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Transfer the raw score for eadl domain t~dl~- tuble·~w. Usirig'the.Scalecl'Score:Equivaleat ·of BaW.

.Scores Table~ COOYert the raw

scores to Scaled ~ores app~opriate to th~:ige of the cltild..To.arrtve at lb~~ of
S<;aled Scor~, add the ~ Scores across all dooiains.
To derive the.Standard Score, refer to the Standard Score Equivaleat of Sums
of Scaled Scores Table. Write the Child's age on each



· 1•1 Evaluator, Date,_.-. · 2'1 Evaluation _

D ate: _ 3n1 Evaluation Date :_
Chi!d'sAge .. Child'sAge · ChilcfsAge .
' Raw Score Raw Score Row Score Raw'Score Raw Score Raw Score
Gross Motor
Fine Motor
Receptive Language
Expressive Language ,.

• Social- Emotional
sum of Scaled Score
Standard Score
. ,.··,. ,.• ,: . .:; .,

Interpretation of Scaled Score:

Interpretation of Standard Score:
Scaled Score lnterpretallon .standard Score lnfelJnlallon
1-3 Development in the domain must be . 69 and below Overall development must be
monitored after 3 months
' . : monitored after 3 months
4-6 '
Development in th8 domain must be 70-79 Overall development must be
monitored after 6 months
monitored after 6 months
.. ..
7 -13 Average overall the 80-119 Av.erage overall development
domain ' .
. '
.. ..
' '

' .'

14-16 Suggests slightly cidvanced

.. ' '• Slightly advanced overali
' 120-129 development
development in the domain '
130 and above .Highly advanced overall
17 -19 Suggests highly advanced development
development in the domain .
. ' '•

(Pl~ase see page 19.) (Pl~as{see .page 20.) .

,,· ,, .., ,

18 Earty Ch i~ Care and Development (ECCO) Checklist Child's Record 2

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