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In the book, entitled General Psychology by S.

K Manga stated that the thinking process is an incredibly

complex process, and it is found to be the most difficult concept in psychology to define or explained.
However, this did not stop the thinkers from achieving the answer for their quest and as a result there are
dozens of definitions on thinking. According to Ross, “Thinking is a mental activity in its cognitive
aspect with regard to psychological objects” (1951, p.196-97) while Mohsin define that “Thinking is an
implicit problem solving behavior” (1967 p.117). There are many other thinkers who have come up with
different types of definition. There are two basic thinking skills which are critical and creative thinking

Critical thinking is known to be ability of thinking clearly and rationally, understanding the logical
connection between ideas. Philosopher such as Plato and Socrates during the time of early Greek used to
debate on the critical thinking skills and it has continued to be a subject of discussion even in the
modern age. The ability to engage in reflective and independent is can be described as critical thinking
skills. In the mid of 1950s, not much attention was given to creativity but as day pass by attention
towards creativity increased tremendously. Creative thinking or thinking out of the box can be found
difficult at times but one must not give up. Furthermore, creative thinking is important in today’s
competitive world. Creative thinking skill focus more on exploring ideas, generating new possibilities,
looking for the flexibility in answers and developing leads worthy elaboration.

In the case study of Helen, she has to apply critical thinking skill. Thinking critically means the ability to
discover and overcome personal prejudices and biases to prepare herself and come up with convincing
reason in support the conclusion and to make rational decisions. The objective of this case study is to
expose the learner to various ways to solve their problem in their daily life. Besides that, it also to help
the learners to support their ideas and views with relevant sources.

Problem-solving strategy is a plan of action that is used to find solution. Different action plan is used in
the different problem solving. Working backwards or also known as backwards induction is a process of
backwards in time which is from the end of the problem. This is to determine a sequence of optimal

actions. Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand Zermelo a German logician and mathematician who is believed to be
the first to use backwards induction in 1913. He use this strategy to prove that chess has pure optimal
strategies. In the other word the backwards induction method can be described as starting with customer
want, need or problem and providing a solution through a product, service or experience.

The famous proponent Steve Jobs also used the backwards induction method. The Apple founder Steve
Job used this basic theory to respond to an insult from audience member in a press conference in 1997.
He said “One of the things I’ve always found is that you got to start the customer experience and work
backwards to the technology”. He also included that one can’t start with the technology and try to figure
out where you’re going to sell. In the other word, by starting with a problem or need, you can work
backwards to find a solution, and then offer it to the customers. Understanding the customer’s needs,
wants and expectations at every stage of their buying journey.

Implementing the “working backwards” method is actually knowing what exactly is wanted from the
customer experience. This method does not rely on the guesswork but one should regularly follow up
with the customer knowing the challenges and identify their needs. In an article Dave Bailey points out
that it is essential that when communicating with customers, you lead with the addition we need
to continuously seek out feedback from the customer and measure performance against customer
expectations. Seleste Lunsford the Managing Director at CSO Insights says, “Measure the customers
experience by collecting quantitative and qualitative information directly from customers” in his blog

The benefit of this method is that allows the customer service skills, where the marketing information
and sales information based to be around their needs being addressed, rather than the product being sold.
As a result, the customer feels that they are being served rather than sold to. Moreover, it helps to create
that your business actually wants to help the customers. Additionally, the working backwards method
also demonstrates a certain level of empathy and suggests that your business has actually concern how
the customers or client feel.

As a conclusion the “working backwards” approach to customer experience. Advocated by the likes of
Steve Jobs which involves customer needs, and wants as the starting point and then working backwards

to deliver solutions to the problems. As a consequence, it makes your service or product function more
relevant to customers. developing leads worthy elaboration.

Stages in problem solving

“Problem solving is the process of obtaining a satisfactory solution to a novel problem or at least a
problem which problem solver has not seen before “suggested by Woods and colleagues. There are four
stages involved in problem solving.

The first stage in problem solving is a process of recognizing and defining a problem. Problem only can
be resolved when its existence is recognized. After recognizing the problem we need to define the
problem. A problem can be either closed-ended problem or open-ended problem. Closed ended problem
involves all circumstances of the deviation from the norm that need to be defined and open-ended
problem involves both identifying and define your objectives, and any hindrance that can stop you from
attaining them.

The second stage is to find the possible solution to solve the problem. Listing down various action that
can be taken to solve the problem. It will help us find out what would be the appropriate actions to take
in order to solve our problem. In fact, the more idea you list out, the higher the probability of finding
effective solution.

Third stage is to select the best solution. In this stage the decision-making process is based ona
comparison of the potential outcome of alternative solution. This stage involves five steps. The first step
is to identify the characteristics of possible solution, including any limitation that might be encountered.
The second step is eliminating the solution that cannot overcome the limitation.
Third is to eliminate the remaining solution. Meanwhile, the fourth step is evaluated the risks linked to
arriving at the best solution followed by coming up with a decision to implement the chosen solution.
The last stage in problem solving is to implement the solution. The first step that involved in
implementation of solution is planning and preparing. This step requires effort and thorough planning
that describes the sequence of action needed to fulfill the objective. Secondly is to take the appropriate
action and monitoring its effect which means problems have to be dealt with immediately in order to
ensure that things are under control. The third step is to review the success of the action. This step is

consider to be important to estimate the efficacy of the action in solving future similar problems and to
make sure that the problem has been solved.
Steps in problem solving and decision making.
The steps in problem solving is meant to help the analysis, define and solve the problems in an order
way. Sometimes in problem solving there is a need to go back and forth between the steps and also
repeat some steps since the problem solving is a recursive process.

The first step in solving the problem is to explore the problem. This is where the problem is investigated
and broken down into sub problems. The terms of problem is define and the nature of the problem is
determined. Research on the problem has to be done to know whether the same problem has occur in
past and how it was encountered. The nature of the problem will determine the amount of the time that
has to be spent on the problem exploration. During this process some steps are need to be taken into the
process. Problem statement has to be done to know if the problem is multifaceted or not. Besides that, it
is useful to state what is not to be consider as problem. In addition restating your problem differently
repeatedly will help you to understand the problem for verbal representation. Furthermore making a
broad statement about the problem allows the surrounding of the problem to be argued from different
perspectives. Problem clarification is another step that has to be done to know the key of the problem.
Defining the problem to more general or more specific until the problem is articulated as best as can be.
Besides that, when the problem is broken down into its attributes, the possible solution can be more
readily apparent. It is important to list the obvious assumption because it can be alterable later. The
listing should be done without prejudice or judgment. Collecting information about the problem by how
similar problem were approached may help to discover alternative solution. Explanation of the problem
where one is brainstorming the problem with others. The problem that is discussed among others is
viewed with different perceptive. Besides that, including “why” can serve a purpose to broadening the
definition of the problem. Moving to the next step to put the problem into the context helps to know the
history of the problem. It also help to know what solution worked out and what didn’t in the past
problem. Putting the problem into context also to understand the contributing factors in solving problem.

In the case study of Helen she should explore her problem in detail to understand what she is exactly
facing. The first problem that is faced by Helen is where she falls in love with a guy who 10 years older
to her. The second problem is she haven’t completed her studies and I personally believe that she just

stepped into the new era of her life. Lastly her parents’ disapproval of her marriage who wants her to
support their family in future. The next step she should take is restating her problem in different terms
which help her to understand the circumstances of her decision that will be taken later. As for the
problem clarification it has to be done without prejudice and judgmental mind. In the other hand,
viewing her problem from different angle could help understand why her parents disagree for her
marriage. Helen should be able to put her problem into a context to understand the circumstance
affecting the problem.

The second step of problem solving is to establish your goal. In goal setting process, we often settle for a
quick solution instead of considering what is a ideal goal. Besides that, sometimes we reducing our
expectation for practical reason may seem to be achievable after discussion. Goals needs to be
measurable, clear, definite and precise. As a result, such goals can be used to monitor the progress of
problem solving. By setting up goals, the problem solver is given an objective to aim. In addition, the
goals has to be realistic, otherwise the goals seems to be insurmountable task.

As a student, Helen’s goal should be completing her studies instead of getting married. Instead of
jumping into a quick solution which is getting married during her young age. She should think of an
ideal solution for example complete her studies at least before her marriage. Furthermore as a
technician, i believe that Johnny would not be able to support Helens studies which means she has to
quit her studies. Besides that, she should think of her parents who raised her up.
The third step is to generate ideas. Gathering information to solve the problem includes reading,
discussing, brainstorming, asking question and also seeking opinion from others. It is important to be
curious in learning about your problem. Gathering as many ideas will give you vast pool ideas from
which you can adapt one. Besides that, allow time for ideas to develop during stages of generation. The
cycle of stages creativity has several stage, namely preparation, incubation, insight, implementation and
lastly evaluation.

Helen should either discussed or seeking opinion from her friends and family. Besides friends and
family she also can seek help form her college counselor. The experts can give some ideas on how to
deal with her problem as their approach many cases. Discussing with the experts can never go wrong.
After gathering ideas, she has to give some time for the ideas to develop which will help her to figure

out the possible solutions. Besides that she can also arrange Johnny to meet with her parents and explain
to them that she would still take care of them even after marriage.

Based on the ideas in the third step, evaluate and choose the best solution. Set up another pal that is
possible to implement in case the initial plan does work. Moving to the evaluation process, the process
should involve the solution that will be the most effective, efficient and has the fewest side effects.
Besides that, choosing more solution to try will never go wrong instead it allow you to understand the
problem in detail. Besides that, it is alright to allow others to criticize and evaluate your solution, it is
because the criticism will help you to improve. Criticism can affect your confidence but you have to be
strong and do not be blind to criticism that legitimately point on your weakness.

Helen has to list down the solution and should be smart enough to choose the best solution for her
future. Helen is in the midst of either choosing her love Johnny or her parents who raised her up. In short
Helen has to think critically, which mean thinking clearly and intellectually to discover and overcome
personal prejudice and biases. Helen should be able to listen to the feedback or criticism that given to

The fifth step is to implement you action plan. Although you have the best solution, it is better to try out
the solution and make some changes if necessary before the actual implementation. Experimenting ideas
on something closely resembling the real life scenario that you are facing. It is import to try out the
solution especially when it involves people’s health or life. It is alright to make adjustment or changes
during the implementation. The goal is to solve the problem not to implement the solution. The solution
might not be exactly as you proposed earlier.

Helen can also try to arrange Johnny and her parents meet where there is possibility for her parents to
change their mind. If the plan does not work then the only she should implement the second choosing
which to postpone her wedding. She can make some arrangements with her parents that she will still
take care of her family after her marriage.

Lastly after the other 5 steps in problem solving is done, evaluation should be done to ensure if the steps
that have taken is effective. Investigating on the solution should be done to know whether the solution

has worked and to know the progress. The most frequent failures of problem solving is the lack of
evaluation. It is always better to say “I have tried my best and I failed rather failing without even

In the end of the analysis, Helen should always check on the progress of solutions. She should ask her
parents and Johnny if their satisfied with her decision. If everyone agree with her solution then her
problem is solved.

The suitable theory that can be applied in Helen’s problem is the SWOT analysis. This theory is used to
identify the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of a person’s or organization. According to,
some authors the framework is credited to Albert Humphrey who tested this approach in 1960s and
1970s. However, Humphrey did not claim the creation of SWOT which left the origin remain obscure.
SWOT analysis can be divided into two categories, namely internal and external analysis. The elements
of internal analysis is strength and weakness while the external is opportunities and threats. Strength is
the internal attributes and resources that support a successful outcome while weakness work against a
successful outcome. The opportunities is the external factor that the entity can capitalize or use to its
advantage while threats is the factors that could jeopardize the entity’s success.

In order to implement the internal analysis Helen should study the strength and weakness of the problem
and as for external analysis one should be able to identify the opportunities and threats of the problem.
This would help her to understand the circumstances of her decisions. Additional information may be
obtained from others through survey. Helen has to be sure that the collected data is able to uncover
external opportunities and threats of the problem. The gathered information is able to maximizes the
strength and opportunities while reduce the weakness and threat. Besides that, Helen is able to think
about things she might face in life after few years.

To conclude this case study, it is not easy to find easy solutions in our daily life. Everything comes with
a little hard work and lots of efforts. The objective of the case study is to educate the learners the various
ways on solving problem and I believe I have learned the main objectives and how to handle life
situation by thinking clearly and intellectually. As for Helen’s case, a teenage girl failing in love is a
normal scenario but she has to understand her responsibilities and the outcome of her decisions.

(2956 Words)

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