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Learning Area English Grade Level 7

Quarter Fourth Quarter Date
I. LESSON TITLE Strategies for an Effective Conversation
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 23: Employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal communication
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) (interview, dialog, conversation)
Enabling Competencies:
 Observe and use the appropriate oral language, stance and behavior
when giving information, instructions, making explanations, and narrating
events in factual and personal recount.
 Give clear, precise, and concise information, explanations and instructions
in varied oral communication situations.
 Orally narrate events in factual and personal recounts using appropriate
verbal and non-verbal cues.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Effective Conversation
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

Read the questions listed below and assess yourself. Then, number your paper 1-5 and answer each question with YES or NO.

When talking to someone…

1. Do you use appropriate body language to show you are listening? (eye contact,
nod head, etc.)
2. Do you listen to the speaker without interrupting?
3. Do you repeat what the speaker said or ask questions to make sure you have
understood correctly?
4. Do you avoid being distracted by noises, mobile phones, or by what other people
are doing?
5. Do you avoid being distracted by the mannerisms, speaking style, clothing of the
person speaking?

If you answered YES to most of the questions, you could consider yourself a good communicator. In this lesson, your ability to
listen, speak, discuss, and participate in meaningful conversations will further be developed. You will also learn why an
effective communication is important in our lives.

Conversation Strategies
As a form of communication, conversation is where you exchange thoughts, opinions, and information on things with your
family, friends, neighbors, or even to an acquaintance. This can lead to good, peaceful, and harmonious relationships among
individuals. Properly expressing your thoughts and opinions, whether it is verbal or nonverbal, requires the art of speaking.

There are times that conversation can be challenging. If that happens, you need ways on how to keep a conversation going
and solve possible communication issues. The table below shows how A.C.T.I.V.E strategies can be used in a conversation:

Nonverbal Cues
To communicate, we do not
always have to talk. Without
realizing, people send or receive
nonverbal cues in every
conversation. It is another form of
communication, where people
make facial expressions, eye
contact, and hand and body
gestures. Being aware of these
non-verbal cues is important
because they will give additional
information and meaning in any
interaction. Here are some of the
nonverbal cues which can
enhance communication if used

Giving and Taking Down Messages

In situations like calls or telephone conversations, these non-verbal cues will not be present. Make sure that you
communicate or receive the message accurately. Follow the guidelines on giving and taking down messages:
1. When giving a message: 2. When taking down a message:
a. Be brief. State all the a. Listen carefully.
information. b. Write down the details accurately.
b. Remember to thank the person c. Thank the person on the other line.
you are talking to. d. Convey the message accurately to the person
concerned orally or by writing a note.
Indeed, communication is needed in forming connections and building relationships. You can interact effectively using the
appropriate conversation strategies and non-verbal cues.
D. Development (Time Frame: 1 hour and 30 minutes)
Read the dialogue between Mara and Ronel. Focus on the conversation strategies and non-verbal cues used.

Mara: Hi! My name is Mara. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Ronel: Hi Mara. I’m Ronel. It’s a pleasure to meet you too.
Mara: (staring at Ronel) Where are you from?
Ronel: I am from Luis Palad Integrated High School. How
about you?
Mara: I am also from Luis Palad Integrated High School.
Ronel: Oh, What a small world! We meet here.
Mara: It’s true. (head nod) anyway, do you know Apolinario
Dela Cruz?
Ronel: You’re asking about Apolinario Dela Cruz, known as
Hermano Pule. Is that correct?
Mara: Yes.
Ronel: I know him, but only few things about him.
Mara: Can you help me answer some questions about him?

Ronel Sure.
Mara: Is Apolinario Dela Cruz a native of Lucban, Quezon or
Ronel: He is a native of Lucban, Quezon.
Mara: What are his contributions to the people of Quezon or even to all Filipinos?
Ronel: He is known to many as Hermano Pule, the founder of Cofradía de San José or Brotherhood of St. Joseph. For his fellow
Filipinos, he led this movement for equality and religious freedom during the Spanish colonial period. As a way of
retaliation against the church for discriminating native Filipinos, the cofradia banned Spaniards and mestizos from
joining without Pule's permission.
Mara: (nodding his head) He is a great person.
Ronel: I agree. (head nods) He is really a great man. It is just proper for us Quezonian to give him honor every 4th day of
November as Hermano Pule Day.
Mara: That’s right. Thank you so much. You are really a big help.
Ronel: You are welcome. I’m happy to help. (A new visitor is coming.) Can you excuse me for a while?
Mara: Oh! Sure. Go ahead.
Learning Task 1:
Mara and Ronel used nonverbal cues in their conversation. Find the text evidence in the dialogue to show what specific cues
they used. Copy the table and write your answer in the appropriate column. An example is provided as your guide.
Nonverbal Cues Text Evidence
Mara Ronel
Eye Contact Example: staring at Ronel
Facial Expression
Learning Task 2:
Copy the table below and identify the conversation strategies used in the dialogue by writing the statements or questions in
the second column. An example is provided as your guide.
Conversation Strategies Dialogue Conversation Strategies Dialogue
1. Asking open-ended questions Ex: Where are you from? 4. Interrupting politely
2. Clarifying for comprehension 5. Voicing opinions
3. Trying conversation starters 6. Expressing with

Learning Task 3:
The following sentences are taken from a telephone conversation between Marcus and Joy. Fill in the missing dialogue in their
conversation. Choose from the lines below:

“Please tell him that all videos of the “Yes, “Hello! Good afternoon. “Thank you for the
group presentations will be sent via Please.” This is Medianista's residence.” favor, Marcus.
email on Friday, 8:00 in the morning.” Goodbye.”

Now, complete the message which Marcus wrote down for his brother:
When you were out, ___________________ called.
She said that__________________________________________________________________.
E. Engagement (Time Frame: 1 hour and 30 minutes)
Learning Task 4:
Apply what you learned on conversation strategies and nonverbal cues by creating a dialogue with at least 10 lines. You can
go back to the conversation of Mara and Ronel and use it as your guide.
 Choose two (2) roles as your characters:
Roles A grandparent A younger brother/sister Your mother Your teacher
A new student Your father Your best friend A VIP visiting your house
Then, decide on one (1) topic you will use in your conversation:
Topic Food Work Experience Favorite Movie Sports (favorite team)
Talent/Hobby Memorable Experience Favorite Book Best Travel Experience
 Be guided with the rubric that follows:
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Character (development)
Dialogue (conversation strategies and non-verbal cues)
Presentation (creativity and originality)
Mechanics (spelling and grammar)

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

Complete the lesson summary in the speech bubble by filling in the blanks with the key words provided inside the box.
ACTIVE Strategies In ___________________, you can use ___________________ to keep a ___________________
Conversation going and solve possible communication issues. ___________________, as another form of
Communication communication, may provide additional message and meaning.
Nonverbal Cues

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 15 minutes) (Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on
Weeks 3 and 6)
Instructions: Read the following statements and group the statements into two columns – conversation is or conversation is
not. Copy the table and write your answers on your paper.
 waiting for my turn to speak  minding my gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions
 asking open-ended questions  listening carefully to what others say and responding to them
 interrupting the person who is talking  focusing on the mannerisms, speaking style, clothing of the person speaking
 judging people based on their  being distracted by noises, mobile phones, or by what other people are
opinions doing
Conversation is… Conversation is not…
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 5 minutes)
 Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for
Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this task.
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8

VII. REFERENCES Alcober, Edna M., Carlos A. Cortez, Linda D. Reyes, and Lourdes M. Ribo. English Arts I Textbook for First Year. Quezon
City: JTW Corporation, 2000.
Department of Education. English Grade 7 Learner's Material. Philippines: FEP Printing Corp, 2017.
Department of Education. Module 2: Interpersonal Communication Facilitator’s Manual. Accessed May 1,
Villamejor, Socorro R. Moving Ahead in English I, 1st ed. Quezon City: FNB EDUCATIONAL, Inc., 1997.
Prepared by: Tesalonica C. Abesamis Checked by:
Maria Madel C. Rubia
Teacher III, Luis Palad Integrated High School
Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero
Merlinda T. Salgado
Rempson P. Sumilang
Teacher I, Luis Palad Integrated High School

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