BIANCA TAN - Great Gatsby Interpretation

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I’m sorry if this will not be entirely helpful, I’m winging it cuz it’s hard to relate the theme

to a singular
problem faced in the world. But I think we can relate it to CORRUPTION OF VALUES/IDEALS (which I
hope is acceptable as the issue), given Gatsby himself had corrupted values/ideals since he earned
money, in the wrong way, for the wrong reason.

In the end Nick thot Gatsby’s dreams were easy to grab that’s why he comments that Gatsby almost
could’ve gotten it (it being the goal of the American Dream). But it is understood that Daisy is Gatsby’s
American Dream, the green light represents his hopes and dreams for the future, it being docked at
Daisy’s place symbolising that Daisy is his hopes and dreams for the future. The reason Nick thot the
dream could’ve been grabbed is cuz if u remember Nick first notices Gatsby when he sees him trying to
reach out for the green light?

When Nick explains about his last night in NYC, he describes the Gatsby mansion as “incoherent failure
of a house”. That description symbolises essentially Gatsby, incoherent cuz his motives did not match
the belief of the American Dream. Although it may b argued that it connects, the reality is that yes he
worked hard but in the wrong way, thus supporting corruption of values/ideals.

Then Nick goes to the steps, white steps meaning purity purity in the sense of the American Dream but
he says there is an obscene word on it which he erased. Obscene word alludes to the method of earning
which Gatsby did, obscene cuz his method of earning money was bootlegging which is illegal carrying of

Then Nick goes to the beach where he describes that nothing can b seen in sight and when the moon
rises high he can c the island that he couldn’t c earlier. Take a look at the green breast thing, that is
another symbol for American Dream but it is the American Dream of the Dutch Sailors he mentioned.
The importance of this is that it is now the space where the mansion is ryt? And then Nick mentions
about how all that was something Gatsby could not understand or want. So with that, we understand
that he just took it down to put up what he understood and desired. This can b in connection to Nick’s
comment of how Gatsby could’ve easily grabbed his hopes and dreams, and that it was behind him. The
relation is that, him not understanding or wanting what he saw meant that he did not understand and
did not want the essence of the American Dream cuz he defined such goal as winning Daisy back, there
again a support for corruption of values/ideals.

Then we get another contemplation from Nick where he mentions abt the first time he saw Gatsby
reaching out for the green light. He comments that Gatsby came a long way to this “blue lawn”
symbolically blue represents smtng sad. So what is the relevance? It’s more of irony, cuz Nick believed
that as Gatsby tried to reach out for his hopes and dreams (the green light) he only caused himself more
misery (losing Daisy back to Tom and consequently his death) cuz again of corruption of his

Now Nick finally mentions how Gatsby's hopes and dreams he could’ve easily grabbed them, but he
never knew they were behind him. And those hopes and dreams were somewhere in the vast obscurity
beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night – this line basically
means that, because Gatsby aimed for the American Dream with the wrong reason, what could’ve been
his actual hopes and dreams were in a very obvious spot to everyone else but not him. How? Vast
obscurity meaning the very wide uncertainty, metaphorically it could be spoken in the perspective of
Gatsby who was already blinded by his own motives. Beyond the city meaning in his perspective it is still
far away. Where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night, this basically points back to the
vast obscurity but it is observed in the perspective of everyone else, that is why to Nick Gatsby couldve
already gotten his hopes and dreams but it was invisible to him but not Nick.

Gatsby believed in the green light, meaning Gatsby believed in the American Dream. Green light here
has the same symbolism as the green breast one of the Dutch Sailors but the green light is for Gatsby.
So, relating those two groups, Gatsby is himself and the Dutch Sailors is America, I’ll explain this in the
end. Nick refers to the green light as the orgastic future, which is basically the goal of the American
Dream. Then he mentions ...year by year recedes before us, this basically means that in time it comes
closer to us. That meaning is reflective of the definition of American Dream wherein as long as the
person works hard their goal comes closer to them. It eluded us then, this means that it escaped or
avoided us, and in the case of Gatsby that is exactly what Nick was pertaining to about his hopes and
dreams being behind him.

Now Nick says that tomorrow we will run up our arms, this imagery reflects Gatsby when
he tries to reach out to the green light and in context, how he tries to win Daisy back. Finally the
quote.... so we beat on, meaning we continue which is what Gatsby did in pursuing Daisy. Boats against
the current, that symbolises Gatsby and his adverse methods in trying to win Daisy back from
bootlegging to organising soirees. Finally....borne back ceaselessly in the past, this phrase is basically
what happens to Gatsby, he returns to not having Daisy, and not having anything in account of his

The end

Okay so I mentioned the Dutch sailors and Gatsby and their own greens. The reason I mentioned the
Dutch sailors are America as a whole is because them and Gatsby r a reflection of America at the time
the book was written, America was not exactly prosperous in fact it is understood the 1920s are the
hardest times of America. So Gatsby missing the green light the sailors missing the green breasts. That’s
basically the msg of the story, the tragedy highlighted by Gatsby and his corrupted values/ideals

So how can u relate this to the global issue of corrupted values/ideals, simply explain how that is the
root cause of corruption itself. When ppl pursue wrong methods they end up corrupting power, and
then everything else.

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