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Project Description:

The project is the development of a responsive web application with a two-sided marketplace
for both businesses and consumers to interact and connect.

How it works:
The core logic of the web application is to allow businesses to promote their website. The
business can choose to pay a fee and in exchange, these businesses will get more conversions
or leads along with real time feedback from consumers and the ability to message consumers.
The fees collected daily from businesses will be given to consumers based on the level of
activity that consumer has completed on the web application during the day.
The system will look at each consumers usage of the platform and then decide how much
money of the total fees collected each consumer will get.

Deliverables: The 1st deliverable must be completed before going to the others.
1. A tracking system that allows us to track user behavior on business websites through
the web application along with documentation and diagrams showing how the tracking
system works.
This tracking system will use the same concepts as a browser or browser extension to
track users. The idea is to be able to track user behavior like completing conversions
e.g., purchases, sign-ups, downloads etc., session duration, webpage visits etc. without
having the business put any tracking code in their website. We will also track the users
linked cards to confirm purchases if that is needed.
The business should only have to input their website URL into our web application, and
we will be able to track all user interaction and behavior on business webpages.
We can track using our browser and or with tracking cookies or pixels. This may require
the use of JavaScript or whatever technology is needed to make it work.
Alternatively, if we must ask businesses to insert our tracking code into their website,
then this should be an easy and quick process. The business should be able to simply
drag and drop our tracking code into their website or copy and paste our tracking code
into their website. The business should also be able to test and ensure that our tracking
code is working or not once they insert it into their website. The tracking code should be
easy to insert in any web platform, whether is an html website or any other website
platform type like shopify, wix, big commerce etc. Finally, the business should be able to
either email their unique tracking code to someone or we can help the business insert
the tracking code into their website. You must recommend the best way to implement
the tracking system, whether it’s using a browser method, inserting a tracking code, or
installing an API. When recommending and creating the tracking system please keep in
mind the new privacy and data gathering requirements for using third-party tracking
cookies and pixels, this method is not being accommodated by many browsers anymore.
2. A fully functional business section of the platform with all features completed and free
of bugs.
3. A fully functional consumer section of the platform with all features completed and free
of bugs.
4. A fully functional admin panel for the platform with all features completed and free of
5. A site map along with URL’s for all webpages, so that users can find the web application
easily on the internet.
6. Submission of the web application to all the relevant search engines and compatibility
with web browsers e. g. Chrome, Safari, Edge, Bing, Firefox etc.
7. Organic Search Engine Optimization for the web application to rank high on search
8. Successful deployment of web application on clients server.
9. Maintenance of web application on clients servers i.e., dealing with any technical issues
e.g., fraud, security breach, preventing downtime, outages etc.

Frontend: HTML, CSS, React.JS or the best technology that gives great UI and UX.
Backend: PHP, SQL databases.
The technology used at both the back and front end must ensure that the web application is
secure, can handle high daily traffic and is easily scalable.

Design Look and Feel:

The web application will be designed to enable ease of use by both businesses and consumers.
The web application will have icons relevant to the information being shared and text that is
easy to read and free of grammatical errors.
Helvetica will be the text font and the primary colors will be green and white, similar to the
company logo.
The website must be ADA compliant.

The final look, UI and UX quality will be similar to the reference websites below:!o2#!/ (Homepage look)
Examples of websites with different tracking system types are as follows:

Tracking code insertion examples

Brower extension examples

API tracking example

Note: Completion of all features will be determined with user testing on the developer and
client servers with real data and money.

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