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Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: 12 Semester: 1st semester

Core Subject Title: Physical Science No. of Hours/Semester: 40 hours per Quarter
Prerequisites (If Needed): None
Core Subject Description: Evolution of our understanding of matter, motion, electricity, magnetism, light, and the universe from ancient times to the present; applications of physics and chemistry
concepts in contexts such as atmospheric phenomena, cosmology, astronomy, vision, medical instrumentation, space technology, drugs, sources of energy, pollution and recycling, fitness and health,
and cosmetics.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner is able to

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess developing the Highest Thinking Skill to
Conten Content Performanc Assess
t Standards e Standards Flexible Assessment Enabling
Topics KUD Most KUD Flexible Learning
Complete RBT Level Activities (FAA) General
Classification Essential Classification Strategies (FLS)
Performance Checks Strategy
Fourth Quarter
How The learner OPTICS: Take photo 1. describe LC1.describe
light demonstates i)Dispersion; entries what happens what
i) Direct i) Discussion
acts as an ii) Light focusing on when light is happens
Paraphrasing(online (online)
a wave understandin Phenomena the behavior reflected, when light is Rememberin
Knowing Knowing ) Representation ii) Visual
and a g of ; and of light as a refracted, reflected, g
ii) Picture Representation of
particle 1.) Properties ii)Photon wave and a transmitted, refracted,
Analysis(offline) Information(offline)
of Light Theory particle. and absorbed transmitted,
and absorbed
2. explain how
Newton and
described the
emergence of
light in
various colors
3. cite LC3. cite
examples of examples of
waves (e.g., waves (e.g.,
i) Peer Quiz(online) Reading Assignment
water, water, Rememberin
Knowing Knowing ii) Crossword Representation with Guided
stadium, stadium, g
Puzzle(offline) Questions
sound, string, sound, string,
and light and light
waves) waves)
4. describe Undestanding LC4. describe Understanding Analyzing i) Virtual Communication i) Book Review with
how the how the Experiment(online) s Teacher’s
propagation propagation ii) Experiment Supplemennt
of light, of light, (offline) through video
reflection, and reflection, representation
refraction are and (online)
explained by refraction are ii) Predict-Observe-
the wave explained by Explain(offline)
model and the the wave
particle model model and
of light the particle
model of light
5. explain LC5. explain
how the how the i) Quescussion
photon photon i) Idea Spinner (online)
theory of Understandin theory of (online) Communication ii)Reading
Understanding Analyzing
light g light ii) Data Visualization s Assignment with
accounts for accounts for (offline) Supplementary
atomic atomic Videos (offline)
spectra spectra
6. explain Understandin
how the g
concept and
the fact that
the energy
of a photon
is directly
to its
can be used
to explain
why red light
is used in
c dark
rooms, why
we get easily
sunburned in
light but not
in visible
light, and
how we see
7. apply the
8. describe
how Galileo
and Roemer
to the
of the view
that the
speed of
light is finite
9. cite
showing that Knowing
can behave
like waves
10. LC10.
differentiate differentiate i) Picture Essay
(online and offline) i) Active-Learning
dispersion, dispersion,
Understandin ii) Video Communication Methodolgy(online)
scattering, scattering, Understanding Analyzing
g Presentation(online) s ii)Self-
interference, interference iii) 4 W’s and 1 H Evaluation(offline)
and , and (offline)
diffraction diffraction


Performance Task:
I) Make a Photo Exhibit about optics regarding dispersion, light phenomena and photon theory :Virtual(online) and Scrapbook(offline)

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