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Occupational health and safety (OHS) focuses on primary prevention of hazards while dealing
with employees at the workplace. The risk factors at the workplace and several determinants of health
of the workers account for accidents, musculoskeletal and respiratory diseases, cancers, hearing loss,
circulatory and communicable diseases, stress related disorders and others.

Occupational health and safety (OHS) relates to safety, health, and welfare issues at
workplace. OHS includes standards, laws and programs aimed at improving workplace conditions for
workers and co-workers, family members, customers, and other stakeholders. Improving
occupational health and safety standards ensure better brand image, good business, and higher
employee morale. Occupational health and safety address different types of workplace hazards and
concerns such as chemicals and physical hazards, biological agents, psychological fallout, ergonomic
issues, and accidents.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards mandate reduction, removal, or

replacement of job site hazards. OHS programs also help minimize the effects of such
hazards. Occupational health and safety considerably benefits the company, as healthy
employees are guaranteed to be more productive.

In agricultural work, it is by nature, physically demanding. The risk of accidents is

increased by fatigue, poorly designed tools, difficult terrain, exposure to extreme weather
conditions, and poor general health, associated with working and living in remote and rural
communities. Non-fatal injuries that farmworkers are at high risk for include work-related lung
problems, hearing loss due to noise, skin diseases, various cancers due to exposure to certain
chemicals as well as prolonged exposure to the sun.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the topic, you shall be able to:

1. Discuss Concepts on Occupational Safety and Health

2. Describe the Personal Protective Equipment used for ABE processes.

Instruction. Encircle the letter of the most appropriate answer to the

following questions:

1. It is all about protecting the health and safety of workers in a workplace.

a. Occupational Safety c. Occupational Health
b. Occupational Safety and Health d. All of these

2. It looks at potential health concerns and wellbeing of workers in a workplace.

a. Occupational Safety c. Occupational Health
b. Occupational Safety and Health d. All of these

3. It mandates the adoption and use of appropriate practices, means, methods,

operations, or processes, and working conditions reasonably necessary to
ensure safe and healthful employment.

a. Occupational Safety c. Occupational Health

b. Occupational Safety and Health Standards d. All of these

4. Which is not a concern of Occupational Health and Safety?

a. Increased Awareness and Safe Working Culture

b. Correct Training and Use of Tools
c. High Salary and Monetary Benefits
d. Mental Health and Well-Being

5. The goal of occupational safety and health programs is to:

a. provide direction on how workers do their jobs.
b. foster a safe and healthy work environment.
c. Create a new environment for the workers.
d. Increase volume of production of the company.

6. Which statement is not true?

a. Shortcuts will always create workplace risks.
b. Healthy staff are productive staff.
c. You can leave a machinery unattended while it is running.
d. Use correct posture to protect your back while at work.

7. Which statement is true?

a. No appropriate procedures to prevent falling objects.
b. Do not Keep the workplace clutter free.
c. Control dust accumulation.
d. Store all materials and equipment in a place where only one knows.
8. It is worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and
a. Personal Protection Equipment c. Personal Protective Equipment
b. Protective Personal Equipment d. None of the above

9. The PPE program should address the following, except

a. the cost of the PPE.
b. the hazards present.
c. the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE.
d. the training of employees and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing

10. The PPE to protect worker from falling or rolling objects, sharp or heavy objects, wet
and slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, hot surfaces, electrical hazards.
a. Head protection c. Foot Protection
b. Hand protection d. Harness Lanyard


1. List down safety hazards in an agricultural workplace.

2. Identify measures to minimize likelihood of any accident.
Lesson Content

A. Concepts on Occupational Safety and Health

A.1. What is Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) may sound like a complicated concept but simply
put, it is all about protecting the health and safety of workers in a workplace. The employer is
legally responsible for the health and safety of the workers. The health and safety requirements
that should be taken in consideration why OHS should be a core part of the day-to-day
operations of the company are discussed in this section.

Occupational Health and Safety is designed to create a safe, healthy work environment.
It can generally be considered as two separate entities. It covers the risk factor in your
workplace, and potential safety hazards that could possibly cause injury. Occupational Health,
on the other hand, looks at potential health concerns and wellbeing. Think of Safety as an
employee’s physical well-being, and Health as everything else, including mental health.

Whether the work is stacking shelves, studying, working from an office, or using heavy
machinery, there are health and safety risks. That being the case, the employer has a
responsibility to minimize those risks and reduce the likelihood of any workplace accident or

Regardless of which industry one operates in, there is a need to take the time to identify
the safety risks present in the workplace and take appropriate measures to keep workers safe.
If time and money associated with implementing safe practices and equipment are of great
concern, here is how OHS can benefit one’s business: 1) It reduces injury and illness in the
workplace, 2) It improves employee productivity, 3) It helps you retain your employees, 4) It
reduces the cost of injury and workers’ compensation.

Remember, maintaining a healthy and safe working environment for workers is “Duty of
Care” and not a choice. Here are a few things one can do: 1) Provide a safe working environment
for all your employees, 2) Provide and maintain safe machinery and structures, 3) Provide safe
ways of working, 4) Ensure safe use, handling and storage of machinery, structures and
substances, 5) Provide and maintain adequate facilities, 6) Provide any information, training,
instruction or supervision needed for safety, and 7) Monitor the health of workers and conditions
at your workplace.

A.2. What is Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) in the


Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards refers to a set of rules issued by
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) which mandates the adoption and use of
appropriate practices, means, methods, operations, or processes, and working conditions
reasonably necessary to ensure safe and healthful employment.
The Republic Act No, 11058 which is known as an Act Strengthening Compliance with
Occupational Safety and Health Standards and Promoting Penalties for Violation, thereof
emphasizes that the state shall ensure a safe and healthful workplace for all working people by
affording them full protection against all hazards in the work environment.

A.3. Why Occupational Health and Safety is Important

Here are points why Occupational Health and Safety is important:
1. Mental Health and Well-Being

The employer must consider the working conditions of employees. The OH&S puts a care
of duty upon every employer to make sure that their staff work in reasonable conditions, and
that their mental health is a top priority.

Long hours, few breaks, little recognition, and impossible demands will quickly leave staff
fatigued, stressed, and suffering from poor mental health. At best, workers will suffer slight
mental health problems and only require a break from work. At worst, this could lead to life-
changing and long-term mental health problems.

Companies want to make sure that their staff are mentally healthy and contributing to
the business. The OH&S makes sure that staff health is looked after.

2. Increased Awareness and Safe Working Culture

Spending thousands upon thousands of pesos putting staff on mandatory training courses
is not just for the sake of it. The OH&S training courses, from “Working at Height to Supply
Chain Management”, are all designed to create awareness of workplace surroundings and create
a safe working culture.

This sounds good on paper, but it is even better in practice. Once the staff completed the
relevant OH&S training courses, they will work in a much safer way, and will understand how to
minimize workplace risk. As they learn to avoid hazards and raise concerns about potentially
dangerous tasks, workplace-related injuries will reduce.

This keeps workers safe and improves trust throughout industry.

3. Increase in Productivity
Healthy staff are productive staff. When OH&S is implemented correctly, staff should feel
protected, and loyal to their work. They know that they are being looked after while they are at
work, and that they will not be putting their safety or their health at risk.

This is also significant because when staff speak up and raise concerns about a potentially
hazardous task, they do so in the knowledge that their opinion will be listened to and considered.
Colleagues trust one another and, with a positive mindset, will work efficiently. Fail to protect
your staff with the appropriate OH&S measures, and you will only see your staff retention rate
4. Correct Training and Use of Tools
Shortcuts will always create workplace risks. This is true in just about every industry, but
when heavy machinery is involved, the risk is much more significant.

When OH&S training is carried out correctly, staff know how to use the tools that are
required for their job. Injuries are less likely to occur, and the work will be carried out to a higher
standard as well. You will have highly trained staff and a reduction in man-hours lost to injury
and illness.

5. New Opportunities
OH&S will also create new opportunities in your workplace. Staff that have been trained
can take on the responsibility of becoming mental health ambassadors, setting a good example,
and serving as a point-of-contact for their colleagues.

For others, OH&S also creates the opportunity to share success stories and examples of
best practice. Staff can also be recognized for fine examples of OH&S in the workplace, and by
highlighting examples of best practice, the culture of health and safety at work will only improve.

A.4. Importance of occupational health and safety management at workplace

Multidisciplinary field of occupational health and safety with the goal of occupational
safety and health programs is concerned to foster a safe and healthy work environment. The
focus of occupational health includes promotion and maintenance of working capacity and
employee health; improvement of working environment; development of work cultures and
organizations to support health and safety; promotion of positive social climate and smooth
operation; enhanced productivity of the organization.

Occupational health and safety (OHS) standards mandate reduction, removal or

replacement of job site hazards. OHS programs also help minimize the effects of such
hazards. Occupational health and safety considerably benefit the company, as healthy
employees are guaranteed to be more productive. Company management and employers are
obliged to provide a safe working environment for all the employees. Working conditions at
employment in the existing economy need to embrace important determinants of working hours,
salary, maternity policies, provisions for health promotion and protection.

The employer or supervisors acting as the representatives are legally responsible for the
safety and health of the workforce at workplace. The common goal remains to identify
hazardous materials, conditions and practices at workplace; assist employers and workers in
reducing or eliminating the risks. With the goal to ensure that employees work effectively,
occupational health and safety targets employers and employees. Occupational health and
safety cooperation experts promote workplace conditions. Occupational safety professionals are
concerned about all workplace hazards with emphasis on prevention of workplace fatalities and
traumatic injuries. Industrial hygienists are a source of special expertise to identify and control
hazards associated with acute or chronic exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents.
Occupational medicine physicians and occupational health nurses are distinguished by providing
clinical care programs aimed at health protection and promotion of disease prevention. The
services provided include health screening and surveillance programs; diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of work-related injury and illness; pre-placement and periodic return-to-work
examinations; independent medical examinations; impairment evaluations; disability and case
management; drug testing; behavioral and emotional counselling to avoid effects on job
performance. Such simple improvements can increase competitiveness, profitability and
motivates the workforce.

A.4. Sample Occupational Health and Safety Tips

Workplace safety is an important part of any job and requires that everyone in the
company adhere to the safety guidelines and policies in place. Carefully following appropriate
safety guidelines can go a long way toward preventing workplace injuries. Here are some ways
you can work to stay safe on the job.

1. Be Aware
Always be alert to what is happening in your surroundings; remember that your safety is
your responsibility. Understand the hazards related to your job or workplace and keep clear of
potentially hazardous areas or situations. Be awake and attentive on the job and be particularly
aware of machinery. Avoid going to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which can
compromise your concentration, coordination, judgment, motor control and alertness.

2. Maintain Correct Posture

Use correct posture to protect your back while at work. If you sit at a desk, keep your
shoulders and hips in line and avoid hunching over. Use correct form when lifting objects and
avoid twisting and stooping. The following tips provide information about lifting correctly:
• Use both hands to lift or carry a heavy object.
• Adopt a proper lifting stance by putting the strain on your legs, keeping your back straight
and not bending at the waist.
• Wear a back brace for heavy work.
• Test the weight before picking up the item.
• Lift items smoothly and slowly.
• Move your feet instead of your back when traveling or turning with a heavy object.
• Hold the load close to your body.
• Ask for help to move loads that are too heavy for you.

3. Take Breaks Regularly

Feeling tired and burned out makes you less likely to be aware of your surroundings and
is a common cause of workplace injuries. Regular breaks help you stay fresh and alert on the
job. It is particularly important to take short breaks when you have a task that requires repetitive
movements over a long period of time.
4. Use Equipment Properly
Always take the proper precautions when operating machinery or using tools. Taking
shortcuts is a leading cause of workplace injuries. Use the appropriate tool for the job and use
it in the right way. When using tools and machinery, put safety first with the following tips:
• Only use machinery you are trained and authorized to use.
• Keep tools clean and in good working order.
• Organize tools and always return them to their proper place.
• Make sure the machine operator sees you, do not approach from a blind spot or from
• Only perform tasks you have been professionally trained to perform.
• Never leave machinery unattended while it is running.
• Always obey operating instructions.
• Never remove or tamper with safety guards.
• If something seems wrong, immediately stop the machine and get assistance.
• Communicate with those around you.
• Never walk in front of heavy equipment.
• Read and follow all labels and instructions.
• Do not tamper with hazardous items, including cords, switches and electric controls.
• Wear appropriate and compact clothing; loose, billowing clothing and accessories can
easily get caught in moving parts.
• Never place fingers or other objects into moving machinery.
• Turn off equipment before moving, cleaning, adjusting, oiling or un-jamming.

5. Locate Emergency Exits

Always know where emergency exits are located and keep the path to them clear. You
should also have clear access to emergency shutoffs on machinery.

6. Report Safety Concerns

If you notice a potential safety hazard or risk, report it to your supervisor immediately so
they can address the situation. Keep communication lines open and work as a team to create a
safe working environment.

7. Practice Effective Housekeeping

Maintain a clean and organized workplace environment. Make housekeeping an ongoing
project that everyone is involved in and keep these tips in mind:
• Prevent trips, slips and falls by keeping all floors clean and dry.
• Eliminate fire hazards by removing combustible materials and storing flammable materials
away from sources of ignition.
• Control dust accumulation.
• Avoid tracking materials and cross contamination by keeping mats clean and having
separate cleaning protocols for different areas.
• Use appropriate procedures to prevent falling objects.
• Keep the workplace clutter free.
• Store all materials and equipment properly.
• Regularly inspect tools and personal protective equipment to make sure they are in good
working order.

8. Make Use of Mechanical Aids

Take the extra time to obtain a wheelbarrow, crank, conveyor belt, forklift or other
mechanical aid to assist you in lifting heavy objects. Attempting to lift something that is too
heavy can cause injuries that could have been avoided.

9. Reduce Workplace Stress

Stress can contribute to difficulty concentrating and depression, which make it hard to be
alert at work. There are many causes of stress at work including conflicts with others, heavy
workloads, long hours and job insecurity. If you are experiencing workplace stress, talk to your
supervisor about ways to address your concerns.

10. Use Appropriate Safety Equipment

It is important to use the proper safety equipment for a task to help protect yourself from
• Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for your job.
• Know the location of fire extinguishers and first aid kits.
• Use a hard hat if there is a risk of falling objects.
• Wear gloves when handling toxic substances or sharp objects.
• Wear goggles when there is a hazard to your eyes.
• Use safety harnesses if there is a danger of falling.
• Wear non-skid shoes when working on slippery surfaces or lifting heavy objects.
• Wear a breathing mask.
Use all protective equipment intended for your task including seat belts, protective headgear or
clothing and safety glasses.

Creating an environment that is safe is the responsibility of everyone; do your part by

following safety guidelines and policies. If you are injured on the job, notify your supervisor
immediately and get assistance. Avoid taking risks when it comes to safety, be aware and do
your part to maintain a safe workplace environment. If you have been injured on the job, call
to schedule an appointment to see how our team of specialists can help to get you feeling better
and back to work!

B. The Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as "PPE", is equipment worn to

minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries
and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical,
or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include items such as gloves,
safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests and full
body suits.
B.1. What can be done to ensure proper use of personal protective equipment?
All personal protective equipment should be safely designed and constructed and should
be maintained in a clean and reliable fashion. It should fit comfortably, encouraging worker use.
If the personal protective equipment does not fit properly, it can make the difference between
being safely covered or dangerously exposed. When engineering, work practice, and
administrative controls are not feasible or do not provide sufficient protection, employers must
provide personal protective equipment to their workers and ensure its proper use. Employers
are also required to train each worker required to use personal protective equipment to know:

▪ When it is necessary
▪ What kind is necessary
▪ How to properly put it on, adjust, wear and take it off
▪ The limitations of the equipment
▪ Proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the equipment

If PPE is to be used, a PPE program should be implemented. This program should address
the hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees;
and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.
Figure 1. Personal Protective Equipment


1. Make a reflection on the Department Order No. 198 Series of 2018 (DOLE
Occupational Safety and Health Standards) using the Reflection Writing Guide
provided to you.
2. Provide a schematic presentation of the different PPE for agricultural workers
and construction workers.
Further Readings
1. BOSH-Manual Narrative-Handout
2. ASEAN GAP Workers Health Safety Welfare Module
3. OSH Standards 2019 Edition

Post Test

Instruction. Encircle the letter of the most appropriate answer to the

following statements:

1. It looks at potential health concerns and wellbeing of workers in a workplace.

a. Occupational Safety c. Occupational Health
b. Occupational Safety and Health d. All of these

2. It is all about protecting the health and safety of workers in a workplace.

a. Occupational Safety c. Occupational Health
b. Occupational Safety and Health d. All of these

3. The PPE program should address the following, except

a. the cost of the PPE.

b. the hazards present.
c. the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE.
d. the training of employees and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing
4. It mandates the adoption and use of appropriate practices, means, methods, operations,
or processes, and working conditions reasonably necessary to ensure safe and healthful

a. Occupational Safety c. Occupational Health

b. Occupational Safety and Health Standards d. All of these

5. It is worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and
a. Personal Protection Equipment c. Personal Protective Equipment
b. Personal Equipment d. None of the above

6. Which is not a concern of Occupational Health and Safety?

a. Increased Awareness and Safe Working Culture
b. Correct Training and Use of Tools
c. High Salary and Monetary Benefits
d. Mental Health and Well-Being

7. The PPE to protect worker from falling or rolling objects, sharp or heavy objects, wet
and slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, hot surfaces, electrical hazards.
a. Head protection c. Foot Protection
b. Hand protection d. Harness Lanyard

8. The goal of occupational safety and health programs is to:

a. provide direction on how workers do their jobs.
b. fosters a safe and healthy work environment.
c. Create a new environment for the workers.
d. Increase volume of production of the company.

9. Which statement is not true?

a. Shortcuts will always create workplace risks.
b. Healthy staff are productive staff.
c. You can leave a machinery unattended while it is running.
d. Use correct posture to protect your back while at work.

10. Which statement is true?

a. No appropriate procedures to prevent falling objects.
b. Do not Keep the workplace clutter free.
c. Control dust accumulation.
d. Store all materials and equipment in a place where only one knows.


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