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A Lucid vision on Islamic Civilization


Knowledge In Islamic Civilization

Islamic Civilization is the way of life evolved of social, political,
economical and cultural values prescribed in Quran and prophet’s
tradition. According to authentic narrative after Having brought about a
complete Islamic revolution throughout the Arabian peninsula, Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh)returned to his Creator in the year 632CE.
Meanwhile, after the demise of prophet Muhammad (S.W) Islamic
Civilization has continued to flourish in the time of his successors, and
during the dynasties of Umayyads and Abbassids upheld The banner of the
Islamic world.
Their civilization’ and culture, their religion, their arts and sciences and
their supremacy Continued to exercise its hold on the greater portion of the
civilized world. There is no doubt that such civilization was so unique And
great on earth.
The civilization has prevailed in far reaching geographical areas including
The Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor,Indo-Pak sub-continents,Northern
Africa and Iberian peninsula from the prophetic era to the modern age.In
such a context this work is an endeavour to define the Islamic Civilization,
its features,factors for its prevailing and the major Landmarks in its
The meaning of Islamic Civilization
The basic assumption that we can build, that civilization comes from the
Word adab which in this sense implies manners or behavior .Thus
Civilization is all the manners and manners that are manifested by
Muslims from Time to time both in other political, economic and social
realities.Islam civilization is based on the value of education, which both
the Qur’an and the Prophet stressed.
Literally Islamic civilization is a translation of Arabic ‫إل‬ ‫الحضااة اإلاالماا‬or
‫ المدن اا إلاالماا‬or ‫الثقةفاا إلاالماا‬which is often also translated into Islamic
culture. On the other hand, the root word madana ( ‫) ااد‬was born with a
noun tamaddun Which literally means civilization which means a city
based on Culture‫إل‬or city culture (culture of city).
In the defining sense Civilization is a culture Associated with science and
technology where the culture not only influences in the area of origin, but
also affects other areas that make the culture develop. By referring to the
narrative above, it can be perceived that the History of Islamic Civilization
is a product of the activities of the life of Muslims in the past That really
happened in aspects of politics, economics, and technology sourced From
the values of Islamic teachings. Thus it can be said that Islamic civilization
has been the identity of the Islamic ummah since the past.


Main characteristics that distinguish Islamic civilisation from other civilisations
and give it a unique position can be discerned as:
• It is based on Tawhid. It is monotheistic, based on the belief in the oneness of the
Almighty Allah, the Creator of this universe. It is characterised by submission to
the will God and service to humankind. It is a socio-moral and metaphysical view
of the world, which has indeed contributed immensely To the rise and richness of
this civilisation.

• It is a civilisation with a universal dimension. It is not associated with a particular

geographic region, race or historical era. It is Emphasized on the idea that man has
precedence over the rest of the creatures of Allah. All human activities should lead
to the happiness and welfare of man. Any action intended to serve this goal is a
God-blessed action indeed.

• It is an open civilisation and is not shy of deriving and drawing niceties of other
civilisations in the past because Islam is the most pluralist religion; it coexists with
other religions, allowing full religious autonomy.

• It is a well-balanced civilisation. It insists on equilibrium between the material

and the Spiritual dimensions of life. In fact, this moderation is the essence of
Islamic thought and civilisation. It permits of no excess, no neglect, no extremism
and no recklessness.

• It is a perennial civilisation and will last as long as Islam exists. So long as, it
embodies the very principles of Islam, the Almighty Allah will preserve. This
unique civilisation will Never wither away, since it is not a national or a racial
civilisation, nor does it run counter to human nature.

Factors behind the rise of Islamic civilization

1. Spiritual power:
A tremendous spiritual impulse was given to the Muslim community to
explore life and the world around them in order to spread the dignity and
divinity of Allah. Thus they realized the importance of Ijtihad or
exercising human intellect that is allowed by Islam, they started to
scrutinize the various field of Knowledge that later Contributed to the rise
of the Islamic civilization, bearing in mind that the first revelation to
prophet Muhammad (S.A) is strongly Urging Muslims to seek knowledge.
2.Ability to transform the ideals of the Qur’an to daily conduct:
One of the Uniqueness of the holy Quran is that, it is a book of ethics and
moral Values. In fact, it is a source of ethical values and moralities, as
such, early Muslims used to follow the teaching of Quran Closely, they
used to transform the theoretical message of Qur’an into practical one,
hence, they perceived the Importance of hard-work, perseverance,
sincerity, honesty, patience and love of knowledge for the sake of Allah.
3.Intellectual freedom:
Freeing human intellect from superstitions, existence of ijtihad and
productive creativity were another factors behind the rise of Islamic
civilization. There was a sense of teaching people to think critically and
creatively.Research environment was so conducive and motivative
between Muslim scholarship especially Searching the claim of revelation
in the natural phenomenon and return to the revelation in case of any
obstacle or any hindrance In their study of physical world. The opening of
Bait al- Hikmah by Harun al- Rashid for research and innovative Purpose
was a such example that prove intellectual freedom in the early stage of
Islamic civilization.
4.Political freedom:
According to Ibn Khaldun Injustice, despotism and tyranny are the clear
sign of the downfall of any state. Perhaps, the Early Muslims realize the
above fact that any sort of oppression especially, between the ruled and the
rulers will affect their Unique civilization, whose civilization is rooted
from tawhid and Qur’an. Therefore, the early Muslims maintain the sense
of Justice, and equality between the ruler and the ruled, Mutual
consultation was also taken into account as well as freedom of Speech and
expression which is highlighted by the shariah was highly respected. This
attitude of Muslims has contributed Immensely to the development and
rise of Islamic civilization
5. Openness:
Openness is the ability of consideration of each human experiences,
regardless to different races and ethnicities. Initially, Muslim civilization
was a joint endeavor of Muslims from different peoples and races. It was
not the military power which Enabled early Muslims to dominate half of
the world. It was their righteousness and their humanity. Moreover, the
Muslims Intermarried freely with local people and became part of them.
6.The Quranic impulse on seeking knowledge
Muslim scholars and leaders were clearly conceived of the Quranic
impulse on using the human inttelect bestowed from Almighty Allah.Most
of the Rulers of Banu Ummayah and the first two centuries of al-
‘Abbasiyyin dynasties realized the significance of excercing human
intelligence to explore different horizons of artistic and intellectual fields.
Thereby They were educated and constructers of glorious intellectual
centres such as Baghdad and Al-Andalus
They encouraged learning and scientific enquiry and they used to spend on
it generously. Great Muslim scholars emerged in these centuries, such as
Jabir Hayyan in the field of chemistry, Khawarizmi, in the field of
mathematics, Ibn Sina in the field of medicine, Ibn Haytham in the field of
optometry, Bairuni in the field of science and religion and ibn Khaldun in
the field of Sociology, civilization and history. These scholars have also
contributed to the western civilization. Notably, Islamic civilization had
strongly contributed to the world civilization that is because it was not
hegemonic civilization but, it was homogenous that considered not only
the well- being of Muslim ummah alone, but, it also considered the
progress of humanity at large.

Major Landmarks In The History Of Islamic Civilization

THE ISLAMIC MOVEMENT, under the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.),

inherited An Arab society that had not gone beyond the city-state
structure. There was no written law, much less a constitution. Particularly
in Medina there was no governing authority either hereditary or Elected.
There was no financial system nor any police or army. There Was no
concept of territorial governance or defence either .
The Case Of Medina

The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), after his arrival in Medina, Invited

the elders of various religious groups and tribes and Suggested
establishment of a city-state. All Muslims, Christians, Arabs and Jews then
ratified the ‘Pact of Medina’, a sort of Preliminary constitution. The pact
transformed Medina into a small But the first ever Muslim State in the
world’s history.
A common Governance system was constituted, thereof, beyond tribal
structure, Transcending cultural boundaries. All religious communities
were Free to follow their own law and traditions thereby. Coercion in the
Name of religion and state was abolished. The Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H.) was unanimously acknowledged leader of the newly Founded
federation. Defence of Medina was laid down in the charter As a collective

The Constitution of Medina is the first written civil and political Law
spelling out the religious autonomy and freedom. Tribal chiefs Were
allowed to settle their intra-tribal disputes. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
however was to adjudicate inter-tribal disputes. Thus, the Prophet
endowed the city-state with a written constitution, defining Duties and
determining rights both of the citizens and chiefs. Briefly, the pact laid
down the principles of defence and foreign Policy; organised a system of
social insurance (called ‘Ma’aqil’); Recognised the Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H.) as the arbiter, the adjudicator and the legislator, and; full
religious freedom and autonomy was granted especially the Jews. Islam, it
may be underlined, is committed to religious pluralism and is opposed to
coercion and totalitarianism.
The Legacy Of Baghdad

The leaders of the Abbasid Dynasty built Baghdad, the capital of modern-
day Iraq.It was located near both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, making it
an ideal spot for food production that could sustain a large population.
The Abbasids built Baghdad from scratch while maintaining the network
of roads and trade routes the Persians had established before the Umayyad
Dynasty took over. Baghdad was strategically located between Asia and
Europe, which made it a prime spot on overland trade routes between the
two continents. Some of the goods being traded through Baghdad were
ivory, soap, honey, and diamonds. People in Baghdad made and exported
silk, glass, tiles, and paper. The central location and lively trade culture of
the city made a lively exchange of ideas possible as well.
Baghdad attracted many people, including scholars, to live within its
borders. To get a sense of what living in the newly constructed city was
like, here’s an excerpt from the writings of Arab historian and biographer,
Yakut al-Hamawi, describing Baghdad in the tenth century:
The city of Baghdad formed two vast semi-circles on the right and left
banks of the Tigris, twelve miles in diameter. The numerous suburbs,
covered with parks, gardens, villas, and beautiful promenades, and
plentifully supplied with rich bazaars, and finely built mosques and baths,
stretched for a considerable distance on both sides of the river. In the days
of its prosperity the population of Baghdad and its suburbs amounted to
over two [million]! The palace of the Caliph stood in the midst of a vast
park several hours in circumference, which beside a menagerie and aviary
comprised an enclosure for wild animals reserved for the chase. The
palace grounds were laid out with gardens and adorned with exquisite taste
with plants, flowers, and trees, reservoirs and fountains, surrounded by
sculpted figures. On this side of the river stood the palaces of the great
nobles. Immense streets, none less than forty cubits wide, traversed the
city from one end to the other, dividing it into blocks or quarters, each
under the control of an overseer or supervisor, who looked after the
cleanliness, sanitation and the comfort of the inhabitants.
Civilizational competence of Al Andalus

The Islamic civilization in Spain encompasses many fields that left a

profound imprint in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe. The cultural climate
of Spain in the era of Muslim rule (711-1492) brought about a prospering
of different aspects of science and culture. Numerous schools and libraries
were established and books were procured due to which the majority of the
people were literate. Literature and art flourished. Buildings were
constructed and Islamic art with its specific qualities was cultivated. As a
result of that movement, Cordoba became the civilization capital of both
Spain and the West in general.
Many schools were established in it, such as medical and technical schools
in addition to the general education and other vocational schools.
Hospitals, chemical plants and observatories were also built. The
university in Cordoba was a beacon of thought, education and culture, and
it made Cordoba the home of science and of a great number of scholars
and scientists in medicine, pharmacy, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics
and botany. Scholarly disciplines such as philosophy and logic were also
studied and busy translation activities were underway. For that reason
travellers and people in quest for knowledge and science from different
European countries used to come to Cordoba.
This scientific and civilizational movement was not limited to Cordoba
alone, but also spread into other cities of Spain, such as Granada, Toledo
and other cities under Islamic rule. Relevant historical sources state that
young men from Europe, particularly from Italy and France, competed to
enroll some of the Islamic universities in Andalusia. One of the students of
the university in Cordoba was Gerbert, who later became known as Pope
Sylvester II. He introduced science of mathematics and Arabic numerals in
Italy. The same historical sources also read that Europe was acquainted
with Aristotle’s manuscripts via the city of Toledo which was a center of
bustling translation work from the Arabic into the Latin language. It was in
Toledo that many works of Plato and Galen were translated, as were the
philosophy manuscripts by Ibn Sina, al-Farabi, Ibn Tufayl, Ibn Bajjah and
Ibn Rushd, and the medical manuscripts by Ibn Sina and al-Razi. These
manuscripts quickly spread all over Europe and became a mandatory
literature at great European universities.
Ibn Sina’s Al-Qānūn fi al-tibb was considered the fundamental reference
book in studies of medicine in Europe for nearly six centuries and was
called The Canon of Medicine. This paper cites numerous examples of
interaction and unity of religion and science in the times when Islamic
culture and civilization flourished in the Iberian Peninsula, the era that
lasted for almost eight centuries.
Literally Islamic Civilization was a great deal of social , political,
economical and cultural progress and practice for centuries, it prevail in
some regions at a minimal state even now.
By the complexity in the exercise of the civilization ,it was diversified
from other civilizations in a very large scale, even though Islamic
Civilization was in a state of acceptance and implementation of good
compounds of each civilization.
As prescribed, Islamic Civilization has its own ways of character and
feature which made its paracticers, Muslims or non Muslims, identified

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