(A1) MS For Installation of Plumbing Fixtures

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DUBAI METRO PROJECT Dubai Rapid Link DUBAI RAPID LINK CONSORTIUM DUBAI METRO PROJECT OFFICE [Contract No.: DMO01 CDRLNo.: NA | Project Title: DUBAI METRO. CDRL Title: N.A Document Title: Method Statement For Installation Of Plumbing Fixtures Revision History E D A3 A2 Al First issue NA Signed below mark | DATE DESCRIPTION all ivan Peet Orector S. Shimamura Depuy ProectOiecar [S.SasaKi MK Meg ok ‘Ghectea By (QANGC Menage | J. Wher Checked By Gately Manage) | M.Gurung Checked By Checked By (Project Menage) | R.Ozalp I Checked By Checked By (Design Meneger) | M, Makino <7 2 Prepared By Prepared By Hikayicey A —yp—— DATE DATE 14” May 07 CONTRACTOR'S DOCUMENT No.: | DOCUMENT No.: RAIL SYSTEM cv JV. REVISION Al DM001-X-AST-GEM-MT-DCC-401190 hl i) Section No. SNnNees ona 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Attachment Table of Contents Title Purpose Scope and Application of Work Reference Definitions Specification Clauses Mobilization Plan Construction Equipment Personnel Materials Construction Procedure and Construction Method Testing procedure Design & Drawings Statutory Consents Work Program Quality Assurance Health & Safety Plan Environmental Policy Sub-Contractor Risk and Hazard Assessment Organization Chart Inspection & Testing PLAN * Risk assessment form © Check List for Plumbing Fixtures. Inspection and Test Plan {METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PLUMENNG Focrunes ‘Documsnt Ho: DHODI-X-AST-GEN-MT-DCC 404180 1 Poge tere 4.0 Purpose. 2.0 3.0 The method statement describes the procedure for Installation and Testing of Plumbing Fixtures in the underground stations and Elevated Stations for Dubai Metro Project, in compliance with the approved designs, material approvals, and Project specifications The installation procedure shall be in accordance with recognized installation practices / manufacturers recommendations that are safe & compliant with the Project Safety Plan and safety procedures. The inspection of the installation shall be in accordance with Project Quality Plan & procedures and an approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) for the work, This method statement relates to the procedures for inspection of in-coming material, installation, Inspection & Testing of Plumbing Fixtures. Scope and Application of Work: This method statement describes the procedures for inspection of in-coming material, installation, Inspection & Testing of Plumbing Fixtures. The work methods are summarized as follows: 2.1 Procurement of Plumbing Fixtures 2.2 Inspection on arrival at site for the quantity, quality & Compliance of material to material submittals 2.3 _ Installation of Plumbing Fixtures 24 Test & Commission References This document has been prepared with reference to the following documents: * Project Safety Plan and associated procedures «Project Environmental Plan and associated procedures * Project Quality Plan and associated procedures * Specifications issued by Dubai Municipality 0 Pat 2 — GENERAL TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS, GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS, DOC. NO. PS007-T-ALLI-PMP-TN-SYS-175001-B2 © Part 4: CIVIL WORKS — UNDERGROUND SECTIONS, SPECIFIC TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS, ELECTROMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, PARTICULAR SPECIFICATIONS. DOC. NO. PS007-T-ALLI-EME-TN-SYS- 480502-B2. © In accordance with Specification Clause 8.0 - Plumbing Fixtures of "Plumbing & Fire Fighting Works — Particular Specifications” covered under Document No.PS007-T-ALLI-TN-SYS-199114-C1 dated 01 December 2004. Relevant design document approvals. * Relevant equipments approvals. * Manufacturer's instructions/ catalogues/ recommendations. In addition, the following Method Statements are provided for reference: * Method statement for UPVC Piping Document Number: DM001—X-AST- GEM— MT-DCC- 401192. [METHOD STATEMENT FORINSTALLATION OF PLUMBING pean No: ORDOHX-AST-CEN-NT-0CC-401190 84 Page 2018 4.0 5.0 Definitions and Abbreviations AWC Arabic Water Closet ASHRAE — American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Airconditioning Engineers BS British Standard cP Chromium Plated DcP Design Control Point DM Dubai Municipality DURL Dubai Rapid Link Consortium DWP Detailed Works Programme EN Euro Norm ENG The Engineer ETASET E&M Sub contractor Ewc European Water Closet EWH Electric Water Heaters Gl Galvanized Iron HSS Health and Safety Standard HVCA Heating and ventilating Contractors Association ITP Inspection and Test Plan LPS Lighting Power Station MP Management Procedure N/A Not Applicable NCR Non Contfirmity Report NRV Non-return valve PPE Personal Protective Equipment PTRV Pressure & Temperature Relief Valve RPM Revolution Per Minute RTA Dubai Roads and Transport Authority SEM Structural E&M requirements ‘TPS Traction Power Station WHB Wash Hand Basin / Lavatory Specification Clauses The specification requirements for PLUMBING FIXTURES are as contained in the following specifications and clauses: « Part 4: CIVIL WORKS — CIVIL WORKS - UNDERGROUND SECTIONS SPECIFIC TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS PLUMBING WORKS PARTICULAR SPECIFICATIONS, DOC. NO. PS007-T- ALLI -CWK-TN-SYS-199114-C1 The specific clauses are reproduced below 8. Plumbing Fixtures 8.1 General Requirements The Contractor shall furnish and install all the plumbing fixtures as proposed on the Drawings and as specified below complete with all thelr trim, accessories and supports as specified. Prefix numbers identify and locate the fixtures on the Drawings relative to the fixtures described herein. Plumbing fixtures shall be of vitreous china of the first quality and of colour as specified. Fixtures shall have smooth glazed surfaces free from warp, cracks, checks, flaws, discoloration or other imperfections. Imperfect fixtures will not be accepted. LMETIO0 STATENENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING Fours ‘Becument No: DMSOY-X-AST-GEN-AT-DCC-£01180 At Poe aera ETA et ‘All vitreous shine accessories shall match the plumbing fixturos and chall bo of the same manufacture and colour. ‘All plumbing fixtures, trim and accessories shall be the product of a reputablo and approved manufacturer ‘and as far a3 practicable shall be procured from manufacturer unless specified otherwise. Plumbing fixtures and thelr trim and accossories shall be installed in a neat finished and uniform manner as, directed by the Engincer. They shall bo set stralght and true and securely attached to the aupportig surfaces, Roughing shall be accurately lald out to conform with finished walls and floors. Plumbing fixtures shall be connected to the drain and water supply pipes in an approved gastight and watertight manne ‘Strap or padded wrenches shall bo used on chromo plated pipe fittings, valves and other trim. Immediatoly after installation, an ample coating of petroleum jelly shall bo suppliod to all exposad eurfaces (of chrome plated piping, valves, fitings and other tlm for protection until final aceaptance. Plumbing fixtures, metal trim and accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned of labels, plaster, palnt droppings ‘and all foreign matter and shall be well pollshed and tested for perfect working condition before turning them over to the Employer. Concealed brackots, hangers and plates shall be painted as directed by the Engineer. ‘The Contractor shall submit to the Enginear a list of all plumbing fixtures, trim and accessories that he proposes to use indicating manufacturer, type and model number, with descriptive catalogues clearly marked as to the item propose ‘The Contractor shall submit samples of all fixtures, trim and accessories when asked to do so by the Engineer, The contractor shail not charge the Employer with the cost of such samples nor shall he use any different from the approved sample. ‘Water taps to be provided with flow controllers. 8.2 Lavatory - Type Lav ~2 ‘White vitreous china lavatory 64 em, wall hung fype, with one hole for mixer, complete with wall brackots, Idoal Standard or approved equivalent. Lavatory shall be complete with the following trim and accossories, or approved equal: chrome plated mixer consisting of 1/2" taps, and 1 1/4” pop-up waste, ideal Standard Model Ceramic basin Mixer, oF approved equal. = chrome plated 4 4/4” P-trap with wall tube andl wall flange, adjustable typo, ideal Standard . = chrome plated 1/2" angle supply and stop valve with 30m long tube, blue index. Ideal Standard. - chrome plated 1/2" angle supply and stop valve with 30cm long tube, red index. Ideal Standard, chrome plated soap holder, Workman standard. = chrome plated towel ral, 60cm long, Workman standard. 8,3 Water Closet - Typo Ewo-1 White vitreous china European wator closet, floor mounted, S-trap bottom connection, close coupled to flush tank, ldeal Standard or approved equal. ‘Water closet shall be complote with the following trim and accesseries, or approved equal: - White solid plastic seat and cover complate with metal hinge, rubber washers and plastic serews, and nuts, Idea! Standard. - chrome plated 3/8" angle supply and stop valve with 30om long tube, blue index. Ideal Standard chrome plated resorva paper holder, workman standard. cleaning motal chromium plated hase with angle stop valve 8.4 Urinals Type -Ur URINAL -TYPE UR: White vitreous china wash out urinal, wall mounted, WASHBROOK or approved equal. Urinal shall be complete withthe following fittings and accessories or approved equal. 1114" chromo platod botle trap to wall with wall flange. 412" chromo platod inlet connection stainless stool dome outlot grating 1 4/4 self closing push button valve. Urinal shall be provided with aterion saree FoR MSTALLATIONOF LIMBNG ticle hat als an eta-toebos Pacesets eT tl t 7.0 8.0 In addition to the requirements of the specification referred above, the PLUMBING FIXTURES shall be installed as per the detailed shop drawings prepared by ETASET based on approved design to be provided by the DURL, as approved by the ENG and the installation instructions of the manufacturer In addition, the following Method Statements are provided for reference: + Method statement for the UPVC Pipes; Document Number: DM001 ~ X - AST ~ GEM - MT ~ DCC - 401192. Resources Mobilization Plan According to the works programme, and planned site access availability at the respective work sites, appropriate staff, labour, equipment and materials will be mobilized to the site to install the PLUMBING FIXTURES in accordance with the approved design. The actual mobilization of staff, labour and equipment and the materials delivery schedule will be dependent on site access. Actual site access dates will need to be notified by DURL at least four weeks ahead of targeted handing over of the site and confirmation of site access date one week before the access date. Notification and confirmation of site access dates shall be provided by DURL to ETASET/ ENG as required. It is understood that DURL will be responsible for the provision of appropriate types and quantities of cranes, cradles, working platforms and scaffoldings. Temporary construction water supply, ventilation, power supplies and lighting systems will be provided to all works locations by DURL. Aspects of the ETASET mobilization of the various resources are described in detail in the following sections of this method statement. Construction Equipment It is envisaged that no major plant or equipment will be required to be provided by ETASET for the activities involved in the supply and installation of the PLUMBING FIXTURES systems. The typical construction equipment requirements is as listed below, and will be used for erection activities at site. 7.1 PPE for all staff and labour 7.2. Measuring tapes and setting out markers 7.3. Spanner set /Other Hand Tools 7.4 Certified chain blocks, Nylon straps /shackles/ Spreader bar 7.5 Mobile Crane/Tower Crane 7.6 Scaffolding 7.7 Other special tools for PLUMBING FIXTURES assembly 7.8 Spirit Level 7.9 Measuring instruments Note: All powered hand tools shall be suitable for use with a 110 volt power supply. Personnel Installation of the PLUMBING FIXTURES will be organized from a central location by the project management team. It is envisaged that the installation of PLUMBING FIXTURES on site will be conducted by one or more installation teams. Each PLUMBING TURES ‘ecuent No: DMEOI-X-AST-GEN-MT-OCC~41180.At Fopesors hel a zT 9.0 10.0 FIXTURES installation team will comprise of a supervisor, atleast 1 skilled worker/technician and atleast 1 semiskilled technitian/helpers. The PLUMBING FIXTURES installation teams will report to the site construction management organization, in general, and the Station Engineer (Mechanical) in particular. ‘The personnel on site will be fully competent to carry out the installation of PLUMBING FIXTURES and all related works associated with it. The site personnel will have attended the required contractors safety induction and/or competency training and will abide by the health & safety plans, policy and procedures as well as Environmental Plan. Personnel will be deployed to the various sites on the basis of programme requirement and site access availability. It is intended that the works teams will be organised by geographical areas, Materials The PLUMBING FIXTURES will be procured from approved vendors. Units will be ordered as per approved equipment submittal. All materials delivered to the site will first be inspected to check that they are in accordance with delivery documents, and that they are free from any damage caused during transportation to site. Delivery documentation shall be checked for completeness. Defective or damaged equipment shall be notified to the supplier and stored on site at a suitable quarantine location. The defective equipment will be either replaced or repaired at the option of the supplier. The inward inspection of materials will be carried out in accordance with the relevant QA/QC procedure (Document Number DM001 — X — AST - GEM ~ PR ~-DCC-409603).. No materials will be permitted to be used without being inspected on arrival to the site. Construction Procedure and Construction Methods The construction procedures and methods described here are based upon the scope and application of the method statement summarized in section 2 of this method statement and the work methods are structured accordingly. 3.1 Material Procurement, delivery & Inspection © The Plumbing Fixtures will be of approved make, type/model complete with all accessories, like brackets, hangers ete © The Plumbing Fixtures will be procured from an approved manufacturer/ supplier. «Upon delivery at site, the Plumbing Fixtures will be inspected for quality, quantity, damage etc and will be got approved as per the ITP prior to installation The Plumbing Fixtures damaged / not conforming to Project requirements will be returned to the supplier or stored separately in the quarantine storage area. * All the approved! acceptable Plumbing Fixtures will be then stored in a designated, secure & lockable store in an orderly manner Deut No: OMEOE-X-AST-CEN-MT-DCC-401190 AY Popes _/—) 10.2 Before commencement of installation, following checks are carried out. . ry 10.3 10.3 Preparation Work The required quantity of Plumbing Fixtures, fittings & accessories are available at site and in good condition. All delivered material conforms to approved submittal. In-coming Material Inspection is carried out & got approved as per the ITP. Check Cold & Hot water piping connections are available Check all soil and waste lines are clear and not choked. Check all major construction related activities have been finished in totality namely flooring, wall cladding, false ceiling, door shutter fixing, painting etc. Check work area is clean and safe. Installation Procedure Shift the required sanitary ware and C.P. fittings to the designated location carefully. Determine the position of brackets and mark out on the Floor or wall cladding. Drill holes in the Floor or wall cladding using the appropriate size drill bits Check condition of brackets for integrity and finish and fix in place. Finally sanitary ware and C.P. fittings shall be fixed in position using proper screws, gaskets, rubber buffers and nuts etc. Any gap between the Floor or wall cladding and the edges / corners of sanitary wares is neatly filled with anti-bacterial sealant. After fixing the sanitary ware and C.P. fittings, all the items shall be cleaned properly. After fixing, the Plumbing Fixtures shall be checked thoroughly for line, level and leakages etc. Cover all sanitary ware & accessories with clean polythene sheets. Apply Petroleum jelly on all C.P. fittings Clean the work location. Lock the door of the concerned area to guard against misuse / vandalism. Installation! Operational Checks/ Testing After installtion the entire sanitary ware and C.P. fittings are to be physically checked for the following: Check all sanitary wares/ C.P. fittings as per drawings have been installed. Check level, hight & centreline of each fitting. Check for any breakage / damage. Check for blockage and leakage. Check for hot & cold water flow. Check flush cisterns of WC. Check that all accessories of Service sink are installed. Check for hot & cold water flow in Sink mixers, Wash basin mixers. Check WC hand spray for flow of water Check all sanitary wares and accessories for satisfactory performance Check the area is rendered clean. METHOD STATEMENT FORINSTALLATIONOF PLUMBING pgeument a: DWOOY-X-AST-CEM-MT-OCC-401190 At Page 9 Prunes 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 Responsibility The Project Director is the overall responsible person for the process implementation of the works. The Construction Managers will be responsible for all construction activities at the site and will directly supervise through erection supervisor / skilled workmen the work at site. The Construction Manager will also be responsible for arranging and controlling the inspection and testing activities. Notwithstanding the above, it is the responsibility of each individual employed in the project to take due care to ensure their own personal safety and that of their work colleagues. Design & Drawings PLUMBING FIXTURES installation drawings will be prepared based on approved design and will be submitted separately for approval before commencement of works. Statutory Consents Not Applicable Work Programme Latest coordinated installation program will be strictly followed and fully complied. Quality Assurance All procedures described in the approved quality plan for the Dubai Metro Project contract will be followed. Health & Safety The execution of works will strictly follow the Project Safety Manual. Environmental Policy The Execution of works will strictly follow the Project Environmental Plan. Relevant documentation Approved Design Drawings Approved Shop Drawings (To be submitted later) Relevant codes as in approved design specifications Approved Equipment submissions. ITP Method statement mmpop> Sub Contractor ETASET has been appointed as E&M subcontractor for the stations and inter station annex buildings of Dubai Metro project phase-1. It is envisaged that the PLUMBING FIXTURES installation works will be undertaken by ETASET’s direct workforce; MeIoD STATEMENT FORNSTALLATONOF PLUMBING pgegnuat po UBT AST-GERLAT-0CC-DHDO AL Pope neo therefore, it is not expected to require any further sub contracting of the works. Risk Assessment & Hazard Analysis Risk assessment form is enclosed, Organization Chart As per Organization Chart of the project Inspection and Testing As per Attached ITP ETHON STATEMENT FORINSTALLATION OF PLUMEING ——curent o: INGOY-X-AST-GEN-MT-DCC-4o1180 At Pag eto RTURES: DUBAI METRO PROJECT Dubai Rapid Link Risk Assessment Analysis (Safety & Health) a0 HUT PLOT SHO AHO AAT HTT 0 AAT TOOT TYR TO TEN BEAT = TON snojsw of 0 porsodxo q ou prnoa syneod 3g aq ‘Soto quand 20 Arne eos asnv eo PIVEN, [SULEIO— sbuaup aroudnbo pte Azodosd emu exoor “ou enetsen Ut masa Uto PICZO eID —C aus op #uo uty poe ep AuaNE 0 Goce pee M9 seus sweME]~SHeNS sig TRO ATT RTIT TATAT —T] : ‘shoud yeas are ‘ane 461 ; ou uae sore) st tonptso8 envinott @[v[s[efel: vf wareot [er] e |e | 3s fai e |e of wawmpan | 9 ae fa|lofe|s -nato 0) Synguf]-wyourda SoU". T iM > § —K e nw so SN mason | enw [ore |e |e 8 ad Agouosvay. Sopopoysoy| — ALMORMd YSPC Smaqvqord rpOUIU n990 OY AjaxTrT-AIGBqaAA- F| “XRILVN HOLA SSR Aamaeaoad ‘SeoHoeId BuypueY jeLeIeW punOS Sen) -G “saoyoesd 6ui66y pue Bul6ul|s aJes ainsuy “g 1901 0} poyeOseWEP oq 0} 9:2 UIT “L 9 ‘AUNY PIOAE 0} SYSOM BLY UI 'S baal z Z | + | uawsinbe angoajoid jeuosieg joasnainsug ~| 9 | 2] & sjuawidinbs 10/9 Ayedoud {wy e yjeoueg puers jou og “E ‘0} eBewep pue suosiod quawidinbo ‘siojesado ules) so}eredo payljenb fluo asp) “Z ‘9; Aunfu| quewidinba pue yuejg Jo asp) “sjuawdinba ‘gqueidjo Bulwinyono | —_uojesedo Bun 2 papuauiosal g alIO0 Jo Asn BNSUZ "| pue Bulpeoiiano | Sulpeorun ‘Buyjouey | 1. TAOS 7 joes SNOILOV NOLLVOLLIN: vopeg | SRUNGEGOTE GuvZVH ‘ALIALOW aiqeidasoy: uStY. /S3YNSWAW JONLNOD End Lore ‘YO LNAGIOOW TWILNALOd /dals gor oisva vm | senpisom | yer russ eT Soin DUIGUING (HIE ¥ Mayes) sishieuy jour 7a ‘yqury pidey yeang i _ . Jo3aroud OM LAW Ivand DUBAI METRO PROJECT. Dubai Rapid Link Inspection Checklists JEMPLOYER: RTA, GOVT. OF DUBAI IMAIN CONTRACTOR : DURL DUBAI METRO PROJECT PLUMBING FIXTURES THE ENGINEER: SYSTRAIPARSONS MEP SUBCONTRACTOR: ETASETL.LC. CHECK LIST FOR INSPECTION OF INCOMMING MATERIAL - MS No.: DM001-x-AST-GEM-MT-DCC-401190-A1 ITP No.: DM001-X-AST-GEM-IT-DCC-402190-A1 Loc, SR. No. "ATION AREA: ACTIVITIES /ITEMS TO BE INSPECTED STATUS REMARK 1 (Check that all Items are without any defect or transit damage [Defective Jdamaged materials seggregated, siored separately in 2 [quarantine or sent back to client 3 [Quantity of at materials are as per delivery documents 1 [Materials are rom approved manufacturer and are as per approved rraterial submittal [COMMENTS / DISCREPANCIES, IF ANY: ‘JV SITE ENGINEER ‘JV QC INSPECTOR [SIGNATURE NAME DATE |EMPLOYER: RTA, GOVT. OF DUBAI IAIN CONTRACTOR : DURL DUBAI METRO PROJECT THE ENGINEER: SYSTRAIPARSONS MEP SUBCONTRACTOR : ETA SETLL.C. [Ms No.: DM001-X-AST-GEM-MT-DCC-401190-A1 DISCIPLINE: ITP No.: DM001-K-AST-GEM-IT-DCC-402190.A1 LOCATION AREA: ACTIVITIES / ITEMS TO BE INSPECTED STATUS REMARK [Check all sanitary wares/ C.P. fitings as per drawings have installed [Check level, hight & centreline of each fiting ICheck for any breakage / damage. [Check for blockage and leakage. Check for hot & cold water flow. [Check flush cisterns of WC. [Check that all accessories of Service sink are installed. [Check for hot & cold water flow in Sink mixers, Wash basin mixers. [Check flow WC hand spray checked for flow of water [Check performance of all sanitary wares and accessories for salisfactory} performance [Check the area is rendered clean COMMENTS / DISCREPANCIES, IF ANY: ETASET JV SITE ENGINEER JV QC INSPECTOR DUBAI METRO PROJECT Dubai Rapid Link Inspection & Test Plan | Jresmveo woneiodiog sans YY | Izeysour ‘nit Soc armor oma | ToL | eo nes | Tok NOUWHOdHOD ‘im insTans ii wwoszorsoounsoisesconana| eases | OI LE wy . vN Oo saa 0 seauiBug ey} wWosy peuzesgo ,UOH}92[GO ON JO 40H07,:S2A J] wN G saa 0 JouBiseg Jo juowoasBe uonUM K2/., wN Oo sea O Jaubisag Woy paule}go yu E on a so Oo uopeoyjoads SyJ0M Jo/pue sBuIMelG UB|saq Wo} SeleIAad, soBeuew opivo | s90ulBua Yo seBeuew seGeuen seoulbug sony yoaford smo uBjseq yoefoag Ayndag | Aoyeioqe7 soya. juoumnsog UOHIsod O- ‘Lorn | OMY Al | Loto s7 Ley | Loors0's!| ova mooUM "T ezeW VL oupeW "W diez0 4 wosuiey "Y roukey-H | swreN que dé Z : FE a SS DF | Ln —-aF eumeutig woRewoUTe/dury ETT) REIASY | MaIAaY IUD e | ___jwaUTSANBsy fa 403 possi DVO souryiduioo,, | _smeis uoneied, Bunsen Aon posedosd Lv/06120%-290-L-W30-1S¥-X-L00N :oN queUINDeq SSYNLXId ONISIWId +04 NVTd 1831 GNV NOLLOadSNI se prdey reqng LOBPOUd ONLAN IVENC sang Tena FROME ESE] wee voseete nen BEAT nouazgreg Lee <2 inswancee tnsizor s00-urNao"1SeO0HG-eN a! 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