Data Sheet - Liebherr WR - Lube SC

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Technical Datasheet

Liebherr WR-Lube SC

Application / Description
Liebherr WR-Lube SC is a solvent-containing adhesive lubricant for the reconservation of wire ropes, such as crane ropes, excavator ropes and
industrial ropes. After solvent evaporation, a highly viscous, touch-dry protective film remains on the wire ropes. The excellent creep properties
between the individual wires of the rope and the superior adhesiveness of Liebherr WR-Lube SC provide an optimal corrosion protection. For
easier processing and/or coating Liebherr WR-Lube SC is preset with a low viscosity.

Application temperature
-40°C to +80°C (after solvent evaporation)

The optimal processing temperature on the clean (free from encrustations and rust) rope surfaces is about +20°C. With sufficient air movement,
the touch-dry film is formed after up to 8 hours. Please shake spray can or stir pail well before using. Cans and pails must be stored at
temperatures below 30°C.

Technical specifications
Chemical and physical characteristics Test method Liebherr WR-Lube SC
Density at 15°C kg/m³ DIN 51 757 893
Kin. viscosity DIN 51 562
20 °C mm²/s 102
Flash point °C DIN EN 22 719 30
Coefficient of friction µ DIN 21 258 0,27

Packing units / Identification numbers

packing size Identification number
600 ml spray can 10 17 33 71
12 x 600 ml spray can 10 17 42 61
25 kg pail 10 17 42 62

Please pass your orders to your Liebherr partner by indicating the identification number.
All information after best knowledge, however without guarantee. Technical data are average values and subject to the usual variation of
production. Data modifications by innovation from product and conversion remain reserving.

Further questions?
If you require additional information: please contact your technical advisor.
Liebherr-Lubricant-Hotline: + 49 (0) 7354/80-6060

Liebherr-Hydraulikbagger GmbH
Liebherrstraße 12, D-88457 Kirchdorf/Iller
Tel: +49 (7354) 80 0, Fax: +49 (7354) 80 7294, E-Mail:

last update 01.07.2016 / mba / Version 01 18047-LH_WR-Lube_SC_en.docx Page 1 of 1

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