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SP 21 Per Psych

Week 2 Learning

Basic Concepts of Learning

1. Performance Psychology is a subfield of Psychology Define Performance

The process of acquiring through experience new and relatively
enduring information.
2. Define Classic Conditioning
We associate reflective response with an Unrelated Stimuli.
Conditioned ResponseExample: Cologne = Grandfather
3. Define Operant ResponseExample: Reflex: Cry = Grandfather
Procedures which reinforce and guides one to the behavior
Positive reinforcement:a person will receive a behavior that leads to a reward.
Negative Reinforcement: the removal of an unpleasant stimulus Purpose is to increase the behavior
4. What distinguishes these two types of behavior conditioning from each
Classic is emotional effect that is not intended while Operants make one’s behavior
happen on purpose or by causing somethig.
5. As a performer how are these two forms of behavior conditioning used to
either to enhance a performance or to distract an individual from performing
at their best? It could be great if you got excited/happy/thrilled by something or someone
it would definitely enhance the performance.
It could be distracting if something made you sad out of nowhere or maybe someone caused
you to not be at your best and not be able to focus.
6. Define the Social Cognitive Theory
Observational Learning. By watching others we learn to anticipate a behavior’s
consequences in situation like those we are observing.
The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior

7. How does “Self Concept” impact your belief in your ability to perform at or
beyond your expectations?
Teaches you to learn more about yourself and others and how to not let bad situations bother you
and/or affect you as much.

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