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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SUB JE CT: SOC. SC IE NCE
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.

Monday. July 22. 2019

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 40

333333MARKS:222370 77760
SECTION – A Very short answers
1. Why merchants from towns in Europe began moving to the countryside in seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries? [1]
2. State two peculiarities of early Indian industries. [1]
3. How is community government elected in Belgium? [1]
4. What is the prudential reason behind power sharing? [1]

SECTION – B Short answers

5. Describe any three major problems faced by Indian cotton weavers in the late nineteenth
century. [3]
6. Describe any three provisions of amendment made in ‘Indian Constitution’ in 1992 for
making ‘Three-Tier’ government more effective and powerful. [3]

SECTION – C Long answers

7. How did the Indian and British manufacturers advertise their products in India to promote
their sale? [5]
8. Discuss the various forms of communalism in the Indian politics. Mention the
constitutional provisions that help to fight communalism in India. [3+2=5]


1.a) Resouces which are found in a region, but have not been utilized. Identify the type of
resource. [½]
i) Reserve ii) Potential iii) Developed iv) Reserve

b) The short cropping season suitable for growing watermelon, muskmelon and cucumbers is
i) Zaid ii) Kharif iii) Rabi iv) None of them

2. Give three points of difference between Intensive Subsistence and Commercial farming. [3]

3. a) “Resource planning is a complex process which involves three steps”. Explain its three
steps. [3]
b) Explain any two ways to solve the problem of land degradation. [2]

4. Locate and label the following on a political map of India. [½+½=1]
a. Any one state rich in Forest and mountain soil
b. Any one state which has dominantly black soil
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1. Multiple choice questions: [½+½=1]
(i) Which of the following is a best example to describe conflicting goals?
a. Getting raw materials from the forests is goal of industrialists but destruction of forests is
not desirable by the people living near forest areas.
b. Increasing production is goal of MNCs but it creates conflict for local producers
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

(ii) Identify public facilities from the following:

a. Ration shops b. Delhi –Metro
c. Basic health and education d. All of the above

2. Why is the issue of sustainability important for development? [1]

3. There has been a big change in the share in GDP of the three sectors of economic activities,
but a similar shift has not taken place in the share of employment. Explain. [3]

4. Answer the questions given below: [3+1+1]

(i) Compare and contrast the working conditions in formal and informal sectors of the
economy. Also mention the reason for higher share of informal sector in total
(ii) Briefly discuss and suggest any two ways in which workers in the informal sector
can be protected.
(iii) Mention any one developmental goal for each of the following category of workers:
a. A casual worker in agricultural sector.
b. A worker in formal sector.
Page 2 of 2
Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SUB JE CT: SOC IA L SC IE NCE
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Monday. September 23. 2019
NAME OF THE STUDENT: ____________________________________CLASS/SEC.__________

NAME OF THE INVIGILATOR: ________________________________SIGNATURE: ________

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 80

General Instructions:
(i) The question paper has 34 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 17 are very short answer type questions. Each question
carries one mark.
(iv) Questions from serial number 18 to 26 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 27 to 32 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 120 words each.
(vi) Question number 33 and 34 are map questions from History and Geography respectively.
After completion, attach the maps inside respective answer books.

1. What was an Accordion book? Describe any one feature of woodblock printing in China.
2. Luther said,’ Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one.’ Why did he say so?
3. Differentiate between gomasthas and jobbers. [1]

4. How did the ‘sense of collective belonging’ capture the imagination of the Indians? [1]

5. When European countries came together to form the European Union (EU), ______________
was chosen as the headquarters. [1]

6. What does the system of ‘checks and balances’ ensure in power sharing? [1]

7. In a ‘holding together’ federation: [1]

i. A large country divides its power between constituent states and the national
ii. The Central government tends to be more powerful vis-a-vis the States.
iii. All the constituent states usually have equal powers.
iv. Constituent states have unequal powers.
Which of the above statements are correct?
a) i., ii., iii. and iv. b) i. and iv. c) ii. and iii. d). i., ii. and iv
Page 1 of 4

8. Why the women’s reservation bill for Lok Sabha and state legislature has not been passed
in the Parliament? [1]

9. Area sown more than once in an agricultural year plus net sown area is known as
___________ [1]
a) Fallow land b) Gross cropped area c) Cropped area d) Grazing land

10. Which of the following was the main focus of our First Five Year Plan [1]
a) Cost of food grains c) Land Reforms
b) Globalisation d) Industralisation

11. Ferrous minerals account for about ____________ of the total value of the production of
metallic minerals. [1]
a) one- fourth b) two-fourth c) three- fourth d) two-third

12. Explain how minerals occur in sedimentary rocks. [1]

13. What are bad lands in Chambal basin called as ? [1]

14. “Under globalization, particularly after 1990, the farmers in India have been exposed to
new challenges”. State any one challenge. [1]

15. A good way to measure the quality of life in countries across the world is by comparing
their _________ [1]
(a) per capita income (b) human development index
(c) gross national income (d) sustainable development

16. Globalization has led to improvement in living conditions [1]

(a) of all the people (b) of people in the developed countries
(c) of workers in the developing countries (d) none of the above

17. ________________ would create opportunities for all, and also ensure that the benefits of
globalization are shared better. [1]

18. “The typical worker in the mid 19th century was not a machine operator but the traditional
craftsperson and labourer”. Support the statement with examples. [3]

Page 2 of 4

19. State the criteria for recognizing a party as National and State party. Draw the symbol of
any two National party. [2+1=3]

20. “India is a federal country”. Explain by giving examples. [3]

21. Write any three steps taken by government of India to modenise agriculture. [3]

22. “There is a pressing need to use renewable energy resources. “Justify [3]

23. Explain some of the important ideas of development in context of Indian Economy. [3]
24. Give a few examples of public sector activities and explain why the government has taken
them up. [1+2=3]

25. Why are trade barriers imposed on the foreign trade and investment in a country? Explain
with the help of two illustrations. [1+2=3]

26. How does service sector helps in development of primary and secondary sectors? Explain
with examples. [1+2=3]

27. How did print culture affect women in the nineteenth century India? Explain with
examples. [5]

28. How did the different social groups participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement?
Discuss. [5]

29. “Caste alone cannot determine elections results in India”. Support your answer with
arguments. [5]

30. “Political parties are a necessary condition for a democracy”. Analyze the statement. [5]

31. a) Give an account of distribution of Mica deposits in India. List any two properties of
Mica which makes it one of the most indispensable minerals used in electric and
electronic industries. [2+1=3]
b) Differntiate between biotic and abiotic resources. (2 points each) [2]

32. Evaluate the role of MNCs in the economic development of a country. [5]

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SECTION – D [Map Work]

33. On the political outline map of India, locate and label the following :
i. The place associated with oppressive plantation system. [1]
ii. The place where the Congress session was held in December 1920. [1]
iii. The place where a peaceful demonstration in a bazaar turned into a violent clash
with the police. [1]

34. On the given political outline map of India identify and label: [1x3=3]
A. Major Sugarcane growing state
B. A coal mine in West Bengal
C. Type of soil

Page 4 of 4



Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SU B JE C T: S OC . SC I E NC E [ 08 7 ]
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Monday. December 16. 2019

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 80

333333MARKS:222370 77760
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper has 35 questions in all.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries
one mark. Answer them as instructed.
(iv) Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 120 words each.
(vi) Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts – 35 a. from History (2
marks) and 35.b from Geography (4 marks). After completion, attach the maps inside
respective answer books.


1. Match the following items given in column A with those in column B. Choose the correct
answer from the options given below: [1]
i. Richard M. Hoe 1. Pocket size books sold by travelling pedlars.
ii. Chapbooks 2. Ninety-Five Theses
iii. Martin Luther 3. Adages
iv. Erasmus 4. Perfected the power- driven cylindrical press.
(a) i-3, ii-4, iii-1, iv-2 (b) i-1, ii-3, iii-2, iv-4
(c) i-3, ii-4, iii-2, iv-1 (d) i-4, ii-1, iii-2, iv-3

2. Arrange the following in the correct sequence – [1]

i. Second Round Table Conference ii. Declaration of Purna Swaraj
iii. Quit India Movement iv. Salt March
(a). i, ii, iii, iv (b) ii, iv, i, iii (c) iii, i, iv, ii (d) iv, ii, iii, i

3. Study the picture and answer the question that

follows. [1]
The artist has portrayed Garibaldi as holding on to
the base of the boot, so that the King of Sardinia-
Piedmont can enter it from the top. What statement is
this caricature making for Garibaldi?
(a) He opposed Italian unification.
(b) He supported Victor Emmanuel II in his efforts to
unify the Italian states.
(c) He is just helping King Victor to wear his boot.
(d) He formed a secret society called Young Italy to
help King Victor.
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4. Who remarked ‘When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold’? [1]
(a) Louis Philippe (b) Metternich
(c) Giuseppe Garibaldi (d) Giuseppe Mazzini
5. The Ganga River between ----------- and --------- is known as National Waterway No. 1 [1]
(a) Kanpur and Allahabad (b) Kanpur and Varanasi
(c) Allahabad and Haldia (d) Sadiya and Dhubri
6. Complete the following table with correct information with regard to cultivation of
Sugarcane. [½+½=1]
Sugarcane Annual rainfall Cropping season Temperature
required (in cm) required for its
growth (in degrees)
(A)-? It is a tropical as (B) -?
well as sub-tropical
crop grows well in
hot and humid

7. Which of the following is true for black soil? [1]

a. It has larger proportion of clay
b. It can retain moisture for a long time.
c. It develops cracks during summers which help in aeration.
d. Cotton grows best in this soil
(a) A and B (b) C and D (c) A and D (d) All of these
8. Correct the following statement and rewrite: [1]
The ‘community government’ in Belgium has the power regarding social, religious and
language-related issues.
A belief that the minority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it
wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the majority is called majoritarianism.

9. Which of the following options best signifies this cartoon?

Page 2 of 6

(a) Demand of the poor nations of the world.

(b) World’s wealth owned by a few leading to economic disparities.
(c) Charity by the rich nations of the world.
(d) Requirements of the rich nations of the world.

10. When a caste is a ____________of one party, it usually means that a large proportion of the
voters from that caste would vote for that party. [1]
The Constitution allows the ____________to intervene in the matters of religion in order to
ensure equality within religious communities.

11. Define the term decentralization. [1]

What is a ‘holding together’ federation?
12. Which of the following statement defines Sustainable Development? [1]
(a) Sustainable use of natural resources without considering the need of the future
(b) Present generation fulfils its needs while considering the needs of the future generation
as well.
(c) It means utilization of natural resources by the past, present and forthcoming future
(d) To meet the needs of the future generations even if the needs of the present generation
go unmet.
13. Which logo would you check while purchasing an electrical product? [1]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

14. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason
(R). Read the statements and choose the correct option: [1]
Assertion (A): Not every good or service that is produced and sold needs to be counted to
know the total production in each sector.
Reason (R): The value of final goods already includes the value of all the intermediate
a. Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is correct but R is wrong.
d. A is wrong but R is correct.
15. Assertion (A): In India, over the forty years between 1973-74 and 2013-14, while production
in all the three sectors has increased, it has increased the most in the tertiary sector.
Reason (R): Tertiary sector is the only organized sector in the economy so the government
spends a lot of money for creating jobs in tertiary sector. [1]
(a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R (reason) is wrong and is not the correct explanation of A.
(d) A is wrong but R is correct.
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16. The ______________ helps in maintaining the nutritional levels of poor people by providing
food at lower cost. [1]
(a) Body Mass Index (b) Public distribution system
(c) Gross national income (d) Human development index

17. Match the following and choose the correct option given below: [1]
(I) Consumers International (a) Agency that develops standards for goods and
(II) Consumer exploitation (b) Dealing with consumer cases.
(III) District Consumer court (c) Selling of substandard quality of products, using
under weights and under
(IV) Bureau of Indian standards (d) Global level institution of consumer welfare

(a) I-a, II-b, III-d, IV-c (b) I-d, II-c, III-a, IV-b
(c) I-b, II-a, III-c, IV-d (d) I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a

18. Modern forms of money include_________________. [1]

19. To check the free flow of Chinese goods in Indian markets, what can be done by the
government? [1]
a. Impose import duty on imports of Chinese goods
b. Complain to UNO
c. Impose tax on exports and imports of goods from and to China
d. Ban trade with China

20. Why did Indian government remove trade barriers from foreign trade and investment in
1990? [1]


21. How was Civil Disobedience Movement different from the Non-Cooperation Movement?
‘Plantation workers had their own understanding of Mahatma Gandhi’s ideas and the
notion of swaraj.’ Support the statement.
22. Discuss the peculiarities of industrial growth in India. [3]

23. Source A [1+1+1=3]

Print and Dissent
Print and popular religious literature stimulated many distinctive individual
interpretations of faith even among little-educated working people. Menocchio, a miller in
Italy was hauled up twice by the Roman Church and ultimately executed.
Source B
The Nineteenth Century
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Lending libraries had been in existence from the seventeenth century onwards. In the
nineteenth century, lending libraries in England became instruments for educating white-
collar workers, artisans and lower-middle-class.
Source C
Press: After the Revolt of 1857
In 1878, the Vernacular Press Act was passed, modelled on the Irish Press Laws. It provided
the government with extensive rights to censor reports and editorials in the vernacular
press. From now on the government kept regular track of the vernacular newspapers
published in different provinces. Despite repressive measures, nationalist newspapers grew
in numbers in all parts of India.

Source A- Print and Dissent

(i) How did the Roman Church react to heretical ideas? [1]

Source B – New Forms of Publication

(ii) Why did print culture become popular among the working class in England? [1]

Source C – Press: After the Revolt of 1857

(iii) In what way print culture assisted the growth of nationalism in India? [1]

24. What are the three factors which affect the economic viability of a reserve.
“Energy saved is energy produced.” Support the statement with suitable examples. [3]

25. ‘Local government is the largest experiment in democracy.’ Explain the statement
highlighting its achievements. [3]

26. Discuss the challenges political parties face in modern democracies. Suggest two reforms to
strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well. [2+1=3]

27. Examine any three factors which should be taken into consideration by MNC for setting up
of their production units. [3]

28. How can we create more employment in secondary and tertiary sectors in rural India? [3]
Why does disguised employment not help in the productivity of the country? Explain with
the help of example. [2+1=3]


29. ‘In Britain the formation of the nation-state was the result of a long-drawn out process.’
Justify the statement. [5]
Explain the term ‘romanticism’. How did culture play an important role in creating the idea
of a ‘nation’ in Europe?
Page 5 of 6

30. Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions. [1+2+2=5]
Tourism and trade
Tourism in India has grown substantially over the last three decades. Foreign tourist’s
arrivals in the country witnessed an increase 4.5 percent during the year 2015 as against the
year 2014 contributing Rs. 64,889 crores of foreign exchange in 2015.
8.03 million foreign tourists visited India in 2015. More than 15 million people are directly
engaged in the tourism industry. Tourism also promotes national integration, provides
support to local handicrafts and cultural pursuits. It also helps in the development of
international understanding about our culture and heritage. Foreign tourists visit India for
heritage tourism, eco-tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, medical tourism and
business tourism.
There is a vast potential for development of tourism in all parts of the country. Efforts are
being made to promote different types of tourism for this upcoming industry.
(a) How much is the increase in foreign tourist arrivals during the year 2015 as against
year 2014?
(b) How does tourism benefit our country?
(c) What are the different type of tourism promoted for the development of this

31. Discuss the steps to be taken to minimize environmental degradation by industry. [5]

32. Why power sharing is desirable? Discuss. [5]

33. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government? [5]
‘Democracy stands much superior in promoting dignity and freedom of the citizens.’ Do
you agree? Explain.

34. Explain the functioning of Self Help Groups, with particular emphasis on its economic and
social impact in solving the credit needs of the rural poor. [2+3=5]


35. (a) Locate and label in the given outline map of India. [2]
A) The place where Indian National Congress session was held in December 1929.
B) The place where Mahatma Gandhi organise satyagraha movement amongst cotton mill

35. (b) On a political map of India, locate and label any four of the following with suitable
symbols. [4]
(a) Extreme South- west seaport.
(b) Software Tech Park Bengaluru
(c) Iron and Steel industry Bhilai.
(d) Namrup Thermal Power Plant
(e) Kanpur cotton textile centre.
(f) Meenam Bakkam International Airport.

Page 6 of 6
Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SU B JE C T: S OC . SC I E NC E [ 08 7 ]
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Monday. January 06. 2020

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 80

333333MARKS:222370 77760
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper has 35 questions in all.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries
one mark. Answer them as instructed.
(iv) Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 120 words each.
(vi) Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts – 35 a. from History (2
marks) and 35.b from Geography (4 marks). After completion, attach the maps inside
respective answer books.


1. Name the first weekly magazine published in India by Gangadhar Bhattacharya. [1]
a. Bengal Gazette b. Bombay Samachar
c. Samachar Chandrika d. Sambad Kaumudi

2. Match the following items given in column A with those in column B. Choose the correct
answer from the options given below: [1]

A. Romanticism 1. Freedom and equality for all before the law
B. Conservatism 2. A customs union
C. Zollverein 3. A cultural movement
D. Liberalism 4. Stressed the importance of tradition

a. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4

c. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 d. A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

3. Name the Indian nationalist who stated that he did not wish to glorify’ the cult of the bomb
and pistol” but wanted a revolution in society. [1]
a. Jatin Das b. Bhagat Singh c. Ajoy Ghosh d. Batukeswar Dutta

4. ________ became the allegory of the French nation and ________ became the allegory of the
German nation. [1]

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5. In the following question, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. [1]

Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion : Natural gas is referred to as environment friendly fuel.
Reason : Natural gas gives low carbon dioxide emissions.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Both assertion and reason are false.

6. Complete the following statement with the appropriate word/words. [½+½=1]

According to their main role, industries are classified as ____________ and ____________.

7. Match the following items given in column A with those in column B. Choose the correct
answer from the options given below: [1]

i) Kolkata sea port 1. Rules out trans-shipment losses or delays
ii) Silcher ( Assam) and Porbander ( Gujrat) 2. Mass Communication
iii) Doordarshan 3. Inland riverine port.
iv) Pipeline transportation 4. East- West Corridor

a. i) -2, ii) – 4, iii) – 1, iv) – 3 b. i) -3, ii) – 1, iii) – 2, iv) – 4

c. i) – 3, ii) – 4, iii) -2, iv) – 1 d. i) – 1, ii) -2, iii) – 4, iv) – 3

8. Consider the following two statements. [1]

i. In a federation, the powers of the federal and provincial governments are clearly
ii. India is a federation because the powers of the Union and State Governments are
specified in the Constitution and they have exclusive jurisdiction on their respective
iii. Sri Lanka is a federation because the country is divided into provinces.
iv. India is no longer a federation because some powers of the States have been devolved to
the local government bodies.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
a. i, ii and iii b. i, iii and iv c. i and ii only d. ii and iii only

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9. Which one of the following options best signifies this cartoon? [1]
a. Secular Governance
b. Caste discrimination
c. Problem of apartheid
d. Gender discrimination

10. State any two reasons to prove that caste inequalities are still continuing in India. [1]

11. Define partisanship. [1]

A coalition government is when____________________
a. it is formed by few political parties coming together to form government.
b. several parties compete for power.
c. two parties form an alliance to compete for power.
d. group of parties exist.
12. For comparing countries, their ____________ is considered to be one of the most important
attributes. [1]

13. ‘Not all of the service sector is growing equally well’. Defend or refute the given statement.
14. How does a local company get benefitted by working jointly with a Multi-National
Corporation. [1]

15. Match the following: [1]

Problems faced by farming sector Some possible measures
1. Unirrigated land (a) Setting up agro-based mills
2. Low prices for crops (b) Cooperative marketing societies
3. Debt burden (c) Procurement of food grains by
4. No job in the off season (d) Construction of canals by the
5. Compelled to sell their grains to the local (e) Banks to provide credit with low
traders soon after harvest interest

16. In what ways is a MNC different from other companies? [1]

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17. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason
(R). Read the statements and chose the correct option:
Assertion (A): “Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may
need to live well”
Reason (R): So income by itself is not a completely adequate indicator of material goods and
services that citizens are able to use. [1]
(a) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct but R is wrong.
(d) A is wrong but R is correct.

18. If you want to extract information about the function of any government department,
which right, under law, would you exercise? [1]

19. Which statement from the following is correct for ‘Double coincidence of wants’: [1]
a) It is a situation in which one of the two parties is willing to sell his commodity.
b) It is a situation in which a middle man helps in exchange of goods or services.
c) It is a situation in which government plays an important role to ensure exchange of
goods or services.
d) It is a situation in which both the parties have to agree to sell and buy each other’s

20. Define cheque. [1]


21. Why did Mahatma Gandhi relaunch the Civil Disobedience Movement? Explain. [3]
Why did Non-Cooperation Movement gradually slow down in cities? Discuss.

22. ‘Many historians argued that the conditions within which French Revolution occurred were
created by the print culture.’ Support this statement with suitable arguments. [3]
Evaluate the impact of print technology on the poor people in India.

23. Source A-Life of the Workers [1+1+1=3]

A magistrate reported in 1790 about an incident when he was called in to protect a manufacturer’s
property from being attacked by workers: ’From the depredations of a lawless Banditti of colliers and
their wives, for the wives had lost their work to spinning engines….they advanced at first with much
insolence, avowing their intention of cutting to pieces the machine lately introduced in the woolen
manufacture; which they suppose, if generally adopted, will lessen the demand for manual labour.

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Source B-Hand Labour and Steam Power

Will Thorne is one of those who went in search of seasonal work, loading bricks and doing odd jobs.
He describes how job-seekers walked to London in search of work:
‘I had always wanted to go to London, and my desire….was stimulated by letters from an old
workmate….who was now working at the Old Kent Road Gas works… I finally decided to go…in
November, 1881. With two friends I started out to walk the journey, filled with the hope that we
would be able to obtain employment, when we get there, with the kind assistance of my friend…we
had little money when we started, not enough to pay for our food and lodgings each night until we
arrived in London.

Source C- Manchester Comes to India

The Commissioner of Patna wrote:
‘It appears that twenty years ago, a brisk trade was carried on in the manufacture of cloth at
Jahanabad, and Behar, which has in the former place entirely ceased, while in the latter the amount of
manufacture is very limited, in consequence of the cheap and durable goods from Manchester with
which the Native manufacturers are unable to compete”.
23.1 To what extent do you agree that new technology forced the workers to be hostile [1]
23.2 Evaluate why human labour was preferred over machines in Victorian Britain. [1]
23.3 In what way were cotton weavers in India affected by Manchester imports? [1]

24. Explain slash and burn agriculture, highlighting its important features. [3]
State two points each of Kharif, Rabi and Zaid cropping seasons. [3]

25. Critically analyze the Centre-State relations prior to 1990 and after. [3]

26. How has ‘State parties’ helped in strengthening of federalism and democracy in India? [3]

27. Why is it necessary for the banks and cooperatives to increase their lending in rural areas?
Explain. [3]

28. “The issue of sustainability is important for development”. Justify. [3]

Agriculture is an unorganized sector in India. Do you agree with this statement? Justify
your answer.


29. Briefly explain the process of unification of Italy. [5]
Elaborate the steps taken up by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective
identity among the French people.

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30. a) State any two points of importance of soil as a resource. [2+3=5]

b) List any three important characteristics of arid soil.

31. a) Distinguish between Conventional and non- Conventional sources of energy (two
points each). [2]
b) Why do you think solar energy has bright future in India? [3]

32. Describe the path of accommodation adopted in Belgium. [5]

33. How can the success of democracy be assessed? Explain. [5]

‘Do democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens’? Explain the

34. (a) “Technology has stimulated the Globalization process.” Support the statement with
examples. [3+2=5]
(b) Discuss the major problems created by the globalization for a large number of small
producers and workers.


35. (a) Locate and label in the given outline map of India. [2]
i. The place where Gandhiji broke the salt law.
ii. The place where Congress session of 1927 was held.

35 (b) On a political map of India, locate and label any four of the following with suitable
symbols. [4]
(a) Extreme South- east seaport.
(b) Software Tech Park Noida
(c) Durgapur iron & steel plant
(d) Kalpakkam Nuclear Power Plant
(e) Indore cotton textile centre.
(f) Raja Sansi airport

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