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Learn and Talk I – Lesson 45 ©

2016 Acadsoc Limited

Learn and Talk I – Lesson 45 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*If the student knows ALL the vocabularies below, please look for some extra ones.

1. Comics /ˈkɑːmɪks/ [n]

a magazine that contains stories told in pictures

2. Character /ˈkerəktɚ/ [noun]

a person who appears in a story, book, play, movie, or television show

3. Anime /ˈænəmeɪ/ [noun]

a style of animation that was created in Japan and that uses colorful images, strong characters, and
stories that have a lot of action

4. Villain /ˈvɪlən/ [noun]

a character in a story, movie, etc., who does bad things

5. Superhero /ˈsuːpɚˌhɪroʊ/ [noun]

a fictional character who has amazing powers
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 45 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Sentence Structure
*Introduce the student the sentence structures listed below.

Question: Who is your favorite superhero?

Possible Answer: Superman is my all-time favorite!
Wonder Woman is always the best!
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 45 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*Always elaborate from the student’s answers in order to build an INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION. If the student doesn’t like the questions below,
please construct some extra questions related to the topic. (DO NOT GO OVER ALL THE QUESTIONS)

1. Do you like comics? Can you name a few comics that you read and tell what they are about? In
comparison to other countries, how different are the comic books from China?

2. How often do you read comics? What can you learn from comics? What is more important to
you, the story or the images?

3. What type of comics appeals to girls? What types of comics appeal to boys?

4. Have you watched any anime? What qualities do you need to be a superhero? Who is the most
popular superhero in your country?

5. Who is the worst comic book character? When you read comics, who is more interesting, the
hero or the villain? Who is your favorite villain?
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 45 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Further Reading

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