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Globalization is the worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade,

and communications integration. It implies the opening of local and nationalistic
perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world
with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers as
stated by Business Dictionary. In other words, it served as a bridge to connect
different nations. Globalization has its own pros and cons; it only depends on
how you use it.

A lot of people benefit from Globalization wherein it is used as a medium for

easy and fast communication despite of a long distance especially for those
people who have family members in abroad. Aside from that, information about
different countries including their culture, traditions and beliefs, people, and a lot
more is accessed easily. Countries became more open to others which paved
way for understanding and unity among them. Also, product and services of
other nations are more accessible and available. Trade and commerce between
countries opened which has made a great impact to the economy of various
countries. Increase in employment rate on different countries is also evident.

All advantages are associated with disadvantages. Globalization has made

the rich richer while making the non-rich poorer. As a third world country, this
situation is evident in us. Most Chinese businessmen who live here are more
successful and richer than most Filipinos. Some of them even abuse our
resources because of being so open and welcoming to them. This could serve
as a lesson for us, the younger generation that we should love our country more
and patronize our own products and services. Also, to those who are on the
other side of the world, they should not forget about their motherland and not let
the riches of the country that they moved to blind them.

My stand regarding this issue is that I am not against globalization as long as

it is executed well, and the welfare of the people is its priority. I will not deny the
fact that I greatly benefit from globalization especially that it has made life easier,
convenient, and efficient. Most of us rely on the innovation that has happened
over time, and this would not just benefit us but also the future generations.
Therefore, we should not let globalization consume us in such a way that we
abuse its power and cause destruction to ourselves, other people and
environment. Globalization should serve its purpose to humanity and for God’s

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