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Credits Special Thanks

Bob “ Sanity Keeper” Poteete, for doing just what it says on

the tin.
Writer: Rachel Judd Hugo “Civilization was a Mistake” Guzman, for helping
with the original set of questions.
Maire “Jyhad Princess” Bourke, for lending a decidedly
Toreador bent to the game!

And to everyone who has played these games and given


For the love of the game!

© 2018 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The
Masquerade®, World of Darkness®, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™
are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All
rights reserved.
For additional information on White Wolf and the World of Darkness, please, visit:, and

Introduction 1
2 Mind’s Eye Theatre: Elysium Games
Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A Game of Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A Game of Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Mind’s Eye Theatre: Elysium Games

Going so soon? I wouldn’t hear of it.Why, my little party’s just beginning.

— The Wicked Witch of the West, The Wizard of Oz

Elysium Games matters (such as how to respond to the intelligence the

away team brought back)..
Hello and welcome!
While those on the away mission, or in the council
What you have just purchased is a pair of games, meeting, had quite a lot to do; the characters who
intended to be played In Character at an Elysium remained behind, or were not court officers, were fre-
gathering, salon, or similar setting. quently left at loose ends. Certainly, proactive players
They were designed with the Camarilla setting in were able to accomplish some of their goals (assuming
mind, but certainly Anarchs or the Independent Alli- those goals did not involve an unavailable character,
ance would find these entertaining as well (I imagine which did happen).
they would be quite interesting if played at a Sabbat However, if the away mission and/or council meeting
game; but I don’t really see the Sabbat as sitting still took too long, players, despite their most sincere effort,
long enough to get in more than a single round or two. struggled to stay In Character. Without a prompt to
Your troupe may vary!) inspire roleplay, they fell Out of Character.
I created these games when I noticed a particular pat- As I pondered how to fix this, it occurred to me that
tern in the games I regularly attended. even the most self-driven player will run out of steam
Frequently, during an event, some potential threat during a lull. What was needed was a way to gently
to the domain would make itself known. The Sheriff coax players back into immersion. The system couldn’t
would round up a posse, and the group would go on be dependent on the Storyteller, as they were frequent-
an ‘away mission’ to investigate (with the Storyteller ly running the away mission. Ideally, it would allow
there to narrate and adjudicate). neonates, ancilla and elders to all participate; and
uphold the core themes of the Masquerade setting.
Alternatively (or perhaps concurrently), the court
officers would lock themselves away in a Primogen And so I developed these two ‘vampire parlor games.’
Council meeting as they wrangled important political

6 Mind’s Eye Theatre: Elysium Games

A Game of Questions, on a meta level, encourages
players to think deeply about their character’s histo-
ry, drives and fears. An alternate title for the game, The games have been designed to be printed out; you
though, might as well be Reveal Your Personal Secrets won’t be able to play directly from this file.
To Others. Characters can, of course, choose not to To assemble these games, you’ll need:
answer... at the cost of Prestation.
• A printer
A Game of Philosophy deals with deeper questions,
• A few sheets of heavy paper (something in between
about being a vampire on spiritual and ethical levels.
cardstock and letter paper should do nicely)
Of course, the way some of the questions are framed,
the alternate title for this game could be Bait Another • A pair of sharp scissors
Vampire Into Heresy. As with the first game, characters • A spool or two of thin ribbon or cord (1/4 to 1/16 an
can again refuse to answer; if they are willing to pay for inch wide)
the privilege. • Two bud vases (or other small containers; drawstring
bags will work just fine)
These are dangerous games, in the way that Vampire:
the Masquerade is supposed to be dangerous. • Two 5 x 7- picture frames.
Apart from the printer, you should be able to find ev-
Harpies, Keepers and Princes alike may find these
erything at your local craft store (tip! Many craft stores
games quite useful! I left some vagueness in the rules
frequently have sales, or offer coupons to customers
on purpose. Decide as you wish what the answers for
who subscribe to their mailing list).
your own troupe or chapter are.
Print out one or both of these games, along with the
Personally, I recommend not allowing people to watch
rules (two copies of each game seem to work out best,
without playing. The information conveyed by an-
but your mileage may vary depending on the size of
swering questions can be quite valuable; and no one
your troupe).
should be able to learn the answers without having
their own stake in the game. Cut out each question, roll into a tiny scroll, and tie
closed with ribbon or cord. Put each set into the prop-
To that end, when you are setting up the games,
er container (mark the containers so you know which
choose a table relatively away from the main play
one holds which game).
space; you’ll want to cut down on the potential for
others to eavesdrop! Cut out the rules (pages 9 and14), and put them in
the picture frames.
If a Harpy or Talon isn’t available, make sure that
people are either keeping track of their own boons, or Bring the games to your next event and play!
a trustworhty scribe is present and willing to record

Introduction 7
A Game of Questions
The player draws a question, and reads it aloud. The question
must be answered completely and honestly.

If the player declines to answer, he or she owes everyone

currently at the table a Trivial Boon.

If the player is caught in a lie, he or she owes everyone

currently at the table a Minor Boon.

Players may leave the table at any time, except to avoid

answering a question.

A player may decline to answer a question he or she has

already answered without owing a boon; regardless as to
whether current players heard the answer. The player then
draws a new question.

Newly arriving players go first.

h Who or what do you love? What have you done
recently to support your assertion? g

h Where do you believe vampires come from? g

h What are you holding onto that you really should be

letting go of? g

h We all fear fire, sunlight, the loss of control, ultimate

destruction. Apart from our common fears, what are you
most afraid of? g

h How do you prefer to feed? g

h Are you grateful for your Embrace? Why? g

h Describe the circumstances of the occasion wherein

you last wept. g

h If you were not the clan you are, which would you
prefer to be a member of? g

h What were the circumstances of the last time, feeding

excepted, in which you felt truly intimate with another
person? g
h What law would you break if you knew you could get
away with it? g

h To what degree have you been in control of the course

your life has taken? g

h What taboo would you break if you knew you could

get away with it? g

h Describe a time you encountered a supernatural

creature other than Kindred or ghouls. g

h If you were not the clan you are, which would you
prefer to be a member of? You may not select a clan
traditionally a member of the Camarilla. g

h Would you rather be feared, admired, loved or

trusted? Why? g

h Are you living up to your sire’s expectations of you?

What of your mortal parents? Would they be proud of the
person you are now? g

h Describe the tenets of your faith or belief system. g

h When was the last time you walked into darkness and
danger, supported only by your belief in something larger
than yourself? g

h What’s the worst mistake you ever made? g

h How did you feel the first time you killed? g

h What were the circumstances of the last time you truly

lost control? g

h What would you die to protect? g

h Name one Kindred of the Domain, not a court officer,

who is your superior. g

h Are you afraid of the dark? Why or why not? g

h Describe your feelings for your sire. g

h What makes you better (or worse) than the kine? g

h Name one Kindred who is your equal. g

h What do you blame on the Beast which you know
that you are ultimately personally responsible for? g

h When in the recent past, apart from feeding, have you

felt the most passionate and alive? g

h Have you been a loyal and trustworthy ally? g

h Choose either the person to your right or your left

(not a clanmate). Describe how your existence would be
different had you been Embraced into their clan. If you
have clanmates on either side, choose another player. g

h Name one Kindred of the Domain, not of your clan,

who is your inferior. g

h How has your personal identity changed in the years

since your Embrace? g

h What mortal trend are you glad to see gone? g

h What historical event do you wish you could have

witnessed? Why that one? g

h Who do you miss the most? g

A Game of Philosophy

Draw a question from the jar.


Everyone at the table must make at least
one attempt to answer the question, or
owe all other players at the table a Trivial

If a duplicate question is drawn, players,
may, by common consensus, draw again
without discussion.

Players may leave the table at any time,
except to avoid answering a question.
v Apart from saving a life, when is breaking the law
ever justified? v

v Can we ever truly be secure? v

v Under what circumstances may killing be of spiritual

benefit? v

v What are our ethical obligations to kine? v

v Is a relationship of true equals ever possible between

Kindred? v

v Is a society more functional when its leaders are

feared, loved or trusted? v

v What is the value and importance of art in Kindred

life and society? v

v Is it more important to be guided by Faith or by

Knowledge? v

v Is it possible to know (or learn) pure Truth without

first challenging it? v
v Which desires drive Kindred behavior the most:
those of the body, the mind or the soul? v

v Is it more ethical to do as little harm as possible by

feeding infrequently; or do we make a better choice by
ensuring we stay well-fed and thereby avoid the risk of
losing control? v

v Are we chosen by our sires because of our inherent

qualities which make us specially suited for our clans; or
are we unavoidably shaped post-Embrace by the blood
we’ve been granted? v

v Are there rights which all Kindred possess by virtue

of their Embrace? v

v If one has begun to lose control of one’s Humane self,

does searching out a Path of Enlightenment become a
moral imperative? v

v What is true strength? v

v Are we, as either mortals or Kindred, ever really

capable of loving another? v
v Is God (as you understand God) the source of all
Morality and Ethics? v

v Is the Beast a real aspect of our spirit, or is merely a

convenient excuse we agree on to cover for our own bad
behavior? v

v Are we doomed to adhere to Fate; or do we have

control over our destinies? Which thought do you find
more terrifying? v

v Do Kindred have a moral imperative to block, or at

least delay, mortal advances in technology? v

v Which mortal proscriptions - such as those against

blasphemy or fornication - no longer apply to Kindred? v

v Is it more important to be moral or ethical? v

v Does objective good exist? v

v What is the difference, if any, between insanity and

creativity? v
v Ours is a world of blood and fear, but also one of
unimaginable beauty and wonder. Knowing this, could
you ever Embrace someone you truly loved? v

v What was a better way to structure Kindred society;

Carthage or the Dream of Constantinople? v

v What is the true nature of beauty? v

v Can the Embrace ever be chosen freely? v

v Does objective evil exist? v

v Can we ever truly be free? v

v What makes a Kindred honorable in the eyes of her

peers? v

v How extensively should Kindred make a study of

their own history or geneaology? v

v What responsibility do Kindred have to guide and

shape the development of mortal institutions? Have we
done a sufficient job so far? v

v What is forbidden? v
Thanks for Reading!
I hope this small contribution helps your game.
Many thanks to everyone at White Wolf who made the
Storyteller’s Vault possible.

And profound thanks to every Storyteller, Narrator and game staff;

who all work hard to help create memorable stories.

If you want to follow me and be made aware of new works put in the Vault (or
tell me how your games went!), I can be reached by e-mail at; or on Twitter @Stolen_Fire.

Don’t forget to check out

Rose City by Night, a guide to the vampires of Portland;
and Grace of the Damned, a guide to etiquette among the undead.

You can also find my writing about LARP on Amazon.

18 Mind’s Eye Theatre: Elysium Games

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