Name Highest Educational Attainment Monthly Salary Nature of Work House Chores Done Within The Family

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 Lifting heavy things

Arbien D. Cariño Jeepney Operator/  Doing home repairs
College Undergraduate ₱15,000
Father Driver  Recycling
 Cooking

 Doing the laundry

 Folding and ironing clothes
Lolita A. Cariño
Highschool Graduate - Housewife  Preparing meals
 Washing the dishes
 Sweeping and mopping

 Lifting heavy objects

Mark Joseph A.
 Cooking
Cariño College Graduate ₱12,000 Production Worker
 Taking out trash
 Doing own laundry

 Washing the dishes

 Doing own laundry
Ariane A. Cariño  Stacking, organizing or
College - Studying
Youngest putting things on their place
 Sweeping
 Cooking
It can be seen in the table above the differences between my father and mother. In terms of educational attainment, my

father is an undergraduate. He has been accepted and became a student in a university but did not finish it while my mother

finished her high school education. In monthly salary, my father is earning money as a jeepney operator/ driver and is earning most

likely ₱15,000 monthly while my mother is not employed or simply, a housewife, who is in- charge of domestic chores as well as my

father but more of my mother. In the house chores, my father is doing heavy tasks or work while my mother is more responsible to

simple household chores.

In comparison between siblings, my brother, in terms of educational attainment, is a college graduate while me, I am

currently taking up my bachelor’s degree. In monthly salary, my brother is most likely to earn from working in a company, ₱12,000

monthly. And in house chores, my brother does heavy works while I do simple works at home.


I can tell that there is equality in our home/ family as some household chores that each of us do, can be done by all the

members. We divide some of the work and we also share works. My father is working but assures that after that, he will help or get

involved on some chores like cooking and preparing meals for the family, for some, it is more likely to be recognized as a work for
women. And like my brother, he also does cooking and laundry, that can also be recognized as women’s. My brother and father are

free to do tasks. There are no tasks that will limit them. And we, my mother and I are also free to do anything as long as we can do it.


Since I can tell that there is gender equality present in our home, not limiting each or anyone of us on doing chores unless

one cannot do it is the only way to be in it. Do what you can do even if it is not assigned to you as long as you are capable of doing it.

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