What Is The Topic About?

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1. What is the topic about?

The topic is about Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP). Mental, neurological and
substance use (MNS) disorders are highly prevalent, accounting for a substantial burden of
disease and disability globally. In order to bridge the gap between available resources and the
significant need for services, the World Health Organization launched the Mental Health Gap
Action Programme (mhGAP) in 2008. The objective of mhGAP is to scale-up care and services
using evidence-based interventions for prevention and management of priority MNS conditions.

The mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) for MNS disorders for non-specialist health settings
was developed in 2010 as a simple technical tool to allow for integrated management of priority
MNS conditions using protocols for clinical decision-making. The target user group of mhGAP-IG
is non-specialized health care providers working at first- and second-level health-care facilities.
These providers include primary care doctors, nurses and other members of the health-care
workforce. Although mhGAP-IG 2.0 is to be implemented primarily by non-specialists, mental
health care specialists may also find it useful in their work.

Priority MNS conditions are depression, psychosis, epilepsy, child and adolescent mental and
behavioural disorder, dementia, disorders due to substance use and suicide.

World Health Organization hopes that this guide will continue to provide the road-map to deliver
care and services for people with MNS disorders around the world and lead us closer to achieving
the goal of universal health coverage.

2. What new information did you learn from the topic?

Through this topic, I’ve learned that this program exists in which I haven’t heard before on how
mhGAP-IG serves as a big help to train non specialized health care professionals to provide MNS
services. In this topic, they also the emphasized how important using effective communication
scale, treating them with utmost respect and dignity in a culturally appropriate manner, taking
proper history and conducting an assessment with consent from individual to manage MNS
disorder by following the algorithm.

3. Which of the new information is most significant to you? Why?

What I found the most significant in this module is they provided an overview and emergency
presentation of the priorities MNS condition at least through this by implementing the
programme health care providers will have an easy way to assess, identify and effectively manage
MNS disorders.
4. Essay: In your own words, describe mental health. Describe the characteristics, behaviors
and abilities of someone who is mentally healthy.

In my own opinion an individual considered as mentally healthy when they have the ability to
think well, feel and express their emotions, can differentiate what is reality and fantasy, and can
cope up with stress they are dealing with, more productive by engaging themselves and
maintaining good relationship with others.

Date: June 4, 2021


MAN 203

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