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Mike Boyle Wants Customers Who Want to Train

Questions for Discussion

1. Which demographic variables does MBSC use in segmenting the market of its
services? Be specific.

MBSC provides different services depending on their customer's age group

like middle-school athletic training, high-school performance training, college break
workout sessions, small group strength and conditioning for adults, as well as private
or semi-private personal training programs to tend to each customers’ individual
needs. They considers different demographic variables to give appropriate services
to their customers.

2. Which psychographic and behavioristic variables does MBSC use, and why?

They used personalities, lifestyles, interests, the way how customers act
among others as their psychographic variables. Maybe to know what kind of service
they will give to their customers or how they will approach their customers
appropriately. The demographic variables that they used are uploading videos to
educate people about his training method because nowadays people tend to watch
videos online, and provide training for people who want to train to improve their
performance and evaluate their skills.

3. Would you recommend that MBSC use an undifferentiated targeting strategy, a

concentrated targeting strategy, or a differentiated targeting strategy to market its
services? Explain your answer.

We would recommend MBSC to use differentiated targeting strategy because

when an organization uses a differentiated marketing strategy, it develops different
offers for individual market sectors and also the company can be able to concentrate
more on the most profitable segments of the market which maximizes on profits.
Using undifferentiated targeting strategy has a single offer for all sector only.

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