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Aerodynamic Forces and Moments

MEE 6024 Vehicle Aerodynamics

Directional Stability
Lecture 8
Dr. Y. Mukkamala
 Improved roadways, and highways led to
increasing vehicle speeds.
 Aerodynamic styling significantly reduced
drag, and increased vehicle speeds.
 Many rear engine vehicles were
introduced, which shifted the centre of
gravity to the rear.
 Combined with the unfavorable tear drop
shapes, this decreased the stability of the
 Bernd Rosemeyer’s death on January 28,
1938 was a classic example of dangers of
unstable vehicles.
 Designers then began to focus on
vehicle’s vulnerability to side winds.
Lift and Pitching Moment
 Historically, streamlined vehicles
were the least stable, especially at
higher speeds.
 Addition of tail fins, reduced the lift
on the rear axle and increased
stability to certain extent.
 The advent of front end engines,
and the relocation of the center of
gravity to the front axle improved
 Reduction of distance between the
C.G and center of aerodynamic side
force also improved stability.
 Aerodynamic Force Coefficients
Distribution of Aerodynamic Pressure
 In the presence of a side wind, the yaw
angle is not the same as the angle
between the resulting aerodynamic force
and the x-axis of the car.
 The resultant aerodynamic force is more
than the total drag.
 The location of the pressure point from
the geometric center of the vehicle is
e  [C N includes the length "l"]
0 C
 The location of the pressure point from
the C.G of the vehicle is
e  e  (  lF )
S 0 2
Stability Index
Influence of Front End on Stability
Controlled Rear Flow Separation
Lift Force in Straight Driving
 Lift Force Equation
. Y
  I F .FSF  I R FSR  eSP

 Stationary Lateral Acceleration

F  F Y
Vehicle Single Track Model
Explanation of Stability Index
 For a straight driving, δLK = 0,the SI is
C N
 LK 0

 A higher negative stability index would yield more

 Driving stability generally decreases for speeds
more than 150 kmph (94 mph).
 Stability can however be improved by attaching
flow spoilers like fins, or negative delta wings.
 Rear end additions reduce lift force on rear axle,
but increase drag.
 However, if the side wind angle is less than the
critical yaw angle, the increase in fuel
consumption due to higher drag, is negligible.
Frequency of Steering Corrections
Stability Index vs Driving Speed

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