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Unit – 10


1. _________ is best example of a sour – tasting liquid .
2 . Jabir Ibn Haiyan was also known as ____________
3 . Arabic word meaning for alkali is ___________
4 . Acid will _________ our skin when we touch it .
5 . Acid that comes from orange and lemon is ___________
6 . Acid that comes from mammalian stomach is ___________
7 . Acid that comes from grapes is ____________
8 . _____________ is found in vinegar and is produced as wine becomes sour .
9 . The acids produced by plants and animals are known as ____________
10 . The oxygen reacts with ethanol and converts into ____________
11 . Sodium hydroxide solution and potassium hydroxide solution are examples
of __________
12. _______________ is also called as slaked lime .
13 . If gas passes through limewater it turns the limewater _________
14 . A ___________________________ of an alkali is corrosive and can burn
the skin
15 .______________ is purple but it turns red when it comes into contact with
an acid .
16 . Litmus paper used for testing for an alkali is __________
17 . When red litmus paper comes into contact with an alkali , it turns ______
18 . _______________ is pink in acid solution and yellow in alkaline solution
19 . __________________ is colourless in acid solution and pink in
alkaline solution .
20 . Write the acid that found in plants and animals .
Acids with plant origins Acids with animal origins

21 . ________________________ is present in ant stings and nettle stings .

22 . The first mineral acid to be discovered was _____________
23 . Nitric acid is used to separate __________________
24. The colour of the flowers can be used to assess the ____________ of the
soil .
25 . A strong acid has a pH of __________
26 . A weak acid has a pH of __________
27 . A weak alkali has a pH of _________
28 . A strong alkali has a pH of _________
29 . A solution with a pH of 7 is __________
30 . An electrical instrument called a ___________________ is used to
measure the pH of an acid .
31 . When an acid reacts with an alkali , a process called _____________
32 . Acid + alkali  ____________
33 . Hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide  _____________ + water
34 . Sulfuric acid + potassium hydroxide  ____________ + water
35 . A bee sting is acidic and may be neutralized by soap , which is an _______
36 . A wasp sting is alkaline and may be neutralized with vinegar , which is a
37 . ________________ is used in some of the tablets that are made to cure
indigestion .
38 . Write the uses of sodium bicarbonate .
39 . ___________________ contains a mixture of a solid acid and sodium
bicarbonate .
40 . The soda – acid fire extinguisher contains a bottle of sulfuric acid and a
solution of _________________
41 . Water vapour high in the air condenses on dust particles to form huge
numbers of _________________
42 . Fuels of coal and oil contain ____________
43 . ____________________ are also produced in the exhaust gases of cars and
trucks .
44 . ___________ drains into rivers and lakes and lowers the pH of the water .
45 . __________ leaches aluminum ions out of the soil .
46 . Rivers and lakes that have become acidic due to acid rain can be treated
with __________________
47 . Calcium hydroxide reacts with the acid in the water and makes it as
48 . _____________ can be used to prevent acid rain.
49 . When an acid reacts with an alkali a ___________________ takes place .
50 . ___________ can form naturally .

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