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Principles of Teaching connects his/her lessons with other subjects

thus making his/her approach

TEACHING APPROACH It is a set of principles, beliefs, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.
or ideas about the nature of learning which is  DISCIPLINAL APPROACH It limits the teacher
translated into the classroom. to discussing his/her lessons within the
TEACHING STRATEGY It is a long-term plan of action boundary of his/her subject.
designed to achieve a particular goal.  COLLABORATIVE APPROACH It will welcome
TEACHING METHOD It is a systematic way of doing group work, teamwork, partnerships, and
something. It implies an orderly logical arrangement group discussion.
of steps. It is more procedural.  INDIVIDUALISTIC APPROACH It wants the
TEACHING TECHNIQUE It is a well-defined procedure individual students to work by themselves.
used to accomplish a specific activity or task.  DIRECT TEACHING APPROACH The teacher
directly tells or shows or demonstrates what is
EXAMPLES OF TEACHING APPROACHES to be taught. (if there are rules)
 TEACHER-CENTERED APPROACH The teacher guides the learner to discover things for
is perceived to be the only reliable source of himself/herself. The teacher facilitates the
information in contrast to the learner- learning process by allowing the learner to be
centered approach. engaged in the learning process with his/her
 LEARNER-CENTERED APPROACH In which it guidance. (if there is judgement)
is premised on the belief that the learner is
also an important resource because he/she too Other teaching approaches cited in education
knows something and is therefore capable of literature are:
sharing something.
Subject matter gains primacy over that of the implies, teaching and learning are anchored on
learner. research findings.
approach, only the teacher’s voice is heard. process itself takes into account not only the
He/she is the sole dispenser of information. academic needs of the learners, but also their
 INTERACTIVE APPROACH In this approach, an emotional, creative, psychological, spiritual,
interactive classroom will have more student and developmental needs.
talk and less teacher talk. Students are given  METACOGNITIVE APPROACH The teaching
the opportunity to interact with teacher and process brings the learner to the process of
with other students. thinking about thinking. The learner reflects
 CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH The students on what he learned and on his/her ways of
are expected to construct knowledge and learning.
meaning out for what they are taught by  PROBLEM-BASED APPROACH As the name
connecting them to prior experience. implies, the teaching- learning process is
 BANKING APPROACH The teacher deposits focused on problems. Time is spent on
knowledge into the “empty” minds of students analyzing and solving problems.
for students to commit to memory.
 INTEGRATED APPROACH It makes the teacher In summary, approaches vary in the degree of
connects what he/she teaches to other lessons teacher and learner engagement, focus, number of
of the same subject (intradisciplinary) or
learners involved in the teaching-learning process as Examples of formative assessments include asking
shown in the diagram below: students to: • draw a concept map in class to
Engagement Teacher Learner Focus Subject represent their understanding of a topic • submit one
Matter Learner Number Individual Group or two sentences identifying the main point of a
lecture • turn in a research proposal for early
is aimed at helping students acquire procedural strategy is teacher-directed. 2. The emphasis is on the
knowledge exercised in the performance of some teaching of skill. Each step must be mastered, hence
task. Procedural knowledge refers to skills needed in the students gain “how” rather than “what”. It is
the performance of a task. termed procedural knowledge. 3. Taught in a step-by-
16. Steps of the Direct or Lecture Method To employ step fashion, it ensures the learning of the entire
the methodology in teaching skill/s, follow these procedure with no step missed.
steps: a) Provide the rationale, b) Demonstrate the 22. 4. Lesson objectives include easily observed
skill, c) Provide guided practice until mastery, d) behaviors that can be measured accurately. 5. This is
Check for understanding and provide feedback, e) a form of learning through imitation, sometimes
Provide extended practice and transfer, and f) Assess termed “behavioral modeling”. 6. This can also be
learning at the end. (This is what we call summative used to teach facts, principles, and laws.
17. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT The goal of summative SKILL 1. The students must be given ample time for
assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end practice. 2. They must be included in the planning
of an instructional unit by comparing it against some stage since this technique is highly task-oriented and
standard or benchmark. Summative assessments are aimed at mastery of every step. The lesson objectives
often high stakes, which means that they have a high are student-based. 3. Describe the testing situation
point value. Examples of summative assessments and specify the level of performance expected.
include: • a midterm exam • a final project • a paper 24. 4. Divide complex skills and understanding into
18. If you teach facts, principles, or laws, your steps subskills or into its component steps so they can be
are similar with those of teaching a skill. a) Give a taught easily and with precision. 5. Design own
short introduction by providing the rationale, b) strategy in teaching each skill which will eventually
Present your lesson, c) Develop the lesson by contribute to the learning of the entire skill. 6. Before
explaining, illustrating, it with diagrams if the demonstration, carefully rehearse all steps. The
appropriate and/or giving concrete examples, d) Give steps should be observed and followed.
application of the lesson, and e) Check for 25. 7. Assign practice for short periods of time, then
understanding and provide feedback. (This is what continue learning by imitating others. 8. Provide
we call formative assessment.) feedback and encouragement through praises.
19. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT The goal of formative Positively motivated, the students will never get tired
assessment is to monitor student learning to provide practicing. 9. Be able to construct good performance-
ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to based tests.
improve their teaching and by students to improve 26. Teaching Declarative Knowledge – Facts,
their learning. More specifically, formative Principles and Laws1. Be sure the facts, principles,
assessments: • help students identify their strengths and laws are correctly, clearly, and adequately
and weaknesses and target areas that need work • explained. 2. Use visual aids to concretize abstract
help faculty recognize where students are struggling principles and laws. 3. Illustrate laws and principles
and address problems immediately. with concrete examples. 4. Present facts meaningfully
20. Formative assessments are generally low stakes, by citing their significance and by connecting them
which means that they have low or no point value. with everyday life.
27. 2.) DEMONSTRATION METHOD As the name cooperatively undertaken by the whole class. 5.
implies, in the demonstration method the teacher or Assess learning by way of a short test, an oral
an assigned student or group shows how a process is evaluation or a performance test.
done while the students become observers. The 33. ADVANTAGES 1. The demonstration method
demonstrator is knowledgeable in preparing the follows a systematic procedure. 2. The use of
apparatus needed according to the steps to be expensive equipment and machines will be
followed. The rest of the class becomes focused on the maximized. 3. Possible wastage of time, effort and
activity and concentration on the subject is assured. resources will be avoided since the demonstration is
28. GUIDELINES FOR ITS EFFECTIVE USE BEFORE 1. supposed to be well- planned in advance.
The demonstrator/s must be well-selected. 34. 4. It will not result to trial and error learning as
He/she/they must be skilled in operating modern what happens with unplanned learning activities. 5.
equipment and proficient in undertaking scientific The findings are reliable and accurate since the
investigations. 2. When planning the activities make procedure has bee tried before. 6. The value of
sure that the materials are easily available. Likewise, confidence is developed among the demonstrators for
get prepared with possible substitutes. such hands-on demonstration. 7. Curiosity and keen
29. 3. Get ready with the equipment and tools to be observing ability are instilled among the observers.
used. Demonstration should be scheduled as to day 35. INDIRECT/GUIDED / EXPLORATORY
and class period. 4. The demonstrator must try the APPROACHIndirect instruction method is best used
activity several times before the real demonstrations when the learning process is inquiry-based, the result
for a smooth sequencing of the steps as well as is discovery and the learning context is a problem.
accuracy of the result. 5. The observers must be This can come as 1) Inquiry method/discovery
prepared and motivated to ensure concentration method 2) Problem solving method 3) Project
throughout the activity. method
30. 6. The demonstrator must be ready with on- the- 36. 1) INQUIRY METHOD We will never be able to
spot revision/s such as alternative steps or substitute help children learn if we tell them everything they
materials when needed. 7. Arrange the observers need to know. Rather, we must provide them with
around the demonstration area or at a distance where opportunities to explore, inquire and discover new
they will be able to observe fully what is going on. 8. learning. The core of inquiry is a spontaneous and a
Depending on the kind of demonstration to be self-directed exploration.
undertaken, pointers or questions may be given to 37. STEPS IN THE INQUIRY METHOD 1. Define the
focus students’ attention and avoid irrelevant topic or introduce the question. 2. Guide students
observations. plan where and how to gather data and information.
31. DURING 1. The place must be quiet in order to 3. Students present findings through graph, charts,
sustain the observers’ attention and interest during PowerPoint presentation, models, and writing.
the activity. 2. Extreme care must be taken in 38. INSTRUCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS The
performing some delicate steps. 3. The activity must following are commonly observed characteristics of
not be interrupted by unnecessary announcements or the discovery/inquiry method: 1. Investigative
noise in the surroundings. 4. They are allowed to take processes such as inferring, hypothesizing,
down short notes or record some data which may be measuring, predicting, classifying, analyzing, and
analyzed after. experimenting, formulating conclusions and
32. AFTER 1. Allow some questions which bothered generalizations are employed. 2. The procedure in
them during the demonstration. 2. An examination of gathering information is not prescribed by the
the observed data and all information recorded teachers.
follows. 3. Have an analysis of trends, patterns or 39. 3. The children are highly motivated to search,
uniform occurrences that can help in arriving at a hence active participation is the best indicator of
conclusion. 4. The solution or summary must be inquisitiveness. 4. The answers arrived at are genuine
products of their own efforts. 5. Focused questions Formulating hypothesis 3. Testing the likely
before, during and after are critical ingredients that hypothesis 4. Analysis, interpretation and evaluation
provide direction and sustain action. of evidence 5. Formulating conclusion
40. OUTCOMES OF INQUIRY TEACHING 1. Its 45. ADVANTAGES 1. This method is most effective in
emphasis is on the processes of gathering and developing skill in employing the science processes.
processing of information 2. Its dependence on 2. The scientific method can likewise be used
firsthand experience with objects and phenomena effectively in other non-science objects. 3. The
occurring in the environment is certainly in student’s active involvement resulting in meaningful
agreement with the most often cited theory of Piaget experiences serves as a strong motivation to follow
on intellectual development. 3. The inquiry approach the scientific procedure in future undertakings. 4.
which predominantly allows some degree of freedom Problem solving develops higher level thinking skills.
develops initiative and divergent thinking. 46. 5. A keen sense of responsibility, originality and
41. 4. A deep sense of responsibility is developed resourcefulness are developed, which are much
when learners are left to manage their own learning, needed ingredients for independent study. 6. The
be it in pursuit of answers, mastery of content or students become appreciative and grateful for the
simply solving a problem that confronts them achievement of scientists. 7. Critical thinking, open-
instantly. 5. Educators strongly believes that facts and mindedness and wise judgment are among scientific
concepts that learners discover by themselves attitudes and values inculcated through competence
become stored as part of their permanent learning. 6. in the scientific method. 8. The student learn to accept
Experiencing success in inquiry- based/discovery the opinions and evidence shared by others.
lessons builds up the learners’ feeling of confidence. 47. GUIDELINES FOR ITS EFFECTIVE USE 1. Provide
7. Participation in inquiry activities strengthens sufficient training in defining and stating the problem
learners’ intellectual capabilities. in a clear and concise manner. 2. Make sure that the
42. HOW TO FACILITATE INQUIRY TEACHING 1. problem to be solved fits the age, interests and the
Arrange for an ideal room setting. 2. Choose tools and skills of the students. 3. Group the students and allow
equipment that can easily be manipulated. 3. The each one to share in the tasks to be performed. 4.
materials to be used or examine must lend Guide them at every step by asking leading questions
themselves easily to the processes to be employed in case of snags.
and the end product desired. 4. The 48. 5. Get ready with substitutions for materials
questions/problems to be answered should originate which may not be available. 6. The emphasis is on the
from the learners, followed by the formulation of procedure and the processes employed rather than
hypothesis. on the products. 7. The development of skills and
43. 5. The procedure should likewise be planned by attitudes takes priority over knowledge. 8. Involve
them. 6. At the completion of the activity, require an the students in determining the criteria with which
evaluation of the steps undertaken as to its they will be evaluated.
effectiveness and the clarity of the results. 7. Above
all, the teacher himself/herself should internalize
his/her changed role to that of a guide, facilitator, and
counselor rather than the traditional authority who  BANKING APPROACH The teacher deposits
not only determines the material to be learned but knowledge into the “empty” minds of students
also dictates how it should be learned. for students to commit to memory.
is a teaching strategy that employs the scientific guides the learner to discover things for
method in searching for information. The five basic himself/herself. The teacher facilitates the
steps of scientific method or investigatory process learning process by allowing the learner to be
are: 1. Sensing and defining the problem 2.
engaged in the learning process with his/her

 Describe and explain the steps of lecture

method or direct method, the steps in inquiry
method and steps in problem-solving method.

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