Research Aptitude Test (RAT) - 2017 - PART B: S R M U

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Lucknow-Deva Road, U.P., INDIA

Research Aptitude Test (RAT)-2017 – PART B


Duration: 60 minutes Max Marks: 50


Roll No. _________________ Admission in Faculty of_________________________

Name of Candidate: ____________________ Invigilator’s Signature: _______________


1. The test is of 60 minutes duration and consists of two sections.

Section 1 (Subject related MCQs) : 10/20 questions, each question carry 2/1mark (20 marks)
Section 1 (Subject related Descriptive questions): 3 questions out of 10 questions & each question carry 10
marks (30 marks).

2. There is No negative marking. 7. Before leaving the Examination Hall, candidate

should hand over the Answer Sheet to
3. Answer copy should be used for all type of Invigilator.
questions (MCQ and descriptive).
8. No part of the Answer copy be detached under
4. Rough work should be done only in the right side any circumstances.
of page.
9. Use of calculators, mobile phones or any
electronic device is not allowed in the
5. No candidate should leave his/her seat without
Examination Hall.
the permission of the Invigilator.
10. Use of Unfair Means will lead to cancellation of
6. No candidate is allowed to leave the Examination
candidature for admission.
Hall before the scheduled time.


SECTION-I Q.6) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was

adopted in
(Max marks-20)
A. 1944
(Multiple Choice Questions)
 Each Question carries 1 Mark B. 1945
C. 1947

Q.1) The Three stages of Social Change i.e. theological, D. 1948

metaphysical and positive are postulated by-
Q.7) Power is gained where as authority is-
A. Pitrim Sorokin
B. Max Weber A. Acquired

C. August Comte B. Possessed

D. Herbert Spencer C. Imposed

D. Nested
Q.2) The road map that guides the behaviour of the
members of the society is - Q.8) The point where two axes intersect is known as –

A. Group A. X axis
B. Culture B. Y axis
C. Peer C. Origin
D. Religion D. Table

Q.3) The number of elements to be included in the Q.9) Labour court is –

study is-
A. Adjudicating authority
A. Variable B. Settlement Authority
B. Hypothesis C. Voluntary Authority
C. Sample size D. Social Authority
D. Universe
Q.10) The first country in the world to launch a
Q.4) Which is not the nature of Community- nationwide family planning programme is –

A. Geographical Area A. China

B. Common Ties B. Russia
C. Social interaction C. USA
D. Individualism D. India

Q.5) Which one of the following is not the indicator of Q.11) Development of Social Work aims at-
Social Development of a country-
A. Maximum utilization of resource
A. Infant Mortality Rate B. Minimum utilization of resource
B. Average Life Span C. Optimum utilization of resource
C. Incidence of litigation in a court D. Liberal Utilisation of resources
D. Literacy rate


Q.12) The word ‘Grapevine’ in management refers to a Q.18) Which one of the following is the source of Social
type of- Policy-

A. Incentive A. Ministry of Human Resource Development

B. Motivation Technique B. Indian Constitution
C. Communication technique C. Non- Government Organisation
D. Training programme D. None of above

Q.13) Who said that ‘religion is the opium of masses’?- Q.19) Principle of Social Group Work is-

A. K. Davis A. Planned group formation

B. Karl Marks B. Group Dynamics
C. Dukhiem C. Democratic Decision Making
D. Max Weber D. Specific Programme

Q.14) Marriage system in which one wife and more than Q.20) Who gave the concept of ‘Looking glass self’?-
one husband are accepted ,is called as-
A. Karl Marks
A. Polygamy B. G.H. Meed
B. Polyandry C. C.H.Cooley
C. Patrilocal D. M.K. Gandhi
D. Matrilocal

Q.15) According to Abraham Maslow which one of the SECTION-II

following is not the need in his hierarchy model?
(Max marks-30)
A. Physiological needs (Descriptive Questions)
B. Safety needs
 Each Question carries 10 Marks)
C. Esteem needs
 Attempt any three (3) questions from
D. Hygiene needs
the ten (10) questions given below)
Q.16) Classification of Primary and Secondary group is
given by-
Q.21) ‘Social work is a helping profession.’ Analyse the
A. Cooley statement.

B. MacIver
Q.22) Differentiate between Social Work research and
C. Sumner Social Research.
D. Giddings
Q.23) Describe the concept of institution in relation to
the process of socialisation.
Q.17) Elizabethan poor law,1601 was based on-
Q.24) Elaborate the significance of child and women
A. Concept of Rehabilitation
development for better functioning of the society.
B. Concept of Determining the needs of Clients
C. Concept of Charity Q.25) Explain the concept of Social reform.
D. Concept of Empowerment
Q.26) Throw light on the significance of Labour Welfare
for socio-economic development of the society.

Q.27) Write different methods of Social Work practice.


Q.28) What do you understand by Correctional Social

Q.29) State the concept of Community Development.

Q.30) Explain the emerging problems of urban



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