(·n�Li,1c1:p,1 .,; o1, •• 11, :!1,·

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�hali !,�,·011:c 11.;: !";, .. ,:• "· .,,:· .. 1(1, .: ,'. .. :: (i,.· •:i,111i'.\i1..1:. lnr di:.·,.i,1;;,.;: 1;;° , ..
Corpo:.:;i(11: ,l,,1,11: :.,_,' 1.;, i. .. , .• ·,:.,.·,:,!;;,.;;: 1, :·,:1: i: ,: 1v;,1i11,d vote 1,:· \;:,(i r;-: ::: 1:., , :,>· ,1:.
d1�:.ol 11: 11Jn.

ii', h) 1;·;:!-,:,.1 ur;:1,· l;i\,1•i:1i:1;\ 11i I,;. \':,;pu::ilH,;n qr::': ;111r ,/1l11:1 Jc.:!,\l' .:., •i:.•1:.11;,·,·
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I i111i ,1·.··,1·1 1n.,y l'i;,·,·:,v, iy •11sp:,-.l· or I,.:. , •• :.,, I li111 1-.11l1.111i 1l1u :1;;pro�.:1 vi" or 111 ,· i,y II,.;
l'lt· .•• :
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·.i1.1:: r,11t. ,�, ;;,l. ("uqi,,.-. :1·:.1111i11,· 11[ :'.t;li, t:11,·::1;<111. \vi:l1 liil' 11:1111c ;i;ul ;1dd11;: . «r 1111:
' i11i<:11, \·d i: 11: 1 i·.. 1:.1·1, :;:�d :, •. 1 h ;·I: n-r i11 i\H 1; i;;i,. ,.1 \ \1l ll"\'l t 1i1,.,-, �1!11 inl1:nd1 d pvrch.rscr ;1:,�\-it·� •:, ,: ji• '! .111:.,:i
i.1:t.\' l\':1::011:ili:�, r,;qu:i� ..',,,i..:h 1�·1li<:c :11 lh,: 1:1:ti,,a ui' tlu- v,!11·� Vnil C'.''Jll'I 111;1y i11,lnl,(, :;"�;_;t!:1::·;�J i''.'

G ·! l,1111 lh.11 tl-u (\qp,,;a:n111 !"\11.11:.h ;i 1:•oi,h,1:,,·; 11' tl:c p11,1•u·.,·d ;11:1·ch.1:,1:r 1:, nol ;1pp,.,,,1_,l, :.1·l 1f"•;:1t"h
1t\·1:1.111d 1:; ;,·:ulc ir,,: ;1oi1< ,; ;.:1,, I;,,. :,l""<"•ui:;:.1,1:. .l :1·1 a i..:,,py u,' 111\: p111po:,cri !- ,:lc:; c,)11�1.11.'. ·,'•;:i:i•, .'.L.�.-

((i(l) <l:1y� ,11 ("f 1(· .. �·:;it 111" ih, ;,ln11�:.,.c; ,1<111• ,:. ;iu; (:n1p111.,:.11111 lHU!,\ l:ilhi,:r :1pp1ovl, 01 ;i1•.:-.;1p.,,·.�: 1:1-�

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Ii: r 1:: i\ ·.-:.(,:I�,; : ir,�nl. � -. I l':�11 I(·(! 1,y �,l •.; I('" ! ll n( U ,�: ('.11: 1do111111i l:111 1\,;;, p: ,_,;,;, 1 • :: l". .

ili'i•f�:' I ;,1i •: ,ij

ci:a·r .. lJlll\i:,:,.,n:, ri!' t! 1 i/,·,··�:r:1i.1 :· ,i: ii. ·:.1;ir,'1r:11� 1::,vc J,·1·11 co1npli°1 ·i \v1th lf !h.· 1 , .. ·, .. ::.:: •• ,
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r11·•1 \Vriii\11 r.011!-'.1':1; of Iltc r:1:\1IJ,()['J:I{ \110!:1;inh uf 1111'. obcvc conditions sh.,!1 t.:;i;iile th<":
bl:VEL()/IJ·.!{ ,,, 1·:u1r\·: thv ,,,1:::.,,1 .uu] r,111',·11 hv ·.v.1� uf p"n:dty a11d/or hquidatcd d:iin.,t··�;. lilly
p1.:rru11 (50�·.. J or :ell .-.,uur. �(1 r.1, p;i;d

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i. lo each lJ1111 lo 111·,111•1 r :di p1p1:t,, wnr-r. d1u·1•:, ,·:,hh .... c,l1i1h::1�,. public utiluv 1111,•!1'. :,111! o!liL'' C'111111111u,
A11·:i, ll>1::1l1·1l ,,·,111111 lhL'. <11111:L' i..hu1. to n-movc v111\:1111111·. 1l1L·n:fln111 :illd lo. 111.,i111:iin rep air 01· 1111l:1c1:

r.,,,·h ('fl1\11\\11N 1\li..t::\�; :1� 11·1·il :1s ('CJl\11\·\I )."!" / "'i1\!; ltK·:11,·d t·l�1·1vlH:1,: i1, the orn,1· !lnor:; ·11" 1111•
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:u1y lJ111i o\�'Hl'f. llll:111; or (!\'ll1p.1�1! 1':11h1 01 tl'flJ�t:� lo comply wrth �n.v 11111::::111•11,
111 tli,· ,···r111
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p:i\'tHli11 of 11111111·v. or ,,·1;J1 !he ll;i;ld.iH� llulc::: !he 111:,11:,v,,·111cn1 botl,: rnay. i11 accordance 1•:ilh 1hc ll'r·
. ' . .
L,1\1·� "f1lu.; (',u11!l):11i11111111 ('1)111nrat1n11 l\'1111·d" •;\1,·h b,,·:irh 01 viol:111011 :il\cr Failure or the (1,\111;1 10
. . '
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.1lu: Cl'l'i"'':ifltn1 ·1�1c ('1111101.1liou11� ;,l·.o i·11q11nv,·n·.t 1�, i111pn�ti·hy ,v:,y nfpcnahy 1n cas c nr \'iol:1!11111,
l1q111dal1'(! d:1111.i1.:,,·s 1:11011 tl1c lh•:: 1\\v11�·1 111 ,.,,cl• ;1u1,n\111 :u;d i11 (lie 111;i1111cr prescribed i11 IJ11: U:,··l.;1,•JS
or the Corpor:1ti,:,11 \\·�·,,·:\ .<.111:11 l:q11ill:1tcd cl:1in:Ji.:,,� arc 111\IHJS1'(I. tho s.uuo �h:ill be ,::on�idl�1r·: :,� ;111
;1\sl·�:.;,11.:r;{ upon Hu.; lln1t :i11d. hkr- llu: :1:;·,c·.•,111,1,I fnr ,·:,;j'!cn�c�-, sh:,11 lie secured liy tin: lic.: ::;1,"1tic d
,foe Ill �('(IIC)II ii hl·1t·Pr. •

i- f'lo :1u1;l.1:1011'. rt:!>l11(ti<,:1. (11\•\11;111i I" t.l,11dir1on h1:11·111 coutruncd :111d no 1<'gul:ctio11 i;, 1ht:
I ll111ld111;·. 1(11!\·:, �i::,11 he dl·,·11:,·d t,1 h:,1'l' \11·1·n ;1l•1t•o::1i,·d or 111;1iv1·d hv 1e;,�on or :u1y f:ii'1,1c lo ;;ufr·tct· lhc
�;11111•, II I \",fl\'l'd vc pf ii .c ,' IUIJ llJl'f 11:· \ 1nl .:I :011;,i 01 \JI cacbcs ti !Cl CUf \JI l:ip'>C �Ir I 11 uc wlucf 01;1 )' Ol'.1'\H

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f'Clio11 nf U11 its,


{1\'ll\'l'\1 1rnilll!!i n111I •1itUpi111l!i1nr orric�:

...,11 pn"a·111 ;111i1l1\=1111�1 �11\1jcr.t ln; ,uulUnit§ ijhn1l\h1:
�hall ,:0111ply ,�·Hh d1,1 11rn•·i.111'111� nt' 1111· i1111,!111i1h1111111 1\c:I, rhu �1:i�tl!I' IJt.'Cd, tJ1!s Cl·cl:ir:1!11111, the
1\rlu:h�., a111l llv·L:i1v.\, lhl· !l111Jd111;: l(1lll·r, .111rl other r11lc� ;uul rt..-g.11l.1tio11.� :idoptc<.l i,ursu;inl L11,:rt..1o. :is
llic:;c inslr,1111<.:;,;,., n1:,y he :i11i1�u!;;,i 1'1011, \11nc 10 (i1nl:. lht: acccpi;inct: nr .i deed or convl')';!tlcc. or 1i:c
entcrin.=: in!o l'f a lr:i;;.(', or 1h1.: i·n:cri11;.•. 111to ncc•1p:111cy of, :iny �nice 1n11l �h;ill conslillll\' :in :ic,:•i i;1ncc
or lhc 1u·o\�.\1·.J11!i of !,111:h 111·ar11:r,cnls. :1': 1hl'\' ;11.,)' l,c a111t1,dcd fron1 ti1;1c lo tin1c. hy. :.uch ,11v11t·r.
ll:11an1. r,; oc..:up,,nl ·1 h\· llntrl ,11u1� ::h;iil :ii.,,, Ii,; s11b1t·cl ,lo Ilic aln.,vc rules ;111d rcf,11l:,tio1:� \·:h1T;.:
:,ppli..:.,:i<·. h<· .• 1·,·1·1·1. ti;c· i1ntl·I i: •• ,·:1, .. h.ill he l·o1:1·r1·rl only by Ilic hotel rule�. T11c provi:.ic,1:r: co;1L11i11.:d
: t 111 �ur;h 1:1slnH111·111 �.11:,1; l" .:n'J,·:1;111:, n·1111111.:.., ,,i1h \I\(' land :ind µuild1ng :ir1cl sh:ill Uind .111:: i:l'l�n;i
h:iv111i; :ii :i111· 111111· any 11111·1,·!,\ c,1 i..::,1;:t1· ;11 ::111·.i1 \ '1ui,.:i;, lhoug.h s11�h prov1r.io11s ,..,ere r•;c1:�·J ;:n,: rull}'
5{1pul;11�·d !II �·.11.:h dl'\'d, co:1\'l'', ,IIIC•..'.. (It :l:;\�l' Lhl:l\'OJ'. -· . '

I .
·�' ' ''
.·ihi· 111v.did,ly u� a,1-.· !1tr,1•1-;1pn ,,J'!h1.', l)1.<;l.1;:1lio11 :;li,il! 11t1;' aff.,ct •i11 :iny 111:innl'r ::1.: ,-,1:;ii•��· OI'
c11f•1rcc:1btliiv ,,f
1111· l\'11;;11ilr!•:r (•f lh;, l'Jcc.i:11:iliou, :!nrl tht: r,lhcr provi:;ions of this DC"cl;,r::te.,11 ,.;,:,!I
I""'""''" b,rn u,clud"I hc,c,,,
�cnl""'" in
r;7· ct "., ,I "'' h "" ,iul, ,,,,,,.,s,,,u

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,.1,11c11rli:1,'1: ! ,if i) ccfr1roti'.111.
·n11� .[?l·cl:11:,;H,11 111:,y ill· :11111·nrll·d h•: 1111· :,nirr11:ilivJ vote of U11it owners con!-tiiutinf• ,.: lc:1�:
o<,-213�·•. of \nt:11 Lf1111 .'h:111:� 111 tbc ,l'rc1Jl'l'I, :1l ,1 111ll1!11!� d1!1�1 !u·hl in accord-mcc w1!h the IJy·L::,v.; of
the ro11do111111,i1.111 \o:,101:1(1l111.
. I
, , I
i1'1 \·,.-ri'r· I·:.�:,.; \\';!:·:Jt:-:,,F lhl· 1)1�\'El.l)Pr:i;. h;,,,p c.ue.vd IJ1i�'.i11!-1.r11111�1t to Uc executed on
d,c d:lll' at ,It..:: place r1151 ,1IHJ\'l'\\'IIH1,..1l ,' '

, '
1·:1\ll'lllF. 1·:1).:-i'I" \,,\NI> 1/(}l.l)IN(�, IN('
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tt.l'l�'OTL '1:r-rn� 1-1/\.t�JL 11 :,; s '•·

1:1,:;•(Jl{t·: l\li•:. ;i Not;iry l'ul.,lif Ior :ul(I i1fY1.��'l\"TI. l1:f..!�fJ11lrl1)tll�E_. day ol�j/\l{ 1 . '., 1�/UJ
I 19115 pc1so11;1l1�·1;1ppc.11td (;1,:11,,\:_tll�) c:.
�;,\ll(:;,,, with rcn1111. Tax. Certificate No._:12?.ft,1:'.i)
j_\f1'._ �1L -·-�\�)t� 1 \�l}l. Philippines
,I -rssucd on �
Ei".'il'Jill•:· i·:A.s·r
;1J and with ·r;ix ldcnlifi9liqn No. 110-1 SJ-65CJ,
1./'.i'ii), !i()Li)iNGS, INC: .. wuh Co1nn1 Tax Cert SJ01J9'is.s.,.11;xl 011 February 03,
19f/� at i'vl;1�J\I, ivh..110 i\,1:1111la, Phi!ipp111cs and ,vrth 1·.1.N. No. 00)-9112-10�, kno�nc and lo 111c
kncwu lo b1: the i.;1111\� pc1�011 ,vho executed the fore1_;.oins. insl1,11ncr1t he acknowledged to n11., that tbc
i,.:,;nc is hi, Free ;u1cl voh111(:iry act and deed cud of the corporation herein 1c1ircscnlcd.
I lil·rch:; ccrllfy th:'!t this instn1111c111 1t•l:itt.; lo ;1 Master Deed w1U1 Dccta'r.11i,111 of
Rcstucuoes of \l te :.. r: .. r i, :·: :l1\ {;ti�\) r: ,\ :t lJ 1·:1"'IS ( \.011do1nini\u11 PI ojc<.l) over that one ( I ) parcel t•f
land, to:-!,clHl:r ,v1th ihc i1i11iro'.•r1ncnls 1hcrC'011, sill1:11cd alo,1g J. Fcu.andcz SL, S.111 Juan, Metro Manila.
tfunbcr ccuify t,1;it U11s 1n!,l1u111cnt co11s1s1s.of twelve 1(12) pogcs and their inst1"\J11�cnt witnesses Oil·
c:ich Jnd every JJ.l!?,ll l:1rrcor. I

' \\1l_ll•:i\l•:{)F. I have

ii': ·r:·.ti l"if\l(}i\/',' !1crc1111lo s1..1. n1y h:ind and affixed 1ny nccm»! scat on
q1,· ,la!•· \"-.11 :u.d 1·1··1·" li1·.I :,'.,"·:t'\•!!111!·11 i

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Doc N11 ;IO!J ;,· JJl66•l; /-5-95. P/\Sfri
1':if,c No
Book No
Series tir I tJ " S \ ·-

, ..
MASTER llKl'.ll
,I\, J ' \ AND

'\: i•··
--�-- .•·� .J C'


'� \l


executed this __ day of , 19 _ at Makau. Metro Manila, Philippines, by.

EMPIRE EAS1' LAND IIOLIJINGS, IN\ .. n corporation duly orgmuzcd

and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, wuh otflce
address nt the I Ith Floor Sol11-lh:-111k RlrlJ!., 777 PnSl'O de Roxas. f,.1:,k:,11.
Metre Mmulu, rcpuscucd l11,:1e111 Uy its 1'11..srdcut, 1\11(. (;1,:1(1\l(I>() (.".
GAltCIA, hereinafter referred to as the "IJJo:VELOPEll'':


WIJ.EREAS. the DEVELOPER has undertaken to develop and establish 111 accordance wnh
Republic Act No. 4726, otherwise known as the Condominium Act, a residential condouumum project
known as the "Ll'l'TLE DAGUIO GAltl>ENS" on its one ( 1) parcel of land located at P Fernandez
St., San Juan, Metro Manila, and covered by Transfer Certificate ofTitle No. 6371-lt of the Register
of Deeds of San Juan, Metro Manila, a copy of the Survey Plans 011 which the project will stand is
attached as Annex "A''.

WIIEREAS, the DEVELOPER desires to irnpose on U1e resideuial condominium project "'
\• certain restrictions which, unless otherwise provided herein, shall constitute a lien upon such Project and
shall inure to and bind :-.II parties owning or holding anv unit or auv right or interest therein or 111 the
1'1 OJi..'Cl ptn suaut Lo Lhc p, ovisions of Lhc ('011do11111uuu1 Act.

NOW TltEREfORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the DEVELOPER
hereby executes this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions for U1e aforestated Project. to wn.


Section I. CON5'TITU110N OF PROJEc:1· - A residential condo1111nn1111 project to be

known as "LITTLE BAGUIO GARDENS" (the "Project") is hereby constituted on the aforemennoned
one (I) parcel of land which is covered by Transfer Certificate of 1·1,1c No 6371-R issued by the
Register of Deeds of San Juan, Metro Manila. and mere pnrticutnrty d1.,'Sc1 ibcd as follows
' '
TCT NO. 6371-11

"A CERTAIN ·rllACI' on J>ARCILI., OF LANI) with all the bmldings and
improvemeus existing thereon, except those belonging to other persons known as Lot
3, Block 94, of the" SAN JUAN SUBDIVISION", as appears on said subdivision on
plan attach to Expediente No. 975 of the Cou11 of Land Registranon of the Philippine
Island Bureau of Lands No.;J.161 I, a copy of which plan is filed with the Register of
Deeds of the Province of Rizal, P.1. Said lot is bounded as follows: Lot 3, Blk.94. On �
the NE. by Lot 4, Block 94, same plan: On the E. by Lot 13. Block 94, same plan. On
the SE by Calle A. Bonifacio and lot 14, Block Q4, same plan; On the S\V. by lots l 5
and 2, Block 94, same plan; on the NW. by Calle Aral Bauutsta.xxxx containing

The improvements are being constructed by the DEVELOPER substantially tn accordance wnh
the plans and specifications therefore prepared by Arch J. Edgar S Gonzalez subject to·
modifications approved by the DEVELOPER. Such Plans and Specifications are hereto attached as
Annex "B";

Section 1. Tbe Building and the Units:

t-- The Condominium Development Project comprises six (6) Cluster of Four Storey
Residential Buildings with a total of eighty (80) units Included witlun the site development area at
ground level are the following auxiliary buildings and areas. security guard house, power and pun1p
room underground water cistern. a central landscaped park and playground with an area of
approximately 182' square meters. perimeter walk path and open parking slots. Descnpnon of each
block are as follows:

CLUSTER 1 Consist of 2 units of 2-bedrooni (A and C) and 2 units of j-bcdroom (8 and

D) per floor for a total of 16 units. The cluster is serviced by a main stairs and fire cxu stairs with its
own entrance facing the driveway and open park. Typical to the rest of the cluster units, each mdivrdual
11111ls are provided with maid's room. maid's toilet, kitchen, living and dining room and utility 100111

CLUSTER 2 Consist of a 2-bedroont (A) unit and a 3-bedroon, (B) per floor for a total of 8
' I units. With its own entrance leading to the main stairs and fire exit stairs. the cluster is strategically
located in between Cluster I and 3.

CLUSTER 3 Consist of 3 uruts of Lbedroom (A,B, and C) and a 2-bcdrooni (D) per floor
for a total of 16 units. Situated near the power house, it has its own entrance leading to the cluster's
main stairs and fire exit starrs.

CLUSTER 4 Consist of 2 l1111ts of z-bodroom (A ancl f') and 2 u1111s of J-bcd100111 (Band
D) per floor for a total of 16 units. Typical to the ether cluster units. it has its own 1.,1t1a11cc leadmg to

the cluster's main stairs and fire exit stairs.

CLUS'l'Elt 5 Consist of 2 units of 2-bedrooin (A and D) and 2 units of Lbedroom (8 and

C) per floor for a total of 16 units. With its entrance facing the open park. the cluster rs serviced by 11s
own main and fire exit stairs.

CLUSl'ER 6 Consist ofa l-bedroom unit at upper ground floor. three 2-bedrooni unit and
four J-bedroon1 units for a total of 8 units. The cluster has its o,V11 entrance and is serviced by its 0\\11
main and fire exit stairs.
-r": ..
II ...
Section J. Parking
'" 'rucrc me uighly six (�h) p:uking slots in the project. eighty (XO) or wlnch :lll' covered
and siX ® open air which shall be assigned for value to buyers 111 the project
I ta, •
' ..
Section 4. Use of Units

All units in the condominium project shall be used exclusively for residential purposes.
subject to such restrictions as may be agreed upon in the instrument conveying the units from the
DEVELOPER to the unit owner/purchaser and as may be provided in this rvtASTER DEED.

Section 5. The Common Areas

The common elements or areas of the project (herein referred to ns the ("C"'on1n1011 Areas")
shall comprise all pails of the Project other than the rcsidonml units. and shall be classified as follows

I. Limited Connnon Areas - refers to a co1n111011 area assigned for the exclusive use of an
individual unit (eg. parking slot)

11. Cluster Conuuon Areas · refers to all areas and parts of the butldmg or project wuluu
each cluster which are not classified as a limited co1111no11 area

TI1e use and enjoyment of t.hc cluster con1111011 area shall be considered as restncted rn the
sense that their use and enjoyment are reserved for the benefits of the units within the cluster where
they are situated. Conversely, the expense for the repair, insurance premiums. maintenance and
administration of said cluster conuuon areas shall be for t.hc sole and exclusive account of the satd
particular cluster acting through its respective Board of Governors who will exercise their funcnons
and powers in confonnity with the provisions of Section 6. pars. b ,� c hereof. The development.
landscaping, alteration or repair of any duster conunon area which affects the over-all integrity or
appearance of the whole project shall be regulated by the Board of Directors of the Co11do111111iu111

LIT. General Co,11111011 Areas - refers to all areas nnd p:111s of the coudominunu project.
particularly but not limited to the following, to wit

(a) TI1e parcel of land hereinabove described, including all ratups. dtivcwnvs. roadways.
pathways, parks, playgrounds and other open spaces within the Project l'f

ll (b) All walkways, entrances and exits, including the guardhouses. of the Project

(c) TI1e perimeter walls;

(d) All central and appurteraut eqaipmeu and installations for utility services such as
light, water, garbage, telephone, sewerage, drainage, water shafts. tanks. pun1Ps, motors
fans, compressors and central equipment and all common utility spaces and areas

\ scrv1c1ng
the whole Project. and the like, and all other utility systems outside the cluster except
the outlets thereof which are located within the said cluster

(e) All other parts of the Project and all structures and facilities. apparatus, equipment.
installations and areas therein wluch are for general use of the whole Project or necessary or
convenient to the existence, maintenance or safety of the entire co11do1111n1un1 Project

(0 All other property rights herein granted in favor of the Condo1111niu111 Corporation, or
otherwise established in favor of or for the benefit of the Condominium project under the
the Master Deed
, r ,.

., . ''
" "
The common areas shall renaiu undivided and 110 11111t owner 111av b1111g an action for partiuon
thereof except 111 conformuy with the provisions of the Co11do111i11i11111 Act
Section 6. The Con,lomini,,,n Corporation

(a) A corporation lo be known as the LITTLE BAGUIO GARDENS ASSOCIATION.'l'

INC, hereinafter referred to as the Condominium Corporation or the Corporation. shall be formed and
organized pursuant to the Condominium Act and the Corporation Code to hold title to common areas.
111 the Project, to 1nanage the Project and to do such other things as ruaybe necessary, in the Project or
those who have no more pecuniary obligation to the DEVELOPER shall automatically be members to
the exclusion of others, of the Condominium Corporation in accordance with Section 7 hereof.

(b) The management of the Condon11111u111 Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors
of TEN (10) members.with two (2) members each coming From Cluster 1.3.4. tl Sand one (I) member
each corning from cluster 2 and 6, who shall be elected by the respective 111111 O\V11crs of each cluster of
the Project based on the unit owner's appurtenant interest as detennined 111 Scct1011 7 (b) hereof

(c) The administration of the internal affairs of each cluster shall be vested 111 a Board of
Governors for each cluster to be elected at large by the umt O\V11ers in each cluster. The rnernbers of
Ilic Board of Governors fo, each cluster shall have tlucc (J) each .

Section 7. Nature and Interest Acquired b;i 011•11er/P11rc/1nser

of Unit/s

(a) TI1e owner/purchaser of a tuut 1r1 the Project shall acquire ownership of such unit as
described in Section 2 hereof, subject to the terms and conditions of the instrument conveying the unit
to the owner/purchaser, or to the terms and conditions conveying such unit

(b) TI1e purchaser or owner of a unit shall further acquire a non-exclusive right to utrlrze the
Conunon Areas
\ (c) As a consequence of ownership/purchase of a 11111t, the owner/purchaser shall. subject to
Section 6 hereinbefore, automatically become a member of the Condcminnnn Corporation with such
interests, participation or equity therein corresponding to the percentage or fractional share which the
\ weighted floor area such unit bears lo the total salable area 111 the Project The "total salable area ..
refers to the combmed floor area of all the ututs 111 the Project.


Weighted Floor Area

of Unit
__% interest of participation __ 'Yo 111 the
Total area of units in in the Condcnnnium Project connucn at ea
the Project, exclusive
of couuuon areas

The percentage share of each unit is set forth in the schedule attached hereto as Annex "C ..

(d} Each member of the Condominium Corporation shall share 111 the co111n1011 expenses of the
Project, and. shall have such voting rights in the cases provided 111 the Condo1111111u111 Act 111 accordance
within the same shanng or percentage as dctcmuncd i11 Section 7 (c) hereof 111 :111 cascs , the owner of a
unit shall have at least one (I) vote in the Corporation for every unit owned by lum/rt in the Project.

{e) In the event that the Condominium Corporation is dissolved, the members thereof shall
become co-owners of the Common Areas with shares thereto as shall correspond to their appurtenant
interest or participation in the Condominium Corporation as provided in this Section
)J I \

,ll 'I'
,frrtian R. A ,,,r,,r/111r11t.VRr1•i.'iio11,· n.f Pln11.'I ,1111/ A1a\lrr /Jr,•,/

. ( a) DEVELOPER reserves lite ,ight to amend :i.l :111v umo the dC'vC'l0p1nC'11I bv filing such
addincnal ••,1 supplemental and/or-revised plans and/or specrficanons as mav be required to descnbe
adequately the cornpletion of irnprovemeus together with the changes therein. tf any Such completion
rnay be shown by a certificate of an architect or cogmeer certifying the utunovemeus have been
constructed as herein represented, or designating any changes made. Such plnus. spccrflcarions or
certificate, when signed and acknowledged by OWNER and registered in accordance wrth Section 4 of
the Condominium Act shall constitute an amendment of this MASTER DEED

(b) Prior to completion of the Condominium Project. uotwithstaudrug any tcnns and co11dit1011
of any contract to sell over any unit to the contrary, the DEVELOPER reserves the right to arncnd,
revise or revoke the MASTER DEED by registration with the Register of Deeds of San Juan. Makan.
Metro Manila, of an instnnnent duly executed by the DEVELOPER.


I )I,:( 'I ,1\ llA'l'I ( )N () F I{ l(S'l'I{ I ( "I" I o NS

Tlus Declaration of Restriction. as rnay from tune to tuue be amended. shall embodv
such restrictions, hnntations, covenants, undertakmgs and co11d1t1011s as 111:-iv be required 01 pcumttcd bv
the Condominium Act or the Master Deed to be provided herem. Subject to exccpnons wluch ,nay be
expressly set forth in the Condominium Act, m the Master Deed or herein, said restrict.ions, limitations.
covenants, undertakings and conditions shall be deemed to nu, with the land. the Building and other
unprovements making up the Project, shall constitute a lien upon the Project and each Unit. and sha11
inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon., all pames owmng or holdmg any Unit or any nght or
interest therein or in the Project, pursuant to the provisions of the Coudonuuium Act

\ Section 10. The Management Body

(a) TI1e Condominium Corporation shall constitute the management body of the Project
011ce tht• �a111c 1.�
formatlv turned over lo the ('ondon1111i11111 Corporation by the Developer Its power
shall be such as may be provided by the Condominium Act, the Master Oet'CI. this Declaration of
Restrictions, its Articles of Lncorporation and By-Laws. and such applicable provisions of the
Corporation Law as are not mconsrsteu with the Co11dor111niu111 Act Any such powers 111ay be exercised
by or delegated to such officers or other persons, and in such manner. as the By-La\VS 111ay provide TI1e
Corporation 1nay hire managerial, auditing, accounting, and other professional and technical
services in the manner provided in its By-Laws. TI1e Corporauon shall not have the power to conduct
an active business for the profit of its members or any of them. For a period of five (5) years frorn and
after the formal tum-over of the entire office units of the Condominium ProJCCt by DEVELOPER to the
Condominnun Corporation, the admimstration and management of the Condominium Corporation,
Project shall be assigned or delegated by the Condominium Corporation to a property management
corporation to be nominated by DEVELOPER

(b) Each cluster in the Project shall be autonomous in its operations The mterual
management of each cluster shall be vested i11 a Board of Governors of three (3) members for each to
be constituted in the manner provided for 111 Section 6 (c) Part I hereof A majority of the 111e111bers
shall constitute a quorum and a decision of a rnajority of a quorum shall be sufficient as a valid act of
the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors shall be deemed to perform delegated powers from
the Board of Directors of the Condominium Corporation in the exercise of ther r powers As such. the
Board of Govc11101s shall have the powcts :111d prc-oganvcs to 1111plcnK'Hl :-111y :-11,d/01 p1ov1�1011s of !ht•
• I I j
. ".

Condominium Act and other applicable laws, the foregoing Master Deed ,vffl1 Declaration of
Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and House Rules of the Corporation. Conflict or
,dt.'Cisiou or poticy of the IJ0;11d of Ducoots of lhc ('01,do,11111111111 \01po1a11011
d1s:ig11.xin1L'lll as lo nuy
and ·that of the Board of Governors of any cluster, the decision/policy of the Board of Directors shall
prevail and shall be binding to all units therein affected

No provision of this Master Deed with Declaration of Restrictions shall be construed as

dintinishing the powers vested in the Board of Directors as the managemeu body of the Condomuuum
Corporation and as such, all contracts or actions to be entered into or brought for or against the
Condominium Corporation shall be executed, prosecuted or defended in the name of the Condo,niniu"t

Section I I. Maintenance, Repairs and Attemtions

(a) TI1e classification of all maintenance, repair, alteration, etc. works shall be as follows. to

a) individual such maintenance, repair or alteration that benefits only

i11divid11al 1111ils 111 a pauiculm cluster

b) cluster such maintenance. repair or alteration that benefits any

limited or conuuon area in each cluster

c) general such maintenance. repair or alteration that benefits the

whole project or general con1_n1011 areas

(b) All maintenance of and repairs of any Umt (other than maintenance of the repairs to any of
the Common Areas contained therein not necessitated by the act or ueghgence of the owner. tenant of
occupant of such Unit) shall be made by , and at the expense of the O\V11cr of such Unit. Each Unit
owner shall be responsible for all damages to any other Unit and to the Cor11111011 Areas resulting from
his failure or refusal to effect such n,aintenance and/or repairs. Each unit owner shall also be
responsible to promptly report in wnting to the Board of Governors of the affected cluster of any defect
\ or repairs of any of the Conunon Areas found in or wrtlun the vicinity of his Unit. TI1e cluster Board
of Governors shall initially determine whether such repair or maintenance be classified as "cluster" or
"general". If classified as cluster, the cluster unit owners shall be responsible for such repair and
maintenance In the event the classification is general. the duster Board of Governors shall
1111111cth;ilL�Y nolify the f'o11do111in111111 ('01po1atio11 who shall be tl'Spo11s1hll� flit sut·h 1t11;11r. 111a111lti1a11cc
or alteration. Co111111on areas are classified as cluster or general area as specified 111 Section 5 of Part 1
hereof. All others not so classified shall be dctcrnuucd by the Board of Directors whose decision. in
cases of confhct, is final.

Except as ,nay be limited or restricted bercm or in the By-laws. each 111111 owner shall have'
the exclusive right, at its own expense, to paint, repaint. tile, wax, paper. or otherwise refinish and
decorate the inner surfaces of the walls, floors. windows and doors bounding his own Unit.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provrsicns, the O\V11ers, tenant or occupant of a unit may not
undertake any structural repairs or alterations, or any other work which would jeopardize the safety of
the building. or another Unit, or impair any easement. without the prior approval of the Co11don1111n11n
Corporation and of the O\V11ers of the units directly affected by such work

( c) All maintenance of and repairs to the C'on1111on or Limited C 0111111011 Arens. whether located
inside or outside the Units (unless necessitated by the act or negligence of a U1u1 O\V11er. tenant, or
occupant, in which case such expense sh:111 be charged to the owner of the Unit) shall be made by the
the cluster unit owners or by the Condcmiuium Corporation. applying the principles crnbodred 111 this
,, I,
' '

' '

. ,. (d) TI1_e By-Laws of the Corporation may contain such further provtsious relating to
mamtenance, repairs. alterations or additions to supplement the provisions herein


Seaton 11. Assessment

(a) Classific.ation of Assessrnents.

a. I. Individual assessment drawn against an individual unit in a particular

cluster for its sole benefit

a.2. Cluster assessment drawn against all unit owners within a cluster
for common expenses of such cluster

a 3 General assessment drawn agamst all unit owners 111 the entire

(b) Assessment against units for conunon expenses shall be based on appurtenant interests as
detennined under Section 7 (c) hereof

(c) Assessmeus against U1ut owners or Purchasers (whether "general" or "cluster" expenses
(herein referred to as "Conunon Expenses") shall be made in propor11011 to such l11Hl Owner's
appurtenant interest in the Condominium Corporation Particularlv bur not bv wav of hnutatton.
Common Expenses shall include; (I) expenses for adnuuisuauon of each cluster r�r 1h1..� whole P10Jffl,
and expenses of maintenance, operations, repair or replacement of the Co1111no11 Areas, as well as the
cost of their improvements: (ii) any valid charge against each cluster, the Project as a whole or the
Condominiun1 Corporation; and (iii) expenses declared to be common expenses (cluster expenses or
general expenses) by the provisions of this Master Deed with Declaration of Restricnons or the By·
Laws or House Rules of the Corporanon

(d} Unless otherwise specifically provided by the Condominium Corporanon. the foregoing
assessrnents shall not be refunded.

(e) The a,nount of any assessmcus. the intcrest/s due in case of delinquency. the cost of
collect.ion (including attorney's fees, if any) or any penalty for delinquency shall constitute a li.sp
\ against the Unit and the unit owner's interest of participation in the Condominium Corporation Such
liens shall be constituted and enforced, or the amount of the assessment otherwise collected, 111 the
manner provided in the By-Laws of the Corporation

(() Except as otherwise provided in the Declaration of Restticnous or in the Condoumuum

Act. the lien for assessment hereunder shall be supcnor to all other liens and encumbrances

(g) Jr, case of foreclosure. the transfer or the conveyance. as well as the redempncu. of the
delinquent Unit shall include the Unit owner's appurtenant mcmberslup in the Coudonununn
C6rporation. The Corporation shall have the power to bid at the foreclosure sale.

(h) In case of default by any untt owner in the payment of any assessment. mcludmg any
interest and penalty thereon, the Coudcnuruum Corporation. without prejudice to nny other nghts or
remedies to which it is entitled as provided herein or in law or equity. shall have the nght or remedres
to which it is entitled as provided herein or 111 law or equity. shall have the nght, upon pnor wntten
notice to the defaulting unit owner, to cut-off or wrthhold frorn such unit or umt O\V11er, unhues and/or
services which are provided for or ad,ninistered by the Condominium Corporauon for such reasonable
period of time as the Condominium Corporation may detemune.

Section 13. Real Property Taxes nnd Assessments


I. "I ,,.
Each Unit owner shall'execute such instnunents and take such actions as may reasonably be
specified by the Condoniinium':Corporation to obtain a separate assessment of his respective Unit for
purposes of taxation and special assessments on real property. Nevertheless. if there rs r111y possibility
that any tax or asscssmen 111ay become a lieu on the units of the Condominium Project or any part of us
COMMO!" AREAS, the same'may be paid by the Condcnunium Corporation and said amount shall in
�um be assessed by the latter against the Unit owner or owners concerned. together wnh such rate of
interest and costs as ,nay be determined by the Corporation. Such assessment shall constitute a hen on
the Unit or Units assessed, pursuant to Section 12 hereof.

Section 14. Use Limitations

TI1e Units and its correspondmg Common Areas shall be occupied and used subject 10 the
following limitations:

(a) No unit owner, except when it has the prior written approval of the Condommium
Corporation , shall occupy or use his unit or permit the same or any part thereof to be occupied or used·
for any purpose other than that indicated in the MASTER DEED, or under the pertinent Contract To
Sell, provided that the latter is not inconsistent with the fonner. Unless the Master Deed is amended, no
Unit may be divided or subdivided into a smaller unit nor any portion thereof sold or otherwise
transferred .

(b) Common areas (except the Limited Conunon Areas) of the units intended for the furnishing
of services and facilities for the con1111011 enjoyment of the Unit shall be used only for such purposes
and shall not be appropriated for U1e exclusive use or benefit of any particular Unit or Units. There shall
be no obstruction of the Co111n1or1 Areas intended for ingress, egress or access to any portion of the
Building. Notlung shall be storod in Ute Conunon Areas (except in those intended for storage) without
the previous consent of the Condominium Corporation.

(c) DEVELOPER and/or its assignees shall have the sole right 10 adopt. display, install,
construct, own and control such signages and/or graphics in the Condominium Project and no sign of
any kind shall be displayed to the public view in or From any unit or any portion of the Coudonunium
Project without the prior consent of the DEVELOPER.

(d) No use or practice shall be pennitted within any part of the Project which may be the
source of annoyance to occupants or which n1ay interfere with the peaceful possession and proper use of
t.hc property by the occupants. No inunoral, unproper, offensive, or unlawful use shall be made of any
part of the Project.

(e) All parts of the Project shall be kept in a pleasant aud sanitary condition. nud no clothes or
luundry 111.itc11;1ls shall be hanged 01 dncd 011 the doors 01 wmdows as would c.,1-H)Sc tl,cn1 to the pubtlt
vtew, and no rubbish, refuse, or garbage shall be allowed to accumulate nor any fire hazard allowed to

(f) All valid laws, ordinances, and regulations of all government bodies having jurisdiction
tl1�reofshall be observed and complied with.

(g) Nothing shall be done or kept in any part of the units of the Project which will increase the
rate of insurance on the Project, except by prior written consent of the Condominium Corporation A1�y
such increase in insurance premiums shall be charged to the delinquent Unit owner and assessed
pursuant to Section 12, Part I.I hereof. In no case 111ay anything be done or kept in part of the Project
which will result in tile cancellation of the insurance on any of the block or any part thereof.

(h) Nothing shall be done to any Unit or in or to any of U1e Conunon Areas which will unpair
the structural integrity of any of the cluster or building

(i) In addition to the easements provided by law: ( i) The Common Areas in the units shall be
subject to an easement for shelter in favor of all Units to which such areas are capable for rendering
shelter. This easement shall entitle the Unit owner affected lo replace. renew or restore any shelter (ii)

Ea� �nit shall be subject to an easement for the passage of water, sewerage, drainage, gas, electricity,
artificially cooled air, and other utilities and services in favor of the Condominium Corporation as well
as every other Unit necessarily depending on the easement for extension of said utilities and service to
the Unit. The easements shall be exercised in the manner which least interferes with the use and
enjoymmt•by the servimt Wllt/s.

G) Until the DEVELOPER has completed and sold all of the Units . neither the Unit owners
nor the Condominium Corporation nor the use of any part of the Project shall interfere with the
completion of the contemplated improvements and the sale of the Units. The DEVELOPER may make
such use of the unsold Units and Conunon Areas as may facilitate such compleuon and sale, including
but not limited to the maintenance of a sales office, the showing of the property. and the display of

(k) Reasonable regulations {herein referred to as "Building Rules") concerning the use.
occupancy and enjoyment of the Units and of the Common Areas therefor may be made and amended
by the Condominium Corporation in the manner provided by its By-Laws. Copies of such regulations
and amendments thereto shall be furnished by the Corporation to all Unit owners and occupants of the
Project upon request.

Section 15. Insurance

The Condominium Corporation shall, for its benefit and for the benefit of all the Unit owners or
their mortgages, if any, as their interests may appear, obtain and maintain at all times fire insurance
coverage, with such extended coverage as is customary for building in the 1ocality, for the full
reinstatement value of the aforesaid llits (excluding furnitures, furnishings, fixtures, improvemeots
and personal properties supplied or installed by the Unit owner) and the Common Areas in the Project.
Such reinstatement value may, with the confonnity of the insurance company ccnccmed, be revised by
the Corporation from year to year, if necessary. The policy or policies shall proyide that the proceeds
thereof shall be payable to the Corporation as trustee for the Unit owners or their mortgagees, if any,
� and, subject to this limitation, shall also provide for a separate loss payable endorsement in favor of the

mortgagees of each llit, if any. Upon receipt of the· proceeds, the CorporatJon shall use or pay the
same in the manner provided for in the following section. The premiums on such policy or policies shall
be considered Common Expense of the Corporation and shall be assessed against e.ach Unit in
accor'dance with the provision of . Section 12 Part D hereof. The authority to adjust losses under
'I policies hereafter in force on the Project pursuant to this Section shall be vested in the Corporation,
provided, however, that an aggrieved Unit owner may ask that the determination of the Corporation be
\ referred to a reputable insurance adjuster acceptable to both parties. Nothing herein contained shall be
construed to prohibit any Unit owner or his mortgagees from obtaining additional insurance on the Unit
corresponding to the owner's improvements thereon, provided, however, that such right shall not be
exercised in such a way as to decrease the amount realized under the insurance coverage obtained by the
Corporatioo, and provided, further, uet the Unit owner or his mortgagees shall be obliSed to notify the
Corporation in writing before obtaining such additional coverage and, within thirty (30) days after
issuance of the policy, to file a copy thereof with the Corporation.

Section 16. Insurance Claims

All proceeds from insurance claims, unless the conditions for dissolution of the Condonlinium
Corporation required by the Condominium Act exist and the required vote of Unit owners decide for
dissolution, shall be used for the reconstruction or repair of the Building or the damaged part or parts
thereof. Reconstruction or repair as used in the present context shall mean restoring the Building or
part thereof to the same condition as it existed prior to the loss, with each Unit and the Conunon
Areas having, to the closest approximation possible, the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as

If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to pay all the costs of reconstruction or repair of the
Commoo Areas, a special assessment shall be made against each Unit 'owner wuh such cluster or
building to make up for the deficiency as provided in Section 12 hereof.

Pending full payment of the purchase price, any purchaser of a Condomiruum Unit shall not
lease, mortgage or encumber his Unit or any partitions thereof to any other person or entity without
prior Written consent of the DEVELOPER. Violation of the above conditions shall entitle the
DEVELOPER to cancel the contract and forfeit by way of penalty and/or liquidated damages, fifty
percent (50o/o) of all sums so far paid

Section 21. Corpora/ion's Rigltt of Acee$$ Jo Units.

The Condominium Corporation, through its duly authonzed agents, shall have a right of access
to each Unit to inspect all pipes, wires, ducts, cables, conduits, public utility lines. and other Common
Areas located within the office Unit, to remove violations therefrom and to mamtain repair or replace
such COMMON AREAS as wel\ as COMMON AREAS located elsewhere in t.he office floors of the
Building. Such right of access shall be exercised during reasonable hours, except in cases of e,nergency,
and with as little inconvenience to the occupant of the Unit as possible Any damage caused thereby
shall be repaired at the expense of the Corporation

Section 22. Procedure and Penalties for Violation of Restriction and

Building Rules

In the event any Unit owner, tenant or occupant fails or refuses to comply with any hnutation,
restriction, covenant, undertaking, or condition herein contained involving an obhgauon other than the
payment of money, or with the Building Rules, the management body n1ay, in accordance with the By-
laws of the Condominium Corporation, remedy such breach or violation after failure of the owner to
do so within the period fixed in the notice and assess against the Unit owner the expenses incurred by
the Corporation. The Corporation is also empowered to impose, by way of penalty in case of violation.
liquidated damages upon the Unit owner in such amount and in the manner prescnbcd m the By-Laws
of the Corporation. When such liquidated damages arc imposed, the same shall be considered as an
assessment upon the Unit and, like t.hc assessment for expenses, shall be secured by the lien provided
for in Section 12 hereof.

Seaton 23.

No limitation, restriction, covenant or condition herein contained and no regulation 111 the
Building Rules shall be deemed to have been abrogated or waived by reason of any failure to enforce the
same, irrespective of the number of violations or breaches thereof or lapse of tune wluch 111ay occur.

Section 14. Right ofAssignees, Tenants and Occupants of Units.

All present and future owners, tenants and occupants of office Units shall"-T-be subject to, and
shall comply with the provisions of the Condominium Act, the Master Deed, this Declaration, the
Articles and By-Laws, the Building Rules and other rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as
these instruments may be amended from time to time. the acceptance of a deed or conveyance, or the
entering into of a lease, or the entering into occupancy of any office umt shall constitute an acceptance
of the provisions of such instruments, as they may be amended front time to tune. by such owner.
tenant, or occupant. The hotel units shall also be subject to the above rules and regulations where
applicable, however, the hotel guests shall be covered only by the hotel rules. The provisions contained
in such instrument shall be covenants running with the land and Building and shalJ bind any person
having at any time any interest or estate in such Unit, as though such provisions were recited and fully
stipulated in each deed, conveyance, or lease thereof.

Section 15. lnva/idi.Jy.

The mvahdity of any provision of this Declaration shall not affect m any manner the vahdity or
enforceability of the remainder of this Declaration, and the other provisions of this Dcclaranon shall
continue in full force and effect as if such invalid provision had never been included herein
Section 26. Amendment of Declaration

This Declaration may be amended by the affinnativc vote of Unit owners constituting at le.ast
66-2/3% of total Unit Shares in the Project, at a meeting duly held in accordance with the By-Laws of
the Condominium Corporation.

IN WITNESS WJLEREOF the DEVELOPER have caused this mstnnncm to be executed on

the date at the place first abovewritten.


J -0
President �- �

Signed 111 the Presence of:

---4---·-- ACKNOW L�:llGMENT

---�, ...' ·.r <

Republic of the Philippines)

MA�ATJ, MErno MAfllll� S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and irMO�OTI v,roonUllilllij_ day orMAR I 5 1�95
1995 personally appeared GERARDO C. GARCIA, with Comm. Tax. Certificate No. =jg2.l@f,
issued on at l\\p.b.tid]}.ltl. , Philippines and with Tax ldcnnficanon No. 110-183-659,
EMPIRE EA T LAND HOLD GS, INC., with Comm. Tax Cert. 83099 issued on February 03,
199,? at Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines and with T.I.N. No. 003-942-108, known to rue and to 111c
known to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument he acknowledged to me that the
same is his free and voluntary ad and deed and of the corporation herein represented.

I hereby certify that this instrument relates to a Master Deed with Declaration of
Restrictions of the LITTLE BAGUIO GARDENS (Condormruum Project) over that one (1) parcel II!
land, togEiher with the improvements thereon, situated along J. Fernandez St., San Juan, Metro Manila
I further certify that this instrummt consists of twelve ( 12) pages and their instrument witnesses on
each and every page thereof. '
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal on
the date, year and place first abovewrinen.

��t�. I'> '0·
UNTIL 31 OC:tEM ;:q 199,<
PTR II i492524. l-<;-95. �<Ti
Doc. No. :
Page No. :
Book No.:
f=;I ;
Series of 1 9 9 5
IBP II 38:664: 1-5-95. PASIG

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• OF


executed this 11j.�ay of � _, 19 jL at Makati, Met� Manila, Philippines, by:

EMPIRE EAST LA ND 10LDiNGS, INC., a oo,porauon duly organized

and existing under and by virtue of the Jaws of the Philippines, with office
address at the I Ith Floor Solidbank Bldg., 777 Pasco de Roxas. Makati.
Mr.:110 Manila, rcurcscucl horciu by us l,rcs1dc11t, l\-11t. (;1t:llAk.l)() ( ..
GAltCIA, hereinafter referred to as lhe "DEVELOPElt"; ,

W./ ;"NESSETH, That

\Vt-JEREAS, the DEVI\LOPER has undertaken to develop and establish in accordance with
Republic Act No. 4726, otherwis a kn.rwn as the Condominium Act, a residential condominium project
known as the "Ll'ITLE BAGUIO C. ARO ENS� on its one (I) parcel of land located at P. Fernandez
St., San Juan, Metro Manila: and covered by Transfer Certificate of Tide No. 6371 ·R of the Register
of Deeds of San Juan, Maro M, nila. a copy of the Survey Plans on which the project will stand is
attached as Annex "A".�·

WREREAS, the DE\tELC)PER desires to impose on the residential condominium project

certain restrictions which, l..nless otht rwise provided herein, shall constitute a lien upon sudi ?roject and
shall inure to and bind all partie s owning or holding any unit or any right or interest therein or in the
i . P1ojJ,Xt pursuant to the previsions of the Condominium /�ct;

NOW TBEREF'ORE, for and in consideration of the foregOing premises, the.DEVELOPER

hereby executes this Master Deed and Declaration of Restrictions fo'r the aforestated Project, to wit:



Section I. CONSJ ll'UTION OF PROJECT - A residential project to be

known as "LITTLE BAGUIO GAltDENS" (tile "Project") is hereby constituted on the aforementioneG
one (I} parcel of land which is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title Nil. 6371-R issued by the
Register of D�s of San Juan Me To l\,tat1ila·, and more particularly described as follows:


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and SIX (6) open air which shall
1.,��gh.ty si�;irki11g

slots ir� U1c �rojcct, ci�1ly (HO) of whidr arc covered
for value to buyers m the prOJ0Cl. ·

S,ectio.11 4. Use of Units

All units in the condcrnnium project shall be used exclusively for residential purposes,
subject to such restrictions as mly be agreed upon in the instrument conveying the units from the
DEVELOPER to the unit ovmer/pu,chaser and as may be provided in this MASIBR DEED.

Section 5. Tlte Common • l reas

The common elements 01 treas of the project (herein referred to· al the ("Common Areas")
shall comprise all parts of the Project 1,ther t.'un the residential urats, and shall be classified as follows:

I. Limited Commcn Area's • refers to a common area assigned fo;' the exclusive use of an
individual unit (e.g. parking slot)
II. Cluster Con1n;on Areas refers to all �re..1s and parts of the building or project within
each cluster which are not dassified a! a limited conunon area.

The use and ei"'1joyment of the cluster common area shall be considered as restricted m the
sense that their use and enjoyment an: reserved for the benefits of the units within the cluster · where
they are situated. Conversely, the expense for the repair, inSurance premiums, maintenan::e and
admii,istration pf said duster common areas shall be for the sole and exclusive account of the said
particular cluster acting through iu respective Board of Governors who will exercise their functions
and pow"e�s in conforrniiywith the previsions of Section 6, pars. b & c hereof. The development,
landscaping, alteration or repair 01� any cluster common area,';Yhich affects µie over-al! integrity or
appearance of the whole project s'rall be regulated by the Board of Directors of the Condom.iniurn

m. General Common Ar eas • refers to all areas and parts of the_ condominium project,
particularly but not lirllited, t�the fc I lowing, tCI wit:

' (a) TI1e parcel Of land hereinabove- described, including all ramps, driveways, roadways,
\ pathways, parks, playgrounds and other open spaces within the Project.

(b) ' ' entran:es and exits, including the guardhouses. of the Project.
All walkways.

(c) The perimeter walls'-

(d) All central and appujtcaant equipment and installations for utility services such as
' .
"' power,
light, water, garbage, telephone, sewerage, drainage, water shafts, tanks, pumps, motors

fans, compressors a td central equipment and all common utility spaces and areas

the whole Pr�ject and the like, and all other utility systems outside the cluster except
the outlets are located. within the said cluster.

(e) AJI other parts of the Project and all structures and facilities, apparatus, equipment,
installations and area; the rein which are for general use of the whole Project or necessary or the existence, maintenan� or safety of the entire condominium Project.
' '
(0 All other property ,nghts herein granted in favor of the Condominium Corporation, or
otherwise estnbhShed in favor of or for the benefit of the Ccndcmiuium project under the
U1c Master 01..'Ulj
' '
_ _..:.:,:;--. ----

·n1e conunon areas shall remain undivided and no unit owner may bring an action for partition
·11ie1corcxcL1ll in confcnuity ,vill11hc provisions cfthe Condominium Acl.

Section 6. The .Cnndo1'.i1tirt1n Corporation

(a) A corporation to be known as the LITILE BAGUIO GARDENS ASSOCIATION,

INC, hereinafter referred to as Ihr: Condominium Corporation or U1e Corporation, shall be formed and
organized pursuant to the Condor umum Act and the Corporation Code to hold title to comrnoo areas.
in the Project, to manage the Proj- ct .1 rd to do such other things as 'maybe necessary, in the Project or
those who have no· more pecuniary otfigation to the DEVELOPER shail automatically 'be members to
the exclusion of others, of the Con.ton mium Corporation in accordance with Section .7 hereof.

(b) TI1e management of ti e ( ondominiuru · Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors

of TEN ( JO) members.with two (2) rnnubers each (;()1,1ing From CIUster 1,3,4, & 5 and one ( I l member
each corning from cluster 2 and 6, wl o shall be elected by the respective unit owners of each cluster of
the Project based on the u111t owner's appurtenant interest as detennined in .Section 7 (b) hereof.

(c) TI1e administration o' th! internal affairs of each cluster .shall be vested m a Board of
Governors for each cluster t9 be elected at large by the uuit owners in each cluster. The members of
[IK· Floatd of Goveruon for c:irl1 clusr-r shallhave three ()) each .

Section 7. Nature and /1111·,esJ Acquire,/ by Owner/I'urdiaser ,

of Unit/s

(a) TI1e owner/purchaser of a unit in the Project shall acquire ownership of such unit as
describ-c ,n Section 2 hereof subject to tl1e terms and conditions of the instrument conveying the unit
to the owner/purchaser. ot to th" ,,,rr,1s and conditions conveying such unit.

,,., (b) The purchaser or owner ·of a uuit shall further acquire a non-exclusive nght to utilize the·
' Co111111on Areas
. (c) As a consequence of. rwnership/purchase of a unit, the owner/purchaser shall, subject to
Section 6 hcreinbefore . automatic illy become a member of U1e Condomnuum Corporation with such
interests, pa-ecipation or equity th areiu corresponding to the µercentage or fractional st-are which the
weighted floor area such unit bea,, Lu U1e total salable area in U1e Project. TI1e "total salable area"
refers to the combined tlocr area of all the units in the Project:


Weighted Floor Area

of Unit
•·••··•··•••·•· · _·_o/o interest of participation % in the
Total area of units i11 in the Condominium Project conunon area
the Project, exclusive
of co1nn1011 areas

. . .
TI1e percentage share of each ur it is set forth in the schedule attached hereto as Annex "("/

{d) Eaclumember of the Condominium Corporation sh311· share in the common expenses of the
Project, and shall have such '1ning rights in tl\e cases provided in. U1e Condominium Act in accordance
within the same sharing Of percenta!.e as determined in Section 7 (c) hereof. In all cases, the owner of a
unit shall have at least one ( I) vote 1 1 the Corporation for every unit owned by hi1n/it in the Project.
(e) In U1e event that the Condominium Corporation is dissolved, the members thereof shall
become co-owners of the Common Areas with shares thereto as shall correspond to their appurtenant
interest or participation in the Conde minium Corporation as provided .n i.his Section.

. .

. .
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,('t-'� _,,: -----
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.: it. other applicable laws, 't11e foregoing. Master Deed ·witl1 Declaration of
----t<e.s mcncus. the Articles of lnccrporation. By-Laws and House Rules of the Corporation Conflict or
-d1sag1ct'fllClll as lo any clccisrou 01 relicy of the Board of Directors ?f die \.ondo111r11iu111 Coq,01:il1011
- . and that of the Board of Gaven on. of any cluster; tlie decision/policy,of the Board of Directors 'shall
prevail and shali be binding to all umts therein affected.

No provision of tins foll aster Deed with Declaration of Restrictions shall be construed as
diminishing the powers vested in the Board of Directors as the maf\agement body of the Condominium
Corporation and as such, all contt acts or actions to be entered into or brought for or against the
Condominium Corporation shall be executed, prosecuted or defended in the uame of 1J1e Condon1iniuni

Seaton I/, Mnil1tenr,nce; Repairs and Alterations

(a) 11,e classification o · all maintenance, repair, alteration, etc. works shall be as follows, to

a) individual such maintenance. repair or alteration that benefits only

uulivulunl unus i11 a parucular cluster

b) duster suchniaiuterance, repair er alteration that beiiCtics any

Iinuted or' ccuunon 'rea
in each duster ..

c) general such maintenance, repair or alteration that benefits the

whole project er general common areas. ·

' '
..\ , (b) All mainteuince of and repairs of any Unit (other than maintenance of the repairs to any of
the Con1111on Areas coniained therein not necessitated by the aa. or negligence of the ov.ner, tenant of

cccuoant of such Unit) shall be made by , and at .the expense of the owner of such Unit. Each Unit
ownershall be responsible for all damages to any other L'nit and to the Co1n111on Areas resulting, From
his failure or refusal to effect sud, maintenance and/or repairs. Each unit owner shall also be
I responsible to promptly report in writing to the Board of Governors of I.he affected cluster cf any defect

or repairs of any of the Co1n1no11 Areas found in or within the vicinity of his Unit. ThP. cluster Board
of Governors shall uutiatly deter nine whether such repair or maintenance be classified as "cluster" or
"general". If classified as clu :t;r, the duster unit owners shall be responsible for such repair and
mamtenance In the event the classification is general, the cluster Board of Governors shall
i1111u1..'tli:i1t·ly 111,t1ry the ('.011do111i1 i11111 ('01por:ili01, who shnll 1�: responsible fer such _11..11,ir. 111:unlc..nancc
or alteration. Conln10n areas arc· cla ssified as cluster or geueral area as specified in Section 5 of Pait 1
hereof All others not so classified shall be deternuned by the Board of Directors wt,pse decision. in
cases of conflict. is final.

Except as rnay be limited or restricted herein or in the By-laws, each unit owner shall have
the exclusive right, at its own expe tse, to paint, repaint, tile., wax, paper, or otherwise refimsh and
decorate the inner surfac'cs rfthe w�lls, floors, windows and doors bounding his own Unit.
Nctwilhstandthg tlic foregoing previsions, the owners, tenant or, occupant of a unit 111ay not
undertake any structural repairs �r a terations, or any other work which would jeopardize the safety of
the building, or another Unit, or imp.rir any easement, without the prior approval of th-a Condominium
Corj,oration and Of the owners of the units-directly affected by sud, wo;k .

. (c) All maintenance of and 1 eoatrs to the Co111.n1on or Limited Common Areas, whether located
insrde or outside the Units {unless necessitated by the act or negligence of a lhut owner, tenant, or
occupant, in which case sudr expense shall-be charged to the owner of the shall be made by the
the cluster unit owners or by tho Condominium Corporation, applying tile principles etnbodicd in this

·--7 --,,--·-

.,,. ..•.
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shall execute slid1 instru.'nenl.!l end take such actioos ai may reasc..nably be
___...._.,..,,..., ·�the Condonuruum Corpor�hon to obtain a separate assessment of his respective Unit for
purposes of taxation and special nsscssments on real property. Kevcrtheless, if thcr� is nny possibility
tl1a( :111y tax or assessmeu 111ay become a lien un the units or the Cendcminnnu Project or any part of.its
COMMON AREAS, tlie tame may, he paid by the Condominium Corporation and said amount shall in
tum be assessed by the latter against the Unit owner or owners' concerned, together with such rate of
interest and costs as 111ay be detennin sd by the Corporation. Such assessr.lent shall constitute 3 lien on
the Unit or Units assessed, pursuant to Section 12 hereof.

Seaton 14. Use limitat ;on.1

The Units and .its corresponding Co,nmon Areas shall be occupied and used subject to the
following limitations:

(a) No unit owner, e..ceot when it has the prior- written approval of the Condominium
Corporation , shall occupy or use his unit or pennit. the same or any part thereof to be occupied or used
for any purpose, other than that ndicated in the MASTER DEED, or under the pertinent Contract To
Sell, provided that the latter is n01 inconsistent with the fonner. Unless the Ma'ster Deed is amended, no
Unit may be d�vide.d or subdiv ded into a ·smaller unit nor ariy pOrtion thereof ,sold or otherwise
transferred . �

(b) Conunon areas (except the Lirrntcd ConunOO �eas) of the units intmded fer the furnishing
of services and facilities for the common eojoyrncat of the Unit shall be used only fer such purposes
and shall not be appropriated for the exclusive use or benefit of any particular Unit or Units. There shall
be no obstruction of the Commc n Areas intended for ingress, egress or access to any portion of the
Building. Notl'Ung shall. be stored in ·the Common Areas (except in those intended for storage) without
·the previous consent of the Condominium Corporation.

(c) DEVELOPER an,Vor its·assignees shallhave the sole right toadopt. display; Install,
construct, OW'Tl and control sud, signages and/or graphics in the Condominium Project and no sign of
\ \ ;iny kind shall be displayed to tl.e public view in or from any unit 'or any portion of the Ccndominiurn
'. '
. " \roj� without the prior consent ofthe DEVELOPER. ·
·,(;·· (d) No use or practice shall be permitted within any part of the Project which may be the
source of annoyance to occupants or which may interfere with the peaceful possession and proper use of
the property by the occupants. No immoral, improper, offensive, or unlawful use shall be made of any
part of the Project.

laundry . materials shrill be '

....... (e) All parts of the Project shall be kept in a pleasant and sanitary condition. �nc! no dothes or
' h·,11i1'CI 01 dried on thc'cloprs or windows as v,ould expose tJ c111 lo the public
viCW, and no rubbish, refuse, �1 garbage shall be allowed to accumulate nor any fire ha'zard allowed to

(f) ·• All valid laws, 01 dinances,' and regulations of all government bodies having jurisdiction
thereof shall be observed and cc mpl ed with. '

(g) Nothing sh�II be done er kept ii1 any part of the Wlits....of the Project. which will increase the
rate or insurance on the Project, except by prior written consent of the Crodominium Corporation. Any
such increase in insurance . pr'emiums shall be charged to the delinquent Ur1it owner arid assessed
pursuant to Section 12, Part U hereof In no case may anything be done or kept in part of the Project
which will result in the cancellr tion of the insurance on any of the block or any part thereof

1 (h) Nothing li13\J be done to any Unit or in or to any of the Conunon Areas which will impair
the stru�ural integrity of any of the duster.or building.·

(i) In addition to the casements provided by law: ( i) The Common Areas in the units shall be
subject to an easement for shelter in favor of all Units to which sudt areas are capable for rendering
shelter. This casement sl.1.'111 entitle ij1e Unit owner affecled to replace. renew or restore any shelter. {ii)
-. ....{,.. , .s>'!'t,�-�.:f 7 ,, � :'t';

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a: prx:eeds are insuffi.Oer.t to cove, �I the O'JSts of reconstruction nor

�� �the destroyed or damaged Units, the Corporation may nevertheless proceed with
4 �r repair of the destroyed or damaged Unit or·llia and the respective owner or owners
eco� liable to an assess men! for the deficiency, unless the cooditims for dissolution of the
Corporation required by the Condominium Act exist and the required vote of Unit owners decide for

If, by reason of the dissolution of the Ccrporation or for any other reason, the insurance
proceeds are not used for reconstruction or repair as hereul provided, the proceeds shall be paid to the
respective mortgagees of the Units or to the Corporation to the extent of the amount outstanding on the
loan secured by the Unit or the Common Areas Or part thereof, if any there be, and the balance of the
proceeds to the owner or. owners thereof, as his or their interest may appear, after deducting the amount
of any assessment due from him or them.

Section 17. Procedure for Transfer of Units.

Except in cases of transfer by gift, by hereditary succession or to another Unit owner, no office
Unit owner may effectively di tpose of his office Unit without the approval of or clearance by the
Condominium Corporation. An off ce Unit O'N11er intooding to make a bonafide sale of his office Unit
shall give to the Corporation notice of such intention, toge:her ·with the name and address of the
intended purchaser, and such othe- information concerning the intended purchaser 3.S the Corporation
may reasonably require. Such notice at the option of the office Unit owner may include a demand by
him that the Corporation fumi ih a purchaser if .the proposed purchaser is not approved; and if such
demand is made the notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed sales cootrad. Within sixty
(60) days after receipt of the s fonsard notice, the Corporation must either approve or disapprove the
proposed transaction. H app1 oveJ, the approval shall be stated in a certificate executed by the
appropriate offer in registrable fonn, as required by Section 18 of the Condominium Act, provided the
other provisions of the Ded trat on of Restrict.ions have been complied with. If the Corporation
disapproves a proposed sale a id i: the notice of sale given by the office Unit owner :.hall so demand,
then within sixty (60) days aftt:r receipt of such notice and demand, the Corporation shall deliver or mail
by regjstered mail to the off cc Unit owner as offer frorn a ·pUrc:haser chosen by the Condominium
Corporation from among oth,·r Unit owners wiiling to purchase the office Unit, under the terms and
conditions. set forth in .the proposed sales contract submitted by the selling 'office Unit owner. Ifthe
Corporation shall fail to provide < purchaser as required herein, then notwithstanding the disapproval,
the sale shall be deemed to have been approved, and the Condominium Corporation shall furnish. a
certificate of approval ps provided earlier in this section. •
St!clio� 18. Notice of lit!n or Suit

(a) A Urut owner shall give written notice to the Condominiwn Corporation pf every lien upon
his Unit (other than li�s in favor of the Corporation), within five (5) days after the att!lching of the lien.

(b) Written nt'xic.e�hall be g.iverl by a Unit owner to th� Corporation c,f every suit or other
proceeding which may affect the title to his Unit, within (S) days after.the Unit owner receive knowledge
tlsx eof . . .
Section 19. least/Mortgage

A Unit owner1 shail t,e free to lease or mortgagee his unit to any �arty, provided notice thereof,
with such· particulars as e-e Condominium Corporation may reiasonably require, is given to the
Corporation within five (5) cays from effectively of the lease. Any £uch lease or rriortg.age shall not free
the office Unit owner from compliance with his obligations as such under the Ccndcminium Act, the
Master Df!OO, this �arat1m of Restrictions, the Articles' of Incorporatiou and By-Laws of the
Condominium Corporation «r the BuiJding Rules. In case of lease of any :Jffice unit and unit owner is
delinquent in the pay.nent of first tc the interest and the balance to the principal of the delinquent
acccunt/s with the Condominium Corporation until fuJI payment thereof is made .
Seaion 20., Common Provision on Lease, Mortgage, and otht!r Encumbrances
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## ,$>.,;? .:e117/n,enl of Declaration
. ,,2><o• � ,o . , . . . .
� 6� is Declaration may lx amended by the affirmative vote of Unit owners· constituting at least
�·-6·g.2/J% of total Unit Shares in ; he Project, at· a meeting duly held in accordance with the By-Laws of
r" the Condominiutn Corporation.

IN WITNESS WHERltO �, the DEVl::LOPER have caused this instrument to be executed on

the date at the place first abovewnttcn.


(Dev;,perJ -,
By ?I '

c. GA�
President /
/ . :/
Signed in the Presence of:

_ �1"--
· -t -�---�-,,"


Republic of the Philipe_inl\i)


BE�'ORE ME, a \lotary Public for jnd '™�llII 1�crrion•t1lisiLJ_ day of MA� 1 :, ,1995
1995 personally appeared Gl:RA.RDO C 'GARCIA, with Comm. Tax. Certificate No.1#1Aif,
issuedon i)�M at��l.lll·W. Philippines and with Tax ldentification No. 1\0-18),659,
EMPIR� ··EAS LAND HO LDI�INC., with Comm. Tax Cert. 83099 issued on February 03,
1995 at Makati, Metro Manila. Philippines and with T.LN No. 003-942-108, known to rue and to me
kno.:VO to be the same person -vhc executed the foregoing instrument he acknowledged to me that the
same is his free and voluntary :ict r nd deed and of the corporation herein represented.

I hereby certify tha: this instrument tel ates to a Master Deed with Declaration of
Restrictions of the LJTTLE BAGUIO GARDENS (Condominium Project) over that one (I) parcel of
land, together with tHe rmprcvcrneats thereon, situated along J. Fernandez St, San Juan, Metro Manila.
I further certify that this instr nncnt consists of twelve · (12) pages and their instrument witnesses on
each and every page thereof
. .
IN 'fES1.'IMONY WUEREOI<�, I have hereunto set 1�1y hand and affixed 111y notarial seal on
the date, year and Place first abovewritteo. ·

' r 0· f';'l,
UNTIL 31 OF.cE,118E.� 1996
PTR If 1.49252,1. /-::"-95. V'/Tf .
boc. No. . :;i'i _: IB� i· 381664: · 1-5-95. �·,s1� ·
Page No .. ..Ji__,
Book No. : _.U,,__,
Series of I 9 9 S
n1111,m;.n --


Fem.tndez Street. San Juan, Metro Manila

: Flno_r_J Unit. Fh?or 1-··: ·100r Area of Unii �-------�-�

------ ...
Percentaqe of tnrerest ·
I' (sq.m.) ' \ in the Ccndormmum
·= . . .�-. .

· ===·=,
Cluster One
I '
ne:r,,..., Pro1e.i:·t

:G/F I A-1 70 1' 1.12%

' B-; 85 ' 1.36%
C-1 8:', 1.:... 3°_.6
D-1 70 1.12°Ai
'2/f7 t,-2 vo 1 12°A,
�-'2 85 1.36:0,<,
C-?. A3 \ 33��
D-2 70 1. 12c f.,
'3/F A-3 70 1 12°-b
B-3 ! 85 1.36%
C-3 ,I 83 1.33°.,(,
'I 7C 1 12°h
!4/F l\-4 7() ' ,'· 1. 12';.t..
D-4 85 1 _:.._\'50A,
C-4 83 ! 1.32%
D-4 , 70 1.12%

1c1uste, 2
iG/F A-1 76 1.22°/tl
' 8-1 85 .1.36%
':'.JF A-2 76 1 .2.20A,
8-2 85 '' 1'.36%
' ,."3/F I
.,I 76 1.22°...t.
' 8-3 I 85
.i 1.JOOJb
I 76
85 I
iI ' '
• I I
"Cluster 3 I

;G/F A-1 85
! 1.36°,f,
I B-1 85
' .
I, 1.36%
I '
C-1 -! 83 I 1.33%
l' D-1 6B i
l21F A-2 85 . '"l.�16°.ifl
B-2 85 1.:�0Jb
r:-2 S3 1 .33°.Ai
D-2 68 1.09°/b
.,,.-�/F A-"3 85 1 36°..t
B-.3 a5 l.36°A>
C-3 ?.''
N 1 ..33�e
1 .. D-3
A-4 • 1
1 360,()
I B-4 .::5 i .36��
I' .C-4 F,J 1'.3'.'\?,b
•I I .
D-4 58 1.09%
'! .I •

. ' .

.- .,,,-,-·
SH<.'R !:'TAR }'.'S CRRllPIC'.4 TE

KNOW Al,LNC'i:N 8YTH!'.:;J.: l'JlESENTS:

[. };NilfQUE SA: ,fOS L. SY. C"orpornto Secretary ,•fEMP[RF. C:,IST LANI>

· I'IOLDiNCS, D-:c:., a co: 1or:1ho11 duly organiz?tJ and existing uuder .Phi!ippin�· hr·.. vr
-, 1)()
lH:ru;:ny CtR Tl}Y tl,a1 en tho l41h day ofM,ir,ch,, 1995. a -pecial me<•tm� of <h:· 1),, ,·I 0

ofDirecrors of Int' Como: : Hi\Jn \Va.� fle°ld at1i1s offices �1t !hf l !lh Flor-r ·�t1!iciJ1::i:ik fi!d:;.
777 P<.,�eo de Ro'rus. i\1ak�ii, ;\1ll'l10 i\1:-iniht Pfiilippinei; ;1t \i:,1:il·h rr1C�·t111,g a
q11nrnJ11 1\·:.-:
di1Jy present, the. . foll �·,,� ;·,·�') lu1 ion \V:Js ilnanirr,ously r.:·a�r-i;., ri 0J1•l a. -d to
lopt \-<, :!

I ··H:SnLVl:D, ti1a1 u,_, co,11p_;n,y be mnhoii,e<J to t«·.:,rJ, ;,

! f\-1,1slf r Deed o�· Rt·striction of t�it11L" �,iguio G,•rdt>H�.

C'undoniinium l'rcicct;

JZf\,<.�()1,\·'r�I) fi111h,!r 10 1r11'hori"'.t> the President :\1R.

c;E:1,.4.RIJ() 1::'. GA.RC...""1A to b1.· Declaranr for µurpc,ses cf U1c·
lseclnraticn ofsaul Master Deed of Restriction arid do all acts and
execute all o;h -r !!t'C:.>:-.�ar;.r Ill �lftC'l1;rue tltc above purpose."

. J1--; \i\"./'[Ni-:ss wt f.!{f£,<�)F.1 ha, 1.! h-reunto 8tl


1J1y h;:u1d this JI th Jay of".\lill�h

l•.10."\ at�·1aka!i 1,:c>tr"11.1'v1� .rla, PMilipp!n'.:'s.'.

l<·.'pub/ic of'the Philippine- l

Makati, Metro Manila 1 S.,, .(,.-, .
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SUBSC.Rflllcf) A�!) SWl)R?>I lo before me!'. · _ ay of March, .l99-{:if �lakati. -
Me-lrii Manila, Ph.dippinoo ajflant exhibiling tr, 01? 1� (�':T.C'. No.
February 13, i 99'S at Maka t. t,., ctro M:mil�. Philippmes.
-�. Q�� ,:::,..t11".d on

Doc. No. Jl'f:J

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Series of 199�

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?";!ill.lie of tl1e Philippines ;

Municip.E. li t.Y t'Jf f;:\n ,luan Del t�onte I
Metro 11.1.nil.::i. �
March 6,1995

D a t·e
c s i, 11-�ICATi·oN


THIS IS '[() CffiTIFY that according to the records of thio Office th•
pr•pcrty/propertiee describe1. below is/are declared ir. the 1rl8.llle/M.1Fes r,f
· tMPmRE· fpr:;1 I AND HDI QWGS.... INC .. _ w.ith p,�te.l.
address at 1C,tb •;01 ld 11�,nM_a_i_uu.-.!!;, .... ru de Oox�a 01Cr Maka! 1 M�\

0-015Q36129 liE!s. - Lot. Fe rrtandea/Bcn , p 263,0?0.00
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rtis further' �.ir�� that the t as er- e' the above prppetty/prnperties
are paid up to tho· r,th'b)e y,·a: 1995 under Official Receipt ff•.
2 :
/6 10516 • da'tcd febr11ar··, 20 .189Cj

Thie certificatiQn 'is i.• ·.1 rt 1'· request o�a�a�:e
or_-1for • �r;;o:rn:·
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IJebaJ f gf Ft1PU.8.E_EAS.I_U,r�o_J:: IQLQJNBS true
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Section 11 Maintenance , Repairs and Alteretior..s

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IH:lOKI.: Mb. II Nonny p.,l,J,c lu;·.mdm0Tv .OF.. MAKA'fl, t)ue - ..ddy
'of .S£Ujjgg6 � 1996 pei soually ,,pJ"'me<l CERA.lillO C GAI:QA, with
Corniruuuty Tex Certificate No. 1:'.86510()(� issued 011 l ebruary '27 � l9'J6 at:. JJ,U"i!11ac1�. ·
.\1MtT..l Maml.t and EMPll{E HA�"T r.t.-�Nt J f{()T.,LJll'.,/(",S. IN(�., W1tl1 Tax lcl<-!r,tiH.cr1.tiot1
!..J,,.· · oo"3.·· ��'t--1<:'.;ru.l Comrrrumtv Tllx J\Jt._·, q-z,-7-,.,..y · ,1>�11·� ('fl
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�·1:}1c ri.X�:t 1.1t<it! tho f(1r\·�oix1g instn nent und U1ey ,1'·kr10\,rlLXlf\\!d to ;,1,e tJv.d 1J1e :,w-:-1l• is
��IP!!' h�e .md \'('ltL.,��1y an- OQC! rlf'f"(i. and ot tl\e corporation lte represents.

1 11,.:rt::L.v cer tifv l.1'1.1t this .nstrtuneut rclat�S lo an �\J.J�tdw11 to L11t!' Nfu::J.�·
[�cd with l.W.:u.:i:ti011 ,1f l�siricti ms of 1J'T'l1_f: l'..ACl..'10 C�\F..D'EI'JS (
t.J,.,,..,j,·,t� f'lV·;-t· tltt,1 one { I) p��Lel ,.,f 'nnn , together with the. Ur,lJ/t'OV!?n'tet1ts thereon,
!,1l11.Jtt.'<i .1ltlr1�� f<. J. P1;-..1tt,)fl(i..-zSt. S.111 Iwm. i.vletJ1.1 Mu:riJo. l furthercertify that 1111!!.
i.tu.tr1Jllil!lLL. �i,.\IIBi�lirl}� -�£ --�- µagt!:� , iJH..1u,li!:·g· tlt� pcge -on which flub
:\...:kJ.1u,,.let!g011,c-:1t is written, has liea:t signed 011. eecl. and �e:i.y p,,ige �y the pcrties
,�r1,.l th1:'iti.11-sl"l·t1.1r�\ent.:1t wimess-s. · ' ·

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1 lff' 5_olidBenk Building, 777 PeseQ

Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
df Roxru5ri "- Subsldiuy of
Tols.: 811-45-22 to 24 Fax: (632) 811·45·2 l p Properties & :-foldings, Inc.
. ' I

,- .'
- ·---'-·-· ; . "' .
..rtt,;''Phlll�;;;., . ', . ' . . • .
£of the President ' ·
ffouan1 and Urt,,1• De"lopn,ent Coonlinllina council
'EXPANDED NI\T{ONIJtl,.('?tlr!7J\C, llEGION Fl'EC.D oz�CF.
DP NO 94--0068

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Q ll J9!lll
d SUllDJVislON l;;l 'coNDOMINIUM
.' ., ..... •

NAME OF OWNER' ADDRESS·ond i'!� NOBlJ-0036 to 38/812-15-.62

El<IPIRE EAST ·LA,Vn 1/0LDING.S, INC. llth Floor Solitibank Bldg., 777 P�seo de

��������------=---·�4----�.,:.,. . .,,_��-�----�·---'-
R?xa�, .lfakati, Matro i:an!la
AOOR�SSN!fEL "'.0.
- 'do - . . .,• - do - . -,
94 R:, Fernandez Street,
8Lilding Floor Area_: 9,321 .. 89. sq.,uts.
Land Area : J, 99,8 sq .mts.
.., j. 80
Residential Condominiµm
-· ,, "JJ&HT OVER LA,110
. '
. e,�";of, �··No. 6371-R
� .:.._ ,l I

EVALUATIO� OF FACTS Located wi.thi� R-2 .Residcnti:a1�·.zo'il'e· per He.tro .llan1la zoni.n':I oro inence
81•01 series qf 1981. {n� 11th.the Imp,l,ementing S�ards,Rules�nri P.egulations
of P.D. 957(r'l1th. LOc�tiontf� ,vial'ilit! i�sued on.IB qctober l�J.•
DECISION • 1;,·: . • • ,� .. ·.
- G/IAJITEI,-:. , 1
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[i] All conditions 1tipulltld htreln form Plrt of thi Det:ISION end ,,e 1ut,i«:1 to.mot1ltlring.
CiJ NM'compli9"Ce 'th•twhh shill bt • cane for c1not1l1tlon 0t �I ac:don. ·- : · ' ,
� P.ninent provisions of PO 957; PD 1216 1nd f·O 1�6 ,nd the.Ir implementing twi., Ind ,..l1tion1sti,11 be complied /
with : '� ·''
� Submit subdlvill;; pllns to the Bure1u or Ur11i,1Nitional L.-.d Titlet.nd °"4...Rtgl1tration·Acinl,-str1tlon (LRC) for
verification ffld 1pprov1I of tht fi.eld 1Ur-'!';' r•··11i'm. �aid plans ,ogethe; wi1th ff!f 'Nrifi.cationl'PP'ov•I doa,nwnt •�II be
submittld 10 this Office to supJ)Ort yo:Jr 1pplk:11 tipn 'or>n of .thl ,ubdfJsion prq ect m the iauance of license
to Sell . . , · 7 � '.; '.:. 4 • � .
CiJ Submit condominium pin to LOCI! Bulktin� Offi:il1I for issu'ern» of• buildl,. pttmlt. Sakt plms togt1htr with the
approval document thlll be submln.d to thh o t,ci tosuppor1 yOUJ' epplbtlon for. �tntlonof 1hl.condomini\lm project
.,d the l11tu� of L!c.ftle to Sell. · .. :. ' , : · �: . ·• · ,:• ,
(il Other cof'Mjitions.
·:·· · • ·
.,. '. • •
f' ,·
··� •..
l. Any misrepresentr1tion or ma.teri'a1· .�alsehoo_� �n. ybui�·BNt shall be a sufficient
�ause for the canc.ell.ition of th.i:s appro,...1.'. Apd/o=� ·.iction •.
2. Clearance/Permit d�s not exen/1;,t the projtf{ci:,frOIU PE:£..t1nent requ1cements of
other government a9encies.
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'- 2nd•FlQ!>r,HLRB 8vildi�9,{al4�;ah:�ve•,Difiwan�Quezon City

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. . .: . -�! ··. ,• .
. .,
· . . -. .: •·• No.
. .... 9S-04�2638
:. � ---...-.,---- ';

. This Lfc�nse !s 11�su�d./�' tile s�le of sale�bl? lolf/uryts/lots wllO units In

..... --�--!-�Jl.I!2.'�!111EM3.llP.· 4,;siMi1,;1At.' litliTsl. . ·,
located at · W(b...Jiwc�_}4 R..:•P,[Rlffi!ID�z sr: SAN JUAti, M,; ' -c--- pursuant
tci. s,:g:_iQJL�_QI_ 1'112s.z .. :...:�---- :arid Its rules and regufatlon.s.
. � !· .. 1:··.. : . . . . . . .
The projfict.oi,yryer(s), _DJJ.?m'�rnr..µiw.. ·�rnrHGS-1-NCORP.ORAUD. .•. -�-
-----·-'--·�-----, ancl c)eveloper(s), _E/iP!BE. £AST C.A.Nb 1,nr,n�---
, ' .
---'-·- . ,·
' ' ' .
(are) obliged to comply strlctly'wlth the fo/!owlng:
. •, ' ,, . • . .
1. · Complitte the pro]ecl In ecoordance with It,• npi-rO\Ntd d....eloprM"'"plM tMflttor oot later f'lan_ OfCf1fBFf' l 996 and
advise buyer, _In ·writing ol such tim• framt:· for devel.Jp!'T'lerl, . · .
2. Apply for e.�.;.::slon of tirrlt to complet, de'lllloi)fflent In �t the � c.tlnot b• completed ti.for• tho 'prHCrlbed perk>d
e.:plres· • · ·• • .··
· · ·
. 3. Mairllil� thtl _COmrnon faclllt!t.s:untll M ls au�zjd pu��ntto P.D, 121�;; -. 11 ..• . • •. • .
• .
" 4.
executlon;1 . , . · • ,.1. •

. ·

A&glster the lnstrun:e�t relative to any salt w th'the A&glateror Offtft, whe1Mr oi: not IM,prloe Is Uy pekf, wtthki 180 days from
; ' Oellv9t the1tltle lree frolTI 11,n� and enc.:.tn1>,e nee te lultv pakf a�• Of: ff rilorlg 'gad. '�1tila·cfelh<9r· the ..ami,-'wtthln llx
month1frornt1.:npayment; · . . ! _}..!• ... · . '• ·
. · o. 'S.C:Ure cleartince prior IQ eny'.mortg11g41. e!tu ·•tlon of pl•n1, ldYe,dM,1.-1t ot chlinge of.,.,._ ot ow,-. .. ilp;
7. Pe)' the real estate tax/11$e1tment on the lo' ru{ttt until the�ar ft.. title is b•tth.:, 1 i>d to ot � 1 a I: liooc:upt.tlon la taken
by th• buyer; · . , . • ·.
• s. �!�'.trofn �·1t1N·��yffl�nti. inade a,, �i 'buyl�I � sJk�'·"',iort1�taftei1ttM iiotk:i1: to owner or deYeloper.
,,, . ' on ground,of !ri&..11p!elt_'d_Mlbpmf,nt OI' ,c��;I•�!. .· {·-.(�( SUf,P��J!;g lt�t.:a.'m.-'.J • ' ' •.. ,-�.�, :·
.: o .. 9; • -, SUt:>tnttlia lrep:ort �rig \tie· ex\enfl of proj1ict!'cf"evelc:'�,r$: tfldl.,�:,k;l:��tf:j,11�1�.' .� lfxty cltyt after each
"; : .· , . , · ·
10. S.Uontya\ then,axlmlll'nMllln�priceotf·�':.,..N.aA. .. ·.:.•.:._.; '. · · : · ·
, . 11. Oliplay tht'r-ofst,atlon c;eriifleflte and thlt 11c.fl;e In ·a donsplcuOui'J,l,,c,e � all OfficH cit IKf. � 11'1d dlllelopM;
. ••J 12. '11ilt1�i• the'6rgll'lltatlon of homfl/Unh own11 •: • • : • . •

.i. 13.. R_efr&!n lro'ri, -�"�

an'r f� for .an atl�d �!1')ffi�nlty �n�II� u� th1i1 �; arid, .
other ptovillona of th• pertlr ent �. rules and,MgUllitlona. -t' -1••, • • �;>'.

;j 1-4.' • eo'inpty
,;.-.; .•.:+). ,.:r, (·,d ..ii'-i'i),. 1 $'' :!.i\ ;.: .'-
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di&.. -: . . Anyf�isr.epresentation or matflrtalfalseh09Jt m.aqe.1n·cof1f16ciion with the application.
'>''"!!'''' <··7';\for ihe.Re�lstratlon:aHd this Llr.er1iui to SefJ,,ancf:111�,60061./ifillls' olappllcallon
'iha/1 be a valid cause for the re,•cicetion of this Licenss .. ·"' o, ..,T , ,,.., . A •
. . . .·

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, �bl6SSl.'>',;l;.i5£JE@�{ ·a;,1.�,il,e.{eli@!A;§@l;iili\ll:6i.fS St".1118
to be affixed at.Quezon City, th,·, .... 2Zt� ...... ·:aily9' . __ .
1 ---pf. Yue Booru,w,.. ,.
. . . -�
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-r o.�. No. 25J..2082,t25Jilij..
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Amount P�ld-f> .j.,.s1, •.;0ff.1S,.92 !.:.!t,
,tegiona'J Director ··
·,, , ... �.. :,,·· Expanded :flCR,..,f'ield Ottice
· ·
.· �- . _, . ... . . .

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. LOT J, 111.oex ·94 c:IA'. lfD:-:&,11-8 J
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1 and located &-t t.oT 3�� ACOCK 94 B. 'nv<«anau o/• ·saH .1�•, *!I
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'[. .. �lth:·an .; �I. i;·228·-'. �. Ne
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--� ;; htri!by. R�GIStERf:b pu�_ant to
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, · am/ ·!ts ,:Ules O.�d rei?la(ions: f . . . ,. , .
... - · ' , I ' l• ' t'., �··' ., , ' ,.' .� •• l •

· · ·THAT any mlsreprhentatlon or ma(�rial fa/sehor,J mailt,ln co"nntctttii,"with-the appfiretionfor·

'k . · ·. ihts registration'or the'1orgery 01 Jil/sl�iiflori-o{i,ny.df.ili.e.'sul}p/ilii,:g)Joa,iitints th,nof.imd other
'/egai grounds'provlded by litw shall be a i,ditacJus� for'iht•rt1iocaiidn di (hll-Riglltrotlon.
' . . :. . . :. ' - : :i'..:.;')!:'·, .. :-1:�--�:··... ,_ .... ·.
' ·•. THAT· this Certlflcatt of Regl:-tra'-n ls-NOT an,autJ1crltiJo.i,Q any lot/unit in th, above·
l. mentioned project. .1·. ' •· · · · · ·
·, · . . ...
·. · ; :'·::�:::,.-:� . . ·�. ·.
AND THAT th« project owne,(, I, ..Btf.IR� BAS'{ ,Wd '"11t9V!G:;, 1fCOl!l'iJB•tm
·a.nd m« ilev,elbperf.$) Pera, n:,s,; r,lb··W>tDtlCS:!..·n·' ··�-D · ·
tak,' the so/ldary, nsponslbllltles ol co11,plying ii,ii,' '/hi /ril'•and.'the' rule, and regu/lltlons.for the
Issuance for
this CERTIFICATE and the 1..lctnse to Seli,,ifany. '
' . ' •
• .
. �.

· .. ' IN WITNESS ·wifE�EOF, I have lrlreunto set i,,�.hanil and cause tite:seal of this Board 10 be
affixed at Quezon City �h_ls. 2Zt:h �DY.,!' - · .:· · Apr�I, · 199__s_.
,,/ .',.:.:1.·.j,.!''-s· � .. ·,,.;'
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.. ..

. . ' • .'.
I,' ENRIQUF; SANTO', L. SY, Corporate S�cretary of ZMPIRE . EAST
; LAND HOLDI�GS, INC., El corporatipri duly orsan-ize·d and existing
under Ph.ilippine laws. DO.HEREBY CERTIFY that in a special meet-
ting of the Board of Df.z-ec t.c r e of the Corporation at which meet-
ing- a quorum ..:as duly pz-e aen t; , the fol,lowing "r-eeo Lub Lon was una-
n Lmoue Ly passed and e.dbpbe d to wit:

"RESOLVED, to aub! or.ize the Corporation to submit an appli-
.' cation ,with the Reg Let er 0£ Deecla of San Juan, fOr the issuance
of CondOmir.ium. Certi.1 !Cates of Title the unlts con-
structed from ita Concom1.niurn project callej.the ·Little Baguio
Gaz-de ..,-c1 located at Lot 3 Block 94 R. Fernandez Street, San J.uan,
Metro Manila, covei-ec; t:r 'Transfer Cer·tificate o'f 'Title No. 6371-R
'r-eg Labe red in '.tf1e neme of the Corporation;

. . .' I


be as h� is.hereby authoriz�d to execute, aign/or deliver all
· necessary document.e , p eper-e and. at.her writings .necessarY for the
accomplishment of saici pur-poee . ':

01fNQYlfT.EllSS..lolHERE01 F 9 ,
9 5 T have hereunto set my hand this
day � l� l�� at Makati City; Philipp�nes.



I C , T Y O F t1 A K .A·'l' I ) S:S.

SUBSCRIBED AND S\iilRN to before me· thls day of OCT 18 1995

1985 at Maka ti City, l'liilippines, affiant exhibiting to. me hfe
C. T.. C. No. 7243829-A, issued un July. ·21; �995 at Maka ti City,
Philippines. '

Due. No. -��;:

Page No.�.
Book No.
Se r-Le e of 1�95 ·'
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I,· .• 1t·

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Ct•OE OF. i::>.Y-LAWS .Ol' C,. ,
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LE'�L. : �Jr, 1.T ; TYPE : UNIT AREA : PAR'.<ING F.f'wfl .
--- --------- --·--- - ---- -·· '--------------------- --- - --- ·-· --- -
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UPPER GROUND FLOOR : /.'"·• 2 -Bedr-oom '/0 1:1q.m. t2.5 sq.m.

. '·-1 3-Bed1·oon�
3- 3c dr-ocm
35 sg.m.
83 St_i.ln.
1::'.. 5
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12;. 5
s :;··!. :;1.
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2-Bt. d.t'O()Jll 70 E"'j_.rn. 8<..J..J•\.

SECOND FLOOR ::{ 2- Bedr-oom 70 .;tg.m. 12::,aqc m.

I:·2 3-Bedroom E.\5 sq.m. !2.5 G'-1. m .
-1 �2 3-Belirc.,<;nl 8::1 .eq.1n.· 12.5 sg. :,1 •.
,,{ -2 :--:Bed1'oori1 70 s�.m. 12.5 cq . ai .
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3·-Dedi•oci'Jl 83 (:<;.. ei ,
Zr-Bedr-oo.n 10 �;";i,."'!l. .: 2. �-

FOUR'.tll F!.00!l • ';?- Bedt-oom 70 sq 01. ·12.5 s<;.:li.

: C-4
·l 8·Bedroom
•• '15· ,-z..;.. m.
R3. sg_.m .•
12.5 oq.m.
l�.5 ::.;.;;; ..
: /D-4 2-Bedi·com 70 -sq.m. 12.5 �:,.n1.
---- --··----·-- . -----··----··- -· -·· ··-·---··-- ·--------. ..... _ --- -----·· -- ·--- .

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' ' ' .,
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'2···Bydrooui 71 sg.111. 12.'5 eqan .

::-Beidroon\ r- 06 sq.m. 12.s· sq.01.

. � ·:, .. -- . ---·-. --·-·--···-------- -·-·--· ----- --

FOURTH v'..ooR ·.:,
: "'A.:-4 : 2- Bedr-oom 71 sq.m. iz.s! sq.m.
,•· : -13-4 : 3-·Bed1·oon1 86 eqi m , l�.51eg_.rl\.

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Common A�uas



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L}.:'.tEL i.'."·'1A
.( \'l s,;.:i'. Lcbby , St.a Lr-a , Ramp. 'A;;,.�·.,Ji' MEft�;ir.
.2lect.Rzn � '!?ire Eec.ape

. :S,;.rr. Loaby , St.c i.r-a,' i.;u:cer •

£:�ec t. F.m. & L''ire Eace pe

3rd F]oce ./ ;:·7..

.- G'.J. . to .
4th floot- :/(i4 sg.m.
-, I
---- - - ---·, ·---- I
--, - - - .. ------·' -- ----. ------ --------·

-- ·-,----- ·-- -- - ··--- --- ---------·---- ..

.... , ...
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-�itfi .::;,;.in. Lobby: �St_a,irs,. Ramp, !,,ia.t.t:.r He t.o r- •
El cc tv.Rm , & Fire Eaco pe
2nd» :.,... /42 Z•.;. m. Lobby, Stair:;, .. Wat-et: .
Elect. Rm� & F!-:-e
Sr-d t•'loot> : .0) S'}.'.1'. dd
'/ .. : 4.rt, PLcor- :.42 sq.m. .•. do '

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Sl�<-�t.. .Rn . & Fi re Excc pe .
Znci 1..:•.:-0:c

:/.1 ;c;,1 •·· ;,·:-.!·,'::,y, Stair=:;. w".:::-1ter' He t.e r ,
:::,: �J .:<:o,.,:..�
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:--/Ii 4 .i::i. in. do ...
11•t, floor. :--�fl1 f.Ct-: m. - c!.o -
---------.-----·-·---------· ----- ····==·-··=:-:--==.:-====--
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Zl.�ct.rt.ln .. ·& Fi1re E"::-car:f·
aq.m. Lobby, Stal�. Wu"'.:..1'.!r !·.:::., r,
)� Lec't . R'l1. .� :1 re Escep-.
J•:'d !:<"::.o(,:' ..- .•... .
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Ll:\'�I. c AREA . PREA"· DESCRIPTION , ._'" ..
--------, -- - - · ··. - ---;;;e
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Water'Met(1r, ',.,,��
· '_// · I?.lect.:"i':l. "&' F5.1•e, Esciape ·· ·1',
2.1d. 7!.0Gr· /�4.� e z.m. Loboy , '.-!.�irz,. �1,.,_ter Mete:r-s.
·1/ · l�l':?c.:t.J, 1. & Fire l!:9capt�
c.z-r- �:.:ioJ /:</�. r.:s:::11. do
4rt. r:,.. rJr ,..,-:�,; Cs',;.ro, - do -

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CLllSTER. SIX ( 6 l
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Lob'by S , Rc:.!lll-', Water Ne,
2n<l F:�,or .. ){8 ELec t.. :.t:. & -Firo Enc ape .·
cq� ct , I.. obby , : .t.e t r-a', �Vater Meter,
3rd I·'l<..iot· . •.j/ '.
Ele�:t. RI i , & Ei.r-e Eace pe
. ,. d.q
4rt, Fl":>or :,...JJt,si
9 aq:;i_.m. .jn.
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ee nd 'cit,. G1•eE'n ',Sodding;.·P;.ant�r:s��
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·. -·�; .i�
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Atpubllc of thf Phl/lpplnei

Sec\Jites aid &d:-orge Cormis'srn

·eoSA, Grnnhllls, M1nd1fuvong

--,-.---�· �·
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TAX DEciliv.r,oN No_... 0 -'-.'6_1_2'-'---- PROPERTY IND�X NO 116 00 01�. 02,_..:
. :. < } -

CCN: lo11
Owner EMPIRE EAST LUfi:> HOLDINGS, INC. Address 16th Sol141 hllk •1g. Paseo 41•
Adminlstr.i:tor·---------------Address lbDtt AYe. Ml!ucati, MM
Loca,:ion or Property l.l'•l'UJl••s I A.loaif•oio X..\ay.u.a S.i:n Juaf'I, Mttro M11\il,1
( & Streetl {8:irangay/District) (Municipality/City/Province) --·.
Cer!ific1t, or Title No·---���
' Lot No. Assessor's (lot No. ___,)_ _
Aound1ries: ,it;
(Bl<Kk No
North:_ 111'.- �t lo, ltlk. ,i. South:. SW· A. lonif1ei• St.
East· S&- .&.0t-,3, lili. IJ West: kW- R. fernand4g 8t.
(Su1e streets lots or strums by which bounded, or n.imts or owners or 1d/oinina land�)


1---i- · ---- -·-- - --·· --
8 --------·== ..
1 (h) PLANTS,,. TR(f.,:i
---· - ·- - . . . ·- -· I . ·-r---·· --·- tl11i1 111 ...----··--
Kind NoJArea Vah.. e Kind NoJAru
0 v.i .. , "•"'" .

� I
Market 'l,1lue
(a} Along or no
road frontage ___ ._:. %
·= p
g (b) kms. to -
ajt-weather rd.--1' -
0 (c.) kms. to
� market {pob) __ ,..
� Total Adjustments
.2 Adjusted Market Value
s� . Total
• #Total, ro, land, plant and trees
. • "AdiUS\ed value for lam:t; plant and trees .- p


K ind Area Value
Area Unit Value Adjustment
OL� p--
Martel Value
p Vf7't ;,.v.vv

. .
·, ".' r
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• 87', 54>0.00
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96 16438 _ PROPERTY INDEX NO. J 16 aa· '
01-5 Q2 oc3-1oeo
CCN: ___.2'"'1c,4'---



w Owner __:__:__rr10.
:Z:.J'If.E ;;i� G'.:1 Lt.::� iiOl.DII;c3 ;AZJ�,ess 16,;h Solid � Bldg., Paseo
en. l\dn1ini<tr.1tor Address
�e ;w.xns Jive.,
lrlS.Rati C1ty


Location ot Prope,,y_ �. 7ernn.ndez St., �YD,r.�n·· San Juan, Metro Manila

(Nu11\lxr &. Street} (Barang.,y/District) '(MuniclpalUy)
Certificate of Title Ne.
� r,.1t;Q-U Cedastrat Lpt .No. Lot No·----�-
"C Boundaries: ,V Block No.�----"9�4,-
e:! North: -----·--------'South: _
e> �·.. ff.�t=�------------\/1/est: _
.,:' ?J"x lots or streams by which bounded or names of owners o� adjolnl'lg lands)
8 #.(.�c,1f.F(&)�), ,. LAND · . • . .:.-: ---
� 1� KIND ·c AREA,. Unit Value Adjustment Market V�lue
c ._-.;1 J '/, � /, "'c

g \ r_'
"C \,\-�\ I ,/ ' •7 ��/
I • •
�"' 'if---1------+-----1------+-----------



' 'LI"'tll;"
- strrb ·!J"·!ii\-''.,_O ('O"�
Plr. · aI "
I st Storey
lod ,,.
Roof Market _Value

v .... u�·; . o

g. V.U..,I.. l; .._. -r 4 OU .1...;. • ... w� • vv••vo 1, _,..,wt.-:JlJ•VV
0. "Par:J.�i ....... 12,50

TOTAL -P-1, !;26, 750 .. co

Description Datt: of Ope ation Cost
Depreciation Market Value

l Of AL �

RPA FOR."1 NO. 1 6
� - 1 6 ,1 0 9
TAX DECLARATION Ne{ t,:.., PROPERTY INDEX N0.116 QO 015 02 003-1071
. CCN: �2�1�4'--��-

�ner -�":.:::'!�.� E.A ST !,A��D !"!CI.l)INGS,
16th Solid !Jlru:
de Rol<lls Ave,, it'•�1 City Pa.eeo


• Location of Property E. Porna nc ·- .· San Juan, �tro Manila
" Certifica�e of Title No.
(Number 6.. Street)
]')!} 1 l(:
Cadastra] Lot No.
_,'---- Lot No·----lg",--
1 __N_o_-_-_-_-_-_-_�_�4�=


.. Sou�h: --��'-

East: \Vest:
or streams by which bounded or nemes of owners of adjoining lands)

AREA Unit vatoe Adjusttnenr Market Value


c0 II
I,I�olif)riohJUI FJGIA7elJ;- 1C'.'11 Construction Materials
I st Storey 2nd 3,d Roof
Market Value
-T-Tt'•r.,-.- '" t"
... ,�---· � .... '- .
.. Ao,. -- :· '
- e, -- .,
· .. .

� .. - ... ·� OA


. '

- t"

11 (b) - MACHINERY
Description Date of Operation Cost Deorc.ciation Market Value

I TOTA'l ..
. .\__
6 - 1 lJ� 4 1· 4 PROPERTY ltJDEX NO . .1lfi. 0,1 015 02 00)-1056
CCN: __..2-1-.1 ,.4 _
- Gli.
t f:. .lPIRE :':.\:JT L,\!11) '.!(:.DINGS
Owner_______________ rsc, 16th Solid Erulk Bldg., Paseu
�dress __ _,,hr�...,.,..,-....,....,--,.,.,;,..,..,..-...,.,,..
de �{JJXHI Ave., hlaka.ti City
Administrator Address


\ ��uan.
Location of Property R. · enlunde ... ,}t. Y.ava�no.n Metro Manila

I �·
(Number A. Srreet) . , {Ba.rangft)'/Bistrict)-�\ (t-":unlclpa..lit-;)
Certificate of litle /\10.. 59 3€-B Cedastrel Lor No. L l:ot No. __ .��--
Boundaries: Block No. _
North: South: _,_�
_ -----------
East: \.'lk:st·
£���ff-f,t�?�s. or streams by wtuch bounded. ur names of owners of adJoirlng lands)
1.� �1.1:R�0� , . LAND - - .

� !:.._ ,. K!Nt' ' .:� AREA Unit Value Acfjustn1ent Market Value
t: .

. '' '
-c ' ,• ' i$
_g v . \. -,;;:. ,.,;,�
• '-2 � �<.-,:/ .
-oc ,,-c. i-:
Of \�

c "-TJ:,!I" G'TJ ; S"
-·ci.;I� Flr.'·Area�·
Scfiptibl.n. c·onstruction Materials

0 - Market Value
1,.t Srorey lad 3,d Roof '.
• Cluster .t
linit J,-4
,� Fcr�1i1g b3,00 4th f r, con • cone • 1- L8Q. 2�" ""
a. rz , '.)0
0 •

•• TOTAL .. 1,480,250,00


011 . .;ln.:il
('escr!ption Date of Operation cosr Depreciation Market Value

- -�-- -
Fro111: LBG -'!.268098
' ' 16-65-94 15<, P. 001
i: ,jl!lr 1' I
I.,,. <1 .·,,,,

.... ·� ..
, .. ---

lI· ""
, ..


96 1G439 _ PROPERTY INDEX NO. 116 0'.) 015 02 ,?03-108· ·
CCNc 214

o,,;.;e,. Eiiil'IRE EA3� LAJ-<"D HOLDI:iGS Il,iQ.;,.,, 16,h Solid ]l:lnlc nldt,. Pauao
Admlnlstrc'ltor Address
de oo-ma Ave., . . i..:1ko.lI city

Location of Property

R,J"'orna.ndoz ft, KnbavnaMttY!

of 1

k"\lllucn. Metro Manila

(Number s, Stteet) (Barangay/District) � (Municipality)
Lot No. ___.,..
Cadastral Lot No. _ _
,.... >
Block No·----',4---
� -----------�South: _

_____ 'I.Jest:
lots, or streams by which bounded. or nan,es of owners of adjoining lands)

v I • LAND
.8 AREA Unit Value Adjust,nent Market Value



"2 Ll'£tL.t. ""'!"'l,u .... :f!J••··J� ,., Construction Materials
0 scrlptlon Fir. Area t ,1 S1orey 3,d Roof
Market Value

� Collllllon Area• '"' ,P, 1f'\ .. IA ,.,..,..,. "''"'
� "' 1 ·- 1 7?1
0. 'PlA·ra'l"l"\11nd 142
i.:ach. &. J�yui 1 mer ts
-� -

•• TOTAL 1'
10, 140,aao.oo
Date of Operctlcn
Description Cost
,. 1\1arket Value

I '
' I

I ,.
I; ,
10--e1-G4 &9:46 P. 991
' .'\\·�·1·1!h11 .""'il


RPA FORM NO. , 9 6 - 1 G .1 3 9 .•

_ PROPCRTY INDf.X NO. QO 01� 02 00)-108
CCN,. 14

0 Administrator Add(ess

l.ocAticn of Propeey __i,._�;cUlllln.lJllc..iil..._
- �Ji;,J;Aj��Ul:�-
' -·
(Number&. Street) (&i\rqay/Dlstrlc.t)
kn Juan, Metro N\anllA
Cert1ftc11te of ntle Ne. Cadu!J"... I Lot No.;;;;,----t::�- L.ot No·--+--�
-e &ounda,Jcs; i 4r Block No·--99-4-
1 -
•l• Nom,,
West: ---------
•. -; ·:(S1at� st,:c_<.ts, tots, or streams r:,y which bo1.1nd�d. or fk'\ffleS of owne:ls of adjoining lands)
" f� .
. !;jf' ..' :";· ,,.,. ._.,.;, �·\
. : .fo.�. : . I . LAND !
.II 'ri.« ...

l(JND •?\ AREA Unit VAiue AdJuttment "'-lue
• �'!·�-�!'""= .. .. �>
1• \ ':'.•.'L,
•. ,•; ......
11 I.
•... ' _,-·.---


J1 ..••• ,. Construction

r.Ma 111 �ror�'
•• "'° . Market Value

8. ,

., ... '
: ···"''
·II· #t#fl

'TOTA� .. '
10 r 140 I 000,00
�c:1ip,tior"1 D ...,e or Depre-ciatlon .""'1!.l'Mt Vo\lUI!!:
Operation (Oit
. '

. .

------·------···· ._,
I I As:li,,me.nt ·-· �A,&ts.ed··-·

"«ind of Pro�rty
I ktual u«o
t f•
M.\:ket �h.1e

l :,
•• {. % ,.. v.,,1ue

Imp '
I1:0�AL AR
.l io, 11n, occ �
.: %

< • "4,ll(lll..00.

.. I "' I T02AL :1"'E,0°4,,lOO 00

TOTAL Assissto VALU(. 'rr v �6 I I ,.10,LNu,"uI.J.GilHi;TicYx...�:,c
: . Iu,J::��1' 1''.<:C;J.J'C'·;.;·
. ,c:'"".i.
' ----
( An,ount In Words )


Munlc1p•I As�11ssor As•t, Mun. � ... ....._.,.,

/coo '·
This declar-.tton c�ncels Tax No . ..J:B,,{)LJi. Jl.:5"•:llll.Pu2:i2�0�----------------
1C):"J8 •,

Mlll. under thl$ de<:l1<r11t\cn begin& with the year eeeses w/ the yr. _
Ent,ercd In the Reat3Pry,;;r�.��e5smen: Roli lor IQ___ _.-.:.._. _

Previous owner l'J � -----------------------
Previous AV. l..i1t1d1"_____ _ Imp. f-- __5_.,,_4._'J.,l i..,_,4
4 .i.000u,.l,O,>OL
MEMORANDA : -----------'------·


r· II' I I
. �· �"· . '' \''

·.;,. .

06.1 :CIIOJ.j
.• '
7Z68&98 1�-81-04 09 20 P. 002
� !mtfl• \fi!!
1 �·�11



l r .
F1011: lDG 1268699


:11:a, !i!r�YUV c,�eri teeue U)1 1:1... J ...... r

:�unioipa! i;ca,urer or the Pro,incial Trca.aurtr

.'.· other uidenee aupporl,nli tha tax payment for


..... :�


·, ..
........... .

, .
' -,


, .

. ,., .. �-

·' ,.. "' ,• r I

. , , ..

• .. .. ' I
>' J •.
_ .
LRC FORM No. 1-A C-,0
Volume N,1 161--·--- ,

• .)


Dl:PAR'l"l\1ENT OF JlJS"l'J('I<,;
�anh ,l{cgi•lration J\ull1orilH
QUEZ�Y- ..
l(l�GlS'l'UY OF l>EEl>S FOi! 1'1JE .............•......... 1 .....................................................•........

<!Ionuo111iniu1n <!Icrtificatc of 'illitlc

t/0 .
(Republic Act No. 4726)

IT IS HEREHY CERTIFl"i,O rlrat the 1111it identified and described as:

CWSTER ONB (lJt ...._
UPPER CROOND LEVE!- by, Stain fiamp, Watff Mt
47-;'q; ••
hich formo part o! the "Ll'l'l'LE BAGUIO GARI!Ell • n �ti-oYl!i' f1n Eeciape
in the d1agra111'l'ilffi,/'fj� plan a11pe11�fed 10 1'1.e. enal:li1� l'!!:lf' ,,�e� of the _co11do�iniiun. project
�;;';_'f:��d �;' t; 5.:n···Ju:an c�q�e l'{J;�
J\ � : twhich embraces u,,� describes the,[
THREE 'ifilousAND"NINE"llt)'tmm·"!ll' m . . .. : _ : .,',,1, "" area a
........................ """""(J;'!i'§ii)""""""""""""�"
""Z-"" ""'"'' ""'"'"·"
"''"'"·,·d tn the name •d'
DilPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC.,,. du,ly orcranised and ex!tting
�nder the la�e 0£ the 1:hilippinee,
a-!i 0\1'1:er(s) ofsaid 1111it ;nfee �1111p/c#:11
, pro1:f(icd by the Co�do111i11it1n1 Acr:s11bject 10 such
�fie incidents of
the encumbm 11, es 11oft'<l 011 I hi�, con 111111 ci•rf ifii·atc• of I t.J le n 11d 011 the certificate of Iii le .fJf the la 11d af 111a y
affel'l the 11:ii1; to those 111e11tio11e;l.i11 c enabling or 11u1sl<'r deed and declaration of restrictions; and to those
provided b y law. - \""":) . , ·. · · ..

... ·. . ...
. ·•• i'i}. l"0•1do11�� fCftiJi.Care_ is a lransf�r froin c_ondo;niniu,n Cerli.(i_cate_ o} �it�e
��- 1�-/11ch IS cancelled by v1rt11e hereof insofar as th<' above-identified i:n1t IS

a.., Jawi, Metro Hen11i

Entered at 25th·· .. ········ .. ····-October .
Philippines, 011 1h1• day of n1n•tyw.t11'W"''"'"'"'' .
in �'t(j'(j'ar pu11e11•e11 hundr.-d and ,
at ... ·�·····� .. ..,n

16th Solid �,�ldg,, rae,o d.e

Roxa.e Avenue., ekllti,City • INOC�CI
(Ov,ncr'$ Postal Add•"CS<)
•-St.itc the civ,I JtJ!U', n�mc or ,r,oute !f �rricd, age lf n l'llnor, citiicnship and r.:sidenco of the rc1i11crcd owner. If the owner ii
I n,arricd W(lman, ttntc 31:;(> the ciliicn�hip of her husband, If the unit is rcgi•tcrcd in lhc name of the col\iup! partncnhip, state the
cihzc:,uhip ofbolh spou5'.S.
••-111 case ofinitiol escanee, type the words "Not Apphcablc Ori&inal" cncl!mid in parenthesis.

LllC FORt.l No. 1-A
(Revised January 1991)
votume No �JQ .
Page ·······;; .162 .


�anlt �egi,tralion J\ulqoritv


, sAii' IGAli MEno MANILA ,

C!Ionoomininm C!Iertifica:te of '<!J:itle

J'1 u •........ 59.6. HI........... . ..
(Rl"public Act No. 4726)

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFlED that tfie 1111it cir scribed as:
CLUSTER M ( l) 1
2'nd Pl,,or 44 eq. ••
� Lob�,' eta119,vater
�<v ARB.\ DESC�

which forme 1)112'.t of the "LI'l'l'I.£ RAl:UIO ,a�>• ,Eltot'p

11, the ,iiagr'1111111aU.c jfoor pTa/1 appi11Cwil
i'ire S oape
111aF.[+Dfkt,a �.aio�ndo1r1inium project
to 17,,, r11alili1�
annotated on ��.f,1i'. Ce,!if,<ate
l'IJIIIJft'lfu8bSANrf' .. San .. Juan.. .. !!etro
••••••••.•..••. t.:.:. ..•..•• , ••.

.. 31l,,.IL
\ tss:
an� describes the
"'"" an area of
tare 111eter.s, 11 regsst re,/)11 the TIO/II(! or
I and "<v
DIPIRE EAST L>1'1D HOl.DIM:S, INJ;�"\ corporation dul:, orgt,nis•d/exi,,tins
� under the lava o! the Phili�inll@I,
si111plr� 1 1
a.t 011·11e,(s) of sail/ t111it i11 fi•e · �l,e incidents provided by the Ctondo,nini�,,, Act. subject to such of
the c11c11111hl'a 111·c.v 110/1'<1 011 1 /11 v ('Oii • i 11111 crrt ificntc· oft ii le 1111</ 011 t he cert ificate of I it!e oft he land as ma y

a.ffi.•c·1 the Iv those 111c•111iv1u•P,,iii

1111i1; c ,·1111bh11g or 111t1.1ter d,•<•tl ,1111/ declaration of rl!stric1io11.1·;"{1.nd to
provided bJ' law. �"":) , \,

'·1.luL, ,�Ji) cerujeate

f..'Ot/( VII
"-""" "' . IS ll 'j'/"IJl/1 cOtl dOl/lll/111111
transfer _.._ c"cruncute OJ., tt«
•I C
No.•• �.� � '-""" ...•......... , 11•/iich is cancettcd by 1·irt11e hereof insofar as the above-identified unit is
concn ncd. "'
'' '
( \ \

\ \
San Juan, l!et'l,, llanila
.. E�tered al
''25tlf Oct'cibii'"· .. ·· .. ················· ,
1:f11hpp1nes. on .,he day of iiini'"tr.:-: !J.T ,. _.
1n 111e �Cf6on1neteen hundred and
••••••••••• ,
at P.� ,n. / \\

,. \
16th Solid Bank :Bld«, Paoeo do · '
. Roiu .A,r<t, ,. llakat1 -!li !:,.. - -- -- -- -- ·
(Owner·� Postal Addre11)
-- -- -- .. -- __IM�!J
t! otg.:Rca,stcr .t®.!JQQ . I

•-Sbtc the �ivil sl�tus. n:amc of Sl)Oll$C!. if nu.fried, "JC if a minor, citizcn1h,p and rc,;idc:ncc cf lhc rp1111c� er If the owner II
a m�rrkd ,...,11,an, 'x'lc �l<O 1hc citizcn1hip of her husband. lf the unit is n,�1>1cn:J in lhc n:amc cf the conjupl pllrtncrship, at;atc the
citiz�nship ofbo!h �f'O"'S<'S. 1 1
••-in case of initial is:.u:in�, 1rpc the words "Not Applicable Ori1inal" cnclos.:J in parcnthnia.

hRC FOR�1 No. l-A
(Rcvi!>CdJanuary 1991) Volume
Jo C....,O .

�•nil �egi•lrnfion J\ut�orit�
QUEZ,i)�JT.Y,. . . r
Hl•:(�IS1'1t,' ()J,' l)EEllS FOi( 'I'll!-: ...........................................................•..........................

Qlunbotniniunt @ertifica:te of 'filitle

JI/ u •....... 3.9.6 3,,R .

(Republic ,\cl No. 4726)

IT IS H(Rf:RY CERTlflED that the 1111it identified and described as:

CUJSTER QIE ( l) 1 •
DEBCRIPl'l!ft <,. AREA
3rd hoor 44 �m. �'t..,bby, Statn, i;,ater er,
which formo p•rt ft tho "LI'l'I'L� JIAGl:Io C�x-, ��ot,, \""• +& Pire &scape
111 1'1c diagr,,111111n11c Jloor 1}la11 a1,pe11,fig lo flii.• 1•11a,, 11 , 11u1"i1'!r·7rr1·,f'f!J.,!Pro11do1111111un1 project
011110/(//('d 011 .•. ,,, '!:r-.n,f,� ... (t•rtijic (J,/J' oj 1�
!/l' 1\1 '
, 371.,ij .. 11•/11c/, e111braC':S .JIJd describes the
land focn/C'll at aan.� . .Manila... .. . . 11·111t an area of
. 'IRREE. .. T.HOUS.A?fil NINE. HOllDRED .)lJNE'r't 111n· 1111·1,·r.t, is rl'J;i.,1,•rt•1/ 111 tin 11t1111e oj•
EMPIRE EAf.T LAND ROLDINCS, lNCe� oorporaticn duly O;'P.ani•ed a.nd
� under the lavo of tho l'hilippin••,
1 1
os 011·11cr(.f) nf �a it/ 1111il in fi'<' · �lu• i11-.:itl<'11t.� prorided by lite f:ondorninilun Act, snbjezt to such of
I lu: ,·11c11111.',ro nces J101,·,J 011 t itis con · i 11111 c ,·r/ ificute of 111 le 111ul 011 1/11: cert ifica te of lit le of 1 hl' land as 111a y
aJ!i.'<'l ttic 11di1; to those n1,•11/ic111C'jl.i1i c 1•11ahli11g or 111a.�tt'r deed a11c/ declaration of restricunns; and 10 :hose
providcdbvlaw. '
( .'
This condo,, · certificate is a transfer f,0111 Co11tlo1ni11i11n1 Certificate of Title
"'No.•• N.,...\.,. (X"
, which is cancelled by virtue hereof insofar as the above-identified unit is
concerned. "J

\ '.
Entered at .S.a.n. .. Ju.anJ .. J.\atm .. �.mUa. .
/'hilippinC'.f, 011 ttie .. 2.5th .. day of 1.00tob•.r .
in the !.":..''' 11i11r:te£'11 hundred and \. nint.ty:"::".!iY.a ,
al .rlJ.QQ l)a. 111.

16th Solid ll,u,k Bldg,� Paoeo de '

���.!-.�fl'�· •.. �Jl.�f.:t..1. .. .i.t7 . 1Nocm
. . ·;.otg�· . i�c�;s;e·r ....

(0>'ncr'1 l'oslal AdJr«&)

"-S.ate the ciYil 11.11111, name of 1pousc if m..rried, •JC if I minor, citiun1hlp ind �Ldcn« or the rqilurcd o eer. If the owner is
a �tried woman, also the cititcnship of her hu1b;md. If the unit is rqistcmi in the name of the COfl.iu&1I par1ncl"lhip, ltate the
citi11.·nship ofbol i1 l,JlOU�'I.
••-in c:uc ofin;1ial lssuur-ce, l)il: the words "Not App!ic;1blc Ori1inal'' enclosed in p;1n:111hesis.

LRC FORt.t No. 1-A
(R.::viscd January 1991)
votume No �3.Q .
Page .. !. '. •............ .16' .

;Jian� ;l{cgi,tration J\11tl1oritv
. .;�·- -··

llEC.ISTllY ()[,' llEl:OS .rou Tills �0.'.-�.Y'.�.-- ..�1�-�?. ..h.l�-�-l��---··········

@on�ontininnt @ertificate of 'illitle
�0 �?�.-::11 .

(Republic Al1 No. 4726)

JT IS I lEREllY cax'nnno tlta.• the /lllil identified (111(/ described as:

4th Ploor 44 aq. •• �VLobby, Biatiw, Water ,t,r,
vhinh forma part of the "LI'!'l'LE ll/,CUIO Fire Baoapo
i11 the diag1a111111,11ir JJo,ir plan appen�l�d 10 the .e11ab/i1 1 111a.u,·r dee� a}tlie condominium .pra}ecl
a111101ated 011 �.t� eN . l
J1ier11;1c.Mte;{ T,� . .'Zl�R which embraces and describes the

{fi!ffufjf'lj,jqoil'sJ.IID jlill'!l lld'H!l
.................................................... � � "'!l!II;\l'l
, i! . . : . · ; · ·: · · : ,.;,1, an area af

z.· · the 11a111e

11(11'<' 1111'/<'fS, IS f<'gl�tf'rf'd 111 o,J-
EJl!PlRE E1i�T 1.JIND ITOLTIINCS, cot'J)Oretior. ch1ly organised and •11etins
� under tho lave of tho Philippinoo,
a.{ IJ\!'111·,(s) 11fsaicl 1111il i11fi•,• .fin,pll#; ,
11 • �/re incidems ,Jro1·i1h·d by the Co11clu111iniU1n tic(, f"bj,cl to such of
the encumbrances 110:t"c.' 011 this fo11 · i11111 certificate of title and on the certificate of title of the /qnd as 111ay
affect 1/ie 1111i1; to those 111,•11ti,n1,'ji.i1i c enahling or ,na.�11·� deed and declaration of restrictions; and to those
fJl'Ol'ich•c/ bJ' /1111•. � -o
TJiis C<'rti/ict1tf'. is a lra11sfi_r frosn .l:ond�111i11i11111 Cf'rlifi_cate. of �it�e
No.•• �.�.� �� , which ts cancelled by 1•1r111e ltercoJ •nsofar as the· above-identified un1l ts
concerned. 'V J •

) San Juan, Metro Muila
Entered al ·:;f t'li' (f'" b
Philippines, on the day of , nr. ,�t·'·�?l""'"'"'"'"' _ .
in the }'� nineteen htuidredf trnd �.! 1.'.: !.�.1 •••••••••••••••••••
al �.� .P.t.�it nL

16th Sol!� Bank Elog., Paaoo do IIIOC 111!'0

Rom·· Mokati· e1�y· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
• (Own�r·, ros1al ,\JdrL'SS)

· "-Staie the civil st�tus, uame o( spou5e if married, age if a minor, cifr�cn,;;hir, anJ rciidcncc of the registered owner. If the owner is
•\m:amcJ, state :abo the citiiensli1p of her hl.lSm.nd. It tile 11nil i, fC'Jistercd -n tile name of the conjupl partnership, llate the
citizenship of both spo11s,:s.
-in ease oliniti.11 is.s11ance, t)])C the words "NOi Applicable Origin,11'• cnelo,sed in parenthesis.

LRC FORM NO. 1-A Vo/11n1c No.
c.30 .
(Revised.January 1991) Page ( 115,. .


'fian� �.c9i11tration !-,utl1l1rity
,-,.._ .... ,..._
, ,, , . , :\AN JUAil METitO MANILA
JtEGISTltY OF llEEllS FOR 111E .......................................•..•..•..•....•......•...•..•..•..•............

C!Lonoominium C!Lertificute of 'filitle

� 0 •..... 5.J.6.�� .

(Rc11ulllic Act No. 4726)

I ./ \
\ Cffis!J'Efti�() Tt'2'j> 11lu111he 1111i1 identified and described as:
Upper Ground Level 45 aq. •• "'-."°1>1:IJ, 8taira1 La$', \J5ter
�'Metor, Elect,1111, l Pin lleca
vhich forma part of the "LI'J'l'LE BAGUIO CARD •;,cone!, l'roject

��ff ..
ill the d1agra111rat/C floor p/:zn t.ppended 10 the enabfiTL(t_) /tl('r deed of Ifie condominium prOJOCl
annotated 011 ..
land located at �
af!t .. �.
���' .i:'i.7'i1/e N. .l�11.
. . . .� ,
-:- which embraces and describes the
w11h an area of
?':'.�... T.ff.lX'.�l1� .. NJ:.N.1'... Jl'UlU).ff!Jt.ltlNm� f/11(11(! meters. i.1 registered ill {he '1011/f! or
Em'IRE EAST LAIID HOLDINGS, corporation duly orgenl.Hd and r.doting
� under tho lawo oi tho l'hl.lippinH, .
a.� 011·11,•r(s) of said 1111it i11fi·,· .si11111li� ,
11 • �h,•.i11cid('11/s pruvided by 1'1,· C'1J11do111.i1!iti111 Act, subject to such of

rite_ t•11c11111hrt!1,c·,·s 11011·11 0:1 tl'.is con: · 111111 c_c:rii/h:,1!'! of title 1i11d_o,f thJ c�rtffi:c:ate bf till� "/ the �and as ,nay
aJ]l'C( thc 111111; 10 11!0:..: 111e1111011t•jl.i1i e enabling or 1r1a.s1,·r d<'�d and �lt·t:l�r<1110'.r.ofres1r1ct1ons; and to those
provided by /c.11•. � "-0 , . , · . · · .
. £ .;
This t.'011do,1iJ.. . ._"<._"'k1[f, certificate is a transfer Jro,n Condominium Certificatl'. of Title-
No. •• :.!.�.� ,l"'.._�� , which is cancelled by �irtt1c hereof insofar as thc above-identified unit is
concerned. "-) · � . \ '

.. Entered at. 25tli0,� �'-o::!��l". .
P/11/,ppures, 011 the aay of .
in 1/Je ,·ear 11i11ctee11 hundred and �n!�l:':'.' ..f.�:f.•..................... ,
at i.,.99 .P.t Ill.

16,h Solid Ban:C llldg. � Paeeo de ... l.ll<XJ!II� , .(. .

11,,u.e .�"enuo,. J!lalcati .• 1.t:, .
(Owner·, rl)Ol.2.1,\JdreH) Aot� ( stcrofo«ds) / (

•-Staie the civil 11a1u1, n:,mc of 1poute if marrii:d, qc if a mince, citizenship an,! raiocnee ,.,f the rcai1tc� owner. Ir the owner ii
• married woman, 11.11� :al,o 1hc ;i1i�enshlp of h�r hUW:.nd. II' the unit ii rcsi1teml h• tho 1111mo of the conJupl 1\1,nncnhip, Mate
citizenship ofboth spouses,
••-1,1 case o(init�,l iuuaru:c, 1)'1)1: the wonk �N<M Applicable Ori&in:al" enclosed in parcntheiiL

LRc FoR ...1 No. t-A
(Revised January 1991)
- Page
Vofu,ne No


�nnh .J!{egi•lrnlion J\ntl1ority \
QUEZON pl:Q; ... -··
!\Al'{ JU,0,: I MC 11\0 MANILA •
REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR TJ-11'� , .. ,,,,, ...............................•..•.....••........•..•..•..•.....•

C!Ionoo1ninin1n C!Icrtific ate of 'illitlc

�" ,.?.§�,11 .

(Republic ,\ct No. 4726)

IT IS HEREBY CERTl?IED that the unit ideuufied and described as:

CWSTER �O (2)1
2nd hC'or 42-;;;; m. �b7, Stain, DF.SCRITJ:r
Weter :r,
which fo,,.. part 9f the "Lll'TY.E BAGUIO
GA�' ��i:llra:...��{N
i, E,,oape
111 the floor j,la11 a11pc·111_f,.'d 10 t!'.".. "11abl11 , 11u1.�:cr d,·c•(� r.011do111111111111 _projl'ct
a111101a1,·d 011 t'-':M.f..t� Ccl't1J1c11tc of l itie f,,1 . .1.i�� !.: u'f•rch e111hra('(·� and describes the
/and located at �.an Jum, �.tro .. �l . . , :.: , : 11·i1lt a11 arl'a of
..'nmEE. .. T.HOtlSI.WD .. .NINE .. BDllllRil) .. .NI� 11are 111c1ers, 1$ registered in the 11a1111! of•
( 3,998) ��
DfPIRE F.AST LAND HotnINCS• INC('t� oorporation duly organized md exietin,-
�under the .t'hilippine lav••
a.t owner(s) of s;;;, unit in fee sin1p/e#: 1 · �he1 incidents proridC'd by the Condominium Act,
subject to such of
the encumbrances noted 011 this co11 · 111111 certificate oj'1i;/e (111d on thi: ceruficiue of title oftl•e land as n,ay
affect the unit; to those 11u'11tionejl,.i1i c enabling or 111as1,•r deed and declaration of restrictions; and to those
proridcd b)' la 111. �-:::, J

No. •
}l�:A6" is a 1ra11sfi:r fro,n c_o11do111i11i11111 Ccr11'ji_Lale. of
, which ts cancelled by virtue hereof ,.,sofar as the above-identified unit is
concerned. "'-)


\ (
San Juan, ,JG,tro l'l.nila
.. E�tered at ··25·tli"" OctO'tittr·································
Plu/ipp11u•.f, 011 the tiny of
in the year nineteen hundred and ,g 1 P,;! t······fJ"·············
1.":':'.. : .. :"!� ,
at �.tQQ P.11 111.

lUth Solid Bankd Bldg., Pa.eeo de
Roxa8 Ave., Ma.kati City INCCEN'C • CMilfCO
(Owncr'1 Po..ta! Addrcn) ACta'e .. (�c�s;e·r �r •.... ?fei· .
•-State (he ci,il 1tat11s, name of spouse 1f murri�-d, �I:� if a minot", ctnzenstup and T'!Siucncc of thr n-a.,.stcrcd olncr. :r the owner 11
a married woman, state also the citizenship of her husband. If the unit is regi,1 :red in the name of the conj�I partncnhip, 51.1\e the
citizenship of t4i1h spouses, ../
••-In c:ise ofin,hal iSl!uar«:, ty�: the words •. Not Ar,p!icaQlc OiiainaJ" enclosed in p;irenthc;A.

(Rcvistd January 1991)
Voli,me No ��9. .
Page , 16.7. .

.., '1,
1ianb �•gislralion J\utl;orill!

HCGJSTHY ()I,' ,rn,;vs FOH TIU-: �.J.��_l __ i_l!,1.1.tQ.. �.!�.!µ,.. ,.,. .

QTonoo1niniu11t <!Icrtificutc of W:itlc

J'l u •..... .59.�.7:,:�-----------------

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFtEll //,(1/ the 1111il identified 011,I described as:

vhich foTID8 part of the "Ll'!'TLE :BAGUIO

V Lobl,J • Stain, Water R.ter
42 eq • ••
J'ire leoaJ)e

111 the d1agra1n111� .floor plan appe,uled 10 the e11ab/1,�)�1fr deed _of the condominium project
annotated an -,;� .. Ce,iifJ!ial< of 'f,j�� ! .. whfch embraces and describes the,
lf!IH'!f'iial'1JlN])' )llllt8fla!ffi�· ·iif�-
··· ······ · · ,·; ;9'8)' ·· · · · .. .. ·· · ·· ·· ·· ···· · ·· :· ·· ··· · ·· · ······ · · .....
wtih en
111(11,• 111('/i•rs, 1s registered 111 the na,ne of"
NCO cf

DWI!!! EAST UlfJl HOLDIIIGS, l�oorperation dul:r on4 ox:!..ting
. �, under tl)e la\l'e ot thft Philippine•, .
al 1•11•11(•r(.f) of said 1111it in fee si111ph� , pro1·idc·tl I,)• the Contlo111i11ii/111 Act,·s11bject tO(SULh of
11 • �It,· incidents
the e11c11111bra11ces nou d 011 thi� con · i11111 certificate 11f11tl£" and 011 the certificate o,rtitlc of the tand as ,nay
affi•ct the 1111i1; Jo thssc 111,•11tioncjl,.i1i c e11abli11:; or ,naster deed and declaration oj restrictions; and lo those
provided by Ian•. � '":)
T�;, certificate is a transfer jnnn c:10/cmfohun Certificate cf,_ tut«
No. •• ��-� �� , 1:·hich is cancelled by virtue hereof i11sofa,· as tire above-identified unit is
concemed., "-'

.. E�ltl'red at
l'l11hp111111·.�. "" 1li1·
,Ir,,• ,if
. l���l'.l"""'!� . .
i11 (/it• i't'(/1 1 �....•. r.7. .....!�
nineteen /i11111/ri•J (1/ll/ .•.• � ... .
(I/ •••••.••.. ,.®. P., , .. , II!.

16th Solid Bank Bldg., Paeoo 4e

�X":9 _ A:vellUe_,__ Malc'1t_1 _ c_1t7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ill�Cl O
(O"ncr", i'Ol.t:il Addr�H) Aotgi {Rcgisl
•-State the civil st:i\us, name of IIJ)OUSC if married, !l&ll if a min«, cit,u:nship :,nd n;sjd,:n,;e of the o:1it:1cred owner. If tt,e nwncr is
• nuinicd ,.-om,n, s1:11c also the citw:nship of �r hu$b:inJ. If the: 1,1ni1 n: n:i,is1cm.l ia the name or the col\i11pl p;artncMup, Mate the
citiicnship of both ,p011sc,s.
••-111 c.DJC ofiniti�I iJSu�ncc, tyt)c lhc word1 "Not ApplkPble OriHinal" encfcscd in p�renth�i,.

LRC FORt.t No. 1-A
[Revised Janu;1ry 1991) Volurnc No
Page 19.I .


�anb �•gistralion c!'nt�ority'
� ju1111 M..&'n,o MAN \
ltEGISl'llY 0�' DEEDS POlt l'IIE ::: : ..: !.1:'.I'. .

illonblltniniunt illc1tifiratc of '<ITitlc

.N". }9.���- .
(Ncpnblic Act No. 4726)

IT IS HEREUY CERTl�EQ..lhat tne unit identijie,I and described as:
CWSTER '1'110 \2Jo
4th Hoor 42� 11!• �'-tobby,tairmJ, Water �ter,
vhioh !01'11111 part ot the "LI'l'rLE llAGUlO GARD;�o�•�J!"°' l iN llecape
111 the ,�1ag11·11111�11.J1la11 app('"'!'''' 10 th�·. ,·11al:/11
0111101,111,I 011 S. .Ju CeJJicatc o�1- /e .. 7.. .
t i�ier
,lee,� of tire condominium project
1<,}1.1ch f111br�c:s and describes me

..�� . . (�� �
1 ho!ljy1E'l'f.larµ ·· · ..•..................... tt·1tlr 1111 area of
...... .. .. ''ffi:66SAlfD"lfl .. . .. 1u11e 111eters, u registered 111 the na,ne o_r
3 998).......... �
DtPIRE EAST LAND BOIJ>l'NC6, INC,5 corporation. duly vr�anisad a.nd a:datinc
��under the lawe ot tlie Phil1pp1n,e,

,fi111ph ,
of said 1111i1 i11 fi·,·
o.� 011·11er(s) 11 �'"' mcidcnts 11rc,1·ided by the Co11du111i11ii;111 ;let, subject to suclr of
the e11c11111bra11ce� noted 011 thiJ con · ium certificate of title t111d 0111/ze rertificate oftitlf! o/,thl! land as niay

affect 1he 1111i1; to those 111r111:o,a,Li1i e r11abli1•g or n,ast('r deed and declaratio11 '\of restrictions; and lo those
providedbylaw: �"':) II l
11,is certiflcato if a tran:rfi_.•r f,·0111 C1111do111i11ir1111 ('ertificate of Tith·
No.•• �.,.·�.!! ��� , which is cancelled by 1•ir111t• ht•r1'Uf insofar as the abo1·-id,•11tified, uni/ is
. concerned.
� - ,

) \

• 11otro
Juon Jla,\i[a
E�11ered at , Oa.tOl>ir' , ,
> ••
2'5t'fi daJ1
� /11lipr111u•t, on .,lu• of nl.""''t'"'�'i,'fi'""r'"'"'" .. -".
111 thc2.S<t,r() 1111'f/ft'II hundred and � 1 )� ,
at !'I. \ (

16th Solid lla:ik .''ldg,, P..,,eo do

. ��!�:'":!�! .' .. ?:�!�.�. ?� �� .
(Owner's rost:il AdJrcss)

•-<;talc the ci,il 5!.otui, nmuc or "1'<'11'"-' if 1narricd. a�c if n t11i11or,<hir, ,Uld rcsidcnre of the re�11lcn:d wncr. If th� n"'ncr IS
. ' .
I married ,.·oma11. state .a� the citizciuhip of her hum;l.nd. If the 11nit is f'Clisten:d in 1hc .,.me 0: the eonj11p.l ptr<.ncnhip, i.t11e thcl
c1ti1cnsh1p ofboth 1po111e.. I f
••-in ate of initial isuancc, type the worib "Not Arplic.ablc Oriainal" enclosed in parcnthelit.

Volume No..... �:.�?..........................
(Revised January 199 l) \.
Paglb······· .. ·······11·2· , .

DEl'AR1'l\1EN'I' OF J usncz
�ano �egi,tration !,ut!Iority
,. ... �.·-�;

ltEC.IR'l'HY 01� llEEllS rou 1'JIE �.Jt��.:.. ��-�!.!�.�.. �.��-�!.� .

<!1onho1niniu111 <!1ertificate of 'illitle

J!l u -�- 9.?..2 �-"- .

[Republic Act No. 4726)

• that tke 1111i1 idotuified and described as:
t'.J.....ob"'r;y�Stair1, Water Meter
which fo • arc o{ the "UTTLE BAGUIO J;Mfll��le;:t,Rnt, & P9'• !acapa
111 the �i:1aE1n1t111c Jloor plan appended to 1!ie {,��;;Jf:, 11aster devd of the condominium project
annotated 011 •••• !r.ana4e.!' Certificate vf Tille N.R_. 37 l:-:R.
which embraces and describes the
land locausl at S'ffl. .Juau,. llfe.etr.o.. llf&n.1 l..a��� with: an area of
-THR.£P. .. TMQUtiA?iO. NIME··.ffUNOREO ·MINK!f¥· ��1u1r,· 1111•tc•rs, 1.• registered 111 the 11a,11e oJ-
. (l,998)
EMPIRE EAST LANIJ IIOLOING�, INC('t� corporation duJy org•niaed &mnd
�<v ,,
· �exiating unde r thll laws of the Phila.
sl111plc� ,
as tJ11'11C•r(s) of said 1111it in fi•e 11 · �f,C' i11rid1•111s 11ro1·id,·1l b J' 11,e Con,lo111i11ii1111 1lc1, suhiect-to such of
the e11c11111br,111l·es 1101t'd 011 this con · i1011 certificate of(itle and .0111/1<• cr'rti}icate oflitle of1ltc tand as ,nay
affect Ille 1111i1; to those 111e11tip,u•jl.i1i e enabling or 1na.ftt•r deed and declaration of restrictions; ond to those
provided by law. � '-'.;) · ·
11,is cl;rtifica;e i1· a 1rt11rsfi;r fro111 Co11do111i11i11111 Ccr1ijicatc of tu«
No. •• N.,A •.... l""\��·-········, "·!rich is cancelled by virtue hereof insofar as the above-identified unft is
concerned, "J 1
• •

·.--.-.._ r

San Juan, Metro Mla.

Entered at ......................................................................•.............•
l'liilippi11es, 011 the .�.�;J� day of 9.�.��-�.�.� �.
in the }'ear nineteen hundred and ».�1.\!!1:.tY.;.:t.lV.9' ,
a/ .•........•...•.• 2J.00 p Ill.

;!:�:; 1:,.;:���:l· .. : . . . . .
16th Solid Bank Bldg., PSEO DB
Ro��.� � ..�'!�. ·. � . .( ..... AGTC. ·
(��;,;iir ��, · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
•-stale 1hc civil ,cJtus. name o( 1pousc if
nl3rricd, "'Ill if :1 m,nor, cititcn,hip and =.Jenee of th<: rcai5!crcd � ..·ncr. If Lhe owner is
a married �'Oman, 1tale all<) the citi1en1hip of her hu1band. If the unit U �!nercd ln ll\C r.amc of Lhe eonjupl partnership, mt, tho
c1ti1enslup of both 1pou,cs.
\ )
••-Jn case ofinitia[ issuance, t)'jlc the word1 "Not Applicable Ori11inal" enclosed in parcntnesi1. J

... -----
LRC F�M No. 1-A
(Revised January 1991)


�·11� �egi•lrslion J'.nl�orily
auezg.."W!JX... . . •
REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR TIIE �.. 1.�:'-1'1.. �1.�:n..?.. ::'��I.� .

filonoominiunr filertificnte of 'trritlr
l:'i u }�U:c� .

(Republic Act No. 4726)

IT IS HEREDY CEl�TJFIED that 1 re 1111it identified and described ns:
22ndiioor ( 44 aq":-m. ��, Stairs, Witer Heter.
G.ARD�S��ct.Rm. & Fire "i:1cape

annotated on rana er
diagra, nra11c of
1n -,7,eforms
whir:h the 11LlTTL2 BAGUIO/CON� 111 Sier deed of the co11do,,irr;11rn proiea-:
jfoor plan appt•1uled to t11e e11ab1i1

CertificrJte 1J.f.1T11/e N
. en1brac1s ani describes the
la" 11 0 1 1 1 S J'
an uan, 11 etro' mnt a . , .1 .,
. . o. fislJ�'tf
. . .. ... TS-i
THiEE' "NiNE" HirNDREED" NINETY.. • • • .. ,. ;···
. .. . .. .. ... .. . . . . . . .. ..
,\ .. ·: .. '
IUI '.!
I\I I an area OJ
111(/((!i, I.\ registered 11111,e nan,eo.r
(3 ·, 998)

EMPIRE EAST LAHD HOLDINGS, 1?��· corporation �uly organized and
• � existing under the lawa of the Ph
a.t ou·ner(s) of said 1111it ill fee si,nple� �l,e I\in(ide�ls providvd by !he Cr11do111inilln1 Act, subject to !i1ch of
the e11c11111bra11ces noted 011 this c,i11 · i11111 certificate of title and on the ce-uficate of title of the land as may
affert the 1111it; to those 111e111ione1'-iii e enabling or n,aster deed and d...xlaranon of restrictions: and lo /lose
provided by law. � ""':)
)'t,; ,·a,;{,,-ac,• ,.\ a """'/<'' fium Condotniniurn Catif,rnte of tia«
No.•"' 11 � � .. 1rhi,·h is ch11c1·ll,·d by 1•irtr1t• Jr.r,•,,f i11sofi1r as the above-identified 1u1it is
("(1//('('flJ('"· "-)

Entered at �.�-�:l.�.�.'.'!.1 '1�.;.;.1?. ��-�-1.� ,

1:hili11pi11es, 011 .,he 7..,.t .h. day of gffi&tJEttve·················-···
luu1drei/ and ,
111 th<i
;'66' p1!11eteen
.. nr.

t '

16th Solid Bank Bldg., P.aseo de

Ro.����':'�.-.�.������- -���-r ....
(0>1rwr'1 r<K1,1( A,1,,lrcu)

•-s1:11c the ci,,1 slJlus, name of �l)OUSC if married, :1i;c if a minor. ir the owne,- 11
a m�rriL"tl ..·om.111. >1�l"' also the ,·,1,icn,hip of her hu,h:rnJ. If the unit " rcwis1cn:d in the nnmc of the conjupl pJrtnc,.t11p, 1htle th�
• fitW'ns.hip ofboth 1pousa.
"{-In case or initial issuance, type the words "Not \ppticable Ori11inal"" enclosed in parenthesis.

LRC F01U•1 No. 1-A
(Revised January 1991) Volume No ��� .
Page , : 17.i .


DEPAR'J'!\.1ENT OF rusrice 't
� au� ;l{cgi.trution J\ ntl1ority )
QUEZON ,_.,...._.
CITY .•. ,... ..
ltEGIS'l'ltY 01·' l)FEl)S rou 1·111� ��.�.. !��-� ..��.�!?:?...��.��.�-� , .. , .
<1Ion.001ninium <1I£rtificute of W:itle
� 0 •......... .591�.,,!! .

(Republic ,\ct No. 4726)

IT IS HERCIIY CERTJrn:o that the unit identified and described as:
ctUITER 'l'IlllEE (}}1
� .!!!!':A � 1�
3rd--i'io'or ,14 �···
which fonu part. of the LITTI.E JlAGtJ!O GA1IDniS��J>�: .
&tw i...1.nmc�rnj,
'Jlyz,..._ ter,
e�al,ft,,.(.p�'l.�R"'r .
Ill the ,h�grantffl�bir plan tlflfl""�''.'" /0 th�.. t/(.'('1• af the co�1i10111i11iun1. project
�.::::::s� ..
O/lllll/(l/c'1I 1111 •••• Jalq C��· �� . ��.
.J'a�' n•/,1cJ, embraces and describes the
fflMc·��S.AJCD"Nffl'E··HUNDR'!ffl .. 11N�· · : : 1 : ...•.••.••.••. 11i1/i a11 area of
.......................................... ,.,�998')"'···,··· '3 1/11(1/'(' mvtvrs. If registeredin /l,1: name or
lil'!PIRE. EAST LAND ROLDINGS, duly orgMised and exioting
C' .XWJO.fl' the lave er ih• Phile.

at 011·,u•r(.t} ofs(}.fr/ unit in fee


· �Ire incidents prol'idcd by the Co11do111i11il11111lc1, subject to such of
tht'. 1'1/('/llllhr11111·cs 110/t'd 011 t/1i.1 con · i/1111 ccrhficiue o(ritlt• 0111/ ,1111hc· certificutc oj'1itlc 11/llr.: land as 111ay
a.fft•1·f 1h1• 1111i1; I• 1/1r1.\I' 111e1uio11t'jl,,i1i .c ('11<1hli11.i: or lll(t1/1•, dt•c•d 11111/ ch·claratio11 of restrictiuns; t111d to those
pravided by iuw.

&-:) is a tra11sfi:r fro111 c_o111/0111i11i11111 Ce�tif'.cate of �'it�e
No. . �� , which ts cancelled by virtue herrof insofar as the above-idenufied unit IS
concerned. "-)

San Juan, Metre l'lanila

/:'111,·rc,/ at ·25t)t 1>4Jtc,ff• .
l'hilippi11('s, 011 tlu· ,la)' of nJ.,net,....t,£-.. �···
ill tlu�r·w '"Ji!f!l'C'/1 hundred and .
at ,. ......•...•............... ,11.

16th Solid Bank Bldg,, Paaeo de

\ <:'
Roxu Ave.• Makiti City IIIGCDICI
···Aotg•. , .
(Owner's PMtal Add�t) (Reainer or Dccdl

•-State the dvil status, nan,c 'l( spouse if married, age if a minor, dtiicnshlJJ a,,J residence of the �istered wner. Uthe owner is
I married woman, state also the e1tiun11lip of eer husb:tnd. If the unit i1 iq,istered in the name of the conjupl plrtncnhip, ilate the
d1ilciu,hip o(fOth ,po(i_
••-in e::isc of initial issuance, 1ypc the word• "Nol Applicable Ori,inal" enel0$Cd in ran.:nthciiL '-..

l.RC FORM No. 1-A C-,0
(Revised January J 991 r-, Volume No 17,- .
Page .


�•nb �e9i1trolion J\ull1oritv

REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR TIIE §f\J':1.JIJ.� .M.:�!.�.9. . .M.:�!.� .

@on�on1iniu1n @ertificnte of W:itle

cN 0 •....................................

(Republic Act No. 4726)

c, l1!r,! Pf§�!!IPJ7!1
��bby-,�:tn, Water eter,
whioh form,, part o! the ·��n,irfit.Ila.
-� '
& 1ir, li\ooape
in t/11• tliagra11T,t,1alfis'fM'i plan flf!/'<'111.'�·d to 1�1�· .. ('IUtl1fi1 f�t{t'r cll'C'r� of th,: co11tio111i11i11111. project
t11111u1111t·,I'U,· .. Juan Ji4rl'fo''IJlliWii'�t·
1111 •••.••••••••••••

�"ffl6ttAND .. NINE .. RO�RED .. "NINffl;.;.l'Jd&

··············································T:,;99ar···················� z"
. , ,,,,, ,.
, "'"""·
n·J111'h 1·111/Jrc":es
_. :
and describes 1he
with a11 area of
ts regtsterea tn the name of"

EMPIRE EAST LAND HO!Jl!NGS, lNCt,o� corporation duly ·organi••d and exieting
'\:''the lave o! the Ph.Ile. '
a.t 011·111•r(s) of said 1111it i11 fee ·si111plc�
, provided by the Contlo1�1i1iiiJ111 .Act, subject 10 such of
the encumbrances noted 011 this con · ir1111 certificate of title and 011 the certificate of title of the la,.d as may
\ affect tire 111,it; to those 111e111ionejJ./11 e enabilng or 111as1er deed and declaration of restrictions; and 10 those
pro1·id1' I hr la1v. �-:::, ·
ff'�'A'. tt•r;ificau• is• a tra11sfi•r f,·0111· Co11do111ini11111 Ceruficrue of 1'i1/e
No.•• .... 1 •••.•.....••.•..•.. ��·-······:·• w�1ich is cancelled by �irt11e hereof insofar as the above-identified unit is
concerned. "V ., .

San Juen, Met� Ka'.m1a

Entered at 2.5,t),; .Ootober .. /
�hilippi111•s. on _1i11• day of.ntn·e�flTt -, ..
1n the >lf()()111el1f'1 hundred anti , ,
(If .• .. , ., ... , Ill, '

16th Solid �allk Bldg., Pasoo de

Rona ,Avenue• Makati Ci t7
(Ow,w;r·s rooal AuJras) 'jr,'t«"�·. (���cro��;.
•-State the civil status, name or
5pousc if married, a;c if a minor, citizenship and residence »: t!ie registered owner. If the owner is
a mnnicd wom�n. state also the citizenship of her husband. If the unit is rc1istcrcd in lhe 1!amc of the •col)jupl �rtncrship, lt.Olc the
citi1cnship ofboth SP')IIICI.
••-in case of initial iuu�nc.:, t)'pc 1;1e words "Noc Applicable Ori1in1l" enclosed in pa�nthcs,s..

LRC FORt.1 No. I ·A C-,0
(Revised January l 99 J) Volu,ne No :: .
Page 176 .

OEPARl"J\11'.:Nl' 01� JUS'l'ICt;
�anb �egi1lrnlion c?,utqoritq
�'-ll'i J.UA;I MET!lO MANILA

Qion.oominium Qiertificate of W:itle

J'10. . 5_9.7.� . . .
{lll·1111blic A(·! No, 4726)

IT I� IIEREllY CERTIFlEO that the unit identified nnd described as.

I$VEL \, � ll&SCRIPl'J;llll , AJW
UPPEJI GROC!Ul FLOOR 47 eq, m, �.(;:;. LobbJ,Btain, fiaii.p, �tor
v/o fol'lllll part of the "LI'l'TT,E BAGUIO GAR!liJIS"�O. lllot, llm, & Piro -..oape
i11 the d1agra11'l'i'fillaif'� p/011 appended 10 the_
I�tj'<'r 'lJ#J•of the ca11do111in111111. project
annotated 011 !!'n·- Ja.anf·'�i'6 �'!��?. which embraces and describes the
/�a':m�S:A"ND'"1f!Nt Ht7NDRED . . . .. "" , ,1·11/i a11 area of
........ ·· .. · ··· ·· "("3'.�9g;�·,········· NINffl'�l!l
··. - .. 111(//t! lll('lt•rs, ,s registered 111 the na111c a.r
DIPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINOS, IN\:.� corporation duly organ!Hd ond oxietit,g
� w,dor the Phil, l�o,
si111p/e� \\
0.{ 011·11er(i) of said unit in fee · �lze incidents provided br the Condo,ninii/m Act, subject lo s11ch of
the encumbrances noted 011 this cnn · i/1111 certificate of ti fie and 011 the cenificatc of title of 1/ie /a Ju/ as ,nay
affi'<."t the 111•i1; Iv those 11u•n/1011cjl,.iii c ,•11ahli11g or lll(lllt'r deed ,uul dcclurauon of restrictions; and 10 those
provided by law. � -o
1w·:A certificate is a Ira 1if<.:r �·0111 c_o,u/0111i11i11111 Certij�C(J/(!.,, of T_it�c
No.•• �� , 14-·h1ch 1s cancelled by 1·,r1ue hereof insofar as the above-identified 111111 rs
concerned. �


San Ju<n, llwt:ro �·

.. E�tered at ·2�-tlf dotol>··r,--·· t ,
Philippines, 011 _1hc day of .. , .. ··Dinefy-;t1Ye· � .
m the t'iijon1netee�, hundred and ,
at .............•......•........•........... 111.

( 16th 5olid �k ""1dg •• rueo de
Roxa�· Ave., Me.kati Cit7
..... AOtll" .
(Owner"• P051il ,\ddrcss) • (Rc11,> r ofDcC'ds)1
•-State the civil status, nanw of spouse if married, age 1f a minor, c11tzcnsh1p an:! midence of the rqistertd Ler Ir the owner ts
I married woman, state also the citizens�ip or her husband. If the unit ,s rcaistcll:D in thr' name or the ronjup( partnership, state the
citizenship ofbolh spou5".
••-Jn of initial jquMlcc, type the words "Not Applicaht� Ori5ina!" enclosed in parenthesis.

LRC FORt,.1 NO. 1-A
(Revisc<I January 199 [) Volume N<> !?.'.:'-9. .
Pagc l.11. .


�anb �•gi.trution Jl.utl1oritv /

REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE �.�.. Jl!.�':l .. M.��.'?.. ¥..�� .

<!1onoominiu1n <!Iertificatr of W:itle

�" •.... .5.9.71:,-11 .

lRl·public Act No. 4726)

IT IS llEIU'!IY C[RTll'lt:D :hat //u· 1111i1 ille,11ijh·d and descrihed as:

CLUilfllz.FOOR ( 4 )1
2nd hoor
44 eq,m, � ,:, bb,y1 Siain,1 Wator Meter,
vhich !o:nne part of the "LITTLE EAGUIO GARD DO, •ft,,g�t& 11re, Fecape
in the diagra111n�tic floor otan appt'1ult'd to the t'nabli1� master deed �Jih� condominium project
annotated on �r.!§ft.t Certificate of r,� rte 1\1 "S
· 3:7.i.�R which en1brf1CCs,an� dcsiribes the
''¥'"�,111·d 1,1 ....•..••..•..•. AA.. J�.IM, .. 1'11.1:.1.'o. .. Manil . .. , »•11h a11 prea of
..... !! · �.g;.§.�@ �lf:1:2: .. HO.NDRED .. .NlNETr.. (are 1111·t,·rs, is rrgiltered i11 the 11t1111e of-
( 3,998) c,
'>--'-' .
fflP:RE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, IN"-� corpcraUon duly organi,od and oxietin�
� ;;,,d•r the lav• of the l'llile, 1
a.t 011"11cr(si of�aicl 11•1it in fee si111p/e�1 · �l,e
1 incidents provided
by the Condt,111iniiJ1n Act, s11bjec1 to such of
the encumbrances noted 011 this con · h1111 certificate of title and 011 tlu: certificate of titte of the land as may

&" ';)
affect the 1111it; to thos-: n1e11tio11ejJ,.iti e enabling or ,naster deed and declaration of restrictions; and 10 those
provided by law.

ttu« conifimte i� a transfer from Condo111i11i11111 Certificate of 1·;1/e
No.•• H • .A .•....•... �� , ·which is cancelled by virtue hereof insofar as the above-identified unit is
concerned. 'J \


, San Juan, Metre "-nila

.. l::.�1tered at .. '"25tlr:· Oo't06ir·· .
i:111hpp111es, on .the ."Uay of
in the 2'ffu n11p!een hundred and
Q/ ..•..•..•..••.•••.•.••..•....... ,. ..•.... Ill.

i!!�si!:. B�!id!ityP•.•eo .d�

t&wncr·1 POilal Adllruij
. Act��� . .. .. .
• (R.:aiiter of Deeds) W
.GO ..
•-State the civil status, name cf spouse if married, age if a minor, citizenship and r:sidcqcc or the registered ownl If the owner is
a married worn.Ji. 111a1c al,:;hc �itizen.ship of her husband. If 1he unll is rca,isteml in \he name of the conjupl partncnhip, state the
citizcMhip of both spousa.
••-in cak: o<initial iuu1ncc. lypc •he wor.JI "Not Applicable Origin5/ •• enclosed in p.ircnth�

LRC fOR�t No. 1-A Volume No. -vr 0..,0 .
(Revised January 1991) Page 11.6 .


D£PAR 1"1\1EN'f 01<' JUS'rJCE

�nm) ;l{tgi,tralion J\ut4oritv J


lrnGISTHY OF llEEllS FOH '1'111·: Y.".� ..�1..�i.i:t�.1:1�� ..��.� .

illo 11 Cl' n m in i tun illertificate of W:itle
� 0 •............. ,,.7�.11 .

(Republic Act No. 4726)

IT IS HEREBY CERTlfl�D that the unit identified-and described as:'

,J'"Jloor 44eq.°a, by, 6ta11J, Wate1·ter,
ct, Rm, & iN i'eea»•
vhich foma i,art ot' th• "Ll'l'l'LE llAG!JIO CARD ondo, P,,,ojeot
in the tliagra111111atic Jloor plan apf)i>,liTrd/0 itie e11abllli master dcf!,TOJ tne co11do111i11i11111 project
011110/atl'ti 011 1.r.w:,sf.tX'.t.�" w._rrifi::are· of Tit�N . .. 7.W,..
e W#,h embraces a,.d describes the
� �.Nt, �"t.� Rt¥·�lt.

fand located at 1 •• IV\- .• 1••• N ••••• ,.,. •• 11·i1h an area of

•• �••••••••••••'. • .'••••••

..'!'!l.�... 1.!1.l!l.$,1ml .. (�·�9�IDU!li.!UU .. �� ""'.' ,;,1,,,/. is the uame bf'

DIPIRE EAST LAllD HOLDINGS, Dl".'i:>-a corporation clul:, organhod and orloU1111
':-.� �ruler the l�ve ot tho Pane,,
a.( ..J\\'11er{s) of said unit in fee sin1ple� "1fr1/"
ie incidents provided by the Condon1i�/u� Act, subiect to such of
tire e11c11111bra11ces noted 011 this co11 · ium cerli,(icate of title and o� the certificale.ojtiJJ.e of the fand as n1ay
affect 1he unit; to those 111�,rionejl.iti e enabling or n1as1er deed an'\det:faralion ofrestrictions; and lo those
providedbylaw. <t_"':), \ t ·1 .l�·

ca11d"''l/!:j� �' '- 1 . . ·'.'it..

This o
certifica1C �s a transfer '�<!T''., Cutfdo,11111//1111 Certificate of Title
No.•• fl'.11.A1 tl�� , which is cancelled by vinu hfr.l!o/ in:.ofar as the above-ldenttfled unu is

- �·
concerned. "-' .. , .. • , ,
• ' ' I • ; -·

·.· ..
\ '\··'
. '�\�·;J

. . \
E'.acred a1t .. � 1
n tt',flf}/ll{'S, on .1 IC ••....
�,�d··-.· :.�,f�.P
- ::kk�·!.! ,.
II """'�\. ajy O
d'"'""ii1i,i,tV:·11v· e·
112 H8r 111111:tep,1\, .. \"f·1QI.
(II .•...•.. � .•. ., .•• .P.!
r//(1.T(' an
11{ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

1,1,X \
r 1 I ,:_
•, I - ·., � ,
16th Solid Bank fldg,, Paeeo,d• �· 0 ...• -a
�.�� .�Y.'�! ·'· .����-�. �-� �1. IN r.cF.JICI O
(0" n,:r", r01.1:U Adtlres1)
t •t.:. 'Ill¥... \ ·;.,�;�c·,��
' •
•-St3!C the c,vil s1at11s, name o( lp()U"" if married. 1gc if a minor, eitittnship and rciidcnC'C of the rqistel'M er. If the owner is
a married "un1nn, state alsc thc\;itizcns�ip of her husband, lf the unit it rc&i5tcred in J11e name of the coitjupl panncnhip, ltntc the
citilcruhip ofboLh ipou;cs. \ , \
••-in case nriniLial issuance, typc the words "Not Applic:iblc Ori&inal" enclosed in pa�nt,esit. ·'

LRC FOR�1 No. 1-A votume No c-30 .
(Revised January 1991) Page 1.1'.1 .


DEP.<\R'l'l\1EN1' OF JUS'l'IC.E

�anb �!egistrntiou !',ut!1orit;


llEGISTHY 01' DEEDS FOil TIIE �.,IJ:!�_I! '.\!!�.Mt,!:!A\� .

0Iont1onrininnr Oicrtificatc 'of Witlc

�" .5.9.19,,,� .

(Republic Acl No. 4726)

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that tire unit identified and described as:

CLU�'n:11 FCUR (4)1 )

4th i1oor 44-;q:"m. �bb:,', 9tMre, �ter fiflter,
which !ome nart of tha "LITTLE BAGUIO Eooapo .
tn the diagrafl111"ij_bc floor p"fan appenifeU10 Tm! entib1ii1 OJ 'fhC Condon11n1un1 project
T.� 1
annotated on �afez: M<;ertificqJe of. N ' ....... icli rm!,races and describes 1he
tand foca1C'tl at an . .Ju.en :::.tzo ..�la.. .. . .. 1. •••tt:1.t ..t.\!..C!!:.�.t ith an area of
aimt·llUOUSAlm .nHE .smmm:o. XINETY"'!' quare meters. is registered in the name or
( 3,998) "'<v .
D\PIRE EAST LAND RVLDDiC81 INC;.""''oorporation duly organised. and e:.-iating
�'\ th• lave ot tb• Phtl,pp1n•••
�� ' • �1' -r . i
as 01l'11er(s) of sau/ 1111it in fee simple, " · ,a Tri he incidents pro1·id1•tl bJ' the Con1.,'oq1iniil1!J.. Act, subject 10 s11ch of
tire t•nc11111bra11cC'S nosed 011 this ,:011 · i11,11 certificate 'if litfc• ,1111/ "'' the certific'at'e o.[Title of the land as 111ay
aj}('Ct the unit; to those 11u•111io11l'jLi1i c c·11a/Jlu1g or 111as1er deed and declaration of.;eslrictio11s; and to those
pro,·idedbylaw. �'-:;) • , )
TM, certificate is a /mn Co,;dom;,,;,,,,. Certificate of Tith·
No.•• �.�-�., ,� , which is cancelled by 1•ir,,t11e ht!rl!o/ i11sofa, as the above-tdcruifled 1111il is
concerned. � \

• I .

\ Ban '�; etro llanila
.. E�1ter«I at .. 5"tl\"·········;········· Dd:'!i:>'M!.- .
Philippines, on the 1 day of .
in th� -38'
nineteen hunJred and "4�!1.17.�t.i.,-.I ,
at t .P:� r •••• '111.

• ·• I,,"
' � I I \I ,
< r, . , • �· :----:::1{!!;::.t.(!.!;�':'
�� .�r.,, .•. ,. �!'.��-. -�'7.
16th Solid T!'. Iii�., Puec de

(Owner·, r�I Addrcu)

'. :tllOCl!IICI
..... AO� ·r .. (�;.;s;,ir

•-Stai; the ci�il status, nam� of spou5e if married. ago; if a minor, citiz�n,hip and residence of 1he rqi,tered owner. If !he O-..Tler is
a married, state abo 1he ci,izenship of her hii�:i.nd. Jf the unit ;. r<,gistcr� in the nanic of the co,Uupl panncrship, state the
citizenship ofbo1h sp,,uses. .,,
••-111 case of initial iuua�. type the word1 "Not Appliable Oriaina!" enclosed in parenthesis.
LRC fOR,_t NO. J-A Volu,ne No
C...:,o ..
(Revised January 1991)
• Page 1.80 -


�·n� �•gi.tratian !',ull1arit11

llEGISTllY OF DEEDS FOil TIIE �:1.!.Y,�l.. ����:l�<',.�':ll.� .

\_ ' I

Qlonoominium @crtificufc of W:itlc

�" 5.9.��........ . .
(Republic Aci. No. 4726)

JT IS IIEREllY CERTJF1::o that the 1111i1 identified and described as:

CLUSTrn FIVE (5)1 •
L,VEL l.!!I!
llloot.1'11. & lire leoape �
whiob fa- part ot the "LITTLE BAGt'IO GA�1CIIDOOH11JM Projtot .
annotated on :":� ,an,.
in the diagramnw.!f.£.Jl.!'i' /Ian appen�e'd to 1he. enabli,
.,, dee� of 1;1e con"do111inill{71 .project
e which embraces an� describes the
. ,!"· ..: .........•............ : v.·11h :in area of
............................................ T'i}i'§iiJ' """;""'"'· is registered tn t;:ame o�
� .:
INC� ,
�PI.RE RAST !.AND HOLDINGS, corporation duly oreanised and ed.eting
� Ulldor tho luwa of th• Fiiilippinoe,
os O\\'lll'r(s) of saitl 111111 i11fee si111p/e� 1 111t1de11ts pro1•id,.'d 1,y ,J,'e Co1,dorni11i/in1 Acl, st1b1ect to sudi of
1 �he
the encumbrances II ned on this con 111111 certificate oftllle and 011111" cerujicate oftitle of the land as may
affect the 1111it, to those' 111L·11tionejl.i1i �811abl111g or nuuter deed and dectarnion of restrictions; and to those
v provided by law. �"-:, ,
• •
'-TY, Aco11do,1"'-._�
certificate ts a l{�'fS/e>' f,01•1 Cox 01n1111u,n Certifica1e of,., Title
No.•• .... : . � .... �� ... , which is cancelled bi, v;riue hereof irtofar as the above-identified unll is
concerned. 'J '·-
' I
U; •. ,.
�·1. •
• • •
.- I

San, 1'\etro Manila

.. E�1terr..d .. at, ··25n············· .. ······V«itObe�····· .
Philippines, on the day of ······nt-n:et,-ttv•·················-· ..
in the 2rco nineur-B. iundred and .
a/ v·•••••u••••" ,.., •• , •• ,. m. I



·r .
16th Solid Bank lll.dg., Paaon do
10. 11GO
Ro:ro• Av•.·.! - '�.•ti City ".':
(Owner's Postal Addreu) L
, \If'" \ (',sLcr ofD«ds) 1

•-sia,, the c1Y1l sraws, n.amc o( spouse 1( mamcd, age if a nmor, <'lll7�nsh1p and residence of the reaistcred o ner If the owner it
.i married woman, u:i.te also •he citizenship of her hulNnd if the unit it reaistcn:d in the n.ame of the to!\ partncr1hi1,1, $late the
citizenship of both spous.cs.
••-In ca;e ofinitla1 is,113ncr, type the words "Not ApplicabL Oril,in3[" enclosed in p.1rcnthcsi1.

LRC FORt.1 NO. 1-A votume No c-,o .
(Revised January 199 l) I Page 1.81 .


�·n� �cgi•lrnlion JI uil1orily
QUEZON. C!l,X. .•.• \ \
use l!:iTlt, OF l>EEl)S l�Oll TIIE , .............................•...•..•..................•..........
<!Inn�ominiutn <!Iertificat� of W:itle
r '"·····5.9..�1.::.� .
(Republic Act No. 4726)

) •
IT 1s HEM.CHY CER)'lFjED that the unit identified and described as:
CLUS'l'KR F'.IVE \ 5 t \
�'-tohb7,• Oater A.tea
2nd hoor \ 44 iq;;,
liieot, !\,, & ire E8cape
which fcnna part or tho "LIT'!'L! BAGUIO GARD NDO, Project
��in· . .
1n the d•ugra1n11�1ic floor plan appended to the enab/11 �eC/1 Of the condominium project
Of notated 011 ..... JI{ rte��le
Till� f-f ""'\\ which e,,1brace! and describes the
,_!,. :
{t,t6it1"n!fl:iJSA1TD Htm:·lmlm� ·wr':·1·t�J;tc:,j .. � 't 11•1/h an area of
....... , .. .. . ( '3 ;998) qi,<•re 111eters, ts registered 1111/re name u.r


. orgwzod and oxieting
��nder tho Phil,. :l,we, ,
a.t 011·11cr(s) of said 1111it in fi•c incid,•111s provided bJ' 1h::co,ulu111i11ii;111 Act, suhject 10 such of
the c11cu11:l,r,!11,·t·s , c11rcl on //�is cun_ c�·rf:Jicate uf title und 011 ti1e �·,•rti!katc of lit I� uf the land as ,nay
affec/ the 111111; to those 111e11/1011ejl,.i1i enabling or ,naster deed cl,1d t[eclara/1011 of restricnons; and to those
providedby.'aw. �� " •• ,•

.:::,,_«:;-' , \ I • .• r
• Tl11'H,J..�"'/0111i....._"'1. 'tillf cerlifi_calc.• ts "a 1ra11sfe_!r •fro111 c_u,ulo111ini11111 Certift_cate. of 7:;1�e
No. • �� , ••.'l11ch is cancelled by virtue hereof 111$.0far ..JS tire above-1dentift�·d un11 1.f
concerned. "" \
I •r :'.
,! • • ••

Ban Juan, Metro Manila

Entered at • 2,-i�•······· ········--·····Octcfber········--········--· .. ·····--··,
Philippines, on _the day of "'"ffiDl'tF!iVi"""""") .
in �fol.far n1ne1pe:1 hundred and ,
QI .....••.••... �······· •. ·············•···· In. ..._,

th .
16 �olid Bank Blog,1 Paaeo do
Roxu Ave.,! 1,;it7
(Owner's P,e$11l"-ddte£1) • J"U' tl?'lg. {Rc�;Jtcr::r�,
, .. ,.,

•..state the civil srntuJ, nanw: of spouse if married, aic 1f a milf'", ciozcnship ard midence or Lhe rcaiuered ':lner. If the owner is
a m:uricd woman, slate also Ille citlzcnship of her husband. If the unit is rcaist�rcd io 1hc name of the colij11&,1I part11ership, ltate tho
eitittn�ip of both Ip<)\,� \...
••-In - of initial li.suancc. type the words '"Not Applicable Ori&inal" cnc10$edin pa"'nthesiL
.,t: NO. 1-A Volume No
c..,o .
.. January 1991) Page 182 .


�·n� ;l{rgi1tration J',ulqoritv

<!Ionouu1iniu111 <!Iertifituie of 'mjtle

�., 598}-,R

(Kcpublic Act No. 4726)

cu/$�1fRH\'if{5j'iD1/u11 r:,c 111;it identified and described as:

,rd rhoer _ _.

�y Lobb)-, Maira, Water ete

••�c h orme ,-, ot1the "LITTLE llAGUIO GARD Prc,joct f Piro S.Oaf•
\'onclo, ilec,t.i..
in the d1agra111,"I.'1Mffii'lan appen,led 10 the enablu t�4f �eed of the condomihium project
annotated 011 �· .. Ja.wn" �f/{!f,afMitJ:�
le N t
, .•.. 1-, which embraces and describes the
l.mR!f-1'1.ift�SAND ·,a1n fflnn)rum-·nmi:'M' a Y:-.�.� : " 11•11h an area of
...... .. · · .. ..... .. { , ,Jr)· · · · · · · """ ""''"'· " registered m the name of'
EMPIRE llAST I.1111) HOLDINGS, corporatioo duly- orgonlsed and exi•ti�
� under the Fhil, ,lsve,
ll.t an 11,·,f.1) of said 1111it ill [ct•
11 • �:ii·
i11rfrh·11t.1· prul'iilcd by ri,�
<iu11d11111i11i11111 Art, suhj,·c/ tu s:u:lr of
I he enc u 111brtHu'l'S 11011•,I 011 1 his ron · i 11111 ,·,·riificate Cl/ Iii tc a 11,I un t J.�e. cenifi-atc ,if title uf th,• la 11d as ,nay
tt.ffi_'t.·t the 1111i1; tu tho.\1' 111t•111io11t"J'.i1i ,. ,·11ah/i11g or 111a.1·1,,r tleetl tuu/ {l_l'�!C1rtl/i1111 of rcstrtcuons: l/11J lo thuse
provided by Ill\\'. � ""-:, '

�� .::
certificate is a frtrJ,efcr · frpn, Cu1uJu111i11i11111 Certificate of Title
Nu.•• �� , K'hicl, is ctu1r,·ff1;d �! l'irtrte hcr,·0J,i11,f�/i1r as 11,e above-Identified u�I� is
,·011c,•r11t'd. '.J '• l "

., . . .. )-

• ..''1
.l . )
. San Juan, Metro Manila
Entered at 25't}r.r·····················'()atc'b-.r··································
1:hilippines. on _,he day of ····n±r,.tr-t1:Te !.._
in f:�ear n,nesr:n hundred and .......................................................•
al ,n.

���.�."��·'· �.��:':� ...;�� ···· . � · · �� ··· · ··A-ot:�.��-·�· ·�·r··��·· ·····J

<, ---+IJ'l.,IJ;,
16th Solid Bank llld!•, Paeeo de •·.

(O..ncr'1 l'ost;il Addrcu) \. ,\ l)t i ) . {Rc&1stcr of[)ccd$)

0-Sl.'.ltc tlle c,v,I ,1atus, of spouse if married, age if a minor citizenship a'ld 1.:sidcncc o• tnc rqistcral .o er the owner is Ir
• married wo•n.m. Mate atsc the dti1c11ship of her hushand. If the unit it rci>•tCrcd io the name or the oonjupl p;ir\flcnhip, ,tatc l'j
citllcnship or both spouja , .J ,
••-In cue ofini1ia1 ievence, type the words '"Not App!ic3blc Oriiinal" in partnthcsil.
----�-=- -
LRC FORl\.f No. I A Vo/11,ne No .!'.��,9. .
(Revised January 199 J) Pagc .................•..•............. 18'- .


'.Jianlt �·si•lralion Jl.ut�ritv '
I -· , ...
REGISTltY 01' DEEDS FOR Tiii'.: .......................................•..........•......•....................•.......

Qlonhominiu1n QlertificJt.e of 'filitle /

�u 5.9.�.��---·············
(Republic Acl No. 4726)

IT JS HERER\' CERT1Fll"I) that tno 1111it identified 1111d described as: -,

4thKo�r 44eq": a. Si-!re, -,�bby, iate1·t,r
v/o for11111 part»t the "Ll'MLE BAGUIO Faoape
i11 the tliagra1111f.alic ,/�or plan appended to the e11a:.ili1 4ee(T
i'a� 111,ich af the.. cando-ninium project
a111101t11c,J "" � !.�····'Mi'l�''"*�:l� 1/e 1
: �,.. embraces an�.defdibes the

�ftSAN'fi�lf" , f.
...................................................� ..�.� �rn:. .
,�.-11 !... .. .. !� ·111t an area of
Hl :··
1/QfC 111('/CrS, IS registered Ill the IIQIIIC or
( ,,998) c,
�v , -t ••..
Dlj'IRE EAST LIND HOLDINGS, INC<"� corporation clulJ' O"!raai•t4 and t>:ietir,g
1 �'1n�er the l'!lil. J�vo,
- a� OK'nc>r(s) of said unit in fee si111pl� ,
" �he incidents provided bj the Condon;inif1111 Act, subject to such of
1/u: encumbrances 11011.'d 011 thls co, · i11111 certificate of title and 011 the, C&tificah! of title oJ 'tlte /011d as n1ay
affec1 the 1111i1; 10 those 111e11tio11ee,i11 c enabling or 111as1er deed and decla'"ration ef restricttons; and !o those
provided by law. eL_ :> �
�"" I ,,11"'•

•• 1t1Ji
No. .
certi}i_cate. is a t�'!if�•· i:
�o.1do111inii11n Cer11!ca1,. of �ill.c
��......•.. , which 1.; cancelled fy virtue hereof insofar as the above-tdenuftea unu IS
concerned. '-.) • ·� r ..
� I., .I, M ("

I· ! i,
.. 1 ! '\
'. " . ( ' ':J

,· Blin Juan, Met:,o llanila
.. E'.11ered� • at. "'25ttf: 0Q't0Dir ,
�'"",µpu,es, on _,11e
1n t ,<fijr ninet;e:1 h un re an
. afd ·
·····n1ne � t!Tt ;
� .. ,
'2 rn..

"-State 1hc civil st'l!ui, na111C of spouse if married. age if a minor, citizenship and i,sidence of the l'(:gistcrcd wner. ff the owner i1
a married womar. state al'IO thr e,1\�en11lip ol her If the unit ii res,iitc,ed in the name of the � p1,rtncrship, state !hi::

••-In case or:r.itial iuu:in«, tyr,c th� words "Not AppFe11b!c Ori1in:il"' enclosed in pan:nthcsis.

LRC FORM NO. 1-A Volu,ne No 0-,0 .
"'(Revised January 199 I)
Page.' 18il .


�anb �•gislrntion J\ut�orit11 '·'·. '


REGlS'rRY OF DEEDS FOR T•IE ;�_,J.!,!.1�.�--�-f-�1�.Q. ��f-� .
I ..,·,
QI.onoominium @ertifit ute of 'illiile--'
� 0. .. .. .. . .. ,9.�.::� . \
(Rl·public ,\cl No. 4726)
.. ,
IT IS HEREBY CCRTll'lCD 1h1111h,1 1111it identified and described as:
UPPER GROUND Ft.OCR 62"oq.m, �br, Stain, Ramp, �tor
GARDdn4�t1,.Rm, :tFiro
which forma part of the "U'l'l'LE BAc'UIO llsooa111
111 the d1agra11111� floor plan appended 10 the enabtir 1 f�"-·c<l �11'c co11Jo1111,1111m project
a111101a,,..,t 011 � �
8n. f t.t'f'1(/ic�jJ!t{{.1t� N. . ,7.e , which embraces and describes the
laud 1i�·1111•d <II ••• �.;,.;. ·��:,i!· • �iit .:,;.;,;.;,;�. . , .. ,, ,

K•iff, l,11 nrra of
��. �OUS.A�. l'IJ.�� .. nuNDREn M.r,:J.".I":"" 11111c 111('/t'rl, i1 rvgistered 111 tJie 11a11rc vj•

c ;;99e)
HOLDIIIG81 clul;r organiHd anG oxlsting
� under tho l\u16rpino l•'!•,
as 01rncr(s) of sa.d unit in fee si111p/e� � incidents
· �Ire provided by th; <;lmdo'm�9i1Jm Act, subject to .n,ch of
the 1•nc11111hr<1111·1•r 1101,,.,· 011 tlriJ con · 1111'7 certificate ti/tit/(• nnd 011 thl"'¥lf!'q1Jf of tnk- of tlt1• land a; may
a.J}i.·,·t 11,,, 1111it; to those 11u•111iv11cjl,.iii t' enabling vr lll_!ISter derfd"<1nd df!C�(alioirufrestrictio11s; and tv those
provided by la 111• '""":> ,p ••

, �
condo111Qs._� ,', ''· : ·' ,I'.
certificate is a., tratttfer.. fro,n Condominium Certificate of Title

No.:.," �.,.!.,.,i:. ��'""···· ......• which is canc:lled"by Ylrtue pl!reof insofar as the t1bo1·e-identified unit is
concerned. ) , ' 1 •1 , '

r ,._f 'l I � • , I
, ·c;;,t\ r(�

. •·,,,.
... 'I,. "" •• :

'. lfota,d
Pl11l1pp1111.'s, on the
2�tli.;: 6.."'.'.
1..........• day 0/
��zt:� �;�. . . .
in the i",,ar nineteen· J1u11,lreJ and D.i�!�7.�{t!, ,
."'"Pi"-"'"""V: ... /tf,
at ,.,,.,, .. ,, .. QQ.'v••,
• L.ft /
\ ,. .
16th 0olid 1,f• .bi.d5,, ·�aaeo d�
' '
Ro%aa Ave.,
. . . . . . . . .akati ity
. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..
' .. '." .. ,. ;tg·· .... ' ..
1., • '""-A 1�Jl. O • (Resister of

"-State the civil stutus, nJm.: uf spouse if married, age if a minor, citizcnlihip and n:,;idcnee of the rcgi§tcrcd o ncr, If the owner is
a m.nricd ,.'Oman, 11:itc also the ci1iz.cnship of her hu,!>..nd. If the unit is "'liliterc:d in the ,.,me of rhe pannen;hip, Wtc the
ci1 izrn.bip ofbolh lil)OU5CS.
••-In case ofiniti1l i11u3ncc, cypc the words "N<M Applk:ibte On1inat" cndoscdJn

LRC FOP.�, NO. !-A '
Volunze No..•..............
c-ao .
(Revised January 199:) 18 5'
Page ...............................................•....\


� anb �,gi,tration ,ii. utJioritu



:�.�?..��1.� .

CIIonoominiutn @erfificafc of 'filifl.e

c�"r , 5885-R
l •....................................

lRl'IJUIJlic ,\l'I No. 4726)

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the 1111il itle111ijie(/ and described as:

� AllA ''

�obby,4186 016CRJPTION
2nd Ploor 59 aq. m. �taira, Water Meter,
v/c form• part of the •LITTLI BAGUIO CARDEN�X-llect. a.. & Fir.e l1cape,
in the diagra1111lf"i'fn,t'1i�la11 appended to the enabth �� deed of the condominium piojCT:t
annotated �11 ········s,·ii···jjj'j�j ... Me�fiif�J\f{[it�. ...
... e ·l wliich embraces an� describes the
tffif'11\\6&AND"IIIN!"""HUIIDIU!lf""ll!N!.T'i';;;I· . . .. ····-«1.·······:············:·········· .... wah an area of
.................................. {·3·�· '19"8)' -.. ·q1111Ferne1e;s.�t-cg1�1er,·,l 1111he na,ne or

EMPIRE! tAST LAND HOLDINGS, IN�""a corf'oration duly oraanic,ed and
� � .•xi1tin,1 under fhil. �·••,
0$ 01i'n<!r(S) 'of said unit infi.•1.: incid;),s �rovitfC'd by the Condomi�ii1m Act, subject to such of
the encumbrances noted 011 tl1s con 1111 certificate of title 'and on ti:� certificat� of title of the land as n1ay
affect the unit; to those n1e111ionejl,.i}i nabling or master deed-and d�fNroliof! of restrictions; � to those
cl"""':) -
�� ,
provided by law. t ",• l
\ " 1'.
J \1 -,

certificate is a' tran�/c.f.-n C�ndo111ini11111 Certificate of Title'J'ln,1��
No.•• �� , which is cancellfd by� vir�Yf•�"reof insofar as the above-identified uni/ is

-�,· .'
concerned. "'-,) , 1 '1.,.. ..
• ·"" , �� I (
''it � -· l. 1,,
.r; '.L '•.,..
,, y· c.:.
) '• ..•
H, I
' I'
... , Sa1, Jua9, ¥•�o Manila)
Entered at :25-t.•ft···· October····· ,
Philippines, on the( d.iy of ···ntnety..-·ftve············ .. ··-···
in t�e Yffo(Jineteei,.hurrdreil and ,•
at �r····t·.1?1·.
1.. .. \,, .. ,. 1•
)' ''�-;,·
r . •,.!\ , A \,,,"'
16th Solf.d'Bank Blda., Paaeo
d�. -��-��·'· .'!Y�� r. -�-���-�. �.1.�1........
!' .1·1, • J �. f-----+!X..1',-1.�1'
. -����.���-..... .
'._ Acta[ {Regis Deed
·r�- .

•-State LIM! civil il�!us, name or s(XIUse 1f married, 14:c if� minor, citizcn,hi11 and l"l'liJ,,ncc of the r.:sistcl'W wncr. II 1hc owner is
a n"'rri..J woman. s!Mc a!K> ,he ciiiu:nfhip of her husband. If the: unit ii rc1i,1e, ,d in th.: name of Lhc: cOltjupl partncr,hip, •talc the
citizrn,hip of both spouses. -"
••-In (":llC of initial iuuan«, 11·r,,: the: word, �Not Applicab!c Ori11in�I" enclosed in p�•cnthc:sis.

Volume No
e-,o .
Page 186 .


�anb 2Jlcgistrntion J\11!11oritu
�'i J\!A.,. :,IETllO MANILA
llEGISTll.Y OF DEEDS FOR 1'1-IE ................................................•.....................................

<!Ionoominiunt <!Iertifir aft; of Wit le

�" ... 5986-R
(Republic Act No. 4726) •

c£'1JS\fififll$flR1?&lJ,� rhat the 1111i1 identified and described as.
JrdF'iC"or 59 sq. e, ��b�y, Stair1, Water Heter
1 llect. Rm. & Fire escape
which forms �rt ?f the "LITTLE BAGUIO GARD ondc] " rroject ( •
1,1 the d1agra11flJNtlfdW plan appended to rhe enablu ,nasler det<J. of t71e condominium project
annotated on Ceruficate u[ Tille :-'.'.� 11-Wt'c.11 embraces and describes the
ifflltt>or11'aif!j.Jsn1f'llll�aull8i18111;�tt!ll¥ ,w with: an orea of
·· ·

EMPIRE EAST LAND H&tDINGSt INC.�orporation duly or.ganised and existing

(;j quare ,nelers, is registered in the name of"

�'undeer Phillpplne L,w,, .

a.t ou·n!·r{s) of sf)id 1111it in fi·e si111p/e� 1 �lie1 incidents provided by the Co•1dn1niniiin1
Act, subject to such of
the e11c11111bra11ces noted 011 this con · iran certificate of litle and 011 the certificate of uue of the lan-t as may
affect the u1ut; lo those 111entio11ejJ,.i11 e1enabling or master deed and declaratiun of restrictions; and to those
'"' ·
-«� .
provided bv law ""':>
· ThiN •"-'()1u/011�1'1?!. W certificate is a transfer /r1>n: Co11do111i11iu1n Certificate of Title
No.•• ��- which is cancelled by virt.� hereof insofar as the above-identified unit is
concerned. "'v , , -- •

( r
Entered !It •.• 1,2,�h--��-�---�-�-�P.eefW�r��;-��---····
�/11/ippines, on _the duy of ·;··�inety-f·tv.- .. , .
Ill thezl'ct,' n1netee�.h1111f_{ed a111•....................•................................. ,
at ..............•......... 1 •••••.•••••..•••• ·n; � ,
e\1 • • ,_--

.r ,.1.
I • ' ( l
16th Soliij\Bank Bldg., Paaeo de ...
R,xa, Ave., Makati1 City
a ;���;,:.·; �;a·I :. :d:t;��)· 't_" • ; � :_ Ac�.:�,::,,;,",;,; _;,°fGO .
•-State the civil status, name or spouse i( married. age if a minor, citizenship and roidencc o( the rcgi.Jtercd owner. If the owner is
a nl3.rried woman, stare also !he c1t1LonsJl1p of her husband. 1r the unit Ill rcgrstcred io tl.c name or the colijup! pa.1ner:ship, state the
citiz..-n,hipofbolh spou ...-s,
••-In ,;ase ofinnia! Issuance, lyp,., the words "Not Apphcablc Ori1inal" enclOM:d in parcnthesit.


Vol11111c No
, ..
LRC FOR�! No. 1-A 1&1·· .
(Revised January 1991) Pa;;e .

�nnb Jlegi,trnlion ,!\utlioril�
- ...._... ....
REG!STR\C OF 0€EDS FOR THE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�}'1.�,�!7.1<,<>,,".',�I,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Qlonoominium Qlertifica:te of '<!ritle
� 0. ,, __ ,,,, ... ,,,,, .. ,,,,,

v ,,,,,,,,,

(Republic Act No. 4726)

E"(b'.s'rifiY S!i1"1{16Y [hat fir<' 1111i1 identified and described as:
+t� floor 59 'oq:'"'m, ..<,.«.,i.obby, Stair•, Sater lltetsr,
:"- Elect, Rm, 6 Fire 1,
which form• part of the LITTL! BAGUIO
11 S CONDO." Project
in the diagra111111ari-:�oor plan appended to the enablir � i,'ftl:d'Wfof
' the condominium project
a,11101a1ed 011 ... �l�ft. .. 3t;..,.., ...
Katf.,-�wttt ,Tiib • .. � ... embraces and_ describes lhe Jfbf�h
ffl!!"t1'1"ROUSAN! .. NiNl .. ·HUNOR.BD .. Nl·N!T¥-B· · ...................................•...................... v.·11h 011 area of
.............................. ,·{·3·;·�8-}""'· " qnare meters. is registered i111hd name o�
EMPIRE !AST LAND HOLDINGS, duly or1anlzed and exi•ting
("'::("'under the Phil. Law•, .
� . '" i
a.s: 01r11<.'r(S) of raid 111111 111 fee s1111p/c, 11 • �he iucidents provided bJ 1/i� Condo1ninii,1n Act, subj«l to such of
ti� e11c11111bra11ccs noted on lffiJ co�1 · 111111 certificate of title and on the crrtificate of litlc of the land as may
affi•c1 the 111111; 10 those 111,·11tio11<·P,.i1i e enabling or 111asler deed and declaration of restrictions; and to those
provided by law. <i...'":)
Tl11lt ..
�.. certificate
ts a lranifer f,·0111 Co11do111i11i11111 Certificate of Title
' .
, which is cancelled by virtue hef'cof insofar us /he abovc-lderuifled unit is
- ,,, •
,, '"' . ,,.

••• .,iu,t), .Metro Manila
Entered at 2St·h· Deeetlber-···--·········--········--···,
Philippines, nn the day of 'ft"tnety:.::ftv• - .
in theiJs'ij6 ninJ;cn hu� and ,
at ., , 'ti•
\" ::.--'----,.___

-,r� ��r·
r, ,t 11 J

· · · · · · ·
16th solid Bank 8lda,, Pa1eo de· \..
Roxa1 Ave., Makati City ' N?'j
(0'11 nor'• Post.JI Add res$)
····.Act&;-·;,;,; ',���
,�, .�
' ,_
'-S!llle the civil 1tatu1, name o{ spouse if married, lliil 1f a minor, cuizenship and rcs,dcnce of the reg stcrcd Cl If the owner 11
a married woman, state also 1hc citilcnship of her huM>3nd. ff the unit i1 iqiAcrcd in tile name of the conjupl panMrship, 1tate the
ci1i;.cn1hip of both spouses. _)
••-in case ofini1i,,J issuance, l)l'C the words �N<M Appliablc Orii,inal" encio-1 in parcnthesi•.

(JFFl('f· OF Tl-If: CJ fY l�-!AYflR
<.J.U[Z(.lN (-1 I Y
(BUILDING OFf!CIAL} 00 "«lT FILL·UI' !NSO U6c OHl.;il _
. '
. '. '' 1-
;_ __ -·- ··-· -� - + I
·--,-- I 1 ••:-:-·•·...,-n
9 7-9 7-c:i-s-a-...u
l>A1T: ISSUl:I)


111,11 D!N01itx:1J�N1s1r1v1::-:��rs,v..c11i _

E.fClRICIJ. PLANS;; SPECIFlC,G.llO:-.S ---------...JL...J----
---··-·---- -----·-··----··------------i...-+--11-
l,',CTION TO 8£ T.O..C:CN ·- • ·- ---------
: P";;�,, IS �EF!f ,y �,IV..<j nc ,.,_,;.,·:.�· ,n r,-.E =t.\:.OMJo,C CCNOI� c-e
1 TIU• Tl-If 1'��15.:.0 c�: 11,�;.r ( 'f'"J NJ0,1:1()N(l.E>'wR< !\!P���
�E:1''C,,1,��-�;Jlf?I c·c Sl«l'. Elf lff�"'"Y \\1TI'! ">,cffA:K!W.t �'I.DING
coo, :ro l(Q!)A.'ill ITS =•fS""."t.r,11.:..•18",(r.1£.IIT:t.<l R�lf.S �Rt:O..'I...\IIONS
1 :r:•t A r:l'J.V UL""l'NSFt' .a;i,-,.,ITr<::!•,:.wL EN<"ll��(� MAS ser;N t11c;.r.Gf;l 10"1.A.'IS >\NO
sl'COi,:.,,.1.,."lNS � ;01-NDIJ>:,,r ,,..: �-;r-..nv,.:,10.,·�""l:c•·o,,:u, rr!l. F'ICIA/i
:::cns1•1,,;1'(1,;c, '�:!cl"'o,,�·
I ! .... T Cl"M:IF,C.<.;F. :1",UIM', • lV;>< (),JI• 5'UICC ,\.'IL SEA,\i;D iY Tiii! DfS!CN,\G «xc« N. MAC,1 1:u,1 Y
·�.uiT[;11 (-.0>,ff� w,- .. <11G! ,)I" C�Sllll,ICl,c,,I �M!L (II; 5<1$1�:nfD '-OT(l.lf� G OfflCJ I,
:"'"' �rv� .. •1· 0.,,,1 ..r 1�:, CCvf"\� l"l(JN OI" T .. t c,,�..:511�1.:<.:l\O.\ ".S '""
I f .... 1 I\ "C\ ,, .f,["A"i {;' \ ' ,,·�·,··· � .... lL ,C:1rr��l'H"'l'll� !0'-1:1\�

'..0::CVl'.oJJCt 01 ,,., it.e,!>-.;,.·


. --·-· . ...
,. ""'"'
_ ./-. --------
' l(IIAl.f�flW.lllll:(i�T -.....,. flU.(NSOUSEONl'f) :
�:;i. . TOTAL FLOOR.A� ·-·- . 1· -+-
'. IU..JP-0
r .;!.l,J'•....:,u.u.:.l,i
·-·· ..
:.... ...- r · ! ··-·1- -- [
' .TllC:A:. 0 l.�,ll.i.i,!.MJ.,:U :: . _ - •• J PflQ?OS!:.D DATE ; : l J

, .,., w .
MEOONICl� r --·� ;,,.,\, '·--·· 'o
. FcoNl>TRtx:r:cH_ '.lb.· ''ti;',
I 1-�,, · .
,�, JEXPECT:!>DATE l 1 �+-+.....;-,1-,-t-+--,--,
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N Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungs'od ng Quezon
(Office of the Building Offlciel)
014 k>t4°'131;J)

<tl.ertifita:i.e of ®trupa:ntl!
OR No.1580491 Amount; 96,450.00 CO No, O((;QO 21)00
Dale May 18.2000 Date O
/•-of· )'Oon (
c. · Fourth(4th) Storey to
n,i, cenlfles that lbeTwenty(20)-Storey Residential Condolllin1ua 1!Mllectec1
.,eor. Granada & Castill.a Sta. Q.C. under the Building Permit No. 02-97·972
bu been i"-'led end found 10 be in conformity wi111 lhe appIOYed pllDS and ,pecificatioos on file in thi•
iiil�·ll81ilce and lbe provisions of the "Nationtl Building Code" (P.D. 1096) and its implementing rules and
rtjulations and lberdon: the building may now be occupied,

The owner shall p<operly mainlain this building to enhance '

I •lllbillty, sanitalionand fire1>rocec1ion properties and shall not
use as stated above.


Fire :,1214
Plumbing 2ooo-685 · 6-02-200
Heallh 2000-1456 5-19-2
· •... · CEI 112721 to
.1 \2870 . . 3-:21.-
t:t:=; UIU
., I
�....---- (V··�--- aJ'ilJd uwJ.f 1,.-a)Ull.tqlUUJII�/ fu IU _,..-..._ 1.WUli>l,\j ,J/J/ Jr, 11111/tlllltl/11·1.))

-- -- rr:q;t ... , ... 1 ••• ,••.• ��

-&&���dll��II�. ,. ., ;!��:w·1'i

.. . �
<1i•nb �·siolrnlion t,ut�ori!u) 'lli,
J. �



Q.'F.}!·.'!..� ':f!.!J. .

''<Irransfer <!Iertificate of W:itle

l>J, RT-2a35t, (37819)-
I .
C'o •.................................... 'r'�h.1

IT IS ¥.,t\Etr �RTIFU:D that Ct'flrlin /and situated in //1(• .. �;���� ... 9.� tr... · l'
Of''''t\:;c·b��bdJ't:i�t��,i�l�':. (f
A ··parc·cii?.�j!·:·1nd'''{i1'f'""1'j:A .. 1 1C) Ps-i-2320,
a portion of' Lot 13--; Block 10-B described on plar. �d-21}4; LR: (GL:ID) "eccr-d
1.@ jrl

Ho. 91'7), !5ituated in the Barrio of 8nnitM.o (nov �uo7.on City), J,,lu11.icip:1:!.: ty 1' ,
of San Ju:in del Monte, Province of Rizal.. Bounded on the N?.., points 1 -:o 2 '"1lt
by Lot 14-A• -s'fock 1�points 2 to 3 by Lot 14-S, Psd.-32291; on tbe s •• �-,1-,:'·

po tnt;e 3 to 4•by L•t 10,-Bl.ock 10-<:?i:'Ped-21 -Lnee C!i.!\tilla St!'eet)i on tt .t ·r'li

poi:1ts 4 to 5 'by Lot 12, Block 1o{ ·,) Ped-2134f,...and on the N\r., pc,inte 5 to 1 .E
by Lot 1'3-1:i1 ot �he subdivision plan, Begin.1ing at a point mark<:-:i .011•1 on pla..: ·
boillf,'. �. 71 tis&• 301.W,, 6832.00 11. trorD B,L.L.M. I, Mp, of Jofariquin.s; t·,once I
is registered in accordanct with the provisions of the Property Registration Decree in thr nam,• of- il�
H';}:ft(k:'n'. CGRPJ�ATI'..}N t 'i. �corporation duly org;i.,ized and creat1d in a,:corrl:1,-i � �
•, 't'h:1.:tiµpine l1'1.\ll's1 ,·

. .. a, """" thereof in f« simple, '�b '8oilifl't£f.#Jt,.ttWel''ffiff'p!l!'�lit"'iif '1art<:f''R6rHrf'f

,11'!!�.!''Wfiqtg>C&b&�ffi''llli 'll\iJa only for rel!ili'iitial purposes; that every house

erected thereon shall have to be of strong11haterials costinc; n:,t Lcea tha,
;-.},CY)..i.00 �hat for every building constr6.ctcJi,t,ereo�, thare shal� be µrftvi:- . !�
c!ed c ee rt tc tank 6x.2»x.2X! rnetero to be kept nt llll t1.mes in; �1s'tn15sry con ,1 tip�.:"":!
IT IS RJi.�;J:tCERTIFlED that .saidh land �·a_s origi11,al/yd."dgisll'r,l'd -�· •,'·e '6eV*n·�••""" ····-11� '��:;: ;vi
of : , 1n l e year nineteen 11111 re ,,n. li°'"'" "A'.:� l".f\111
Regist,:_a..tion Book of the Office of the Register of Der:d! of.............. 1.,. �.� , Vol:,1111• · , .. ,.. · · ·· ··
page .. 2� as Original Certificate of Title, No }.5.5. , pursuant to Dt'CrC'C' No �.. �.?..5. · i: .f�
i!SUC'd in LR. c Record No 9.17
This certificate i.r a tran.tfi·r from ':Craus!er
ill ''"-'_�za11:C' rif ·37--;1.o::····
Cerufkxue of 111/e No. 11/111/i
Irl"� .,,_-i'
is cancelled br .-.-;tut hC'rC'vf in so far as the obove-descnbed land is concerned.
· �.

C111C'r1•d at
�uezon City
10th· '""":lejlf;1'1mh1Jr ··
• •

,if. ·· 'ft !'ty;..:3siven ·

Ph,'/1pJJi111·s. 011 11:e .•...••••.. dov
in tl�)'l:li{ l'Jlnc1c,·11 h1111clrc,J und ..
1u. ·1/ d
{�O) RAtfJ'l N. V[:L.\3(:0
·� i
AnCST: tler;ister cf Deede
'':?eco:lsti tut'id U:-1.Jer Rep. ,".ct !io • .Z.�
In R�lation to :ie;> • .\ct No • ..j?"i2"
. . . - .. . ?�/.!?�· �
... : .��!�.!:����: .-.��'.:�. :�.
( Rf'r,:1\/l'r,"( J>,·c,/1}
(Owner', p0St1l 1ddre$f.)
aem ,· � I
•:--1·1; • po.rsc '.•;·.1·.,:i,'.' J;,J r.·\,�o.'nt·,.- of 11,..
•Cf!!.!· .:,� er. lf .l-c ,,·:,n-:r : , .r rc,l 1 ";: .•1-·,_,. i,,· ucr tn:,!,.1·-J. lf 1!1.:
:,111,: ''!'I .','1�·�: :11 lul ,1,1111·. t,:· ,h,· r,•!'jll)! :'·· .H ·,'

.. ,'

• ....,,.., •• .,UHllf<III '" '"'' •\�Ju,,..w,••••"•••• -• •• •

,, ' ,..
, I�
,.\ �-·· '·
•• I � •

l'aue -A

{whon neeessary use this pa.I:'(! for tbe conlinuatioll or tht• ll'l'hnir;il dt•scri111iu11l

1-:111,_,, ,·,, .... .C�;�! ..... �-����-�-�nal :1hoot RI' No.

,. r::-1976/f!l'- .;J:,rJr5{ �t'{/5,)

' ------�--�-
· . ....:oc ,tad by and betlleent Eia..IN'DA M. llZY:�J, N.�LIA J,,. ;;.,,tiON, .;::,:;J;lJ.u\ /.1.
, Hf J,\, JO,i, N. MIL!.ON�.i0. J,t., JU,'Jll�'A i,;,,,a·r�J(;, rn�. and :IW11J\,{r cc.«•.,
h or- .. oolleotively referrod to ae tho "Q;JN :H.:i'1; and :'i U,\:,0.U,lJ
t .. ·a'I..:3 ci IIOLi.Jlll.;,;� INC., herainaf'tor reforrod t.o 110 '1I-f::l;.� •• lJ.U..D";
.. ;r .' ·.:;, t.ho c ..1r;rc3 are the registered ovner-e of eit;;ht (8) paroola of land
e Lt-, �od in Cranada St., �. City, with a total WJable arce of 6,929 equar-e
i-' me t . .,. -s; ·,JI:.JE,\J, rr.:ct.�Y0.11.D has offored to do7elop tho U3u.bliJ urea i.. . r
t.l 1ic,ht (3) parcels of land of the Q,.1(;1-t3 centioned above into ... first'-
cl,.h. .J recider,tial/oomrc.eroia.J. condominium project, and the o·.;?f.'� -,G have
u..::;r{ i t o aoocpt !,..Xl,WC,0..::>1 e offer upon the terms o.nd conditions oet forth
''s:. beie im The o::Nit'3 shall provide the PropertJ for tho Project, free from
�11 liens and encurabz-anceej and shall empower tfi:DAl,"Q1U,J.) or it:J duly
autl.ori2ed representatives or a.gents to tako posuoeeion and' control of
tho p1:oport:11 J,if;JAi.'0.{Ll) shall provido all tho funds, tinanc;inc;, pl.uis,
d6�it;n!'I and apeoi!ioations, x x x x. x x oto., for tho ProJoot. 'Othor
c:.nt.!� !lBt forth in Doo. ?Jo. 102, Paee No. 22, Book No ." U, 3-1995,
or u.e Kot , Pub , of Mvin I. Ma4.uinto, Maka.ti, :,i .. �!la.
Jato of Instru:-Jont - vec , 7, 1995. I
:..c.te -:::'.' :nnc:-iption - Jan. 30, 19


ntry 'le. 73l7/'1i'-22354-55 - - - �!AS'rE,, i)E,:;D - - -

. x "r',:'::e<l oy and between 3M; Irt3 ..£1\..:'i' L;l�D P.l.,LDING:l, I •. :c., as
r nr ,Pveloper; and HC;iiAiti1 C();{}. . OR.:'• .!.•Ii.. .:t4, a.s tht: cwn er' , ,.
_:�r. � e nd c ove r-ed by this title and improvements existing a nd .,-. -.
t·�- ')(> co;,r,tru.ct7d thereon h�s ?ee� �o.hve.rted into a condomin�u��:��
f�.·, :;-. :· owne r sb i o known as vIL1'1U.l.t. Hi:.lGnT� and use cf the 11n 1 ts.-· -

-:f.� ::-i:1,:,d i� t:"1e -�l?ster Deed and subject to the provisions of '
•·· !,y(�tu: LCt �n1 to the forms and conditions and �ecla�ation
:[" _c ':ri.cti0ns Get f:.-rh in Doc , No. 0)7; la?.C t�v. 21; uco« �o •
.. .i ; -· -:::·i.e�; of .�')01 of Not , Pub. Garry ·:. De Su zman ,
Jat _ . _,f .1.nstrwn(·nt- !ebruary ? , 2001. /
n t. .:� l� sc r-i p t Lon-. July 61 2001. ;/

/ 'L
-2-'ti'·1.�l':U2L i·i. 9''!,·L�; rxo
. tP.gister o/ Jee s
I Iv .
'I,"'"' '"'""" "' ,...,,..,,,./,rnw·,,,
' :·,, J11·1, ,./ I),·,, •1f1/io11
,·ontim",l on
ro11/i1.11rd 1111 .. \1{1f1/11J1u1/ .l.,l,1•1•
Pnge !t\ -/l)
f'11;:,·. ....... ·-)

•. (\,•_ •,-:;" .
. ........ £.".1 1:::,·.,.

'\q07 •


flff(' u

( c..:11nlin1iaJU1n of lhe Ml"nu1r1111dii.m of J;'nru1nln·"111·,,.\. fro.,.1 ,�flJ!'' - I!

Pi).,.520//-34ltO • -!-10"fi"GAC1$ -?:{lLil', .:��: r.;i,-i ·.\·,,;., :'.1fit: -
•ro ouarantctB a princiapl obligation in i.�!c :i::'l"J-..i.r.t of on� i,.rL,.! �-;iJ7<
llllNDlll:::0- 't�l!:rlTY THRE'E THOlf'.jA'�D P:S:S0S (!'11423,000.0:,), unoe r tha t er-ns a."11
condt t tone se e torth in Doc. No. 229, Pege -'+7, 5o;k IJ cf the fl'ot.:.i.ry Y'.,l.lit: o,'
Ha:tila, Norma f... cece, ���rtgagee's consent is nccee- 1:·y in cnae of 1;1ub;1::",1uon�
alion.:i.tion o� encumbrance. l
Date of I strumeut - Oct. 141 1965 ·
D&te of Iri�cription. Oct. 1�t 1963, 8:40 a.rn.
I .

P.S-5229/'l'-Y•4o - -CON:'.i.JI.TDATION AND A:"f��Ni)M)"f/ n:: 11.) r ;"-')°:

Of the mortgage Lnacr-Ibcd hereon has been coaccJd dat ed into one ac ac .11t in tho amount of FIV?. MILL!OH NIN�: :i1Jii.i:"''.� cr�::l:i K!!i-:: r-rv: .», tn
-- PZ..�')'i' (�5,989,000.00), and t'.' a.-:iount. or is 1'urtl1e;,.· aaeuded ':o :�r:...":'.i."i :rt1.L·. }N
SiNrJ� HUN!JRCJ 'l'l!OUSAN"D PESCS {?8,700,000.00)t ·Jubj:?�t to t&:-:-JJ ana cor.ut c. cne
sot. forth in Doc, 2131, Page ss, Book I;. of tno t-o t •. '\.1.t,::.._c :�::· t·'.�n�}..;., :l,;:·:.1.·, A.
Jl:ltc o� Inctrun1ont - Cct. �6, 1966
Oat� e r Ir:."";c:-i;:ition - 'Jct. 2-S, 1966
(S';C) Bt:·:.:.'A!:lN �; •. ::�YL�
�Cgister of �cdJs

'? � I,.2'i'76,"r-344o - -AM�'ml-��"r= Pi\Il.,. �AT. B,\:;;�

Of tuc mortgage Lnac r-ibed her-ecn !:1$ Document ...:nt:-:r iii,. 5,�.,.0,1·r-YihO 1,y
incr..::�u;i.1g th� loan fro.,1 18, 'loc,ooc to v11,'";oc,cr...c o::�t:r (€r:;-,� ;.n:l c·.,n:t, ·. on=
ee t f'cr th i:-.. ecc •. r-.o. 514, Patio No. 21), Boo/. �io. 111 of�·.,� roi.")t.•.:·y i),..:!1�Jc c r
!".13.., Gualbl. r-to Bebaea
!>a�e :,f "!:ro.str""tu:a:-,t - i'l:.r. 16, 1')07

. �·
f.,a;.c of Ln-j r t"Lt:l:ion f�u·. 16, 196'/ -e t 9� 1?. ,1, ••
..,. -r V•

P."i:. 15,�9/':'-3440 ·MJfiXi.t.Gi� -1�.�i./�.

-TC: guarantee a pri:1cipl obligation in t!l-:: a.'•:ount of ··:!r.'!1'
g8,oo::,,(XX).::X:,) under t!1e- to!"mo and condt t Icns QoJ\ :�,.:·i:h it1 >;�=· "o , ?� ·-:�,
,1..Jl·t "1ffl!C1�
!).;.ge 100, ;:!oak No. '!II of the :"lotary pub Li c of 1Ua., 1J. !l.:',b=..s:.:.
coneunt necce.rer-y in aulls,1quant a.!.ico;J.tiori er- cncu-eor-enc e ,
Date of rn.1truml:lnt - xcv, 17, 1957
Date .,.if l:i>criptio:1 - l-ov , 2), 1)��7,

�::· �
;;\r.;:� in f:::.vor 'J!° the ': !I:.. '4!\:'I .:::::. �:,•f:{:�
�·:;..6'!:&5/f•319�4- co·,; �OL.::1..A':.'. !.}�� aF
' D . •. : ;. �,,.- -.:...... 11�:::,0 ,;::-;· ·.-. ,
�·--.,,, ........
Of til..l ro�rt ::-1ge Lascrube d ne:-eo11 as • .r1.max:J •• n .. r- ... ,...., ···�·
4Sl+5, 652j,8()22, ·520, 24'::9-3, 5273, 258, 3:116, 5229, ?.7'76_t ut"l"5 1';'5?_, i":1 t .o
sense tl1.:it all tho mortgages and obliitutioll.'3 ment Lcued uceve 'icve cc en conae-
lidatad into one account with all the accrued into-:-est t.ner eon i '.'I t!l,, <;1:nount
?-25,::Y.X>,OOCl.OO subject �o tc!"1ns and ccndt tf.ona uet. t'�l':.:h in Dcc , Mo. 9·;:;,
Page No , 93, 3ook No, II ,Qf tli.e 'tot , I>ublic of ;1.:.inil(1, J,,11<.n :1. ;:ortt!l.
Dat e of Irmtrument - Nar-ch 1, 1972
f>3tf': of r nner-j nt.t on - Dec , 1'�, 1972
(."3CD) !\.�:-."..> � N. _,.:.: :.

(Cont·:nued on Page -c.· �' �,.,1,1 ,,1 /J. ,L,

:� 'i ,.·

·Page -B
•:-_;/ ·y·�--r-�-�·1YiJ��
.):r.' ..�···»�:,�'!':'.'�'}·�.:� , .t.: '-/�' /,
:• *· @.
... ··:.'."�� '.; 1·· � •..�
.\ , ,·t;:i)�',,::i�' �;:, _:,;,*j� \ 's, ', ,;t: �.'"' '*- • :,,.1
�._�y���� ....'.·":.',.·.
.,.. ·
=-- "-��"'·--� i " . . .'
I .. •
·��\\� -�! ,,.. .. ::-, .. � �..t :::.·'-· --

, ( (;'l.1lli1\11a(io1� of /he Mcntoranrluni oL Encumbrances trom l'al{c --- -,1)

P.E.520/T..... 3440•HOR'T<,AGE -PHILIPPINi'.i NATIONAL BAffK. • -
l·�:�J To guarantee '--principal obli'gation in th"e amount or ONE MILLION 'FOUR
-�[ HUND,cED l'"'EN'rY THREE TI!OU"SANP PEWS (!.'1,423,000,00) under the terms and con-
• 1 ditions ae t forth in Doc. Ne , 229·; ... 'Page 47;· Book X"°f tho Not. Pub. of Manila
:.,�·11 Norma Cruz. Mortgagee's consent necessary in case o! subliequent nlienntion
!��i-. . .�l or encwnbranoe •
. iii.. ··I
Oat• of !nstrumeat - - Oct, 14, 1965 · ••·

I'late ot Inscription - Oct. 15, 1965...,.8:40 a.m. -. ,
;J, I, (�D) ijENJ AMIN H. R,.Y&l! ; ' "":'
1(1, _ Rttgiater of Deoda : ,?. . ,1
1,ri ,
:_ '� 1
__· _ 1

PE=:5229,''l' ... }l+4o-CON3()LlDATIOlfA1ID AME;NDMENT OF ;RTGAGE _ �

Of the mortgagee inscribed hereon has been coneolidated into one account .. ::,. :.
_ f.1 _
,t resulting in the amount ot FIVE MILLION NIMJi: lIDHDRED EI-OHTY NINS THOU.:lt�ID ·:;j,.
, · .1l
PESOS ('!"5,9g9,ooo.OO), and this amount is further amended to h.'IGHT-HILL.i.ON
.:\. ;,;:;vfi'fq ifiTND�SO TllOUS,\ND PESOS (P8, 700,600.00), subject to terms and conditions
ac t orth in Doc. No. 2B11'·' 58,,,Book 4 of the Not. Public of �1anila, 1

• ,, :-ionn. A. Cruz.
':s. . ,·
..... , · Date to Instrument - ,Oct. 26, 1966 ,,
ikte or Inocription - Oct. 26, 1966.-'"
'� /
R,,gieter of Deeds

'J.' ' - ... :}440 - -AHENDMP.tfl' - -PHIL. NATIONAL BANK

. P.f..2776/T 1 • i
l' Of the tnortgage inscribed hereon as Document Entry No. 5229/T•Yi40 'by ' ·,
. iJ,
""'!:' .,,1 ·
i11creasing the loan from PB,700,000.... to P11,'700';000 other terD'IS and conditions l�.1! !:
L{�., ,' set forth in Doc. No. 5jftf Page 2i:1, Book ·IV of Notary Public of Ml.a.. Gilbarto, ·'�.'!\
,BabM&e i!
(\{'. Date of Inotrume:it - 16, 1967 -:-; ,;.
::.r��,,'.:·� i Date 'Jf Inscription - Jo'l.a.r. 16, .1967 f'llt 9: 12 a;m·.
·�,, ;1
-��R gietor of Deeds
, - ·,-... ,. . • ,,
P?;. 1529/T-}440 ;· !IO!l'IDAGE -PNB • .· •,, : _,'i:

1, � f
.,' ., To guarantee a princi�l obligation in the amount of grt1ffTY MILLION PESQ,g�:" •..;
11 · (1'>810001000"�00) under tltt. terme and oondi tionsaet for ·th in Doc. No. 2967 Page '.
;:·,;;:1 No, 100,.. Book No. VII-·ot the Notary Public of Mla., G. Groom. �1ortgagee1a ...,,
1 conoent necesaary in case o! subs6eq�nt alien:Jtion or encurahr-ance.
', !',_,,:, Date of Instrument - Nov. 17, 19 7.,..
, ·r.l Date of lnscri;>tilon - Nuv, 20, 1967,-8:5.0 a.m.
:,'R," (SGD) NES.TOR r,.�. P�A
Ir.,. A: n gi e tei- c.f Deeds
P.-:-63�6/T-)i931+ -C01t11):..ISIA'i'ION Of �YJR'I'GAfJ� ia !aver of the, P.iILI?Pl1iS N.�I'IOtl.\.L
B,'tni{ .. Of the mort;�age inscribed hereon as Primary :.::nt.ries':ios, 11}8'), 52201,
4645,6523,8o22,�20,241+98,6273,2o8,8216_5229.,27?6; and 1529 in the sense that
all the mor-tgagea and obligation3 eent i cned above been consor.Ldat.ed ·into .nor-
ccccunt 'llli t.h all the ace rued interest thereon ·in the amotnt of l"25,000,000.00)
subj1?ct to terms anc! conditibons set forth in Doc. No. 935, Page No. 98, Bo...,k 1�.-
No. II of.,Note Public of Manila, Jalden �I. Horiel.--
Date of l etrument - Harch 11 1972 �,
Dots of InSCription • Dec. 14, 19?2.
(SGu) NF.STOR N. Pe,iA
Rertieter of Deeds ..
• ,_
__ !: _


' --- ,_ . ... _

- .... •

r�·11tr_\l 1\10 ••. .'.• ?;:o.r;;:_, ..... A-A�1ii.onal :.Jheet

PF-1976/llT- J2:!Jf57/( �{ff/fj - l©IO!lAIIJXl� O� AOmac!IT /

::..Xeo-.;.ted by .lnd. bet"een.1 EHLl!iD.A ll ... asrss, lmLIA. x. :::;�ui:�oN, ,:;� u.
FIEDA, .rozi-; X. klLLOllADO, JU., JUAl'flT.A. MARrUEZ, rsc •., fA,D,d l'"'lta<AHT CC:lP.,
hoNinatte.r oolle�Hn1¥ refe:rrod �o:-"O�l,IiS •1 tJI<! 14[.lJAliOi;LD
i"'1�or::�1:::s & IlOLDilllQ, INC., herain&t'\er retarrod to l1t!I .�i·t'llJ'\WOJCLD"J
,'t!Ilfi.:;, t.lio O�lr.lR3 are U.o r88iatere4 owner,, or oigl,t �� paroola of land
aituated. in Grenada st., c.. CiV, with a total usable area cf 6,929 s-1uaru
me tore, <l"HF,Rw\.J·, Mi:ll.\llO�iLD ha.a ottored to doWlo:i, the net wsublo area of
the eight (8) pardela or lan4 or the o,1Grns 11ent1oood .bove into a fi:rot-
olae• roaidentioJ./e-roial oondominiua project, and the O\f!f;,is havo
ogr.e"d tc aoaept XS:CAVOi1L:>'• otter UJ)On the torms and cond.itiorin uot forth
h1 reL"1.1 Tho OU5�&3 ehsl.1 proTid.o Uio Proper\( t'or t.hi;, ProJaot., free l'rom
atl 11.ons nnd encumbra.noea1 and. eball empover r,t:,03i,.·01U,JJ or it� duly
ttuthori.zoJ. ropreaont&t1vea or agents to tako poueeae Icn �d cont:ol o.f
tho prop"lrcy'J Mi:.OJ.iiOJa...D shall provide all tho fund.a, tin.o.noina:, plann 1
dooi�e: a.nd. DPfloit1oat1ona, xx xx ;i ¥ oto., ro.r tho 1'1·0,�ot. < ,,
]�;.� v
oontlitiorw.1 oot forth in Doo. Uo, 102, Pa.a:e Ko. 2��, took lio. U, }";-1S)9�, 1,, ,.•
ut th• Not. :i'ub. or lJA:vin D. Y.azu,intu, J!alcati, :r. .. k"l.o. 'I-. � •:
Dato of lnntl"laent - ..:.ea. 7, 19<)�
�;. ·.. ;'
:ia\e of In3oriptioo • Jan. 30,;�15;';
�«; I
· I�' i
r,try »o, 7317/Rl'-22354-55 - - - l'.ASTO:?. )?i'D - - -
· I
!,jfjl, ,

.xe cut ed by and between :1-1llR!!: �:,'i' LhN.U P.0.Ul1Ii;c;�;, rsc, ea �-:; ,\[
t ne Jeveloper, and f!'..,'�Ait'4' C0ii}\.)�Ui'l...:.N, a.u tt1;t ·.. woer , 1 %· I
:he lan:l covered by this title and improvement• existing an�
>;o be constructed the!"eon bas been oobverted into L:. con�omini:.1-:d �-·
fcrm or owner-.:.h1p known as UlLJ'101S �il.JrirS and uae of the unit� ,'
: e e c r-Lce.f 1:1 the !·'!ltcr need and aubjeet to the p r-ovt aLon a of .'"':.
:�o:-:dot:iir,iuc Act and to t�e ·forma a.nd .;o!!di�ii)ns: .anti 1iecl:1:rrt�i� I
of !.'estricti.01,s oet rorh tn .Doc. No. 0)1; ll1£e t110 .. 21; eoox � � .;:-�;,1
·.I; c.e eLe s or 2001 ot Not. I·ub. Garry \'. Ji: Gui'..t�on. . ,.-: .. �1
.,;ate or ln•trument- ?e'orua.ry 7, 2001. , .
··.,i": ;�oo or�i9tion- July 6, 2001, / ;',
!�s- :�,·

���::t;i;r �l� i. �:�

j •

:� \�ti�fl'�i
;; 1,1
•�). •;
i .\1e1110r(l11dun1 1/ Encumbrances contiHued on Page
( Technicat .'Jcscription continued on Additional Sheet
NC ..

, Page -)
-<:�* 1


·. r1�l,� -··., "• ,--,.,-�,i,�m
=s. �··. , ··....···;;!
.... \)\,'·,, ,•.1.·•1 •·· � .1=·
,.__,., : ,··":-
; �>�,- , s·
I .:f<f�
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4., �
�""/M ;1.,1·;1
l?tgist.-r fl/ 0t,as
� ,,,7-' ""� ' ' )',, ' i l1,.�;��1'�··1'{Jt�.�·
,,·w"'""i· fr. """"''"1""·,,• I
t..:1111"� ,11,,,..:,

'""'"" -� ,.. ,,,, j •

··::!-w,�· w. . -- �,1· 1..·'Iii�· .·, __ ..2f·
;:&...: ·--��;:, . ,__.a.•l,/••r __""';:- §!-�.--'.." J
ORIGINAL 114-14-130--06--026
= <.5, . , PROPERTY INDEX NO. -��1 4---��1�1�R----


Owner HQlYJ1TART QQBP Add,_. :. '�572-Padre Pad a X'oud o, l1lla.

Admini1t.rat..or ----------------- ,\ddNla'l -----------------
g_ Lcution °' Propeny __�-------
cNumber & St.reet) '
Valencia/1re,1 I>Tanila -----'l'<----
' Municipality/City/Provint

,5 c... tificai.. of Title No.------- C..d11tral Lot No.
15-A , At-•or'• (Lot No. -------
.., Blk.10-B (Block No. -------

; North : ------·----------, South : -------------------

•� Eut : ,w�, : _
-o (State 1u-eei., Iott, or 1\.ream11 by which bounded ar namllll or 0"'11en of adjoining larnk)



Kind Value Kind ClaM Unit Value
. Market'



.;,. """''
. ..
, ....
� Kind NoJATH K;nd
e-, A1arket Value
a. (•) Along or DO
road l'ronlagc --- "
(bl __ Kn11. to
an weather rd. --- "
(,) __ Kn-... lo
m11rket{pob.) .,
ToUl!n� 0
i\dj1M1t.ed M11rkct Value
Total rO'I' land, lnnl and l1'11C:9
i\dju1ted ,aluu ror land, plant and t�



Kind Aro, Value Kind ,,Cl••• . Adj�tment M11rltet V11ltw1

Com. 112q zcoo IY 1"' 2.?i:;,l'.\_nnr

1"1j . -

. 1100·
. . . �
-·- ·-r---
. ' ...
� 1 J' 1 ' ,}; ,· I
) '

ORIGINAL _,1'14-14-130-06-G30
130'- ,,,,�rd
V llc.c;V_cv:;,.s,6'----------'PROPERTY INDEX'. NO 1
mulO UNOIR mBSIDettTl'AL DECMS� NO. 464>


572 N. Roda St. Tonda,- Mla.

AilYl u�ttratcr----------------------------------

s North :-----------------•• Soufll :--------------
Ea,,l : , West =--------------
.!!! -_-;-_--·----(�late IIU<'ets, 100<, or .tnams by whidi boundctf, or names of owners of adjoining land�) -- -

� s ,. " · 1 (a) LAND (AGRICUL 1 URAUMINERAL)
�!Jlrk�t ve
� l:{ual NM Value Kint.I Area Clau UniL Value
� - - • p

"" c

Tobl p Total p

1 (b) PLANTS & 1 RESS


K!i1d No/Atta Value Kind

Market Value

�-- - -
-�-=--�---'--+-----� -----1-\---;o,e,-�csJ,,-,-,er.1-,,,.----+----!-:.�
- ,.. ,_.�-:::- .
2 2 .. 1; ') f ' ··, -

--------+-----+�-:- ll-------+-----l---�1rr,,,:·
I ·J u.e

rI '16 :I
/ \
J\JDICIAl. r()tu,, NO. 109-0 'I'- 32
l(Reyised Janqary 1991) Page l.7.l .


�an� �egi•lralion J'.ulqority
REGISTH:Y 01-, DEEDS FOR TIIE ................................................•.......•..•..........................

Wransfer Qlertificate of W:itle

J'J'" �3.1.���- .
IT rs 111:RE'll c1:11.�1i-1� tluu <"t•r1ai11 land situated in 1/r" .l.1Wli.ci1,Mli.t,:i� ... o.f'... � ... J.w.m •..............
�·:!�_;'.'?. �:.'::�:; ��-'----�---�----��'.�.:���-� bounded and described as follows:
---"�l c��1r,,.r1; 1'.1 .. ..; 11 c.; ..-.�RG.LlL oi.,• L..W.!.l wi eh all the bui ldingo and. i.Eprovemento;; �h....rcor., .e.cccp't tho3c bclon:,,;ing to otlr:ir -ca-acne l:nmm as lot 3, Block
94, of· the 11.J.,J; J'J ... , .;r:rJI'Jl .... IC�1'1, ea cppear-s on ai.Ld nutilvision on plan attac
to J,::;.:1.)0dicnto �.o. 975 c:' the Cour-t of lllnd 1�ot.;i.s tr· ... tion rif the Ph.ilip1>ine Isl·
Bureo.u of Icnde Lro. 21611, a copy ot' uhich }ll.lrl i:; fil�d ·..ri th the l1ogiator of
Deeda or th& of tlizsl, ?.I. �ici. lot Le bounded as follo11a;'1Lot 3, :3ll:
94. On the x-i. Uy lot Li, Dloc!: 94, 1,l..!.n; Ont.he E. Uy iot 13, l3locl: 94, s:...i
p1-.a.nJ CK!. 1.;iti .:iL. uy :!..:.lle ,1.. Jonifu.cio ..•.nd lo L 14, ,\lock: 94, <JctJ:JO pln. On the n,�
ts r,·,:is1t•r,·d in t1,1·or1lr11u·c• wi1h the pru1·i.1i1111., -/lj']fl� l'ro11,·rt.v R1•Kiftratit111 Dn·r,'t' in IJ1e name or

:iIPiiG ..,,�:.;::: L .t: 0 iltlll>Il�G..i, D\C., c ccz-por-u'td cn du:Y orst,'.llizcd ari.d existing
under- 1;J1e la.wa of Lha Phili1)11ines,
as Olt'ner thereof in fl'e si1"p/e, subject to such of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of
said Decree as may he subsisting. and 10 upon the oxpre sc condition that th(· purohasor
will not OTiC't an,y or building9 ·.. i thin one• w1d. ono-hAlf (li·� m1:1tero
of tho otroot line er ouch lot ( .l!'1.·01J T .c .'r. No. 7146/•r- 32-1\)

IT IS ,FURTlll.R ClikTIFIED tlsat said tand \1'aS originally regi.11<•red 011 the 14tt day
of :'::�'?.-.? in the year nineteen hundred ond ��.Y.Qrt � i11 the
J.:egis1ratio11 J)ook of the Office of the Re1:i�1er of Deeds ttf J9-.�.9!.1. , Vol11111e o,� .
11<1,i:,· ••. J.1 .. 11.1· ()rii:i11al ( 'crliji,·111,• af '/'ith• No J.19. pur.1·11,1111 tu /)('rfl't' No 1)42 ,
issued in L. R. C R,•r.;(Jrd No 9.'].5 i11 the name of .
This certificate is ,1 t,ansfi.•r fro,n .�·!.::.�.�[.�.� Cenificote vf Tule No l�.i.+. '.r.::-6 i 67 , ·which
is cancelled by virlue hereof in so far as the above-described land is concerned.

E111er<'d at .. Sa.n ... ,, .. J\te.tro... lla.niln..,

Philippines, on the .. day of :J.1,11.Y., · :J:J •••••
. t he.
1n . h un dred 311 d nine vv-rour ,
.tl{'JB �11eteen
al hr. "

( -
::::�;-'il" . . . . . ;:f::�;;;;" ,dr�o . . . �- .

·����""' . i:�':'-(:�:.;
"State the civil st:.tus, name of spouse if married, age if a minor. cirizcnship and residence of the
registered owner. If the owner is a married woman, state als�. the c_itizc11ship of her husband. If the
land i: registered in the name of the conjugal partnership, stale the citizcnsh'p of both spouses.

��!. ,�:r-: .:-�<:�';·

1::_f:11 �IE�IOH.\NDlJ�l OF ENC\JMl1l(i\NCES

I�:! t \\ Iu-u ncn·.�' u= thb pu,i.:-i: fur lht• eontiuuation of \he h·,·h11it•11I destriplion)
'I 1 -- --===.·,�=
- =================

f� :
l Entry No ,..,_ Cont. of Teol>.. Dooo,-

su, by lots 15 and 21 Bloat: 94, oame plen1 On the llli. liy C&llA �. lllluti"ot&.

' �1 .c

-c,,s x x _x con tnining 'l'll.'l£.!l TlDUSAND NDIE llllNDR!:z> .Ull: :SDr.l'l'r EIOl?l' (3,998) S<;l)Ar,E
M!.TEH;;. x x x Surveyed Nov. 11, 1920"• (full toolmionl 6.eooription a.PPN,r& an
,e, No, 7l.46/'�J2-A)./////

W Entry No. ll315''l'-6':>71-:=t - i,'t,:,'l�R DErn - In nn 111:strument duly axeou,ad by th
lv, .1�1
reg1otE'red owner- dcv e Icper , the proptirty driecr�.nr.d herefn i.e con.etJ tuted into
a reaidential ccndcra.lndue project to be know ae t.he 11LIT'.I'LE :BAGUIO CA!IDENS",
in ecco rdance ...'Lt.h f:nrublic 1,et No. 4276, other va ee snown ee the Condominium
.Act. 'l'he Condordnf nm l�rojoct compr-f eee oix (C.) Cltote.r of Faur. Sto1:ey1 l{esid
tial Butldintro 1,ith u total of ciehty (80) unit.a. Lno.Iuded witl'dn the e:ite
deve'l opaerrt ar-ee <it ground level arc? 1.he following auxil4acy buildin,:s and
eecuri1.:, 1;.u,,:r:ci bcuuc , pcv ez- and pump room, undcr(�round vat er- eyote:n1 a oentr
Landacapcd pc...1.,:<. and ;:i.iy;i;round � i th an arua of np;,ro:xiro.i.tely 18?. square tJ1f"tere
veriri�ter vat.c r- path end open parking slots. Tho O\ ner develope1.· dQeircs to
impose 021. the project certain restrictiono whlch, unless othe:zi.·iee provided
herein, shall conat::.tute ae lien upon the pro,1eot and ehal I ii:urE. to ond be
binding upon �11 pa . :tiea o,;..niJ.1g or holding any unf t or right or interest the
in or in the T ro jecv purauunt to the prcvtatcue c,' the Condo11inium Act. The
description of each unit ae well as the other plane en epecificatione of the
project are 's e t forth in Doc , No. 3851 Page No. 78t Book No. Vllt e. of 1995
of Not. Pub. for i•1;•!::::ti7 I·1et':'O Meni)a, Edwin v. l12quinto dated l-!arch 15, 19.95
Dat.e of the Lnaczdpt Lon - Merch 29. 1995�fhc"blf/Jlfl1L...._

.�ctg. Re
of DeedB,J
' '
:Qitt'Y No. 113�5/'P-6371-11 - DFCT f !1,\TION Ol� Pl'�T!l!C'l'IONS - The entire property
oonetit11tin8' t.he condondnfum project flhnll be subject to the Deolaratton of
Restrictions ae to the limitations, covenant and conditions in the .uee, oocu-
pency , enjoyment anu oh?ll run "''i·1 h the Land , the building and otbar imp=ov ..
ment mnking up the projoot and shall conoti tute as lion upon the- project and
e�ch unit �nd bha]l inure to Lho benefit of &1d b� binding uron all unit ovne
purcbeee re or occupant or hclding any unit or any ri@'ht or intereet therein,
wr.ony. .... �.ic, a a th<'Gi:: deal in., \\'i th manal{l: :"ment body, maintenance, ropaire, alt
1.·2..D.tonti .ir.on,o: o't_l1ere of the u11! t e , aeeeeamem , real property t axee , U3e limi
-(t\'1,•J11ol,Huf1111i of J:.ne111ubra11ces continued 011 Page -BJ
('J'1·rl111iral /),,srr1'f,ti,111 ro11li1111ctl 011 Additional Sheet , Paee -)
t at Jcn of unii.t, nt1n common «ro..o , fneurnnce , inau.rance, insurance olaima, p
cedrrer- and pa:n1nlti�.t:. for viola1ion of rc!:trii.:ti..:ins and houae :rules• waivers,
right c I assf -nee , mr.1·ttraeee, tonrint[' and ccccpcntc of unite, invalidity of



., \
/'a,:c -11
.. -lij-'il,ii'A�JF'�.��i •.,:·11��c::..,·.. � �-1'')'''" I
,, ' ,.,,, {1(�'.,'.�
t. ,\�
?/ii;;;;,·;1w:1r:..t"'. -;11;�·-i�
.:� _:;:�
_ ' : :,:�xi,.�,;6�ini:. ._d) "N•':·,��'�

(Continttat,.on of the Mr.1norandu1n of Encumbrances from Paga -/\) �

of any provisions of decla, ation of restrictions and amcnd11P.Dt to the master iJ.; -x
deed Fmd declaration restrict.Lons. other conditions are set forth in lloc. No
095, Page No, ,e,
iBook No, Vll, •· of 1995 of Not, Publio for lllakati, Metro•
Manila, Edwin iB, llaquinto dated March 15, 1995,
Date of the inocription - Ho".'Ch 29, 1?95 at 10100 a.m.

'-- ��tM{J;
IN,Cl'liC ' .• �
.Aotg. R et �r 01· Deed�

��ft No. i.'S7421C-SSSl-R - RE.QUEST__ : B virtue o-f y-t�quest by the herein re

�:i·• :�;� '«a. '5&fx��+a :t§sf.!ia:b1n911,a1 1s, •mflrrrl!"f!A&fr� a,r·eui!!lltl�!

ate of tho inatnimont - Oct, 25, 1995
Date of the inecription - vet, 25, 1995 at 2100 p,m,

Actg, Regi
of Deed\

Entry !lo, 2'022/T,'1'71-l< - ADDli!IDUJ.i TO Tll� "ASTBR o�,D & n,CLAHTION OF

RESTRtcrn:oNS: By F.11,ire Ea11t Land !loldin�111 Inc. &Fl n�:1ELl'.)Pi;:R, oOYerlnir
the parcel nf land with all tht.� and i11TJrovementfl erl�tinR' there
cndeacrd bed in thi8 T, Certific11.te of Title eubj ect t:t the tenne
and cnndition111 ot the Addendum to the Ma11t&rr Deed and DeolAN�ion of Rt!!fll
t:riotion" executed before thf't Notn.ry Public fc.r Me.b.ti Cit:y� Remeonoio
Ernefl'to c, C&Jri.B, under Doc. No. 25,, Pa.,:!'e Ci2, Book N0• III, Series of
199,, a co-:, 1111 on file in thiA Refd,etryl
Jato of \lo inotroment - Sept, 18, 199'
Date of the inwcription - October 1,, 199, *t 1:0 � 1 .,.m.

(Crmtinued on Page -C ....................................................... .)

Kcgist£T of D<'tds
. 'I



That this ,\/11.�tr:r J)cer/ 11•i11t /Jt!t'/11r11tio11 11/ il'i·.�,ri1"ri1111, rnade and execu'ec :i11s 5 ::::·.· z'
February 2001 at Makati City, Mt,rc Manila. Philippi11cS t:y ·
EMPIRE EAST LANO HOLDINGS, INC., a domestic publicly-listed ccpcraicn presen:-y
with office c1nd busioess address at the 21·1 l=!onr. The V.':,rid Centre Aldg. :ij3C S::, G·:
J. Puyat Avenue. M.ikati City, k1etro Menna, Phi1iP1JinP.s and herematter re'e.rec io as ee
"!)£ 11£1.01'£11''
• 11111/ •

HOWtAART CORPORATION, a dcmeslic co1po1,1hv111·,1th office aud ln,sinC'�5 ,;:!,:::?:;;: ,;:
11572 P. Rr1dt1 Street. Tondo, Manil�. Phihppi11c�,'ERLINDA M. REYES. 1·.,1.ic,•:1 :i::C �·n'.'.1
residence and pos1a1 address at #1!0 Calb.iyog �;h�et. r.1.ind;1luyo11g Clty. t.\nt10 i,l,1111:,1.
NELIA M. SAMSON. married to Francisco �-1 Samson .ind v,i1h residenr e ,:1nd r-·;s::il
adijress at :t80 Calbayog Sl.'eet, Mandaluyony City. l11etl"o f.1anili!: ZENAIDA /11. PlflE.O;.
married to Narcico M. Pineda ,;1nd r,ith 1c:s1renc.� .ind 10�1a1 address at =13� :,·· 5:·i:::
New Manila. Quezon City. Metro �i.i11dc1. cu•,I JOSE M. �11LLONAOO. J!\. ·11.1::.:·.: ::
!llen1cnci;1 O fl.lil;lonado and \Vith resdcuc. <�1111 r,c.:·,,: .�·L!i:�ss i'!'. ::7.5 ·· �:·:_." · .-. :. �
�.1arila. Ouezon City. Melrc fi.1a1i!a. all represented herein by the 1>1:·1 ·1;'/.r.•111:·11' :· .: -��
its dulv ,/111J11,r,:f!tl l?i:JJr,-.,·,•111u1h·c:, �Ir. ANTONIO T. TAN and hereina�er ;..-: ,e;:·.�:
referred to a! the "()/flf\'El?J'" 1 •
· i
w TNESSETH That .·'l,
WHEREAS, the OH'/\11:.·/?j' are the registered owners of two (2) contiguous parcels cl i::·.d 1
situated at the corners of Castilla Stretl and Gil1nore Avenue (forrnerly Granada Slieet). Gree:;h;::.;. s.�:)
Juan, lvtetro Manila. Philippines with a total ares or 1.972 sq m., more or less, covered ty •r�:<.s';r
Certificates of TiOe Nos. RT-22354 (37813) and RT-2235.'i (3�1,31). both issued by the Re�:s:�y :.: neecs
for Quezon City. f..�etro Manila, Philippines and mo:e particularly described as follows. :o wit:
T.C.T. NO. RT-2235' (37819)!Y..2! Deeds for QuezoQ..Q!yjllctro �.·lanila
".-I 1111rt·,·I :tf 111.'1,I (I 111 :Vo. I 3-.-1 <!/ Ille ,·11!•,/111.,·11,,., 1•h,11 fl Iii ·, 1•,11/-:s:o. 1\·:11_�·.,
prir/11111 '!/ /.nt IJ. /Jlr,rk to.« ,lt•st"l'il•,•d 11111•lo11 l'sa'·�/3J. (<;I.Iii;; l\,·1·,,r,i '-':··
9 / :'), ,l'l//1(//�·,,. ill I h,· li,u·rir, !?( l{r1111 l111 /r: f 1/(111" t}11c• :011 {! , 11.1 "), , \ !11111 :.'.'/.'< ,It I, I P.' ·'· 111
• .li11111,I,·/ \f,.,11,•, l'ro1·111<1' 11{/ti:11/. /1111101/.·,f,,111/1,• .\'I·:. /•11i111:; I /11 .' hi l.(JJ j.J. '.
!i/ri, ( /0 1 ". 11u1111s .' 111 J ,;,. /..uf /.f.S. /'.,./-3.'.''J/ r111 Iii,· SI·.".. /'"111/.\ 3 '•, .t 1-,i ',,· JI
\ <:»
/I!. h'lo,:J: /fl.f ', 1 's,l-2 / (l)11s ( ·aslilh1.1 snvvn. ,,11 1/1,· .\'II'.. 1111:111,· ./ ;o .i ii., / •. ,, : :
IJ/1,,A /IJ. /'.,,f.}l.1./. 11111/,c: 1VIV.. /Jr,1111., i ,,, I 11,1· /."' f_l./l, 01 tit(' 1ir.l,1h1:,.,,._.
11la11. c:r1111u11/!IIK a11 t11'<'11 !!f ()NJ:.: '/1 J( J/ I.VI:\'/ l ( ),\'!-: fl ( .',\11 'l{l·.'I J 1 , 1 t: \"1 : · .. \';.,·.:
' (I. I:') j ,\( I ( :../ Jl 1:· to Ir:{/:"!?�\". mon: {)/ !.·.' ' .. 1

� T.C.T. NO. RT-22355 (384) :)
"'--...\----� Rcglr.try o! Deeds for Quezon City1 Metro M;inita
· .. / 11,1r1·1·f •!f l1111tl {i.111 No. /./.(' o] Ilic· snhclh-i\lOII 11la11 i'.�<1-.:.' :!.! I Sh,·c/ :
/•1:II','( ,, /H•r111111 <!I .'.111 J-1. Hlor:k /(}. ,h·,1.:r1h1·d ru11>l1111 /'.1,f.].'3,/ (i.f /(.II
/(�'llll'<l .\'r,. 9/ ';), \if11,//i:1J i11 the /)1.�11 I<'' r!i i:11•1; (1011. ,\.fti//1c11kif1,:1 <!I Sa11.l11a1•

··----··-···-·· .. · ····--····

cir:/ }./011/t',

l'mvince oj
,\·l·:., hy ( 'olh• ('a.rt/Ila:
/{1:al. Bo1111c/,:c/ 011

the Nt�:. hy <.iil,11or,: Ave1111.:., 1J11 thr:
the �·£., hy /,111 I J, JJ/oc(· I 0-H '!fJJ/(11111'.W-1 / J4, a11cl on

th,: NH-'., h)· l.ot.r '/.J-A 1,11</ /./-8 u/ lht! s11hcl11·1.,101111la1i, 1.:01,1toi11h1g a11 oreo
l·1(;HT HUNJJR£D Hl/11Y,THREI! (841) SQUAii/·. MJ-:11,:lls: 11111r, ur tess. ..
WHEREAS, the (JWNER.t; h.1Ve en{ered Into a Memorandum of Agreement dated December 7,
1995 with Mcg.r�d PropP.tijet.& Holdings, Inc. (hereinalmr rcjcrmd to ;,� '?1/,·.i:.,111·11r/1/'l 1,,.. lht�
development by Megcn11tJr!d, in accordance with Repul:liic Act No. 4726 (Otherv11!.c l..nO\·,n os U11·
Condominium Act). or the afo�c:dcscribed parcels of land, .imong others. Into a r,,st·class
,esidential/convnercial condomirJum project to be known as 0GILo\10RE HEIGHTS'' (hereinal'
refened to as the "l'roject'1 and empowe,ir.g /l,/ttgauor1,I, ,mong others. to prepare and execute the
!\laster Deed with Declaration of Restrictions of the Project. A copy of the survey plans of the f\•10 :21

contiguous parceL's of land on which the Project will stand is hereto attached as Annex "A" .

WHEREAS, A.fegcnvorld subsef.(uenUy assigned on December 28, 1995 by virtue or a Deed o�

Assignment its rights and ol>ligaUons including the duty to prepare and execute the �4aster Deed with
Declaration of Rt1strictior1s if tne l'rujr:cr, except the management and supervision thereof, arising out or
the saic Memorandum of Agreement unto and In favor of and \Yhich were accepted by the herein

WHEREAS, the ()IFNJ:'ll.\' ind the /)fil'/:'/.1)/1/:'I( desire lo impose on the l'rr,11·1·1 ci::r1ii:ri
restrictions which. unless.jlherwise provided herein. shall constitute a lien upon the Jir1�1t·t.·1 and shall inure
to and bind al parties oWning or holding title io any unit c,r �ny right or intere�l therein �r in the l'r,yt·,:
pursuant to th provisions of the Cc,ndomi,1ium Act. .

NOW THEREFORE. fOf and in consioeretlcn 01 thc foregoing prenvses. the (Jll:,·1:'/?.,· ar:J i."\,
IJL:'l'l:."l.(JP/£1( hereby exeeute this t.·laster Del?d with Dectaraucn of Restrictions for :he afcrc:;.i:::::
/'111/l'l'I, 10 wit; t


Section l. �nstltution of Fro[ect. A residenbal condominium project :o be · . .".: :. -;

as "C,IL�10RE l·IEIGH'rs- is hereby constitu:er. on the tlC'rrdescribe.:11\.•:o (2) coruquous oercels -'
I.ind v,hich are covered by Transler Certif,cates ot Tille Nos RT,22354 (3781�·, cl;'ld RT·22}5$ ,.;�.::
both issued by the Registry of Deeos for Ouezon City. �\e\rc, �10:111:t. Phi:ippine�.

The irnp1ovenlen1s are being con3tructed by 111:1 ·1:·1.tJ/1/;"/l su!:>star,iially in acc.:>rda:'l.;:� :.::- : .. e
plans and specif1Cations therefor prepared by /lccio f'a.\·,1.,·. tnc , a duly-licensed archi:2ci!..ra: r.,,�
subject to modifications Jpprc,ved by J)EVEJ.i)PER. Such plans and specifica�ons �re here:c rtii:!;!·e;
as Annex "B".

Section 2. Description of Buildings. · I I!<:: l'r1y,·c1 shall consist of one ( 1) ei�hl:.'.':'li·

st01ey, building, made of reinforced concrete with solid mat res:ing on rock loun(Jation. exc'us'vc c: 1?1-: !,;>\It
(4) basement levels located be1ew the entire Projc.:1. The i'roJcl·t shall ltzve a·total of one hundred :�i�y·
six ( 136) condominium units of •.vhich one hunc.!:ed t'wen!y·four ( 1 ?4) are residential' al'!d l\.':clve { 12; are
\, commercial. The fourerl'lt!nt as well as U11? ground level and two-level podiu,,, parki�g sheti -eve
..r·" l\•,o t;undred for1y·tv1.:, 242
Reproductions of the
rking slots !0< the exclusive use of thn uni! owners/occupents of the /', ,.,.,,., .
lans for tl'le four-level bascncnt a11d the coudominhnu !:uihlu1cJs ,1l1' "i'·:1::0
attached as Annex "C". ..

Section 3 Description of Uniis. Each unit shall consist of u1c area meesc-ec
"---2.l - -h6tttOntaUy rrom the center of 1:ie Interior wall of u1e par1111ons separating sucti uni: from other uPit� er '·�1r
the defined common areas. VP.rtica!lv, each unit s;,all ccnsist or the space befween �1e top of the corcre'e

t_�'-M�o" •••'• -'' .,,

noor and the underside ol the ceilin9. Each unit shall be l!eP.r:�d to 1ncl"Jdc any adjacent be'ccnv. ?.'. '.�e
/), ' 1vails and parti!ions which are nor load bearing within tt-e permeter walls of the unit. th: inner ceccratec �1

---�-..;;,_�. .. -:;_:: ;:� . ,_r1
"";""'° �-" •-
'<. ,.

. ,,i , <'
/ .

Section 4. Parking. For valuable i.:onsitler ?.ti,">11. !lie pilrt>infl slots !:hall be assigned on
,1 fast-come-firs-served basis, lo !!nit owners:buyers nf the l'r,i;ei t.

Section 5. !J.ll...9.liln!!1, · Sava tor tho conirne1.:ial units, c111 units in the l'r1111·1·1 shall be
used for resldentlal purposes only end subject to such restrictions 111 n111y b� agreed upon In the ln1trumen1
• cin,eylng auch unit! from l!lt li/!1'111,0P/iR lo the unit owner/buyu ,nd as m1y ue provided in this
Master Deed. ·

Section d. The Com.!!lon Ar'!a!, The common elements or areas of the /11',�/<'( I
(hereinafter referred to as the "('r,nuuon Arco.,•") sh.:ill cor.1prise all the p:irts of the /1.,·n11·,·10Uie1 thil:!
t�e residential units, and shall be classified as follow, to wit:

o. l.i111i1,·,I c '1111,1111111 ,lrc:us • relers to a conunon area assigned for the exctuswe ese c!
an individu� unil (e.g. parking slo!J. , ·

The use and enioyment or the Lin,itell ('01111111111 .-lr,·;,s sha!I be cor,sidered as resnctec :1 e-e
sense that their use and enjoyment are reservod for the bcnef.t of the units \'11thin the buildino Sim::;;r,, :r �
expenses for the repair, insurance premiunis, maintenance and adm•nistration of said /.1111�'"'' < ·1·11;,.,,,, .,,
·l1l·a,· shall be for lhe sole c1nd e.,cluslve account of the indivld11c1I unit cwner/s. Conversely. tho:!
development. landscaping, alteration or rP.pair or c1ny < ;,·111·111/ c '0111111011 .-1 r,·,"· v,hich affects 1he overall
integrity or appearance of L�e whole Project shall be ,egulated by the Board of Director:; of the
t '0111!0111ini11111 ( '111111,r. ·1i1111.
I h. (i,·11,·rul ('0111111011 Arcu.,·
but not limited to the foUowing, to wit :

rf''�rs to ell areas .ind parts of the ,,r,,ii•c1. p;i.1ir.u!?.rl1

The par·�1ls of land hereiabelore described, includin9 all ran1ps, driveways. ro;id�·.;,y�
path1•1ay;, � :ul:s. piaygrJunds and other open spaces withrn lhe JJr1!J,·c1.
(ii) All 1,·alk.ways, entr,1nces and exits. including the gu?.rdhouses. of the I 'r, '.l•'t'/'

. I (iii) Tile perirnetrr w'lls, if any. of tt,e J1r,1.1,·t,.

{iv) Ail central and appurtenan' equipment and installations for utility services such as ccv.e-
lighl. water, garbage, cable television, telephone. se1verage, drainage, water shafts. t?,1f.s
pumps, motr,r fans, compressors and central equipment and all common utility spaces ar::
areas servicing the whcle l'ru)r:r.:1 and the like. and all other utility systems outside tl:1'
towers, except I.he outlets thereof which are located 1ns1lle 011vithin eacn building

(v) The J1r·�1e,:1·., administration office, the club'1ouse. gym. s1vim1riing and l':adi:"lg ;.c:,::
lockers and waiting areas;

(vi) All other parts of the l'rojec:1 and all struc1ltres ilnd lai;ilities, a;,paratuses. cqu1pr.·,i!:·:
installations and areas therein 1vhic� are for general use of the who'e l'r,!1,·.·: c
necessary or convenient to the existence. maintenance or sarety of the entire J'ro1,,, 1:
and, ' •


All oilier p1npert� rights thereln gr<111tetl in tavor c,f the ( '1111,/11111111111111 ( ·1,r1•,,r,,11 •• 11 er
otherwise estob!ished in favcr of or for-the �enefit cf the /'r1y,·,·1 under this �.1asier D���
·--The ( '01111111111 /irea.1· shall remain uncliv1clecl a111 l'C· unit owner n1;iy Lring an acucr f:,r i;<.:�.: : :·.
tncreol except in accordance with the i:-r,visions JI the Ccndomlnium /.ct.

Section 7. The Condomi<1ium Corporatio11. a) A .;orporatio:1 kncv. .. as

the GILMORE HEIGHTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. (hereinafter referred to as :l:;
·, ·,1111/111ui11i11111 ('011J:Jra1io11 ") shall be fOI med and organized pursuant to the Condominium .A.ct ar.j tile
Corporeticn Code to hold titre to the ('1J11111:,111 Are11.1· ol lhi'! l'r,1jl'1·1, to rnanagi:! thr: /'1•,1r1 ran'!•,,-:·.
su<:t: ct�er thin9s as rTlay oe necessa y, incidental or conven'ent to tile accompiishme:it of sard cu���;·:::.

· __
· ..,;... ..·.-
· ·-----
- - --- - -··.
----....- <,
\ '

/Iii owners of up,ts ut the t'roject or those who have no mo-e j)ecunic,ry ob!igr1tion lo the JJ/.:,'l1L·l.()/'l:"I<
shall aulomatidally be members of the c·o1ulo111i1:111111 c ·or,,,1rt,ri,i11 to the exckn • .m of all others. 1:i
accordance \.'1it!1 Section 6 ncreunce. t

The management or tr.e Condomtnnon c:0111oraf1011 shall 'be vested in a Beare of Directors .:::
FIVE (5) members who shall be elected by lhe respective unit owners of the Project based on the ur.·t
owner's appurtenant as determined by Secticn 8 (b) hereof.

Section 8. Nature- and Interest Acquired by 01vnc,purchascr ol UniUs. 111 11,�

ownerpurcbaser of a unit in the /)rojcCr shall acquire ownership of such unit JS oescrned m Secnon 3
hereof. subject to the 1erms an.1 conditions of the instr11n1en1 co11ver1n9 tile unit lo the owner 'purchaser. or
to the ternu and conditions conveying such 1.1nit

bj The owner or purchase; of a unit shall further acquire a ncn-exctusive right to u:1t1zc !11�
( 11111111011 Ari:HsOf the Project.

,') As ,1 consequence of ownership/purchase of il unit. 1he owner/!)urchciser sheu. rubrect ;�

Section 7 hereinbefore, auton1�tically become a meneor of t'te ( '1111do111111111111 ('c117)(1r1111011 \'1i;h suct1
uuerests, participation or equity therein correspondinq to the perc<?ntage or f:action;il share \'Jhich :!1e
weighted floor. area such unit bears. to the lotal saleable area in the l'ro;,'.r.1. 1 he 'tota sa!eable area·
refers to the combined noo1' area of all the units ,n the /1; ojccr. ·


We1gh1ed Floor l\rea ot Unit

...•..•.............•.•.••••••••..•...•..••...••••... : •;, interest of peruccauon " •,. i'l lhe r 1111:111011 ·ir,.1,

Total area ol unlls in !tie /'10Jl!t 1,

exclusive off ·"111111011 A rl'""

The respective percentage or fractional share cf the uruts are stated in the schedule auacbec
hereto as Annex "O".

• ,I) Each member of the (;Q11du111ini11n1 ('017,orc11i,,11 shall share in the common expenses o'.
the Prujec,, and shall have such voting rights in the cases provided in the Condominium Act in accordcece
l'llth thP. szme sharing or percentage stztcd in Annex "D" ne.ect In all cases. the 01v11er of a unit sha::
hav� at least one ( 1) vote in the c.·on,lon1:11i111,, Corporation fer every unit owned by him/n1eriit 111 the

cJ In the event thct the ( '011,/0111i11i11n1 ( '1111u,rc11,011 is dissolved. the members therect 5,".a:·
become co-owners of the ('0111111011 Areas ..vith shares thereto <IS sh11II correspond to t11e1r arrur:�.-·? ·:
mterest or participation in '.j\e ( '()111/rn11i11i11111 ( '111;·;r1rut11111 as prov1d1..d i,11 \his sccnon

I Sectio� 9. Amendments/Revisions of Plans and MJstcr Deed. · 11) Tile 1i1:·1«

,\J I
reserves fhe right to amend at any lime the development plan Dy filing such addilion�I. su�1plen1cntal ac.d :r
rcvrsed plans andfor specjketons as may be rencrco to describe adequately the ccmp'encn ct
urorovements toqefher with the ('.�c1nges therein, if any Such corroteuon r,1.iy be shOw!l t-v c1 cerunce:e -�·
,., .urtntect or 0•l<J1llP.f!1 r:0r1if11n9 l11c1t \hi! improvements h;1v1· hr-,iH ,·011·;tr11cl1)d as her"11' .. ,:i1° .. ,. ·., · �
I ,,
\ 'i
'!r •
; ·�111n<1!ing .iny crvn-ncs ri1;.1de. Su�h ptans. spccnccncns 01 :.,:r!1li.:.otio11. ,,..,1,,::1 �.ign,:·I ,i::,I .· .: · ,:.'·: ·
Liv /l/; I 'E/.(Jl'l;·1< ;ind registered 1:. accordance with S<.�110:1 :. 01 •11c Co11Gcn'•niurn1�Cl s :,!I: conn-;
,,;1 amendment of this �Aaster Deed�
_, h; Pri::ir tc :he complefion of !he /'rfl/et 1. no!\'.;tf1st.1ndu1q ,lr,y terms ;i;·n:: ;,11: ."1� .: :
' ·c;:i:r.i:t to sell over any unit to the cori\rary. 1t1e IJ/;'l '{;'/.tJl'l:·1:. «-scrvcs tho rit:t:: \.: .:·�·,:··:: :,, .. ::·:
-e.ose this �Aaste: Deed with Decloration of Restrictions Qy re jrstennq ·,.::h ;he .: :.e� r-, :' :10t::

t .{
CJ.1,.;:cn City 111 I.\ JI;, ccrresponcmc lnsuument to that eftect du:·, executed l>y. the /J/;'1 r:1.r11>J.'f\


' ·····----�-
4 .··•• ·�"" .
�1a- Q d Ai · I $ •"-•"�" �·N4ea..,..,,. ..,-" �*""--.;.-
· �--�·..··-- __ ;:::.:.C.1 :-.-:.:....: ... -

secucn 10. �1SJ1ll!..C_�-;rillJg. · !'hi:: lh;c:1;11;.ti,,11 of R1�!ihir.tion..:, ti•: rn.iy froin tinvi 1,1
lune ba 11mende�. 5hil!I embody �uch res\fictions, limita'io!'ls. covenants, undertakings and co:1ciitioni es
may be required or permittad by the Condominium Act M tr., U1:ter Deed to be provided herein. Subji,110
certain exceptions as may be expressly set forth in lhe Condominium Act or in the Master Deed herein.
such restrictions, limitations, covenants an1/or conditions sh:1!1 be deemed lo ru11 wifb the land. :11e
buildings and other Improvements making up the l'roject, shall constitute a lien -pon the /'rri,,·�·, and
each condominium unil and shan inure to the benefit cf, and be binding upon all parties 0\'1ning or ho1:l::1g
any unit or any riyht or interest therein or in tl,e Project. porsuant to !he provisions of :�.e Condon1i11iu:11

Section 11. The Management Body. .... a) The< ·011,lr1111111111111 < ·,,,.1H1r,1111111
shall constitute the r,1anagement body of the l'rc11i:�, once the same is fo11na!ly turnecl c,er re :he
t '011tl11111i11i11111 < '1111>orurio11 by lt'1e /)/Jl1/;,"/.(J/•t.·1l. lts PO\'.'f'r5 sh.iii be such us n,ay be provloec t!y the
Condominium Act, the �·.:!!iler Deed, this Declaration of Restrictions. its Articles of Incorporation and By·
Lews. and r,uch appli�abte provisions of the Corporancn Code ·as are not inconsistent ,·:it� ,��
Condominiur!i A::t. Any Sl'Ch powers may be exercised or delegalc:l by or to, such officers Jr ():�tr
persons, i'..nd in such manner, as the By-Laws 1nay provide. The ('011du111111i11111 ('017,ur{l//ou may t:i;�
manaqerial, legal. auditing, accounting ?.nd other prolessionsl and technical services in th2 manner
provided in its By-Laws, The (.'011dfJ111i11i11111 Corporation snail not have the power to conduct an ?.Cti·,.e
business lor the profit or its men?bers or any ofthem. Fo, a period of five (5) years from and after thi: f0rr.ia1
turnover of all units er tt:e l'rojecr by the J)EVE'J.0.01:.'J? t:i ee owners,'buyers as well as .in ccr.1•.::;1
areas of the Project to Lil? Co11do111i11iur,1 ('017Jr;rutiu11, the administration and manaqement c: :"::?
,.,,,,,.,, shall be assigned or delega!ed by the ('0111/tJ11111111:111 (',111H1rn111,11 to a property mana;:;-re.�:
entity to be nornnated by t.he /)/;"J1J;"J.(Jl'Cll.

b) Each b•Jilding .in the Project shall be autonomous in its operalion, ihe 1r:�;i.�.
manaqement or each building sh11i be vested in a 802rd or Governors (5) members for each !01·:er.
to be constituted in the manner provided ror ir· Section I (c). Pan I hereof. A majority of !he msrnbers �ha'!
constitute a quorum and a decision ::if a majority of a quorum shall be sufficient as a valid act c: the E.:aro
of Governors. The Board of Governors '-hail be deerr.ed to perform dele�ated powers r-on the S;,�\1 .:I
Directors of me < ·011,lo111111i1111: < ·P1J,r1r.1111111 in the exercise of their powers. A$ such. th� f:oar.:l ct
Governors shal: have the powers and prerogatives Iv :r.1plen1ent any anc.:or 311 prcvls'cus cf tae
Cone!onliniun, Act and other aort:cabl'? laws. the foregoi�:i �A?.�'.'?r Deed, this Declaraton Kestrictions. :::�
Arhcles of Incorporation and Sy-Laws of the Condon:ini"Jnl Corporation ai;j the :1o'Jse rules of the l'ratrct.
ln case of conni�t or disagreement as to any decision or po!ir.y of lhe BoaqJ of Directors of 1··.\·.
1 ·,.,,,/11111111i11111 ( ·,117111r11111111 ;ind of the Board er Governors of any building, the d�.:1:,1cn or rc·:ry .,f
the: Board of Oirecll)rs shall rrevail and !,hal: be bindin� 10 ,1� units cf 1!,c l',111,·, 1 Jff1•rt�d t!1�11•:•\

�Jo p.cvrsiou or lhe Master Deed nor this Dc,:l.·J.ihon ,1f aesmcuons sh.ill be l,"''$:r1.:•: ,'$
1l:u11111shin9 the powers vC!ilCil m the �lo.1nl •Jf Oi,ccltll$ as the n1.1nc1nr.ruen1 1�oily of tnc 1 •• ·,.i, ·::11, -, ·:
t ·,,,1,11r111io11 ;ind as such, all contracts or actions 10 Cc entered into 01 b1ouut11 lor 01 r.�.ir;•[1 :!,:.:
1 ·,,11,(111111111111.·1 1 ·o,.,.,,rnrii11, sliail te executed. pr:'l�·.,:r.utrcl or drl,�ndc:I 11'1 the n:u;;r, c' :�?
t ',111,/1111111,11111; ( 111/1111\///(JII.

Section 12. Maintcnancc...Bep,lirs ar.dlor,Atteration.�. a�

=-··- main!enanr.e, repairs. allara�ons. etc. works shalt be as follows. 10 1v11:
individual suet maintenance. repar :.r alterauon tha: benefits ..::1., •r·.: ·..�.;:;:
J •
ur'its in .1 p;1111rul�.1 buildi11g:
such mainten.:;nc(!. repair or alter?.t1::ir1 tha: ten:�.:: ·.··: : ... ::
(ti) general
--·\--·--- f'rry1·(·1 or the t;�neral com1n,Jn areas.

;21 n1aint.:1nancc of and repairs of ariy ur.i: 1!1 th':: 1 ', ·,1et·1 (o\!,(;; i:'l<.n rr1c: .::::r :;�.::: r) �-·';
�= ;•-.;-
cep?.irs to any ot the C,011111u111 .4ri:a1· ccr.tain"?d therc1;1 nol nei.:ess1t:1tr.d'by t�: aci o: ne;:11�e:-:e
unitov,ner, lenant or occ:.1pa11t thereon sha:1 be 1nac'e t1•. and:.11 \11� expense ol ·.:::: 01·.ner c! s�.::·1 · :<:

E,lC.h unit owner sh.ill he r('sponsible ror 11n damaqes to .ir.y ott,�r un:t anc to the (',1111111,,,1 Ai 1•(11 resu!:•r.�
f/0111 t1is fc1iiurc or refusal lo elfect such n1aintenc1nce ar1d/or rr.pairs. Erch 111111 rit·,nr.r !.h;1H also he
1 �su.,nsible to pron1ptry report in writing lo the Ooard of Oirec!ors of any delecl Of need for repairs on any ol
1hc r ·0111111011 Areos !ound or within the vicinity of his unit. The 13or1rd or Directors shall initially deternuoe
�.tletller seen :epair or maintenance shall he classified as in,11vidual or general. JI classified as individual.
<he concerned unit O\'!ner/s shall be responsible for such rep?.ir and/or maintenance. !1 the event that rt e
:1.,�s1fication is generai, the ('0111fr,,11i11i11111 r·,,,,,u,·c,1ir•11 shall be responsible tor such repair and/or
maintenance. Common areas are classified as lin1ited O' �rnPrill as specified in Section 6 of P;u1 I hereof
><Ji others ,"lot sc cl;issifie,j shall be. determined by the Board of Directors whose :1c;1s,c�.� in coses er
,:on1ict. ;� final.

Except as mayhe limited or restricted herein or ia :he By·Ltl\'1S, eacn unn ov11;�: s:1::.. 1:1:·.r: ·
et::lusi�e righL at his o�vn expense, !O paint. repalnl. wax. p;111c'. or othelwisc rctini�I, .111d .c> · ,:,, r
inner sertaces of the walls, l\oors. windows and doors bounding his own unit.

Notwithstanding the !oragoing provision!:, the ov,ner tenant or occupant ol a unit in the !,,nj,-.:1
,n;:.)' not undertake any slruclurel repairs or .ilterc1tions, or ;;ny other work \•1hich \'1ould ieooardrze t!ie s�.f::y
c,r s:ructural 1,1tegf:ty of any of the buildings in th� i'r,,:,·1.1. or any ouer unit or (.1r: of ;!1e 1 ·, ·•,:": ••.
r,, .,,. ot iu1p;1u ,111y e.rscment. without the prior npprovat -,' tbe f '1111•.fn111111•101· r ·,, ,.. ",:;; . n- r:•·:: �, .....
owncs of the units !Jirccdy alfcctr.d by s:1ch \Yu1k

c) All maintenance of arid repairs to the ('0111111,,,, tlrc"s, whether lccated 1n�;�e ;;; ou:si�':
s.e ur,ils {un!ess necessitated bv the act or negligence of a uail owner. tenant er occ.ce-u 1;; •:.�.::ri case
such expense shall be charged 10 the owner of the uni:) sn�ll lie made Jy tti� tcwer 1!,1:: ovne.s :· �··; :::�
< '0•1!!0111111111111 (.'1111,or<1tio11, anplyiny the prtncinles embcoied in ttits secffcn

d) The By-Laws of the c·o11do11•i11i11,11 � '0111oralloJ1 n1ay ccme-n ncn f:.::r-:;; ;::.�\ s � -, �
:�l;itn:g t:,, ma1ntenar,ce. repairs, alterations or a:Jd1lio11� l'l �.1:ppl(!rr.e�.: the ornv1sic;;: h1re r, '

Section 1:.1 Assessments. a) t.; se-': t,,iie a;:J 'n ss::,1 11�;11::-.::· ss S";;'· :�
;i:0•!1\1ed in the By·L •.vs oi the c·'""/0111111111111 r·"17,,,,111u,., there !.hdil he ;,s�-:ss�: r.�:, -s: �::·
cwne- in the! ,,y,·,·1 ar.o paid to :.1e (.'011,!1111111,111111 I ·,11111·111•1u11 the fol:o\·1in9. io 1·111:
I (,) · 1
Regular assessments lo: 01:era11ng r:�rl•nres. . !i e ( ·, 11,i, ,, .... ,., • •1

( 011.i•1rut1f111sha(I. uom fime tc fime. and at ann1,.il1y, �repare <1:1 e-amere of :h: (1=::ra�:19
expenses of !he ('011J,:n,1111,11n Cr•17H1ra1i;,11 aad assess against eac't ur.,t owre: tr. prc;c ,::: :.:-
sucti uu't uv111er'$ appurten;,.it interest in the 1 ·, 111,11,111111111,11 ( ·11, r•11r, ,11, ,11 sue� ;;.�· :: ..�.:5 <":; s- ,,
be nt:ceslary \·) n•ce! oper,1ung expenses ):1rh ,'.,1,:!nies �.h;dl in�\a�,: b .. t �'1?1!! 11.,,.: �·� '·-- :::; .:
the lollol'lu1g to \Yi! : I

I) The cost or insurance poli!::1cs ins11r;rig the!',,·:,,; .19;i1risi ;�·�s t,,.

carthQuake, ,;,1sua1ty �ability .tnd oth�1 inst1r,1L1l1i r1sJ.. s 111 a.;.co, �;;11,:e n 1th S:'i'.t1,,:;.� : ·,\ .·n.1
17 hereof and lo the r.xlent deerncd n('c�ss:irv L1y thci < ·,,111!,11111111.11·1 r ·,.1,., .•. ,.,. .•..

lJ The cost of regular ;.1111\ r:.>cuuent maintcn.ioce ,.!ild 01·J11':!:y ·-:� �·.r:
uolitles ar,d other sP.;v1ces benefiting tll".! 1 '1111111111,1 •• 11 l·t1� of th� I'• 11.ll·, ,.

J.J The: �O�I or h11r111tur·. ,:1111,·,h11:·:. fi\;u1r.s :-,ail '!ri; p111.-,11: f,, t:-,1', ·
:, :!rr:•1.1· of tte �-rojccl and !he m:.iin l)bJ ,' :h·1rr:'01 .is U1e , ·(1111,'11111111.11111 1 ·, : ."· ,: . ,:.1". :n,iv

frorri timt: to :ime detcrmin'? to be nr:c�sa.'! .111,1 c.ro1>t:r

-·. .;,1 Ttf cost._,, any ut.1�· ., ,1;>;111Js ·,1,:'lj1!ie�. :lirn·�'.·:a�s a=i.l :,\:,: �·.,;
·.�rv1c.1s. ,n:1•n!":1ance. 1t"ptms 1;,·.,;:; :;r ;;,;,;-:��.n'ICr·:s \'.';·.:::11 :�c · ·
.l ' : ·,11;·1r1r,,1:;J11 is iequircd or crn;:io•:.:..·�·J lo ct1;, ic u;idcr 111�· l.lJ$'.:!r :tr\�J c

e;i'.orceMe:-,t of the provision:, of the iJu1IU1n_g Rvles: prcvidt:d. ina: 11 such e>.r1;��;;, .;·:
sper,t /01 l)ill1icuiar uni:s in the t', ,,1,·1·1. surh expenses ;tian lhP.real't::r b: ?.s5�5s�j
ar,(linst the rriember/5 owni'1D su,;h ur1ts and shall <15sessed under Par 1111 ot �-;;1.,11 : :::



j) Ihe expenses erumeratad in Section 13 (a) (1) 1 (2) f3.J and f.JJ nereo: r,
r,hall bo charged equitably to and amorg lh<? l,rlrl owners benefited by such expendnures
h,1se1I on their in\ or p;:11 ficipa'iun i111hL , ·. ·11, /, ,11111111,111 1 'rt1 J111r1111, ,11

O r.J If :he i.'v11do111111111111 ( ·"':''Htt111u11 'v estimate or oper;i\1ng ex;ieris•;s

proves inadequc1le for .iny reason. irclu,1in'.J ucnpayrnent of any assessment 1t •l'.?\' ,,:
any time levy a further assessrnc-u

(//) Requl<H assessments for ca1)1lal ,1,� ' ·, .. : ..·· ·""•' . ,I"
<.:1,1,11o•C1ti1111 shall levy upon all nrembers retauve tc their mterest of t1:11"11c1c:1t :�, ,:-. ::.;
( ·o,11lo111i11i11111 { �o,7,or<1flo11 an annual assessment f:)( the purpose of creenn � and. 'T'lr.1n;;1:,11ng 2

special func1 fot c.ipital expenditures on the ( '11111111n11 •• 1,,·111 ot the /'1 r11,·c1. 11ciud1ng ttc cost <'f
extraordinary repairs, recc,nstructions or -estcrutcr.s necessnated l>y d;in1c?go:? !0:::,re:C.<1' r;:·,
obsolescence. expropnanon or condemnauon of such 1 ·, ,,11111011 .·II ,·11., or part'� lhr1:c.:-.' ,1.� c.:: :-s
the cost or improvements or additions the1eto au'.lain,:ed 11, ;11.. cordaucc \":1\11 ! 1t' 111t•: :"":•·� .' :: :'
By-La ·1s of the r '011,!11111111111111 (.'1n11orat1011 S·.1c.,1 c,1pi!c1I expenses shJ!! be ,:hargeci ,; ... :y ::.. :h:
concerned ur.!t owners ber.cfiled by such expe:1ui1'J�2s tns?U on t�eir in!e::est !" I pa :1:.� a· · ··
I ', 111,/11111111111,11 I '/Jl"f'' '1"11/11111

1111! Deficiency ancl other nssessmc.ns Specral .�$�\::S�··:1;-�.:� ': - · · ·

for the defic1ent.y in case t11e special fund oroviJed for 111 Pai. 111) hcrc1nllefcre, to�e:1:-::: ,·. ::
Insurance or other proceeds or recovery, if ar,)·, are insufficient to co•,er the ccst er s·.::-- :2.: :;:;
expenditures. unless the damage, obsolescence. exproonauon or concemneuo-us �'. s-..::!; ::,.:;·:
as to rneet the corcflons for dissolution of the c·,,n1/r1111i11111111 ('01711or<1:11111 te n. -er �- :··�
r:011do'l1iniur1 ;ind the rP.quired vote of lhr 111111 o\vnr1�. l1f the entire ·"" ;,·,, eec.c.. ·:· �-
disscluuon, lhert! n1ay c1lso be assessed anc11:1;1 t:,r ,1111! owners. in \ht! 11an:'1'r p:���·:L· :
or in the By-Laws or the (·1111d1111•111,11111 (·,.,�•••• ,1:,:11111 such othe; asse<;sn1�),;5 ?(
specific.illy prcv:c!ed herein. Such assessmems e.h(111 be c�;irgcd only a�;:r.;t 1:·:: c-:
concerned purr.utnt to lhe scheme provided 111 P ;11 ,·., • her ·J111L1r.!ore

1 ,,-J Specie' assessments for sep,u ,1tr c •.pr:1r,l", F ;: :v:ol;ir •!'1 ::: r: 't ,
be suU1cc.1 to specia! assessments authorilerl u, ;,1:c1111l,111c(! w-lh "he f\1.1:.te1 ,h•.:J er \,': :·:,·'.. .. :
oft"� ('011,lc111111111,111 ("0171orar,,,11 for nl,,l·i1n1n10111expe11ses (hereir ater :ei':·:-;.;! ·� �-:
··s�·p,11 (1/1' I: l"Jl!!/1.\t'., • J such as. bui not ii:nitctl 'c. /;1J expenses !or the ni.i1:1tcnance a:ij ·e;.::::

ollan1 unit it such maintenance 1r repair is ir, the ;udyrn�nt ol the {."on:!ro11,11.1111n (':1•·p1,•:-1n1•.''�c.-,v :11 pr::it ct lbP, floors, the <'1111111u,1· .1:·.·:n or ;iny other p::in,on r,f or to sc'eg·.:?.':! r-s
value anc! anracee.ess or 11:e ,111<! 1?11' •11111 t11 ·ne11!, lail� 01 rct.11,':, 1,., ;',·1;1':!o' ·. :·

maintenance or tepar 'JI his111erlits un11/s 1•1;H11n the• '1111e fixed 111 ee 1·.r1tti'n r.;::.:;:· ,'' :•·;:
01uto,1111,:1r111 < ·,,111oru111111, then
tt1e ("1111d,,11:111:11111 l · 'IJ!P1·1111r111 siu!II .11ere;1::�; ;1-:;s��� $? .:
expenses against the men,1be1/s owr.:ng such u:11t1s· and. (ii/ 11ssessments or lees ror :I":: 1.:5:? ar::
enjoyment of the Prrii1tct'.\ Li111il!!d ('0111111011 ..i,r:11.,·. such as but nvt lini:tcd to l.'�!:r·:?� :;··.·
tcrraciis. p:uking sp;ices ;ind othe; portrors of ;tic, ·111111111111 .-lr,·11� under tl;,s l.1;is:�r ��e,:
\ th•s r19ard, the c:o,u/0111111111111 l 0111ora110·1 n;Jy i111pcsP. interest an!! pen,i!ly cl:J'�!'.::, t.',

\ sue�, speci;:,I asscssmenls

\ b) Classification of a:;sessments.
(oJ indrJ1d11al .issessticn! dr<"Nn agninst c111 i'1�1i:10:1cl :1r,i1 lo, its sci,;
·, b�nrf1•:

th) ass:;ss:nc·,it ,irawn .:iQcunst a:I \l!Hl 01·.11i.:r :; 111 a:t' .: · .. ·

-- c) Assessments 3gainst u;iits in the /'r,,:cl·, for romrr,on expen:es sl,a!i ::e cilst· �-
;,�r,�riant r n t!.:re�t� _llf particioation as detcrm,r;ed u,v�er Seclion 8 (c) here')! ..

r " '
�" .-�·

iin1itat1on, ('01111111111 l·,\1•<•11.\i:,,· sl1all include; t1) cxp1:11·,1 . 1: 1 ,,11 •. 111,1:,11.111 •• n ,.: ,,1 1, 1 u, .. :,t.,.� 1 ·· :, . 1
and expenses for maintenance, opereucns. repair, or rep' ,1-::·.:n\•n1i; ol the f '11u11•1r,•: .11i ·, :,. as \':t:!! 11:; tlit·
cos: for their lmpre,,�ment!; (ti) 1ny valid charge against the /'1,ut·�·, il� a \·1�:te c· the r 'r111.lu1•:1•1:i1111
< '11rporc,1io11; and, (iii) expenses de,;Jared to bl· ('111111111•11 l·:.,·p1'11.1·i:J by the pro,.iis!ons o! :ht /,'.i!s:v.:
Deed or the sv-t.ews of '.he c..·v,ufo111111i1111, c.·o,�1oro111111

e) Unless ctnerwise specifically provid('cl h\ u· e r '0111!0111111111111 ("111 t" ,, a1111•,. tt:e fc::e;::r,;
assess-nents shall not be refundable.

Q The amoun; of any assessment, the intere!.tls C:ue in case of delinquency. the .:21.;t3 c'
collection (including a1torney's lees. ii ilny) or r1ny pen:iltr ror delinQ,!Cncy !.hall ,:ons11h1te a lien :ir,;1·��- ···�
Jnit and t:1e unit owner's intere!.t or participation in 1he c ·,J'n/1111111111011 ('o111•0•.,11,,,. Su.:�:,�,:� f",. ·'
constituted r!nd enfcrced, or the amount of the assessment vtl1f:rY1isa? c,:,11ecl::id ·n '.10 ma-rs- :·:. :: �
the By-Laws of the ( '011,lu111i11111111 Carpomuon. •

g) Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration of Resuicuo .,; or m r.e C:::.r.c::;-;·,,., � ·•·
Act. the lien or assessment hereunde: shall be superor to .ill cuer liens and encumorances

h) In case of foreclosure, the transfer or :he conveyance. as ,·,ell as t�,e r:?C�,,1p:1J;1 c: :�i;
delinquent unit shall include the unit owner's appurtenar.t membership in the ( '11111!011u11;:,1.•:
( '0111orc,tio11 The ( "011·lon1i11111111 ('or11or,111011 shall have the power lo bid at the foreclcsure s:ile

i) In case of defc1u!t by any unit owner .n ihe pc':\ 111en1 of a:'ly assessment 1f'CluC1",� anv
interest ar.� penalty itnrecn, the ('1111clrl111i11111111 r·ri,,,,110110:i. wlthotrt creoucc to any c:tier Pg:t: :r
rernedies to wnicn it is entitled as provided herem or 1n law or equuy. upon p11or 1·.;1:1=:i oct cc :. " . c
Cefaulting unit owner, lo cut off or w1U:ho:d fro1n s11c?1 un/1 o- un,t owner. uuhtics ;;::1110: ��:\··::'S vt- :·: ,,-�
;,rovided for or :ldn,ini�tered by tht (.'111ulo111i11111111 ( ·o,,H,,,1,11111 for such reason-b'e pence ,.:f; :··-:' .=� ::·�
c '111,,/r1111i11i11111 ('0111orn1ion ma1 determine.

Section 1'1 Real Propcr1� Tates and fl!�C-�.lli!..C,6l\S. Each r.r : cv.rc: s'u-
•·•cc11'(.' suet· insuumenrs ;ind take such ;,r.tion� ;,� 111,1r rr.a�nnc1hly be sp1ii.:1fic·d bv :i·,11 . , .: ... ;,;, ......
< ·,,,1),l1u1;1111 to ob'ain a secararc assessment of IH!: own unlus for purposes c' ta,:i:·.:·1 a:·��:'(."'·''
assessments on real property. Nevenhelcss. If t'tcre 1$ any oossibihty 1:1at anr tax or assessn'e:u ::.,,)
become a lien on the units cf the l'r,�j-:,·1 or a11y part nl tne 1 ·,11111111111 ,lr,·1". !h� same 111,,y be r,11.1 i') i'1-1
( ·,11ulr11ni11f11111 r,11110:·t11io11 and said amount ;;h-il! 111 1u1)1 be ,1ssessed by ·.:le lc1r.e1 a;a1:1si ::--:.: ·• � .:
0\'1ner/s concerned. toge!her··Nith such rate of •ntc11?�\ ,111d costs as nuv l'e c\t'tt>rn1·nc� :·,. :ht'
( '011,lu111f11i11111 ('0111ora1i<,11. Such assessment shall ccnsutvte a lien on the unit's so assessed i'u' :·:;.i:::
to Section hereinbelore.

Section iS. Uselimit11tions. The units and their c.orres�ondrng L P 1:•11 .•• : 0 1
.' , •. , ', ,.,
shall be cccuplcd and used subject to the rcllo·.vinu lmutntons. to wlt:

fuJ No 111:it owner. except wh-n 1: h.:1s :h� u,;o: 1·1n11�n apor,J·,al ni ee r ·,,,,,/r,111111111111
5Va:I occupy or use his/hr.1/1\, unit's o- pennt the !>:1rl'P ur an·; r:irl u.c-ec: '.i? be
t '01111i111111111.
occupied or used for ilny purro!ie olt1er 1han t1u11r,111:d ,n the �\;is1c1 Oc1 cl.1h1�. f'::oclnr;.- ,••; "'

Restrictions, or under 1t1c per1inent t:or,11.ic1 to tll:y ;ind Sell. 11ro11d�d lh.11 lht' 1.n:�'1 1:: 111'i'
inconsistent with the preceding two docurnenis. Unless the �iaster Deed is amended. r,� ur,·1 may
be divided or scbdiv1ded into smalle� units nor any por1ion thereor sold or otl)er.-•. ise :ra:isr�;r:-:!
(h) ( ·,"1111u111 Area.\ (except lhe / 111111,·,/ < '11111111u11 ,I 1 ,·11 ,J o! the units 1n:encled for
the furni!:hing of services and facilities for the common {'njoyment of the uni!s shc1II be used only for
such purpC.St?s .ind snilll not� appror,natr.11 l<.,r :tre exclusive use or be�(:fil or any particulr.r unit
or units. There sh;:i:t be no obstruction ol the< '111111111,11 1i,.-c·11, intcndr.U fr,1 111•Jr•:-:·, c;r!::.� ::r
access rrom or to .:1ny �art of the ('01111111•11 .1r,•11s (txc(:pt in thoc;e inte:ided for storc1gei \':,t�:u:
the previous consent or the C.'011du,11i11111111 c '01J)(Jr111i1111

(,�I Thr. /)/;l'E'I.Ul'El? Jndl0t its assignees shall have the so!�· right :o ?.:lcpt.

, ,...
display. install, cC1nstru-:� G\'1n · nd ontro: such signages ;in-�r;iphics in t�c i11 ,.,..,, a:-d r.o

c;2 '
sign of any kine: shall be drspla-ed to uc
publn. v1c1•1 1,1 er from anv 1:n t er c111, �":.:·:·Jn r;' i",'.:

/1111/t't·/ without the prior wriften consent of the /J/! 111:·1. ()/'/! /?

1,IJ No use o.,ictic" shall bo perrni:tc<: withm c111y p;,11 of the /'1111,·,·t l'lhich n1;;'1 be
the source of annoyanc:e lo occupants the''?in or which m11y mtertere with the peacelu! possession
and proper use or the property by the occupants /\lo immoral. improper, offensive or unlawful use
shall be mace of any part of the Pr,�jr:,·r.

(1!) All parts of the /1rrije1,·1 Shelli bf! kept ir, a plea�a:it ;ind �anit�ry ccndi�:o.'\ 11r,1 r.,:
clothes nr lauiidry mc:terials shall be hung or dried on u.e doors or wirdcws t.s 1·,outd expose the•·
to public view, and no rubblsi, refuse or garbige shall be allol'led to accUrnulate nor ;ny f:r;
hazard allowed to exist.

(ll All valid laws. orclnancej anu regulations of all qovemment boo-es r.;!·,i�.;
jurisdiction thereof shall be observed and corupued with.

(.l:J Nothing shall be done or kept in ;111y part or the J'ro1,·r11·1hich 1·1111 rncre:1se t�-':
rate ol insurance on the J>roj,·,·1, except by prior written consent of the 1 ·1,1111·,,n,1111·,,:
Co1poralio11. Ariy such increase ir1 premiums shall be chargeG eqamst ;�e dei:n�,::=i':
unit owner/sand assessed pu'suant to Sec'lcn 13 (al r,, (JI hereof. In no case may ar.y'.hi.�9 oe
done or kept in any part of the /,,-1!i<·c·r whic� 1•1111 result in tile cancellation of the ir.surance c,1 a-'.
tower or any pan t'iereof.

(Ii) Nothing shall tie done to any unit or in or to any of the ('111111:u111.-;1\·.1, ·:. -c-. ·: ·
imparr the safety or structural integrity of c1ny of the towers.

111 In addition 10 the easements p10111d�d hrrem andlor hy i�1·:1 :hr: , /. , "":, .•
lre111· lor,ated 1v hhin tile units shall be subjett 10 :111 easement for stone 111 ta.or rf ,;i! :,·· t- ·:
1·1h1ch such < '11:11111r,11111,·t1., are capahle of 1en1!cring srener. This easement shall entse '.l'e 1111::
01v11erls afler,'::!d lo replace. renew. or restore f!ny shelter, ar1d. (:J eacn un,i sh:111 be su:Jj��· tr ?r.
e 1se1·1e11! for 'the passage of water. seweraqe. drr1i:i.1y·�. ga's, elecuicitv. g?.r�age. t�le;>ho,.� ,·a�·;
Ielevislon and olher utilities and services in favor of the ( 'u11do111111i11111 ( '11111111 ,11,,111 as ·::'! 1 a;
every other unit necessantr rtependinq 011 lhe easement for extension of sa cl uunnes and s�:·.:;�:
to the units. These easements shall be- exetc'sed rn the manner which least interferes 1·:i:!; ::·,e cse
and enjoyment by tl,e servant uni�t
(i) Until the .JJ£1 'EL(JJ'EI� has ::on1pieted and sold all tht units in the /·· •;,, 1.
neither the unit owners nor the C,,11do111i!li11111 ('011)(1rn1ir111 nor the use of any part c,: th:
l'r0Jt·1..·1 shall intertere with the completion of the contemplated improvements and the sale cf tte e
units. The J)EVEL(JPER may make such use of the unsold units and th� ('011111.·011 .:!r��1., as
n1ay facilitate such completion and sale, including bu! net limited to:the r-amteneace or a sa'es
office, the showing of the property and the cl1spl.iy of sig11.iges ·
�· .•. • (A I Reas1,n,1ble regutatlons (he1r111.1Hr.r rr.rerrccl to as 1hr1 ·1,·,ot,111,:,: ;;· . ,1,.. ;,
0, concerning the oCCljp?.ncy r1nd cnjc·•n1E"nt of the units c111d or the < '0111111,111.·lr<.!11,· therefor mav be
made and enanded by the c:011clv111111111111 , '1117,.-•1Y,1H111 in the manner novdeo in its Sy-L111•1s
1\ Copies of sucn Ji111/ch11g /�11h·.� shall be furnishcc by the! '1111il,1111i11i11111t·,.,,,"1,111,••110 ;,.:I 1.11•t
"i, owners ,uu1 Oir.upt11:!s of the l'r1,j,·, ·1 upon moper request
-- .\·'·. Sccucn Hi Insurance. TIH• 1 ·.• ,,./,,,1111111u11 1 ·,.,,.,.,.,,,., ..,, ::h,111 f,,. «s :,,,.
anll for the benefit ot all unt owners or)he:r r.loitgi!qc� .. rf ;1ny. JS tl1e1r interests •11.1y ,1pp,;:;11_ ol'<.11:1 :inJ
maintain at all limes separate fi.e insurance covcraqe tor the /!1 ·'./<'ll, 1·,ith such t,.terided co·:er;,;e as ,S
customary for buildings in the locality, for the ru11 reinstatement va'ue of tte ?.'"l'·�S'° j ·1" :$ ·-;·,:· . .
lurncture, furnishings. fixti.:r�s. improvements 211d personal prope1!1es ::.up�:ied or inst.=:"e1 �'.· :�.-.: ,..:·, 1.
01·1,1er) and the ( '11111111:,11 A 1·c111· in the J'rt!/<'ct. Sur.h rt�inslc1ten·,1'11\ v.1h1e ri1ay. 1·,1\11 1:11.1 c�1r1f..: rn1,t1 . ' ::1
insuraure cor11p;i11y concerned, Ul' revised by the i :,,.,,f,•111111111111 1 ·,117•,•1,11.-,·11 110111 11•,11 {\' : 1 1:,
necessary. The policy o� policies shall provide that the proceeds thereof sh.ill be payat;,io; .::- t:-:=
r ·,11ul,1111i11111111 ( '11rp;1ra1.'r111, as tru5tee fer the unit 01·,ners or their n1ortgagees. 1f c'.11� ilnd sub·eci ) ;: i'1:�
\1:11•tc1lto:�. �11,111 :ii'..'.: r,ro•1i1I,:: ((Ir a ·:c11.i101c o��. p; ;ihl,· 1 n1h,,�1:·11t'nl 111 fil\'t·• ,1111,,, · ,:,•. :: ,j 1'.' ·',
' (,,1o. • ..

---------------·-·------------· · 0

unit, ii any. Upon receipt of the proceeds, tile ('011,!0111111111111 f ·orp11i a111111 shall use or pay :�.e 5a-:1e 1:-,
the manner pro,•ided !or in the imn,ediately rollo,ving section. The pre:niums on such po :�y or �o:·:ies 5;"1r,'i
be considered ('01111111111 F.-.:1Jt•11,·e or the lr111r.'0111i11i11111 1 ·or11111<1fi()11 anj shall be assessed 39ainst
each unit in accordance with the provis'ons of Sectio.i 13 hereof. The authority to iidjusl tosses und::!:
poncres hereafter in fore!'? on the Jlrr1icct pursuant to this secfion shall be vrsted 111 !111'.' t ·,·•:.!,,,1:1•:1·11•:
i ·11111oro111111, provided. however. that an aggrieved uni; Cl\:ncr may ask 1ha1 the d<:?:erm1r.a:::1 :: :ri;
('or1H1rati1111 bC' referred lo a -eputable 1•1s,1rJnre af.1us1cd accecrabre to bvth oames
( ·,,,,if11111i1111,111
Nothing herein contained shall bf! constr.ied 10 prchrbrt .:n1 unit 0\'111e1 or his mcrtqaqees fro·r .:-�·::i,·: ";
additronaJ insurance on the unlt conespondinq to 1l1P. unit owner's improvements therec- r-c. · ::-: :
however. that such right shall be exercised in such a ,va1 as not to decrease the amours :e?.J1�;;:<e _:- ::e·
the insurance coverage obtained by the (.,'u11do111i11i11111 <.'01Jx1rar;o11; and, provided further. tha; :h!! i.::1·:
owner or his mortgagees shall be obliged to notify the (.'<111do111111i11111 Co1port111011 m 1·:ri�r.g b:!o::
obtaining such additional coverage and, within thirty (JC) <1a·1s alter issuance of the Doi1C)' :c f!:e a =��Y
thereof with the ('011'lc1111i11i11111 Corporouon.
Sectior. 17. Insurance Claims. ,\ll proceeds lrom insurance claims cr.!es� ·
conditions for the dissolution of the C'u11dun1i11i111n ('or1x,;·ari1111 required by the Conrornmium Aci e) ;;
and the required vote of an unit owners in the entire l'ro;c:c·t decide for dissc.,tution, shall be exclusively
used for the reconstruction or repair of the Pioject damaged er thereof. Reconstruction er repair as
used in the present context shall me3n restoring the pariicular thereof to the same condition as i:
existed prior lo the loss. with ear.h unit and ('0111111011 Ar1·as having, to the closest approxmaton possible.
the same vertical anti honzcnlal boundaries as beloro.
I .
If the insurance proceeds ace insufficient to pay ?11 1he ccsts of reccnsuucucn or repair o! the
c ·11,11111011 Ar1·(1.\·, a special assessment shall be made ;i3ainst each unil owner to n1clke up fer :�.�
deficie.1cy as provided in Section 13 hereir,helore.

If If''! pro-rara insurance proceeds are in insuficcnt iv cover all thl? costs of r,iccns:;uri::-n er ;etir:r
1f one or more of the destroyed or damaged units, the 1 °f'111l,411111i1111, < ·011·111u:,11•1 111;,y :;::,·:�·:>-:e'.:::5
procee,jj.''ith the reccnsncton or repair c,f the cesrovett or cttu)1agcd uniVs ,ind th1• rcspecwe .�:.r�rs :.f
such de troyed or damaqed unir/s 'ihalt become liabfe 10 an assessment 'o: the deficiency. uruess e.e
1.or1d1tions for dissolution of lhe C '011clo1t>i11it•111(.'t1111u11:i,0111cquircd by the Cor.c:,;r"·r um :.:: r-:1 ';: a-:'
•ht! required vote of uni! owners 1u the r.n6r� J 'r, 'l•·ct l!cl'utc l1l1 111s5oh1\1on
. '
If. by reason of the dissolution of the c '1111,/,111111111111 < ·"'l"'rr11""' o. for ?.:1y otl,'!: r,:;:s,:,;·
nsurance proceeds .:re r,ol used.'or reconsirucuon or rci ,IJ as herein prov1:lcl!. l!1e ,;:"10(·.l� s-r "e -> •
10 the respective n10rlgagtes ol"ihe units or to lilt: i ·,.,,.1, .. ,111111r111 I ·,11::•11111::, ,11 t:, :;\; :,:t": ;· ... :
?.nVJunt outstendi11y on the loa11 secured by 'be 11nit Jr 1hl' 1 ·,11111>1•111 ..I; 1'(1., �· p.;;� s 1::�•,c1'i · .1::1 :'·.:' c
\j oe. and the balance o: the proceeds to U1e ownens :11ercof, as his or thi::r mte-est r;,r.)• ::;�::: e':e-
d!!ducting the amount or ariy assessment due from therr,

\ Seeton 18. ProccdurqlorTransfcroJY.r�.t�. Except ::-:c.i�O::$ c'
g1h by hereditary succession or IC another unit owner no uuu owner ruay ellcc:1.'r·iJ ,.1��·r: .. ·' •
1·111hout nie wdtten approvnl or c'enraace hy th:! ( ·•• 11,i.• 1111,1111,ir, ·,.,,,,,,,,,,,,11 A 1:,11\ r: . .,,. • · .. ·
mate ;1 bon<1fidr: $rile of hi!. uml �ha!i !Jive 10 thr. i ·•• ,, t.• 11:11u,1111 r ·, .• , ••,,,11,,11 11n::rc• Pl :,::11 ,"'.· ..•.

:0\1:.!thr.r wit11 th:: 11,uuc an(t .�dc!rr.s5 ,)t the p1cpu$ ... tl '.·u,,·1 .• ind !;u,:h ,1:ht'• 111h•;·;1,1:1,'r1 ,._,:1;:'·1· ":: :'·:
., rrop:"Jsed buyer c.s the c '011,fo:11,11111111 t '0111"r111,,.11 rnJy reilsona�ly rt:qu:rc Sucl; 11ot1�� .• :: ::•,.:: 1::::,: ...: ·
'. i the ur,il owner. m,1y trlf1ud.<? a dc111c1nd by the unit i.;1·111c1 Ulilt 1he t ·,,11.lo,111,:.1,111 i , ••.,.,,,.,:,·,,,,,. !.:·r,:'·. ct
_. buyt U !he vriit ov,ner's proposud buyer is not a11provr.ct by tht! I ·,,,,//, ,11111111,111 t ·, ·• ;•, ,, .,:; .•• ,. :t· 1 ! �: .'"
demand is made. thP. notice shall tic ar.compc..1ied by� r.opy or the proposed sates con:rac; \",;;:·,:; :;,\:1
days fron1 receipt of the aforesaid notice. the (',111do111111111111 ('011111rctlir111 n1ust ei:her approve or
disapprove the proposed transai.:tion. If approved. th,. i1ppcova1 sh.ill be .stated in a certif1ca:e e.�ecu!ed ty
the ar:i;:,ropria!e off1-:er in registrable fc.rm, as required by Section 18 of the Condo1lin1um Act. pro•:!ded ::-.e
other pro�isions of this Declara6on of Restrictions have been complied v1itt1. If the ('011do:111n. •1.i:
c ·11111t11·0111111 disapproves a proµosed sale and ii the nol1cc of sale given tiy the unit O\ sMi!'i �t"
demand, then within sixty (60) days alter receipt· or s:1ch notice and d�mano, t11e c ·,,,uf,n11111,11!ii
( ·,,,,,,,,."""" shall deliver or pi�1il 10 l�e '""' own�r an ofter from� buy�r c��'�' t·. :le

•. --
0 0

('011tlon1i11i11111 ('017J"ratio11from among other unit owners witting to purchase the said unit under the
terms arid conrliUons set fortt1 in U1e proposed sales contrik.l submitted by the selling unit owner. If lhe
('1111t!omi11i11m (�o,1}{)ratio11 shah fail to provide a ?uyer as required herein, then notwithstanding the
di:.approval, the s�e shan be deemed to have been approved. and the ('01ufo1·1i11i,1111 Cor1>uratio11 shall
be ob�ged to furnish a ce11ificate of aprroval as provided eerflcr In this sec6on. The Hmitations and
restrictions contained in this ser.lion sh.Ill not applicable to the original conveyance of units made by the
IJl:'J'l!'/.( JJ'/iR.

Sectiop 19.. Notice ot Lien or Suit. a) A unit owner shall give a written nob to
!he 1 L'o11</0111i11i11111 l'r»7x,rc,rir111 of every lien upon his unit (other than �ens in favor of the
(.'011don1ini11n1 l 'or111Jru1io11), within five (5) day,; after the attaching of the lien.

h) A written nutice shall be given by a unit owner to the C,,111/011,i,;11,r,1 ('urporCltiun of

every ::uit o, other r,roceeding which m�y affect the title to his unit, within rive (5) days after the unit owner
receive knowledge lhe1eof.

secncn 20. btUtlM2.r1.Q@Q�. A unit owner shall be free to lease or mortgage

his unit l.i any pi!rly, provided proper noUce thereof, wilh such as Uhl l '111Hl11111i11i11111
Corporation may reasonably require, is given by the Co1ulun1i11ilfn1 Corpomnon within five (S) days
rrom effe�tivity of the lease. Any such lease or mortgage shall not free the unit owner front compliance with
his obfigations as such under the Condominium Acl the Master Deed, this Declaration of Restrictions, the
Articles of Incorporation and Bv-Laws of the (.'u11,/01;,i11i111u t '01purotiu11 or of the Building Ru/ts. In
case of 1P.ase of any unit and the unit owner is delinque:it in the payment of an\' assessrrent including any •·
interest , -: penalties thereon, the l 'u11dun1i11i11n1 C'orµurorion rnay require the lessee of such leased unit
lo rei'nit irectly to and in favor of the Co11,Jon,i11i11111 Corpomtton any and all of the rentals accruing to
lhe delinquent unit owner. which rentals shrill he app!,E>:d as pr1y1nent first to the interest. and the balance, to
lhe principal of the delinquent accoun'Js with the ( '0111/v111i11111111 Carporanon until full payment thereof is
mace cincVor secured.
Section 21. Common Provisions on lease, Mortgage 1nd Other Encumbrances,
Pendin() full ri.i)mcnt of the purchase price. any buyer of a unit in the /lroji:1:1 shall not lease, mortgage
encumb- r his unit or ony portionls thereof to any other person or entity witho�t the prior written consent of
the JJE• ELOPER. Violation of this section shall entiUe the J>l!'J/E/;l)Jlf:R 10 cancel the conlract fOI" the
purchas- thereof and forfeit by way of penalty and/or liquidated damages. fifty (50��) percent of an sums so
far paid.

Section 22. Condominium Corporation's Right of Access to Units. · The ('t»:dcJ111i11iu.'11

( 'orporalio11, through its duly authorized agents, shall have the right of access to each unit for the
inspection of all pipes. wires, ducts, cables, conduits. public utility lines and other Co111111011 Areas located
within the unit. to remove violations therefrom and to maintain, repair or replace such Cu11111io11 Areas as
v.·ell as C.'ununu11 Area.\· located elsewhere in the floors of the Projec1. Such right of access shall be
exerclsed during reasonable hours, except in cases of emergency, and with as
little inconveni!nce as
possible to the occupant or the unit Any damage caused thereby shall be repaired at !ht! expense of the
I ',•111/,1111i11111111 ( '1•1]"•1'11/1011.

\ _ '··.. Sectior. 23. f:'f.Q£g{j_\J[C.,H!<i.P.C!l�ltlgi.JQr Vi9lation_gf RestricliQ.!lS and Building Rt!!S!·

..... -- --- In lhe cveut any unit owner, 1e11;111t or occupant fails or refuses lo con1ply with any llmitatcn, restriction,
covenant. undertali:ing or condition herein contained involvin{l an obligation vther that. the payment of
1noncy, 01 with the lf111/1h11,i:. h'11I,·.,, lhe numaqement body n1.1), in accordance with the By·Laws of the
( 'u11,Jomi11i11111 Co.ponuton. remedy such breach or violation after failure of the owner to do so within the
period fixe� in lhe notice ancl assess against lhe unit owner the expenses incurred by the Cu11don1J11i11n1
Corporuuon. The (.'u11Jo111i11111111 Corpocatton is also empowered to impose. by \Vay of penalt)• in case
of violation, liquidated damages upon the unit owner in such amount and in the manner prescribed In the
Ry·LdW! of lhe , '1•111/1,111111111111 , ·,,, 1,. ,,·111i, ,u. When �uc:h liqui,ln!l•cl d;wnngcs. .ve in1pnsed. lhe same shall
be considered as an assessment upon the unit and. 111-.e assessments for espenses. shall be se'<:ured by
11le lien provided lor 1n Section 13 hr.reol.
. ., 1
I .


contained and no regula�cn in the Building R11lt:,· shall be dee,r,Ed to have been abrogated or waive� by
reascn ", anv failure to enforce the same, irrespective of the number of violations or breaches thereof Of
tacse oftirr,e which may occur.

a,g O;i;up1.0.t!..tl_U...!li.1i.
: ..... · · :,·:·; :' !�!.J"'f�S. T!nir,:: All present
.� . :� ;:�· �!·/. :. ;�:. _:: ;:;:� :::. :� � . : :. ·:�-:- : ::' ,· :::t ...::.: / ; ·.: �!...��t_,::_. .! ;
;;:��-�-� .�

incorporation an\'.! 6)·La\•.s .;f ;::: , ·.-·: ·: .. ': • ·. ·.:·. .' .. :·t •· : .·: ..• vs 11�·1 .� ,'\"-t""
ru'es and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as these 1nsu-..,;;;,,;;t3 ;;;.1: re .1-:·t-:.:f.: -c-' t--e �· :-�
T� acceptance of a deed or conveyance, or t:1e entr1 into a lease, or the entry mtc or the occupancy vi
any unit In lhe'Prujr:c1, shall constitute an acceptance by such unit owner. tenant or occupant of the
!>rovisiorls of the foregoing enumerated instruments, as they may be amer.ded from tinw to time. The
provisions r.ontalned In such instruments shall be covenants running with the land and shall bind any
person or c11lity having at any time any interest or estate in such unil as though such provisions were
recited and fully stipulated in such deed, conveyance or lease thereof.

Section .26. lnvalldltv. The inv;i!idity of any provision of this Oec1wation of i;

•"esbictions shall not in any manner atrect the validity or enforcecbility of the remainder of this Declaration
of Restrictions, and that the other provisions 'of this DecJaration of Restrictions shall continue to be in full
for�e and ·!fil!cl as if such Invalid provision had never been incluaed herein.

� .c'on 27. Amendment of Declarations. This Declaration of Restrictions may be :,

affiended by the afhrmative vote of unit owners constituting at least 66-2/3�� of total unit stiarP.s in the
Proiect, at a meeting duly held in accordance with u,e by-Laws of the Co111lo111i11i11111 Corporation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DEVELOPER and the OWNERS lhrough their duly-au:honzed
representatve has hereunto set his hand on the day, year and placed first atorewritlen.


1.·I If, ,,.,,.:1·-111-/·i11 ·r 11111/ I\·,·,·/, •11,·1·J I
,_. . .
,.....__.. :""'\ ./
.·\N 1 '-',\111' 1. r ,\t-.l
.;;,;:·;•!.:.-.! .'\ -,:···. ,·,,· .. ::.1,

Republic of the Philippines)
·Makatl Cily, Metro Manila ) S.S.
"•'11 \ •

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines this--" da) of
i=ebruary 2001 at Makati City, Metro Manila, Phlllppines. personally appeared ANTONIO T. TAN with
Co�unity Tax Certificate No. 05'1'-01�2 issued on 1
jffl. 11 WI· ,)QOtrat
(4vw, ( ,j� 1 Philippines and Tax ldentif1eation No. ---1.4JJ· - }1(1'··181 in his ca;>acity as
the duly Aurho�1:d /�1:1Jres1:11tutil•1: of EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLOlNGS, INC. with Community T.ix
lb 1qoltJ.. '.!M- I� ;900" at .
qy ""/U*f
Ce[tificate No Issued on
MAk&t1R (A� Philippines and Tax l dentifiration No. ij5- kno\'Jn lo me
and to rne know 7to be the same person who executed the fcregoino. I nstrument and he acknowledged to
'me that the same is his own free and voluntary act and deed and of the ccrpcreucn represented herein.
. I
, ------ -· -


This insmnuent relate ... to The 1\1ff.,rer /J,:,:1/ 11·i11t IJ,·1·!11r11ri1111 ''.! flt•1tri1·ri11111 ol
··c ;11.,\IORI·: 11 El(; I l'l'S" rc:iidential/cornn1crc1ill condominlum project c:ons1�tinq of rf,ir1r,·11 r 1.1,
r11,r;,·.1. 1ncludi11g the page where this ackno\•1!edgrncnl is written. signed by the p;i1ty �rld h,::; ,n::tnrrn-.:n:,··
•:.�:nesses on each and every page !hereof and sealed with m�· notarial seilJ.

JN wr,NESS WHEREOF. • have hereunto set niy hnnd on the c1ay.�yc11r .11:(1 ptacc :1: ;:

·- -v -s,
C\�, Ne, _.=...___ •.
Scot No.�.
Series of 2001

I/ ·,.x. .... ,.,1,·11/,�,l-,:,l1t1,.....
/)(I( "SHf

•I �\ , .
• · \, I
I ' 'o/f,,
• • I






111::it Ulls 1\/r1\h'1 /J,,,·lf 11·1Th /J,·('f11r11non oj f(,·,111, t:J'"' uraue ,111!! executed this !)111 d.'.ly at
Februa1y 2001 a, n·1akau C11y, fo.1etro Manila, Phi!tpprnes by:

EfilPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC .. a dcrnesuc pullhcly-hsled corporancn presently

1 ,ti, office and business address at the 21-1 Floor The V•orld Cer.tre Rid(!, 1!330 Sen. G,I
Puvat Avenue, h�al-.a\1 City, lvleuu Manna 0hrlrpi,ines and hereinartcr referted to as the
;,;;, 'ut.ortt«:
� and -

HOWMART CORPORATION, a demesne corporancn 1•11th office and business address at

#572 P �ada Street. Tondo, Manila, Philippines: ERLINDA r�. REYES, widow and with
residence and postcil address at #80 Calbayog Street, Nlandaluyorig City, Metro Manila,
;•ELIA M. SA�.�SON 111t1111t�d lo Fruncrsro �J Si1111,:;on ilnd w,th rerdcnce and postal
(lrlres:; at .iBO C,1lllayo9 Sneer. l\1,:indaluyung City, Mef.c Manua. Zf:.NAIDA �\. PINEDA
,12rned to Narc1co M Pineda and \11th -esrdence and postal access at #139 9" Street,
uew Manna Ocezoo C11y, Meire Manila, anj JOSE M. �JllLLONAOO, JR., married to
Nernencra D M1lllona<!o and \Yilh residence and pos'al ?ddress al #25 7'h Street New
Manila, Quezon City. �Actro r..t1ntla. all rPp1 esemeo herein by the /) T: I/ 1:/.(J /'I!'/{ through
its duly t1111!11H1::eif /{c:1H·,·,i·111111n·1·. Mr ANTONIO T. TAN ond hereinafter collectively
referred lo as the "(J 11 i\ 1:·1(.\''.

w T N E S S E T H That

WHEREAS lhe <)ll'1\1J"Ill.\' are the reg1$1ered O\•:nEi5. of f\·10 (2) connqaous parcels or land
ctuateo at the coiners of Casnlta Sueet <Hid Gumore Avenue Ito-merlv G anadc Street), Creentulls, San
Juan, Mclrc Manil.i Pfuhppmes v11lh a total ere-r of 1,91?.,sq n-. more or less. covered bJ' ttaesler
Certificntes of T1Ue Nos. RT-22354 (37819) and Rl 22355 (.<Ct.31), both 1ssu<:d by the Reg'.:)t"y of Deeds
for Quezon City, t<.1etro Manila. Ptuhppmes and more particularly described as follows to v,11 ·

T.C.T. NO. RT·22354 (37819)

rrcg!fil.!Y of Deeds for Qunzo11j:JlyJ,let10 t.·1<1niln
'A Vo I 3-A of the \llhlli1'111,11111/n11 (I.RC)», he111g a
1111r(..e/ 11[ la111! (/,01
pror/1(111 o/ I of 13. }Jhx. i /0-H ,le.,crtht',I 011 11/:,11 Pid-213./, {(]/,RO) Record No.
')/7). 1111101c,l 111 the /1urr10 of 1-:r1111rud11 (110\l (J.11t':u11 (·11r). J !u111,·1pality uf San
.h11111 cl.:/ A lonte, /1101·111e,c r�f /?1:al IJ01111tl"1/ 11111hc: ,\.!:'.. /HJ/Ill• i to 2 by Loi /./-A
/;If,,� /0-(', JH!/11/1 2 lo J b,1 J.01 I I-.\' l\il-32.:!J/ 1111 lhe SI. p1!111/\ 3 1C1 ./ hy t.ot
/(} /1/oc� ,o.r·,
/\·1/-21 (/)01 (0111/la, .).flee!), (I/I /he ,\·1r f)t,l/1{\ .t so j hJ: I.of I 2,
/l/111� Ill- /'"l-'llil 11111/11· ,\Ill', J1t,1111, 5 111 I h1 /ol /3-/) 0(1/ie 111h(ft1,111011
11/011 111111,1111111,,: <111 ,,,,.,, 1•/ I J1\II /'Ill Jf '.,·,1 V/l r /,\'/· !lfl.\'/l/{/·"/l 'f'lr'l·.1Vtr-A1/N!·.
fl I '•11 \1 lfl 1/;I ,\//II!.'\' 111,.,, ,,, I,,,

T.C.T. NO. RT·22355 (38431)

Regi,:;try of D_eeds for Quezon !;_ity, f'vletro r,1anila

·.1 1•.i1,. I ,o/ l,,i1,/ (/11/ l'v'u I It· u/ !111· \11/o,/n·1,101111lo11 !11,l-.i'}J')/ .\'hcc:f J,
/,,., u 1v11fi1J11 (If l.ol /./ 11/ock /0- .. !.:1'-r,l1e,I 011 11lt;11 /'1<1-21 �./. (j /_ /(()

fl l,'i, ,, ,I\',, ·11 ·1 ,1111,11,-,/ 11, i/1(' /11,1·:i I ,,1 / I'/ ·,111 \/t1••11 l/'1i/1:, <•I .\'111•.l11a11


dcl A/0111e. /'1111·111ce o.J /�1:11/ 80111u(ell 011 the NE hi c.i1h11,ir,' .-:!1•1..•1111e. on the
S1 hv ( 'nlh· ('r1s11flo 011 thi: ::JI': .. hv t.ot / .t, Hloc); J0-8 ,�f ,,t,11•1 /J.,d-2 I 34, and 011
• th,· ,VII' /,,. f,,1, I I I ,111,I I IN 1•/ tit, ,11/,,/ 1·1,10111•!,11· ( 111110111111:,.: 1111 area of
i'.lc ;11 r 111 'f\1/ 1/tl·.I i 1 1 11.· 1 , -111 /�I· I· ,.,. ., ,;; ·'"'- ,, 1,11<1 ., 11· 11, 1:s 11,,., ,. u1 1, , ,

WHEREAS, the (J!J'.Yl·J{.\' have entered iuro a f..�c11101,1nch1111 of Agrcenirnt dated December 7.
1�95 wnh Megawortd Properties & Holdings, Inc (heremarte- referred to as "Megm,orid") for the
deveiop-t 11,l by Megawortd, m accordance \v1th Repubhc .A ... t No 4726 Icmerwrse known as the
Ccndotu. 1n1 Act) of the aloredescnbed pacers of land. r1rnong ethers. into a first-class

resldeml. .ornmercret condominium project to be known as ''GIL�!OllE i!EICII'J"S" (heremarter

retened to <15 tt•e ··,·,,.,,., r ") and empowering A·f1·gau n1 Iii. ar-onq others. to prepare and execute the
Master Deed wnh Decteauou 01 teesmcnous of the l'1,1J,·,, A copy or the survey plans of the two (2)
contiguc,us parcets of land on which the Prorect �vrll stand ts hereto attached as Annex "A"

HEREAS, A4cga1rorlcl subsequently ass1g11ed on December 28, 1995 by virtue of a Deed of


Ass1on111, nt its rights and obligations including the duty to prepare and execute the Master Deed w;:h
Declara\1 111 of Restrictions of the l'ro;i:cl, except the management and supervision thereof. arising out of
the S3id veroranoem of Agreement unto and in favor of a-id which were accepted by the herein
/)EVE/ DPER; '

WHEREAS, lhe 011'1V£R_�· and the l)El/flt)PEI? desire to impose on the Pro;ecr certain
restncuons which. unless otherwise provided herein, shalt canst lute a lien upon ttie Pr,yec:1 and shall inure
to rind bind all parties owninq or holding tltlf; to any unit er any right or interest therein or in the J)ru;e,1
pursuant to !he provisions of the Condominium Act.

NOW THEREFORE. ro, and m consir1erat·on or the foregoing premises. the f)IVl'.1£1?,\' a11d 1he
J)l��,1/£LOJ)£J< hereby execute this Master Deed \Vith Declaration of Restrictions for the aioresteico
Protect, !O Wit.


Section 1 Co;istitution of Project. A restcenual condommnrm project to be known

as "GILMORE :-iEIGHTS" rs hereby constttuied or. the e'oredescnbed two (2) conueecus parcels of
rand wnicb are covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos RT-22354 (37819) and RT-22355 (38431),
both issued by th� Registry of Deeds for Oue2011 City, Metro Mamla, Philippines.

The improvements are being constructed by J)£1'EL(JP£1? substanl:illy in accordance with the
plans and specncauons therefor prepared by Recio , Ca,·01·, lnc., a duly-licensed architectural firm,
subject to modifications approved by /)El/ELOPER Such ptans and specihcalrcns are hereto attached
25 Annex "B".

Section 2 Oesr.ription of Buildings. The P1t')cCt sh;:.11 ccnsrst or one (1) eighteen-
storey building, made of reinforced concrete with solid mat restinq on rock fo1.r.c.\at1on exclusive of the four
(4} basement levels located below the enure eroicct Th�,,, 11,i1c1 shall have a total o' one hundred thirty-
six (136) rondormmum units of wluch one hund1ed twenty-tovr {1?4) are restuenuel and fwctve (12) are
commercial. The lour-level basement as \ve!! as the ground level and two-levei podium parking shall have
fwo hundred forty-two {242) parking slots for the exclusive use of !ht> unit owners/occupants of the Praiect.
Reproductions of the uoor plans for the four-level basement and the condormmum buildings are he-eto
attached as Annex "C"

Section 3 Description of Units. · Each unit shall consist of the area measured
� - �nortzuntally uom the center of the intericr well of the parutons separeunq such unit frcm other units or from
the defined common areas. Vertically each unit shall consist o' the space cetween the top or the concrete
noor .md the underside of the ce1hn9 Each 11011 st",.tll be daemen to include r111y adjacent balcony, a'\ the.
walls .ind paruucns V·.'hich are not load bea1111g 1.,11f11n the pe111n�ter walls of the unit, the inner decoralerl or
finished surface of all walls al the u11•1s. noors, ceil ngs and :1u11\-1n fxtures

S ... chon 4 Parking. For valuable connderauon. the par.:1n9 slots shall be assigned on
a frst-corne-flrst-served basis. to urut o ..... nersrauvers of the J', ,,,t·l/

Secuon !> Use of Un1t5. - Save for the com'nernal units. all units in the Project shall be
used fer :esidentiat purposes only and subject to such restrictions as may be agreed upon m the Instrument
conveying such umts from the /J£J/EJ�OP£1? to the unit owner/buyer and as may be provided m this
Master De: d.

Se,:bon 6 Jhe Conunon Areas. The co1111l0n elements or areas of the Protec t
(heremafte. referred to as the "( "0111111011 Arc1,s'l shall cccpnse all the parts of the !'101ec1 other than
the residential units, and shall be c\assifi'ed as follow, 10 wn ·

" I111111,·,I < '0111111r111 • lrect\ - refers 10 a con·,non area assrgned for the exclusive u!ie of
an 1nd1v1dua1 unit (e g parking slot) ·

The use and enioyment of lhe / 11111fl'1I c '1,,11111011 :lr,·111 shall be considered as restricted 1.1 the
sense that their use and enjoyment are reserved for the benefit of Lh..: units •.':ithin t/'e building. Similarly, the
expenses for the repair. insurance premiums, maintenance and adrninistration of said l.mnted Con,111011
A1ea., shall be for the sole and exclusive account of the irdi•1idual unit ownens. Converselv, the
ceveloproent, landscar1ng, allerabon Of repair of any Generot c·v111111011 Ar1.:a1· wtuch affects the �vera:I
integrity er appearance of the whole Pro1er1 shall be renutated by the Arard of Director; rf the
( ·, .n. /11,r1/IIIIII/I ( ·,., /'"' al/n/1

b. (ie11r'ra/('0111111n11 ·lri-a, · refers to all areas and parts of the I'rojec t, particularly
but not liMited to the following, to wit

(i) The parcels of !and hereinbefore described, 1nc!ud1ng an ramps, driveways. roadc.avs.
pathways, parks, playgrounds and other open spaces withm the Project.

(11) /\!f welkways. e11t1 ances and exits 111clud1ng the guardhouses, of the Project,

(1i1) The penmeter walls. rf any of the f)r11•,·c I

(iv) All central and appurtenant equipment and insteltaacr s fer uthty services such as power.
hg11t. water, garb.ige, cable telewston. telephone . seweraqe, drainage, water shafts. tanks,
pumps, motOf ians, compressors and central equipment and all common utility spaces and
areas servicing the whole Project and the til..e, and a!\ other ub:ity systems outside the
towers, except the outlets thereof wh'ch are located inside or v11th1n each building

(v) The f'ro1i:tf \ adr.linislration office, the clubhouse, gym. s·..,•rrvning and v1ad1r.g pools.
tockers and \vait1ng areas.
All other parts of the JJroJect and al! suuctures and tacihues aoparatuses. equipment,
installations and e-eas there1r 1•1hich are for general use of the v1hole Project or
necessary or convenient to the eastence, main'enance or safety of the entire P:·01ec1,

(vii) All other property rights therein granted in favor o- the \011do111111111111 ('01JJora11011, or
otherwise established in favor of or for the benefit of the .", 011:,·1 unoer U11s f·.1ast�r Deed

Th>? ( ·0111111,,,, :1,i:·1, shall .emam u11d1v1ded an:1 no unn owner may L�·ng an ncuon 'or paruuon
the eof except m accordaore w1111 the provis1on5 or 1h0 Condom t '11111 Act

Sectcn 7. The Condominiun1 Corporation. ai A corporation known as

the GILMORE HEIGH,S CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIAT!Orl, INC. (herenaner referred lo as the
·c '1 •11(/01111111111:1 ( '01111,ra11011 •. ) shall be formed and organized pursuant lo lhe Condominium Act and the
Corporation Code to hold mle to the C'o1111no11 A,ea� of ttie l',oJ('�,. to manage !he P101ec1 and '.o do
such other tn1ngs as mav be necessary, 1nc111enlc:I or converueut to tnc accoo'ohsbmcnt of said purposes
All owners or units in the !'1011·(, or those who have no more pecuniary obligation to the J>IJl'EI.Of'IJR
shall automancallv be members of the ("<n1(/0111111i11111 ('011XJr(lt1011 to the exclusion of all others, in
accordance with Section 8 hereunder.

The management of the ('011do111111h11n Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors of

FIVE (5} members wno shall be elected by the respective unit owners of the Project based on. the unit
owner's appurtenant as determined by Section 8 (b) hereof.

Seeton 8 flature anf!Jpterest Acgui[f'f!.J?@!n� /Purch;'!_§.£f of_1J•!li/�. 11) T!1e

ownernnnchascr of a unit in the /'r,•;.:;;1 shall acquire ownership of such unit as described in SecU011 3
hereof, subject lo the terms and conditions of the «istrument Cflnvcying !Ile 11111\ to the owner/purchaser, or
to lhc terms and condnonc cr11vcy1ny such unit

h) The owner or purchaser of a unit shall 'urther acquire a non-exclusive right to utilize the
{ '1 111111011 Arel,, of t11e l'ruJt!lf

c) As a consequence of ov,nership/purchase of a unn, the ov,ner/purchaser shall. subject to

Seeton 7 herembefore, automatically become a member of the ('011du111111111111 Cur1Jora11u11 \111\h sucn
interests, perfcipauon or equity therein corresponding to the percertage or f�actional share which 1;1e
weighted noor area such unit bears to me total saleable area rn !he !'1n1ec.1. The ·101c1I saleable area'
refers to the corrumeu noor area of al! the units in the l'ru;ec1.


We1ol1ted Floor Area of Un11

·- •· •·•·· ••.. , •.....•••.••.•...•..••......•. ··· = •r. interest of parucipat10:1 tlo i:1 'the ('on1n1011 .-!rear
Total area of units m lhe /'r"/1.'( 1 in rne 1•,.,1,.:c.·1
oxen, sive of ( ·, J//1111< ,,, 4 I , ,II

The rcsnecuve perceumqe 01 fri1ctJ011al sh-ur- ot the tuuts ere stated m Ille schedule attached
hereto as Annex "D"

l/) Each member of the C'o11c/0111111111111 Corpora11011 shall sne e in the common expenses of
the Project, and shall have such vJting rights m the cases provided m the Condominium Act in accordance
�v1th the same sharing or percentage stated in Annex "D" hereof. In all cases, me owner of a urit sha11
have at least one (1) vote in the ('011c/0111111111n1 Ccrporonon for every unit ownen by himl/herli1 in the

eI In 1he event that the ( '011(!0111111111111 ( ',n porauon is dissolved, the members thereof shall
become co-owners of the, '111111111111. r,,.,,, \\'1th shares thereto as sh,111 correspond to their appurtenant
interest or perucpanon m U1e ( '011,!0·11111111111 Corpoi a11011 as provided m this sec-en

secron 9. Ame,dments/Revisions of Plans and f.1as!er Deed. • a) The IJEVFI.OPEI<

reserves the right to amend al ony time the development plan by filing such addiuonal. suppJemertal andlor
revised plans and/or specifications as may be required to describe adequately the comp'eton of
nnsroverrents together ,,,..ith the changes there n, 1f any Such completion may be shown by a ceruticate of
an arc'utect or engineer certifying that the improvements have been constructeo as herein represerceo. or
desig1:ating any changes made Such plans, specifications or certification. when signed aod acknowledqec
by /)/� Vil tOl'II!l and registered m accordance with Section 4 of !he Cordormmum Act shall consutute ns
an amendment of 11lls Mi?lsler Deed ·

11) Prier to the corroleuon of the J'ro;ec.:, notwithstand·ng ciny terms ano ccncuons of any
contract to sell over any unit lo the contrary, the /)/Il1ELOJ)£J? reserves the right 10 amend, revise or
revoke this Master Deed \vith Declaration of Resncnors by registen+'lg with the Re'il1siry of Deeds for
Quezon City. f,.� ii1 of a corresponmnn 1nst1umenl to that effect duly executed by the IJEIIJ:.'/,(JPEJ(

S1�r.11011 Scop�_i11HI Cover�g�. This Oer.1;11",11:1111 or Rcstucuoos. ,10, may from umc to
\1111P be enended. shall etulxxly Juch rcsmcucns. uruta'rons. covenants. unde11.ik1ngs c1n1t ccndiuons .rs
may be required or permitted by the Condominiun1 Act or the Master Deed to be provided herein. St:l'JfCt to
certain exceptions as may be expressly set forth m the Condominium Act o, in the r11aster Deed here.n,
suc'r restrictions, hmitatnns. covenants and'or condmons shall be deemed to run with the land, the
hu1ld•ngs and other improvements making up the J),u/<''-'· shall co.1stitul€ a hen upon the Pro1e..,t and cnndommnnn unit, and sl1c1ll .nure 1o !he benefit of and he l)111cfing upon all -ia-ues owninq or hold:no
.iny 111111 n( ,111y 11r1hl tu 111te>1r"; ll1l'rc,111 01 111 11111 /',.,,,.,
1 p111·;11,111t to lhl' p:1•\'1�;011:, 0r the Condon1,·11u1;1

SPr:111111 11 The M�11aucn1cnt Body i'lJ The r 'n11c/1J111111111111 ( ·n,7ior(1/1011

:ihrll constitute the manaqemcnt botly of thL: J'11�1c, 1 ,JIICt: Ill(· :,,u1H: rs fo11110:1hy 111111<:tl over 10 thr:
t ·,i11do111111111111 ( '01l1ura11011 by the /)1.!'ll/;"l,()!)J:.'/? Its powers shall be such as n1ay be provided by the
Condominium Act. the Master Deed. this Declaranon of Restncuons. us Article:; ·of Incorporation and By·
Laws, and such applicable provisions of the- Corporation Code as are not' inconsistent with the
Conoommum Act. Any such powers rnay be exercised or delegated by or to, such officers or other-
persons. and in such manner, as the By-Laws may provide The r:011do111111111111 Corporation may hire
managerial, legal, auditing, accounling and other professional and technical services in the manner
provided in its By-Lavis. The ('01"!0111111111111 ('01po1a11011 shat not have the power to conduct an active
business for the profit of its members or any of then, For a period or frve (5) veers from and after the formal
tu.nover of all units of the /'10;1·c1 by the 111�111;·1,rJl,h'Jt to the owners/buyers as well as ail common
areas of the I '1 v_Ji:c, to the t '011,I, 1111111111111 ( '0111u1 utt, ,11, the e-nmemuon and manaqement of the
Pruject·shall be assigned or dr:legated by the ('011(/0111111111n: ( '01:oora11011 toe property l"lanagement
entity to be nominated by the JJEl1EI.OJJJ':/{

b) Each building m ne Proicct shall be autonomous in its operauon The internal

manaqemcnt of each huildinq shall be vested m a Board of Ooven-ors of five (5) members for each tower,
10 ue consnrurco 111 Ille tn-mncr provided for 111 Section i (c), Pau I hereof. A rn.110nty of the members sh.ill
consutute a quorum and a decisor, of a maionty of a quorum shall be sufficient as a valid act er the Board
of Governors. The Board of Governors shall be ceemeo to perior·n deleqated powers from :he Beare of
Directors of the c·o,n/01111111111!1 ( '1•111ora11011 m the exercise 01 their powers. As such. the Board of
Governors shall have the powers and prerogatives \e, implerrent any and/or all provisions of the
Condomnium Act aad other applicable taws, the foregoing Metler Deed, :his Dedaraucn Restrictions, the
Articles of lncorporeuoa and Bv-Laws of the Condominium Corpe euon and the hcvse rules of the Pro;ect
In case of conflict or disagreement as to an1 decision or ot tie Board of Directors of the
( 'u111/0111111111111 C'o11>oroflo11 and that of the Board of Governors of any buildir.g, the decision or po1icy of
Hie Board of Direc.tors shall prevail and shall Ile llincl1ng to a\\ units cf the l'roiect affected ti1ereby.

No provision of the Master Deed nor this Declaration of Restrictions shall be construed es
diminish1na the powers vested in !he Board of Directors as the manaqement body of the c·o,uto111111111111
Comoranon and as such, all contracts or actions to be entered into or brought for or against the
('01;,/0111111111111 (�o,pora,1011 shall be executed. prosecuted or delend€j m the name of the
( '1J•nkJ111111111111 ( '011>orar1r111

Section 12. �,laintcnance, Repaus and/or Alteration� a) The classuicalion of all

maintenance. repairs. alterations, etc. works shall be as follows. to wrt

(,' 1ndiv1(l11.1I �111:h mruntcnancc. rcnrnr or altr-rahon \h;it \Jr.tlefits only individual
unts m a par1icular bu1ldi11g
'--- ( 11) qeneal such maintenance. 1?-pair or eneranon that benefits U1e whole
l'ro1(·c1 or the qeneral common aeas.

b) AH maintenance of and repairs of any unit i1 !'le Protect (Cilher man maintenance of and
repairs to any of the ( '0111111011 Arr:o., contained therem not necessitated by tbe act or negligence of the
1111111Jv1u•:1, !Pn.11\1 01 flt:r.11p;111t thr,1pof) <;h,1111,e 1n,1Gr, 1,y. c1nr1 i11 lll<> expense of tile owner ot sucf urut

Each unit owner shall be responsible for an damages to any other unit and to the ('0111111011 Arcc1.1 resulting
from his. failure or refus"al to effect such maintenance and/or repa rs. Each unit owner sh3lt also lie
I l'":pousihl<' tn rrnrnptly report 111 wrinnq lo the f\o;irrl of Directorv of c1ny defect or need for repnns on any nf
the l '01111111•11 Arca\ found 01 w1U11n 1he v1c1111ly of lus 111111 1 he UoJrd ot Deccto.s sh.ill initi.itly cetc-nune
whether such repair or maintenance shall be classified as individual or general. If classified as individual,
the concerned unit owner/s shall be responsible for such repair arid/er maintenance. In the ever! that the
classification rs general, the < 'u11,lo111111111r,1 (�or11ura11011 shall be respcns.b'e for such repair anC.'or
rnaintenance. Comrnon areas are classified as limited or general as specfied in Section 6 of Pan I hereof
All otners not so classified shall be determined by the Board of Directors whose decisions. in cases of
contact, ts final

Except as n-1ay be lin11ted or restricted herein or m lhe By-Laws. each unit owner shall have the right. at his ov,n expense, to paint. repaint, wax, paper, or nfherwise refinish and redecorate the
mner su1faces of lhe walls, r.oors, windows and doors bounding J.1s own unit.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the owner, tenant er occupant of a un.t in the Project
may not undertake any structural repairs or eterauons, or any olher VJO'k wnkh would jeopardize the safety
or structural ,ntegnty of any ol the buildings in ihe 1�ro1t·,,1, or any other unit. or any of the Co111111011
-l reav, or impair any easement, without the prior approval or the ('011!10111111111111 Coi poronon and of the .
01... ners of the units directly affected by such work

c) All maintenance of and repairs to the< '0111111011 A,eai, whether located inside or outside
the units (unless necessitated by the act or negligence of a unit owner. tenant ... r occupant. in which case
such expense shall he charged 10 the owner of the unit) sho:1 he made by the tower .mit owners or by the
< {)11,/0111111111111 ( '011>ort111u11, :1pply1n� the principles embodied 111 this sec lion

d) The By-Laws of the Co11do111111111111 ( 'or1H1ra110.1 r.1ay contain such further provisions
1clating to maintenance. repairs, a1terations or add.tons lo supplement the provisions herein.

Section 13 a) A! surn bme anu rn such manner as shall be

provided in the By·La1,11s of the c ·,,111/0111111111111 f 'ru 1•111 0111111, there shall be assessed aga:r ,:;t each unit
owner 111 ihe l'ro/t"-' and paid to the ( '0111/0111111111111 l '01 pu•·a11u111he 'oilowinq. 10 1iit

(1) Regular assessments for operating exuenses. the Co11<lor11i11111111

('o,µ01<111011 shall, from tirne to time, and al !east annually, prepare an est mate of !he operabng
expenses of tile Cu11clo1111111u111 Corpot a11011 and assess aqa nst each unit owner in proportion to
such unit owner's appunenant interest -n the ('011,/0111111111111 Cor1J111Y11tu11, such amounts as shall
be necessary to meet operaung expenses Such expenses shall mdurte, but shall not be limited to.
the followmq. lo wit

JJ The cost of insurance policies insu:irg the Project against loss by fire,
earthquake, casualty liability and other insurable risks 111 accotdance wnh seeucrs 16 and
17 hereof and to the extent deemed necessary by t�e r·un</0111111111111 Corporation;

l} The cost of regular and recurrent maintenance and ordinary repairs of

utilities and other services benefiting the (_ '0111111011 A, eo1 of the Project.

3) The cost of furniture, fumishinqs, fix1ures and equipment for lhe Common
A I ea,· of the Project and the main lobby therefor as the ( 'u11,1on1111111111 c·(/, JH1ra11u,1 may
f101n time to time determne to be n(),cessary an1t prope ;
./) 1he cost of auy other mater als succses. funuslurqs and fixtures, labor
services. n1;1111!Pn;i11re repaus. taxes or as-essments '\•;nic.h the (�r1111/01•111111rn1
! ·,,,,1,,1,,11,•11 I', ll!qlmE·il 01 1·111pulV('H'd In ,·h,11'Jt' IIIH,l'I th,· M,1·;1l•1 De•!d O! r�)I tlu-
enlorce,nent of the prowsions of the Building Rules provided, that if such expenses ate
·,pi·nt 101 p,ttll1:ul.1r 111111:: m lhe /'10;1·1·1. surh nxpe-rses sha!! thereafter be assessed

against the member's own,ng sucb units and shall ecsesseo under Par. (1v) of Sr:ct;on 13

I '
5) The expenses enumerated in Section 13 (a) (1) (I) (2) (3) and (I} hereof
shall be charged equitably to and among the unit owners benefited by such expenditures
based or their interest or participation in the c·o11do111111111111 ('01pora11011.

6) If tile r ·,1111/0111111111111 1 '011,01011011 '1 estimate of operciting expenses

proves madcqu.uc for <111y reason, 111cl11J111u 11011 payment of ;111y assessment. it n1c1y ct
any lime levy a further assessment

(11) Regular assessments for capital expenditures 1 he ('011(/,J111111ilu11

C'o17Jur(111011 shall levy upon all members relative to lhen interest of parficipaticn in the
('n111fu111111111111 ( '{)11ior11t1n11 an annual assessment for the pu1 pose of creating and maintaining a
soecre: funJ for capital expenditures on the ( '11111111011 .-lr...·o, of the l'1u1,,, ,, including the cos: of
extrao1d111c1ry repairs. mr.unstrucfions or restoratons nccossuated by demaqc, ocoreciaton
obsolescence. expropuauon 01 condemnauon c' such ( '0111111011 A rcos or partls thereof. as wef as
1hl: co·.I ol 1111prov1i111r>n!'. 01 ;idd11in11•, thcmto .111thori11�<11n acr-mtance with the pr0v1,;:ons of the
By-Laws ol tiler ·o,nlo111111111111 < '1111111111111111. Such c.ip1tt1I expenses shall he r,hcirged only to the
concerned unit owners ber.efited by such expenditures based on their interest or partrc1pdtion in the
( ·o,nfr,111111111111 ( '1111)1111111011 '

(111) Deficiency a11d other assessments Specrat assessments to make up

for the deficiency m case the special fund provided for 111 Par. (i1) beretnbefore. together \Vith the
insurance or other proceeds or recovery, if any, are insufftcrent to cover the CJSt of such capital
expenditures, uness the damage, obsolescence, expropnat'on or conde.nneuon rs of such extent
as to meet the coaducns for dissolution of the (0111!01111111,1111 ('(,•_:,,11,1111.11' required oy the
Condormruum Act and the required vote of the unit owners of 'he emire .010;.:, r dee re tcr such
disso'uuon, there may also be assessed against tne uni! owners rn the manner prescribed herein
or in the By-La\VS of the C'o11do111111111111 ('nrpu1aflon such other assessments as are not
specifically provided herein. Such assessments shall be charged only a:;ia•nst tt·,e unit owners
concerned pursuant to the scheme provided m Par (11) herennerore

(n) Special assessments for separate expenses Particular units may also
be subject to special assessments authoriz.ed 111 accordance wllh the Master Deed or 1he By-Laws
of the r '011du111111111111 , ,!ly>,110/1p11 fo1 ncn.comnou expenses (heremauer referred to as
",)'ei1a1111e 1:.,-JJeJ1vcs ') such as, but not limited to. (<1) expenses for !he maintenance and repair
of any unit 1f such maintenance or repair is, in the judgment of the c·o11(/01111ni11111 ('01yJora11011,
necessary to protect the floors. the ('0111111011. l11·a1 or any other portion ot or to safeguard the
value and attr«ctiveness of the Project, and the un,t owner's fails or refuses to perto'rn such
rca'ruenance or reper of h1slherflts un1tls. w1!htn the ume tixed !II the wntten notice or the
C"o11.lon1111111111 (�u,1>01011011, then the (.'011,lon1111111111 L'u11•01a11011 shall thereafler assess S<'!tci

expenses against the membcrls owninq such umt's: and. (h) assessments or rees for the use and
enioyment of the Pro;l!c.t 's L111111ed ('u,11111011 Areas, sucl. as but nollimhed to balconies and
terraces, parking spaces and other portions of the Co111n1011 Areas under this Master Deed In
this regard, the Co1u/0111111111111 Corporonon may impose mterest and other pe11alty charges on
such special assessments.

b) Classification of assessments.

(oJ assessment dr.iv1r1 ajamst au ntdrv.dual unu for its sole


L, _ (h) general assessment drawn aqamst all unit owners in the Pro1ec.t

c) Assessments an;i1nst umts in 1l1e J)1111i·t1 for ccamcn expenses shall be based on
epputenan' 11le1e'.>I'.> of par11c1pc1l1011 as determmcd u11d1•1 Sec11011 S (i..:) hereof

c) Assess,nents against unit owners 01 purchasers (whether mduidual er general expenses

(tereinarter relenec to as "( '0111111011 l·,\-11,·11,·i.:1 ) shall be made 111 proportion to such unit owner's
uppm len<1 11 111!e1 e•,l or pcu ucipauon 111 !he ( ·, ,,:1/011111 ,1u111 < '111, ,,,,·1111011 rar1icularly bot not by wa1 of

limitation. c:0111111011 1_,pe11\e:, shall include : (1) expenses for ad.ruustrauon or or for the whole f', rylfcr,
arid expenses for maintenance. operations, repairs or replacements of the <:0111111011 Area\·, as wef as the
cost for their improvements; (11) any valid charge against the l'rotl!cl as a whole or the C'o11dun1111i111n
( 'orporat.on; and, (111) expenses declared to bu ('0111111011 I- .rpl'11.1·c,· by the provcons of the Master
Deed or the By-Lavis or the ('011(/on1111111111 ( '0111ura1io11

e) Unless otherwise specifically provided by the Condominium Corporation, the forego1ilg

assessments shall not he refundable.

� The amount of any assessment. the nueresrs o.e

in case of cellnquencv. the costs of
1.r,Jk,-.111111 {1ncl11d•ng .11tnrney\ fees. if any) or ;,ny pen;ihy for delinquency shall cor:,titute a lien against the
urut and the urut owner's mtetest vf pa11ic1pa110111n lhe 1 '011./,•111111111111 t ·,,,1,,.,,111,•11 Surf hens sha!I be
const,lut<:d and enforced, or the amoun1 of the assessment oiterwse co'lected m the manner pr�v1ded 111
the By I ,l\VS cif lhc: r '11111/0111111111111 r ·fJ1 Ju1r11t11111

g) Except as otherwise provided m this Decla.ra'.1or of Re�tr,ct1011s or m the Condomnum

Act the hen or assessmer.t hereunder shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances.

h) In case of foreclosure, the lransfer or the conveyance, as well as the edemption of the
delinquent unit shall include the unit owners appurtenant rnembership in the Co11do111111h11•1
L'o11Jorat1011 The L'o11c/0111111111111 ( 'or11ura11011 shall have the power to bid at the foreclosure sale

i) In case of default by any unit owner m the paynient of any assessment, including any
interest and penalty thereon, the ('011,/0111111111111 C'orJJ01a1.011, \V1thout prejudice to any other rights or
remedies to which it is entitled as provided herein pr in law or equity upon prior written notice to the
def:1u!ting unit owner, to cut off or withhold from such unit or un,t owner. utihties and/or servces which are
provided for or administered Oy the L'o11c/0111111111111 Corporauon to, such reasonable perioo of time as the
('t:1 ·{/01111ni11111 Co111orat1011 may determine

Section 14 Real Pro� TaxC!S and nssessmeuts. Each unrt owner sl1all
execute such msuuments aud ta�e such acucns as n1c1y r<'c1sn11Jl1ly be specified by the ('rn11io111111i11111
('1J11J1natio1r to obtain a separate assessment of '11s cwn un1Us for purposes of taxauon and special

assessments on real property. Nevertheless, if thare is a,1y possibility that any tax or assessment may
become a lien on the units of the Protect c,r any part of the ('01111non Areot, the same may be paid by the
r '0111/0111111111111 ror110,a11011 and said amount shrlll m turn be assessed by the latter against the unit
owner/s concerned. together with such rate of interest and :::osts as may tie determined by the
('ondon1111111111 Corporauon. Such assessment shall constitute a lien on the uniUs so assessed, pursuant
to Seeton hereinbefore

Section 15 U sc Llmitatlcns. The units and their 'corresponomq Con1111011 Ar1,as

sha!I be occupied and used subject to the foilOlAJ;ng lirriitauons. to wit ·

(11) No 111111 owner, except when u has the nror ,vntten approval or the ('011do1111111u111
('01poru11u11, shall occupy or use h1s/her{its umus or permn the same or any oa-t thereof to be
occupied or used for any purpose other thon that inorcated m the Master Deed, this Declaration of
Resmcnons. or under the peninent Contrac1 to al1y and Sell. provided tha1 the latter is no\

mconsrstent with tile preced.nq two documents Unless the Master Deed is amended. no unit may·
be divided Of subdivided into smaller units nor any poruon thereof sold or otherwise transferred
('01111111J11 A1c11\ (excepr the/ 1111//ed < '011111uJ11 A1c11.1) of the units intended for
), {h)
1!11 • f111111r,l1111<1 of ',('I virf"\ and f,1':1litir.s for the common eniovment of the units shall be used only for
II �ut:h puq,o•,e•; ,IIHI :,ho1ll uot l11· ,1pp101111.1t.·d f,,1 th,• ,·,1·h1•;1v1' ui;p or hC'nEifo1 nl i\ny particular unit
.'---""i"--- or units. There shall be no obstruction of the l ·,,111111u11 ·ltca, 111!�ndcd 101 ingress, epress or
access from or to any part of the ('on111,011 A,cas (exceot in those intended for storage) without
the previous consent of the Co11do111111 11111 Co1porn11011

(c) The U/£V1::1.or�c·1? and/or its assignees shall have the sole right lo adopt
display, install, construct. own and contrcl such srqnaqes andlor graphics m the Pr0Jec1 and no
s1g11 of any kind shall be c1isp!ayed to the public view m or from any unit or any pomon of the
flro1cc.1 wnhout the pnor wrrtten consent of the /JEii t:L () Pt.I?

(,I) No use: or practice shall be permitted whhm any part of the JJrr'Jecr which may be
the source of annoyance to occupants therein or which may interfere with tt:e peacr.ful possession
and proper use of the property by the occupants. No imrno-al, irnpror,er, offensive or unlawful use
shall be made of ar1y part of the })1<,t('CI

(c; All parts of the /'1o;ec:1 shall be kept in a pleasant ar.d sanitary condition, and no
clothes or laundry materials shall be hung or dried on l�1e doors or windows a5 would expose ther
to public view, and no rubbish, refuse or garbage she<II be al'owed to accumulate nor any fire
hazard ajowed to exist •·

(D Ah valid laws, ordinances and requiatcns of all government bodies having

junstnclmn !hereof shall be ohserved and complied •vith.

(g) Not111ng shall be done or kept in any part of the /J1 oject v1h1ch 1·,ill increase the
rate: of insurance on me l'r1yc•1-·1. except by prior written consent of the Co11(/0111111111111
lo, porc,11011. Any such increase irt insurance preruums shall be charqed against the delinquent
unit owner/s and assessed pursuant to Sec1ion 13 {a). 1,1 (II hereof In no case mey anything be
done or kepi m any part of the Pro;ect which will result 'n the canceuaaon of the msurance on any
towe. or any part thereof
(h) Nothing shall be done to any unit or in or to any oi the Co111111011 ,4reas which will
impair the safety or slructural integnty of any of the towers.
(1J ln addmon to the easements provided herem and/or by law, the (/) Co111111011
r 1 ( 111 IDC,tlf!d \'�11h1n tile unns shall be subJec1 10 cu, e,1�1>1ne111 for suetter 111 tavor of ;ill units to
v1h1ct1 such < ·1J111111011 ,-fr eu.1 are capable or rendenng shelter. This easement shall entitle the unit
owner's affected to replace. renew, or restore any shelter, and. (2) each unit shall be subject to an
easement for the passage of water. seweraue. drainage, gas, electricity, gctrbage, telephone, cable
Ielevrsmn and other utilities and services m favor of the ('011(/011111111011 ('01 poration as well as
ever-1 other unit necessarily depending on the easement for extension of said utilities and services
tn lhP unit, These easements shall he exercised in lhe 1111l11ner wlucli least interferes 1vith the use
and c11Joy111e11t by lhe sorvrent uruVs.

(;) Until the /)£11ELOPER has completed and. sold al! the units m the Project,
neither the unit owners nor the ('011do111111111111 Corpo1at1011 nor the use of any part of the
ProJecr shall interfere \v1th the completion of the contemplated improvements and the sale of the
units Tue l)IJll£L()JJJJI< may make such use or the unsold units and the C'o111111011 Areas as
rnay facilitate such completion and sale, including but rot limited to. the n1aintenance of a sales
offce Ihe showlnq of the property and the di::;pl;:iy of s1911a�es.

f\t•.1·:1,11.11,1,, ll''1trl:i111�11,; (il1'r1'111.1f1rr rr'rrrPd fr, .1s. the · N11:l<h11.f! R11/e1 ")
.:11Ct'I 11111[1 ,,,.·,·uf'.:l\,"1 .''ll! ,'111,'I '11l'll! ,,1 l'h' un (·: ·' ',I
"re ,t. ·. , ', · , ... , , .. 1
i -.' • .-,· thcr,·:,11 111,l'I' ! 1'
made c111ct amenr'ed bv me l ,, •• .;".,, •• _., ••..••. , ·, ••. -.··.: 1 1
111 H1<· ··.1 11•,•1 1·,,·11,h',i 1•11t:: 11,.\ .111�

JL- Copies of such h'111l.l111.�· !�11i,·, �11.111 lli' 11H111::r1,,,11,1 11•,·, ·,.,:,:.····.··:.-1··· ( ·.··:·.··.:1 .. ·•1 t,, .1111111\
owners and occupants of the l'r,>/,'LI upcu proper request

Section 16. Insurance. The l ·1J11(/u111111111111 < ·,,,,,,,1,1111111 :-.h�1II, fo1 ns hc1n11it
and for he benefit of a11001�rs or their mortgages, 1f any, as their interests rnay appear, obtain an_d
maintait: ct all times separate fire insurance coverage for the })1 c•;ei:1. 1vith such exten�ed C?verage a� is
afore�a1d units (exclud·n�
custorur.1ry for buildings in the locality, for the full reinstatement value of the
furnituru, furnishings, fixtures, improvements and personal properties supplied or installed by _the unit

owner) and the 0,11,,1011 Area1· m the Pro;ect.
Such !einstatemer1t va:ue may, 1\11\h the conforn11ty of th�
insurance coropanv concerned. be revised by the C 011,/0111111111111 C orpo1a11011 from year to year, 11
necessary The policy GI policies shall provide mat the proceeds thereof shall be paya�le lo the
Condonunnnn ('orJJoro/1011, as trustee for the un11 owners or t11eir mortgagees. 11 any. and subiect to
hrnitabon. shall also provide for a separate lo ss payable endorsement in favor of the mortgagees of each
unit, if any Upon receipt of the proceeds, the Co1,do111111111111 C 01pt,r,,t!(J11 shall use or pay the same 111
the manner provided for in the immediately followinq section The premiums on such policy or policies sha'.I
be considered ('u1111111J11 1'..'r;Je111·<· of the ('011!10111111111111 ( ',;11101�11io11 c1nct sl1all be assessed against
each u111t in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 hereof Ibe authority to adiust losses under
policies hereafter in 'orce on the Project pursuant to this secuon shall be vested 111 the Co11do111111111111
Corporation, provided however, that an aggrieved umt owner may ask that the deerminalion of the
t '011£!un1i11it1•11 C'or1><)rot1011 be referred to a reputable insurance adjusted acceptable to both parties.
Norh,ng herein contained shc1!! be ronstrued to proh1bn any un,t owner or his mortqaqees from obtaining
,h1d11,1111,1I 1n::;111.uh'1' en ttrc 111111 r\,rresrnnc1111g :o :.1e ur t owner's «rprove'uents therecr. provided.
11,,1.,·1,·r 111.11 •.11, h 1 •• 1111 ,:11.111 t,,, ,.,,.,,,�1·.t m �ut'I; .1 ,\.I\ .1� i.·i \' cv.eese · '(' ?.'1',',, .t re?.ilzab!e u,"Ce'
!11, • u, · "' IO 1, , • , , ·1 < ''- "I• · • •I •!. 1111, -, f t•1 1/1, ' , , 1 ·• .' I'• ,' I '.\',' :1; '. '·:'I. :'• ::[ (I\:' LI'' :
,'lllh'I,11 IU:, llk11!�1·•!Jl'l'S
stun lit' !..) tl,ll,I) !11.? l ·,"l.l.'.'l'."1!111111 l°il•j.\'!".l."/1)" m \Vfl�ng te'.or:;

obtaining such additional coverage and. v11th111 thirty (30) days after issuance of the policy, to nJ� a copy
thereof with the C.'011ilo111111i11111 ('orJJUra/1011. •

Section 17. All pro:::eeds frorn insurance claims, unless the

Insurance Claims.
conoulons for the dissolution of the required by the Condominium Act
C'o11do111111111111 Cu11Joru11011
and !he required vote of all unit owners in the entire Pro;ect decide for dissulution, sha:I be exclusively
used for the reconstruction or repair of the Pf 01ec.1 damaged or part/s thereof. Reconstruction or repair as
used 1,1 the present context shall mean restoring the panicular part/s thereof to the same condition as it
existed prior to the loss, \•1ith each unit and ('0111111011 Areas having, to the closest approximation possible.
the same vertical and ronzontat boundaries as before.

II the insurance proceeds are insufficient to pay all the costs of reconstruction or repair of the
('0111111011 l11en�. a special assessment shall be made against each unit owner to make up for the
deficiency as providedm Section 13 hereinbefore

11 the pro-rata ,nsurance proceeds ere in insufficient 10 cover c111 ttie costs of reconstruction or repair
of n111i 01 11101e of lhl: deslrovcd 01 1fc1n1tuJed 11111\:. !he t '"11,f,11111u111111 { ·,,,,,,,,.i11,,11111ay nevertheless
proc1 f'r1 1... i1h the recousuucuon or repair of the destroyed or damaqed units and the resoecuve owners of

·.11,·h d1",h<1y1•d 111 d.11n.1q, 1! 11111!/·; ·.11:111 111'1'(\1111' h.1h'c' 1,1 .111 .1::::1':�Sllh'l'I 101 th0 drfit'it'11cy. unless !ht'

condinons for drssoluuon of the< 'o1111/0111111111111 ( '011'(•1c111011 required by the Condonunium Act exist and
rhe required vote of umt owners m the entire J)1u1e,1 decide for dissolution

. by reason of the dissolution of the C'o11d,n11111111111 ('or,,,,1011011 or for any other reason, the
insuranc proceeds are not used for reconstruction or repair as herein provided, the proceeds shall be paid
to the respective mortgagees of the units or lo the ( '0111/r,,11111111111 ('011Jor1111u11 to the extent of the
amount outstandmq on the loan secured by the unit or me t'u,11111011 Ai eas or parvs thereof, if any there
:-t ?n: :•11:• ":'�'?":t �f !-? rr::-:?t:5 :� :'ie O'.',n!:r s ;'iereoi �S hs or tne.r 111\ereSI may appear, after

secuon 18. ProcedureforTransferofUnits. Except in cases of transfers by

gift. by 1e,ed1tary succession or to another unit owner, no u11 1 : owner may effectively dispose of his unit
wnhout 1he written approval or clearance by the ('ondo,111111111•1 Corporanou A unit owner intending to
ma-e 3 bonaflcte sa!e of his u111t shall give to the ('01ufo111111111111 (',)rJ>orcr11u11 notce of such tntenuon.
' ·:.•:i•'·-;:· \'.•:'.·'.'':>··:,rt' ard :i,�,··:15-5 0: tl·t prc0c�t.' �·,1,:ir and such otl'.er ir.formaton concerning t�e
,\ : :- : .sc: '.'. 1 c .'� ·. 'c .", . . .. .". · -. ,, ,1: , •• ··1.11 ,e,:-�·.Y1::i�1y r:::il11re Such notice, at the option of
, .•. ·: :1•. -, ·· .:1 ·: .. ,::> ., .c "., .. .1 :-, l .. :> .1;·: :,. ·i-21 tr,r ne •,.'v1:.;',11•1.1:.11•11 ...:01 pura11011 furnisn a
... •• - • ••• • • •.• ., '° 0\,1
•�Jt: l,.,,;:,,i,, ,�,, dw � f''l'J�··'
� <- ,�� not ,.,pr,·,�i
��"\;"·1·r ·� � b\' tn.:: ( ·,111ti,1111111111111 Co111):11l111011; ano 1! sucn

L demand is made, the notice shall be accompanied hy a copy of the proposed sales connect V111th1n sixty
'--+- (60! Jays horn receipt of the atm esad nonce. the ( '011(/11111111111111 ( '1111•!lr1111:111 must either approve or
disapprove the proposed mnsecuon If approved. the approval sh.ill be stared m a c:rt1f,cc1te executed by
the appropriate officer in registrable form. as re�u!red by Secnon 18 of th� c.ondon11nit;m Act, pruv1�ed the
omer provisions of this Declaration of Resmcuons have been cornpheo \Viii'. If lhe Co111/0111111111111
f •0,.1,lJrulro11 disapprJves a proposed sale and 11 me notice of sale given tly the unit o�·,ner shall_ so

demand, then w1ch1n sixty (60) jafs after receipt cf such nonce and cemand, the ( 011do111111111111
1 ·,,, .,,,.,,,,,,,, shall deliver or mail hy regrsterecl r1.i1I to the ,,.,it owner a:i offer from, huver crosen by the
('01"lon1111111111 ( 'o,-,,o,af/011 fro,n among other unit owners v1,ll1r.g to purchase the said un,t, under the

terms and conditions set forth m the proposed sales ccnuact submitted by the selfing urut owner. If the
('01u!o111111111111 ( '01y,ornt1011 shall fail to provide a ':luyer as herein, then noti11lhstc1nding the
di.;approval, the sale shall be deemed to have been approved, and the ( 011rfo111111111111 ('0111orcr1io11 shall
1,e nl,lioe(J to furnish ii ceruhcnte elf arrroval as provided er,1 ller in thi.; section The limitations and
rcslncuons coutemedm tlus ser.lron shall not .ipphcable to the 0119111al conveyance of 11111ts maue by the
I >J:' J/J.,.'l .l JI'/:'/{.

Section 19 Notice of Lien or Suit. a) A unit owner shall give a vmtten notice to
!he'< ·,i11Llo111111111111 < of every lien upon his unit (other than liens m favor of the

( '0111/0111111111111 ( '01-,J11rur1,111), wnhm five (5) days after the ar.aching of the hen.

b) A wntten notice shall be g1ven by a unit owner to the L'r,11do11111111111, Corporanon of

every suit o, other proceeding which n1a.v affect the uue to his er t. within five {5) days after the unit owne-
rece've knowledge thereof.

Section 20 LeaselMortg�g! A unit owner sha:i be free to lease or mortqaqe

his unit lv any party. provrderl proper notice thereof. \\'1\h such pertculets as !ht> ( 0111/0111111111111 0

(.'01pura1u,11 111ay reasonably require. is given by the (�011</0111111111111 Corporatron �·,1th1n five (5) days

from etfecllvity of the lease Any such lease or rnortgage shall not free the unit owner Irom compftance wlth
his obhqauons as such under the Condorranium Act, the Master Deed, this Declaration of Restrictions, the
;\rtJcles of Incorporation and Bv-Laws of the (.'011,lo,;,111111111 Coiporonon or of the 8111/t/11,g Rules. In
case of 1112!.e of any unit and the unit owner is delinquent in the �ayment of anr assessrre-n, inc:uding any
mterest penalties thereon, the ( '01ulu111111111n1 Corµura11011 n1ay require the lessee of such leased unn
lo remit ·rect\y to and in favor of !he Co1ulo111111111111 ('01.,_,o,a11011 any and al\ of the rentals accruing to
the dchn,1uent unit owner. which rentals be apphed as pavment first to the interest, and the balance. to
lhe p.mcipal of the delinquent wah the L ·0111/0111111111111 l ·o, pomuon until full payment thereof is
made and/or secured

Section 21. Comrnon Provisions on Lease Mortgage and Other Encumbrances.

Pend·nq full PJ'JlllCnt of the purchase pnce, any buyer of a unit in the I'rfl/1''-t shall not lease, mcrtqaqe
encunb-. his unit or any portonrs thereof to any other person or entity v:1tho'JI the pnor \'Jrilten consent of
1he IJE< t:LrJPER Violation of this section shall entiUe the /Jl:'I l":l.(JJ>f:t? to cancer th.<> contrac1 for the
purchas- thereof and forfeit by \vay of penalty and/or hqurdated dc1111ages. fifty (50°/o) percent of all sums so
far paid

Section 22 Condominium Corporation's Right of Access to Units. - The ('011do111111111'11

c 'orporation, through its duty authorized agents, shall have the right of access to each unit for the
inspection or all pipes, wires, ducts, cables, conduits, pub!Jc utility lines and other Co,1111101, Arfa.� located
within the unit. to remove violations therefrom and to maintain. repair or replace such Co111111011.Arca� as
\/.'ell as <..'0111111u11 Arca,· located elsewhere 1n the floors of the rroject Such nght of access shall be
exercised during reasonable hours except in cases of emergency, and vJllh as litile inccnvemence as
possible 10 the occupant of the urur Any damage caused !hereby shall be repaired at the expense of the
I ·,,111l·•1111111t1111 ( ·,,,,,,,1,/fltlll

Sc<:11011 ?3 PrQ£Ctlurc and Pcn.ilti£i.lOr Violation of_F.cs![icti�1u1HI 811\!ginq Rules.

111 \he event any lHHI owner. tenalll 01 occupant f1,1l:. or refuses lo co1nply VJ1th ;111y flnutanon. restriction.
covenant. 11nde1takin9 or coruuncn heren contaned 1nvolv111g an obhqancn ofher !har. the payment of
111011cy, ur w1l11 the /l111hh11,1.,· 1''1tf,·,. the manaqemcnt body n1.1y. 111 accordance with me By-I 3\VS of ue
c 'ondomnnum ('0111orar1011, remedy such breach or voreuon after failure of the owner to do so witlun the
period fixed in the notice and assess against lhe unit 0\'1'ler the expenses incurred by the Co11clu111i11ir1111
l'o111ora11u11. The (.'011Jo111111111111 Cocponntou is also ernpowerec to impose, by 1•Jay of pena:ty in case
of viclation, liquidated damages upon the unit owner 111 such amount c1nd in tne rnanner prescribed m the
Ay-1 ,1\vS of the r ·,,,,,/,,111111111111 t ·,,,,.,,,.,""" When !'irrl 1'qu11l.itPrl d:11n<19C':.:. are muxised. the same shall
Ile consnrcrcd us ,1,1 assessment upon lhc lHH! and. 111-.P assessments for expenses. sh;:il! be secured by
the hen nrov1ded fell 111 Section 1 J noroor
contaned and no regulation m the b111/d111g !{11/eJ sha:1 be decireJ to have been abrogated or \•1aive� by
reascn c,f anv failure to enforce the same, irrespective of the number of violations or breaches thereof or
acse of urre wnlch may occur

l\t\ present
-' ....
. - . ·:. . ·:- ! :·�··: :·: :: ... : , . ,-.,. -· ;._·;:.:··: -�·:.,:'?, ::1:1
-.:: .·:, =: �-i..·:.::.
tncorporanon anc b)·-ii.'.5 :· r'e . .-
... vs ,,- »s :·":·
nres and regutacions adopted pursuant merec, as ;.-:�e ,,5· •• :··., ·:� -a. ::f r: c-:e: ·; ... -c :; � ··:·
The acceptance of a deed or conveyance. or U1e entr·1 into a lease or tha enrry 1n:o o- the i::.:.:ur:::1.::1 c:
any unit in the Project, shall constitute an acceptance by such unit owner tenant or occupant of the
provisions of the foregoing enumerated instruments. as tney may be amended from time to time. The
provisions contained m such instruments shall be covenants running witt, the land and sha'I bind ant
person or (,1tity having at any time any interest or estate in such unit. as though such µroi�s,ons \•1ere
recited a'ld ful!y stipulated m such deed. conveyance or lease thereof. '

Secbon .'.!6 Invalidity. The tnvalidny of any provision of this Declaration of

oesecucns shall not ,n any manner affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Declaration
of Restrictions, and that the other provisions 'of this Declaration of Restrictions shall continue to be in iu!I
force and ·?h�ct as 1f such invalid provision had never been incluoed herein

� cncn 27. Amendment of Declarations. This Dedamucn of Restncllons may be :,

amenclerl by th� effirmauve vote of urit owners constituting at least 66-2/3°,� of total unit shares tn the
Proiecl, at a meennq duly held 111 accordance with the by-Laws of the C:0111io111n11,1111 C'u17>0ra1io11.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the D£11£LOPER and the Oll�NER.S through their duly-authorized
representative has hereunto set his hand on the day, year and placed first aforewritten.


r 111,11•1, 1-111 /-,1, ·,1111//l:1,·/,•1•,rJ

' ·..:.. •-'

\ .-__:""'"'
,\Nll.'1\'h,l l T,\'\I
.: t ,


Republic of the Philippines)

Makati City, Metre Manila ) S.S.

BEFORE ME. a Notary Public for and m Makat1 City, Metro t,1ani!a Philippines this __ tt, cla� of
february 2001 at Makati City. Metro Manila. Phd1pp1nes, persona!!y appeared ANTONIO T. TAN \\'Ith
Co ,un,ty Tax Certtficate No ()l;qJ..0/12 .ssceo on -�O l if.I ,;.eoU'"at
' Philippines and Tax I dentification No __}_If!/- 2 ]t,· I d1 in his ca;iacity as
'ne duly Autho 'zed Rcpre-entauve of EMPIRE EAST LAND HOL�!NGS, INC. \Vith Community Tax
Ce�ficate No lh JC,gJ'4- issued on J:/f- '!"
UGI ;oo,f' a!
Alill/1 I,,� Ph,hppines and Tax Identification No. l-05- q.,i{-JOt known to me
,and to me knowfl to be the same person who executed the fcregoing, instrument and he acknowledged to
me that the same is his own free and voluntary act and deed and of the corporation represented herein.
......., ... , . ..,,,,-.;, "·"
" ')

·ua; ,J1,,at1oqe
oiunarau 0M4 I 'J03�3HM SS3N11M NI
·1eas jeuncu Au, lll!M pa1eas pue 1oa1a1.11 a6ed AJafla pue 41e.:1 uo sassauJ!M
1e1uawn11su1 S!ll pue Al.led at!) ..<Q pau61s ·uauuM S! 1uaw6pa1MOU)t:>e S!lfl aJa4M a6ed aljl 6u1pn1:>u1 '.\·;,,'fud
(fl) 1/i};/J.l!lfl JO Buusrsuoo i::ia/oJd lUl1!U!lUOpU03 ll!!:lJalUlllO:l/ll?!JUap1saJ "S.1.1 I�) J'.·111 �I }I() 1-'tl' I I� ••
10 �·11o!J·'!.11s-;,u Jo 11ut1u.1111-Jil(/ lfl!·', p;,;,c1 .1a1 .... 111,v =u. 01 sa1e1ai 1uaunu1su1 S!t. L




That this ,\/f11f('r /)c:eil with /)c:("/<1r11tio11 '!f l,',·,rrirrio111 n1ade anc f:.1 .. ;t1:�c :·,is:
February 2001 at Makalt City, fi.1tuc Munila. Fuilipplnes by
Efi.1PIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC .. a concstc eubhcly-hsted cc-porsuc» present \
\Yilh office and busmess address al the 2i·1 Floor. ihc V.':irid Cenre ?!cl�. ::JJG S:;�. ::
J Puyat Avenue. Mc1ka1i City, fi.letro Mani!:!, Ptnhpprnes rind he-e naner rete. ,CC tr as r-e
"/)£ vtu.orn«:
HOWfi\ARl CORPORATION, a dcrncsfic co1po1,111u11 1·111h office ,111(1 lx.smo .s :1,i.1.� :3 ·.·
11572 P Ur1d,1 Street. :ondo, Manda. Pluhppinr�.,'ERLINOA Iii. REYES. v.,.1r,•.·, :i:·:i ·:.. "1
residence antt postal address .:it #/JO CJlbayoo 1;111�ct. �land.lluyo,19 City. '.:,,ao :.1.1n,.,
NELIA M. SAMSON married tc Francisco �.I S;i111�on and with residenr c a"'J c;�·.r
address at �80 Calbayog Sl!eet. t.1anctalu,-ony City l.1et10 Manila ZEtlAIDA Plt1£0.:.. u.
marned to Narcico �.t Pineda and r,ith restderrc and 1o!'it<1I access at ::i2;? 3:·;:;;:
Ne1·: �/\;1111!.1 Ovezon Cily. f.,1ello fl1,111ila. c11•,t .JOSE t,1. flllLLONADO. Jf\ ··1 ;· t':
!�Cll1Cl1i; ,I i) ld1l,lo11r1cto ,uld Wllh rcaococ , .:·1,I I c '. ,,.,!I'S:. i': ::"5 .• ..
�Jar1la Oueron C,ty, �iC.'l'o �.1ari1la. a!! rpp1ese11:£>d herein b� the/>/: 1 1.1.1 '/'I Ii· � ._.
its dulv .1111h11r,;l''' /(!.'J}rl'1!.'llf1111,·l·, t,..1r. ANTONIO T. TAN anc .. �r :.: -: .:: .=.
referred to a! the "()IV1V£f?�···

w T N E S S E T H That

WHEREAS. the ()/1'1\lf:."JlS are the registered owners of t1·10 {2) cont1guo'JS parcers :: 1?·;
situated at the corners of Castilla Street antt Gilmore Avenue (for:nerly Granada St:eet). Gr�::·t-:: s:�
Juan. lv1etro Manila. Phiiippines \v1th a total area or 1 972 sq m., more O' css. covered ::·: r-e-r-e-
Certificates of Tine Nos. RT·22354 (37813} and RT·?2355 (3�431). both issued b\ t�,!: �e�·:::·i- z' Ce-;�;
for Quezon City. i:letro Maruta, Philippines and more perucutarlv described as tcrows. :J wn

T.C.T. NO. RT-2235' (37819)

B.£..gistry of Deeds for Ouczo11�lctro /.lanila
··.. 1 flcllt,.; ·1/ !1111t1' (I ,n .Vo. I 3-.·I '!/'Iii,· .,u!•,/111.,1111• 1•!.111 fl Iii·, l'.,d._'.,;r,, ·, :•:.: .,
p1,1/,r111 of /.111 13. /J/uc!.. /fl./{ ,A·.,l'1'1b,·,l 11111•l1111 l\,i._1/.'J. {<;/lit:, ii,,,,•,; '. ·
iJ I ·· 1. ,·1111111,·,t 111 the li,1rl'/f1 !!( l·.r11111u,f.: 1:1, ,u ',}11.::011 C, 'ay), .\ /;1111, !J', rlli.1 CJ· .'. ;,;
· .!111111,/, / lh•//h', /11,11•111, ,· 11(/?1:11! /10111«!.•. ,,., ,,,, .. ,·,.:. ;•,1111/� / 111 _' i•: I ,•I j.;. •
/jlp, ( /<I 1 . 11111111., � /11 j hy lut /./ ..\·, /',,l-3.'."J/. ,.,, th,· SI .. ;·111111'. .1 '•, 11,

\ ·�.__..
/11, ,,..,,,, J. Jn., '. /',·,/.JI (/)(I,\' ( ',111tlh1.,· S11·1·,·r1. •nl 111,, s:1·. J)t,'O:, ·I·" 5 :,\ f ., .':
/Jiu�;.. //J .• J',\1/-,'/j-J, 1111 lhl' 1\lll'., /lfli111, i 111 I hi- l.111 /3-/). 01 111, "'·'·ii:,;, .. ,,•
,,,l/11, (.'r;11lt//ll'II}.: (Ill (/IT/I !!f {)N/.�· ·11J{}(J,\.,/.\'/) ().\'J,.' fll.'.\.f)J:r:,, I I}\ I I .. \'i\.'·
( I I:') I .�'r.._ 11 '.. / j ! I:,\ I I .'11·:t(.\'. 11/ll/'t' /)/' /,·.,·,·."

I . T.C.T. NO. RT-22355 (384):)

'-- --- _..;,,,, Rcqi!:lfY of Deeds for Quezon C'J!y,_fv1ctro M.1nila
· •. / iJ,111 ,·/ ,,{ /1111,I (/.01 No. J.J.(' ,1· 1/,1• 11;/ic/11·1.1·1011 11/011 l'.,d-.::.''JI Sli.·,r :
he11ig it Jl"l'/;fl/1 f!f .',11/ /./. ll/r,c:A· tu- ,/(',( r1J,1·1/ r111 11!,111 /',rl·_' !.'-J Ii f !( 11

il,·tor,i \'o !JI:;. 1· 1111hc /)1.11; IC' n» i'.11·1: ·i/11'1. ,\Jii111, IJJo/i·t of Ya11./11,.1:

--�- . - ·---- -- --··· .'\., � �', -- ---�
' \

,lc•f /i.-ltJIII!',l'rovmcc fl} 1<1:al. }J1n111Jccl 011 the /Ill:·.. hy (i1/,11orc A1'C1111.:., 011 rh.:
s,.:.. hs ('all.·< ·a.1·1i/la: 011 fhc SJ::.., hy /.01 I J, /Jlock lrl-H of f)/c111 l'.wf-1 I J./, and 011
the NH'., h.r /.01.,· '/./-.·I f/llll /./-/J fl.Jr (ht! s1duh1·11lf111 11/011 ,·0111a111111K nn orea of
J-:Jtil-11' H / li\11nu» J:(J/?1't'- 7'H/ll!.J�· (8./ J) ,\'(ji.JA Ill· ,\•IJ·:71·.'l(S. 11u1re or le.11 .:

WHEREAS. the fJIVNl!ll.\' have eniered into a Memorandum of Agreement dated December 7.
1995 \•1ilh Mcga;vo�ld Prcpeces & Holdings, Inc (hercin;if1f?r rcfr.rred to as ··,\t,·;,:1111·,,1/,f'l i,�r the
development by Megawortd, in accordance with Repubnc A,;! No. 4121;) (0U1ef'\·:1�e kncv,u 1:. U1t
Condominium Act), of the afort:icscribed parcels oi tend. amonq others. into a firs!-clas.s
residential/commercial condominium project to bP. known as "GIL�lORE l·IE.TG!tl·s·· (hereinafter
referred to as the ··J)rr!}cc1'1 and ernpowerlnq A,/e,:a1,,,r1,I, 1mong others. to prepare and execute the
r.tasrer Deed \Y1th Declaration of Restrictions of the Project. A copy of the survey plans of the f\•10 :2)
contiguous parcel's of land on wnlcn the Project will stand is tie-reto attached as Annex "A" .

\"JHEREA5. i\1cgmvorfd subse4uently assigned on Dei.::ember ?.8. 1£195 by virtue of a Deed o'
Assignment its rights and obligations including the duty to prepare and execute the Master Deed \Vl!h
Declaration of RPstrictions ,t tne l'rujr:ct, except the manaqement and supervision thereof, arising cu: of
the se« Memorandum of Agreement i.,nto and in favor of .ind whlch were accepted by the herein

WHEREAS. the (J/1"1\'l:"f(.\' tnd the f>J£11/:'/.1Jl'I:)( desire to in1pose on the /',-,,1c·1, (.!;fl�,:1
resmcnons which. unless "therwise provided herein. shatl consnnne a !ien upon the /'r1y,·t1 and shall mure
10 ;3nC1 bind al parties O'o',nrng or holding �de to any unit er ;iny right or imerest therein )r m the /'roil',:
' ;Jursuant to th provisions of !he Condominium Act.

NOW THEREFORE. tor and in consideretou 01 the lorcgo1ng prcnuses. the (Jil .\"/:"/{.,· :,:-:: .....
/JL:"/ "l:."/.()f'l�-,e hereby execute this Master Deed \Vith Dectaraucn of Restnctions (01 :ht� .;:ere�:,,::,
/11 ri/1', I, to \Vil: 1

Section ? �nstitution of Froject. A res1denua1 ccndonumum o-cnct :� te · -:

as ··c,rL�·IORE I ltlGf-l'fS .. is llereby constifJ:er! on :he a'orr-oescnbed two (2) ccrucuous oarce's �'
land \'1"11ch are covered by Ttansler Certificates of Tille No:; l�T-22354 (Ji"81�·, a,ld F.T,22JSS .�:::
both issued by the Registry of Deeos for Quezon City. �1etrc c tc1·11!.:, Ptnhppmes

The »rorovemenrs ae being con�tructed bt 1>1;1 1:·1.r)J1L:"J? subs!?.r.:ia1Jy 1n accvrdf·:,::; .. ···

plans and specifications therefor prepared by J?r:c10 r·",r1.,. /11,:, a duly-licensed arc�.1:ec:·�·.::· r -
subject lo modifications eccrcvec by JJEVEl.(JPF.ll. Such plans and specificaticns ill!! he·e:.: a'uc-e-
as J!.nr:ex "B".

sectcn 2. Description of Buildings. lh-:; /'1111,·,·1 sh,1!! c.msrst cf one ll} :"1:uL'., ..
storey, building. made of reinforced concre:te with solid mat res:ing on rock loun{}atrcn, excfuswc c' 1:1-2 · ." 1·
(4) basement levels located below the entire /"'rujci:1. The f1r111t·l I shall nave a-tot.:il or one tuncrec t'·'"�\.
six {136) co11dominiun1 units of which one hund:ed t\ven:y-four (\?4) are residen1.1ai" ard tc-clve (i� <1·�
commercial. The rour·ee" ment as well as the ground level and I\VO·level podiu11 parki",g s�a:. � r, '=
'::==-; fwc hundred !orly-rv,:.i 24? slo:s �or the exclusive use of IIH' unit ownersrcccupaats cf the/'• · .. 1
Reproductions of the r.-Plans lor tl'le lour-level uasenem <11H the coudominnnn t:u1ldn1!Js .i:1· t "·:::
{',( attached as Annex "C". ..

Section 3 Description of Units. Each unit shc11l consist of -nc area measc-cc
.._:i - -h6timntally from the ceucr of ne interior 1vall of the panucns scparaunq such uni: frail'. cmer u1· t� er'· vr
the defined common areas. Vertically. each unit s;,alt consist ol the space benveen �1� top oi :'le co �:·t::.'!
I floor and the underside of the ceiling. Each unit shall be der.r.,�d to include any aqacent ba'ccev a' 'te
wars and paruuons v1h1ch are not load beanng within the permeier 1•1aUs of the unit th� inner cecc ;-;:;:: �r
--�n,shed surtace ,r all walls of <ae uO'ls, noq·s, ceih119s and ou,11.,11 fixtures
. -�===·---,:·.'" -- . -··--·----
·------·· ··717! j J_

Seeton � Parking. For valuable i.: Cn$.ide1?.:r)1,. the p;v;.1n� slots �hail be a:;s19ned or.
;1 r1, st-comc-fus-servee basis. to vnit owners.1,uyers of the /'1 ,,,cc I

Section 5 Usc..9! Units. · save for the comme.cral 1i1uts. au units in the /'1 ,,,,.,, s11a11 be
used for residenlial purposes 011ly and subject to such 'eslrictions as n1ay be, agreed upon m the instrun1en1
c?r.�·eying such units f;orn the J)t."l'El#Ol-'ER to the Uflrt O\vner/buyer and as may be provided in this
Master Deed.

Seeton 0. The Common Areas. The common elements or areas of the l'r"J•'( 1
.herematter referred to as the "( ·11,11111011 Are,1.� ") sh.ill cc-oose all the parts or the /'·,,,,·,, othe1 lh,1:1
1.1e residential units, and shall be clc1ssified as rc\low. to wit:
II refers 10 a conancn area assigned fer the excfunve •:se cf
l.11111fl·1/ ( '11,,,,,u,11 .-lrc11.,· •
an individual unit (e.g. �arking slot). • ·

The use and enjoyment of the Li111.=rc,f ('0111111011 .·Ir,·.,.,. sha!I be r.or,sidered as r:s!nct:c! 1 t�=
sense that their use and enjoyn1E:nt are reserved for the be11e�.t or the units \'Jithin the build•'lg SiM·:?r,, :� i::
expenses for the repair. insurance premiu1ns, maintenance and admnlsuaucn of said /.111111c·1/ c ·1,,.:, · ,,,
-l1 l·111· shall be for the sole and e:<clusive c1erount of the individual uni! owner's Converscf th:>
eeveropment landscaping, alteration or repair of any r ;,.,,.., ,,1 < '1111,,11,,,1 , /I ,·111 which affects the J·1�1 a1:
integrity or appearance of the whole Prryccr shall be requtateo by the Board of Directors Ji the
l ·1J11,lr1111111111111 ( ·,,11•11r tion.

h. (,\'111'1'111 { '11111111011111'!:(I.\' re,1�rs to c"II areas ilnd parts of the !':111,·ti po·:,,:u·r.:';
Dul not limited !o the follcwing, to wit:
i1J The par· !Is of !and hereiabelore described. 111cludina .ill ramps, d11v::!•::.:1ys 10-:;,!·:.• ,,.;
pathways, � :,rl:s. piaygrounds and other open spaces within the l'r11i,·< 1.

(i1) All 1·.·alkways. entr1nce� and exits. including the gu ?.rd houses or the , 1,, '/"< :

(ui) The uerirneter w\lls, if any of u.e l'ro.,,·<,.

i1v) .l'\il central arid appunenan' equipment and 1nstafla1ions fer ul!!1:y services su::11 as ;.::.s
ligh1, water, garbage, cable television, telephone. seweraqe. dramaqe. 1va'.e1 shafts ;,;,.,,,�
pumps. meter fans, compressors and central equipment and all con,r.10<1 utility spaces a-a
areas !> :he whcle l'r11j1:c1 and lhe l,ke. anCI all other u11hty systems ouistde \I';'
towers. except the outlets thereof which are located inside o, within eac 1 building

(v) The J'r,yc:1.1·.1 adrr.inis:r.ition office, U;e cuo-ocse. gym. s•.·,trnrr,ing a-rd 1·.r.::nr, ccc :
'ochers and waiting areas:

(l'i) All other parts of the l'ro.11·,·1 and all snucn.res and fa�1tibes, a�paratuses �Gt,1a:-:·e··:
mstcnatons and areas therein 1vhic:i are fo, ger.eral use of Hie wbo'e i',01,·.: :
necessary or convenien1 to the existence. man'enance or safety of the enure l'rr,1111
\..- and,

-�'.'\ (v11) AU 01iler p1nperty 11ghts therein granted in 'avor c.,f the 1 ·,,11,/01•111,111.11
otherwise este<bli!>tled in tavcr or er fo•�he �Pnef1t cf the /'1 "fl'• , unuer rtvs t.tas'e- : "''::.
1 ·.,,,. ,,,,:, .. ,, (:

The ( 'uu.•1111111 .·;r1·u.\ shall rernain undivided anf : � unn owner fl)?.y �ring an c1::t:01· re- L,
nerecr except in acccrdaoce v,.il.h the crovisons Jf the Ccndn11' ruum /.ct
Sec�on I The CondomL,ium Ccrporatio:i. a) A cc.corato- k"::.': as
the GIL�10RE HEIGHTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. [herertafter refc:re,� ta r� t-e
• ( ·,111,fo111111i11111 ('or1J'ira11011 ") shall be fo1 med and orqanzed pursuant to the Ccndorruruum Pct a-o ve

Coq.101 ;,�011 Code to hoHi ti1:e to 11,c l ·,,,,11,:1111 tlrcu\ of 1h,"! /', 111,·1 1, to maoaqa '.h': f·i ,,,, .. : a- -; -, ·
su:�. c:.1her thinU5 a::; niay be r,::cessary. incider,ta! or con'le"1'f �I to llle accomo;1shn,e1t c' s.; :! re:::.·:·
PII owners of umts in the l'roject or those who have no more pecuniary obhqaunn to the JJLl"/;"/.(Jl'l:"f<
shall automatiI11y be members of the Co11,lo111il.•111111 ('or;u1rr1111J11 to the exclu�·Jn of a!I others. 1.1
accordance with Section 8 hcreunc!e,. J

The management c,f tr.e (:0!1do1nin111111 C'o11Jora11011 shall 'be vested in a Beare of Dnectors J'
1=1vE (5) members who shall be elected by the respective unit o·::ners of the r,01c1:1 based or. tie ur-:
owner's appurtenant as determined bf Section 8 {b) hereof.

Section 8. Nature and Interest Acquired by Ov,ner/Purchascr ol UniUs. 111 1 I''..!

ownerpurcbaser of a unit in the t'roject shall acquire ownership of such unit JS cescriced ::l Seeton J
hereof. subject to the terms and cond'tons of the insuurrem co'lvcy,ng the uni! lo lhe 01·111<:?r purchaser er
to 1he terma and conditions conveying such unit.

b) The owner or purchase: of a uni! shun further acquiri:! a non-exclusive nyht to u:11z2 tt-e
( ·{11111111J11 Arcc11· of the Project,

,-J As :i consequence of ownership/purchase of a unit. the ov,ner/!Jurchaser shall, !ubje-:1 tc

Seeton 7 hereinbefore, auton1r1tica!fy become a member of t'ie < '1,111/0111111111111 ("011'"'''''"" 1•11;h such
«neresis. panicipation or equity therein corresponding to the percentaqe or fraction.ii share 1·1hich the
1·,e1ghted noor. area such unit bears to the to\31 saleable area m the l'rryt',,. lhe ·:01a s?.teab!e a·:a·
refers 10 the combined noo1' area or all the units m the t's oject


= •1. nteresr of pancpenon �. "1 jhc I ·,,1111:0•1., , ,:,

Total area or uniis in the J'ro.11.·c 1, 1n lhe /'11•11,1
excusive of ('r,111111un Art•a1·

The respective percentage or uacuonal share of the u'uts are stated in the sc'ledule aracnsc
hereto as Annex "0".

,!) Each member or the Co1ido111il1111111 (."r,1y1oraf/'111 shall share in the con1rncn expenses c'
1�e Project, and shall have such voting rights in the cases provided in the Condominiun1 Act in accordance
1·11th the same sharing or percentage staled in Annex MD" he:eof. In all cases. the owner of a unit sha:;
hav-: at least one (1) vote in the ('011don1.'11i11111 ('011;oraflr,11 fer every unit owned by 11:ml/heriit 111 the
J'r"/•'< I.

i:) In the event that the ( '011do111111i11111 < '01y11,rll111111 is dissolved. the memt:ers therec: 5�.?. ·
become co-owners of the ('on11111111 Arcos .vi1h shares thereto as shall correspond to !heir ar:,rl:r.�-.J ':
interest or participation 111 •.;c ( '011,/i11,1iu111111 C '111 ,-111r11fl.i11 ac provided 1,n :his scc110:1

Sectiol 9. Amendmcnts/Rcvision5 of Plans a!1d M.istcr Deed. · ,1) Th!J 1>1:·1 ·1:"/.tll;I 1,·
reserves lhe riGhl to amend at any time the development plan by filing such addrtion�I. supplen1cntal <1�<1 zs
revised plans andfor specifications as may be reqcueu to describe adequa:e\y \he con1?le11011 J'.
«rorcvements toqerher with the changes therein. ti any Such compleucn r,1ay be shol',"1 r-v a ce1tif,c;,.:� ,''
·11 .ucnnect or c11Di11f"r.1 cr.rt1fr1n9 ,hat !hi: uuprovemcnts h.,v1 hf",111 ,·on:;iruc:ril av hern11 "': t' ······., · -
,\ 1 ·'..HJllilt ng any cua-qcs made Such plans. specucuncns r,, :.,!1t1'1c,,tion. •.-:hr:·1 �1y1·,··I 11. 1 ;,_:: . .-.·,; ·
,I l'.
�Y I J /; I'[; I.()!'/;'/( and reqistered accordance 1'lit:1 Sec11o-;1 .: 01 'h:! Ccndcrreucrn ,� :t s · ::.r: c:ic:: :.:·: : ;
11 a-. amendment of this Master Deed

�---·- .. Ii; Pn::., !C the complenon of the /'ru11:, 1, no\\·. t1\st:1iHl1119 ar,y renus ,H'J �:·1J1:: 15 :· :
--:or.tra;; to se! over any umt 10 the contrary, the /)1£1"/;"/.tJI'/:./{ reserves t'u n��t t,:, ,,·;'::?": ::c•. ss:
·e•.cl:t:: ihis i·Aaste: Deeci \'11\� Oeclarafion of Restrictions Qy re•J1st�r:n� wnn the .: :.e� s ; : c- :::::�:
Q •. e-cn City r1 \ r.1 JI a corresponding insuurrent to U1a1 effec: r.u:·, eveccieo by_ 1h; /J /;. 1 /."/.f JI'/:' I?

(v /


. , >, 4 a ,a, . ,
¥ ; &- ...
· __.,..�
. __ .,11-
---�,l �---- ----

/ '
/ �


Secuon 10. Scope and Covi:!.i!!Jg:. l"lu:. lh:1:l;11,1h1111 or nr.�,11ir.1ion•;, ;1•: 111;1y !rf"Jill tun·� 1,1
time be amended. shail embody such restrictions, limita•ions. covenants. undertakings and co:1t.!1bun> es
111ay be required or permitted by the Condominium Act (Ir t�.e r..ic:.;ter Deed to be provided herein Scbj;: oct to
certain excepfions as may tie expressly set forth in the Condominium Act or in the Master Deed herein.
such restrictions, timitations, covenants an:ttor conrJitions sh31J be ceemen to run witb thr land. tne
buildings and other improvements making up the Project, �hall constitute a lieu -pon the /'11111·t·1 and
each condominium unit and shall inure to the benefit cf, and be tinding upon an parties 0\'1ning a: t:ol:ii:19
any unit or any riyht or interest therein or in tile I'roiect, pursuant to the provisions o! :r-.e Conclon1i1�:u:·1

Section 11. The Management Body. ..... a) The ( "1111d11111111111111 c ·.,,1,,1111111111

shall constitute the management body of the /'r111et/ once the same is fo11na!ly 1.urnecl ever tc ure
( ·,1111l11111111i11111 ( "1117J11r111iu11 hy tr-,e nena.on». Its pov'ers sh11il be such as rnay be pro\•1dcC ty t::e
Condominium Act, ttie �·�ster Deed, this ('leclara�on of Restrictions, its Articles of Incorporation and 6y-
La1\'S. and r,uch appb�able provisions or the Corporation Code , as are not incon:;istent 1·:ii� ti''?
Condorniniur.1 A:L Any such powers may bi! exercised or .:lelP.galc:f by or to, such officers er o:'l�r
persons, and in such manner, as the By-Laws may provide. The c·ondu111111111111 C'r1171urc111011 may t:ire
manaqerial, legal, auditing, accounting ?.nd other professional and technical services m the manner
provided in ils By-Laws. Ihe { "1111tlo111i11i11111 <..'01pora11r,11 snall not have the power to conduct an ,1cti .e
business for the prorit of its mealbers or any cruem. Fot a period of five (5) years rrom and after the terr-at
turnover of all units cf ine l1rojr.:c1 by the JJEVI:."LOPE!? to tt,e ownersrbvyers as \·1ell as a� Cc'":'I·::,"\
areas of the Project to the Co11clo111i11i11,11 Co1p1Jrct111,11. the administration and 111anage:•:en: c' :i.e
/'11111·, 1 shall be assigned or delegated by !he ('011,ln111:1111·11: ('ur11oro111•111o a propeity man;;;::r,::·:

en'.1ly 10 be ncmnated by the /JJ:·111;1.(Jl'EI(

b) Each building .in the Project shall be autonomous in its cperason ine ,r.:-?·�. .: .
management of each building s�11; be vested in a Board of Governors of eve (5) members for each 101·.-er.
to be constituted in the manner provided for ir- Section 7 {c). Pan l hereof. A majority of jie rrembers sha't
constitute a quorum and a decision of a majority of a quorum shall be sufficient as a valid act cf the Beere
of Governors. The Board of Governors <:hail be deemed to perform delegated powers from ee So,1.11 ,:,l
Directors of the { f!111ff!11111111111: ( ·,,,7Jort1l1n11 in the exercise of their powers A$ such :h-:, Board 01

Governors shall have the powers and prerogatives t1.1 implement any anL.'or �JI prceu'cns cf ue
Condominium Act and other aorr;cabt� laws. the foregoinJ �Aa�'.er Deed, this Occ!ar:1t1on Kesu1.:t1ons. !.��
Articles of Incorporation and Sy-Laws of the Condcrrinium Corporation and the :10:1se rules of the /1ro1 :r ;.
in case of connct er disagreement as to any cececn or polir.y of lne t-oarc! of Direc:.:-rs of t-c
1 ·1111,/11111111111111 (."11,7•11rt1tu111 and that of the Board or Govr·rnors of any bu1ld1n9. 1h:o occeco or re :cy JI
the Board or Directors shill prevail and �hill! be bindiny to a:! units cf 111c 1 ·, ,,,,., , .:iff1'il\!d th�11•t,,

No p1ov1sion of the f..1aster Deed nor this Dccl:.rrihon t1f Restncucns sh.ill tie ,:,.,;;:r1.:'." ss
,!n1,n,sl11119 the powcs vC!>lCd 111 the 80:ard 1Jf Dncctors as rill� 111,111;19c111ent l•ocly of !h1� 1 ·. -,.i ·::1·,·, ·:
t '1117,01111io11 and as such, an contracts or actions to tc P.nt�red into or t,10:.i!Jhl fo1 01 2.y,1·.·�1 ::,:.:
r ·,111,(01111111111•1 ! 'r117•r1rfll1u11 shall l'e executed. pro-cnned or dck!ndt:1 m th� n.•1•·,:' -:' :�.�
·, 111.11111111111111; ( ·.,, /Jiii .ii 1011.

Section 12. Maintcnance..B,epairs ar.dlot Altr.ration� ,1

mentenaoce. reoans. anecaeons. etc. works shall be as fiJll1)1·1s to wit·
(,) individual such mamtenarcc. repair :.r aiteraucn tha: b0:1-2'1<s ,,;·1,1 -rc •, j_:J,
u�ts in a pemcula building

---\---- (11) general such maintenance. repair or alteraboP that benei.;

/'1,111·,1 or the general comrnon areas,

b) i1.!I maintenance of and repairs of a,.y ui:1: m th� /'1·,11·c1 (oU,t:::: ::1;.r; ma :1:::-r::r:': ·,: �-·�
repars to any ot :he ( ·01111111111 Ari:01· ccnraoed thereu' 11ot n�cess1!? 1:,-;: :ict o: ne;,=�e::,, :I:�;:
unit ov1ner, tenar.t or ccc:ipa11t thereof) sha:1 be n1aCe ty. andj'.H th� expense of i.::e C\�ner c1 s,,,:·:

... ,!$ ..... ,,-

F,K.h unit owner shalt be responsible for al! damages to <1r.y ctler un;t ano to the ('11111111,11111,,.,1, re;;u!t·r�
!!0111 his Iailure or rerusal to effect such maintenance andfoi repairs Eacf urut owner !:hall rusn hi;
rcsucnsible lo prornptly report in writing to the Ooard of Directors of any defect or need for repairs on ;iny of
rtie t. '0111111()11 A reov found or within the �icinity ol his unit. The Board or Directors shall initially determine
whether seen repair or maintenance shall be classified as individual or general. If classified as individual
;r.e concerned unit ol':ner/s sha!! be responsible for such rep?ir and/or maintenance. 1·1 the event that u·.e
:1ass1ftcation is generai, the ('011(lr,,11i11it1111 ('rn11ora1io11 shall be responsible fur such repair r.nd!or
mamrenance. areas are classified as limited or �rner;il as speciued in Sec1ion 6 of Part I hereof
Ali others not sc cle!ssir1et:I shall be determined by the Board of Directors wncse dc�1S1C"IS. m cases cl
r:onflicL i� final.

Exc'!pt as may he limited or restricted herein or in :hr. Bv-Laws. each unit J1'111e1 s.ra. 'ta .e · right, at his o�vn expense, to paint, repaint, wax. pcipc·. or othe1'l'.. isc renrust- auo re::"-.;-·.:.:-,.
inner surfaces or the walls. nccrs. windows and doors hounding his own unit

NotlYithstanding the foregoing provislons. the cwrer tenant or occupant ot a unit m ve 11,,,, ••• 1
;11?.f not undertake an)· structural repairs or alterations. or any other work whch 1•,ou!d ieopard1ze t,"le s �;;:}
<'f s:ructural 1nteg1;1y of any of !he buildings in the l'r,,;, l I. or any ouer unit or ,�11:: oi tt:e i ·, .,, ..... "
r,, .11. or i1np;1u i1ny t';1�c1nc111. •.vi1h01il tt1,-: priot ;ipp:nv.11 �,' lh� ( '1,11 • .'n,,1111•1111· c ·,,; «, 111,11· ;.':·: r: · ·.
owners of the urrts iluccUy alfected such wu1!-.

c) AH maintenance of ancl repairs to th(; (.'rJ111111<•11 Arca.1, v-1hethar located ma.ce zt oo:s·!!:
!1",e units {un!ess necessitated bv the act or negligence of a unit owner, tenant er o-::.;:1;;.?.·1t. 1:-, \'.h:::i :?ise
such expense shall be ct-iarged 10 the owner of the uni:) snc:!I be made Jy :h� ic.1vc1 c. . -er s • · tv ::·:
< ·,,,1(/0111111111111 ('017,orc:1io11, applyiny the princip!r.s emtoned in pus secrcn.

d) The By-Laws of the ('011do11·111111111 � ·o,71<J1·(rll(!/1 may conta-n sucn ; . :-:�::: s .;".�
::!1,•t.u:g 1::, mamtenaece repairs . alteratons 01 a:Jdilion!i !'l t.•1pplt! the ornv1sic:;� 'ure r, '

Section 1J Assessments. a) c.; svrf tme a:�J 'n o.t.::'l n:;,,,�,:· as s -e' ::::
crovrfed in the By·L, :,� oi the ( '011do111111111,11 ('1111H,1c,;u1,1 mere �hci11 be .;s:":ss�:: r.;•:. -.:;: �;:-:-
ccre- in the I. oJ('•, ano paid to .-.1e ('0111/0111i,,111•11 r ·"'/!1·•0111111 the fol'o\·,1rg. 10 1·,11.

f 11; i' Hegutar assessments lo� or;era:1_ng expenses . !i e c ·, n.i; ,1·1,,.1 · ,,

(,0•1,";iu11011 s�ial!. eom time tc fme, anu at ltas! ann1.Jily, prepare an e{Ur!la!� of :h:;i .:�':r?.�'lg
expenses of the c·o,,J,:111i111,11n C,117H1rafl1111 e.nd assess against eac't Jr.,t ovre- 1r. �'c:r�:::.� :J
such un;t 0�·111er's aop.menaat mterest in the ,. ·,,11,Jr.11111111,111 < ·,,, 1,,11 ,a., ,1: s ..i:::!", ;;"'·: •. �:� ? ; s � � ..
be neces�ary to n<eet operating expenses ):1ra 1',1,en�as $hall 1nclu'1-;: :, .. : �'li' n�: t;: 1 .•. :;;,' ·:
the :01101·111,g to wit 1

I) The cost oi 1ns;1T;incc pol:c1es insur,ng the.'',,·.,,,. .19n1ns, ;,,_.� :,•,

earthquake, casualty !iability nnd oth�1 1nsur.1l11l• ris�s 111 a..:cordn11.::� ,�,n, Sl't't\''L� 11,1 .. 1.:
17 hereof and to the extent dee1ncd nC'c�ss;i1 v L''f the c ·,.,11/,11111111.1,·1 1 ·,,1,•1 " .. ,. • , ..

2) The cost of regular ,u:rt ,�cu:renl 11'ain1encu1ce ;"!n(I or'J,n:·y -.� � r·

1111�1:es ;ir,d otl'.er si>ov1ces h!:!nefi!ing tt'I".', ·,,,,,.,,,,,,1 Ai LY/\ of 1fii! / '• 1•i• .• ,

.i, Thi: -O�t or h11n1h,·r ,.i,1..-,h1.,·;. fi,;in",; ;;;1l1 "qi pn1('11: 1,, ! ,, , ·
.UL''" of '.te '.'rorccl and the m-c1·ri JritJ,· !h0:,,10, .:is the, '<•111:11111:11·,11·, r , :·,,•.1:
·' 'rom !ln1E: to :1me determ111� to be n":r: ,s-11 ! 11 1 r,rop!:!r

rrf> tOSI •.lt rlPY l.ll il'' ,!i':'11 1,5 ·.,,:·1,!i:C::. 'tir,·,,.:'• n.:s ,:i',f ... \:,. • ,,
.. , ... �l\'IC,15. l!l,lliJ!Pllill'ICe. 1('p;111s \ •..• : :·.: ;i;;.:;-'!��111cr.:� \',' /�'! ::-(; I , • ..
: ·.,1i1111,11.011 is requ•red o! c,n;:ior.,...,�·.! to cti., .;e u;:dc· u1�· i.\.1�:0; ):-,.;..'. t t"::
e;iforceM&,it GI the provis1vr.:, of tt:e iJu1id:n_g Rules: prcv,11110, :riai tr svch e•c::���.· r.·:
s;,er,t fo: particulas tini:s in the 1·, ,,1,·1 ,. so.1rh Pxpenses }ha:\ 1�erez'io;r b; ,;s::<:.;s,:.:!
a.{l.:tinst 1he rnember/s O\vni'1g sui:h ur1ts ar.d sha!I ossessed ur.rl!:r Par hi/ o! S�;r.:;i,1 ;,;

/ r<

5) 1 he expenses emnneratec ir, Seeton 13 (a)(,; f i J (2) r;, and r-11 ferec!
s�<1!i b,� cl'larged f"q1,itably to and amol'lg um r.rut owners benefited by such exceeot.ves
h,1s�1I 011 thc« • or patltctpcitiiJn in uu, • ' ,,,, !,,1111!11!111• l ·,111111rr111, ,11

fi) If :h� c:unc/0111111111111 c ·11,;•,,1,,111111 ·� estimate o! oueralr'l9 eoc-svs

l)(Oves inadequate for any reason. il'Clujing 11011,p,1yn1er:\ �f nny asSJS5,1�Cllt 1'. 1
1:2.) z:
any fime levy a fu-ther assessme-u

(11) Re<Jt1lci1 assessments for ca11i1al e;i.1 e-m.ncs lb� 1 ·,,•·.:-, •• 1·• 1·,, ••
c..·,,,,1r1.''C1t1011 shall levy upon all merroets retauve re their uuerest of 11;u11c1c;i::" c: :·1;
c·o11do111111iu,11 {�o,11or11t1f111 an annual assessment f:H lhe purpose of crca:1r.J and 'Tl.;1r,1;11.11ng a
specer fuud (01 capuar expcndinses on the ( ·,,,11,11n11 :lr,·,11 or lhe /', ,.,,., 1. 1 1c;l1d1ng tr-c cost t."
extraordinary repairs, reccnsuuctons or ��stor,,t,o;;s necessitated by uamacc •!<::;,1e:C1;:i·,:r;
obsolescence. expropriation or ccndemnsiicn of such l ·,11111111111 .. ,, ,·u, o: oaa, .� thf'1e:.' ci� 1·. :c rs
the cost of improvements or additions thereto author1,:('(l in accordance \':1th th' on» s-. 11:: :: ;·:1•
By-la vs of t�e t '011,l•J111111111111 ( '111 ,,,,rc,11011 S1.1c,1 c.ipilJI expenses snoll be r.harge� :":y '.:.. :t·�
concerned umt owners ber.cfiled by such expenuit.res LilS?Cl on ihe1r in:t.,est r I par:« ;,:· · � :;
C '1 ,,,,,, 1111111111,11 f ·,,, f''l/'1//1/11/

/111J Dcfic1e1·cy anuouer Specra'ascess :,:;�::; ·: �--.. 0 .:

for the defic,ent.y in case Ille special fund crovrded lor 111 Pai. (11) herembelc-e. toqetr-c- 1·. •• :· ....
msvarce or other proceeds or recovery. ii any, are 1nsuffic1ent to cover lhe ccst :;1 s�:· :�: :;.
expenditures, unless the damage, obsolescence. exprocriauon er ccndemnatc't u c' s:..:t· -.;,::�·
as to meet the r.:onC1tions for dissolution of the ::·,11ulo111:111111,, ('or1101(::l(111 -ecc ·::J �. :··:
Condouunium l\cl and the required vole of the uuu owners of ihe cone !',, -,'. 1 Cf:�··-.--�-··
d1ssclut1:,n, there may also be assessed a9.i1:i.;11:1r .i111t owners 111!h:!11,111 'i'' p::!'>- .I
or in the 8y·l<n�s c,f the ('0111/01y111,11111 r ·,.,.,. ,.,,_,,,,, such ott:e: assessmet ts e=
specifically prcv:c!ed bcrem Such assessments ',h,111 be c'lnrged only iiJ< r·,i i'·, .. r ·
concer neo pur:,111n1 to u.e scncrne provided 111 .u .·., • he::�1·i�1rfo: e

111 J Specie' assessments for sep;;rc11c: L•.p<'nse-; F;;::l':;11,ir ,� :: ·

be s111J1�c.1 !n spccral assessments authonzen ui ,11.r.:,,rda:ice 1·11111 'ht ld,1�t:!1 1 \ JLI 0: 1.·, i\ '. : ,
of tn� ( '01!1!11,11111111111 ( '011)11rC1t11•11 for nl-,1-�1r:1rr,011 1 expenses (liere,r c1':!!· :�':,·�:; ·; .:=:
"S�·pt11a1,· l.\1Ji:1n,•., "l such a), bu: not ii:n1tcd ic, t.,J e1.(pef'lses !or the n1.!1:1tenarce a.1,:l ·£1:.::? •
01{ an1 urut it 5irrh maruenaoce 1r repair is, ,�, ,he iuc!grncn! of the c:011..'011 11.-111111 ( ·,1,,-,,,, :,:,,,,:
nt rr,:;,::-,y to jvot er the floors l�e < ·(111111•,,, •. I , :11 or any oiher pen.en c: er :� �c:'�g·;Z:·� !�!:
value ;u11l atuacuveness of 11:e /'111/1'( 1. 11:lCt t:h' ·J111! c111·nt.:-11s !;111.., or rel ::·;,:, ii' r, .. , .. ,:,,: ·
maintenance or repair or hisn1er/i!s un1t/s. \v:tlun !ht.' "rue ti-.;ed m tt',c \", :-::.::':: :' :-�
L '01ulo•11111!1,111 t ·,)111oru11""· the!l the { '11111!,111!111 11111 ( ,, 1,or1111011 511211 .liert?i!'.'o: J.$$� $: �? ::
expenses c1ga1nst the men,1berls ov,r.:ng such uil1:ls c1r1d. (hJ assessmen1s or fees for:�£> .:5:: ;;".:
enjoyment of lhe /Jroj<!CI ·.1· !.in,ilr!cl (.'0111111011 .-1, e11..-. sue!, as llut :1Jt, 1in'.ted tc �;,1;1'.':' �:: .� • •
� !cn;,.ci,s. p,11\.,i;1g spilces ;ind other por1ior.s of ;tic; '111111111,11 ..:,.-11, under th:s r.1;is:1:r fl:,?i:.::
th•s regard, tile (•.'011,lo1u1111111u ,.:o,7J1JJ·a11011 n;.!y 1n1pcse 1n:erest an� pentr'ly �1,:rr�:::, c.•.

\ such speciul .isses�ments.

b) Classifir.ation or a:.sessments.
,'u) cissess;-1cr.1 dri"Nn ag;iinst a11 1t1�1,1v:1cl ur.11 lo· ,ts sci;
• .!,. gene;ai ass�ssnic·nt urawn ;igd1nsl all unit O\'.nt.:-rs ,n ti·�,:·., ..
c) Assessments 3gail'lsl u;iits in the ,,,.,,,, t.·1 for romrron ex;ienfe:; sna!i i:e cas:> �
appvrt•.:-n?.nt irit�re�ts {Jf pc1rticioation as r.letcrm1r,ed u11der Section 8 fc) here1f

. . ... . . ,,

ln-uancn. c·,11111111,11 l:..\1:1'11.-.r.:., shall mctude . 10 cxpt:n',l :: 1 ,,d, 111,1·.11.,t1,,·1 ..' ,,1 1., 11., .,1. r, 1 ·· .. ,
and expenses for maintenance. coeratcns. rcµaiit 01 re�1'.1:·.:n··�nls of the c ·,,:11":,,•: 11, .:,. as •:.�·11 ,1:- ,•, ••
cost for their impro v ements: (11) any valid charge against ihE: l',ryi:tl as a wc'e c- :he 1 ·1111.1,,!·:1•1:11•1:
1 ·o,p,11a11011; and. (11i) expenses declared to be r·,,,11n11"11 Ll'pen.1.:1 by the pro-rsons o'. :re i.'as:.'.
Deed or ne By-La,•1s of the ('01ulo111111ila11 <.'111:norotlf111

e) Unless otnerwise specifically provided b� u-e ('1111,!0111111111111 ('1J/f'","'""' i•e '::-·c;�:··�

assessments shalt not be refundable.

0 tne amount of a11y assessrnent. the irircre�Vs nue in case or delinquency. ::,e costs c:
collection (including anomev's fet>s, if t1ny) or ciny pe11.:-:1!ty for de!inq,!l}ncy �hi'l!I :ons1,tute a 1ren :ir.�·-:J' ···:;
amt and r-e unit owner's 1nteres1 of participation m .be c ·,,•11!011111111011 ('1111•0· ,r,, "· Su;i er-s s-.
coosututed and enfcrced, or the amount or 1he assessment Jth!:l\",JS(! ::,nectc1 n :·.,� ;1�� .. e- :·:. :;. �
the By-Laws of the ( 'u11tlu1111t1111111 ('ur11ort1111111. •

g) Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration of Restnc�o.; or m 1:-,e C�r:c:,,,:i _ -;

Act. the lien or assessment hereunder shall be superior I::> all ether liens and enccmorances

h) In case of foreclosure, the transfer or .he conveyance. as well as the reCe:np'.,:in c' t-e
delinquent unit shaU include the unit owner's appurtenaot membership in ihe t ·0,11/0111111 .. ·11•:
( '0171oro11011 The ( ·011(lon1i11111111 ('or11orirflo11 shall have the power to bid at the fcreclcsure s:i!e

i) In case of default by any unit owner .n the payment of any assessment 1r-cluC1�1g erv
interest and penalty thereon, the ('ruul,!111111111111 ( '11111orr111011. \Vithout to any C'tiler !'gn;5 :r
remeces to \vh1ch 11 is entitled as provided herein or m law or equuy. upon 011or \':ri:'.,!'' ·1::-:,::,, :. :•.:
defauliing unit owner. to cut off or \V1thhold frorn sucn un1i c- un,t 01\•'le1. u:•:111�s ,11d'o: se-vccs -: ,, ::� e-e
:,rovided lor or administered ty the (.',.11u/0111i11111111 ( 'u, JJ01,1r1011 fur suet: reasor .,:,•e cenco 0i : ., .·: -·� ;�,::
1 ·01,,/0111111111111 ro171ora1101, may determine

Section 11\ R.nal Propc11y Tates a11ci AsscS.lli!..C�l!..!j. E:ich rr : :·:.··:: �';;,;
e•ccu•r such msuumcnts and lake such acucns as r:1.1y rcasonabtv be spt>i::1fi<d by -c , .... "·•'· ... ,
c ·(/,1)&1111;011 to obtain a sep ..irate assessment of 'ns own tl'litls for purposes ,,1 lil\J: ::1 ,i:·,.; �:·::"J'
ossessrnenrs on rec1.I property. NevE-r4heie;,::, if mere ·� a11y p:'>ss1bi!ity !hat an} t;i\ 01 esscssmeu ! •. :i1
Leconte a hen on the units cf the /'r,�;,:,·1 or any pan r,f the c '11111111,111,11,·a, Ille- s nne 1nJ) be 1',11,1 '.') u-e
( '011tln111111i:1111 rorpo:·ci1i1n1 ond said amount sh;i!! 111 !u1il be assessed by -he la::er ;1gar1s: ·�-.: ,. -:
ownerrs concerned, toget/1cr·with such rate of 111tc1t?sl and costs as 111,1� re Ceterr·i·r;r-.� �- rne
( '0111lo111i11111111 ('fltJJflrafl<·II. Such assessment shall constitute a !ten on the units so asscssc: r�:::::,:·:
to Section hereinbefore.

Section iS. Ust! Ltnutaticns. · The units and their c.orres('c:id1ng l·(,.,:,11.,•.- .r...»
shall be occup11!d and useo subject to the fellowing lir-i.taeons, to \•111 .

fo) �Jo 11nit OYJ'lZr. except wh-n : ;h,:, unor �·,ntl�n ppprJ·13I o/ ·,1,uu,111111111111
( 'u1JH1111f11111, Sl)a:1 occupy or use h1s/hr.rl1!. ur11L's o' pcrrn11 lhe s.;:n·p ur an·t p;,n lh!:•e:c' t'.> b;
occuprel.l or used for any purpo;;e 0thcr i111!ic,111.: d 1,1 the �l;is!Pi Dc1'<1 1h1� f'r-c!;:r::· 1"1 _.,
Restnct1cns, or und�r the pertinent C:011t,<1ct to l.ll:y .ind Sen. pt0\1d�d !h.1! lilt' 1.n:�'1 i:: n1''. 1
inco�.si.stent \Yith the preceding l\vo documenis. Unless t11e Master Deed 1s amended, no ur,; mGy
be divided or si:bd1v1ded into smalle1 units nor any portion thereof sold 01 otherv:ise translerrt j
C 'r111111u111 Art.'11., (e�cept lhe t 111111,·,I < ·,1,11111011 ,lr1·,"·) of the units intended ior

the furni�hing of services and facilities for the common en1oyment of the un,ts sh;ill be used only for
_ such pu1pcs�s and snail not bi? ;ip�ropn;itcrl for '.h'e exc!usive use or be,£:fll of any par11culr.r unit
or units There shall be no obstrur,tion ot lht: I ·111111111•11 ,:ri·u, 1n1cndtd fr,: uirJr'��� C(j>f:::.� or
access fron1 or to any part or the (fl111111P11.l1T11., {t:xcept in tho�e 111te1ded for storage\ r:.1h:1.rt
the previous consent of the C..'01ulv,1111111,111 ( '017Jr,rutio11

(t) The J)J:.·111:.·1.0l'EI? and/01 its i'1ss1gnees shall hilve the so:i;:· nghi :J �:.,::ot.
display. ins1all, constru:L G\'ln · nd oniro: such sign ages an�o,; Qrilphics 1n t!ie i',, .,,·, r 2,".l re
s1g11 of any kinG shall be espta-ed 10 U,c pubhl. view t,) er from any t!i1'1 er ;i·1y ::lj;:,:;n r;,! Hl!:
r- /11(y'-'1.:1 wdhout the prior written consent of the /Jlfl/f:'/.f)l'III?.

1./J No use o: �r,1cticr. sh.ill be pennilted withtn any part of the/•,,,,,.{"/ which n1;;y be
the source of annoyanr.e to occupants the-iln or \Yhich n111y interfere with the peaceful possession
and proper use of the propcrt'.' by the occupants. No in1rmral, improper. offensive er unla,·,ful use
shall be mace of any part or the Prry'l!l't

(i:J ' and �ani:�ry ccndi�:;i:-; ;ir,1 n-

All parts of the /'r"1ccl sh.ii: be kept ir. a pleasant
clothes or laui1dry rnsterials shall hung or dried on e.e
dears or wirdows t.s 1•:ould expose the:'
to public view, and no rubbisli, refuse or garbage shall be allcwed to accumotate nor any f·r:
hazard allo1·,ed to exist.

(/) All valid tews, ordinanceS and rcgula!ons o! all govcrnrnen! boo-es n3·,1�J
jurisdiction mereot shall be observed zn.'.l con1pli�r. \'11th

/;i:J Nothing shall be done or kepi in .iny part of the J'r111,·111•1h1ch r11'I -ncrease t:'i-':
rate of insurance on 1!le />roj,•,:r, except by prior wetten consent of the ( ·0111/,.•111111:,, ·
Corp11r(1t1011. Any such lncrease in insurar.ce µren1,ums shall be chargeC ;•ga nst 1�; de .nccer:
unit owner's and assessed pe-suant to Sec:ion 13 (al fr• (JJ hereof. In no case may any:�,,r19 o;
done or kepi in any part of the PrriJ('' 1 whic� v11U result in the cance!latio;i o: the insurance .:1 a�-.
tower or any part thereof
(Ji) Nothing shall tie done to any urut or in or to any of the ( ·,,1111:11,11 .-:,,·.,, :."·;�. -:'
impair the safet.y or structural integrity of ony of !he towers.

111 la addilicn lo the eascn1en1� pro111cl�d hrrem and/or !>y i,1.·1 1.h'-: , /, , ·,.,1 . ,. ,,
. Ir,·(;., located 1v1:hin the units shall be subject 10 an easement for steae. m ft!,or :-1 ;;ii .,,·.;� ',
which sur:h < ·o:11111t,11 Ar1'C1.1· are capable of 1enc'cr:11g �t1elier. This easerrem shat en11;:e :he 11n1:
01vner/s affer''?d to replace, rer.ew, or restore ;,ny :iheiter; and. (:) each un;; sh?.!! be su:.i/;�· 1: �.r
e 1se1'1e111 fot the passage of water, sewerage, drai�agc, ga':i, electricity, g?.r�age. tele�hcr.� ,::i� 'e
televisicn and other utilities and servces in favor of the C ·(!111/0111111111111 ( ·," JN,r,11,,111 as , ..,:; . as
every otner unit nece�sarily depending on the easement lor extension of sad unhues ;:;.nj s:;:·::: ?.!
to the units. These easements shall bf. exerc'sec en tne -nanner 1'lh1:h least mrerferes v.• :h :�,: vs:
and enjoyment by the servient unit/s.

l (J) Until tne ./J£1 'EL(lJ'EI? has competed and sold all the: units rn the !'· ,;, .1
neither the unit owners nor the C1111do111111111,11 r '01 JN1rn1io11 nor tt1e use of a:iy �f th:
i'tvJl'''' shall interfere 1vith the completion or the conlemplated improvements and the sa'e c' ec o
uruts. The JJE11EL()J>£R may make such use oi the unsold units and ih'? r·o11111:011 :-11��1., �s
m;iy fi'tcililate such completion and sale. in:lud1ng hut -ct limited to ·the r.cuntena-ce cf.:. s? -;;:
office. the showing of the p,opcrty anc! the display or siqnaqes
,� 1 Reasonabte requrauons (he,C'111.1ftl't rcferreo to as lh!: ·1,11,l,/111-..: l:,-,1,, ·•
concerning the occ'!Pancy anc! cnjc'•ff1ent of !he units and ct the < '0111111,11: .·I 1,·a, tberetcr mav be
made and amended by the (:o,u/0111ini11111, 'r,11,r1ro11011 m the manner rtovrded 111 its By-Lav.s
Copies of such /�11il1/i11g l�ult•J shnll be Iurnishcc by the l ·,,,,.l,11111111111:• 1 ·,,,,•111<111,••1 !1' .:111:n1!
owners ;111d occupants of the l'r111,·1, upon prope1 request

sccnc« IG l.!:!_S.!Jr�.!.1£S:- The 1 · ,,, /11111111,11111 t ,.,,.,,,.1/.',"1 ::ll,111 f,, 11:, :-.,.
and for the benef,I ot all unit owners or 1he:r r.10rtgaqc�. 11 ;,ny, ilS their ,ntere;;ts na;· ,1ppi.::01 Ul'!Jrl .1nJ
n1a1n1a1n at .ill 11n1es separate fire insura,1ce coverage fJr the /!1:,11:ct, ,:11th �uch :xt�rdeo :o·:e•c:;e ?S ;s
custon1ary for buildings •n the locality, for !he full rc1:�st i\en1�nt ·,c'ue oi :t-� ;,' ir�s:; � J"'::s 'J ,: : � �
'urn11ure, furnishings. flxlt;res, improvements 211d personal pro�e1bes su;:it'ied or ins:;: :;j : , :�.-:., .. � ·
0\'111er) and the ('0111111:111 Ari:osin the J'roJ('('I, Sur.h re111sti'tlen1,•nt v;ilue cn.iy, \\'1:h t:·� c.�nf.:1r1,l\ .· '.�.'!
1nsura11re cu1np.tny concerned, �l" revised by the t :,,.,,J,,111111111111 i '1111•1•1,111, 11 t,l,111 \:'.ll 1,, i .t 1.,.
necessary The tolicy o� oolic1es shall pro1Jide Iha: the proceeds thereof sh�!I �e tay2tl:: .:� ::-:
( ·1111d11111i,·1111111 ('orpo101:011. as trustee fer the unit 01·.ners or their n1ortga£ees 1f e.1y ard swb1ect ;:: :'1:s

llrr11<1t10:1, ,;h;1\I ·,:'.ii' ;;ro'lifl.-:! for iJ ';C·patitlC O"", ll' ;1l1!,• 1 111loi�1:•nr11! Ill frl\'({ (1! 111,• ' l ::'.,. ,:J t'.','


' .
• �' -
-··"--··--- ·--
/ '

LJn1t. 1f any. Upon recept of the proceeds, tile ('011(/0111111111111 r '01jJ11ra111,11 shall use or pay ne sa-e 1�.
the manner provided for in the immediately fo!lo\ving section The pre:niums on such po cy or �o::�1:s shat
be considered ('01111ur111 F.xJJl'11se of the ('011t!o111111111111 c·o,,,o,11tio11 and shall be. assessed aga,ns;
eacu unit iri accordaoce with the proeisons of Sectio,, 13 hereol, The auihority to i1djust losses und::;
policies hereafter in forcr. on the !'r111cc1 pursuant to lhis section sh,111 be vrsted in the ( ·, ·•:,:: ,11:11::•11•:
f '11171or<rl1011, provided. however. that an aggrieved unn O\.'OCf n1ay ask that \he determ1r?'.Or :' :I'\�
t 11111/0111111111111 ('011x1rat11111 bl" referred lo a -eputabte l'1S•11 anre adiusted acceptable to buth pames
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prQhlbit zny unit owner or his 11\crtga�ees fror•: ,:�,;:,,.-. :·;
additional insurance on the urut correspondioq to tne unit owner's nnprovernents tberecn c-c .. ::;;:
however. that such right shall be exercised in such a ,.,a, .:JS not 'o decrease !he amouu :e.:111.::.:-·: ... - ze-
the insurance coverage obtained by the c.:u11,/0111i11h1111 c:11,i,orof1011; and, provided funhe1. l�a! uie w::•:
owner or hrs mortgagees shall be obliged to notify the Co11(/v111i11111111 Corpor(lt111n m l':nt:ng cetcre
obtaining such additional coverage and, within thirty {30j oavs after issuance of the 0oi1cy ::: �·2 a :��1
thereof \Vith the ('u11Jo111i11i11111 Corporanon. ·
Sectior. 17. Insurance Claims. ,\:I proceeds from insurance claims urress ·
conditions fi,r the dissolution of the ('u11don1111i11111 c·,,r11or,111011 required by the Conocrnmum Ac: e) "
and the required vote of a!! unit owners in the entire l'ro;cc·1 decide for dissvlution. shall be exclusively
used for the reconstruc6on or repair of the Ptofeu damaged er part/s thereof. Reconstruction er repa'r as
used in the present context shall mean restoring the particular part/s thereof re the same conoacn as 1:
eusted prior to the loss. with each unit and ( '0111111011 .·lrcus having. to the closest approximancn possible.
the same verfical and horizontal boundares as bcfo,�
I .
If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to pay �11 the costs of reconstruction or rep?.1r of ;he
i ·,,111111011 Arl'(1s, a special assessment shall be made aqainst each unit owner to n1ci�e \:, fer :'",:
deficiency as pro\.'1ded in Section 13 hereir,before.

If t�'! pro.rata insurance prcceeus are in 111suf1c1!!11t iv cover all th.:! ccs:s of reccns:n (;·,:,1 er reoe r
Jf one or more of the deslioyed or damaged units. the c ·tt11,l,1t,1111111111 < ·o,i"oru:.011 n•.?.} ,:::::'''."� ess
crcceed r11th the recons!tuctiJn or rcpJir of tile cesroyen or damaqed uruVs an:! th!' respect •.: =. :. -c-s :'
such de!troyed or d;=11naged uni1/s shall become liable to an assessment fo- :he �efi:::1ency. .m.ess :··:
co-untons /or drsscluton of the r ·,111clo11li11i1•111 (:11r1n111 •• , •• nr required by the Ccnrcr- r l.l':' ·-.· '!.1 •• ;,··:!
-rc required vote or u111t owners in the enure !'rn,-,·c-1 tle.-ult• Ior lhssoh1tion

If. by reason of the dissolution of the c '11,11/,,11111111111 < ·u,1,,1111111,,, o: for ;iny on-er 1-�:!$:'''
nsurance proceeds are r,nl used .'or reccnsuucuon nr re, ,1, as herein prov1::lc,:. t!1<' :J·o,ct·.1s s- • ·': -: •
10 the respecuve n10rtgagtes ol'the units or to the c · •• ,,./,·•11111111111 t ·,11:,•n;11t,', 11 tJ :1':: :,;t··: ... :·.,
amount outs1c"nd1ng on the lean secured by 1J1e •1n1! or lhe 1 ,1111111,111.·11,·11., 1.; p,11ts 1:1r.11l!i'i · .1:·1 :'·,· c
ce, and the batance or the proceeds to the ownerls :11ercof. as his or th'!,r m.e-est rr-ay ;;-:�.=�- ;;'·-;·
� deducting the amount of any assessment due from them ·

\ Section 18 ProccdurcforTransfcroJ.!:'_t!lt,1;.
g·ft br hereditary suecessico or tc enoiher unit owne no urut owner n1r1y
Except·� ·:-�"so'····':.·�·
crrcc':.':r:;: "(:,s:-� :,· · ;,: � .... ·;
vstnout !he 1·,nttr.n annrovet or clearance lly th� 1 ·,,,,,,,,u,111111111 i ·,,,,,,,,,,11,,11 ,\ utu: c:.·v·· , · .. H

1n;i1.e a b,;in.ifidr. :;;ile of h1'!. u111l �hall u1vc to the,·,.,,. 1••111111111111 i · •• ,: ,,,,,,, •• ,, no;:rr> :,' � .. ;l•: :· ··
.: ;; ;

:011!!thcr w1l11 th.:! 11,1n1c and .:rhtrc!-!- ,)f the p1cp,1s ... 1t: u1,'r .1nd �u\:h n'.hf', 111fc;·:1,i:1,'n r,':'<:":' '::
., proposed buyer c.s the 1 ·0111/n:11,11111111 t ·,n11u1 0111,11 rnJy rc;isona!Ay r€quire: Sue '1 not,;::! .. :i :th. �.:l : " �-
1 � the unit ovtnt!r. m,1y 1nr1ude a dem�nd by the unit G1·1ne1 Illa! ihe < ·11,1.lo1·11i:., ••• ,, ,.,,.,,,,,111,.,· IJ"1' �1· a
. ....., buyt if the unit Ol'1ner's r,roposed buyer is not approved by !ht? c '011/(11111111111:11 t ·, ''i'• ,1,1:: "· .1:·: r E, :··
j:. demand is m;:ide. !he n,tice shall be ar.compo.1ied by ii copy or the proposed sai�s co11;1oc1 \' •. ;·•111 :;.,:,
'---\--tfiOi days fron1 receipt of the aforesaid notice. the ('011,!on1111i11111 ('011JcJ1utu111 n>ust e1:her approv� or
d1sapprovr. the proposed trc1nsaction. If approved, th .. approval shall be stated 1n a certificate execuied ty
the appropriate officer in registrable f<ifm, as required by Section 18 of the Condo11inium Act. prov:d'=O •��
other pro-,1,sions of this Declaration of Restrictions have been complied v11tr, If the ('1111do111111:•1,11
< '1111111rar1011 disapprcves a proposed sale and 1f the notice of sa!e given tiy the unit O\" sh.!'! �o
demand, then within sixty {60) days alter receipt· of s:1ch notice and t!�m;ino. the <"1111d11111111,11l,;
( ·o,7HJl'ftl1011 $hall debve1 or mail by registered mail ttJ t�e unit O\'tner an ofter frorn a buyer c�o�;" t·. :�e



t ·u11,/0111i11i11111 c·o11J1,ra1ro11 from amonq other unit owners willing to purchase the sad vnit, under the
terms and conditions set forth in the proposed sales co,1trr1ct submitted by the selling uni1 owner. If tile
l ·,1111!,1111111111111 [ '1111•11r,111011 sh;iJ1 fr1il 10 provide a huycr as rr.�uired herein. then notv,ithslanding lh'!
disapproval, the s;ile shall be deemed to have been .ipproved, and the (.'01u/011,111i11111 t '011J1,ru1ii,11 shall
be obliged to furnish a certificate of approval as provided earlier in this section. The limitations and
restrictions contained in this section shaU not applicab'e to the original ,conveyance of units made by the

Section 19. Notice of Lien or Suit. o) A unit owner shall give a 1·1ritten nonce tc
the c:ontlu111i11111111 < 'o,7H1r<lftr111 of every uen upon his llnit (other. than liens in f.ivor or Hi�
c '01ufr1111111111111 c '(/11111ra11011). ,.,ithin five (5) days aftP.r the attaching or the lien

h) A \.'lritten notice shall be g1ve11 by n unn owner to the 1 'n11,/0111111111111 r ·,,,,i,,r,1111111 o�

every suit or other proceeding wbch may affect th'e ne lo his unit, within five(�) days aner the uni: c .vne:
receive knowledge uiereot

Section 20. Lease/Mortgage. A unit owner shall be free to lease or mortgage

his unit to any party, provided proper notice thereof, 1vith such particulars as the C'o11(lo1111111111n
• 'r11pora11011 may reasonably require, is given by the (�011dun1111111111 C'o11Jora1101• within five {5) day�-

lrom effectivity of the lease. Any such lease or mortgage shall not free the unit owner frorn comphance 1·:1th
his obligatio11s as such under Ille Condominium /\ct, th:- Master Deed, this Declaration or Restrict!Ons. tn0
Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of L'le ('011Uo111i11111111 Cotporatton or of the /J111/t/111g /(11/i:1 In
case of iease of any unit ar.d the unit owner is delinquent i11 the: payment of any assessment including any
interest or penalties thereon, !he C 'o,nlun1i11111111 Corµora11011 r.1.::iy require the lessee; cf such 'eased un:t
io remit directly to and in favor of the Coiufr,111111111111 ('011101(//1011 any and all of the rentals accrc .. 1g to
the delinquent unit owner, \'lhtch rentals shall be applied as payment first to the interest, and the balance to
the principal of the delinquent account/s with the C 'on,!0111111111111 l '011,or1111011 until fl1II paymer.1 thereof is
made and/or secured f
S ectron
21 c ..
omn1on Prov1s1ons un Lease, Mortgage and Other Encumbrances.
Pending full paymtnl of the purchase price, any bcver of a unit in the !'r11.Ji:r.:1 shall not lease. 1nortga�e
encumber his unit or any portion/s thereof to any olher person or entity without the pr'or written c::i,1se�t ::
the JJ£1 'El.<JPl:·n. Viol�tion111 this section shall ?.ntitle the /Jf:.'111:l.(Jf>f.R to cence, the con!·2:t f;:r :rie
purchase there6f and forfeit by 1vay of penalty and/or bquidated d:11;\ages fifty (SOe,�) percent of e- scms sc
far card.

Section 22 Condominium Corporation's Hi1!1l of Access to Units .. The r ·,,11,f,1111111111111

through its duly authorized agents. shall have the right of access to e?.ch ur•t fc: :n::
, ·{1111111011011,
mspecton of :ill pipes. v,ires. dccts, c(1blt�. conduits, public utility lines and other r '01111111,11 .-:;,·:,, l��:::e:
wnlun 1tie unit. to remove viclauons therefrom and to maintain, repair or replace such ( "01111111111 .·i, , •. , as
wef as ("u,111111111 •.111.:0., located elsewhere in tne noors of the !'1u;t·,1 Such right er access 5::.�1 ce
exercised durinu reasonable hours. except in cases er c1nc-19ency and wnh as l1111e mconverve-cc ,,s
poss.ble to the occupant or !11� unit Any darnagc causcu thereby sl1;ill hi' ,ep;iired a: the ,�,,,<)::s,; �·: ::1-:.
0 0
tJJllklllll/l/lllll ( 1)/ i'll/"(l//(J/1.

Secfion 23. Procedure and Penalties for Violation of Restrictions and Building Rules.
'---,'--In-the event any unit owner, te11ant or occupant fails or refuses to conip!y 1vith riny hnutal'cn. i-estr::1,011
covenant. undertaking or condnon herein contained 1n\'o:vi,1g an obliqafion other 'nan tf·:: osv .. oi ,�1,
money, or with lhe if:111'/111;:, /(111<·\ the manaqement body may. 111 accordance \"/1'.i1 i:1r; By-Lavs of u-e
( ·,Jlu/r,111111111111 ( "01:11urat11,11, remedy such breach or violation after la1lure of the ovo-cr to do so �·11:·111' a-e
period fixed in the notice ana assr-ss against !lie un't owner the expenses incurred ov H1e (.'011,!11111:1.'11,1,1
(. '011Jur,,1io11 The ( ·u1ul<:111i11111111 Corporation is also eropowered to rrripose. br l'lay of pen a :y m case
of violation. liqliiUatPrl damaqes upon the unit 0111ner i11 such amount <1nd in the manner prescritec 1:, f-e
r -Laws or the ( 1J11(/1J111111,11111 c "111111•11111,,11. When sucf !q1111l,1lt1rl tlanuqcs cue ronoscd ti·:' ,;,1;n,' ,�1,.,1

be considered as an assessment upou the unit and, hkc .sscssmcnts 101 expenses sli,1'1 t·' • u;.:,i L1r
the lien provided or in Section 13 hereof. \ � •
. c.'
Section 24. Waivers. �o luuilalrcn. o, cono,1"''11,,,,,.,1

, ('

coutamett ar 1110 1cyut,1\IOll Ill tho /,'111/1/01:,: J\11i,·, �h., ht: ,h'l'll ii,J I) h.ivi- !It l\f) ,11'1, ';·1;, I. t •• .::d t-,
reason nf any failure to enbrce the sane, irresperti•,,' 11 '.he neuber of viol.:?'•on.� Jr 1:111,:•;t-:'.!$ :!·-;:·::,:,f �-
l,1pr.r of t1111c 1·1hich ,n;iy occcr

Section 25. Ri<;ht of Assiyn,:,cs...11.!nants .. 11tl Occuponts of U111t�. t , :.

and future owners, tenants and occupants of all units m t�.e l'1o;ec1 shall be subject to. ar� s-: �;::.-::;'.:'
\·.,th the provisions of the Condominiun1 Act, the Master Deed. th s Declaration Resmcuces ::-:: .:..-:·::-:5 :'
incorporation and Bv-taws of the ('"11do111111111111 ('r11,1•1Jra11f/11, the /f111lili11g, 1.:.11/,·, a: :.c:· -:;· c-e-
rules and regulations a<lopted pursuant erereic. as th.:�,, rtstroments may be' a1�c·1CeC +c- : · ' 'c : •...,.
The acceptance of a deed or conveyance. or the entry" nt) a lease. or the entry -no -- r-c :i.:.:1.:'3"�, :'
any unit 11 the /'r1�1c1.·1, shall CO'.lstitute an accepter .e Uy s1,i;h u111'. owner :en:in: or c:.:l::·�·1: _•• :";;
provisions of lhe foregoing enumerated ins:ruments. as they may be amended .rcn trr e ;:; , T: 7 .. :
provisions contained in such instruments shall be covenants ru1•n1ng ,.-,1:h ihe la•'-:: ar : �t'? �.�:: ,,� .
person or entity havu1g at any time any interest JJ• estate 1� suer, ur:t as :'l�u;', o"..:t: �-:.,.: --: :.-:·-:
recited and fully stipulated in such deed. conveyance or .case '.h(:rtc,f

Section 26 Jnvahditv. The 1n1a:d1:y of any prov1s1:Jr, o: t!-1� C':: e-e- :· ·.'
Resnicucns shall not m ar.y manner affect tiie vai.dity or e11forcl:'ab1l1ty of the remamcer c' tr-s )::·,.?.! :·,
of Restrictions. and that tJie other provisions of tt:i� Declareuon rf Restrictions sh(:•1 ccrc-ae ::: te 1,. '.1
IJrce and effect as if sucf invalid provision had never bt. .:u 1nt.ludcd herP.1n

Section 27 An1cndnH?r,tofOr.claration�. T1·,1s De.:lar.:it:'" ::,; "'\e$: r c-c-s �·:,. �·;

amended by the aff1rn1a:ive vote of unit owners .:onsti11rt•n') at least 65·2;3:,� of :-;?.I u- i s-ares ,:, : ·:.
PrOJeCt, (It a meennq duly held i.1 accordarce with the by-Laws of re f ·,,.1,/f/111111111111 , ', •t ,''• ".11•,,,,

IN Vl'!TNESS WHEREOF, !he /)£1/f:!.()/'l:U .ud the fJIV,\'f:'/t.\· thro11ql· il:':1i �:11;.;,1,•'.1·.
representauve has hereunto set his hand on the day, Yi.?ilt .ind placed fust ntorewnuen


(.·I I (IJ/'11('. \ -111· "' It I , 1111 ,' / )�· t I ,, '! (' 1')

A 111/it, 1:c,f N,'/11 •'·"·111r1111·e

in the r1 osence of

.. ·� .... ····


Republic of the Fhilippincs)

r.1akati City, Metro Manila ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a ;�otary Public for a11d m fv1<1kc1l: C·ty, !llclro Marula. Phil1pruies uus __ 11a:, .•!
Fe\Jru.ary 2001 at Makati City, Metro Manila, Pruhppvns. personally appeare:J Al:iOtHO T. TAI/ ::··,
Co�n1un1ty Tax Cenifica!e No __ _fl1:i.'l112LLZ._. -· rsseed on _:}JI!.),_,,,._:!---· 200C';i:
Yln:li _&11._ __ , Philippines and Tax ldert1ficot1on No __l!il/ · l]l· u ; 111 hrs c,1t1<'ll'1:� ,1�
the duly A111--;;;;;?;.:d Represemutive or EMPIRE EAST LANO HOLDINGS, INC. \'li!h Co-mu.r:v _-?.�·

ceg,ri No. - __ __f{Ll.1.i]JJ� - -

1<1tjl1-'1Jl_r-· 1:,�.l!(!.l Ull - �f?t:, !!,, !.·f��-( .· .�\\c�·· .'1
_ n,1 Ptn.ppmes and Tax Jden�fa:a!1on No f., Q,1- ·t.J<:JJ:i 1�1.::.r. ;:; ·1·;
and to me known to be !lie same person \'1110 executed the ioregoing instrumen: 3nd he acknO\'t!ekgeo :o
me that the same is his 0\.'1n free and volu ary ac:t and deed ar.d of the corporation represented herein

I i
r ,


This 111stru111e11\ retates to 11,i: 1\·/11.�tcr /Jee,/ 11·ith IJ1•c/11rf/tio11 of /li:11rict10111 of

"(;Jl.�10!{1·: 111,:1<;1rl'S" rcs1den!ial/co1nn1crci,1I ccndcmnium project cons1s1in9 of 1hirr,·,•11 111,
"11::c., 1ncl11dil\g Ille p;1gc where tlus ackno\•1ledgn1cn! is written. signed by the p;uty ;irHl 'us u1'.'. t:un1�n:.
1·:ilnesses on each and every page thereof and sealed with my notarial seal.

IN Wl",NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set n;y lj:.nd on the c1ay.Ayt2;11 ,l1H: pl,:,:l' :11:
• 0 ;·-
:\:.: Ne· _.:..__
.-·,..,_ NOTA�Y PUBLIC

Series of 2001

,xx s,:r·,,.� .• ., •.,, .. ,,,.... ,.,:o1n •• ,1e.

� �

\,,.. . OWNER'S co·P-i�

11 .. r- �.. I
... ,:�,.
RPAfORMNO. l ·- O 2 9, 9 .
TAX DECLARATION NO. -�:18'j,o------�___ - MOPERTY INDEX NO. ---------
; 969- . .
·' . '·

� °""''
,,1, ,.h; ,l ,:I "'
. . ' .

JIIIPIFlE BAS'!' I.AIIB llEIIJln«IB', ,, DIC /dd«s'1L11.1t.i•1--Jr...1......10Cr"-+......

, so
� Admioi"'�"'�-------------- Addre,.17?7 PIIS'EX> DE 'ROllllS, KIIKATI CITY
l.oc.1lioo of Prop<ny
(Number & St�I)
_.,.;a.,,..,.GUQ •! Ali/MURPHY·
( Municip:i.lit y/CjtyfProvincc
Certificaic of Title No.

213109/5 1 S GfjWral Lot No. �
pce-00-0082ii.,, No
Assessor's (Lot No. _

¥ Nonhn• l•t 0"6(rd let) South ·l•t 6

·;;; = llW let 2 West
_let 0-2
c: (State seccts. lots, ,or strcums by which bounOCJ or n.unc� of owners of adjoining l:intls)
8 '.

Kind vatoe • Kint! Unit Value Markel Value
'"' Arc.1 Cl�•
. .......... \ '
s. Tocal
. .,. . .
Toio.l .,.
.. -- .. : .. I (b) PLANTS & TREES /\\
:, c·.a·•
a. Kind No./Arc:i Value Mtr.rkct Value
. 100.. Kind
,l,N \ ,, .,. .Y�'
.2 ...... (a)Alon& or no
. .
) I '
.;; road rron1aic

-- . '"
>< (b)_ kms. to { \
o.11 weather nl.

. ,�, .,. .
' .
• �-,�.\
Mru'kc1 (pob.J
. Total Adju�1ncn1�
Adjuste<fMo.rk,ct Value! r11,=1 .
I ,,
.,"" ... ,' --

I , ' ;''. .. Toto.I , · �- ' ·.

TOl:al rOf land. plant and trees I..� ....
.,. . ·�-
Adjusled value for land, plants 1111d trees


Kind A.,,, Value II Are, Class · Adjustmcn1, ... Market Value
,, . :f" .. .,. ..
2 • .,, 0 ·-t�,V\.IV
I :Z "1? 1 '
•. l
. .- -
. .- - .,. .,. ,..,,= 0
- ;
Totnl :> . ,.., 0

,, '1

·' ·' ,_ ...__"'\

Booe ., .. '.f::'.\Q �- ..


\ ..
�anb �egitlration�oritu
' -.
• ,. ''f• J.
• •.
, QUEZO!s!
an· .

W:rannfer QI�ificate of '<ITitlc

' '. j !• • : ' •• ' ')..

LN::.2.1. 310;1
. , .

• - • ;: •

: • J •
IT rs HE�B¥ •CERTJF!'eo ;that-certain land situated 111 the Quezon .. City.. :... ' �--
......�.W.�.�! .J., .• .1. •• l .. : - , bounded and described as fottows , '
A paroel .Dt lahd (Lo.t 1, of,, the oona.-eubd. plan, Poa-00-008271, l>e1118 a
1 :90::-"';i..,n of the cons. � Lota C�3 & C-4, Pod-00-038053 and Lot 1, Poe-00-007917

, ,, L�1..C .. Reo. Noa. 699, 875 & 917), situated in the(Drgy. af Bagun:ba.,ye.n1 Q.. City,
'�1;:,;".;: , v.. PU.a., Ie. of Luzon. Bounded on the NW., nlcng lines 1-2-) by Lot c-6 (Road
:.''. jLo'.;), Psd--00-0389531 on the NE., dong line 3-4 by Lot 2 of tho oom.-subd. pl

:.; · .

H�; ·
on tho SE., •long- lino 4-5 by Lot 2, Pcs-00-0079171 nlons lines 5-6-7 by Lot 6,
(L,C) Poe-301901 and on tho sw., along line 7-1 by Lot C-2, Pad-OO--OJ8o53. ll<I
JI��<- ni::"'"e at a.°'1)0ir.t:.marked "1" on plan, beir,,e N., 67 d!g• 36'S., 6262.24 m. from
c-:<�, NC.1� 1.,registered=in
Mlm.,c,t',)!·ondaleyong1 thenoe s, 6�-iwi,. 04'b �7 78 m. to pt (OV<U' ••
accordance wl(fi the provisions or1hc . rapertv 1fd;1f7ra'1on Decree 111 1/ic �amc or:
.- ....,. S>'.P!:tE i:AST L.U'D BOLDIWS, INC., a dccnestic corp. dull or-genfaed and
un:ier PltiHp�1ne 111!•,
' I� I ' � ' --. I '"ti
as owner· thereof in fee umple, subject to such of the encumbrances mentioned tn Sccuon · '(,f of'
said Decree as may be subsisting, and to . : ..... t
/. \'
I ,, . , - ' 4 "
I .. ,.
't, 1 n ,
that said lark was originally registered on the ···;i.1.e.t.,.
I /
. 14:t.h. day
of .. , in the year nineteen hundred and .tl8Dll. . 111 the
Regis!J.ition Book of the Offi_ce of the Register of Deeds of �.�··· '." Vo/r'.r,1(' A� .
�s:�;;·;� 'i.. a;, tr:. ���� �.��.��-. �e��:'.:r.r.�.� z:.�· ...•�. ·:·.�.15..·. -�-·.·. 1;ti":::::e!:1������.. '��-�

·- - 1�.
. .· :
]"his certificate i.'i a from .... .........
Certificate of No.�i.1-tl�· ttu« f .64:hrrh
:s ccnceiled by virtue hereof in so far as the above-described Ian� is concerned. N- 1 ·
( "

Entered al ..Q�zon Ci tr
Philtppint·t. on the 1ath duv 1•/ May
,n the yoor two thousand ::a:/.
at. 11: 45 .. at,m..

11-t� Floor, S9lidbank ', N$UNfE P. CA /1. JI:
7'{7. ?ase.o .de .. 'Rau.s.,. JCakati, .. M.J4. .���� �I-� DEEDS
(Owncr'J f)l», llddl"l:$5) Aot.g<1Regis1er Of De d.r)

"State the civil status. name of spouse if married, age if a minor, citizenship and residence ·or the
registered owner. If the owner \s a married woman. state etso the citizenship of her husband. If the
land :s registered in the name of the conjugal partnership, state the citizenship ofDOth spouses.

(When necessary use this page rl)I' the continuatinn of the t«hnical d<'SCriptionJ

Entry No.
) � . '
thence x, 65 deg. 04'E., .19.25 a, to pt. 3t thonoe s. 21 de8. 23'£. 41.17 ''
e, to pt. 4i tbeno., s. 45 deg. 211 2.81 m. to pt. St thenoe s.: $ deg. w.,
48•'i., 16.65 e, to pt. 61 thenoe s, 68 d&e. 48•1.l., 37. 70 m, to pt. 71 thenoe �'·l;
N. 21 deg. 23•w., 38.56 e, to the point at b0ginnin.g1 oontninina n n e.I'i'IB or !,>;{;-'.
T�O T2003AllD TRR,;E !IUllD.'!ED SQ, Iel'Z!lS (2,300) ecc-e or leoe, All pointo I
red to a:re indicated on the and are marked on the ground by PS ayl. �
re er-.���
.:ii I
cone. mens., 15,l.6ocm., uoept points 1, 2, 5, 6 & 7 by Old PS oyl. ccnc, mo .: .. II
15�e,cm., 'ooaringa trueJ )date of original survey, Msy 8, 1920-F'eb. 21, 1921 ��,
and tbt O'f the cons.-e)lbd. survey, Oot. 29, 1997. Approved on Nc-r, 13, 1997 �
-x-x-x-x-x-x-k- � l l
"l••1t • Soc. 1 of Rep, Act No, 2fi. 1hi� ccr!'inC11t-e o(' tfeLi
� ed�inittta�vely rcconsiilulcd 1, ,.,,,..,,.., ..,,�·Ju1..1-e to any
t.;1/ ! '.
t. l

party Wallt
,rigbt'OI' mtuest U1 the pro1�rty w .. � <JuJf r.cicu uo tl,t: 01 ili:mal bt.r'CIO( at
time it waa laat ex desuwed,
-L \ .
' . '

. '

'•·•·s •o. 9811/1-p!KU 01
'\ ·'4'
. ,.
'i'n" pPal)srty d�s:lrlb� 1n l'hl!I C':":-t1fleAt"' t•t11 •li•ll •� or
'".! -�"tt11.,tl:n, s e r s t t ud .. , l'8!!f'rV·,tl.::rai 1>rd 1;m!•'lt.!oris wb1e'b t:'1
-i�··• .- .. � part of t.l'l'l,,COr>;$'1:i"tr&t.!o:1 or ,,, ! ··. ·' ,. w. '. ·n ,n., Como•:iy ,
, ... Voll4ld"•· lt!I ha:.lrii, SllCC't�2�·'l ., .... 'i· ... ·':"�··r. d 1:'I Doc.�' .,
. loOk lo. 1:1, $ert�e.,of :� ., ,:,: or �1·,k,•.l r1·
'.;.::a:nac ("Th., Oael1 or \ttJttrt:
''1'1111 tieec of R, .. t,.,<:.'t'loca c,·, ·· • �"J-.t·"l;

., -

rt! tMj tO •I .
tO t), ' • ') !11 l t I I) n f' :

, "''� otr'l•t" .1,1a�s1,i•,•'t t,,. tr- h tr,f! .i·,·o �!It.·

w • .,•:.J! '!'I" r u'l ... !· i :.,�1-1 b,v th•
. ,� •. ';.' 11,, , ma IL < 1 ,
•. / ... :'.',
) u O ,, ( ." '
:' (; . . ,,1.0 ••il LO';. ,d i.:,t., °r.-1.. I ,, ,,.,, . ,f
" ttl-t �:11:11,t.-.; rll� •I •fid \ r; .... J ,.1•u� ,: a crv ",·
. )1>r ttr'"I an11\t"lf.0"f¥1'"'1 II,:; ; :-•..t .. ,l'\�IDMnt t:h,.r,< .. .,: 1,t.,.:llt; 11 •,o,.·il;
!oo end
nt : au\>r.;!, .. 1on
caoo'ol•1;,I 'l)Of't4
or bi.J1li11ni· \
<'' ·: ... : ts»: �;Y'3rtd
·f. "\"' [lr;'•'e� '1'0'1
w.�:11:!"; out:Lll• u1.•llt1�a
nr\7•W.1J•; Tfl"''•til'll'
:,i,:,._ or
•.r.f ·� '"':
tb, IJ�� .•• ' (> �
av e v ,•,
• :


t.r: ..
•(l<l�AI; f'tOllibtl� ,,
e, ta�-.; t•oure1 t,r
ro\&lr1ot.lon1 •• u a c, ,. , • � t n a s.,,;n:i.
'r I "·Ll,H
t-',\1'111 ...,f

e c e �oll
'\ '
o�t•lli, 'on .t)l•a• r i=a e- • �i,.,A.i-" roi r .. r to �t.e :J�to C9e.
·�:: �t:a�,. I
(f.1en;!'?'.a;dumr8' � � �� .on
E,\cu.m qffi'.'e .fON Page . Ii I
1 ·!'ecR,,,, f'lj,,,cnt'!,l,,,- ,/Jitt.� ue a<ln ,,;, ,twnaJ>.Shc,t . . ..... /'fl!!('
···t� ot atcn.J� ,Aac, 11. l�� • \...... ..
s.-!AOEL v, -1:L&OPK
.. J;l.t.Kl.ll.t..r. .. 1t .. .ll •.1.o.11.' .
R,,Ut.r of D,rilJ

· (Conti11·

of tlu Memor�m.of,Encumbrant
n Page AJ
\ \ ' I ,
PE-969/T-241804 - RE3TRICTIONS - '!'he lot ooveredbby thie tUle
b0 ue ed e.olusivel.Y' for industrial, purposes; as such, no shopping een-ter
c.l" coaimeroial astabliabment or unit such as aale outlets, or displqe •ho�,
fox induat.riaJ. produo\e sha.ll be allowed in the prcmiso.::;, tho lot sballnot
/ be subc!.ivided. No 1.1!1.�ins or other improvoments elJall be created, pladed,
improved, akt.,..d'or reooru,iruotod unitl the final build� plans, opeoifio
tion and plot plan have been approved bJ O:fi'IGAS &. CO;t!',\.';'f, !...TJ. Pi..:":!'liIHJIIIP
�c::.c of the right ·a..;a_ obligations ah.ill bo transfen-ei!, ceded or
by tho o�ner in favor of other porsons �ithout the written consent of OtU'IO
e. :o. !..':'). ?:\:t'NIR:3!1!P. The covenants, conditions, rest:-iction.s, oncumbranc
and reservatior..a shall be VUlid and :run for a period o: fifty frcm the
dato of oonstrwrt1on. Other oonditions set forth in Doc, No , 171 Page No. 5,
Beal: No. I, of the Hot. Pub. crf'--:Pasic,, :. :i. acdr Iguoz ,
Date of Ir.strument - Jan. 24, { 1978.
Date o� Ioooription - Feb. 2, 1978, 11:.30 a..m.
( :iOD.) NE:lTOR N. p;;:-,;A
\ aesrster of Deede

PE-2965/11-173189 - LEAS!!
AG!ll;lEMENT 2, In favor of I.BM PHILIPPI.JES II
F'or a period o! f�n((5) years frtc1 formRl turn over 4nte or lntest man-out
pariod, whichever o011e11 later, USSOct ond I...iWSES agree that the rentel re:t.
from the &I..U'11-over date up to f'ciur (4) ye er-e from e sdd date eholl be TWO
E":JND:ED SE\TENT'! FIVE P�OS (P'275.00) per sq, meter per month and ctfB THOU-J
P�03 (!"'1,ooo.qo) }1er parking!G..ot .:£>er month ohargeoblo agniru:.t 1ndeinnit.y d
from Mega:world' Properties &:: Bol'd�, Inc. x i x x x x x x x x x x .t x x x
Upon tlle expiration of tbe lese, ).i:$Jss shall bnve nn option to rone ... the
lease of tM E>,'3TWOOD OFFICE, for e period of another r ive (5) yeur-e WY" givi
the LESSEE at least six,'( 6) months �,i:ri tten notice prior to the and of tho
five yeax period. Other conditions set forth in Doc. No. 193, PQ8e No. 39,
�ook No. r;, S-1996, � the Not. Pub. of aomenoio �nesto C, Capiz, M�kati
City. ··
Date of Instrument - Dea. 11, 199"6.
Date of I.moription - Nov. 10, 1998. \
(SQJ).J '·ootA�'UEL M. Gl!UR!NO
, Aotg. Dep. Reg. of Doed.s

' ' .' \.·. •
1 I
' /
\ \ )

(Continued on Page ..................•.. -C ........... .)




------ ... ··- �- :.

Page -C

(Cont£nuation of the Mem()Tandum of Encumbrances from Page -BJ

P'.:-4363/Ji-17) 189 - � AliD SUPPLEMDIT TO LF.J.!;E AGilS:M,JlT -
�e Leasa Abgeement iMoribed under PE-2965 is boreby aeended to aeed oe rt,
\(Aerens, the Lessor ie the Developer Owner ot a oommeroiol/residontiftl prope
located at Libio, Q.C. 9'alled the El.ST\:ICX)D City, faoility, nnd io nov oofl3-
"truetir.g an office building or apprca.i:natel,y 21 stories and '4hich ahnll be
ca Lfed the 1}!l3M PLAZA IlUitDIBO and.'eu.ah offioe buildif'l6 inoludir\r; it" PodiUJI
Floore shall be oans,l..eted on or betoro Ntnr. )O, 1999, xx xx x 1 xx xx i
The estimated d.a'te of turn«or's4all be Dea. 1, 1999 (Turn-Over dn te},
!n tbe event formal turoonr 1a earl'ier �an Dea�· '1, 1999 tho rentol rnte of
of tho ::A.S'!"JOOD m'ICE eh.all /npply f':i-OJI• the date of the actual lbove-o\.lt:-f'ra.
the P�SO PROPSia'Y. In °lee at an earlier turnover or the :::A.JT'MOOD On'lCE,
and due to the lead ti...J, NQ.uir&d qr LE$S.:SS for the design, con itruotion rtrd
fit-up of the same, LESSOR shall notU;y. LESS� lfitb at least !iVe (5) sontha
load tize and not l°"ter than Jul,Y' 11 i999
before the transfer date.xx xx
Oth�r to::-c:i:s and oon.d..itiona l!let fo:rth 1:J:i:'Doo. No. 463, Pege No. 094, Book No.
VII1, 501998, at tho Not. Pub. of iBenj� Z. de Leon, Jr.
Date of lnstI"UMrrt - Wov.17, 1998,. .;._i . .-;"'I
Dato e,f l!l.scription - Nev. 24, 19!)8./.'. ;.; 1

: �l·I
• �J. :,neg.
. lti '.,'
1 \ er Doede
'I] I _,., .u:;ij·!
111 PE-436o/ll-173189 -


!�{�I To guarontse prinoipal obl!satioi, ,in •um of rs1,695, 18o.001 Mortgng••'•
:r.;_,,-�._. coroer.t neoeasary in oaae ot s�uerrt .enoumbrance or aliena.tion of the
�:�� operty. Other oonditioDS aet tc:irt'h 1.n Doo+. No. 462, Page ?io. 094, Book.
\�' ! No. VII, s-1998, of e Not. Pub�o:r SetJiamin �� de Leon, Jr., Makati.
:th )

1�!\ Date of Inst..-r-ument - lfov. 11, 1998-. •, ,

It!�� Dete of Insoription - Nov. 1998. , 24, \
jl'1� (�;;) � M. OIMARIWO
j .�1 llep_. �- of Deeds

• !
� );�I:!
Tho foregoipg annotation h.aa be,/a trom TCT Ne. ?l-173189/T-866.
I· /.
... I

I �I
1%' � !
:-: ....'·:
�! .••

= .�. ·
l I.

=r.� .,,..._..

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- -;tdf'�:�� diMb�roAGE ,� •
JttlJtx?f"',•�• 1
inl<llb.d he=,1> j,ndu:E,;try No. - 'Ldr.ti 6

IiI . :. ., . -:·· . · ,the P,4�:..��-!'

,s, T· )
..•... -·- - Doc. No.·-- LN.V ·k �

' p� .. e No17:-;� · �··-- -r- - ·;·-.-.

..3. __ -- N9�:
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\. ";,; --... o! lu=iptioa, . /
····;;_,, ,0 �'
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I. ·1 �
I ·]!_ t =on=A
( in=ue=
=C=on= , ==.!====P=g=
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d =dd=ti =iona=t=S=he= �, _.=.=
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$J;"°.�� P. C; l�. JII..

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•. .. ... ... .. ... ..)
�'I ACT6. OEPUT'f? it!NMs UtLOr

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!<,• • ' -


/ .,:.�·�A
I[: ;!
Entry i'-lo. -��-• ..
(\Vhen necessary use this page for the continuation

�¥.;�1-:� Sheet TCT lie. N-213109

or the technical d•·-...'.ription)

]W .f
;�1:- 1.
p-,,_3320/M-213109 - ; .Ill.STER Drari \/Iffi DECLARATION OF RK.S1'RICTI0!1S -
The land oovered by this title and the 'building areoted thereon have been

:'.�� pl.aced under the ope:ration1or the Bop, AQt No, 4726, otherwise knovn •• the
Condomicium Aot. The oe:ndoniniuci pro.Jeot: shall have a thirty (30) stON.T
"� buildi"8 to be lcnown u tho "IBII Pl.AZ.\", �hioh ehall oonsi>ats of throe (3)

:,·:�-f�] parking pal!lement houai.Dg a total of 158 l)C:['king slota broken down aa follows,
'. BASEKEFr 3 - 52 olotBJ BASEMJlll! 2 -. 54 sloto1 and BASSll!llT 1 - 52 elota, The

]��!\ ��;�
:� ground floor shall proVido and main lo� and oonaeroiBl e paces , Th• 2nd te,.
(�fJ":»u�: �.;"�n
� !�·:��\:�'f�)h::;;,.,:r!�.;l
··ts.�lt· the grcuM. floor; 6ne (1) unit eaoh f;'au 'the 2nd to 5th floorJ eleven (�1)
''t�I unite on eaoh f1'oor from 6th Floor to ft!,i( 26th Floor {no tj tb f1oor) ono (1)

unit on each floor :rroia the 27th to th,, 1311s't FloOl' and one ( 1) radio room on

,�:::·l[ the )2nd floor, Doo, llo, 1819, Pogo liq, ?�i

llook No, xrv, o-98 of tho Not. Pu
at Ed•in N, llaquiJto, NakaU Ci tr, .: " ·
I� Da'te of IDBtruaen.t - J.u,g. 18, 1998.-1 �,,�· :..

ot Inscription - X.,- 26, :a::x>o •. � ·'

I . t '
L '

�--:: Date
)'. t
\i �.���•
qyJ -/ ' t. � '.
.;tI ·.IJ ,.,
:��'::.(. ..'
,,:,fii r·
.. ""i'
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1;�-- )!�· ·
'. / . t�\ I j
l;.�t;�,·· . P-,.-.))21/1-213109 - AllEoDED JWYi:;'.JI � \/ITB DECL>RATIONS
,,··{,,.!"· � bu.ildi.11g and all other im.:p:r011em.epts qQt'lStruoted tb11reon lfb.iob hav,, been
(.�-i..gfi pla.oeC. under- the operation at Rep. A.ot' No.,'·14726, o-therviee kncvn ns the Cond
5->-}! oinium Ac� is hereby amended as toll·�., .. The Condauinium Projeo-t shell h.<1.n
'Ji a thirty storey- (30) buildi%18 to be_ ·kr:\<1.W_n· ,811, "IBM PLAZA" wh1ob shall ooneieta
,.:.iJ1}' a! three perkiD8 bssemeat housing (i154), wking slots broken down A!I follow,,
BA.3DGNT 3 - 47 elotaJ BASEKEN'l': 2 ... � slots1 end l3AS:::M:NT 1 - 5) !Jlots1
The Ground Floor shall provtde !i mai,n lobby and coseer-ctn l e peoee , The
, -;J: 2nd to 5th flOOZ'S shall be ein,gl:eo,,:tenanted office areas. '!'he 6th Floor
i,.tJ.:. shall bcuee the buildina: eenitieej•(oanteen arrl v-1,•w deok) and offioe
areas\ The condominium p:rojeot �l;, )lave a total of one hundred for"\y
»� J I
:?,;:, •.:(,'!
;: �:i: J:. fin { 145) unit� broken d�n as f'_ol(l.ov;s1 Five (5) oornmeroi�l units on
,-·: ��· the Ground FloarJ One (1) unit ea"cli 'floor frocn the 2nd to the 5th Floor,
. :JlJ, wo (2) unite on tha 6th lloorJ, �i1inits on tho 11th ,nd 12th ?loor1
);,i {no tltb ?loor) tvel....; unit• {1·2) on .the ?loor; one unit (1) ••oh
en ee..oh floor trO!I the 15th to .the .16:th floor; eleven (11) units on th.e
17th ?loori one unit eeoh floor:-lfr.oin ,t.)ie 18th to the 25th �'loor, elenn
(11) unita on tho 26th aod 30"11i�loar and one (1) radio room at tho J1ot
Floor, erumerated as toll01ta1 .-x � . . · '.:. \
-- '�
- . ·,\ ..
{nex� pas:a oont'n. xx xx x

(Memorandum of Encl'mbrances, contintied on. Page -BJ

(Technical Description continued on Addition"al Sheet Page .. ............. -)
,, : ', �
' . .
' , I ; ' � 1\
r� \ ; '1+::.: ...............
; f ; I '. ,,
kti:,.il,r of /lr,W
t l , ,. I , ·

(- aEVd uo panu_i1uo::;J
I ,

Qrou:id Floor
' �-
tllnT NOS,

A to ll ,
' ;

14th Floer
. I

14A �o 14L
Secc<id F1- ZA' 15tll i"loor - 15A
Thlrd Floor
Porth ?locr
Firth i'loar
- I
· -,
, ,.-
17th Floor
18th 'l'�oor
HlA c.' n.oo:r
Senc:th B1.oor
�-- "" o. ""
19th Floor
:iD'lh Floor

Ei&ht l"loor - BA:"" .,I:

·«:, '· 21at J'loor - 21A
llineth l<"l.oor '·;oo·1' 2:a.l 'J'lkr - 22A
Tenth Floor
Eleventh Floor c ·�•I
u:.i! !t�';111:
\ 23rd Flocxr
24tli ?loor
-rv+u\h Floor 12A:!�f1fl: 25th Ploo.r - 25A
13th Vloor
�th Floer
- '
2flA 1'.i1i281:
�� ,,
26� 1"J.oor
27th Floor
- 26A to 26(
- 27A to
th Floor
at Floor ·'.:� ·�· and. l,IABIQ;IO SLCY!'S HOS,
BASllC'Fl' 1 - pa�:;,.�t.'t-·,f
• .,.... . _ , lloe, ..• _Jr:.· ,
1 to 53_ :
BAS=r 2 'Parking W. lloo. 1 to 54) and
BASDIEJ!T 3 (P&lifins -�� lice, 1 to 47 ,
sot!'.�� :Oo�,I
O�or tano a.'ld oonditioni No, 311, P� No, 64, :Book No.
VIII, S-a:>00 o.f the Not, Pub, o.f,O . '1, 'De Guzman, l!akati Ci 1,y, I
Dato ot Iru,tru,,ent - �•Y 23, 2000, i_I•
-':''' I
Date a! Inocription - l(ay 26, (



-' -·+- -

.'I I

(When necessary use lhis page for the continuation oC the technical desrri�tion)

Entry No. I.CJl!'.E.L. .. ��cll,.t;� Silen

)PE-3442/ll-213109 r All!liiliJ.tic ·;k�
11-213109 ��t (

E::t.eouted by and between, llCP'IRE � ·
, ·
O�lll 1$' AQIBEJIFll'l' -
HOLDIIOS, UC., hereinafter re.t'•rn
to as the "'OWNER"J and KllXlAWORLD CQRPOllf.: IO!I', hereinafter r.terred to aa 1h•
J'i)SV=:LOPER"J VBE�, Owner _Md �.�ope� have entered. into a .r
,Ag,;:eom ..�t (P"�3�1_9/N-2Q_109)·<i'-�JA"H 7,199� on tho toin1 de"8lop>en1 ot
a oocdO!lliniuz protect aa•d "'Dlll _l'µl!A ".'1 1raEREAS, to tffeotuato the inttnUo
of both parliee in the tail']J', 11\d ii'l,uitabl,y allocation ot thail' reopootift
port�o1J)at1ou in tho oondow1 n:hlil \jh:w th• Project, the, ha-.. 9'1"tod to '1a ·
utouk aJn deliver th1a 1dd.,d1t11,._t;o·tbi MOA.s llow, tor and in oonaid1r11.tio11
ot the foregoing preaiu1 ti.. Jlll"tl;II 1112tual)J' agree and o=n•nt unto eaoh
otb�r the following, tq vits The -toll�ing oondominium uni"UI in the Project
shall be allooated, Ul11igned. and 'oGd.,IUld pertain to the 0\.11,"E�,4 to wit1
� UII! ���1_; : ;� PLOOR - UNIT WO,

7th l'loor •
! t•'
,·!t .. ':: · 17th Ploor • A r ....

8th Pl 18th Floor - A

'..I: : q't; ,j. l' 1· ,
9th Pl= : '-19th 'ploor • A
10th Floor • :�·, J fr• '' 26th floor - A '\o E
11th Fl.oar .. � ·� · · j 27th l"loor - A to r
12th Floer - O�i, ll:i 1:,�·1r ·.\: · l!!ltb Ploor - A to lC
11th Ploor '"'\. A to· 1;-.111 ;'·'!. 29th Ploor - A to J:

\ 1fth
Floor - f.
\ ,.Jf.:.. \ '.,;' ;' ;;, ' , ,, ., . •
30th Fl�or - A to IC

,. - > 1 •

s '
A. 'BASOOJT 2 .- i:,�� �oe. 27,
32, 33, 38, 39,
B. jll..$)Jwit 3 -\:PilnUlll. 'aM'40'�1;
, ll'oo. 1 to 271 and 31 to 47
' , ' '' \
ill the reuining ooad.Olli.niwi un.118 � park.ins aU>ta in the Proleot qhall
be allocated. aasiped. a.n4 owned. l:f" .. � ;their oorrespc,nding prooeeda pertain
to the DEVELOPER, Tha.t the oond� pert1t1oatee ot title oovorui« their
respective aheree ot the portiaa � ,enumerated shall be regiotorod dil'eot
und.,;· their namaa. Doc. Jo. 310, Paao: _!lo. 63, Book Ho. VIII, s-zioo ot tho
li'ot. 'Pub. ot C/= V, De Ouaa"", llalca.t}_ Ci t,1. /
Dato ot lnst""!'9nt 7 � �I 0000.: ,.· ·
. ot Ineori�on -. IC<iY ,1,'9', a:>OP.,
.. . � --'""''--

... .
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J I . I · :,�t:J,•. //' (
\ I :·,,., ''� ,I · ; ·,•::1•1· " - B)
(Memcrandum or.c:ncumbrances &ontin1ied:'in¥1Page �
{Technical Descripticn continued on Afincndl Sheet Page -)
�-f· :, 1
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, I·• I'.
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rcgistfrc.d owner: I( ·th°l"owricr Is a married woman. state also the citizc1hip ofhcr husband. If tH,:
land is registered in the name of the conjugal partnership, state the citizenship ofbbth spouses.

t, \ l,
,Afi,,;I[__ 1Dillt��.���;i;�--
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1'1"�2350,,..213109 •, lSSUAJ'CE OF C011JX)MillI1ll! CEl?I'IFICATE CE' TITLE -
Upo::i the Requept of Kr. JOSELI'ro D.
JtJLAW'lll, Wan&ger, Lioenae end CompliE!no• j{
'f�\-'J: De:pt., EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDIJIJS, rsc,; two hundred eighty five (285) oondo-1 ..
: �-!J·f
minium oertit'ioS:tea. er title to::r thirty one (31) storey buildine known a• It"",
I 1 "IBM PLAZA" are hereby issued in th• l'lame at the herein registered owner,
to •it•
l \.
. \
' .
\ l
CCT !loo. '1•24535 "'1-2460()1 . CCT Noo, N-24!o1 to N-247591
I ,. ·;·•I CCT llos. �'it'f '1-248231 CCT lloo. 11-25584 to N-256331
I�! CCT lies, �3�·11-2567� and CCT Nos,
j[ Doo. lfo, sc, !'866 !lo, 12, :Soolc(llo, '1�f, s-zoo ot t�e Not. Pub, of Att7,
. �! II. :a, llasoo, ll&nila. . .: t 1 \
Date �f !D11v,mellt • 11",T 11,(:iDOO,
Date of Imcirip'lion. ·• . lfq 18, a:lelO,

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.0e(�/tt"�,, i ry _fgr#tif«-&MM
of the

{Vjji, i l'111ul11111i11i11111 l'rojcl'f)


This 1\,,lt1xt,•r l)ee,I 1vi1J, Dec/(11 uion t{( Restrictions (hereinafter referred to as "Moster
l!eed"), whether reference is to the ena�1:1·,, deed or the declaration of restrictions, or both) executed this
_th day of May 2000 at Makati City, Mebr, · .la nil a, Philippines by:

EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS. !NC., a domestic corporatio11 with office and business
address at the ,21/F The World C,1 'n e Bldg., #330 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Maka!i City,
Metro Manila, Philippines, represe',"ld herein by its duly-authorized DIRECTOR, Mr.
CIRILO L. MANLANGIT, here.inait,,, ,·eferred to as the "DECLARANT"

W I T , E S S E T H : That

WHEREAS. the DECLARANT' the registered owner of three (3) parcels of land loca•ed at
Brgy. Baqumbayan, District of Murphy, Li':,1·,, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. w:th a total area of
Two Thousand Tbree Hundred (2,300)�q· . !le Meters, more or less, and covered by Transfer Certificate of
Title No. 173189,173190,and 176166 iss :d by the Registry of Deeds for Quezon City, Metro MJnila,
Philippines. and more pa,ticularly descries •. as follows. to wit:

,:CT. NO. 173189

Rcgixiry 11·· Occd.-for Quezon· City, M.M

A purcet of land {Lot t� • .;·\· shown on subd: plan Pst/p(}O�OJ8fl53, being a
portion of· '!f I.of (� (I.RC) Pc., 30781, !�RC Rec. Nos. 699, 875 & 9 I 7) situnted
in the /�r.::.r. t?f /Ja,:11111/Jaya,1, :)i,\·t. (Jf At/1,r11hy, Q. llty, M. sst«, /.\', <�f· Luzon.
Bounded 011 the .'V/¥., along : 1.i 1-2 by Lot l'-6 [Res. Lot); 011 the NE., a/1111g
line 2-3 h.1· Lot (..'-·I, /Jot/, ,�1·,1 · s11b1/. JJ!a11.i.; 011 tbe .�E., nlong line 3-4 hJ' I.or/)
(/,/?() /Jt's-307SJ 11111/ 011 t}., iW., along line 4-1 hy Lot (,�2 ,�f' the .\·u/1rJ. 11lu11
nmraia111g "" area of ON!'· lflJUSAN/l FIVE HUNDRED (!,500) S:JU,IRl,
.\/E1°L·R.\'. 111or�· or less."

CT. NO. N-173190

I?.egi.\·try Deedsfor Qucr.011 City, M.!11.
,· ·
A portion of Lot C-•f , s shown Off subd. Ptan P.,·,J.{J0-038053, hei11g a

portion of Lot C (LRA) Pc.;. i0781, LRC Rec. Nos. 699, 875 & 917) situated in C"\ D
J3rg;i. Jia,:11111ba;1a11, Dist. I} i'(/UrJJhy, Q. G'it;1, M. Mla., Is. <?f Luton. /Jou111lefl •
011 the NW & NE., a/11nr ;, ·cs 1-9 by lot C-6 (Rood Lot) of the .rnhd. P/1111; "" �
the SE., 11/11ng lines 9-11 by -;01 7 (LRC) Pc.,-301911; on the SE., along line I J.
__._�� \\II"
�· "') "" ., ,.,, ,. �·· •• ., , ..,, ••• , 11 •••• _ ·-. -., ·-· - � ••., ···-
subd. plan containing �11 area <1 NINE HUNDRED THIIJ.J:.Y-SIX (936)
SQUARE METERS,,; · or less."

T.C1 NO. N-176166

Registry of Decos for Quezon City, M.M.

"A portion of Lot 1 as showr ,n subd; plan Pcs-00-007917, beiflg a

portion of Lots I to 7, Pcs-007'·: !·003889-D, Lot 7, (LRC) Pcs-30190,
L.R.C. Rec. No. 699, 875, 917), s/1·,;ated in the BrllJI. of Bagumbayan, Q.
City, ls. of Luzon. Bounded on ti,,; .VE., & SE., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot]
of the cons-subd. plan; on the SI� .• along line 3-4 by Lot 6, (LRC) Pcs-
30190; and on the NW., along /in, 4-5 by Lot 5, (now) Lot C, (LRC) Pcs-
30781; along lines 5-6-7-1 by Lo· 42, (Road), of the cons-subd. plan.
containing an area of NINE ,:'UNDRED TWENTY EIGHT. (928)
SQUARE METERS, more or less." 0

WHEREAS, the DECLARANT is th� developer of the "IBM PUZA" office condominium
project to be constructed on the entire area of LJ\ C-3 covered by TCT No. 173139 a portion of Loi C-4
totalling an area of SIX HUNDRED FORTY FIV� square meters and 60/100 decimeters (645.60) covered
by TCT No. N-173190 and a portion of Loi 1 Involving an area of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR and
401100 decimeters (154.40) covered by TCT No. N-176166, all aforedescribed and undertakes to submit
the same and all other improvements to be �ubsequently constructed thereon under the operation of
Republic Act No. 4726,otherwise kno1111 as the Ccndominium Act, thereby constituting the said properties
as a condominium project pursuant to the provisions of the said act:

WHEREAS, the DECLARANT desir.Js to impose upon the condominium project thus
constituted mutually beneficial restrictions which ,;>1all constitute a lien upon each con1ominium unit in the
project and shall inure lo and bind all condominium unit 01111ers therein pursuant to the provisions of
Section 9 of said Condominium Act, for the c, rpose of enhancing and perfecting the value, desirability
nd attractiveness of lhe project.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in ccnsldeallon of the foregoing premises, the DECIARANT
'reby submit the arorecescribed parcels of land ,,swell as all improvements constructed or found thereon
t<' the provisions of Republic Act No. 4726 and de-:1Jre that:



Section 1. Name of Project. An office condominium project lo be kno1111 as the
BM PUZA" is hereby constituted on til,i aforedescribed real property. However, the terms
ndominium project" or 'project" shall be con;,lered the same in meaning within the context of !his
ster Deed and shall refer to the "IBM PLAZA" unless otherwise distinguished or qualified.

Section 2. Development Plans. - The office condominium project is being developed

according to the following plans:

(a) A survey plan of the land on whl-:.1. the building and/or lmprovemenVs is to be constructed
is hereto attached as Annex "A" and made an int,91al part hereof.

,/// (b) The building and/or lmprovemMis ls/are being constructed by the DECLARANT
P substantially in accordance with the Plans and Spnclficatlons therefor prepared by MEGA (M & E Group 01
Architects), subject to such modifications as ma:· be approved by the f?ECI.ARANT. Such Plans and
Specifications consisting of twenty (20) and thi1t1 (30) pages, respectively, are hereto attached as Annex
"B'. and "8-1' and made an integral part hereof.

= ....
,\\!,'(/(}/} 3. '/]1e
l,li11r:a11e:.·.fi .'t.1 U11its. {a) The con .1iniyrn orqject shall hal@_g
irty 130) storey building to be known au,. e "lllM PLAZA" which shall consist of three (3) parkinq
basements housing a total of one hundred �;··._,ix 1156) parking slots broken down as follows: Ground level
2. Basement 3- 47 slots. Basement 2-54 ,, '.; s and Basement 1-53 slots. The. ground floor shall provide a
main lobby and commercial spaces. The 2'.·'.'.o 5• floors shall be single-tenanted office areas. The 611' flocr
shall house the building amenities lcanteeru,1d view deck) and office areas. The 7• to 30'" floors Ina 1311,
floor) shall be office areas.

The radio room shall be located c.r; .. [he 31" floor with the machine room and water tank on top
thereof. The building shall be serviced by iJ&.16) elevators, two 12) of which shall be designated to service
the 2"' to 5" floors and from the 91" floor to tho 31" floor. Three 13) elevators shall service the 611' floor up to
the 31" floor while one (1) elevator shall ser-,ice all floors. The condominium proj�ct shall have a total of
one hundred fifty six 11561 units broken down into five 15) commercial units on the ground floor, one 11 I unit
on each floor from the 2"" to the 5'" floor, twQ..�21 'Jnits on 61" floor. eleven f11l units on the 711' and 811• Floor
ne 1 unit on ach fl r r h • •1: floor. eleven 111 I units on 111• and 121• floor lno 13·" floor],
e v 12 un, s on the 14'" floor ne 1 I Tu! on the 15'"· 11 units on theJ6" floor. one unit(1 l en each
floor ram e o e oar, eleven ur1its 111 l on the 21" floor, one 11 I unit on the 22"" to 25" floor
and eleven 1111 units on the 26'" lo 30• FloorJ!nd one 11 I radio room at the 31" floor.

(bl The vertical boundaries of, c:ch unit in the project are the interior surfaces of the concrete
floor and the ceiling up to the point of inter·;,1ction of the horizontal boundaries. The horizontal boundaries
consist of the center of any partition that seaaate the unit from the adjoining units. Where ttrere is only one
(1) unit in a floor, the unit shall also inclu(c such toilet facilities and such portions of the etevator lobby,
hallways and corridors found within the unit ooundanes, and where there are several units on the same
floor. the said toilets. elevator lobby, hallways and corridors shall pertain to and owned pro-rata by the unit
owners only of the said floor; provided, how, ver, that such facilities, lobby, hallways and corridors shall be
subject to easement for the use of and/or pa;;age in favor of other unit owners and public utilities and other
concerned entities for the repair and mantenaoce of amenioes"acilities in the floor concerned. The
boundaries of the units are more particularly ndicated and described in the floor plans hereto attached as
Annex C".

(c) The boundaries of the rar.k. room are the interior surfaces of the walls, floors. ceiling,
· dows and doors pursuant to the floor pla•,5 hereto attached as Annex "D". Subject to the provisions oi
the Section 1 I. Part I and Section 17, Pail JI of the Master Deed 11Jith Dealanuion of Restrictionv,
the radio room shall be reserved for the exclusive use, enjoyment and disposiUon of DECLAR,iNT or rts
\(;;, '\ssigns and/or successors-in-interest and t,>.311 be for the use of, but not limited to, the installation ant,
•� peration of radio, telecommunications recepr..Jn and transmission equipment and devices.

} Section 4. Use of Units. · ,1.11 units in the condominium project shall be used exclusively
or commercial (office) and support and/or ir , .• �'lotal purposes only, subject to such limitations on the US<
ossession and occupancy of units as ma) '·: provided for in this Master Deed, as the Association, to
e constituted in accordance with this Music. treed as set forth in Section 8, Part I hereinfcllowing, may
hereafter reasonably and validly promulgate.

Section s. The Co,111110,i Ari'.,.,·. The commOn elements or areas of the projec1
(hereinafter referred tJ as the .. Co1111iw11 A •s·;s ") shall comprise thP. following:

(a) The parcel of land described nereinbefore over which the project is constructed;

,U- /common(b)structuralAll elements

bearing walls, floors, roof.,. foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports and other
of the condor�ir1i,,m project;
(c) The roof deck, fire escapes :·,1d walkways, entrances to and exits from the contJominiurn
project. including all ramps and driveway, ', ".' and from the parking basements; the main lobby, hallway
and corridor on the ground floor;

(d) The pump room, airconditit·r.··,g, air cooling tower, water tank, elevators, machine room �-
and all installations of all services and· utilid ; including but not limited to lighl drainage, sewerage, fire .x:
protection, alarm systems, airconditioning ,'•ies, ducts, chutes. conduits. wires and other utility lines
.'\i:ctio11 3. '/111.: (a) The con, .1lniµrr1 QfOiect shall have g
lcli11r: (111�::>:1:J U,1it.\'.
irty (30) storey building to be known arc.t,. � • IBM PI..AZA • which shall consist of three (3) parkinq
basements housing a total of one hundred �;·... _�ix (156) parking slots broken down as follows: Ground level
2. Basement 3- 47 slots. Basement 2-54 '\'.is and Basement 1-53 slots. The-ground floor ,hall provide a
main lobby and commercial spaces. The 2�'- '.o 5" floors shall be single-tenanted office areas. The 5•· flocr
shall house the building amenities rcanteeru•1d view deck) and office areas. The 7• to 30• floors (no 13'"
floor) shall be office areas.

The radio room shall be located c.r;Jhe 31" floor with the machine room and water tank on top
thereof. The building shall be serviced by iJt{6l elevators, two 12) of which shall be designated to service
the 2"' to 5• floors and from the g• floor to t0? 31" floor. Three {3l elevators shall service the floor up to
the 31" floor while one (1) elevator shall scr'lice all floors. The condominium proj�ct shall have a total of
one hundred fifty six (156) units broken down into five (5) commercial units on the ground floor. one (1L.ll'l!J
on each floor from the 2"" to the 5'" floor. tw�(.21 •Jnits on 6• floor. eleven 111 l units on the 7"h and a• Floor
n 1 unit n h fl r r h 9• 'JL. floor. eleven r11 l units on 11 '" and 12• floor rno 13• floo!],
ev 2 uni s on the 14'" floor ne 11 'e!: on the 15•. 11 units on the 161" floor. one unit:1) on each
floor rom e o e oor. eleven rmits (11 l on the 21" floor. one (1) unit on th� 22"' to 2s• floor
and eleven (11) units on the 26• to 30" Floor.}nd one (1) radio room at the 31" floor.

(b) The vertical boundades or t ,:ch unit in the project are the interior surtaces of the concrete
floor and the ceiling up to the point of inter,oction of the horizontal boundaries. Tire horizontal b�undaries
consist of the center of any partition that seaxate the unit from the adjoining units. Where there is only one
(1) unit in a floor. the unit shall also inclu�u such toilet facilities and such portions of the elevator lobby.
hallways and corridors found within the unit Joundaries. and where there are several units on the same
floor. the said toilets. elevator lobby. hallwayi and corridors shall pertain to and owned pro-rata by thE unit
owners only or the said floor: provided. howiver. that such facilities. lobby. hallways and corridors st.all be
subject to easement for the use or and/or passaqe in favor of other unit owners and public utilities and other
concerned entities for the repair and ma'ntenance of amenities/facilities in the floor concerned. The
boundaries of the units are more particularly ndicated and described in !he floor plans hereto attached as
Annex 11C".

(c) The boundaries of the rad,. room are the interior surtaces of the walls. floors, ceiling.
· dows and doors pursuant to the floor pla,,1 hereto attached as Annex "D". Subject to the provisnns oi
the Section I I, Part I and Section I 7, Pan !I of the Master Deer/ 11Jit/1 Declaration of Restrictions,
the radio room shall be reserved tor the exclusive use. enjoyment and disposlllon or DECL!IRANT or its
\Q, '\ssigns and/or successors-in-interest and ,•.all be for the use of. but not limited to. the installation an0
"1Qperation of radio. telecommunications recepe in and transmission equipment and devices.

i Section 4. Use of Units. - ,!JI units in the condominium project shall be used exclusively
or commercial (office) and support and/or ir ,.·���tal purposes only. subject to such limitations on the use
ossession and occupancy or units as ma) \' provided for in this Master Deed, as the A.1Jncia1i,m. to
e constituted in accordance with this Mastc. lreed as set forth in Section 8. Part I hereinfcllowing. may
hereafter reasonably and validly promulgate .

..Section J. The Co,11111011 Ar,·.rs. The commOn elements or areas of the project
(hereinafter referred tJ as the "Crm11i1011 A,. ·;s ") shall comprise the. following:

(a) The parcel of land described nereinbefore over which the project is ccnseucteo;

#- / common(b)structuralAll elements
bearing walls, floors. rool;, toundauons. columns. girders, beams. supports and other
of the condor"iniom projec�
(c) The roof deck, fire escapes .. ,,d walkways. entrances to and exits from the conrJominiurn
project including all ramps and driveways ', ·,: aod from the parking basements; the main lobby. hallway
and corridor on the ground floor:-

(d) The pump room. airconditi<·r.'·,g. air cooling tower. water tank. elevators. machine room
and all installations of all services and· utilid ; inc:uding but not limited to light drainage. sewerage. fire
protection. alarm systems. airconditioning i'oes, ducts, chutes, conduits, wires and other utility lines
erever located (except telephone and cable I:-·.' s as well as any other utility and service, equiorrent or
ouUet when localed or installed within a particul1, existing for or of common use or necessav to the
ex,slence and/or safely of the condominium projo.!:

(e) . . The elevator equipment and sr,:1,\!; and its appurtenant equipment and utilities localed in
the condomm,urn pro1ect. The Assocuitian mar. 'Or lhe better distribution of elevator services, assign from
t,rne to time any of the six (6) elevators lo serve: iarticular floors only and bypass other floors.

(Q All other areas. structural elen- nts and central services, facilities and utilities not part
of the units but shown or indicated as part of llie '. 'ommon Areas in the condominium proiect plans hereto
attached, and all other portions or the condo111irhi1'11 project necessary for or convenent to its existence,
maintenance and/or safety, but not part of any unit,

(g) The emergency generator sr·:. transfer pump, booster pump, fuel lank, sump pit,
transformer and transformer vault, electrical n· .. m, radiator set and other facilities in the condominium
project or the Comm,111 Areas, or otherwise nf.•,essary or useful lo lhe existence and/or convenient lo the
maintenance and/or safety of the condominium o.oiect, but not a part of any unit:

(h) All olher apparatuses, equipm��!. Installations and facilities not mentioned herein but
existing or which may subsequentiy be installed on the condominium project for the common use and/or
convenient to the existence, maintenance and/er safety of lhe condominium project: and

(ii All other property rights herein granted in favor of lhe Association or otherwise
established in favor of or for the benefit of the condominium project under this Master Deed.

Section 6. The J.i111ite,J Co,1111101t Areas. � The following Limited Con1111011 Area.\·
� shall be set aside and assigned for the exclusive use of the respective units hereinbelow specified and
uch unit shall have an exclusive easement 'or the use of the particular J.i111ile,I ('<J111111,i11 Area.v
a signed to it. to wit·

(a) All balconies and terraces, t,•e exclusive use and enjoyment of which a,e reserved lo the
owners/occupants of the particular unit from vihi�h such balconies and terraces extend, except those that
are within the Utled boundaries of the units pursuant lo Section J (b), Part I hereof.

(bl For valuable consideration, p: ·ting slots shall be assigned by the DECLARANT to any
, teresled unit buyer/owner and once assig1•e•,, use and enjoyment thereof shall exclusively pertain to tile
particular unit owner who bought such slot. Hcwever, DEC!.ARANT shall have the ri£hl lo lease out all
unsold parking spaces.

(c) A portion of the roof deck wn:.:h shall be used as the site of the communications s3\ellile
dish and/or the telecommunications antennae , .·.ception and transmission equipment and/or devices, shall
be reserved in ownership by the DECLARA.'; i".

(d) Ali maintenance of and rep,ii·.· to the Limited C'omn1,111 Ar<!cr.\· shall be mace by, an:J at
the expense, of the uniVs lo whom such area zre assigned.
(el The elevator lobby, hallwav; corridors and toilet facilities located on all floors. except
J/'// where there is only one (1) unit in a floor:
m The parking ramp from grou,�,, level leading to the basement B-1 shall be shµred with the
basement parking of the adjacent office buil·Jing ICyber One\ while there will be a wall openi119 al ramo
access and at basement B-1 of both office t,�Jing to provide carparl< interconnectio<1

(g) The Association referred to .n Section 8 herein following may, frorr, time lo time, assign
such portions of the available or unutilized lao·, spaces around the pro)ecl for the exclusive use of particular
uniVs upon payment of such fees as the Assoclation may prescribe or determine. The exercise of the ,ight
granted to the A.11·0,·i,,tio11 under this pc:.rr�r-.1ph shall not in any manner prejudice the rights granted
under this Master Dvrd in favor of DECtA!iANT and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-inlerest
over the rights specified herein. The Asso, ..-u-on may subsequently cancel, amend or revise any such,
,fl L-
""'. _. ,. �v

ssificalion of lhe Common Areas into Licted Common Areas as may have been effe.cted by 11
pursuant to this paragraph.

Section 7. Nature and Interest: v/ Unit Owners. - (a) Subject to lhe provisions
of this Master Deed and lo lhe terms and .c.mdilions of the instrument conveying the unit from lhe
DECLARANT to such purchaser or to the t·:, ,is and conditions of any subsequenf conveyance under
which lhe purchasei lakes lille lo the unit, t�, purchaser of a unll shall acquire, upon execution of the
Deed of Absolute Sale, title or ownership of su�t· unit; provided, however, that in case of inconsistency, lhe
Master Deed shall prevail.
(b) The owner of a unit shall fu11hw acquire an appurtenant Interest or part:clpalion in the '
Association, equal lo the percentage share wh•·,h the area of lhe unit bears to Iha total area of all lhe units
in lhe condominium project. by virtue of which i'l!erest lhe unit owner further acq•Jires an •ndirect undivided
interest in the common area in proportion to his'•,9r/its interest in the Association, thus: ,

Area of Unit _% interest particlpatlon % interest in

in the condortinium project • the Common Areas
Total area of units ,.
in the project, exclu- ,.,
sive of Common Areas �·
The percentage share of each unit is set forth In lhe schedule attached hereto as Annex "E".

(c) The procedures. restrictions and/or limitations relating to transfers, 'encumbrances, leases
and other dispositions of units are provided by the Declaration of Restrictions under Part II of this
Master Deed wlttt Dectamtion of Restrictions.

Section 8. The Condominium A isoclation. - (a) The DECLARANT shall,

efore transferring registrable title to any unit, k�11 and o,ganize a condominium association lo be known
a "IBM PLAZA CONDOMINIUM AS,:.')CIATION, INC.' (hereinafter referred lo as lhe
saciation ") pursuant lo Iha provisions of :,·a Condominium Acl and of Iha Corporation Code of lhe
Phil, ines (B.P. Big. 68) for lhe purpose of f.olding lille lo all Common Areas and of manag,ng the
project. i

(b) All unit owners or those who lwva no more pecuniary obligation to the DECLARANT
all automatically become members of the ,I ssociation, to the exclusion of all others. The l�teresl of
each member in the Association shall be eqva! lo his/herAls appurtenant unit share as set forth in Annex
"E" hereof. Such interest cannot be assigned, encumbered or transferred in any manner by any member
'-J szcept as an appurtenance lo his/her/its unit. .

� (c) Only unit owners updated in IM payment ot" association dues and other assessments, in
addition lo the incorporalors of lhe Associaticr , -,re entitled to vote or have voling rig his in any meeting of
the Association where volalion is called for, r ,' ... ided lhal lhe voling right of the amo,1izing purchaser is
deemed assigned to and in favor of DECI.A:;_A,�TT until such time as the obligation, including but nol
limited lo lhe installments, association dues an1 · .. ' fees and assessments of the amortizing purchaser I�
the DECI.ARA.NT is/are extinguished.

d'// (d) Each member of the Assoccuion shall share in lhe common expenses of lhe
J" condominium project and shall accordingly be assessed therefor, in Iha same sharing or percentage,
corresponding lo his/hernls appurtenant Interest ;,· participation In Iha Association v.lhoul prejudice to lhe
right of the latter to charge him/herAI for specie! assessments as provided In Section 15 (a) (4), Part II

Section 9. Amendments!Revisio;,s of Plans and - Master Deed. (a)

DECLARANT reserves the right to am�nd 3; any lime the development plans by filing such additional,
supplemental and/or revised plans and/or st)llC1lcatlons as may be required to describe adequately the
completion of improvements, together the : · ,anges therein made, if any. Such completion may be
shown by a certificate of an architect or enginr,, certifying that the improvements have been conslrucled
as herein presented, or designating any chamcs made. Such plans, specifications or certificate, when . (0.,
signed and acknowledged by DECLA.RAJ\T and registered in accordance v.ith Section d of 1he "(
Condominium Act, shall constitute an amendme: ,f this Master Deed. - ••
,._.......... )41"
II (b) Prior to complefon of the condominium project. notwithstanding any terms or conditions of
any contract to sell over any unit to the conu a t, t�e DEC LARA NT reserve the right to amend, revise or
revoke this Master Deed by registration of " · instrument to that effect with the Registry of Deeds for
Ouezcn City, M.M. duly executed by the DE,:;,:,.' R-'.NT.

Section 1 O. Certain Pre-Exlsting Restrictions on Property. DECLA.RANT \

.epresents that the parcels of land over which<' ·e condominium project is constructed was acquired and is
held by DECLARANT subject to certain dee· restrictions which were with the parcels of land at the time
of their acquisition by DECLARANT and an annctated in the certificates of title�overing the same.

Section 11. Rudio Roorn: · (,11 The right to build, install, utilize, maintain and/or service
radio, telecommunications reception and tranimission equipment and/or devces (hereinafter collectively
referred to as .. ( '1i11111111111,.:,111u11s Facilities ··i on the 3111 floor of the condominium project is hereby
exclusively reserved by and in favor of DEClc!RANT and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-interest.
and which shall not be deemed part of the Common Area.r. The rights, title and Interests in and to the
radio room referred to in Se,·1io11 3 (c),. Pa,'· I hereof shall pertain exclusively to the DECL,\RANT
and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-interest

(b) Appurtenant to such interest in and to the radio room and the right to build, install, utilize,
operate, maintain and/or service the Communication Facilities at the 31" floor is the right of the
DECLARANT and/or its assignees · and/01 successors-in-interest to construct. install, operate and
maintain in an area of the 31st floor a communications tower/antennae. The use by the DECLARANT
and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-interest of the aforesaid areas of the 31"· floor is hereby
classified as exclusive areas and are more pa-Uoularly described In the floornocaUon plans attached nereto
as Annex "E".

(c) The grant of rights, title and in!erest referred to in this section in favor of DECLARANT
nd/or its assignees and/or successors-io-inlerest shall be subject lo the following conditions, to wit:

1. DECLARANT and.'v its assignees and/or successors-in-interest shall be liable

for real estate taxes accruing or dee on areas of the J 1 '' floor reserved and allocated for the
installation and maintenance of the co,nmunications lower/antennae as well as for such reasonable
association dues, fees anO/or assessments for its maintenance as may be assessed or charge1
thereon by the As.\'cJc:i'1tio�,.

2. The installation, construction, maintenance and/or operation of the

Communications Facilities, incluc,j.;g the telecommunications tower/antennae, shall be subject
strictly to the rules and guidelines of the National Telecommunications Commission with the end in
view that communications operatcns thereat shall be on a ncn-intenerence basis. The radio
communications system must be de,i, 'ied, Installed and constructed In such a way that they shall
not affect the normal function of all e'� ·tronic appliances, gadgets, equipment and other machnes
in the condominium project.

3. The installation, construction, maintenance, management and operation of the

Comm1111icn1i1111., Facitittes. incluni:·:J but not limited to the communications tower/antenna-.,
silent-type set. including charge· for public services utilities such as electricity, water.
telephone and similar services, shO:' '·'" for the exclusive account and cost of DECLARANT
and/or its assignees and/or successor. in-interest

4. DECLARANT anci�' assignees and/or successors-In-interest shall observe and

comply with the pertinent rules, regulations, ordinances, laws and restr,clons imposed by
government entities on the installation. operation and/or management of the Comnumicattans
Facilities, such as but not limiied to those rules, regulations and laws governing
telecommunications and aerial navigal'on.

Section 12. · Scope 1111d Cove1t1:JP., • This Declaration of Restrictions, as may from
lime to time be amended, shall embody euch restrictions, limitations, covenants. undertakings and
conditions as may be required or pennitted by the Condominium Act or the Master Deed to be provided
herein. Subject to exceptions "11ich may be �xpressly set forth In the Condominium Act, in the Ma,ler
Deed or in this Dedarat/on of Restrictions, said restrictions, llmltellons, covenants, undertakings and
conditions shall be deemed lo run with the la;,d, lhe condominium project and other improvements making
up the project, shall constitute a lien upon the project and each untt. and shell inure to the benefit cf, and be
binding upon, all parties O'M1ing or holding lit� to any unit or any right or Interest therein or in the pr�ject.
pursuant to the provisions of the Condominium Act. ·

Section 13. The Ma,,agement Body. · The condominium Association lo be knovm as

the "/HM l'l.A/.,t CONDOMIN!i.lM ASSOCIATION, INC.� shali constsute the
management body of the project once tho same is formally tumed over by the DECIAl�ANT lls
powers shall be such as may be provided b)' the Condominium Act, the Master Deed, this Decluratlon
of Restrictions. its Articles of lncorpor,1ti?n and By-Laws, and such applicable provisions of the
Corporation Code of the Philippines vdlich are not Inconsistent with the Condominium Act. Any suet,
powers may be exercised by or delegated lo, such officers or other persons, end in such manner as the By·
Laws may provide. The Association may hire managerial, legal, auditing, accounting and olhe,
professional and technical services in the manner provided in its By-Laws. The Association shall not have
the power to conduct an active business for the profit of Its members or any of them. For a period of five (5)
years from and after the formal turn-over vi the condominium· project by the DECI.ARA.NT to thP.
Association, the administration and management of the condominium project shall be assigned o•
delegated by lhe Association to a p"l'perty management corporation lo be nominated by thu

Section 14. Maintenance, Repairs and Alterations. • (a) All maintenance of and
repairs of any unit (other than maintenance of and repairs lo any of the Common Areas contained therein
not necessitated by the act or negligance of the O'M1er, tenant or occupant of such uniti shall be made b1,
and at the expense of, the O'M1er of such vr� Each unit O'M1er shall be rosponsible for at: damages lo any
other unit and to the Common Areas rew!Ung from hls/hernts failure to effect such maintenance anJ
repairs. Such unit O'M1er shall also be responsible for promptly reporting to lhe Association any defect or
need for repairs in any of the Con1111on Arec!> in his/herJits unit.

Except as may be limited or reslricterj herein or in the By-Laws, each unit O'M1er shall have lhe
exclusive right , at his o'M1 expense, to paint, ·,paint, tile, wax, paper or otherwise refinish and decorate/re·
decorate the inner surtaces of the walls, noo,s, windows and doors bounding his/herrits O'M1 unit.

Notwithstanding the foregoing pro;;�ions, the unit O'M1er, tenant or occupant of a unit may not
undertake any structural repairs or altereti0t·$, or eny other worx vdllch would Jeoparulze the safety of the
condominium building, or another unit, or ir.,�air any easement, without the prior writton approval of lhe
Association and of the owners of the unlb1 rl:rectly affected by such worx.

(b) All maintenance of and repairs to lhe Common Areas, 'Mlether localed inside or outside
the units (unless necessitated by the act 01 regligence of a unit owner, tenant or occupant, in which case
such expense shall be charged to lhe owno, o! �'1e unit) shall be made by the Association, In accordance
with lhe By·Laws of the Association.

(c) The 1�ilet facilities, elevatcr ••,bbles and hallways or corridors In each ol the floors of lhe
condominium project and localed within th� ooundaries �f a unit shall be repaired and maintained by the
Association subject lo reasonable asses:r.•enl by ll\8 Association upon the unit owner.; concerned for
cost of repairs and maintenance of such loi.el ·'acllltles, lobbies and hallways or corridors as may be localed
on their respective floors. However, if lheres only one (1) u�it or all the units in a single floor is/are ovmed
by a single owner. such toilet facilities, lobb',1s and hallways or corridors in such floor may with lhe prior
'tte11 consent of !he Association be repaii·., nnd maintained by such owner al hisiherflls sole account
and expense, provided Iha! !he repairs ark: .11alnlenance mrks adhere strictly to maintenance and
operalrng standards lo be providec in the Buir,,;. ,g Rules for the purpose or otherwise lo be promulgated by
!he Association. i

(d) The By-laws of !he Assocrulon may contain such further provisions as may be
necessary to supplement the provisions herein

Section 15. · Assessments. - 11) Al such time and in such manner as shall be
provided in the By-Laws of the Associaticr, there shall be assessed againsi each unit owner in the
condominium project and paid toihe Associcston. in proportion to such unit owners appurtenant interest
in lhe Association, the following, to wit:

(1) Regular assessments for operating expenses. The Association s'1al!,

from lime lo lime, and al leas! annually, prepare an estimate of !he operating expenses of the
Association and assess against eat" unit owner in proportion to such uni! owners appurter,anl
interest in the Association, such amounts as shall be necessary lo meet the operating expenses.
Such expenses shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following, lo wit:
(i} The cost of insurance policies insuring the condominium project against
loss by fi1e, earthquake, ca:,ualty liability and other insurable risks In accordance with
Section 19, Part II hereof and lo !he exlenl deemed necessary by the Associa!ion;
(ii) The cos! of ro'9Ular an(! recurrent maintenance and oldinary repairs and
ulllilies and other services bun9fiting the Common Areas;

(iii) Fees and/or '>lllaries of managerial, legal, accounting, engineering and

other professional or lechn'•;al personnel or entities employed or retained by the
Association to assist in the franagement of the condominium project;

(iv) The cost offu,11iture, furnishings, fixtures and equipment for the Co,nmon
Arens and lhe main lobby ol lhe condominium project as lhe Association may from time
to time determine to be necessary or proper;

{1') The cost of .My other melerials, supplies, furnishings and fixtures, labor
services, maintenance, repal�. laxes, or assessments v.tiich the Associution is required
or empowered lo ·charge under the Master Deed or for Iha enforcement of the provisions
of lhe Building Rules; pm,•·ted, !hat if such expenses are expended for the benefit of
particular units in the condc·n:inlum project, such expenses shell thereafter be assessed
against lhe unit owner/s ov,a:01 such uniVs and shall be assessed under Section IS (a)
(4) hereof; and ·

(vi) If the Assocation 's estimate of operating expenses proves inadequate

lor any reason, Including Ui, •r;;,1-paymenl of any assessment, ii may al any lime levy c
further assessment.

(2) Regular assessments for capital expenditures. The Association shall

levy upon each unit owner, in p.">oortlon to !he unit owners appurtenant Interest in the
Association, an annual assessmen'. for the purpose of creating and maintaining. special fund for
the capital expenditures on the Common Areas of the condominium project, including the cost of
extraordinary repairs, reconstrucli<'n or restoration necessitated by damage, depreclsfion,
obsolescence. expropriation or condemnation of !he Common Areas or p�rVs lhereJf as well as
the cos! of improvements or additions !hereto authorized In eccoldance with !he provisiJns ol lhe
By-Laws ol th& Association.

(3) Deficiency and otirt.r assessments, - Special assessments shall be le·Aed

upon each unit owner to make up tor any deficiency in case the special fund provided for in the
Immediately preceding paragraph, tr.gather with Iha Insurance or other proceeds or recovery, rf
any, is/are insufficient to cover 1,; cost of such capital expenditures, unless the .damage, (\
obsolescence, expropriation or cor 1emnatlon is of such extent as lo meet the condlaons for � -
dissolution ol the Association req i•r.d by !he Condominium Acl and lhe required vole of the unit
: 't also be assessed against the unit owners, in the mar.ner
prescribed herein or in the 8y-lav.1 , ' t,i9 Association, such other assessmenls as are not
specificai!y provided for herein.

(41 Special assessmentxc: separat« expenses. • Particular units may else be

subject to special assessments autht"'' d in accordance v.�h the M0$1�r Deed or In the By-Laws
of the Association for non-commor m:penses (herein referre<i to as "separate expenses'), such
as but not limited to: (i) expenses f,11· maln\enence and repair of any unit ff such maintenance or
repair is, in the judgment of the Association, necessary to protect the Common Areas or any
other portion of the condominium or to safeguard the value and attractiveness of the
condominium project. and the ov.Tler /ails or refuses to perlorm such mainlena.n�e or repair within
the time fixed in the written notict· of the Association to such Ov.Tler, in v.!1ich case the
Association shall thereafter essesr expenses against the unit owner owt'ling such uni!; (ii)
assessments or fees for the use grul v11Joyment of the Limited Common Area.t� such as but not
limited to balconies and terraces, ·"'"'·'"9
spaces, and other portions of the Common Areas
classified as Limited Common A,,, , under the Master Deed. In this •egard, the Association
may impose interests and penalties e, .:•rch special assessments.

(b) Unless olheMise specificall, J'lo,ied by the Association, the foregoing assessments
shall not be refundable.

(c) The amount of any asset spwnl, the interests due In case of delinquency, the cost uf
collection (including attorney's fees, � any) a ••� penalties for delinquency shall constitute a lien on the uniUs
so assessed and on the appurtenant lnlem'.·· of the unit owner In the Association. Such lien shall lie
constituted and enforced, or the amount of a,, assessment otheMise collected, in the manner p:ovided in
tile By-Laws of lhe Association.

(d) Except as otherMse prov-led in the Declaration of Restrictions or in the

ondominium Act, the lien for assessmen- set forth herein shall be superior to all other liens and
(e) In case of foreclosure, the tra:.:·fer or the conveyance, as woll as the redemption, of the
delinquent unit shall include thr. ·Jnil owier's appurtenant membership in the Association
The Association shall have ,;., 101�r to bid at the foreclosure sale.

(� In case of default by any 11,.. , owner In the payment of any assessment,

including any interest and penally thenorr :he Association, without prejudice to any other nghts or
remedies to v.!1ich ii is entitled as provided h1,1in or in law or equity, shall have the right, upon crier written
notice to the defaulling unit owner, to cut-0'1 ;, withold Imm such unit or unit owner, utilities and/or services
v.!1ich are provided for or administered bf i' ,: Association for such reasonable period ol time as the
Association may determine. .

Section 16. Real Property T1L�11r !lfld Assessments. - Each unit owner shalt execute
such instrument and take such actions as ,·,r, reasonably be specified by the Association to obtain a
separate assessment of his/hernts respecti11, ,mil for purposes of taxation and special assessments on real
property. Nevertheless, if there Is any pos,ic',,ity that any tex or assessment may become a lien on the
_w/ entire condominium project or any part of th? (ommon Areas, the same may be paid by the Association
JP and subsequently assessed by the Associ.i. r•1 against the untt owner concerned, together with such rate
of ;nterest and costs as may be determined cy the Association. Such assessments shall constitute a lien
on the uniUs so assessed, pursuant to Seais« JS hereof.

Section J 7. Use Llmitatlors: The units and Common Areas of the project sh�II be
occupied subject to the following Umilaticns I" w:t:

(a) No unit owner, except v/, '. 't has the prior written approval of the Association, shell
occupy or use his/her/ils unii or perrntt the s;l'::J or any.part thereof to be occupied or used for any purpose
other than that indicated in the Master D, »', o: under the pertinent Contract to Buy and Sell, provided
that the latter is noi inconsistent 1�th the ': 1.1er. Unless the ."Jaster Deed is amended, no unit may
divided or subdivided into a smaller uniUs n; a,,y portion th.ereof sold or otheMise transferred.
�. . - yt
'I'· (b)
.l ,11111111:11 ·ltl',1\ (except 1 "11/i:J ('0111111011 1/rc:,,.,} intended for the furnishing of
rvlces and facilities for the common enjoyn"' ,c oi the units shall be used only for such purposes and shall
not ue appropna!ed for the exclusive use or b,.·.afit of �ny particul3r uni!. There shall be so obstrnclion of
the ( ·,,,,,,,,,,,, ,ir,·"·' intended for ingress. q,,._,ss or access to any portion of the ccr.dominium building
Nothing shall be stored in the (·,,,,,,,,,,,,Arc" (except in those intended for storage) without ihe previous
/ consent of the ,iJ.,,ot ,,,,,011.
(c) DECLARAN.T and/or its as . .r; or successor-in-interest shall have the sole riyht to
adopt. display, install. construct, own and �r ·;tml such signages and/or graphics 'n the condominiurl'
project and no sign of_any kind shall be disp!.,yec to !he public view In or from any unit or any other portion
of the condonuonnn p,oject without the prior ••··�en consent of the DECLARANT.

(d) No use or practice shall be v;rmitted within any part of the project which may be the
source of annoyance to occupants thereof or 1./•ich may interfere with the peaceful possession and proper
use of the propeny by the occupants there,/. ··lo immoral, Improper, offensive or unlawful use shall be
made of any part of the project.

(g) All parts of the project sha!l 1'1 :,ept In a pleasant and sanllaiy condition, and no rubbish.
refuse or ga, bage shall be allowed to accumuiar nor any fire hazard allowed to exist

(Q All valid laws. ordinances ar,a regulations of all government bodies having jurisdicion
thereof shall be observed.

(g) Nothing shall be done or kepi • 11thin the project which will increase the rale of insurance
thereof. except by prior written consent of the .: ssoctouon. Any such increase in insurance premiums
shall be chilrged to the delinquent uni! owr-: and assessed pursuant to Section I 5 (a) (1) (<). Part
I hereof. In no event may anything be donr, ,. ,ept within any part of the project which "Nill result ia the
ncellation of the insurance of the condominioi:· ouilding or any part thereof.

(h) Nothing shall be done in a:1y u · .t �r to any of the Comm1111 Areas which will impair the
su ctural integrity of the condominium building

(i) Control switch/es for ceiling lig,1r: along perimeter ceiling abutting the glass curtain walls
shall be controlled by the respective unit owne� __:•LJ!lnant Bulbs of the same kind and voltage as shall te
prescribed by the ,.1.,.,,11.-'/f1tiu11 and electric.1' onsumpfion therefor shall be for the account of t:ie
espective unit owners,

u) In addition to the easements p« .: kd by law: (i) The C11mm1111 Areas shall be subject to
n easement for shelter in favor of all units tr , 1ich such areas are capable of rendering shelter. This
easement shall entitle the unit owner affe,ted t11 , , place, renew or restore any such shelter; (ii) Each unit
shall be subject to an easement for the passare .-f water, sewerage, drainage, gas. electricity, a,tficially-
cooled air, and other utilities and services in tavor of the Association as well as every other unit
necessarily depending on the easement for J·::,1nsion or said utilities and services to I.he unit The
easement shall be exercised in such manner ·,11·,, shal' least interfere with the use and enjoymenl of the
subject uniVs; (i11) Those units within the •1•J1 r,:iei of which are located toilet faciiities. porticns of the
ffe'/clevato' lobby. halways and/or corridors, as ind c led and described In the noor plans hereto attached as
;rv Annexes "C" and "D" shall be subject to the: Ji. ,crnent of use and passage and right of way to and from
or along such facilities or areas in favor of the ·; ·.-, wners, tenants or occupants of the other units located
on the same floor, (ii1 Those units the boundaries ,1 wtJch are located the entrances to fire stairwells, and
stair tower as indicated and described in the floor;• ms hereto attached shall be subject to the easement of
right of way in favor of the occupants of the cond: · .a.iurn project

(k) Until t11e VECI.ARANT has L.'r-,pleted and sold all the units In the condominium project.
neither the unit owners nor the Association, no .' ,i use of any part ·of the project. shall inter'.ere with the
completion of the contemplated improvements ;,,,Vor the sale of the units tl1ereof. The DECLARANT
may make such use of the unsold units and the , : . ·.nmon Areas as may facilitate such completion and/or
sale, including but not limited. to the maintenance · ' a sales office, the showing of the property and/or the
�IQcl�� . 0 -
(I) Reasonable regulations ,::iereln referred lo as 'Building Rules, concamlng lhe use,
occupancy and enjoyment of the units wd the Common Areas may be made and amended by the
Association in the manner provided in i'� Sy-Laws, Copies of such regulations or amendments thereto
shall be furnished by the Association '." all unit owners and/or occupants of tho project upon proper

Stet/on 18. Insurance. · The Association shall, for tts btlneflt and for tha benefrt of aff
the unit owners or their mortgage,es, if ani· as their Interests may appear, obtain and maintain al all limes
ftre Insurance coverage, with such exte11dsd coverage as Is customary for buildings In the locality, for
full reinstatement value of the units (exclvdlng furniture, furnishings, flxtures, Improvements and persona'
properties supplied or installed by the ,nit owner) and the Common Areas in the project. Such
reinstatement value may, with the confo,,nity of the insurance company concerned, be revised by the
Association from year lo year, if necessary. The policy or policies shall provide that the proceeds thereof
shall be payable to the Association, as tn••.tee for Iha unit owners or their mortgagees, if any, and subject
to this limitation. shall also provide for a ,i li arate loss payable endorsement in favor of the mortgagees of
each unit. if any. Upon receipt of the p .. :eeds, the Association shall use or pay the same in the
manner provided for in the follo�ng se., on. The premiums on such policy or policies shall be
considered Common Expense of the A.r.rn, ,at ion and shall be assessed against eijch unit in accordance
with the provisions of Section 15 (a) (1) (f,I hereof. The authority lo �Just losses under policies hereafter
In forte on the project pursuant to this seci!on shall be vested In the Association, provided however, thal
an aggrieved unit owner may request that the determination of the Association be •eferred to a reputable
insurance adjuster acceptable lo both parties. Nothing herein contained shall be construed lo prohibit any
unit owner or hislherrits mortgagee/s from obtaining additional Insurance on the unit corresponding lo the
unit owner's improvements thereon, provid�d however, that such right shall not be exercised in such a way
as to decrease the amount realized under the insurance coverage obtained by ��e Association, and
provided, further, that the unit owner or hhiherrits mortgagee/s shall be obliged to notify the Associatian
before obtaining such additional coverage end, within thirty (30) days after issuance of th• policy, to file a
py thereof �th the Association.

Section 19. Insurance Clair»; All proceeds frJm Insurance claims, unless the
conditions for dissolution of the Associatio. · required by the Condominium Act e�ist and lhe required vote
of the unit owners decide for dissolution. c,ai: be used for the reconstruction or repair of the condominium
building or the damaged parVs thereof. qe,�o,1slruclion or repair as used In tho present context shall mean
restoring the condominium building or parris thereof to the same condition as ii existed prior to th• toss.
,Ath each unit and the Common Areas t,,iiag lo the closest epproxiMalion possible. the same vertical
and horizontal boundaries as before.

vl If the insurance proceeds are in:�, ticienl lo pay all the costs of �nslruclion or repair of the
Common Areas, a special assessment s11•1l be made against each untt owner tu make up the deficienc1
as provided in Section I 5 (a) (3) hereof. 1;,,y further deficiency shall be covered by funds to be raised by
the Association in the manner determined ct a specie! me,ellng of Its members duly called for the purpose.

If the pro rata insurance proceeds e.s insufficient lo cover all the costs of reconstruction or repair of
one or more of the destroyed or damar!H units, the Association may nevertheless proceed the
�nstruction or repair of the destroyed tr ·iamaged uniVs and the respective unit owner/s shall become
liable to an assessment for the deficiency, 11 less the conditions for dissolution of the Association re.uired
by the Condominium Act exist and the requinJ vote of the unit owners decide for dissolution.

If, by reason of the dissolution of�"· Association or for any other reason, the insurance proceeds
are not used for reconstruction or repar es ·iarein provided, the proceeds shall be paid to the respective
mortgagees of the units by the Association to the extent of the amount outstanding on the loan
secured by the unit or the Common .A•,•os or parts thereof, If any there be, and the balance of !he
proceeds shall !hen be paid to the owner/s !i ireof, as hlslher/itsNhelr Interest may appear, after deducting
the amount of any assessments due from h ·, i'ler/it.

Section ]0. Procedure for n�·,s.fer of Units. • Exe,,pt In cases of transfers by gift,
hereditary succession or to another unit c•i: 1r, no unit owner may effectively dispose of hislherflts unit
v.;thout the approval of the Association: 1, :1r11l injendlng lo mak? a bona fide salo of h1slher/lls (} .--
unit shall give to the Association notice , f such inlenhon, together with Iha name and address of the "1:.\..,/
intended purchaser, and such other inform:,:-on conyeming the intended purchaser as the Association
11 ��
.-a.� v- 't\)
ay reasonably require. Such notice, at t•-:i option of the unit owner, may inclooe a demand by himlhcrrit
that the Association lumish a pcrchase.; '.he proposed purchaser is nol approved; and if such demanJ is
made, lhe notice shall be accompanied : a copy of the proposed sales contract. Within sixty (60) days
afte; receipt of the aforesaid notice, th., ,:ssociation must either approve or disapprove the proposed
transaclion. If approved, the approval sha• be stated in a certif,cate executed by the appropriate officer in
registrable form, as required by SecJi.,,, .a of RA. 4726 as amended by R.A. 7889, provided that the
', other provisions of this Declnrotioo ·'.,: Restrictions have been cornplied with. If lhe Association
disapproves a proposed sale and if the nonce of sate given by the unit owner shall so demand, then withi.
sixty (60) days .after receipt of such no·,: e and demand, the Association shall deliver or send by
registered mail to the unit 01N118r an offer fr,r.1 a purchaser chosen by the Association from among the uni!
owneo; willing to purchase the unit, under� l tenns and conditions set forth in the proposed sales contract
submitted by the selling unit owner. If the Association shall fail to provide a purthaser as required herein,
then notwithstanding the disapproval, th� sale shall be deemed to have been approverl, anti the
Association shall furnish a certificate of approval as provided eartler In this section. The limitations and
restrictions contained in this section shall m ! to applicable to the 01iginal conveyance of units made by the

Section 21. Notice of Lien er ,,'uit. · (a) A unit owner shall give notice lo the
Associolio11 of every lien upon hislherfrts ur,11 (other than liens in favor of the Association), within five (5)
days after the attachment of the lien.

(b) Notice shall be given by a �nit owner to the Association of every suit or other proceeding
which may affect the title to his/herfrts unit. 1�lhin five (5) days after the unit owner receives knowiedge

Section 22. lease or Mortga�,. A unit owner shall be free to lease or mo,igage
his/herfrts unit in favor of any party, provid�� ,,Jtice thereof, with such particulars as the Association ma,
reasonably require, is given to the Associcticn within five (5) days from effeclivity of the lease or
ortgage. Any such lease or mortgage shall not free the unit owner from compliance wilh his/herln:
o igations as such under the Condominium Act, the Master Deed, this Declaration of Restrictions,
he Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of tl!e Association or the Building Rules. In case of lease of any
such unit and the unit owner is delinquen: io the payment of any essessrr.ent, including any interest or
penalties thereon, the Association may reowe the lessee of such leased unit to rem'! directly in its fuvor
any or all of the rentals accruing to the delin:,,ent unit owner, which rentals shall be applied to his/her/ils
,,.-.... delinquent accounts with the Association uni.· full payment thereof.

Section 21. Cu,,,n,011 Provlsions on Lease, Mortgage and other Encumbrances.

Pending full payment of the purchase prir.·, any purthaser of. a unit shall not lease, mortgaye nor
encumber his/her/its unit or any portion tberec' ,o any other person or entity without prior written consent of
the DF.Cl.·lR,\,\'T. Violation of this ,e,,1ion shall enUtle the DECLARAl:\T to cancel lhe
corresponding contracl of sale and fortei by h .,y of penally and/or liquidated damages. fifty (50%) percent
of all sums so paid.

Section 24. Association's Rig.'•t ,( Access to Units. The Association, through its
uly-authorizeo agenls, shall have the right oi, zess to each unit to inspect all pipes, wires, ducts, cables,
conduits, public utility lines and other Com.,,,n Areas located within the unit, to remove violations
herefrom. and to maintain, repair or replace r. ·ch Common Areas as t.Nel! as Common Areas localed
elsewhere in the condominium building. Such ;; ;ht of access shall be exercised during reasonable horrs,
except in cases of emergency and with as littl l ····:onvenlence lo the occupanVs of the uni\ as possible. Any
damage caused thereby shall be repaired at th .. ,xpense of \he Association.

Section 25. Procedure and Pw,tt/es for no/a/ions of Restrictions and Building
Rules. . In the event any unit-owner, tenu: er occupant fails or refuses lo comply with any limilation,
restriction, covenant. undertaking or conditicr, herein containeo involving an obligation other than the
payment of money, or with the Building Rules, t v; management body may, In accordance with _the By-Laws
of Asscciation. remedy such breach or violati<,, after failure· of the un,t owner \o do so within the period
fixed in the notice and assess against the ur' Ol'mer the expenses Incurred by Ire Association.
The Associaiion is also empowereo to impo:v, by way of penalty In case of such viol?tion, liquidated
damages upon the unit owner in such amour; and in such manner prescribed in thr By-Laws of \he
Association. Vmen such liquidated damagis are imposed, the same shall be considered as an
_._..... '-"
·-----·· ---c-·-=----=--
·----.. ===----: .--.--

Section 27. Rlgl,rs of Ass;gne,·,•;, Tenants and/or Occupants of Units. · All present
J and future owners, tenants and/or occup,.,<s of units shall be subject to, and shall comply with the
'· provisions of the Condominium Act, the Mu.r111r Deed, this Declaration of Restrtctions. the Article� c,f
' Incorporation and By-Laws of the Assoctatic ·,, the Building Rules and otherrules and regulations adopted
pursuant lo thereto. as these instruments m,). be amended from lime lo lime·. The acceptance of a deed or
conveyance. or the entry into a lease, or the er,try into or occupancy of any unit in the condominium projocl
shall constitute an acceptance of the provis <HIS of such inslrumenls, as they may be amendec from to lh1e
to lime, by such owner. tenant and/or ocwnant. The provisions contained In such instruments sl,all ue
covenants running with the land upon whlc · tho condominium project is built and shall bind any person
having at any time interest or estate in s.ich unit, as though such provisions were recited and ful:y
stipulated in each deed. conveyance or lease thereof.

Section 28. lnvalidity. The Invalidity of any provision of this Deckmutan of

Restrictions shall not affect in any manno: the validity or enforceability of the other provisions tndreof �nd
thal the same shall remain In full force and effect as if such invalid provision had never been included

Section 29. Amendment of Beclaration. • This Declaration of Restrtcttons may be

amended by the affirmative vote of the unil owners consliluling el least 66-2/3% of the Iola' unit shares in
the project. al a meeting duly held in accon'ance with the By-Laws of the Association.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DJ'CL4RANT through its duly-authorized representative hove

caused this instrument to be executed on :<'' cay, year and place firsl afor-.wriller,.




!;igned In the presence of:

. 1/.

Republic of the Philippines)

Makati City, Metro Manila ) S.S.
2 3 t-:1\ Y ?OO(J
BEFORE ME, a Nolary Public l·:r and in Makati City, Philippines this _th day ol
------- at Makati City, Philioo•nes personally appeared CIRILO L. MANLANGIT wilh
Community Tax Certifrcale No. 14424431 issued on January 14, 2000 at Makati City, Melro Manila.
Philippines. in his capacity as DIRECTOR I EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC. with Community
Tax Cer1ificate No 00037974 issued on Janu;r111, 2000 atMakati City, Metro Manila. Philippines. known
to me cind to 111G known lo lie the san1f ierscn who executed the foregoing insuument and IP!
acknowledged to me that the same is his .,v.•·. lree and voluntary act ano deed and or the corpcraton
represented herein.

I hereby cer1iry that this instrument •dales to an Amended Masref· Deed wiflr Declaralion of
Restrictions of IBM PLAZA (Office Condominiur 1 Project) over that three (3) parcel ol land, together with
the improvements thereon situated al Brgy. ·,agumbayan. District of Murphy, tibis.Ouezon City and
covered by Transfer CertJficate ol TiUes No •·13169, 173190 and 176166 ol the Registry or Deeds of
Quezon City. I further cer1ily that this inslr11P;onl consists of fourteen (14) page, including this page
wherein the acknowledgment is written, signed �1 the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and
every page thereof

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have h ,•eunlo set my hand and affixed my notarial se,1 on tt,e
te. year and place first abovewritten.

Doc. t·Jo. � ''

Page No. ""'
Book No. "''"
Series of 2000.

Jl --
Level Unit
Uni! Area
I Undl'llded Gross


__ I_
I No.
s .m.
::01ninon Area
:; parking
,;.._,,. ,., slots

92 parking 54 slots
� .··:.,
I s,
'! parking 51 slots - '- ._,.
II '
. GI� ! parkir.g 2 slots
' l .J
I I Ar 200 00 200.00 0 47°/o
I 8,
200 00
200.00 '.
200,00 ·-: 0.47°/o
I o, 100.00 100.00
E, 125 00

- c A_, 1,902 60 191.55 2,094.15, 4 97%

J/, At 1.90260 �91.55 2,094.15 4 97"/o

t.JF A 1.902.60 191.55 2,094.15 4 97°/o

s··., 4.97°/.,
I A< 1.902.60 191.55 2,094.15

II SI:' A-. 1,187.18 142.82 1,330.00

I B, . 485.17

i!F A• 1 :!5 00 �060 166.40 0.40"�1

s, 80 60 29.60 118.20 0.20"/o
C, 03.50 3C.30 123.90 0 29°/o
D, 85 80 27.70 1 � 3.50 0.27°,i,
E• 102 30 33.20 135.51) 0.32��
F- 81. 10 26.10 107.20 0 25°/o
30.00 122.30 0 29°/o
G, 92.30
H• 03 70 2/.10 110 $0 0 26.,/n
87.30 28.40 115. 70 0 2711/o
I '
61 10 26.10 -,01.20 0.25°/o
J '
K, 82.60 26.80 109 40 0.26°/o

:2:i ao '1() 6J 166 40 0.40%

I 29.60 118.20 0.28%
B· 8b.80
I 0.29��
I c, 93.50 30 30 123.80
I o,
135.50 0.32%
I i6:10 107.20, 0.25%
' F• 81.10
! G, 92.30 J0.00 122.30 0.29%
I H 83.70 'i."/.10 110.80
' 87.30 �·S.110 115 70 o.21°1a

I1 J,
... '
A• 1, 187 18


• 42.82


10.1F A-
I- 106.40 a:40°1o
I � {iF A;. 125.80 40."60
11e:Zo 0:28%
I s. 88.60 rn:60
I c- 93.50 10:30 123.80
I D· 85.80 27.70 uase- 0.27%
! .\3.20 135.50 o.�2%
E, 102.30
81.10 26.10 107.20 o.,5%
F. 0:29°;;
G, 92.30 :·,"J.00 122.30
H. 83.70 :.1.10 110.80 0.26%
:�$.40 115 70 027%
I I 87.30
J , 81 .10 : e .10 107.20 0 25°/o
' ,5.80 109.40 U.215°/o
K ' 8260_L
/ ,/ _,,
/' (""'ti,: ·-�- . �-n 1-�
i �U ·i-·
· L,,l! Area

l. - . /-- -
, Undivided Gross Percent
Cornman Area Area Participation
//� ·1·· j Ne
(sq.m.) (so.m ) (%)

I-�;,:: ,. �[- ·- � �--

(sq.rn • ._,,,·,,

/ 40.60
/ I'• ',
:0.27% - '
I i E- 102.30 33.20 135.50
0.25o/o I
F, 81.10 26.10 107.20
j G. 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.29"/.,
II I H- 83.70 27.10 110.80 0 26%
115.70 0.27°/G
I I•
26.10 107.20 0.25°/11
K 82.60 26.80 109.40 0.26°/o
I A. 125.BO 40.60 156.40 0.40°,.{,
8. 66.60 29.60 118.20' 0 28o/o
123.80 0 29'%,
c. 93 50 30 30
D es so 2'/.70 113.50
E- �02 30 33.20 l:?5.!50 0.37.%
r. c11 10 ;?6 10 107.20 0 2511A.
l1- !).!.30 JO 00 1�2.30 0 29°/u
H- e3.7C 27.10 1,0.00 0.26%
1- 44C:i 14.50' 0. 14°/:i
J. 42.70 13.90 55.60 0.13°10
K. 81.10 26.10 1c1.20....-, 0.25°/o
L b2.60 25.80 109.40 0.26°/o

� f,/F . '.,167.18 142.82 - 1,330.-00 3.16o/o

·.3/F A- 125.80 40.60 11;s.40 0.40°/o

B_ es.eo 29.60 1 :e.20 0.28°/o
c- 93. so 30.30 ·,2:i.eo 0.29°/o
,· D. 65 $0 2'/. 70 1 i3.50 027%
E· 1�·2.30 33.20 0.32"/o
� 1.10 26. 10 107.20 0.25°/o
27. 10
, 0.26°/" I
I. !?l.30 28.40 1·.s.10 0.27°/o
J. 8� .io 26.10 107.20 0.25°/"
K. 62 60 26.80 1Ci!.40 0.26%

... 142.81 �.330.00 3.16%

:.J. �6"/.,
,\. .. .:,1 �6 142.82 1.3�0.00

* I


';25 80




3. l6°/o


11S.20 0 28o/o .

8, 68.50 29.60
C, 30.30 'i23.80 o 29%
27.70 113.50 0.27°,�
D, 65 60
33.20 135.50 0.32'/o
E, 1
I F, 81.10 26.10 107.20
' 30.00 121.30 0 29°/o
I G, 92.30
27.10 1 �0.80 0.26%
I H,
S7.3C 20.40 i15.70 o.21°1o
I c, 10 :0.10 107.20 0.25%
i K, a2:60 2e'.0·0
109.40 _. 0.26%

142.62 1,'.;30.00 3.16°/o

221;= 1,187.18

23/F A - 1,187.18 142.82 1,330.00 3.16%

I 1
1 ,330.00 3.16°/o

A '
I 1.187.18

_L � _.c,,1c8:1 c7.c''". 8'-.,_

, '42.82 1,:,30_00 3.16°/o
' ,.
.v�-:- Unit
.... f,.Q� · ' '1ndivided
Ccnuncn Area
� Percent
��b..,. '=·�'.;"• �·i�" "a-l-...l'i,n:c \;;_ ;,m.1-=,i-=,s;,
A 125.80 ' 40.60
,!, 1''.,�
�I \
v:/ B 88.60 29.60 118.20 0.20%
,I'// 1
! C
30:30- .. •
7 \
E 102.30 33.20 135.50 0.32%
F 61.10 26.10 107.20 0.25'/,
G 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.29%
H 83.70 27.10 110.80 0.26%
I 87.30 26.40 115.70 0.27%
J 31.10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/fl
K 82 60 26.80 ,09.40 0.26°/.i

27/F A 125.80 40.60 166.40 0.40%

8 86.60 29.60 118.20 028%
c 93.50 30.30 123.80 0.29%
D 85.60 27.70 113.50 0.27°/o
E 10'.'.30 33.20 135.50 0.32°/o
,- 131 10 26.10 10/.20 0 :.!�':'11
G 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.2911/o
'H 63.70 27.10 110.80 0.26°/o
67.30 26.40 115.70 o.21°1o
J 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25o/o
K 82.60 26.80 109.40 0.26%

A 125.80 40.60 166.40 0.40°/o

8 88.60 29.60 116.20 0.28°/o
c 92 50 30.30 123.80 0.2P%
D 85.60 ii.10 11f5"0 0 27%
E 102.30 33.20 135.50 0.32°/o
F 61.10 26.10 107.20 0 25°/o
\G 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.29o/o
H 83.70 27.10 110.80 0.26%
67.30 28.40 115.70 o.21°1o
J' 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
K 82.60 26.60 109.40 0.26�'o

A 125.60 40.60 ·.l3.40 0.40%

8 8!!.60 29.60 118.20 0.28%
c 93.50 "30:30 123:80 . -- ·-·- . 0�29%
D 65.60 27.70 113.50 0 27°/o
102.30 33.20 .135.50 0.32%
E 0.25'/; --
F 61.10 25:10 . "101.26"
92.30 · 30.00 "12f30 -- 0.29%
G 0.26°/o"
� 63.70 27.1G "i'.0:80
26.40 115.70 0.2711/D
26.10 107.20 0.25%
J 81. 10
26.60 109.40 0.26%
K 82.60

40.60 166.40 Q.4QD/D

30/F A 125.80
116.20 . Q.28D/o
B 86.60 29.60
123:80· 0.29%
c 93.50 30.30
113.50 0.27%
D 8:i.80 27.70
135.50 0·_32%
E 102.30 33.20
26.10 107.20 0.25%
F 01.10 0�29°/o- .....
G 92.30 30.0b 1;Z:30
27.10 110.80 0.26°/o
H 83.70
26.40 115)0"". a·.21�1c.
I 87.30
61.10 26.10 107.20 0.25%
7.5.80 ·'"109.40 0.26%
K <2.00

·nctuded 500.23 1.19%

31/F Radio Roon, 500.23

J.390.84 42, ,07.00 100.00%

Grand Total 35.716.16
• "- . .� .

2fec�;t, � ��bnd-
of the

(O/flc� Condomilrium Proj�ct)


This Master Deed with Declaration of Restrictions {hereinafter referre� to as "Mnster

Deed'1, whether reference is to the enabling deed or the declaration of r-estrictions, or both) executed this
__ th day of August 1998 at Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines by:

EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC., a domestic corporation with office and business
address at the 21/F The World Centre Bldg., #330 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makali City,
Metro Manila, Philippines, represented herein by its 1uly-authr,rized !)/RECTOR. Mr.
CIRILO L Mi\NLANGIT. hereinatter referred lo as the "DE'CL.4RANT"


WHEREAS, Ille DECLARAN1' is the rngistered owner of three (3) ;,arcels of land localed at
Brgy. BagumiJayan, District of Murphy, Libis, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. with a total area of
Two Thousand 1 hree Hvndred (2,300) Square Meters, more or less, end covered by Transfer Certificate ol
Tille No. 173189,173190,and 176166 issued by the Registry of Deeds for Ouszon City, Metre Manila,
Philippines, and more particularly described as fo:lows, to wit: '

T.C.T. N0.17.1189
Registry of Deeds/or Quezon City, M.M.

''.A parcel of land (Lot C-3 as shown on subd. plan Psd-00-038053, being a
portion of of Lot C (LRC) J'cs-30781, LRC Rec. Nos. 699, 875 & 917) situated
in the lJrgy. of Bagumbuyan, Dist. OJ Murphy, Q. Ciiy, M. Mlu., Is. of Luzon.
Bounded 011 tire NW., a:,mg line I-2 by Lot C-6 (Res. Lot): on the NE., along
line 2-3 b;i Lot C-4, b(JJ/1 of the suhtf. plans: 011 tl,e SE., alon.r: line 3-4 by Lot D
(LRC) J,cs-30781 and on the SW., along line 4-1 by Lot C-2 of the subd. plan
· containing a11 area of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (1,500) SQUARE
ME'fE'RS, ,nore or less." ·

T.CT. NO. N-173190

Registr;, of Dee,ls for Q1,ezo11 City, M.M.

"A portion of Lot C.4 as shown on subd. Pia,, Psd-00-038053, bei11g a

portion of lot C (l.R4.t f'cs-.10781, l�;1.C Rec. ,Vos. 699, 875 �le 917) situated ;,,
/IrJ.:.J'· JJ111:un1b,1y1111, l'lsl. OJ'ft111rpl1y, Q. l.'iry, M. Mlt1., Is. of l11z.011. Bo1111tle1J
011 tl,e NP.� & NE., along lines 1-9 by lot C-6 (Rnaq Loi} of/Ire subd, Plan; on
the SE., along lines 9-II by Loi 7 (LRC) Pcs-30190; on the SE., along llne IJ-
12 by lot D (�RC) Pcs-30781; and 011 tlse SW., alu11g line 12-1 by lot C-3 ufthe
rnbd. plcn contai.ting a11 area of NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX (936)
S(:IJARE' /IIETE'RS, .'IICre or less."
- .�·
T.C.T. NO. N-176165
i Registry of Deeds for Q11ezo11 City, M.M.

"A JJOrtiJ11 of Lot 1 as s/101v11 011 subtl. plan Pcs-OO-OlJ"7ifl...7, being a

portion of Lois I lo 7, Pcs-007404-003889-D, Lot 7, (LRC) Pcs-30190,
L.R.C. Rec..Vo. ·6991 875, 917), situated in ttteBrgy. of Bag1111,baya111 Q.
City, fl. oj Luzon. Bounded 011 the NE., & SE., ato,,g lines 1-2-3 by Lot 2
of the cons.ssubd. pla11; 011 the SW., along line 3--4 by Lo! 6, (LRC) Pcs-
30190; and 011 the NU'.> along tine 4-5 by Lot j·, (1101v) Lot C, (LRC) Pcs-
30781; along lines 5-6-7-1 by Lot 42, (Road), of the cons.csubd. plan.
containing mt area of NINE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT (928)
SQUARE METERS, more or less." -

' WHEREA�. the DECLARANT is the developer of the "IBM PLAZ4" office condominium
project to be constructed on the entire area of Lot C-3 covered by TCT No. 173189 a portion of Lot C-4
r totalling an area of SIX HUNDRED FORTY FIVE square meters and 60/100 decimeters (645.60) covered
I by TCT No. N-173190 and a portion of Lot 1 involvin� an a:ea qf ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR and
40/WO decimeters (154.40) covered by TCT No. N-176166, all aforedescribed and undertakes to submit
the same and all other improvements to be subsequenlly constructed !hereon under the operalion of
Republic Act No. 4726.otherwise known as lhe Condominium Acl, thereby constiluling lhe said properties
as a condominium project pursuant to the provisions 01 the sc1id act;

WHEREAS, Jhe DEClARIINT desires Jo impose upon lhe condominium project thus
constituted mutually beneficial restrictions which shall consthute a lien upon each condominium unit in the
project and shall inure lo and bind a!I condominium unit owners therein pursuant to the provisions of
Section 9 of said Condominium Act. for lhe purpose of enhancing and pertecting lhe value. desirability
and attracliveness of lhe projecl. ·

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideralion of t:,e foregoing premises, the DECLAI/ANT
hereby submil ihe aforedescribed parcels of land as wel' as all rnprovernents constructed or found thereon
lo the provisions of Republic Act No. 4726 and declare that:



Section 1. Na,11e. of Project. An office condominium project lo be known as \he

"IBM PLAZ1" rs hereby con;\tuted on the aforedescribed real property. However, the terms
'condominium project' or 'project' shall be considered Jhe same in m9aning within ihe context of lhis
Master Deed and shall refer to the· ''IBM PLAZA� unless otherwise distinguished or qualified.

. Section 2. Development Plans. The office cocdominium project is being developed
accordin.g to the following plans:
(a) A survey plan of lhe land on which ihe building a1d/or improvemenUs is to be constructed
is hereto attached as Annex "A" and made an interiral part hereof.

(b) The building and/or improvements is/are beinq conslrucled by Jhe /JT:C!ARilNT
subslanhally in accordance wilh lite Plans and Spccilications lltcrclor prepared by MEGA (M & E Group ul
Architects], subjecl lo such modilicalions as may be approved by lhe lJliCLARANJ: S ,ch Plans and
Specifications consisting of twenty (20) and thirty (30) pages respeclively, are herelo attached as Annex
,, "B". and "8·1" and made an integral part hereof.

Section 3. The Building anti the u,,its. · (a) Th1:: condomini�m project shall have a
,, thirty (30) slorey building lo be known as the "IBM PIAZ1" which shall consist of three (3) parking
basemenls housing a total of one hundred fifty-six (15.8) parking slols brok?n down �s follows: Basement 3· �
52 slots, Basement 2-54 slols and Basement 1-52 With fifty.two (52) parking slots 1n each basement level. J"··.
The ground floor shall provide a main lobby and commercial spaces. The 2"' to 5• floors shall be single·

The radio room shall be located on the 32"' floor w:th the machine room and waler lank on top thereof. The
building shall be serviced by six (6) elevaiors, two (2) of which shali be designated lo service the 2"' lo s•
floors and from the 9• floor lo lhe 31" floor. Three (3) elevators shall service the 6• floor up to the 31" floor
while one (1) elevator shall service all floors. The condominium project shall have a total of fwo hundred
thirty-two (231) units broken down into lwo (2) commercial units. on the ground flo ne (1) unit on each
floor fnom the 2"' to the 5;K16of,eteven (11) units on each floor from the 6• to the 26• floo (no 13• floor),
one (1) unit on each floor'!romtheV"totne 31ifJloor and one (1) radio room a e oar.

(b) The vertical boundaries of each unit in the project are the interior surtaces of the concrete
floor and lhe ceiling up to lhe point of intersection of the hc.rizontal boundaries. The horizontal boundaries
consist of the center of any partition that separate the unit fror,1 th� adjoining units. Whe,e there is only one
(1) unit in a floor, tho unit·shall also include such toilet facilities ar.d such portions of the elevator lobby,
• hallways ano corridor; iound within the U11it boundaries, and wtiere there are severa: units on the same
floor, the said toilets, elevator lobby, hallways and corridors shall pertain to and ovmed pro-rata by the unit
owners only of the said floor; pnovideo, however, that such facilities, lobby, hallways and corridors shall be
subject to easement for the use of and/or passage in favor of other unit owners and public utilities and other
concerned entities for lh, repair and maintenance of amenities/facilities in the floor concerned. The
boundaries of the units are more particularly indicated and described in the. floor plans hereto attached as
Annex °C".

(c) The boundaries cf the radlo room are the interior surtaces of the walls, floors, ceiling,
windows and doors pursuant to the floor plans hereto attached as Annex 110". Subject to the provisions of
the Section J 1, Part I and Section 17, Part II of the Master Deed witlt Declaration of Restrictions,
the radio room shall be reserved fer the exclusive use, enjoyment and disposition of DECLARANTor its
assigns and/or successors-in-interest and shall be for the use of, but not limited to, the installation and
operation of radio, tetecommonlcallons reception and'ssio� equipment and devices.

Section 4. Use of Units. · All units in the condominium project shall be used exclusively
for commercial (office) and support and/or incidental purposes only, subject to such limitations on the use.
possession and occupancy of units as may be provided for in this Master Deed, as the Associntion, to
be constituted in accordance with Afaster Deed as set forth in Section C, Part I hereinfollowing, may
hereafter reasonably and validly promulgate.

Section 5. 11,e Common Areas. The common elements or areas of the project
(hereinafter referred to as the "Common Areas") shall comprise the following:

(a) The parcel of land described hereinbefore over which the project is constructed;

(b) All bearing walls, floors, roofs, foundations, coknrns, girder.:, beams, supports and other
common structural elements of the condominium project;

(c) The roof deck, fire escapes and walkways, entrances to and exit; from the condominium
project, including all ramps and driveways into and from the parking basements; the main lobby, hallway
and corridor on the ground floor:

(d) The pump room, aircondiiioning, air coolirg t0we1, water tank, elevators, machine room
and all installations of all services and utilities including but not limited to light, rtcainagc, s�werage, fire
protection, alarm systems, airconditioning pipes, ducts, chutes, conduits, wires and other utility lines
wherever located (except telephone and cable lines as well as any otller utility and service, equipment or
outlet when located or installed within a particular unit) existing for or of common use or necessary to the
existence and!or safety onhe condominium project

(e) The elevator equipment and shafts and its appurtenant equipment and utilities located in
the cor.dominium project. The Asscciation may, for the better distribution of elevator services. assign from
time to time My of the six (6) elevator; to service particular floors only and bypass other floors.

All other areas, structurnl elements and central services, facilities and utilities not part �
of the units but shown or indicated as part of the Common Areas in the condominium project plans hereto

d r:gmn, .. , ,.,v [O,!/ Q;:trl,;- •. ��·,,, d:S TO/In,.,� ..... ,., ,-,a 11111n
attached. and all other portion, of :t,e condominium project nocesaarv Ior or convoniont · 1,; ils nxislnnm.
111;iinh!11anr.n ;incl/or ;1:1/1Jly, hul 1.ot p;ul uf ..iuy unil;

{g) The emergency generator set, transfer pump, booster pump, fuel tank •. sump pit,
transformer and transformer vault, electrical room, radiator set and other facilities in the condominium
project or the Ccmmon Areas, or otherwise necessary or useful to the existence and/or convenient to the
maintenance and/or safety of the condominium project, but not a part of any unit:

{h) All. other apparatuses, equipment, installationr and focilities not mentioned herein but
· exi.sting or which may subsequently be installed on the coodominium project for tile common use and/or
convenient to the existence, maintenance and/or safety of the condominium project: and

{i) All other property . rights hereic granted. i,1 )avor of the Association or otherwise
established in favor of or for the benefit of the condominium 'project under 1his Master Deed.

Section 6. The Limited Con1n1011 Areas. Tt e following Limited Con,mon Areas

shall be set aside and assigned for the exclusive use of the respeclive units hereinbelow specified and
such unit shall have an exclusive easement for the use of the particular Limited Common Areas
assigned to ii, to wit:

(a) Ali balcon'es and terraces, the exclusive use and enjoyment of which are reserved lo the
owners/occupants of the particular unit from which such balconies and terraces extend, except those that
are within the titled boundaries of the units pursuant IC\ Section J (b), Part I hereof,

(b) For valuable consideration, parking slots shall be assigne1 by the DECLAI'.ANT to any
interested unit buyer/owner and once assigned, u;e and enjoyment thereof sha!I exclusively pertain to tne
particular unit owner who bought such slot. However, DECLAI'..ANT sha:I have the right to tease out all
unsold parking spaces. ·

{c) A portion of the roof deck which shall be used as the site of the communications satellite
dish and/or the telecommunlcatlons antennae reception and transmission equioment and/or devices, shall
be reserved in ownership by the IJECLARANT.

{d) All maintenance of and repairs to the Limited Common Areas shall be made by, and at
the expense, of the uniUs lo whom.such areas are assigned.

(e) The elevator lobby, hallways, corridors and toilet facilities located on all floors, excepl
where !here is only one (1) unit in a floor;

q (Q The Association referred to in Section 8 herein following may, from fime to lime, assign
such portior ,s of the available or unutilized land spaces around the project for the exclusive use of particular
uniUs upon payment of such fees as the Association may prescribe or determine. The exercise of the right
granted lo the Association under this paragraph .. shall not in any manner prejudice the rights graoted
under this Mester Deed in favor of IJECLARANT and/or its assignees and/er successors-in-interest
over the rights specifieo herein. The Association inay subsequenUy cancel, amend or revise any such
classification of the Common Areas into Limited Common Areas as may have been effected by it
pursuant to this paragraph.

Section 7. Natnre and Interests of Unit Owners. - {a) "Subject to lhe provisions
of this Master Deed and to the terms and conditions of the instrument conveying the unit from the
DECLARANT to such purchaser or to the terms and conditions of any subsequent conveyance under
which the purchaser takes title lo the unit, the purchaser of a unit shall acquire, upon execution of the
Deed of Absolute Sale, :itle or 0�;1ership of such unit: provked, however, that in case of inconsistency, the
Master Deed shall prevail.
(b) The owner of a unit shall further acquire an appurtenant interest or participation in the "1,
Association, equal to t�e percentage share which :he area of the unit bears to the total area of all !he units (
in the �ndominium projecl, by virtue of which interest .the unit.cwner further acquir?s an indirect undivide',;\__
interest m the common area 1n proporton to his/herflts interest m the Association, thus: v'<

\, . \,-
. , _.

Area of Unit _% interest participation % interest in·

.,. in tire condominium project ', = , the Common Areas
Total area of units
in tl1e project, exclu-
sive of Common Areas
n The perr.enlage share of each unit is set forth in the schedule attached hereto as Annex "E".
. (c) T�e procedures, restrictions and/or limitations relating to transfers, encumbrances, leases
. and other dispositions of units are provided by the Declaration of Restrictions under Part II of this
Master Deed witlt Declaration of Restrictions.
., Section 8. The Condominium Association. '. (a) The DECLARANT shall,
before transferrin[ registrable title to any unit, form and organize a condominium association to be known
.. as :'IBM PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASS()CIATION, INC." (hereinafter referred lo as the
"Association") pursuant to the provisions of the Condominium Act and of the Corporation Code of the
Philippines (8.P. Big. 68) for the purpose of ho'ding title to all Common Areas and of managing the
(b) All unit owners or tho,e who have no more pecuniary obligation to the DECLARANT
n shall automatca'v become members of the Association, to the exclaslon of all others. The interest of
each member in the Association shall be equal to his/herrrts appurtenant unit share as set forth in Annex
HE., hereof. Such interest cannot be assigned, encumbered or transferred in any "1anner by any member
except as an appurtenance to his/herrrts ur,il.

(c) Only unit owners updated in the payment of association dues and other assessments, in
addition to the incorporotors of the Association, are entitled to vote or have voting rights is any meeting of
the Association where votation is called for, provided that the voling right of tho amortizing purchaser is
doomed assigned lo anti ln favor of LJh'(,'LAJlANJ' until such tlrne as the obligation, including but not
limited to the instailments, association dues and other fees and assessments of the amortizing purchaser to
the DECLARAN1'islare extinguished.

(d) i:2ch mer.iber of the Association shall share in the common expenses of the
condominium project and shall accordingly be assessed therefor, in the same -�haring or percentage,
corresponding to his/herflls appurtenant interest or participation in the Association wilhcut prejudice lo the
right Jf the latter lo charge him/herfil for special assessments as provided in Section 15 (a) (4), Part II

Seclio,, 9. Amendments/Revisions of Plans and ,Waste, Deed. {a)

DECLARANT reserves the right to amend al any time the development plans by filing such additional,
supplemental and/or revised p!ans and/or specifications as may be required to describe adequately the
completion of i,nprovements, together with the changes therein made, if any. Such completion may be
shown by a certificate of an architect or en,iineer certifying that the improvements heve been constructed
as herein presented. or designating any changes made. Such plans, specifications or certificate, when
signed and acknowledged by DECI.ARANT and registen:,d in accordance with Section 4 of the
Condominium Act, shall constitute an amendment of this Master Deed.

(b) Prior to completion of the conduminium project, notwill'-standing any terms or conditions of
any contract to sell over any unit to the contrary, the DECLARANT reserve the right to amend, revise or
revoke this Masfer Deed by registration of an instrument to that effect with the Registry of Deeds for
Quezon City, M.M. duly e::ecuted by the DECLARAN1'.

Section 10. Cenain Pre-Existing Restrictions on Property. DECLARAN1'

represents that the parcels of land over which the condominium project is constructed was acquire<l and is
held by DECLARANTsubject to certain deed restrictions which were with tile parcels of land at lhe time
of their acquisition by DECLARANTand are annotated in the certificates of title c.ivering the some.

Section JI. Radio Room: - (a) The right to build, install, ntilize, maintain and/or service
radio, tslecorrrnunicatons reception and transmission equipment and/or devices (hereinafter collectively
referred to as "Co1111111111ication.r Facilities") on the 32od floor of the condominium project is f)ereby
exclusively reserved by and in favor of DECLARANT and/or its ossignees and/or successors-ln-nterest,
and which shall not be deemed part of the Common Areas. The rights, title and interesls in and to the
radio room referred to in Section 3 (c), Part I hereof shall pertain exclusively to the DECLARANT
and/or its asslqnees and/or successors-in-iaterest.

(b) Appurtenant to such interest in and to the radio room and the right to build, install, utilize,
operate, maintain and/or se�vice thq Communication Facilities at the 32nd floor is the right of the
DifCLARANT and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-interest to construct, install, operate and
· · maintain in an area of th? 32"" floor a communications tower/antennae. The use by the DECLARANT
and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-interest of the aforesaid a-eas of the 32"' floor is hereby
classified as exclusivi areas and arc more particularly described 'in the floornocation plans attached hereto
as Annex '1E'1. ·

(c) me grant of rights, title and interest referred to in this section in favor of DECLARANT
and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-interest sh_all be subject to the follqwing conditions, to wit:

1. DECLARANT and/or its assignees and/or successors-in-interest shall be liable

i for real estate laxes accruing or due on areas· of the 3'1"" floor reserved and allocated for the
'I installation and maintenance of the oommunications towerzantsnoae as wen as for such reasonable
asscx:i�_tion. dues, fees and/or assessments for its maintenance as. may be assessed or charged
ihereon by the Association.

2. The installation, construction, maintenance and/or operation of the

Communications Faciltties, Including the telecommunications tower/antennae, shall be subject
strictly to the mies and guidelines of the National Telecommunications Commission with uie end in
view that commonicatons operations thereat shall be on a ncn-interference basis. The radio
communications system must be designed, installed and constructed in such a way that they shall
not affect the normal function of all electronic applences, gadgets, equipment and other machines
in the condllminiurn project.

3. The installation, construction, maintenance, management and operation of the

Communications Facilities, including but not limited to the communications tower/antennae,
silent-type set, including charges for public services •Jtilities such as electricity, water,
telephone and 3imilar services, shall be for the exclusive account and cost of DECLARANT
and/or its assiqnees andfor successors-ia-interest,

4. DECLAR.1NTandfor assignees and/or successors-in-interest stiall observe and

cornµly with 1110 peruncnt rules, rogulaUons, ordinances, laws and restrictions Imposed by
government entities on the installation, operation and/or management of the Communications
Facilities, such as but not limited to those rules, regulations and laws governing
telecommunications and aerial navigation.



Section 12. Scope and Coverage. This Declaration ofRestrictions, as may from
time to time be amended, shall emt.ody such restrictions, limitations, covenants, undertakings and
conditions as may be required or permitted by the Condominium Act or the Master Deed to be provided
herein. Subject to exceptions which may be expressly set forth in th> Condominium Act, in the Master
Deed or in this Declaration of Restrlctions, said restrictions, li1litalions. covenants, undertakings and
conditions shall be deemecl to run with the land, the condominium prd,erl and other 'mprovements making J
up the project, shall constitute a lien upon the project and each unit, and shall ir.ur� to the benefit of, and be
binding upon, all parties owning or holding titie to any unit or any right or interest tner�in or in the project,
pursuant to the provisions of the Condominium Act.

Section 13. �""he Mpna.r:ement Body. The condominium Association to be known as
the "IB/1£ PLAZ4 CONDOMINIIJM ASSOCIATION, L'VC." sh'1i constitute the management
body of the project once the same is lormally turned over by the DECl,llRANT. Its powers shall be such
,,....., ' t .

as rn.!y be provded by the Condominium Act, the tr/aster Deed, this· Veclaratio,, of Restrictions. its
Ar1icles of lncorpomlion and By-Laws, and such applicable provisions or the Corpo!atioi, Code of the
Philippines whir.h aro not lnccnslstont with t�.11 Condominium Act. Any such powers may bo exercised by or
delegated lo, such olfoars or other persons, and in such manner as lhe By-Laws may provide. The
Associatior. may hire managerial, legal, auditing, accounting and other professional and tech.nical services
in lhe manner provided in ils By-Laws. The Association s�all nol have the. power to conduct an active
business for Ute profit of its members or any of them. For z period of five (5) years from and after the formal
tum-over of the condominium project by the DECLARANT lo the Association, the adminis�ration and
'' management of tne .condominium project shall be assigned or delegated by lhe Association to a property
managemenl corporation to IJe nominated by the DECLARANT
.. ·-·
Sectio,, 14. Maintenance, Repairs and Alterations. (a) Ail rnaintenance of and
repairs of any unit (othe.r than maintenance of and repairs to any of the Common Areas contained therein
not necessitated by the act or negligence of the owner, tenantor occupant of such unit) shall be made by,
and al the exper,se of, the owner of such unit. Each unit owner shall be responsible for all damages to any
other unit and to the Cammon Areas resulting from his/her{Jts failure Jo effect such maintenance and
repairs. Such unit owner shan·also be responsible for prornptly reporting to the Association any defect or
need for repairs in any of the Common Areas in his/herflts unit.

Excopt as 'flay be ;imited or restricted herein or in the By-Laws, each unit owner shall have the
exclusive right , at his own expense, to paint, repaint, tile, wax, paper or otherwise refinish and decorate/re-
decorate the inner surfaces of the \/alls, floors, windows and doors bounding hislherfils own unit.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the unit owner, tenant or occupant of a unit may not
undertake any structural repairs or alteratlons, or any other work ·,1hich would jeopardize the safely of the
condominium building, or another unit, or impair aity easement, without the prior written approval of the
Association and of th3 owners of the units directly. affected by such work.

(b) All maintenance of and repairs to the Common Areas, whether localed inside or outside
the units (unless necessitated by the act or negligence of a unit owner, tenant or occupant. in which case
such expense shall be charged to the owner of the unit) shall be made by the Association, in accordance
wit/I the By-Laws of the Association.

(c) ···· The toilet facilities, elevator lobbies and hallways or corridor, in each of the floors of the
condominium project snd located �lthin the boundaries of a unit shall ce repaired and maintained by the
Association subject to reasonable assessmenl tiy the Association upon the unit owners concerned for
cost of repairs and maintenance of such toilet facilities, lobbies and hallways or corridors as may be localed
on their respective floors. However, if there is only one (1) unit or all the units in a single floor is/are owned
by a single owner, such toilet facilities, lobbies and hallways or corridors :n such floor may with the prior
written consent of the Association be repaired and maintained by such owner al hisillerfils sole account
and expense, provided that the. repairs and maintenance works adhe:e strictly to maintenance and
operating standards lo be provided in the Building Rules for the purpose or olhe�ise lo be promulgated by
the Association.

(d) The By-Laws of the Association may contain such further provisions as may be
necessary to suppleo,ent the provisions herein.

Section J 5. Assessments. - {a} At such time and in such manner as shall be

provided in the By-Laws of the Association, there shall be assessed against each unit owner in the
condominium project and paid to the Association, in proportion to such unit owners appurtensnt interest
in the Association, the following, to wit:

(1) Regular assessments for operating expenses. The Association shall,

from tim<? to time, and at least annually, prepare an estimate of the operatrng expenses of the
Association and assess against each unit owner in prcponlon to such unit owner's appurtenant
interest in :ht.! Association, such amounts-as shall be necessary to meet the operating expenses.
Such expenses soall include. but shall not (le limited !o, the following, lo wit:
(i) The cost'ot insurance policies insu,ins tne condominium project against
ioss by fire, earthquake, casualty liability anc other insurable risks in accordance with
Section /9, Part It hereof and lo the extent deemed necessary by the Association;
. -----

(ii) Ti10 cool of rouular and recurrent main\enanr.e and ordinarfr�pairs and
utilities and other services benefiting the Co"1111on Areas;

(iii} Fees a_nd/or salaries of managerial, ·legal, accoanling, engineering aic

other professional or technical personnel or. entities employed or retained by \he
Association to assist in the management of the condominium project;

(iv) The cost of furniture, furnishings, fixtures end equipment for the Common
Areas and the main lobby of the condorninicm project as the Association may from time
to lime deterrnine lo be necessary or proper; ·

(v) .The cost of any other materials, s'ipplies, furnishings and fixtures, labor
services, maintenance, repars.taxes, or assessments which the Association is required
or empowered to charge under the Master Deed or for the enforcement of the provisions
of the Building Rules; provided, that if such expenses are expended for the benefit of
particular units in the condominium r!foject, such expenses shall thereafter be assessed
against \he unit owner/s owning such uniUs and shall he assessed under Section I 5 (a)
(4) he:ecf; and

tvi) If the Association's estimate of operating expenses proves inadequate

for any reason, including the non-payment of any assessment. it may at a;-1y time levy a
further assessment.

(2) Regular assessments for capital expenditures. The Association shall

levy upon each unit owner, in proportion· lo the unit owner's appurtenant interest in the
Association, an annual assessment for the _purpose of creating a�d maintaining a special fund for
the capital expenditures on the Common Areas of the condominium project, includi,1g the cost of
extraordinary repairs, reconstruction or restoration 'necessitated by damage, depreciation,
ulJ�oluat.uncc. c:rp1opri;1lion or cor.rhunnntlon of tho r,·11111"111 1lr1·,1s or p;,r!/s lhn.rnof as well :1s
the cost of improveraents or additions thereto authorized in accordance with the provisions 01 Ille
By-Laws of the Association.

(3) Deficiency and other assessments. Special assessments shall be levied

upon eech unit owner lo make up for any deficiency ifl case the speclai fund provided for in \he
immediately preceding paragraph, together with the insurance or ,,\her proceeds or recovery, if
any, is/are insufficient to cover the cost of such capital expenditures, unless the damage,
obsolescence, expropriaton or condemnation is of such extent as to meet the conditions for
dissolution of the Association required by the Condominiu,n Act and the required vote of \he unit
owners decide for dissolution. There may also be assessed against the unit owners, in the manner
prescribed herein or in the By.Laws of tl1e Association, such other assessments as are not
speci�cal,y provided for herein.

(4) Special assessments for separate expenses. · Particular unitsmay also be

·· sublect to'specla assessments aulhorizf.d in accordance with the Master Deed or in the By-Laws
of the Association for non-common expenses (herein referrerl to QS "separate expenses"), such
uu but riot llruilud to: (i) oxpunr.on for malntonnnce rind repalr of :iny unit if such mainlenance or
repair is, in the judgment of the Association, necessary to protect the Common Areas or any
other portion of the condominium building or to safeguard the value and attractiveness of the
condominium project, and the owner fails or refuses to perform such maintenance or repair wilhin
the time fixed in the written notice of the Association to such owner, in which case the
Association shall tr,ereafter assess said expenses against the unit owner owning such unit; (ii)
assessments or fees for the use and enjoyment of the Limited Common Arecs, such as but not
limited to balconies and ter;aces, parl<ing spaces, and other portions of the Common Areas )
classfied as Limited Common Areas under the Master Deed. In thic, regard, the Association •
may impose interests and penalties on such special assessments. 't
·, (b) Unless otherwise specifically allowed by the Association, the foregoing assessments (,?.,
' shall not be refundable. 7\:--c J

(c) The amount of any assessment, the interests due in case of delinquency; the cost of
collection (including attorney's fees, if any) and panallies for delinquency shall conslilule a lieo on the uniVs
so assessed and on the appurtenant interest of the unit owner in the A.ssociotion. Such lien shall be
constituted and enforced, or the amount of the assessment otherwise collected, in the manner provided in
the By-Laws of the Association. ·

(d) Except as otherwise p:ovided in the Dedaration of Restrictions or in the

Condominium Act, the lien for assessments set forth herein shall be superior to all other liens and

(e) In case of foreclosure, the :ransfer or the conveysnce, as well as the redemption, of the
delinquent u�il shall include the unit owner's appurtenant membership in the Association.
The Association shall have the power to bid al th� foreclosure sale.

(D In' case of deiault by any unit owner in the payment of any assessment.
including any interest and penalty thereon, the Association, without prejudice to any other rights or
remedies lo whir:h it is cntitlOO as provided heroin or in law or equily, shall have Jho right, upon prior written
notice to ltlf' d<::raulting unit owner, to cut-off or wlthold from such unit or unit owner, utilities and/or services
• which are provided for or adm,aistered by tae Association for such reasonable period of time as the
r Association may determine.

Section 16. Real Property Taxes and Assessments. • Each unit owner shall execute
such instrument and lake such actions as may reasonably be specified by the Association to obtain a
separate assessment of his/her/its respe::tive unit for purposes of ta,�ation and special assessments on real
property. Nevenheless, if there is any possibility 0,at any ta, or assessment may become a lien on the
entire condominium project or any part of the Common Areas, the same may be paid by the Association
and subsequently assessed by the Association against l'1e unit owner concerned, together with such rate
·, oi interest and costs as may be determined by the Association. Such assessments shall constitute a lien
on the t:niVs so assessed, pursuant lo Section 15 hereof. ·

Section 17. Use Limitations. The units and Common Areas of the project shall be
ocr.upied subject le the fellowing limitations, to wit:

(a) No •Jnil owner, except when ii h�s the prier written approval of the Association, shall
occupy or use his/herfll5 unit or permit the same or .any part thereof lo be occupied or used for any purpose
other than that indicated in the· Master Deed, or under the pertinent Contract to Buy and Sell, provided
that the latter is not inconsistent with the former. Unless the Master Deed is amended, no unit may
divided or subdivided into a smaller uniUs nor any portion thereof sold or otherwise transferred.
(b) Common Areas (except Limited Common Areas) intended for the furnishing of
services and facilities for the common enjoyment of U,e units shall be used only for $:UCh purposes and shall
not be appropriated for the exclusive use or benefit of any particular unit. There shall be no obstruction of
the Common Areas intendcll for ingress, egress or access lo any portion of the condominium building.
Nothing shall be stored in the Common Areas (except in those intended for storage) without the previous
consent of the Association.

(c) /J/:'l.'/./l/l/1N1'.JnC/or its assqneos or successor-in-mterest.srcll have the sole right to

adopt, display, install, construct, own and control such sig:1ages and/or graphics in the condominium
project and no sign of any kind shall be displayed IQ the publir. view in or from any unit or any other portion
of the condominium project without the prior written consent of the DECIARANT.

'! (d) No use or practice shall be permitted within any part of the project which may be the
source of annoyance to occupants thereof or which may intertere with the peaceful possession and proper
use of the property by the occupants thereof. No immoral, improrer, offensive or unlawful use shall be
made of any part of the project.
--· ..
(g) All parts of the project shall be kept in a pleasant and sanitary condition, and no rubbis�
, h
refuse or garbagz slialo be allov,e,J to accumulate nor any fire �azalll allowed to exist,
. ., .
,n All valid laws, ordinances and regulations of all government bodhs having jurisdiclion
•.hereof shall be observed
(g) Nothing shall be done or kept l'.ithin the project which will increase the rate of insurance
thereof, except by prior written consent of the Association. Any such increase in insurance premiums
shall be charged to the delinquent �nit owner and assessed pursuant to Section 15 (a) (1) (i), Part
ft hereof. In no event may anything be done or kept within any part of the project which will result in the
cancellation of the insurance of the condominium building or any part thereof.
.\ (h) Notn'ng shall be done in any unit or to any of the Common Areas which will impair the
structural integri�/ of the condominium building.

(i) Control switch/es for ceiling· lights along pe-imeter ceiling abutting the glass curtain walls
shall be controlled by th� Association. Bulbs of the same k'nd and voltaqe as shall be prescribed by the
Association and electrical consumption therefor shall be for th account of the iespeclive ueit owners.
! G) lri addition to the easements provided by law: (i) The Common Areas shall be subject to
an easement for shelter in favor of all units to which such areas are capable of rendering shelter. This
easement shall entitle the unit owner affected to replace, renew or restore any such shelter; (ii) Each unit
shall be subjec.l to an easement for the passage of water, sewerage, drainaqe, gas, electricity, artificlally-
cooled air, and other utilities and services in favor of the Association as well as every other unit
necessarily depending on the easement for extension of said utilities and services to the unit. The
easement shall be exercised in such manner which shall least interfere with the use and enjoyment of the
I' subject uniVs; (iii) Those units within the boundaries of which are located toilet facilities, portions of the
,, elevator lobby, halways and/or corridors, as ind;cated and described in the floor plans herelo attached as
i Annexes "C" and "D" shall be subject to the easement of use and passage and right of way to and from
or along such facilities or areas in favor of the unit owners, tenants or occupants of the other units located
1' on the same floor; (iv} Those units the boundaries of which are located the entrances to fire stairwells, and
stair tower as indicated and described in the floor plans hereto attached shall be subject to the easement of
right of way in favor of lhe occupants of the condominium project

,, (k) Until the D!JCLARA.NThas completed ar,d sold all the units in the condominium project,
neither the unit owners nor the Association, nor the use of any rart of the project, shall interfere 11ith the
,'I, completion of the contaroplated improvements and/or the sale of the ur,its lhereot, The DECLARANT
may make such use of the unsold units and the Comn,on Areas as may facilitate such ccmplefion and/or
I sale, including but not limited, to the maintenance of a sales office, the sho�og_of the property and/or the
display of signs.

(I) Reasonable regulations (herein referred to as 'Building Rules') concerning the use,
occupancy and enjoyment of the units and the. Common Areas may be r!'ade and amended by the
Associa:ion in the manner provided in its By-Laws, Copies of such regu'ations or amendments thereto
shall be furnished hy the Association to all unit owners and/or occupants of the project upon proper
..' Section I 8. Insurance, - The Association shall, for its benefit and for the benefit of all
t.• the unit owners or their mortgagees, if any, as their inlerests may appear, obtain and mainlain at all times
fire insurance coverage, with such extended coverage as 's customary for buildings in tJ:,e loc;;Jity, for
full ,einslatement 9alue of the units (excluding furniture, femishings, fixtures, improvements and personal
properties supplied or installed by the unit owner) and the Common Areas in the projecl. Such
reinstatement value may, with the confcrmity of the insurance r1mpany concerned, be revised by the
Association from year to year, if necessary. The policy or policies shall provide that the proceeds thereof
shall be payable to the Association. as trustee for the unit owners or their mortgagees, if any, and subjecl
to this limitation, shall also provide for a separate loss payable endorsement in favor of the mortgagees of
each unit. if any. Upon receipt of the proceeds, the Association shall use or pay the same in the
manner provided for in lhe following section. The premiums on such policy or policies shall be
considered Common Expen;e of the Association and shall be assessed against each unit in accordance
with the provisions of Section 15 (a) (1) (i} hereoi'. The aulhority to adjust losses under po:icies hereafter
in force on lhe project pursuant to this section shall be vesled ,o the Association, provided however, thal
an aggrieved unit owner may request that the determination of the Association be rek�rred to a reputable
insurance adjuster acceptable to both parties. Nothing herein coofained shall be construed 10 prohibit any
unit owner or hislherflts roortgagee/s from obtaining additional insurance on the unit corres:,onding to the
unit owners improvements thereon, provided however, that such right shall not be exercised in such a way
: I as to decrease the amount realized under the insurance coverage obtained by the Association; and
provided, further, that the unit owner or his/herlits mortgagee/s shali be obliged to notify th�. Association

, before obtaining such additional covarage and, within thirty (30) days after issuance cf the poliGy, lo file a
copy thereof with the Assoclatlon. ·

Sec/ion 19. Insurance Claim: All proceeds from insurance clams, unless lhe
conditions for dissolution of the Association required by lhe Condominium Act exisl a�d lhe required vole
of lhe unil owners decide for dissolution, shall be used for the reconstruction or repair of lhe condominium
building or tile damaged partls thereof. Reconstruction or repair as used in the present context shall mean
restoring the condominium buil:fing or p2rtls the'reof to the same condition as it existed prior 10 the loss,
with e�ch unit arid.the Common Areas having to the closest approxirnation possible, the same vertical
and horizontal boundaries as before.

If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to pay .all the costs of reconsiructcn or repair of the
Common Areas, � special assessment shall be made against each unit owner lb make up the deficiency
as provided in Sec/ion I 5 (a) (3) hereof. Any further deficiencyshall be covered by funds to be raised by
the Association in the manner determined at a special meeting of its members duly called for the purpose.

If the pro rata insurance proceeds are insufficient to cover .::II the costs of reconstruction or repair of
one or more of tile destroye<J or damages units, the Association may nevertheless proceed the
reconstruction or repair of the Gestroyed or damaged uniVs and the respective unit owner/s shall become
liable to an assessment for the deficiency, unless the conditions for dissolution of the Association required
by the Condominium Act exist and the required vcte of thP. unit owners decide for ilfasolution.

If, by reason of the dissolution of the Association or for any other reason, the Insurance proceeds
are not used for reconstruction or repair as herein provided, the proceeds shall oe paid to the respective
mortgagees of the units bJ the Association In the extent of the amount outstanding on the loan
secured by the unit or the Common Areas or parts thereof, if any there be, and the balance of the
proceeds shall then be paid to the owner/s thereof, as his/herlit,/1heir interest may appear, after deducting
the amount of any assessments due from him/herfll

Section 20. Procedure for Transfer of Units. Except in cases of transfers by gift,
hereditary succession or to another unit owner, no unit owner may effectively dispose of his/herflts unit
withcut the approval of t'ie Association. A unit owner Jntending to make a bona fide sale of his/her/its
,, unit shall give to the Association notice of such intention, together with the name and address of the
intended purchaser, and such other information concerning the Jnt�nded purchaser as the Association
may reasonahly require. Such notice, at the option of the unit owner, may include a demand by him/herlit
that the Association furnish a purchaser if the proposed purchaser is not approved; and if such demand is
·' made, the notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed sales contract. Within sixty (GO) days
after receipt of the aforesaid notice, the Associatior. must either approve or ciisaµprove the proposed
transaction. If approved, the approval shall be stated in a certificate executed by the appropriate officer in
reg•strable form, as required by Section 18 of R.A. 4726 as amended by R.A. 7889, provided that the
' oner provisions of this Dcc/aratio,, of Restrictions have been complied with. If the Associatinn
disapproves a proposed sale and if the notice of sa!e given by the unit owner shall so demand, then within
' sixty (60) days a1ter receipt of such notice and demand, the Association shall deliver or send by
ragis!ered mail to the unit owner an offer from a purchaser chosen by the Associatron from among the unit
owners willing to purchase the unit, unrter the terms and conditions set forth in the proposed sales contract
submitled by the selling unit owner. If the Association shall fail to provide a purchaser as required herein,
then notwiths.tanding Lie disapproval, the sale shall be deemed to have been approved, and the
Association shat: furnish a certjficate of appmval as provided earlier in this section. The limitations and
restrictions contained in this section shall not be applicable to the original conveyance of units made by the

Section 21. Notice of Lien or S11it. - (a) A owner shall give notice to the
Association of every lien upon his/herrits unit (other than liens in favor of the As,ociation), within five (5)
days after the attachment of the lien. ,:I,
(b) Not:ce shall be given by a unit owner to the Assaclatian of every suit or other proceeding
which may affect t�e tit'e to his/herlits unit, within five (5) days after the unit owner receives knowledge�
thereof. . � --
Section 22. Lease or - A unit owner shall be free to leaseor mortgage
his/her/its unit in favor of any party, provided notice thereof, with such particulars as the A.\·socfation may
reasonably require, is given lo the Association within five (5) days from effeclivily of the lease or
mortgage. Any such lease or mortyage fhall not free the unit owner from compliance with his/herflls
obligations as such under the Condominium Act, the Master Deed, this Declaration of Reitrictions,
:s the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the Association or the Building Rules. In case of lease of any
°f I such unit and the unit ownei is delinquent in the payment of any assessment, including any interest or
• penalties thereon, the Association may require the lessee of such leased u�it !�_.remit direcUy in its favor
s. . . any or all of the rentals accruing to the delinquent unit owner, which rentals shall be applied to his/herflls
.is delinquent accounts with the Association until full payment \hereof.
,11 Section 21. t:'0111111011 Provisions 011 Lease, Mortgage 1111,I other Encumbrances.

1=1( Pending �ul/ payment oi the purchase .price, any purchaser ;or a unit shall not lease, mortgage nor
encumber his/her/its unit or any portion thereof to any otherperson or entity witholil prior written consent of
r l·
the DECLARANT. Violation or !hes section shall entitle the DBCLARANTlo cancel the corresponding
1" contract of sale and forteil by way of penalty and/or liquidate� damages, fifty (50%) percent of all sums so
,, paid.
..e Section 24. Association's Rig/ti of Access to Units. The Association. through its
duly-authorized agO?nts, shall have the right of access to each unit to inspect all pipes. wlres, ducts, cables,
' i
conduits, publi�. utility lines &nd other Common Areas located wiU1in fhe unit, to remove violations
theref:om, and to maintain. repair or replace such Common Aret1.s as well JS Common Areas located
elsewhere in the condominium building. Guch right of access sha'I be exercised during reasonable hours,
except in cases or emergency and with as little inconvenience to the occupanVs or the unit as possible. Any
;· damage caused thereby shall be repaired at the expense of the Associalion.
Section 25. Procedure r.11,/ Penalties for Violations of Restrictions 0111/ Builtling
R11/es. - In the event any unit owner, tenant or occupant or refuses to comply with any limitation,
" I
restnction, covenant, undertaking or condition hereir1 contained involving an obligation other than the
payment of money, or with the Building Rules, the management body may, in accordance with the By-Laws
of Association, remedy such breach or violation after failure of the unit owner to do so wilhin the perioo
fixed in the notice and assess against the unit owner the expenses incurred by the Association.
The Association is aim empowered to impose; by way of penalty in case of such violatioo, liquidated
damages upon the unit owner in such amount and ir, such manner prescribed in the By-Laws of the
Association. VVhen such liquidated damages are imposed, the same zha/1 be considered as an
assessment upon the unit and, like the assessment for expenses, shall be secured by the lien provided for
o i11 Section 15 :iereof.
c ..Section 16. wotvers. No Umilation, rosmcnon. covenant or condition herein contained
and no regulation in the Building Rules shall be rieemed to have been abro;iated or waived by reason of
any failure to erforce the same, irrespective of the number or length of time of violations or breaches
thereof which may occur.

Section 2 7. Rights of Al·sig,,ccs, Tenants and/or Occupants of Units. · All present

11 and future owners. tenants and/or occupants of units shall be subject to, and shall comply with the
provisions of the COndorr:inium Act, the Master Deed, this Declaration of Restrictions, the Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws of the Associatlon, :he Building Rules and other rules and regulations adopted
pursuant to thereto, as these instruments may be amended from time to lime. The acceptance of a deed or
conveyance, or the entry into a lease, or the entry into or occupancy of any unit in the condominium pro/eel
' shal! constirute an acceptance of the provisions of such instruments, as they may be amended from to trme
lo time. by such owner. tenant and/or occupant. The provisions contained in such instruments shall be
I covenants running with the land upon which the condominium project is built and shall bind any person
n ha•,ing al any lime interest or estate in such unit, as though such provisions were recited and fully
stipulated in each deed, conveyance or lease lhert!of.
' Section 28. Invalidity. The invalidity of any p•ovision of this Dre/oration of
Restrictions shall not affect in any manner the vali�ity or enforceability of the other provisions thereof and
I that the same shall remain in full fl,,ce and effect as if such invalid provision had never been included
l ' herein.

.. --

Section 29. ,;t111e11,l1,1t!11t of Declaration. • This Declaration of R,:str:i<;tio,rs may be

amended by the affi,mative vote of the unit owners constilu!ing at ieast oo-2/3% of the total unit shaies in
the project, at a meeting duly he,d in accordance with the By-Laws of the Association.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DECLARA.NT through its duly-authorized representative have

caused this instrument to be executed on the day, ye<lr and place first aforewritten.





Signed in the presence of:


j Republic: of the Philippines I
Makati City, Metro Manila ) S.3.
BF.FORE ME, a Notary Publir. for and in Makati City, Philippines this AU� J}i 1998 at
Makat City, personally appeared CIRILO L. MANLANGIT with Community Tax Certificate No.
01437285 issued on January 20, 1998 at Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines, in his capacity as
DIRECTOR of EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC. with Community Tax.Certificate No. 0000418913
• issued on January 16, 1:198 at Makati City, Metro Manila, Ph;lippines, known to me and to me known to be
the same person who executed the foregoing instrumer.t and he acknowledged lo me that the same is his
own free and volunt�ry act and deed and of the corporation represented herein. ·

This instrument relates lo a Master Deed with Declaration of Restrictions for the "IBM
PLA7.A "office co,1dominium project, consistins of thirteen (I J) pages, inc!uding the page where this
acknowledgment is written, signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every eage
thereo: and sealed with notarial seal.

IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo set my hand on the day, year end· place first

.: !)l \ .
aoovewritlen. ·

· �Bi�!Jll, �\��[ll;"'TO .
'�ti IA .1'1'. !'
Doc. No. /8/q ; UN'ill 31 DEl,11' d ':,
ageNo�; PfR#1146i57; 1-e-'.:, '!,•. U'l CITY
··sookNo.�; IBP/1451894; 1·1498;�UllCNCITY

Series of 1998



.. -·

Level Unit No. Unit Area Undivided Interest Total Area Distributed Remarks
in Common Alea Fe'(?ntage
/ c,a.m.l lgn,m.\ lsn.m.\ · %\ " .
o, par King oz Slots .
82 pa:king 54
I .
81 P?rking 52 .
G/F •A " 100.00 0.23°/o Comm'I
1B •. SC"S.OJ 1.18°/o Comm'!
I 5.08%
21f '2A I , 2,1Ci6.00
3/f' 3A 2,166.00 5.08%
•IF 4A 2,166.00 !i.OB•A.
. 5/F SA l,166.00 5.08°/,
6/F GA 125.80 -40.60 '66.-40 0.39°/o
GO 66.00 20.00 110.20 0.2R•!,, '
30.30 123.80. o.2su1o
·I 6C
85.80 27.70 113.50 0.27°/o
6E 102:30 .. 33.20 135.50 0.32%
, 6F 81.10 2s:10 107.20 0.25"/o
6G 92.30 30,00 122.30 µ,2s01o
. GH .83.70 27.10 110.80 . '0.26°/o
61 87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27%
6J 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
GK 82.60
. 26.80 109.40 o.2s·�
7/F 7A 125.80 40.60 166.40 O,J9G/o
70 83.60 29.60 118.20 o.2s�1.
7C. 93.SJ JO.JO 123.80 0.2'3'k
70 85.60 27.70 113.50 0.27�1,,
' /E 102.30 33.20 135.Sb 0.32°/o
; 7F 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.2So/o
'\ 7G 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.2!1%
' 7H 83.70 27.10 110.80 ' 0.26%
71 87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27o/o
7J · 81.10 26.,10 '107.20 0.25°/)
,.,, 7K ·. 02.60 26.80 109.40 0.26o/o
8/F, 8A 125.80 40.60 ,• 166.40 0.39o/o
88 88.60 29.60 ' 118.20 0.28°/o
SC 93.50 30,30 123.80 0.29%
BD. 85.80 • 27.70 113.50 0.27o/..
BE 102.30 33.20 135.50 0.32%
8F 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25o/o
8G 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.29%
8H 83.70 27.10 110,80 0.26o/�
81 87.30 · 28.40 115.70 o.21°1o
8J 31.10 26.10 107.20 0.25°1.i

I 9/F
109 . .C:l
. 0,26°/o
98 88,60 29.60 118.20 ·-0.28°h
SC 93.50 .30.30 123.80 0.29°/o
90 85,80 27.70 113.50 0.27°/o
9E 102.30 33.20 1J5.50 0.3:.:o/o
• 0.25°.4
81.10 26.10 . 107.20
9G 92.30 30.-00 122.3·) 0.29o/o
9H, 83.70 27.10 110.80 o.:i::6%
• 91 87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27%
9J 8'L10 26.10 . 107.20 0.25°Ai
9K 82.60 26.80 109.40 0.26%

10/F ·,10A 125.80 40.60 . .166.40 0.39%

108 80.60 29.60 118.20 0.28%
1oc 93.50 30.30 123.80 0.25o/o
100 85.80 27.70 113.50 0.27�',
10E 102.30 33.20 135.50 0.32�1c.
10F 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25%
10G 92.30 30.00 �22.30 fl.�9°/o
10H 8J.70 27.10 110.80 0.26°/o
1 o: 87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27°/o
•• • • h 1 OJ 81.10 26.10 107.20 . 0.25°1�
10K 87..60 26.RO 109.40 0.26°/o

Level Unit No. Unit Alea Undivided lnterest , Total AJC��-�.-D1st11b,1i�d- -Rcmtuks·-
in Common Area Percentage
· fsa.m.\ · · (sq.m.) · . (l'l/o)
• fsa.m.\

/ 1 "' . "n.
11 B
11 C
. 4U,bU .
1uu ... u

' .. .

11 E 102.30 '33.20
. 11F 81.10·' 26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
11G 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.29°/o
: 1H 83.70 27.10 ·110.80. 0.26°/o
111 87.30 28.40 115.70 o.21°1o
.. · 11J 81.10 26.10 107 .20 0.25°/o
26.80 109.40 0.26°/o
·I 11K •2.60
'40.60• 166.40 0,39°/o
1.2/F 12A 125.80
128 88.60 29.60' -118.20 0.28°/o
12C 93.50 30.30· 123.80 0.290/o
120 85.80 27.'10 113.50 0.27o/o
12E 102.30 · .33.20 135.50 0.32o/o
; 12F
110.80 ,· . 0.29°/o
1£1 07.10 20.•o t 15 70 0.7.7°/.,
12J· 81.10 26.10 107.20 • o.zs«.
12K 82.GO 26.80 109.40 0.26°/o
14/F 14A ,. 17.5.80 40.60
14b 88.60
14C . 93.50 30.30 123.80 0.29o/o
140 85.80 27.70 • 113.50 . 0.27"/o ·
.. 0,32°/o
14E ·102.30 33.20 135.50
14F 81.10 26.10 107.20' 0.25°/o·
. HG
122.30 0.29,o
. 141 87.30 28.40 ·"
.. .. 0.27'}0

• 14J 81.10 · 26.10 · 0.25o/,
14K 82.60 26.80 . ·109.40' " 0.26J/o
15/F, 11A 125.80 40.60 166.40 0.39°/.,
' 158 88.60 29:60 118.20 0.28°/o
15C 93.50 · 30.30 113.80
· 150. 85.BO. 27.70 113.50 0,27°/o
J. 15E • 102:30 33.20 135.50 0.32o/o
15F 9,:10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
30.00 122.30 • 0.29°/o
15G · 92.30
.. 15H ·�3.70 27.10 · 110.80 · 0.26°/o
151 ·87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27"/o
15J 81.10 .'23.10 107.20 0.25°/o
82.60 26.80 109.40 0.26°/o
I . "16/F
16A 125.80 <10.60 166.40
· 0.28°/o
168 85.60 · 29.60
' 16C 93.50 30.30 • 123.80 · 0.29°/o
160 85.80 27.70 113.50 0,27°/o
10E . 102.30 33.20 135.50 0.32°/o
16F 81.10 . 26.10 107.20 0.25°/,
92.30 30.00 122.30 0·.29o/�
.. 16G '
16H 83.70 27.10 110.80 0.260/o
. 161 87.30 28.40 115.70 · 0,27°/o
16J 81'.10 26.10 107.20· C .25°/o
16K 82.60 26.80' ..109.40.
17/F 17A 125.80· 40.60 166.40 0.39o/o
·176 88.60 29.60 116.20 0.28%
17C •93.50 30.30 123.80 0.29%
170 ,85.80 .. 27.70 113.50 0.27°/o

HE .
,. J 0.29°/o
.17G , 9?..30 30.00 . 122.30
17H . 83.70 27.10 110.SO 0.26°/o
171 87.30 ·28.40 115.70 0.27°/o
.. 26.10 107.20 0.25%'

17K 82.60 · 26.80 109.40 0.26%
. - '

l ;

1 •
• •
Level Unit No. ·- Unit Arca Undivided Interest Total Area' Di::lributed
in ccmmcn Alea
,-.a.m.l Iso.m.I (so.m.l .. (O/o)

1 BIF 18A 125.80 40.60 166.40, 0.39°/11

189 88.60 29.60 118.20 0 2�0/o I
inc 03 50 ' JO.JO 12).00 ll.20�1�
180 85.M 27.70 113.50 O.'J.1 y.,
18E 102.30 33.20 135.50 0.32°/o
18F er. 10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
18G 92.30 30,00 122.30 0 29°/o
)., . 18H 83.70 27.10 110.80 0.26°/o
181 87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27°/o
-· ·- 18J 81.10 26.10 i07.�0 0.25o/o
62.60 26.80
19/F 19A · 125.BU
199 88.60 29.60 118.20 0.28°/o
19C 93.50 30.30 123.80 0.29'1/o
190 · 8�.60 27.70 113.50 0.27°/o
19E 102.:lO 33.20 135.50 . 0.32°,�
19F 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
83.70 , .30.00
- 0.29°/o
1,I 87.ZO 28.40 115.70 0.27o/o
19j . 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/o

·40.60 ..
. 0.26°/o
206 88.60 29.60 116.20 0,28°/o
20C 93.50 30.30 123.80 :0.29%
200 85.80 27.70 113.50 0.27'!.{i
. 20E �02.30 · .33.20 135.50 a·.32°/o
92.30 ·
0.29% I
.· 20H si.10 27.10 110.60 0.26°/o I
.. 115.70
.. 62.60 26.60 109.�0

21/F 21A
. 125.60 '
21 c 93.50 30.30 123.60 0.29°/o
210 BS.LO 27.70 1,13,50 0.27�·
, 21E ., 102:Jo , 33.20 , 135,50 0.32°/o
. 21F 81, 10 26.10 107.20 0.25°/n
21G 92.30 30.00 122.30 0.29°/.,
21H 83.70 27.10 110.80 0.26°/, ·
211. 87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27°/o
21J 81.10 26.10 107 .20 O.:l5°/,
2lK . 82.60 26.80 109.40 0.26°t0
' " 20/F UA 125 80 40.60· 166.40 0.39°/..
229 88.60 29.60 118.20 · 0.28°/o
22C 93.50 30.30 123.80 . 0.'.?9°/o
220 85.eo 27_.70 113.50 o.21°1o
22E 102.30 33.20. .135.50 0.32°/o
..... 22F 61.: 0 26.10 107.20 ' 0.25°/o
30.00 '
·22G 92.:?0 · 122.30 0.29o/o
22H 83.70 27.10 110.80 0.2U0/o
221 87.30 26:40 115.70 0.270/o
82.GO .
23/F 23A '125.80 40.60 166.40 0.390/o
236 88.60 29.60 118.20 0.28°/o

23C 93.50 30.30 123.60
230 65.60 27.70 .113.50 9.21�1,
23E'. ·. 102.30 33.20 135.50 0,32°/o
23F 81 .10 . 26.10 107.20 0.25°/�
230 92.30. 30.00 · 122.30 0.2911/o I
23H 83.70 27.10' 110.BC 0.260/o,
. �- '·
i 15.70
I \
23K 82.60. 26.60 109.40 0.:.!6%

--· ,........

Level Unit No.

Unit Alr:a Undivided Interest
in Common Alea
Total Are1-. '
• -
2-4/F 24/\
. 24C
- ,123.80
24F 81.10 ·26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
' 24G 92.30 30.00 i 22.30 0.29o/o.
24H ' 83.70 27.10 . 110.80 0.26°/o
241 87.JO. 23.40 115.70 . 0.27o/o
. 24J
25/F 2SA ·.25.80 40.UO IGG:40 0.39"/o
256 88.60 29.60 118.20 0.20°1�
25C !,3.50 .. 30.30 123.80 J.29%
250 85.80 ,7.70 113.50 0 27°/o
25E. 102.30 33.20 135.50 U.32o/o
25F 81.10 20.10 . 107.20 0.25Yo
25G 92.30 30,00 122.30 0.29°/o
25H 83.70 27.10 110.80 0.26"/n
251 87.30 28.40 115.70
... 0 27°/o
25J 81.1(' 26.10 107.20 0.250/o
25K 82.60 26.80 109.40 '0.26°/o I

�· .• 26A.
.. i
26/� 125.80 40.60. 166.40 0,39°/o
268 88.60 29.60 ·118.20 0.28°/o
260 · '
26E 102.30 33.20 135.50 0.32o/o
' I
26F 81.10 '26.10 107.20 0.25°/o
·26G 92.30 · 30.00 122.30 0.29°/o
26H 83.'lO 27.10 110.80 0.26'Yo
261 87.30 28.40 115.70 0.27°/o
2fJ 81.10 26.10 107.20 0.25'!.�
26K :82.60 26.80 109.40 0.26°/o
27/F 27A 3.12%
28/F 28A

1,330.00 3.12o/o
29/F 29A 1,004.10 325.�0 1,330.00 3.12°/o
30/F 30A 1,00_4.10 325'.90 1,330.00 3.12°/o
31/F 31A. 1,004.10· 325.90 1,330.00 3.12°/o
32/F Radio Ronm 100.00 . 100.�0 0.23°/o

Grand Tobi . 42,6.19.UO 100.00"/o


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