Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs: College of Pharmacy Our Lady of Fatima University

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Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs

College of Pharmacy
Our Lady of Fatima University
• Sedative
– Refers to quieting effect accompanied by
relaxation and rest but not sleep
• Hypnotic
– Refers to the production of sleep, drowsiness
• Anxiolytic
– Used for the treatment of anxiety
– AKA Antipanic or Antianxiety agent
• Unpleasant state of tension, apprehensioon,
or uneasiness
• Refers to many state in which the px
experiences a sense of impending threat or
doom that is not well defined or realistically
• Symptoms are tachycardia, sweating,
palpitations, tachypnea, trembling, weakness
Types of Anxiety
• Panic Disorder – recurrent unexpected panic
• Specific Phobia – particular objects of situations
• Social Phobia – intense fear of being scrutinized
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder – intense pervasive
worry over life
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – persistent re-
experience of a trauma
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – recurrent
obsessions and compulsions that cause
significant distress
Chemical Classification
• Benzodiazepines
– Short acting - Oxazepam, Triazolam, Midazolam, Clonazepam
– Intermediate acting – Lorazepam, Alprazolam, Temazepam,
– Long acting – Diazepam, Flurazepam, Chlordiazepoxide,
Clorazepate, Quazepam, Halazepam, Prazepam
• Barbiturates
– Ultra-short acting – Thiopental, Thiamylal, Methohexital
– Short-acting – Hexobarbital, Pentobarbital, Amobarbital,
– Intermediate –acting - Butabarbital
– Long-acting - Phenobarbital
• Miscellaneous
– Newer Drugs – Buspirone, Zolpidem, Zaleplon, Hydroxyzine
– Older Drugs (Alcohols, Piperidinediones, Carbamates)
BZD Receptors
• Type 1:
– Most common throughout CNS, mediates
sedation and tolerance
• Type 2:
– Hyppocampus, striatum, spinal cord, mediates
• Type 3:
– Cerebellar granule cells
• Alprazolam (Xanor) • Chlordiazepoxide
– For the mx of anxiety (Librium)
disorders of for the short – Indicted for the relief of
term relief of anxiety anxiety and tension,
– Indicated for adjunctive withdrawal symptoms of
tx of anxiety with mental acute alcoholism
depression – During chronic admin,
– Found effective for panic accumulation occurs not
disorder only on the parent
– The drug has been used substances but also the
effectively for 8 mos or three active metabolites
• Chlorazepate (Tranxene) • Diazepam (Valium)
– For the symptomatic relief – Indicated for the relief of
of anxiety assoc with anxiety and tension, acute
neuroses, psychoneuroses withdrawal sundrome and
or with symptoms of adjunctive therapy in
anxiety, acute alcohol skeletal muscle spasms
withdrawal – Preferred to many
– Accumulates for 7 d and clinicians bcoz of its ability
then reaches ss to relieve anxiety, sedate
and cause light anesthesia
– It is well absorbed after
single oral doses, leading
to rapid onset of clinical
• Estazolam (ProSom) • Flurazepam (Dalmane)
– A triazolebenzodiazepine – A BZD used in short
deriv that closely treatment (up to 4
resembles alprazolam wks)of all types such as
and triazolam difficulty of falling
– Can cause serious asleep, frequent
toxicity and withdrawal nocturnal awakenings
rxns than BZD – It is also used in acute
– It may cause renal and chronic medical
impairment situations in which sleep
is desirable
• Halazepam (Paxipam) • Lorazepam (Ativan)
– Indicated primarily for – A BZD used orally for
anxiety disorders or for anxiety and transient
the short term relief of situational stress
anxiety not controlled by – It is used parenterally to
other more specific preanesthetic
medication medication, producing
sedation and decrease
ability ro recall events
related to surgery
• Oxazepam (Serax) • Prazepam (Centrax)
– A congener of – For the mx of anxiety
chlordiazepoxide and disorders or for the short
diazepam, it is mild term relief of the
sedative useful in the mx symptoms of anxiety
and control of anxiety, – Slowed after oral
tension, agitation, administration
irritability and related – CI in px with narrow-angle
symptoms glaucoma
– It is useful for the control
acute tremolousness,
inebriation or anxiety assoc
with alcohol withdrawal
BZD Pharmacological Action
• Antianxiety effect – BZD reduce anxiety in doses that
does not induce sleep
• Anticonvulsant – the use of these drugs as
anticonvulsant is less due to development of tolerance
to anticonvulsant axn
• Skeletal muscle relaxant effect – BZD induce hypotonia
by stimulating glycine receptors in the spinal cord
• Hypnotic effect – they cause increase in total sleep
• Analgesic action – except diazepam, no other BZD has
analgesic axn
Benzodiazepines P’kinetics
• Absorption
– Triazolam is rapidly absorbed through oral
administration compare to diazepam
– Clorazepate is converted to its active form.
Desmethyldiazepam, by acid hydrolysis in the
– Oxazepam, lorazepam, and temazepam are
absorbed from the gut at slower rates than others
– Diazepam and Triazolam are more lipid-solluble
than chlordiazepoxide and lorazepam
Benzodiazepines P’kinetics
• Metabolism
– Undergo microsomal oxidation (Phase I), including N-
dealkylation and aliphatic hydroxylation
– The metabolites are subsequently conjugated (Phase
II)to form glucoronides that are excreted in the urine
– Desmethyldiazepam has an elimination half life of
40hrs. It is an active metabolite of chlordiazepoxide,
diazepam, prazepam and clorazepate
– Desmethyldiazepam in turn is biotransformed into
• Biological effects
– Depression of CNS, Respiratory Depression, Enzyme
• Contraindications
– To px with porphyria, impaired hepatic and renal function,
px with history of addiction, pregnanet women, should not
be used if driving
• Drug-Interaction
– May induce the hepatic microsomal metabolizing enzyme
system and increase the rate of metabolism of coumarin,
– Completely inh the metabolism of some drugs such as
– Additive depressant effects with other CNS depressant
Barbiturates P’kinetic
• Absorption
– The thiobarbiturates in which the oxygen on C2 is
replaced by sulfur, are very lipid-solubl, and a high
rate of entry into the CNS contributes to the rapid
onset on their central effects
– Phenobarbital and Meprobamate have quite low
lipid-solubility and penetrate the brain slowly
Barbiturates P’kinetic
• Metabolism
– The major metabolic pathways involve oxidation by
hepatic enzymes of chemical groups attached to C5,
which are different from individual barbiturates
– The alcohols, acids and ketones formed appear in the
urine as glucoronide conjugates
– The elimination half-lives of secobarbital and
pentobarbital range from 18-48hrs in different
– The elimination half life of phenobarbital is 4-5days
Benzodiazepines MOA Barbiturates
• Binding of y-aminobutyric • Interfere with sodium and
acid (GABA) to GABAA potassium transport
receptor which trigger across cell membrane
opening of chloride leading to the inh of the
channel thus increase mesencephalic reticular
chloride conduction activating system
• Influx of chloride ions • It potentiates GABA axn
causes a small on chloride entry into the
hyperpolarization that neuron, although they do
moves the post-synaptic not bind at BZD receptor
potential thus inh
formation of axn
Benzodiazepine ADR Barbiturates
• Drowsiness • Somnolence
• Fatigue • Agitation
• Confusion • Confusion
• Dizziness • Hyperkinesia
• Weakness • Ataxia
• Ataxia • Nightmares
• Syncope • Lethargy
• Phlebitis at the site of • Paradoxical Nervousness
injection • Hallucinations
• Venous thrombosis • Anxiety
• Dizziness
Benefits of BZD over Barbiturates
• BZD do not effect other body systems
• BZD have comparatively high therapeutic index (safer
• They cause less disturbance in sleep patterns
• An antagonist, Flumazenil, is available that can be used
in poisoning

• BZD inc FREQUENCY of GABA-mediated chloride ion

channel opening
• Barbiturate inc DURATION of GABA-mediated chloride
ion channel opening
Newer Drugs
• Buspirone (Buspar) • Zolpidem (Ambien)
– An azapirones drug – An imidazopyridine deriv
classified as 5-HT1A structurally unrelated to BZD
receptor agonists – Has minimal muscle relaxing
– Anti-anxiety agent and anticonvulsant fx
unrelated to BZD – Amnestic effects have been
– Rapidly absorbed and reported with use of doses
undergoes FPE metab, greater then usual
slow OA – The drug has rapid onset of
– They lack the sedation and action and DOA is close to
the dependence assoc with triazolam
BZD and cause much less – Causes minor fx on sleep
cognitive impairment petterns at the recommended
– The drug has no abuse hypnotic dose but can suppress
potential and does not REM sleep
induce tolerance
Newer Drugs
• Zaleplon (Sonata) • Ramelteon
– Binds selectively to the BZ1 – Novel hypnotic drug that
receptor subtype, activates melatonin
facilitating the inhibitory receptors in the CNS
actions of GABA therefore decreases the
– The drug is metabolized to latency of sleep onset with
inactive metabolites by minimal rebound insomnia
hepatic aldehyde oxidase or withdrawal symptoms
and partly by CYP3A4 – ADR: dizziness, fatigue
– Rapid OA and short DOA of
axn are favorable
properties for those px
who have difficulty falling
Older Sedative-Hypnotics
• Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl) • Chloral Hydrate
– A mild hypnosis that – Ing in Knock-Out drops, used
induces sleep within 15 to prepare a Mickey Finn
mins to 1 hr and has (drink with drug)
duration of – Short term treatment of
approximately 5hrs insomnia
– Should not be taken with – Converted to TCE resp for
ROH bcoz of the additive hypnotic axn
effects – Other metabolites are TCA
trichloroethanolglucoronide 1
Clinical Uses of Sedative-Hypnotics
• For relief of anxiety
• For insomnia
• For sedation and amnesia before medical procedures
• For treatment of epilepsy and seizures states
(clonazepam, phenobarbital)
• As component of balanced anesthesia (thiopental)
• For control of ethanol or other sedative-hypnotic
withdrawal states (chlordiazepoxide and diazepam)
• For muscle relaxation in specific neuromuscular
• As diagnostic aids or for the treatment in psychiatry, for
bipolar disorders (clonazepam)
BZD Antagonist
• Flumazenil
– Have high affinity for the BZD receptor that act as
competitive antagonist
– Only BZD antagonist available
– Blocks any action of BZD but do not antagonize the
CNS effects of other sedative-hypnotics, ethanol,
opioids or gen anesthetics
– Is approved for use in reversing the CNS depressant fx
of BZD overdose and to hasten recovery following use
of these drugs in anesthetic and diagnostic
– ADR: agitation, confusion, dizziness and nausea

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