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17 Korean


You Need To Try


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Fun and Easy Korean Resources

Here is the fast track to learning Korean. Each section takes

you to a page that has a downloadable guide. Follow these
steps in order, and skip ahead if you already know it.

1) Korean Alphabet 2) Instant Korean

Learn to read Hangeul You already know many

(Korean Alphabet). You can Korean words. Get them here.
learn in 90 minutes using
this free guide. 

3) Korean Numbers 4) Word Memorization

Get the guide that teaches you Make sure what you learn
to count in Korean in no time sticks in your head. Learn how
at all. here.

5) Korean Kickstarter 6) Fantastic Phrases

Use this simple system to Grab this guide and use the

have conversations in Korean right phrase for the right
right away. situation.

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Inner Circle Web Course

Did you know that you can learn to have a 3 minute

conversation in Korean in only 90 days?

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the best way to study.I recommend this program
to anyone wanting to learn Korean the right way.
감사합니다 90 Day Korean!"

- Cameron Borkert 


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Korean Drinks
From: 17 Korean Drinks You Need To Try Immediately

There are an in nite number of reasons to visit Korea –

whether it’s the art, the fashion, or the food, there’s truly
something for every visitor to make a trip to Korea an
amazing experience. What people don’t often talk
about, however, are the amazing drinks that are found
throughout Korea.

Like Korean meals and Korean snacks, Korean drinks

are all insanely interesting and wildly different from one
another and from drinks that are popular in most other
countries. Whether you’re looking for something warm,
something sweet, or something that’ll ll you up, read
through our list below to gure out which Korean drink is
perfect for you!

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Korean Drink #1: Banana Milk

Banana milk is one of the most popular beverages on this list

by far – nearly one million bottles of banana milk are sold per
day in South Korea! While it sounds kind of boring in theory (it
truly is just banana avored milk), something about the
combination of sweet and savory notes in this Korean drink
have ensured it has risen to popularity very quickly.
Initially, banana milk became popular because the
government wanted to encourage South Koreans to drink
more milk for their health. Pick up a banana milk the next time
you see it so that you understand what all of the fuss is about!

Korean Drink #2: Sikhye

Sikhye is a traditional Korean rice drink that’s as sweet as it is

traditional – so sweet, in fact, that it’s often served as a
dessert! This Korean drink contains cooked rice, which gives it
an interesting texture as you get to the bottom, and has been
served in Korean for centuries as a traditional end to a meal.
Drinking sikhye is such a rite of passage that you can even
nd it in bottles or cans in most Korean supermarkets! Pick up
a can of sikhye (or order it in a restaurant) and treat yourself
after your next big meal – you won’t be disappointed!

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Korean Drink #3: Coffee Milk

Oh, coffee milk. Where would we be without you? Coffee

milk is pretty straightforward as far as Korean drinks go –
literally coffee infused milk. It’s chock full of caffeine and is
the perfect drink for when you have a long day ahead of
you and need some extra energy. Not to mention, it’s sold
in the cool packages in the photo above – how fun is that?
Pick up a couple of packages of coffee milk the next time
you have a long week ahead of you (or if you need some
extra energy to explore Seoul) – just remember to throw
the packages out when you’re done playing with them!

Korean Drink #4: Milkis

The milkis tagline, “new feeling of soda beverage,” is NOT

lying — milkis is de nitely unlike any drink you’ve ever had
up until this point. Milkis is a Korean drink that combines
carbonation, milk, and corn syrup, so what you’re left with
is a zzy, sweet drink that’s oddly refreshing at the same
Although the classic, un avored milkis is great on its own,
you can also nd this Korean drink in a variety of fruit
avors ranging from strawberry to banana to keep things
interesting. You can nd milkis in eclectic grocery stores
around the world, so you don’t even have to wait until
your next trip to Korea to try this Korean drink! 

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Korean Drink #5: Omija tea

The omija berry is named for its unique blend of avors

(‘omija’ literally translates to ve- avor), so it’s no surprise
that tea made from the omija berry is versatile as well. While it
can be enjoyed on its own or with honey as a sweetener, omija
tea can also be avored with mung beans or owers to turn it
into a variety of punches.
This tea is perfect for when you feel a cold or the u coming on
– it supposedly has a range of medicinal properties that keep
colds at bay. According to traditional Korean medicine, omija
tea may even help restore the liver over time! I recommend you
try classic omija tea before trying one of its variations so you
can get a feel for the unique avor pro le of the omija berry.

Korean Drink #6: Chrysanthemum Tea

Yes, you read that correctly! Chrysanthemum tea is a popular

(and incredibly beautiful) Korean drink that’s a crowd favorite
for good reason. To make this very visually appealing tea,
dried owers are steeped in honey for several months and
then brewed with hot water, producing a light and slightly
sweet tea full of ower blossoms.
Both delicious and fun to look at, this tea is a huge hit in the
cold winter months while colds are running rampant. We’re
not sure if there are actual medicinal properties or if drinking
something beautiful makes you feel awesome – either way,
we’ll take it! Pour yourself a cup of chrysanthemum tea and
experience a Korean drink you won’t want to miss.

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Korean Drink #7: Bacchus

If you need a pick-me-up and coffee milk isn’t cutting it, give
Bacchus a try! Bacchus is an energy drink often compared to
Red Bull – though its creators originally intended for it to be
used as a way to combat hangovers, it’s now marketed as a
hardcore energy drink for people who really need a boost.
Grab a bottle of Bacchus the next time you’re in a convenience
store that sells it – you’ll have a hard time sitting still for the
rest of the day, but you certainly won’t complain about being
too tired!

Korean Drink #8: Citron Tea

Citron Tea has recently made its way onto the menu of several
ne dining restaurants in the United States and other Western
countries, but South Korea has known about the magic of
citron (or yuzu) for years. This tea is made from preserved
slices of the yuzu fruit that are sliced thin and kept in honey,
which preserves the fruit and lends it a sweet avor that
makes citron tea so special.
To make citron tea, acquire some of this delicious yuzu honey
and put a couple of spoonfuls in hot water. Once the honey
dissolves, drink up! The next you’re feeling under the weather,
make sure you incorporate citron tea into your “get well”
routine — citron tea has been considered a cold and u
treatment for centuries.

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Korean Drink #9: Green plum tea

If you’ve spent time in Korea during the warm summer months, chances are
you’re already familiar with the green plums (or maesil) that are fruit of the
plum trees that you’ll nd throughout Korea and East Asia. The trees bear
fruit towards the beginning of summertime, so as soon as you see baskets of
these little green plums popping up in markets it’s an indication that it’s time
to slip into a summer state of mind!
There are several different methods of making green plum tea, but the most
popular is to use fermentation to turn the plums into a thick, sweet maesil
syrup. In its syrup form, you can store maesil year round without worrying
about whether you have fresh plums on hand.
Make a point to acquire maesil syrup this summer so you can experiment
with different drinks — try mixing the syrup with sparkling water to make a
sweet, refreshing soda or try mixing the syrup with steaming hot water to
make a sweet, calming tea. Both drinks are extremely popular throughout
Korea depending on the weather, so you can’t go wrong!

Korean Drink #10: Barley Tea

Barley tea is one of the items on this list that can be considered almost
mainstream in some other countries — it’s de nitely not dif cult to nd
outside of Korea, but its initial popularity centuries ago in Korea, China, and
Japan is what has made it a staple for the rest of the world. Barley tea is an
incredibly versatile drink.
Whether you’re in the mood for a toasty drink that will warm you from the
tips of your toes to the top of your head or a refreshing drink served over ice
that will help keep the grueling Korean summer heat at bay, barley tea is the
drink for you. Unlike several of the teas on this list that are made from syrups
or honeys, barley tea can be prepared with a simple tea bag and some hot
As an added bonus, barley tea is uncaffeinated, so you can drink it at all
times of the day (and you don’t have to worry about getting too jittery if
you’d like to have several cups of it).
The next time you’re looking for a low maintenance drink that is truly great
during every season, give barley tea a try and see for yourself why it’s such a

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Korean Drink #11: Yulmu

Is yulmu a tea? Is it a meal? The debate is ongoing! Yulmu is

the perfect beverage for when you need something satisfying
to ll you up but you don’t have time to eat an entire meal.
Although it’s a tea, there is signi cant nutrition in yulmu as a
result of how the tea is made.
The star of yulmu is a small grain known as “Job’s tears,”
which has a long and vibrant history — while it’s great to eat,
this grain was also used to make religious jewelry throughout
Europe, which is where it coined its unique name.
You’ll likely nd this grain ground up with various nuts and
seeds throughout your time in Korea. All you need to do is add
hot water to this mixture, and within a few minutes you have a
warm and lling cereal to slurp down.
Start your day with a steaming cup of yulmu and your body
will thank you — thanks to the high protein content, yulmu will
keep you going throughout the day when you need energy!

Korean Drink #12: Corn Tea

Corn tea is a multitasker — not only is it a delicious beverage,

but it’s also supposedly a weight loss agent that will get you
the chisled jaw that you’re after. Corn tea is made from dried
kernels of corn or corn silk, depending on your preference. If
you’re in search of a drink that will help aid your weight loss
journey, consider adding corn tea to your regimen.

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Korean Drink #13: Misugaru

Are you a fan of frosty protein shakes? If so, misugaru is right up your
alley! While there are in nite variations of misugaru (you can mix and
match different combinations of nuts and grains depending on what
you’re looking for), you can always count on this drink to be refreshing
and full of nutrients that will help keep you in tip top shape. Misugaru is
easy to nd when you’re out and about, but it’s also easy to blend up
at home if you have a blender, ice, and a sweetening agent like honey
or maple syrup.
Due to its high protein content, misugaru is a great meal replacer. If
you’re on the go and don’t have time to sit down and enjoy a meal,
give misugaru a try! This shake is especially great if you’re spending
the day sightseeing or taking in the sights of Seoul and you need a
quick and easy beverage to keep you going.

Korean Drink #14: Dawn 808

Korea truly has something for everybody, whether you’re interested in

checking out the shopping districts, museums, or the beaches this
summer. Regardless of your interests, you will more likely than not nd
yourself indulging in Korean bars before the night is over. While this
means you’ll have some great nights to remember, you’ll also probably
wake up feeling a little rough a couple of times during your trip.
There’s no shame — hangovers happen to the best of us! However, if
you’re not careful, a nasty hangover can take up a whole day, which
isn’t something that you want to happen if you’re on vacation. The
next time you’re feeling less than awesome after a night out, try a can
of Dawn 808.
Dawn 808 is made from a mysterious combination of roots, herbs, and
Korean magic (just kidding… or are we?). The taste of this drink isn’t for
everybody, as it tastes slightly medicinal. That being said, you’re
drinking Dawn 808 for a purpose, so make sure you nish the can and
let it work its magic.

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Korean Drink #15: Sujeonggwa

If you have a sweet tooth, make sure you try sujeonggwa the
next time you’re in Korea! Sujeonggwa is equal parts dessert
and drink, and it features a delicious mixture of cinnamon,
brown sugar, ginger, and persimmon that come together to
make a delicious sweet avor that’s not quite like anything
Sujeonggwa tastes like the season Fall in a cup, but it’s served
cold so you can also enjoy it very comfortably through the
spring and summer.

Korean Drink #16: Green tea

Green tea is the ultimate classic Korean beverage, and it’s

great for a multitude of different situations. Need a delicious,
refreshing iced drink on a summer day? Green tea. What
about a warm drink during the cold summer months? Green
tea. How about a avor to infuse a cookie or cake with? Look
no further — green tea to the rescue.
Green tea has been around for centuries, and its uses are
seemingly in nite. It’s also full of antioxidants, so it’s a popular
drink for anyone who is health conscious as well. Korean
green tea is made from dried tea leaves rather than powder,
and it’s especially great as an ice cream avor. Keep your eyes
peeled for green tea avored ice cream the next time you’re in
Korea — if you nd it, you’ll be in for a treat!

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Korean Drink #17: McCol

If you’re a fan of classic barley tea, you’re going to fall in love

with McCol! McCol initially became popular among health-
conscious circles, but quickly found widespread popularity.
Something about the combination of carbonation, barley
notes, and a unique sweet avor makes McCol an easy
favorite among Koreans. It’s especially great in the warm
summer months after you’ve been walking around or doing
any activity that’s made you sweat a lot — McCol will cool you
off, and the sweetness of the drink will pep you up and get you
ready to tackle the rest of your day.
Give McCol a try the next time you see it at a Korean
convenience store. It’s extremely popular, so you shouldn’t
have a dif cult time nding it!

Have you tried all of the Korean drinks on this list? Be sure to
give them a try or see if you can nd something new!

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1) Korean Name Creation

Learn 5 awesome ways to get a Korean name.

2) Korean Drama Phrases

Fantastic phrases that will help you understand K-Dramas better.

3) Korean Slang

The best Korean slang that will impress your friends.

4) Enlightening Korean Proverbs and Sayings

Get inspired and share your wisdom with these proverbs and sayings.

5) Top Korean & Konglish Jokes

Laugh until your stomach muscles hurt with these Korean jokes.

6) Korean Love Phrases For Dating & Relationships

Useful phrases for dating and relationships. 

7) Korean Emoticons: The Ultimate Guide

Learn how to express your emotions through text.

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