Section 6 Power Management (Chapter 76)

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(Chapter 76)
© IAE International Aero Engines AG 2000
IAE V2500 Line and Base Maintenance Power Management

Power Management
The power management system is designed to allow the
control of engine power by either manual or auto throttle
The aircraft throttle is located in the flight deck. This is in
reference to the TLA resolvers.
The EEC is engine intermediate case mounted. This is in
reference to the TRA signal that is derived from TLA.
The throttle control lever (Thrust Lever) is based on the
"fixed throttle" concept; there is no motorised movement of
the throttle levers.
Each throttle control lever drives dual throttle resolvers;
each resolver output is dedicated to one EEC channel.
The throttle lever angle (TLA) is the input to the resolver.
The resolver output, which is fed to the EEC, is known as
the Throttle Resolver Angle (TRA).
The relationship between the throttle lever angle and the
throttle resolver angle is linear therefore:
1 deg TLA = 1.9 deg TRA

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Throttle Control Lever Mechanism

The throttle control mechanism for one engine is shown
The control system consists of:
• The throttle control lever.
• The mechanical box.
• The throttle control unit.
The throttle control lever movement is transmitted through
a rod to the mechanical box. The mechanical box
incorporates 'soft' detents, which provides selected engine
ratings, it also provides "artificial feel" for the throttle
control system.
A second rod to the throttle control unit transmits the
output from the mechanical box. The throttle control unit
incorporates two resolvers and six potentiometers.
Each resolver is dedicated to one EEC channel; the output
from the potentiometers provides T.L.A. signals to the
aircraft flight management computers.
A rig pin position is provided on the throttle control unit for
rigging the resolvers and potentiometers.

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Bump Rating Push Button (A1 Engined Aircraft only)

In some cases (optional) the throttle control levers are Flexible Takeoff (A1 & A5 Engine Aircraft)
provided with "Bump" rating push buttons, one per engine. Definition of Flexible Takeoff:
This enables the EEC to be re-rated to provide additional
thrust capability for use during specific aircraft operations. In many instances, the aircraft takes off with a weight
lower than the maximum permissible takeoff weight. When
Note: this happens, it can meet the required performance with a
Bump Ratings can be selected, regardless of TLA only in decreased thrust that is adapted to the weight: This is
EPR mode when aircraft is on ground. called ‘Flexible Takeoff’ and the thrust is called ‘Flexible
Takeoff Thrust’. The use of Flexible Takeoff Thrust saves
Bump Ratings can be de-selected at any time by actuating
engine life.
the bump rating push button, as long as the aircraft is on
the ground and the Thrust Lever is not in the Max Take-Off The maximum permissible takeoff weight decreases as
detent. temperature increases, so it is possible to assume a
temperature at which the actual takeoff weight would be
In flight, the bump ratings are fully removed when the
the limiting one. This temperature is called ‘Flexible
Thrust Lever is moved from the Take-Off detent to or
Temperature’ or ‘Assumed Temperature’ and is entered
below the Max Continuous detent.
into the FADEC via the MCDU PERF TO page in order to
The Bump Rating is available in flight (EPR or N1 mode) get the adapted thrust.
under the following conditions:
Note! If the thrust ‘Bump’ is armed for takeoff and flexible
• Bump Rating is initially selected on ground. thrust is used, the pilot must use the Takeoff Performance
• Take-Off, Go Around TOGA Thrust position set. determined for the non-increased takeoff thrust (without
• Aircraft is within the Take-Off envelope.
• Thrust must not be reduced by more than 25% of the
When Bump Rating is selected a ‘B’ appears next to the full rated thrust.
associated EPR display. Use of Bump must be recorded.
When one Bump button is selected, both engines will be at
the "Bump Rated" value.
Pressing Bump again deselects Bump Rating.

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IAE V2500 Line and Base Maintenance Power Management

Throttle Control Lever Mechanism Thrust Rating Limit

The throttle control lever moves over a range of 65 Thrust rating limit is computed according to the thrust lever
degrees, from minus 20 degrees to plus 45 degrees. An position. If the thrust lever is set in a detent the FADEC will
intermediate retractable mechanical stop is provided at 0 select the rating limit corresponding to this detent.
degrees. If the thrust lever is set between two detents the FADEC
Forward Thrust Range will select the rating limit corresponding to the higher
The forward thrust range is from 0 degrees to plus 45
• 0 degrees = forward idle power.
• 45 degrees = rated take off power.
Two detents are provided in this range:
• Max climb (MCLB) at 25 degrees.
• Max continuous (MCT)/flexible (de-rated) take off power
(FLTO) at 35 degrees.
Reverse Thrust Range
Lifting the reverse latching lever allows the throttle to
operate in the range 0 degrees to minus 20 degrees. A
detent at minus 6 degrees corresponds to thrust reverse
deploy commanded and reverse idle power, minus 20
degrees is max reverse power.
Auto Thrust System (ATS)
The Auto Thrust System can only be engaged between 0
degrees and plus 35 degrees. Two engine operation 0
degrees and Max Climb 25 degrees. One engine operation
0 degrees and Max Cont 35 degrees.

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EEC/Fuel System Interface

To allow the throttle signal from the flight deck to be
received by the EEC. The EEC will convert this signal into
a fuel flow error in order to change the fuel flow for a
power level change.
Movement of the pilots throttle control lever is sensed by
the dual resolvers, which signal the TRA to the EEC.
The EEC computes the fuel flow, which will produce the
required thrust.
The computed fuel flow request is converted to an
electrical current (I) which drives the torque motor in the
Fuel Metering Unit (FMU) which modulates fuel servo
pressure to move the Fuel Metering Valve (FMV) and sets
the fuel flow.
A dual resolver senses movement of the FMV, which is
located in the fuel metering unit next to the FMV.
The dual resolver translates the fuel metering valve
movement into an electrical feedback signal that is fed
back to the EEC.

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Basic Control Loop N1 Reversion

The EEC uses closed loop control based on Engine In case of no EPR (either sensed or computed) available,
Pressure Ratio (EPR) or, N1 if EPR is unobtainable. an automatic reversion to N1 mode is provided.
EPR Closed Loop Control
The EEC computes a Target EPR as a function of:
• TRA (Throttle Resolver Angle).
• T amb (Ambient temperature).
• T2 (Engine air inlet temperature).
• Alt (Altitude).
• Mn (Mach Number).
The EPR target is compared to the actual EPR to
determine the EPR error.
The EPR error is converted to a rate controlled fuel flow
command (WF), which is summed with the measured fuel
flow (WF actual) to produce the WF error.
The W.F. error is converted to a current (I), which is sent
to the FMU to drive the torque motor; this moves the FMV
to change the fuel flow. The change in fuel flow causes the
engine to accelerate/decelerate and brings about a
change in actual EPR.
This process continues until there is no EPR error.
The EEC controls the rate of change of fuel flow, and thus
acceleration/deceleration times, as a function of the rate of
change of HP Compressor Speed (N2).

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Alternate Engine Control .

N1 Reversion
At the reversion to N1 mode (rated or unrated) an
equivalent thrust to that achieved in EPR mode is provided
until a thrust lever position change.
Autothrust control is lost.
Rated N1 Mode
An automatic reversion to rated N1 mode occurs if sensed
EPR. (Either P2 or P4.9) or any of the computed EPR
parameters are not available.
A manual selection of N1 mode on the push buttons on the
overhead panel selects rated N1 mode. (Note! The pilot is
instructed to select N1 rated thrust on both engines).
The N1 mode indication is displayed in blue on the upper
ECAM. Also displayed, is the N1 rating limit corresponding
to the thrust lever position.
This is not displayed in unrated N1 mode.

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Unrated N1 Mode
Alternate Engine Control If in addition to losing EPR parameters either T2 or Altitude
N1 Reversion data is lost, then the EEC automatically reverts to unrated N1
thrust setting.
At the reversion to N1 mode (rated or unrated) an equivalent
thrust to that achieved in EPR mode is provided until a thrust The unrated N1 thrust setting requires the thrust to be set
lever position change. manually to an N1 speed. An over boost situation can occur in
this mode at the full forward thrust lever position.
With both engines now selected to N1 rated thrust control,
they will now be controlled to provide the required thrust levels The N1 mode indication previously displayed in blue on the
dictated by thrust lever physical position. upper ECAM is no longer displayed in unrated N1 mode.
As N1 mode is selected on both engines, the EPR indication Note:
of both engines is not available on the upper ECAM screen. This mode is a ‘non-dispatchable mode’.

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Thrust Modes Memo Mode

The engine operates in one of three thrust modes: The memo mode is entered automatically, from Auto mode if;
• Auto. • The EPR target is invalid.
• Memo. • One of the instinctive disconnect buttons on the throttle is
• Manual.
• Auto thrust is disconnected by the EIU.
Entering, exiting these three modes is controlled by inputs to
the Engine Interface Unit (EIU) In the ‘Memo’ mode the thrust is 'frozen', to the last actual
EPR value and will remain frozen until the throttle lever is
Auto Thrust Mode
moved manually, or, auto thrust is reset.
The auto thrust mode is only available between idle and MCT
when the aircraft is in flight. Manual Thrust Mode
This mode is entered anytime the conditions for AUTO or
After take off the throttle is pulled back to the max climb
MEMO are not present. In this mode thrust is a function of
position, the auto-thrust system will be active and the
throttle lever position.
Automatic Flight system will provide an EPR target to provide
either: -
• Max climb thrust.
• An optimum thrust.
• A minimum thrust.
• An aircraft speed (Mach number) in association with the

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Alpha Floor Protection

If an aircraft stall is imminent, the ‘Auto Thrust System’ sets
the engine power to maximum, regardless of actual throttle
position. The thrust level that ‘Alpha Floor Protection’ provides
is that equivalent to maximum EPR level at TOGA.
The conditions requiring ‘Alpha Floor Protection’ to be invoked
are extremely rare, due to the circumstances which require its

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Thrust Modes
Manual Mode After Takeoff
The engines are in the manual mode provided the A/THR − The pilot can change from the FLX to MCT by moving the
function is: thrust lever to the Take Off Go Around (TOGA) or Climb
(CL) detent, then back to MCT. After that, they cannot use
• Not armed or
the FLX rating.
• Armed and not active (Thrust lever not in the operating
Note! Setting the thrust lever out of the FLX/MCT detent
range and no alpha floor).
without reaching the TOGA or CL detent has no effect.
In these conditions each engine is controlled by position of its
The pilot can always demand Maximum Take Off thrust by
thrust lever. The pilot controls thrust by moving the thrust
pushing the thrust lever all the way forward, to the TOGA
lever between IDLE and TOGA positions. Each position of the
thrust lever within these limits corresponds to an EPR.
When the thrust lever is in a detent, the corresponding EPR is
equal to the EPR rating limit computed for that engine.

When the thrust lever is in the FLX/MCT detent

On the ground
− The engine runs at the Flex takeoff thrust rating if the
crew has selected a flex takeoff temperature on the MCDU
that is higher than the current Total Air Temperature (TAT).
Otherwise the engine produces Maximum Continuous
Thrust (MCT)
Note! A change in FLEX TEMP during the takeoff has no
effect on the thrust.

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Thrust Modes
Automatic Mode
In the Autothrust mode (A/THR function active), the FMGC
computes the thrust, which is limited to the value
corresponding to the thrust lever position (unless alpha-floor
mode is activated

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