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18 A stress system has three principal values σ1 =220 MPa; σ2 = 169 MPa; and
σ3 = 70 MPa. Find the normal and shear stresses on a plane the normal of which is inclined

at 50° and 60° with respect to σ1, and σ2 directions.

Solution: (1) Analytical Solution

cos 50º = lm = 0.643

cos 60° = m n = 0.5

nn = 1−( l n )2−( m n )2 =0.58

Applying Cauchy's rule,

σ Rx σ1 0 0 l
[ ][ σ Ry
σ Rz =
0 σ2 0
0 0 σ3 ][]
* n

220 0 0 0.643
= [ 0 169 0
0 0 70 ][ ]
* 0.58
σRx= 141.46 MPa

σRy= 84.5 MPa

σRz= 40.6 MPa

σR = ( 141.46 )2 + ( 84.5 )2 + ( 40.6 )2 =169.7 MPa

σn = 0.643*141.46 + 0.5*84.5 + 0.58*40.6 =156.76 MPa

τn= ( 169.7 )2−( 156.76 )2 = 65 MPa

(2) by Mohrs Circle


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