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The result of PISA shows that the Philippines ranked at the bottom of the ladder for Mathematics and

Science. There is also a problem regarding reading and comprehension skills.

Hereby are the practices done by our school to improve learning outcomes despite of pandemic.

 Healthy communication between the parents, learners, teachers and even other stakeholders is
We do constant reminders/follow ups for the parents through SMS messaging, phone calls, or
video chat (if possible) to guide their children in accomplishing the learning tasks at the
comport of their home.
We sent/forwarded video links related to the lesson of the learners. We even have FB live
demonstration teaching which can be viewed or watched in their convenient time.

 Our school implemented modular printed learning modality.

We provide the learners with printed materials that based on the learners’ needs while
improving their strengths.
We developed modified learning materials and supplementary materials to simplify the topics
for easier understanding.

 We made integrative assessments that are aligned within MELC’s and across subject areas.

 There are interventions done for the learners’ who are struggling in academic subjects. We
made Individual Learning Monitoring Plan to improve learning outcomes, making sure that no
learners left behind.

 We are also asking for the parents’ convenient time / date for their submissions and give extra
considerations for the parents who are not able to submit the learning tasks on time.

 With the school heads’ permission, we also do home visitation.

 Teachers also conducted online kumustahan, ( by pair, by group, or one – on-- one ) to provide
feedback that is important in learners’ progress. There is also online assessment wherein we
review past lessons and give additional information about the current lesson. This practice
improves motivation and confidence of the learners to complete the learning tasks for the day.
It also develops healthy communication between the teachers, learners and their classmates.

 For monitoring of reading & comprehension and numeracy skills, we conducted Assessment in
any form. It could be online, phone call, printed, or home visitation. By doing this, we are able
to determine the learners who are frustrated, instructional and independent in the said areas.
To those recorded as struggling learners, interventions are given with cooperation of the

As being said, communication is vital. It is also important to know the practices done by Tutors/Guardians
while at home.

 Provide feedback (as a tutor) with the parents/guardians of handled students. Assessment is also given
to inform the parents about the strengths and most especially the weakness wherein they need to
have a follow up teaching at home.
 When identified the struggling subject, remedial classes are conducted. For example, if reading
comprehension is lacking, then there are exercises given in English and Filipino (as they read stories
and answer questions about it.)

We , teachers must have refreshers and collaborative engagement that will help us grow and nurture
the skills and ability that we have.

We therefore conclude that the best practice to be done is the engagement for personal and
professional growth like attending trainings/webinars, and continuing Masteral/Doctoral Degree not only
for ourselves but for also our learners as we are public servant and the hope of our generation.

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