PHILOSOPHY (Freedom of The Human Person)

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1. A. 4. A.
2. C. 5. B.
3. B.


1. Instead of spending her excess allowance on a new pair of shoes, Miss Y

decides to open a bank account and start saving up for her future.

2. Despite the threats made on his life, the witness decided to come
forward and divulge important information regarding the crime he
3. A woman used the internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading
lewd photos of him on social media.
4. Despite knowing that many of his clients were poor and desperate, a
moneylender continues to impose very high interest rates on loans.

5. A businessman did not accept a high-paying position in an overseas firm

and instead decided to start his own business and spend more time with his

Free Will

I will not allow myself to get vaccinated because I won`t risk my health for the
vaccine what if the vaccine brings danger in my health. I am saying this with
confident that I am healthy, what if I will take the vaccine and after days of taking
it, my body will show that it is in danger. We cannot guaranteed the efficacy of this
vaccine. After what happened to the doctor that died 2 weeks after taking the
vaccine? Why will I take the vaccine if that will possibly will happen to me or my

1. Human freedom for me is do what you want to do, your free to achieve your
dreams and you can choose what you want to be.

2. When you ask your parents that you want to go at your friend`s birthday but
your parents did not agree because it`s dangerous. When you also ask your
parents that you want to this and that badly but still didn’t agree. When you ask
anything that you wanted because that will bring happiness but still didn’t agree.


• I have learned that freedom bring us happiness and memorable memories
because the state of being free is aligned with our own true nature.
• I have learned that we shouldn’t let our emotions interfere in our very own
choices and options we have made.
• I have learned that freedom gives us the choice to do what we wanted to do
and right thing to do.


My choice would be on the positive side especially during this pandemic. This
pandemic, for staying at home for months now, I took the opportunity to teach
myself more skills like trying to learn playing guitar and piano and I also never stop
learning in my life like reading stories, watching videos on Youtube. I also took this
opportunity to help my family business just my auncle with his computer shop and
my mama`s small business. Learning new things everyday helps me better than
before and also learning helps us more easily adapt to new situations.

They are numerous of little things that we do everyday. Sometimes we forget
that, despite what we say with our mouths, our actions can tell something
completely different. If you want to know who you are, look at your daily actions,
and they will tell the real story. I usually don’t study because some of the topics
are very hard but my grades are very low, I forced myself to study, read or watch
the topics on Youtube and I want to make my parents proud. I also usually don’t
help a lot in this house because I am so lazy to do household chores but now I am
doing household chores because I know my parents are working hard for us and I
chose to do it because I understand my momma now. Speaking of my momma, my
momma has a small business and I usually don’t help her but now I`m helping her
because I know helping my momma makes her happy and less tired.

Days gone by, all of them became my daily routine. I am sometimes lazy do them
but I always think that I am doing those because I knew that they will have a huge
impact in my life. And when I became 15, I really hate myself for not doing good, I
tried to study but I think I didn’t do it properly, I just want to make my parents
proud but I
sometimes disappoint them by keep missing doing household chores. But I told
myself that I can do this, I can make them proud. I realize that there are times and
situations where it’s difficult to change your circumstances because of things that
are bothering you, but if we change our behavior as needed, eventually our lives
will better reflect our dreams. We should be wise in making choices in our life
because all of the actions we made make us who really are. Our freedom got our
back, giving us choices but it always depend on us to choose what is good for us.

 Is the alcoholic free? Or he/she enslaved by his/her vice of alcoholism? -
Most people who are addicted to alcohol are not maybe really a fan of alcohol
before but after they drink alcohol, they love it and become their habit. There
was one friend told me that some people try it and they`re gonna find alcohol but
for me, some of people honestly they will drink alcohol just for fun or occasionally
or stress. People become nowadays has or had stress some people might drink
alcohol to relieve stress because we knew that alcohol can also help us too
relieve stress. Some people drink alcohol because of peer pressure. That’s when
people develop to depend upon this drug induced escaped from reality and
ended up enslaved.
As I analyze those pictures. The left side shows handcuffs which means that if you
did some bad things and go against the law your consequences would be this and
probably go to jail. The right side shows a ribbon that has “Most Punctual” award.
If you go to school early always and pass what your teachers had given you on
time, you will probably receive this award and become the most punctual in your

1. The choices that I will make are going to be the good ones. I will help those
people who are in need. I will choose to be good and not doing any bad things that
make people around me hurt.
2. Because I choose to do it passionately. I don’t want to live this life to be the
hated one because I did bad things. I just want to live peacefully and freely. I will
choose the right path and make decisions right without hurting other people.
3. I`ll think harder before I`ll make a decision so, that I will not regret it but I
choose it willingly and my ways would be self-reflection.
4. I think the other possible consequences of my choices is living this life with
no regrets and I let myself enjoy this life so that I can say that I really did the right
choice to be happy.

1. They are more important because we knew that every actions we take, It will
also take consequences. Taking full responsibility of our actions can either mean
voluntarily. We can act voluntarily or responsibly, but we cannot act freely. For
me, the only who is responsible can be free or the only who is trying to be
responsible can be free, maybe. But, voluntariness is both the cause and the result
of freedom and responsibility preserves freedom.
2. The choice of doing nothing can either be valid or invalid. It is only become
valid when you have to do nothing in order to avoid further arguments or
serious fights which actually do not lead to anything beneficial but doing
nothing when somebody needs help is absolutely unacceptable.
3. Self-reflection can help us process our thoughts and feelings and self-
reflection also a vital in proper exercise of human freedom. Many of us have
through different experience and they are times that our emotions take over on us
whenever we act. Consider this aspect when starting to reflect on yourself so,
don’t reflect on the image you have of yourself but on that which perceives the
image and figure out which one is the real one and then further, who or what is
that which needs aid in making choices.


• I learned that they are two important elements that define freedom and
they are voluntariness and responsibility. In any situation where is a person is
forced to do an action against his/her own will. It cannot be held responsible for
his/her involuntarily actions.
• I also learned that we all have a responsibility even if we do it voluntarily or
not. • I learned that they are an important element of freedom since the act is
executed solely by the volunteer, therefore all the responsibility will be carried
upon the shoulder of the volunteer.


The choice I`ll be making for myself is to study hard so, that I can help my parents
with the bills and groceries. I`ll make them proud. I will take my responsibility
voluntarily so that my parents will not get mad at me and they will not get tired
more because I know my parents are tired now doing work. For my family, we will
continue to strengthen our bonds and always happy. I`ll help them with or without
money because I know they will be very happy. I`ll help my momma`s small
business. I`ll study harder than this and make my dreams and their dreams for me
to come true.

1. • Voluntariness is someone's free will to do something great, assuming
that's what the person is inclined to do. Usually done without being forced into
committing the act.
• Responsibility refers to the person being accountable for his/her actions and
their consequences. The most important aspect of taking responsibility for your
life is to acknowledge that your life is your responsibility.
2. No, because once you have voluntariness to do such choice, then you are
held responsible for possible consequences of your action. The freedom is after
you choose to require an action without being forced to create such decisions.

Way back 2017, It was a sunny day, my family and I had a simple family lunch
because we missed each other and after we ate, my family had a talk with my
cousin and I since we`re the only who can understand them the most. Before we
start, I can felt scared suddenly and my heart was beating fast and I don’t why.
When we start talking about how they supposed to half the land, talking about
being mistress and talking about their sister`s selfishness. Suddenly, they started
shouting to each other and I realized that they were fighting. After a minute, my
uncle and other uncle were punching each other`s faces and my uncle`s so called
girlfriend slapped my aunt`s face and suddenly, they grab each other`s hair, I was
so shocked so was my cousin. My cousin and I want to stop them but we can`t so,
we don’t how much they will be mad at us but we called the barangay tanod and
when they came immediately my cousin and I was so very happy but sad and mad
at the same time, we were just laughing and enjoying but in the end, they were
fighting. I thought it can be gone with a sincere sorry but I`m wrong because until
now they were still fighting and not talking to each other. I know every family has
its problem and I thought they would choose to apologize but no, they choose to
stay away from each other. Maybe soon, they will be okay and we will finally be
complete again every birthdays, Christmas and New Year. Soon.

It gives us reminder of our duties and rights as God`s creation. We have freedom
but freedom has also limit so, we never should use freedom as an excuse to do
bad things. We should be thankful for God for giving us freedom. Show respect
everyone and let`s continue to show love for God`s creation.
1. No, it isn’t. Because giving respect does not limit one's freedom and
respecting the freedom means not abusing freedom.
2. I know it is important to respect authority but at the same time it isn’t. I can
say that I don’t really respect the authorities because some of the authority is
unworthy and I ain`t gonna just respect anyone just because of their position.
3. We all know that we can do whatever we want because of freedom but it
doesn’t mean that we will use it doing wrong because some people sometimes or
always use their freedom doing wrong but We must not use freedom as an excuse
from doing wrong but we must use it as a way of serving and respecting others.

1. A person should limit`s one freedom by practicing self-discipline and a person
has to learn prioritize what needs to be done. A learned person is able to exercise
selfdiscipline, to enjoy his freedom that doesn’t impose on others.
2. Truthful knowledge contribute to human freedom because if we speak of
truthful facts. If we make up choice that is false or incomplete information we may
end up making decision and that can harm ourselves and others.
3. By giving people the means and access to what they need to continue to stay
free because I know there is always a good path for mutual free expression when
we respect one another.


• I have learned that we should not use our freedom for doing things wrong
instead we should use our freedom to do right things and be happy with it.
• I have learned that freedom is living life the way you want it and taking
experience from it.
• I have learned that human must be exercised with control and recognition of
reasonable limits. Our sense of right and wrong guides us in recognizing and
choosing on the limitations to our freedom.


When we always have birthday celebration, I always volunteer to do simple
birthday decoration. When it`s my grandfather`s birthday and my aunt called me
because she wants me to do decorations for my grandfather and I immediately go
there and ask her if does she has money because I don’t and she says she has. I
was listing what are going to do like buying cake, balloons and the “Happy
Birthday” signage and because it`s quarantine and I decided to divide the one in
the list. After hours later, my grandfather was surprised and he is super happy
because of our decorations we do and we, family, are completed. Making this
decision to decorate for their birthdays makes me happy and them being happy for
what we did is making me happier.

“My Freedom, My Choice”
I choose to live my life with my freedom
I`ll use this freedom to do right things
To do things that makes me happy Because true
freedom should lead to true happiness.

I am gonna use this freedom with this life

To be useful and to be motivated
I`ll do what I want without harming anyone
Because this is my freedom and my choice.

• In social media, there are many of information. Just like one Korean group I
knew called GOT7 in their company they cannot do what they want to do after 7
years of their debut like composing and producing I mean they can do that but it
can`t be released but now, they didn’t re-new their contract and right now, I am
super happy for them because they can do whatever they right now like
composing and producing whatever they composed will get released unlike when
they still in their company.
• I followed Ranz and Niana in their Youtube channels and I am so amazed
because whatever they do their parents and sisters so supportive of them. They
can do whatever they want and buy whatever they want. I am inspired also by
their family because they are so happy and proud to them and they also gave me
motivational sayings and it helps me motivate myself and be confident.

1. C. 4. D.
2. B. 5. A 3. A.


1. A teacher refused to be transferred to urban school and decided to remain

to teach in the rural mountain school because he/she believed that he/she
can do more if he/she stayed with the poor students.
2. Despite knowing the danger of coronavirus transmission, some.
employees are confidently talking with each other in a closed room, improperly
wearing masks and not maintaining social distancing.
3. An employee used the internet to humiliate her co-workers spreading lewd
photos of him on social media.

4. Instead of playing video games during the pandemic, a young man. decides
to take advantage of the situation to learn online selling.

5. Despite living a harsh life amidst the pandemic, Mr. C refused being.
lured to sell his kidney. Instead, he ventured on online selling to meet the financial
needs of his family.

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