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Unit – III
States of matter
1.Matter that has a fixed shape is __________
2.The amount of space matter takes up is its __________
3.We can change the shape of some solids by _________
4.One example of _______ is air.
5.All matter takes up space and has __________
6._______ return to their old shape when you stop
applying a force.
7.________ keep their new shape when we stop applying
a force.
8._______do not change shape when we apply a force.
9.All matter has ________ and __________.
10.Find out the name of gas that is present in fizzy drinks.
11.Plastic beads are solids made from ___________.
12.The temperature at which a particular liquid freezes is
its ___________________.
13.Freezing point of water is __________.
14.Boiling point of water is _________.
15.Water vapour is ______________.
16.Which gas forms bubbles in boiling water?
17.When we heat water to a high enough temperature it
18.When water boils it changes to ____________.
19.What must we do to water to make it boil? ________
20.What is steam made from? ____________
21.When water vapour condenses , it becomes _______.
22.Boiling water does not get hotter than ________,
even if it boils for longer.
23.How quickly a liquid condenses is its _____________.
24.When water vapour in the air touches a cooler
surface, it condenses to form ___________________.
25.The colder the surface water vapour
Touches,____________ it condenses.
26.Water from clouds fall as _______________________.
27.The water on earth constantly moves around in a
process called the _______________.
28._____________ made discoveries about how gases
29.___________________ discovered air is not a single
gas mostly made up of nitrogen and oxygen.
30.When some solids with small particles mix with a
liquid, they ________.
31.When a solid dissolves in a liquid it forms a miture
called _________________.
32.Salt forms ____________ when it is mixed with water.
33.___________ is cloudy.
34.__________ forms a suspension when it is mixed with
35.When a solid is mixed with a liquid but does not
dissolve in it, a different kind of mixture forms. This is
called a ________________.
36.A solid that forms a suspension when it is mixed with
water is ____________.
37.The temperature at which water boils is its boiling
point .What do you think is tha boiling point of water?
38.Sugar dissolves faster in hot water than ___________.
39._____________ discovered that air is not a single gas.
Air is a mixture of gas.
40.____________ made discoveries about how materials
combine to form new materials.
41.Clouds forming is ___________.
42.The heat warms the water in the ocean. Some of the
water _______________.
43.When sugar dissolves in water. We say that water is a
____________ for sugar.
44.The Process of change from water to ice cube is
45 . Write the changes of state with example .
46 . You accidently dropped your favorite toy and broke
it . This is a change you did not want . Can this change be
reversed ?
47.Identify the given material as “Soluble” or “Insoluble”
in the given table.
Material Soluble or Insoluble
Sugar Eg : Soluble
Powder paint
Coffee grounds
Instant coffee
Laundry powder
Vitamin tablet
Brown sugar
Turmeric powder
48 . A piece of iron is heated till it becomes red-hot . It
then becomes soft and is beaten to a desired shape .
what kind of changes are observed in this process –
reversible or irreversible ?

49 . Fill in the gaps in these sentences about solids and

solutions . Use words from the drink .
When you add salt to a glass of water and stir , it
seems to disappear . What really happens is that the salt
____________ in the water . When this happens , you’ve
made a ___________ some examples of solutions are
________________ in your tea , and _________ in your
soap .
{ solution , salt , dissolves , sugar }
50 . Pick the change that can be reversed from the
following :
 Cutting the trees
 Burning of candle
 Melting of ghee
 Blooming of flower
51 . Which of the following cannot be reversed :
 Hardening of cement
 Freezing of ice cream
 Opening a door
 Melting of chocolate
52 . Paheli had bought a new bottle of pickle from the
market . She tried to open the metal cap to taste it but
could not do so . She then took a bowl of hot water and
immersed the upper end of the bottle in it for five
minutes . she could easily open the bottle now . Can you
give the reason for this .
53 . A bag of cement lying in the open gets wet due to
rain during the night . The next day the sun shines
brightly . Do you think the changes , which have occurred
in the cement , could be reversed ?

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