Virtual Assessment (Reinforcement) English Language 1123: Haya Khan Kakar

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Virtual Assessment (Reinforcement)

English Language 1123


Q) Youare advised to spend about 30 minutes on this part of the paper and to write
between 200 and 300 words. Total marks for this part: 30.

There have been some unusual noises every night of the last five nights near where you live.
They happened at the same time and in the same way each night. Your family and neighbors are
veryupset. Last night you saw what happened and you now decide to report to the police. Write
your report. You must include the following information:

• at what time and where this occurred

• what exactly happened and who was involved
• why your family and the neighbors are so upset and what you want the police to do.
You must cover all five points in detail. You should also add further details if you wish and
make your report clear and helpful.
To: The Southall Police station
From: Haya Khan
Subject: a report
Date: 10 July 2020
Respected sir, from the last 5 nights at exact 3;00 am we came across some very abnormal
noises near the Livingstone road, southall, greater London. We live in sector 5 where 6 houses
are located. 2 of the houses are empty and for sale, one belongs to Dr Khan the second belongs
to a very respectable army officer who is usually out of town and his wife and two sons live
there alone, house 5 belongs to us and house 6 belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Jamil who are both
teachers and live there with their 2 daughters.
4th July I heard noises of glass shattering and very high-pitched screams, me along with the
entire neighborhood were witness to this. We ignored it by thinking that it was their private
matter (Mr. and Mrs. Jamil's). last night I came quite late from my cousins place it was around
2;15 am and I saw Mr. and Mrs. Jamil coming out of a cab they were stumbling and seemed
drunk. I went to my room took my binoculars out and peeked into their window Infront of my
room for the first 30 minutes I saw nothing really suspicious but at exactly 2; 50 I saw Ayesha
and her sister crashing into the room Mr. Jamil came after them and started beating them with a
belt it was followed with their cries. I saw nothing after this. today morning i told it to my
parents and they informed our other neighbors too.
my parent's neighbors are very disturbed after this they say this behavior will ruin the peace and
harmony of our society above all because the mr and mrs Jamil are both teachers they will
adversely affect the students. Ayesha and her sister are mentally and physically hurt and they
deserve better. Sir i request you to please take action against this. i believe the culprits should
be put in jail and the government should take the responsibility of the victim's
Word.:s 320

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