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Unit – 6

Material changes
1 . _______________ is a device that uses the process of evaporation
and condensation to produce clean fresh water .
2 . ________ of a solid is the temperature at which it melts .
3 . _______ of a liquid is the temperature at which it freezes.
4 . Melting and freezing are _________
5 . __________ is when a material changes state from solid to liquid .
6 . _______ is when a material changes from a liquid to solid .
7 . We can make a liquid freeze by __________.
8 . __________ can be used to separate some mixtures of solids and
liquids .
9 . The solid dissolves in a liquid froming a ___________
10. Rustling cause materials to __________
11 .The new material that is produced by the rustling process is_____.
12. Burning is an ___________ change .
13 . Scientists call an irreversible changes as _________
14 . Condensation is an reverse of __________
15 . A gas may condense when it comes into contact with a _______
16 . Evaporation and condensation are ___________ changes .
17. _______ is when a material changes state from a liquid to a gas .
18 . ___________ makes up everything we can see around us .
19 . ___________ is water that has had most of its impurities removed
through a process called distillation .
20 . _________ involves boiling the water and then condensing the stem
into a clean container .
21 . Baking bread is an example of __________
22 . Where has the dew come from ?
23 . Dew forming on grass is an example of which process ?
24 . The dew will evaporate to become which gas ?
25 . What factors will affect the speed at which the dew evaporates ?
26 . What is a matter ?
27 . What is a material ?
28 . What is a solution ?
29 . What will happen when we put a vitamin tablet in water ?
30 . Fill in the blanks :
 Salt + water  ___________

 Flour + water __________

 Vitamin tablet + water  ______

 Sugar + water  ___________

31 . What is solar still ?
32 . What is a solution ?
33. Copy and compete the given table :
Name of solid What the solid Prediction : will Result : did it
produces when it separate / not separate / not
mixed with separate when separate when
water ( solution , filtered ? filtered ?
suspension or
reaction )




Tea leaves




Baking soda

Vitamin tablet

Iron filling

34 .write the given change as reversible or irreversible for the following
 Frying mushrooms - _____________

 Tasting bread- _____________

 Baking a cake- _____________

 Softening butter- _____________

 Roasting potatoes- _____________

 Melting chocolate- _____________

 Boiling egg- _____________

 Melting margarine- _____________

 Mixing flour and water- _____________

35 . What is a suspension ?
36 .write about melting and melting point .
37 . What is evaporation ?
38 .What are the three things that burning depend on ?
39 . What is condensation ?
40 . What has to happen to a gas before it condenses ?
41 . At what temperature does evaporation takes place ?
42 . What happens during the process of condensation ?
43 . Write the process for making solar still .
44 . How to separate the given mixture by using separation method ?

Rice and flour Tea leaves and Salt and pepper


Sand and sugar Pebbles and foam

Sand and iron

Rice ,flour ,
paperclips , sugar
and sand

45 . Write states of matter for the given properties .

Properties States of matter

1 . can be poured Eg: liquid and gases

2 . Keep their shape

3 . Fill up spaces

4 . Take the shape of their


5 . Usually invisible

6 . Can be cut or shaped

7 . Move around

8 . It has shape

9 .It has volume

10 . It will melt when we heat it

46 . Joel is looking at how bicarbonate of soda reacts with different

liquids .what will happen when it reacting with water , lemon juice and
vinegar . Describe what happens when bicarbonate of soda is added to
three liquids .

47 . Read the given description of the material changes and identify

‘reversible ‘ or irreversible ‘ change .
Description Reversible or irreversible change

1 . Ice lollies freezing Eg: Reversible change

2 . An iron chain rusting

3 . A loaf of bread baking

4 . Chocolate melting

5 . fruit rotting

6 . Wood burning

7 . Boiling egg

8 . Mixing salt and water

9 . mixing sugar and water

10 . Baking bread

11 . melting of candle

48 . What happens to water if you heat it to a high enough temperature ?

Is this a reversible change ?
49.Copy and complete the given table as ( solution , suspension or
chemical reaction )
Solid What is produced when it is mixed with water ?
material ( Solution , suspension or chemical reaction )
Predictions observation
Salt Eg: salt solution Clear water of salt



Vitamin tablet

Brown sugar



Coffee powder

50 . Tick the sentence below that is true :

Melting a substance creates a solution

Dissolving a substance creates a solution

51 . Copy and compete the given table :

Reversible It happens when …. It can be reversed
change by….
1 . Freezing Eg : Liquid is cooled Heating the solid so
and becomes a solid that it turns back into a

2 . Melting

3. Evaporation

4 . Condensation

5 . Butter

6 . Ice cube

7 . candle wax

8 . Solid chocolate

9 . Boiling water

52 . Match up the words on the left with the correct descriptions on the
right :

Melting When a solid goes through a change of state

to become a liquid

53 .Dissolving
Use the data in the table toWhen
answer the questions
a solid belowa liquid
is mixed with : and
forms a solution .
Material Freezing point ( ˚ C )

Petrol - 50
Mercury - 39
Linseed oil - 20
Castor oil - 10
Water 0
Olive oil 3
Palm oil 24
Coconut oil 25

1 . Room temperature is about 22 ˚ C . Name three materials that are

liquid at room temperature .
2 . Name two materials that are solids at room temperature .
3 . Name three materials that will remain liquid in a household freezer .
4 . Name three materials that are liquids at room temperature but will
freeze in a household freezer .

54 . Fill in the blanks in these sentences by using the words solids or

liquids .
When you leave a solution of a liquid and a solid for a long

time , only the _________________ evaporates off . that means that

when all the ___________ has gone , there’s only the ___________ left .
55 . Arnold’s mixed up his salt and peas .put a tick next to the way to
separate them .
Put the solids in a sieve and shake it so all the peas fall
. through .

Put the solids in a sieve and shake it so all the salt falls
. through .

Put the solids through a funnel and collect them in the bowl .

Pick the salt out with a spoon .

56 .Circle the right words to finish off this sentences about solutions :
When a solid dissolves / explodes in water , it forms a solution /
purewater that might be clear or invisible / coloured , you can tell
when a solid has dissolved because you can / can’t see it in the liquid .
Solutions / mixtures made from solids and liquids can’t be separated
using filtration .

57 . How would you know if you’d successfully separated the sand and
stones from the water ?

Hint  Think about what the water should looklike .

58 . Circle the right words to finish off this paragraph about evaporation
When the water evaporates from a solution , the liquid / solid is left
behind . when the solid was put in the water , it dissolved / evaporated
by breaking up into tiny pieces . Water and tiny pieces of solid can form
a solution / gastogether , but they’re still two different things . The
pieces of solid can’t dissolve / evaporate , so they’re left behind when
the water evaporates .

59 . Write whether the changes below are reversible or irreversible . For

the ones that you think are reversible , write out how you could reverse
the change .

 Sugar mixed with water _______________

 Burning toast ___________________
 Ice melted in the sun ____________
 Bicarbonate of soda mixed with vinegar ____________
 Wood chips mixed with water ________________

60 . Light three different sized candles . Let the candles burn for an hour
them out . Draw pictures of each candle before and after .What ‘s
happened to the size of the candle ?What’s happened to the candle wax ?
61 . Circle the correct words in bold to describe what is happening while
burning :

The starting material in the picture is wood / ash .when the wood
burns/ freezes , a gas / liquid is produced . Smoke / magic is also
given off . When the wood has completely burnt , all that is left is ash
/flames . Burning wood is areversible / an irreversible change .

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