CHAPTER 5 - History

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 The rise to power of the Islamic Empire cut

CHAPTER 5 Europe’s access to the prosperous trading

Lesson 1: Early European Explorations and centers.
 The Muslims controlled the 3 trade routes
that ended the European’s monopoly of
Interrelation among the Peoples of the Ancient trade
World  Great loss in profits led to discovery of new
trade. This period came to be known as The
 Trade laid the foundation of civilization in
Age of Discovery and Explorations.
one locality to another, linked the people
 The Age of Discovery and Explorations-
from Africa to Europe, from Europe to Asia
- Europeans dared to cross the uncharted
 Valuable trade goods of the East; spices
seas and discover new lands
such as pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg,
- The map of Europe expanded with the
and ginger – became the most demanded
inclusion of discovered lands
products among the Europeans which was
- Unlike the ruthlessness and drastic use
used in the preservation of meat especially
of force in the conquered lands
during winter season
employed by ancient empire builders,
 Other valuable trade goods; gold, slaves,
that of the modern times was
silver, silk
diplomatic in character
 Trade goods were brought by caravans
- The discovery of the Philippines was
across Asia to the Middle East and onwards
highly significant as it gave Europeans a
to the trading post in the Mediterranean
new trade route to the orient and
 Europe-Asia trade was carried indirectly
opened vast horizons of the world, with
through 3 old trade routes
ends meeting at a point, by then Spain.
1. Northern route
− had its main center along the Factors That Triggered the Age of
Mediterranean Sea Exploration
− Caravans passed through
northern China and traversed Renaissance Period
through Bokhara and Samarkand - The Middle Ages- spiritual fervor was so
around the Caspian Sea and strong, focused on the preparation of
ended up to Constantinople life beyond death, thus, giving less
2. Middle route emphasis on what the natural setting
− Began from Malacca to the offered.
Indian Ocean, passing through - Also, at this period, warlike Germanic
the ports of India, to the Persian tribes plundered Europe and destroyed
Gulf through Persia (now Iran) rich cultural heritage of the time
and to Acre, Antioch and other - The monks from various monasteries
Syrian ports. kept hold of the remaining manuscripts
3. Southern route of the ancient time great thinkers.
− Was by water travel from - The monks, “The Light of the Dark
Malacca to India through the Ages,” translated the Greek and Latin
Indian Ocean, crossed the Red writings and had preserved it.
Sea, to Alexandria.
- Europe’s Dark ages came to an end - Mariners’ compass- show direction
when the barbarians settled down and more accurately
had been Christianized. - Astrolabe- used to determine the
- Renewed interest in worldly matters position of the ships from its latitude
and the beauty of the present life (north or south of the equator) by
caught the attention of Europeans. observing the position of the sun, moon,
- As a mindset that spread in Europe, the and stars.
period came to be called Renaissance, - Age of Exploration was an offshoot to
meaning rebirth. the full blossoming of the Renaissance
- It began in Italy, 1350, when Italian
scholars study books preserved in the
monasteries. The Rise of Powerful Nation States
- Beginning the 16th Century, scientists
- Economic prosperity brought about by
had focused on the study of the
the expansion of trade gave birth to a
heavenly bodies first undertaken by the
new economic system called capitalism
Greek and Roman scholars.
- The rise of capitalistic states witnessed
- They questioned the validity of
the establishment of a broad
traditional theories
networking of the banking system.
- False beliefs about geography were
- Wealth or capital fell in the hands of
superseded with theories with theories
private individuals and powerful
in consonance to the scientific method
of inquiry.
- Huge profits were put to a halt when
- Europeans grew wild in imagination as
the Muslims took away from rich
what lies ahead outside of their
European countries the monopoly of
- Major breakaway came when the
- Another trade route leading to the
scholars made use of the Aristotelian
sources of valuable Asian goods
postulate that the world is round.
particularly from China, Japan and India.
- It led to the idea that the East could be
- With sufficient capital, monarchs and
wealthy merchants funded the
- Renaissance period was an offshoot to
exploratory ventures to the East.
the scientific revolution as Europe
underwent remarkable technological
The Medieval Travelers
- Portugal took the lead in the inventions
of maritime aids and instruments. - The Church took great interest to
- Caravels, new ocean-going ships, establish a foothold in Asia out of its
replaced the rower-propelled galleons. mission to spread the Christian faith.
- Caravels was armed with new weapons - In 1245, Father John Carpini, a
such as cannons and guns and had Franciscan was sent by Pope Innocent IV
smaller chances of being lost at sea. as ambassador to the Great Khan’s
- Most important navigational court at Karakorum. The Book of
instruments; mariners’ compass and Tartars; account of his travel, prompted
astrolabe. King Louis IX of France to send Fr.
William of Rubruck, another Franciscan
to Karakorum.
- Marco Polo- most well known European
traveler to the East

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