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1. What are the six practices of leadership discussed in the video?

Six E's

1. Envision- great leaders envision a compelling and different vibrant future than what is
here now. They have an alternative, clear view of what the world could've been like
2. Enlist- as you are developing this vision you are listing the other people to share their
voices, their perspective and desires for where you could be going. People support what
you create.
3. Embodying the message- leaders stand for something. There's a congruence
between who they are, their behaviors, how they treat people, and what they're working
towards. Also, what they say is important.
4. Empowering people- leaders give people the decision-making authority and the trust
to be able to work towards this vision
5. Evaluate- The hardest thing that leaders do in all of the leadership is to evaluate the
key people who are with them, their contributions, their skills, needs, and ethics that are
going into the organization. 
6. Encourage- to be the champion. Leaders always motivate, inspire and uplift on a
continuous basis.

2. Which of the six practices of leadership do you think is the most important and why?

In my view, the most important leadership practice of the six mentioned is to envision the
future because you cannot build an organization without a vision. You must from the
beginning have goals that you will reach when you have members who will help you then
reach them. Because if a leader does not have a vision, there will be no motivation that will
move him to accomplish the objectives, also here begins the connection between the leader
and members with the same goal within the organization. Once you have developed a vision
you can do the five remaining leadership practices to make your team successful.

3. Which of these practices have you been a part of in the past? Explain

My previous leadership practices are Envision, Empowering, and Evaluate. When I

became the leader of the group in class, my first thought was what I envisioned to happen in
the future, what were the goals of the group because everything would be chaotic if there
was no clear purpose. I have also tried to empower my group before that I let them choose
the task on what they want to do so that they do not have difficulty and they can do the tasks
on time and I have full confidence that they can do that. As a leader, you need to be positive
about everything. The last is to evaluate when I am the leader. I carefully evaluate the
members and their contributions so that I can see what the problems will be when we are
faced with an unexpected situation. I know it's hard to do but it's necessary so that we don't
deviate towards the group's goal.

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