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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Antique
Hamtic, Antique






The undersigned Provincial Prosecutor hereby accuses Fredo A. Baggins, 35 years of age, a
resident of Bgry. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique, of the crime of Acts of Lasciviousness, committed as follows:

That on or before 7:00 o’clock in the evening of May 25, 2021 at Brgy. Cruz, Municipality of
Hamtic, Antique and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named accused, was
drinking together with his friends at Reno D. Alkonga’s residence who is the father of the victim. When
the accused went inside the house to urinate, he encountered Hillary, 19 years of age, who was reading
wattpad on their family computer in the living room, the accused talked to Hillary and asked if she was
okay being alone in the living room, the accused did then and there unlawfully, and feloniously took out
his penis and showed it to the victim. The accused then proceeded to touch the victim’s left breast and
kissed her neck. During the incident, the victim shouted “Daddy!”. Alarmed, Reno D. Alkonga and his
friend, Jayson Paja went into the house and saw the accused, Fredo A. Baggins, with his penis exposed
and his hand covering the victim’s mouth.


Hamtic, Antique, Philippines, May 31, 2021.

Provincial Prosecutor
MCLE Compliance No. VI-0001234/Nov. 18, 2016


1. Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique

2. Reno D. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
3. Jayson S. Paja - Brgy. Kaliw, Hamtic, Antique

1. Criminal Complaint
2. Judicial Affidavit Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
3. Judicial Affidavit of Reno D. Alkonga
4. Judicial Affidavit of Jayson S. Paja


I certify that the foregoing information is filed pursuant to Section 7 of Rule 112 of the Rules on
Criminal Procedure, as amended, the accused not having opted to avail of his right to preliminary
investigation and not having executed a waiver pursuant to Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code and
based on the evidence on record there being a prima facie case of the crime charged and that the accused
is probably guilty thereof.

Hamtic, Antique, Philippines, May 31, 2021.


Provincial Prosecutor
MCLE Compliance No. VI-0001234/Nov. 18, 2016

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Hamtic, Antique, Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Antique
Hamtic, Antique






The undersigned Investigator of Hamtic Municipal Police Station, Hamtic, Antique, after having
been duly sworn to in accordance with the law accused Fredo A. Baggins, female, legal age, and resident
of Brgy. Kawit, Hamtic Antique for Violation of Art 336 of RPC: Acts of Lasciviousness as follows:

That on or before 7:00 o’clock in the evening of May 25, 2021 at Brgy. Cruz,
Municipality of Hamtic, Antique and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named
accused, was drinking together with his friends at Reno D. Alkonga’s residence who is the father of the
victim. When the accused went inside the house to urinate, he encountered Hillary, 19 years of age, who
was reading wattpad on their family computer in the living room, the accused talked to Hillary and asked
if she was okay being alone in the living room, the accused did then and there unlawfully, and feloniously
took out his penis and showed it to the victim. The accused then proceeded to touch the victim’s left
breast and kissed her neck. During the incident, the victim shouted “Daddy!”. Alarmed, Reno D. Alkonga
and his friend, Jayson Paja went into the house and saw the accused, Fredo A. Baggins, with his penis
exposed and his hand covering the victim’s mouth


Hamtic, Antique, Philippines.

Fatima J. Lambuson
Police Staff Sergeant

1. Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique

2. Reno D. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
3. Jayson S. Paja - Brgy. Kaliw, Hamtic, Antique

1. Judicial Affidavit Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
2. Judicial Affidavit of Reno D. Alkonga
3. Judicial Affidavit of Jayson S. Paja

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Hamtic Antique, Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Antique
Hamtic, Antique






The undersigned Investigator of Hamtic Municipal Police Station, Hamtic, Antique, after having
been duly sworn to in accordance with the law accused Fredo A. Baggins, female, legal age, and resident
of Brgy. Kawit, Hamtic Antique for Violation of Art 336 of RPC: Acts of Lasciviousness as follows:

That on or before 7:00 o’clock in the evening of May 25, 2021 at Brgy. Cruz,
Municipality of Hamtic, Antique and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named
accused, was drinking together with his friends at Reno D. Alkonga’s residence who is the father of the
victim. When the accused went inside the house to urinate, he encountered Hillary, 19 years of age, who
was reading wattpad on their family computer in the living room, the accused talked to Hillary and asked
if she was okay being alone in the living room, the accused did then and there unlawfully, and feloniously
took out his penis and showed it to the victim. The accused then proceeded to touch the victim’s left
breast and kissed her neck. During the incident, the victim shouted “Daddy!”. Alarmed, Reno D. Alkonga
and his friend, Jayson Paja went into the house and saw the accused, Fredo A. Baggins, with his penis
exposed and his hand covering the victim’s mouth


Hamtic, Antique, Philippines.

Fatima J. Lambuson
Police Staff Sergeant

1. Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique

2. Reno D. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
3. Jayson S. Paja - Brgy. Kaliw, Hamtic, Antique

1. Judicial Affidavit Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
2. Judicial Affidavit of Reno D. Alkonga
3. Judicial Affidavit of Jayson S. Paja

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Hamtic Antique, Philippines.
Judicial Affidavit
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
A1: My name is Hillary B. Alkonga, I live in Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique and I am 19 years old.

Q2: Why are you here at the Women and Children Protection Desk?
A2: I am here to complain against Fredo A. Baggins.

Q3: Who accompanied you in going to our office?

A3: I am accompanied by my father, Reno D. Alkonga, and my mother, Shane B. Alkonga.

Q4: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
A4: Yes, I was sexually harassed.

Q5: Do you know who sexually harassed you?

A5: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. He is my father’s friend.

Q6: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

A6: Yes, it happened on May 25, 2021 at about 7pm.

Q7: Can you narrate what happened?

A7: Yes. I was reading on Wattpad in our computer in the living room while my father and his friends
were drinking in the garage. Then I saw Tito Fredo going inside the house which they usually do when
they want to go to the bathroom because the bathroom is inside the house. I did not mind him but then he
came up to me and started talking to me. He asked me if I was okay about being alone in the living room.
I said that I was okay because I’m just reading. I thought he was just being friendly because he’s always
like that, making small talks. But then, he opened his zipper, I told him to go to the bathroom but then he
took out his penis and I was shocked. After taking out his penis he touched my breast and kissed me on
the neck and I was so afraid I shouted and called Daddy.

Q8: What happened when you called your Daddy?

A8: He stopped kissing my neck because I was pushing him away and then he covered my mouth. My
dad and Tito Jayson came into the living room. Daddy punched Tito Fredo and Tito Jayson tried to stop
my dad because he was hitting Tito Fredo many times and said that he might kill Tito Fredo if he keeps

Q9: Where was your mother when the incident happened?

A9: She was in her home office but she did not hear the commotion in the living room because her home
office is sound-proofed. She only got out when Tito Jayson banged on her office door.

Q10: What happened after?

Q10: Daddy and mommy drove me here and Tito Jayson drove Tito Fredo to the Hospital.

Q11: this time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
A11: Nothing more.
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
A1: My name is Reno D. Alkonga, I live in Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique and I am 35 years old.

Q2: Why are you here at the Women and Children Protection Desk?
A2: I am here to complain against Fredo A. Baggins.

Q3: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
A3: Yes, my daughter was sexually harassed.

Q4: Do you know who sexually harassed your daughter?

A4: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. He is my college friend.

Q5: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

A5: Yes, it happened on May 25, 2021 at about 7pm.

Q6: Can you narrate what happened?

A6: Yes. I invited my friends, Fredo and Jayson for a drink in my home to catch up. We were drinking in
the garage like we always do, my wife is in her office and my daughter is using the computer in the living
room. We have been drinking for quite a while and I can tell that Fredo was already getting drunk
because he also came from a birthday party and had been drinking there. He then told us that he needs to
go to the bathroom, so he went inside the house. Jayson and I were just drinking and talking in the garage
and then we heard Lil (Hillary) shouting “Daddy” I stood up and so did Jayson and we were in a hurry to
get inside the house. When we were inside, I saw Fredo and his penis is exposed and he was covering my
daughter’s mouth. I knew something bad happened and so I punched him. Jayson was trying to stop me
because I was hitting him hard. I cannot believe that he could do this to me and to my daughter and
disrespect me like that.

Q8: Did you know or see what Fredo did to your daughter when you punched him?
A8: No, but his penis was exposed and he was covering my daughter’s mouth, not to mention that was
daughter shouted “Daddy” at the top of her lungs.

Q9: Has Fredo always been interested with your daughter?

A9: I don’t think so. My daughter never told me about anything inappropriate that Fredo might have done
to her. He was always nice to my daughter and so is Jayson.

Q10: Is this the first time that this happened?

A10: To my knowledge yes.

Q10: What happened after?

Q10: I stopped hitting Fredo and I was so angry at him, I could not even talk to him. Lil (Hillary) was just
sitting on the computer and I feel so guilty for letting this happen to her. I sat down on the couch and
Fredo was just lying down the floor, he was too drunk to get up. Jayson then went to my wife’s office and
told her to come out.

Q11: What happened when your wife came out of the office?
A11: She was shocked because Fredo was still lying down on the floor with his penis exposed. I told her
we’re going to the police station and Jayson offered to take Fredo to the hospital. On our way here, I
narrated everything to my wife.

Q11: This time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
A11: No, I have nothing to add.
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
A1: My name is Jayson S. Paja, I live in Brgy. Kaliw, Hamtic, Antique and I am 35 years old.

Q2: Why are you here at the Women and Children Protection Desk?
A2: I am here to complain against Fredo A. Baggins.

Q3: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
A3: Yes, my friend’s daughter was sexually harassed.

Q4: Do you know the name of your friend’s daughter?

A4: Yes, her name is Hillary B. Alkonga.

Q5: May I ask the name of your friend?

A5: His name is Reno D. Alkonga.

Q4: Do you know who sexually harassed your friend’s daughter?

A4: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. Reno and I went to college with him.

Q5: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

A5: Yes, it happened on May 25, 2021 at about 7pm.

Q6: Can you narrate what happened?

A6: Yes. Reno texted me earlier that day to have drinks with him, he told me that he also invited Fredo
and I said yes When I arrived at 5pm, the food and drinks were already in the garage and we started
drinking. Fredo arrived at around 5:30, he was late because he came from a birthday party and he had
been drinking there. At around 7pm Fredo told us that he needs to go to the bathroom so he went into the
house. Reno and I were just talking about our life in college and suddenly we heard Lil (Hillary) shouting
Daddy from inside the house. Reno stoop up and so did I and we went into the house. We were surprised
to see Fredo covering Lil’s (Hillary) mouth with his penis exposed. Reno then punched Fredo right in the
face, and he keeps on hitting him. I tried to stop him, I told him that he could kill Fredo if he keeps
punching him and so he stopped. Reno sat on the couch, Lil (Hillary) was still in shock and she was
sitting by the computer. I went to Shane’s office and she was in shock to see Fredo on the floor, bleeding,
with his penis exposed. Reno told Shane that they will go to the Police and Shane was asking him what
happened, but he wasn’t answering. I offered to take Fredo to the hospital and we went our separate ways.

Q8: Did you know or see what Fredo did to HIllary when Reno punched him?
A8: No, but it was clear that he was harassing her otherwise, why would the child scream so loud calling
her daddy. Also, Fredo’s penis was exposed and he was covering her mouth, obviously he did not want
Lil (Hillary) shouting.

Q9: Has Fredo confided anything to you that may have indicated about his interest in Hillary?
A9: No, he is a smart and respectful person. I honestly don’t know why he did, what he did. I was just
surprised. For all the years that we were in that house, nothing like this or anything similar to that has

Q11: This time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
A11: No, nothing more.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Antique
Hamtic, Antique






The undersigned Investigator of Hamtic Municipal Police Station, Hamtic, Antique, after having
been duly sworn to in accordance with the law accused Fredo A. Baggins, male, legal age, and resident of
Brgy. Kawit, Hamtic Antique for Violation of Art 336 of RPC: Acts of Lasciviousness as follows:

That on or before 7:00 o’clock in the evening of May 25, 2021 at Brgy. Cruz,
Municipality of Hamtic, Antique and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named
accused, was drinking together with his friends at Reno D. Alkonga’s residence who is the father of the
victim. When the accused went inside the house to urinate, he encountered Hillary, 19 years of age, who
was reading wattpad on their family computer in the living room, the accused talked to Hillary and asked
if she was okay being alone in the living room, the accused did then and there unlawfully, and feloniously
took out his penis and showed it to the victim. The accused then proceeded to touch the victim’s left
breast and kissed her neck. During the incident, the victim shouted “Daddy!”. Alarmed, Reno D. Alkonga
and his friend, Jayson Paja went into the house and saw the accused, Fredo A. Baggins, with his penis
exposed and his hand covering the victim’s mouth


Hamtic, Antique, Philippines.

Fatima J. Lambuson
Police Staff Sergeant

1. Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique

2. Reno D. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
3. Jayson S. Paja - Brgy. Kaliw, Hamtic, Antique

1. Judicial Affidavit Hillary B. Alkonga - Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique
2. Judicial Affidavit of Reno D. Alkonga
3. Judicial Affidavit of Jayson S. Paja

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Hamtic Antique, Philippines.
Judicial Affidavit
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
A1: My name is Hillary B. Alkonga, I live in Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique and I am 19 years old.

Q2: Why are you here at the Women and Children Protection Desk?
A2: I am here to complain against Fredo A. Baggins.

Q3: Who accompanied you in going to our office?

A3: I am accompanied by my father, Reno D. Alkonga, and my mother, Shane B. Alkonga.

Q4: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
A4: Yes, I was sexually harassed.

Q5: Do you know who sexually harassed you?

A5: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. He is my father’s friend.

Q6: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

A6: Yes, it happened on May 25, 2021 at about 7pm.
Q7: Can you narrate what happened?
A7: Yes. I was reading on Wattpad in our computer in the living room while my father and his friends
were drinking in the garage. Then I saw Tito Fredo going inside the house which they usually do when
they want to go to the bathroom because the bathroom is inside the house. I did not mind him but then he
came up to me and started talking to me. He asked me if I was okay about being alone in the living room.
I said that I was okay because I’m just reading. I thought he was just being friendly because he’s always
like that, making small talks. But then, he opened his zipper, I told him to go to the bathroom but then he
took out his penis and I was shocked. After taking out his penis he touched my breast and kissed me on
the neck and I was so afraid I shouted and called Daddy.

Q8: What happened when you called your Daddy?

A8: He stopped kissing my neck because I was pushing him away and then he covered my mouth. My
dad and Tito Jayson came into the living room. Daddy punched Tito Fredo and Tito Jayson tried to stop
my dad because he was hitting Tito Fredo many times and said that he might kill Tito Fredo if he keeps

Q9: Where was your mother when the incident happened?

A9: She was in her home office but she did not hear the commotion in the living room because her home
office is sound-proofed. She only got out when Tito Jayson banged on her office door.

Q10: What happened after?

Q10: Daddy and mommy drove me here and Tito Jayson drove Tito Fredo to the Hospital.

Q11: this time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
A11: Nothing more.
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
A1: My name is Reno D. Alkonga, I live in Brgy. Cruz, Hamtic, Antique and I am 35 years old.

Q2: Why are you here at the Women and Children Protection Desk?
A2: I am here to complain against Fredo A. Baggins.

Q3: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
A3: Yes, my daughter was sexually harassed.

Q4: Do you know who sexually harassed your daughter?

A4: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. He is my college friend.

Q5: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

A5: Yes, it happened on May 25, 2021 at about 7pm.

Q6: Can you narrate what happened?

A6: Yes. I invited my friends, Fredo and Jayson for a drink in my home to catch up. We were drinking in
the garage like we always do, my wife is in her office and my daughter is using the computer in the living
room. We have been drinking for quite a while and I can tell that Fredo was already getting drunk
because he also came from a birthday party and had been drinking there. He then told us that he needs to
go to the bathroom, so he went inside the house. Jayson and I were just drinking and talking in the garage
and then we heard Lil (Hillary) shouting “Daddy” I stood up and so did Jayson and we were in a hurry to
get inside the house. When we were inside, I saw Fredo and his penis is exposed and he was covering my
daughter’s mouth. I knew something bad happened and so I punched him. Jayson was trying to stop me
because I was hitting him hard. I cannot believe that he could do this to me and to my daughter and
disrespect me like that.

Q8: Did you know or see what Fredo did to your daughter when you punched him?
A8: No, but his penis was exposed and he was covering my daughter’s mouth, not to mention that was
daughter shouted “Daddy” at the top of her lungs.

Q9: Has Fredo always been interested with your daughter?

A9: I don’t think so. My daughter never told me about anything inappropriate that Fredo might have done
to her. He was always nice to my daughter and so is Jayson.

Q10: Is this the first time that this happened?

A10: To my knowledge yes.

Q10: What happened after?

Q10: I stopped hitting Fredo and I was so angry at him, I could not even talk to him. Lil (Hillary) was just
sitting on the computer and I feel so guilty for letting this happen to her. I sat down on the couch and
Fredo was just lying down the floor, he was too drunk to get up. Jayson then went to my wife’s office and
told her to come out.

Q11: What happened when your wife came out of the office?
A11: She was shocked because Fredo was still lying down on the floor with his penis exposed. I told her
we’re going to the police station and Jayson offered to take Fredo to the hospital. On our way here, I
narrated everything to my wife.

Q11: This time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
A11: No, I have nothing to add.
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
A1: My name is Jayson S. Paja, I live in Brgy. Kaliw, Hamtic, Antique and I am 35 years old.

Q2: Why are you here at the Women and Children Protection Desk?
A2: I am here to complain against Fredo A. Baggins.

Q3: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
A3: Yes, my friend’s daughter was sexually harassed.

Q4: Do you know the name of your friend’s daughter?

A4: Yes, her name is Hillary B. Alkonga.

Q5: May I ask the name of your friend?

A5: His name is Reno D. Alkonga.

Q4: Do you know who sexually harassed your friend’s daughter?

A4: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. Reno and I went to college with him.

Q5: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

A5: Yes, it happened on May 25, 2021 at about 7pm.
Q6: Can you narrate what happened?
A6: Yes. Reno texted me earlier that day to have drinks with him, he told me that he also invited Fredo
and I said yes When I arrived at 5pm, the food and drinks were already in the garage and we started
drinking. Fredo arrived at around 5:30, he was late because he came from a birthday party and he had
been drinking there. At around 7pm Fredo told us that he needs to go to the bathroom so he went into the
house. Reno and I were just talking about our life in college and suddenly we heard Lil (Hillary) shouting
Daddy from inside the house. Reno stoop up and so did I and we went into the house. We were surprised
to see Fredo covering Lil’s (Hillary) mouth with his penis exposed. Reno then punched Fredo right in the
face, and he keeps on hitting him. I tried to stop him, I told him that he could kill Fredo if he keeps
punching him and so he stopped. Reno sat on the couch, Lil (Hillary) was still in shock and she was
sitting by the computer. I went to Shane’s office and she was in shock to see Fredo on the floor, bleeding,
with his penis exposed. Reno told Shane that they will go to the Police and Shane was asking him what
happened, but he wasn’t answering. I offered to take Fredo to the hospital and we went our separate ways.

Q8: Did you know or see what Fredo did to HIllary when Reno punched him?
A8: No, but it was clear that he was harassing her otherwise, why would the child scream so loud calling
her daddy. Also, Fredo’s penis was exposed and he was covering her mouth, obviously he did not want
Lil (Hillary) shouting.

Q9: Has Fredo confided anything to you that may have indicated about his interest in Hillary?
A9: No, he is a smart and respectful person. I honestly don’t know why he did, what he did. I was just
surprised. For all the years that we were in that house, nothing like this or anything similar to that has

Q11: This time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
A11: No, nothing more.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Iloilo
Iloilo City, Iloilo






The undersigned Provincial Prosecutor hereby accuses Lean A. Hemsworth, 26 years of age, a
resident of Bgry. San Vicente, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo, of the crime of Less Serious Physical Injuries,
committed as follows:

That on or before 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon of May 15, 2021 at Brgy. San Vicente, Jaro, Iloilo
City, Iloilo and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named accused did then and
there unlawfully, and feloniously punched the victim, Jeff E. Nunez in the eye, after finding out that the
latter sold the video game that the accused loaned to him. Jeff E. Nunez, suffered a black-eye for the past
ten (10) days and was medically assisted at West Visayas State University Medical Center for 15 (fifteen)


Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines, May 31, 2021.


Provincial Prosecutor
MCLE Compliance No. VI-0001234/Nov. 18, 2016

1. Jeff E. Nunez – Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

2. Lea J. Cabalfin, MD. – Brgy. Puso, Leon, Iloilo

1. Criminal Complaint
2. Judicial Affidavit Jeff E. Nunez – Punta Tabuc, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

I certify that the foregoing information is filed pursuant to Section 7 of Rule 112 of the Rules on
Criminal Procedure, as amended, the accused not having opted to avail of his right to preliminary
investigation and not having executed a waiver pursuant to Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code and
based on the evidence on record there being a prima facie case of the crime charged and that the accused
is probably guilty thereof.

Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines, May 31, 2021.


Provincial Prosecutor
MCLE Compliance No. VI-0001234/Nov. 18, 2016

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Hamtic, Antique, Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Iloilo
Iloilo City, Iloilo






The undersigned Investigator of Jaro Police Station, Iloilo City, Iloilo, after having been duly
sworn to in accordance with the law accused Lean A. Hemsworth, male, legal age, and resident of Brgy.
San Vicente, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo for Violation of Art 265 of RPC: Less Serious Physical Injuries as

That on or before 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon of May 15, 2021 at Brgy. San Vicente,
Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named accused, the
accused did then and there unlawfully, and feloniously punched the victim, Jeff E. Nunez in the eye, after
finding out that the latter sold the video game that the accused loaned to him. Jeff E. Nunez, suffered a
black-eye for the past ten (10) days and was medically assisted at West Visayas State University Medical
Center for 15 (fifteen) days.


Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

Gonzalo H. Isanan
Police Staff Sergeant

1. Jeff E. Nunez – Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

2. Lea J. Cabalfin, MD. – Brgy. Puso, Leon, Iloilo
1. Judicial Affidavit Jeff E. Nunez – Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo
2. Medical Certificate

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo.
Judicial Affidavit
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano imo pangalan, address kag iban pa na personal na
A1: My name is Jeff E. Nunes, I live in Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo and I am 26 years old.
( Ako si Jeff E. Nunez, naga puli ako sa Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo kag 26 na
ang akon edad.)

Q2: Why are you here at the Police Station?

(Ngaa ari ikaw subong sa Police Station?)
A2: I am here to complain against Lean A. Hemsworth.
(Ari ko subong para magreklamo kay Lean A. Hemsworth.)

Q3: Who accompanied you in going to our office?

(Sino upod mo pagkadto diri sa amon opisina?)
A3: I came here alone.
(Ako lang isa nagkadto di subong.)

Q4: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
(Pwede mo mahambal sa akon kung ano ang insidente na luyag mo ireport?)
A4: Yes, I was punched by my friend.
(Oo, ginsumbag ko sang akon migo.)

Q5: Can you tell me the name of your friend?

(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano pangalan sang imo migo?)
A5: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. He is my father’s friend.
(Oo, iya pangalan si Lean A. Hemsworth.)

Q6: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

(Tandaan mo kung kasano kag kung sa diin ini natabo?)
A6: Yes, it happened on May 15, 2021 at about 3pm.
(Oo, natabo ni sang May 15, 2021 mga alas tress a hapon.)

Q7: Can you narrate what happened?

(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano ang natabo?)
A7: Yes. I went to his house so we could play on his console. We we’re playing Braveheart and then he
asked me about the Overwatch video game that I borrowed from him. I told him that I sold it to my high
school classmate. He was surprised and he got mad, but I told him that I will buy him a new one, it’s just
that my high school friend really wanted that CD and he can’t find one in the City anymore. But he
started shouting at me and he was so angry because his girlfriend bought that video game for him. Next
thing I know he punched me in the eye.
(Nagkadto ko sa balay nila kay mahampang kuno kami kay bago iya console. Naghampang
kami sang Braveheart tapos ginmangkot ya ko kung diin na ang ginpahulam ya sakon nga
CD sang Overwatch, ginhambalan ko siya na ginbaligya ko sa high school friend ko.
Nakibot siya kag akig-akig siya sakon pero ginhambalan ko siya nga baklan ko lang siya
bago, gapinangita to tabi ang akon high school friend sang CD pero wala siya may makita
sa City. Tapos, gin sininggitan niya ko, nakibot lang ko ginsumbag niya ko dayon sa mata.)

Q8: What happened after he punched you?

(Ano natabo pagkatapos niya sumbag sa imo?)
A8: He apologized but I was in so much pain and I was mad at him for punching him. I got out of his
house and went to the hospital, at West Visayas State University Medical Center.
(Nagpangayo siya pasensiya pero sakit-sakit iya sumbag sakon kag akig na ako sa iya. Nag
guwa nalang ko sa balay nila kag nag diretso na ko sa hospital sa Don Benito.)

Q9: After you went to the hospital what did you do?
(Pagkatapos mo sa ospital nag ano ka dayon?)
A9: I went home and my mother scolded me, because I have scheduled follow up check-ups and there are
COVID patients in the hospital.
(Nagpuli ko kag gin akigan ko ni mama kay may naka schedule ko na follow up check-up
tapos may COVID pa sa ospital.)
Q10: What did the doctor say?
(Ano hambal sang doctor sa imo?)
A10: The doctor told me that I have to take my medication for at least 10 days but due to the severity of
the injury it might be more than 10 days, depending on the following check ups.
(Hambal sang doctor mainom lang ko kuno bulong ko for 10 days, pero kay daw grabe guid
kuno ang akon black-eye basi kuno mag sobra pa sa 10 days, pero depende pa kuno sa
follow up check up ko sa iya.)
Q11: this time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
(Sa subong wala na ako may ipamangkot sa imo, may ara ka pa idugang o bawion sa imo
gin hambal?)

A11: No more.
(Wala na.)
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Iloilo
Iloilo City, Iloilo






The undersigned Investigator of Jaro Police Station, Iloilo City, Iloilo, after having been duly
sworn to in accordance with the law accused Lean A. Hemsworth, male, legal age, and resident of Brgy.
San Vicente, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo for Violation of Art 265 of RPC: Less Serious Physical Injuries as

That on or before 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon of May 15, 2021 at Brgy. San Vicente,
Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named accused, the
accused did then and there unlawfully, and feloniously punched the victim, Jeff E. Nunez in the eye, after
finding out that the latter sold the video game that the accused loaned to him. Jeff E. Nunez, suffered a
black-eye for the past ten (10) days and was medically assisted at West Visayas State University Medical
Center for 15 (fifteen) days.


Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

Gonzalo H. Isanan
Police Staff Sergeant

3. Jeff E. Nunez – Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

4. Lea J. Cabalfin, MD. – Brgy. Puso, Leon, Iloilo
3. Judicial Affidavit Jeff E. Nunez – Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo
4. Medical Certificate

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo.
Judicial Affidavit
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano imo pangalan, address kag iban pa na personal na
A1: My name is Jeff E. Nunes, I live in Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo and I am 26 years old.
( Ako si Jeff E. Nunez, naga puli ako sa Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo kag 26 na
ang akon edad.)

Q2: Why are you here at the Police Station?

(Ngaa ari ikaw subong sa Police Station?)
A2: I am here to complain against Lean A. Hemsworth.
(Ari ko subong para magreklamo kay Lean A. Hemsworth.)

Q3: Who accompanied you in going to our office?

(Sino upod mo pagkadto diri sa amon opisina?)
A3: I came here alone.
(Ako lang isa nagkadto di subong.)

Q4: Can you tell me about the incident you intend to report?
(Pwede mo mahambal sa akon kung ano ang insidente na luyag mo ireport?)
A4: Yes, I was punched by my friend.
(Oo, ginsumbag ko sang akon migo.)

Q5: Can you tell me the name of your friend?

(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano pangalan sang imo migo?)
A5: Yes, his name is Freddo A. Baggins. He is my father’s friend.
(Oo, iya pangalan si Lean A. Hemsworth.)

Q6: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

(Tandaan mo kung kasano kag kung sa diin ini natabo?)
A6: Yes, it happened on May 15, 2021 at about 3pm.
(Oo, natabo ni sang May 15, 2021 mga alas tress a hapon.)

Q7: Can you narrate what happened?

(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano ang natabo?)
A7: Yes. I went to his house so we could play on his console. We we’re playing Braveheart and then he
asked me about the Overwatch video game that I borrowed from him. I told him that I sold it to my high
school classmate. He was surprised and he got mad, but I told him that I will buy him a new one, it’s just
that my high school friend really wanted that CD and he can’t find one in the City anymore. But he
started shouting at me and he was so angry because his girlfriend bought that video game for him. Next
thing I know he punched me in the eye.
(Nagkadto ko sa balay nila kay mahampang kuno kami kay bago iya console. Naghampang
kami sang Braveheart tapos ginmangkot ya ko kung diin na ang ginpahulam ya sakon nga
CD sang Overwatch, ginhambalan ko siya na ginbaligya ko sa high school friend ko.
Nakibot siya kag akig-akig siya sakon pero ginhambalan ko siya nga baklan ko lang siya
bago, gapinangita to tabi ang akon high school friend sang CD pero wala siya may makita
sa City. Tapos, gin sininggitan niya ko, nakibot lang ko ginsumbag niya ko dayon sa mata.)

Q8: What happened after he punched you?

(Ano natabo pagkatapos niya sumbag sa imo?)
A8: He apologized but I was in so much pain and I was mad at him for punching him. I got out of his
house and went to the hospital, at West Visayas State University Medical Center.
(Nagpangayo siya pasensiya pero sakit-sakit iya sumbag sakon kag akig na ako sa iya. Nag
guwa nalang ko sa balay nila kag nag diretso na ko sa hospital sa Don Benito.)

Q9: After you went to the hospital what did you do?
(Pagkatapos mo sa ospital nag ano ka dayon?)
A9: I went home and my mother scolded me, because I have scheduled follow up check-ups and there are
COVID patients in the hospital.
(Nagpuli ko kag gin akigan ko ni mama kay may naka schedule ko na follow up check-up
tapos may COVID pa sa ospital.)
Q10: What did the doctor say?
(Ano hambal sang doctor sa imo?)
A10: The doctor told me that I have to take my medication for at least 10 days but due to the severity of
the injury it might be more than 10 days, depending on the following check ups.
(Hambal sang doctor mainom lang ko kuno bulong ko for 10 days, pero kay daw grabe guid
kuno ang akon black-eye basi kuno mag sobra pa sa 10 days, pero depende pa kuno sa
follow up check up ko sa iya.)
Q11: this time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
(Sa subong wala na ako may ipamangkot sa imo, may ara ka pa idugang o bawion sa imo
gin hambal?)

A11: No more.
(Wala na.)
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Iloilo
Iloilo City, Iloilo


Plaintiffs, FOR: ROBBERY




The undersigned Provincial Prosecutor hereby Ross F. Geller, 27 years of age, a resident of
Railroad St., Lapuz, Iloilo City, Iloilo, of the crime of Less Serious Physical Injuries, committed as

That on or before 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon of May 15, 2021 at Solis St., Iloilo City, Iloilo
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named accused did then and there
unlawfully, and feloniously robbed Phoebe R. Buffay. As the latter was coming out of her car after
parking at Solis St., the accused pointed an ice pick at the lower left side of her torso and told her to give
him her phone and wallet otherwise he would stab her. Phoebe, fearing her life, reached for her wallet
and phone and gave it to the accused. After taking possession of the victim’s wallet and phone, the
accused told the victim to turn her back and she did so. The accused then punched the victim in the
stomach and ran away. Phoebe R. Buffay, after taking a while to recover from the punch, went to the
police station and lodged a report.


Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines, May 31, 2021.

Provincial Prosecutor
MCLE Compliance No. VI-0001234/Nov. 18, 2016


1. Phoebe R. Buffay – San Jose St., Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

1. Criminal Complaint
2. Judicial Affidavit Phoebe R. Buffay – San Jose St., Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo


I certify that the foregoing information is filed pursuant to Section 7 of Rule 112 of the Rules on
Criminal Procedure, as amended, the accused not having opted to avail of his right to preliminary
investigation and not having executed a waiver pursuant to Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code and
based on the evidence on record there being a prima facie case of the crime charged and that the accused
is probably guilty thereof.

Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines, May 31, 2021.


Provincial Prosecutor
MCLE Compliance No. VI-0001234/Nov. 18, 2016

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Iloilo City, Iloilo.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Iloilo
Iloilo City, Iloilo


Complainant, FOR: ROBBERY




The undersigned Investigator of Police Station, Iloilo City, Iloilo, after having been duly sworn to
in accordance with the law accused Ross F. Geller, male, legal age, and resident of Brgy. Tanza, Jaro,
Iloilo City, Iloilo for Violation of Art 295 of RPC: Robbery as follows:

That on or before 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon of May 15, 2021 at Solis St., Iloilo City,
Iloilo and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named accused did then and there
unlawfully, and feloniously robbed Phoebe R. Buffay. As the latter was coming out of her car after
parking at Solis St., the accused pointed an ice pick at the lower left side of her torso and told her to give
him her phone and wallet otherwise he would stab her. Phoebe, fearing her life, reached for her wallet
and phone and gave it to the accused. After taking possession of the victim’s wallet and phone, the
accused told the victim to turn her back and she did so. The accused then punched the victim in the
stomach and ran away. Phoebe R. Buffay, after taking a while to recover from the punch, went to the
police station and lodged a report.


Iloilo City, Iloilo

Gonzalo H. Isanan
Police Staff Sergeant

1. Phoebe R. Buffay – San Jose St., Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

1. Judicial Affidavit Phoebe R. Buffay – San Jose St., Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Iloilo City, Iloilo.
Judicial Affidavit
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano imo pangalan, address kag iban pa na personal na
A1: My name is Phoebe R. Buffay, I live in Railroad St., Lapuz, Iloilo City, Iloilo and I am 23 years old.
( Ako si Phoebe R. Buffay, naga puli ako sa Railroad St., Lapuz, Iloilo City, Iloilo kag 23 na
ang akon edad.)

Q2: Why are you here at the Police Station?

(Ngaa ari ikaw subong sa Police Station?)
A2: I am here to report a robbery committed against me.
(Ari ko diri subong kay gin hold-up ako.)

Q3: Who accompanied you in going to our office?

(Sino upod mo pagkadto diri sa amon opisina?)
A3: I came here alone.
(Ako lang isa nagkadto di subong.)

Q4: Do you recognize the person who robbed you?

(Kilala mo ang tao nga nag kikis sa imo?)
A4: No.

Q6: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

(Tandaan mo kung kasano kag kung sa diin ini natabo?)
A6: Yes, it happened on May 15, 2021, 3pm at Solis St., Iloilo City, Iloilo
(Oo, natabo ni sang May 15, 2021 mga alas tress a hapon sa Solis St.)

Q7: Do you recognize the person who robbed you?

(Kilala mo ang tao nga ag kiskis sa imo?)
A7: No.

Q8: Can you describe the person who robbed you?

(Pwede mo ma describe ang tao nga nag kiskis sa imo?)
A8: Yes, he is dark-skinned man, thin, and a few inches taller than me. He was wearing a green shirt with
an inner white long sleeves or arm band I’m not sure. He was wearing maong pants, and a red cap with a
short hair. He also has a beard.
(Oo, maitom siya nga lalake, maniwang kag gamay lang guid iya tinaas sa akon. Naka green
siya nga t-shirt na daw may ara puti na long sleeves sa sulod ukon arm bands nga puti indi lang ako
sure. Naka maong siya nga pantalon kag may kalo siya nga pula, lipot buhok kag naka pula.)

Q9: Can you narrate what happened?

(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano ang natabo?)
A9: Yes. I just got out of my car, I was about to close the door but then the man put his arms around my
neck and pointed a thin metal object on my sides, I assumed it was an ice pick. He told me to give him my
wallet and cellphone or he will stab me. I was scared so I gave him my wallet and my phone. After I gave
it to him, he told me to turn back to my car and then he punch me in the stomach. It was so painful, I
couldn’t breathe and I started vomiting. By that time he already let go of me and he ran away. After I
recovered, I drove here directly.
(Oo, bale bago lang gd ko panaog sa salakyan pero wala ko pa nasarado akon pwerta tapos
may lalake daw gin kuga ya ko tapos gin tutukan niya ko sang daw nipis nga stick na daw
metal, feeling ko ice pick ato. Tapos ginhambalan niya ko nga ihatag ko kuno sa iya akon
cellphone kag wallet kay kung indi ko pag ihatag bun-on niya ako. Sa akon kahadlok,
ginhatag ko sa iya ang akon nga wallet kag cellpone. Pagkahatag ko ginhambalan niya ko
mag talikod kag nag talikod man ako, tapos gulpi niya lng ko ginsuloksulok. Sa sobra ka
sakit indi ko kaginhawa mayo kag nag sululuka ko, tapos niya sumbag sakon naglakat na
siya dayon. Sang naka recover na ko nag direcho ko diri sa police station.)

Q10: Were there any vehicles or people passing by Solis St. at that time?
(May ara salakyan or tao nga nagalabay sa Solis St. sang amo to nga oras?)
A10: No, there was no one there. Usually that area is packed, but probably because of COVID there are
only few people passing by.
(Wala, wala guid ya tao nga nag labay. Usually, damo na da gani naga labay pero tungod
kay may COVID siguro amo n amalaka lang ang tao nga nagalabay.)

Q11: Did you shout or ask for help when he was robbing you?
(Nagsinggit ka or nangayo tabang habang gina kiskisan ka?)
A11: No, I did not. I was too afraid that he would stab me and that I would die. I just gave him my wallet
and cellphone.
(Wala guid. Grabe gin akon kahadlok ng abasi bunon niya ako ukon mapatay ako didto.
Ginhatag ko nalang ang akon wallet kag cellphone.)

Q12: What were the items contained in your wallet?

(Ano ang unod sang imo wallet)
A12: My driver’s license was there, around Php6,000.00 of cash, my credit card, my ID and my ATM
(Akon driver’s license ara didto, mga Php6,000.00 nga cash, akon credit car, akon ID kag
ang akon ATM Card.)

Q13: How much was the value of the phone taken from you?
(Pila ang bili sang cellphone nga nakuha sa imo?)
A13: Around Php45,000.00.
(Mga Php45,000.00 ang bili sang akon cellphone.)

Q14: Other than your cellphone and wallet, was anything else taken from you?
(Bukod sa imo cellphone kag wallet wala na sang may iban pa nga nakuha sa imo?)
A14: No.
(Wala naman.)

Q15: this time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
(Sa subong wala na ako may ipamangkot sa imo, may ara ka pa idugang o bawion sa imo
gin hambal?)
A15: No more.
(Wala na.)
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Iloilo
Iloilo City, Iloilo


Complainant, FOR: ROBBERY




The undersigned Investigator of Police Station, Iloilo City, Iloilo, after having been duly sworn to
in accordance with the law accused Ross F. Geller, male, legal age, and resident of Brgy. Tanza, Jaro,
Iloilo City, Iloilo for Violation of Art 295 of RPC: Robbery as follows:

That on or before 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon of May 15, 2021 at Solis St., Iloilo City,
Iloilo and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above named accused did then and there
unlawfully, and feloniously robbed Phoebe R. Buffay. As the latter was coming out of her car after
parking at Solis St., the accused pointed an ice pick at the lower left side of her torso and told her to give
him her phone and wallet otherwise he would stab her. Phoebe, fearing her life, reached for her wallet
and phone and gave it to the accused. After taking possession of the victim’s wallet and phone, the
accused told the victim to turn her back and she did so. The accused then punched the victim in the
stomach and ran away. Phoebe R. Buffay, after taking a while to recover from the punch, went to the
police station and lodged a report.


Iloilo City, Iloilo

Gonzalo H. Isanan
Police Staff Sergeant

2. Phoebe R. Buffay – San Jose St., Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

2. Judicial Affidavit Phoebe R. Buffay – San Jose St., Jaro, Iloilo City, Iloilo

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this May 31, 2021 at Iloilo City, Iloilo.
Judicial Affidavit
PRELIMINARY: Affiant was duly informed of the nature of the investigation and after having been
advised of his right as prescribed in the New Constitution of the Philippines and explained to him in
visayan dialect testified as follows:

QUESTION: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?
ANSWER: Yes, ma’am.

Q1: Can you please state your name, address and other personal information?
(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano imo pangalan, address kag iban pa na personal na
A1: My name is Phoebe R. Buffay, I live in Railroad St., Lapuz, Iloilo City, Iloilo and I am 23 years old.
( Ako si Phoebe R. Buffay, naga puli ako sa Railroad St., Lapuz, Iloilo City, Iloilo kag 23 na
ang akon edad.)

Q2: Why are you here at the Police Station?

(Ngaa ari ikaw subong sa Police Station?)
A2: I am here to report a robbery committed against me.
(Ari ko diri subong kay gin hold-up ako.)

Q3: Who accompanied you in going to our office?

(Sino upod mo pagkadto diri sa amon opisina?)
A3: I came here alone.
(Ako lang isa nagkadto di subong.)

Q4: Do you recognize the person who robbed you?

(Kilala mo ang tao nga nag kikis sa imo?)
A4: No.

Q6: Do you recall when and where did it happen?

(Tandaan mo kung kasano kag kung sa diin ini natabo?)
A6: Yes, it happened on May 15, 2021, 3pm at Solis St., Iloilo City, Iloilo
(Oo, natabo ni sang May 15, 2021 mga alas tress a hapon sa Solis St.)

Q7: Do you recognize the person who robbed you?

(Kilala mo ang tao nga ag kiskis sa imo?)
A7: No.

Q8: Can you describe the person who robbed you?

(Pwede mo ma describe ang tao nga nag kiskis sa imo?)
A8: Yes, he is dark-skinned man, thin, and a few inches taller than me. He was wearing a green shirt with
an inner white long sleeves or arm band I’m not sure. He was wearing maong pants, and a red cap with a
short hair. He also has a beard.
(Oo, maitom siya nga lalake, maniwang kag gamay lang guid iya tinaas sa akon. Naka green
siya nga t-shirt na daw may ara puti na long sleeves sa sulod ukon arm bands nga puti indi lang ako
sure. Naka maong siya nga pantalon kag may kalo siya nga pula, lipot buhok kag naka pula.)

Q9: Can you narrate what happened?

(Pwede mo mahambal kung ano ang natabo?)
A9: Yes. I just got out of my car, I was about to close the door but then the man put his arms around my
neck and pointed a thin metal object on my sides, I assumed it was an ice pick. He told me to give him my
wallet and cellphone or he will stab me. I was scared so I gave him my wallet and my phone. After I gave
it to him, he told me to turn back to my car and then he punch me in the stomach. It was so painful, I
couldn’t breathe and I started vomiting. By that time he already let go of me and he ran away. After I
recovered, I drove here directly.
(Oo, bale bago lang gd ko panaog sa salakyan pero wala ko pa nasarado akon pwerta tapos
may lalake daw gin kuga ya ko tapos gin tutukan niya ko sang daw nipis nga stick na daw
metal, feeling ko ice pick ato. Tapos ginhambalan niya ko nga ihatag ko kuno sa iya akon
cellphone kag wallet kay kung indi ko pag ihatag bun-on niya ako. Sa akon kahadlok,
ginhatag ko sa iya ang akon nga wallet kag cellpone. Pagkahatag ko ginhambalan niya ko
mag talikod kag nag talikod man ako, tapos gulpi niya lng ko ginsuloksulok. Sa sobra ka
sakit indi ko kaginhawa mayo kag nag sululuka ko, tapos niya sumbag sakon naglakat na
siya dayon. Sang naka recover na ko nag direcho ko diri sa police station.)

Q10: Were there any vehicles or people passing by Solis St. at that time?
(May ara salakyan or tao nga nagalabay sa Solis St. sang amo to nga oras?)
A10: No, there was no one there. Usually that area is packed, but probably because of COVID there are
only few people passing by.
(Wala, wala guid ya tao nga nag labay. Usually, damo na da gani naga labay pero tungod
kay may COVID siguro amo n amalaka lang ang tao nga nagalabay.)

Q11: Did you shout or ask for help when he was robbing you?
(Nagsinggit ka or nangayo tabang habang gina kiskisan ka?)
A11: No, I did not. I was too afraid that he would stab me and that I would die. I just gave him my wallet
and cellphone.
(Wala guid. Grabe gin akon kahadlok ng abasi bunon niya ako ukon mapatay ako didto.
Ginhatag ko nalang ang akon wallet kag cellphone.)

Q12: What were the items contained in your wallet?

(Ano ang unod sang imo wallet)
A12: My driver’s license was there, around Php6,000.00 of cash, my credit card, my ID and my ATM
(Akon driver’s license ara didto, mga Php6,000.00 nga cash, akon credit car, akon ID kag
ang akon ATM Card.)

Q13: How much was the value of the phone taken from you?
(Pila ang bili sang cellphone nga nakuha sa imo?)
A13: Around Php45,000.00.
(Mga Php45,000.00 ang bili sang akon cellphone.)

Q14: Other than your cellphone and wallet, was anything else taken from you?
(Bukod sa imo cellphone kag wallet wala na sang may iban pa nga nakuha sa imo?)
A14: No.
(Wala naman.)

Q15: this time I have nothing to ask you, do you have something to add or retract in your statement?
(Sa subong wala na ako may ipamangkot sa imo, may ara ka pa idugang o bawion sa imo
gin hambal?)
A15: No more.
(Wala na.)

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