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Biodiversity Governance Models – National and International Efforts-

Question Bank

Module III

Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) -2000

1. Describe the goals set for biodiversity conservation in India during the
Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) -2000.
2. What are the Global Aichi Biodiversity Targets and strategic goals for
Biodiversity Conservation
3. Explain The role of National Biodiversity targets for Biodiversity conservation.
4. Discuss the National Biodiversity Action Plan for conservation of Biodiversity.
IN Situ methods
5. Enlist the in-situ methods of biodiversity conservation ?
6. Specify the key streams of biodiversity governance and explain any one in
7. Discuss the five Biodiversity governance models that helped India in
conservation and sustainable use of its biological resources.
8. What is meant by Protected area ? Discuss in brief the IUCN categories of
protected areas.
9. Explain Protected areas based Biodiversity governance in India.
10. Distinguish between a National Park and wildlife sanctuary.
11. Distinguish between a community conserved area and conservation reserves
Ex -Situ methods
12. Enlist the ex-situ methods of biodiversity conservation?
13. Briefly explain with an example of ex situ methods of Biodiversity conservation-
zoo, botanical Garden, seed bank, in vitro methods of conservation, Gene bank,
Autonomous community efforts
14. Review the gaps in Ex situ conservation of Crop Wild relatives (CWR) and
suggested methods of conservation
15. Write a short note on Gene bank and its main activities.
16. Write a note on seed bank and its significance in biodiversity conservation.
Community Conserved Areas (CCA)

17. Illustrate the positive actions taken by people of India for management and
governance of biodiversity.
18. Explain community based conservation efforts in India with appropriate
examples.- a. Bishnoi community b. Sacred Groves
19. Discuss the diversity of CCAs in India with suitable examples .
20. Describe the role of sacred Groves in Biodiversity conservation.
21. What are the different ecosystems conserved by CCAs in India with suitable

Module IV
22. Discuss the decentralized governance of Biological resources with the help of any
two examples
23. Explain with suitable examples how the Panchayat Raj plays important role in
conservation of Bio-resources .
Biodiversity Act 2002:
24. Narrate the salient features of the legislation brought by the central Government
for conservation Biological Diversity of India.
25. Explain the three tier structure of Biodiversity Act 2002.
26. Define the following terms according to Biodiversity Conservation Act 2002
1. Local Bodies 5. bio-survey and bio-utilisation
2. Benefit Claimers 6. commercial utilisation
3. Biological resources 7. local bodies
4. fair and equitable benefit 8. sustainable use
sharing 9. value added products
27. Explain the reasons for framing Biological Diversity Act 2002. Explain the
provisions in the chapter II of the law for regulating access to Biological
28. Describe the constitution of National Biodiversity Authority . What are the
functions, powers and approvals by the National Biodiversity Authority as
illustrated in chapter III of Biodiversity Act 2002 ?
29. Explain the constitution of Biodiversity Management committee (BMC) and its role
defined under biodiversity Conservation act 2002.
30. What is Public Biodiversity Register (PBR) and how is it prepared? Describe the
steps involved in preparation of Public biodiversity register. What are the key
components of People’s Biodiversity Register
31. What are the shortcomings of protected area network that lead to MAB
32. Discuss the salient features of biosphere reserves w.r.t. any one of the biosphere
33. Explain the different zones of a biosphere Reserve with suitable example.
34. What are the main objectives of Biosphere reserves?
35. Describe the selection criteria for constitution of Biosphere reserve.
36. Explain the significance of Man and Biosphere program for Biodiversity
37. What is the role of biosphere reserves in
i. Local Community participation
ii. Research and monitoring
iii. Education and training
38. Write a short note on conservation measures and Man and environment
interactions in any one of the Biosphere reserves.

39. Define Biodiversity Heritage site with suitable examples in India . Describe the
guidelines for declaration of Biodiversity Heritage site (BHS)
40. Define High Conservation Value Forest(HCVF) with any two examples . What
are the types of HCVF? What are the threats to HCVF ?
41. Define wetland. Describe the significant features of Ramsar convention for
Conservation of wetlands. Name any five Ramsar sites in India

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