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Reflection Paper

First is the role of the youth. Well as I recall and based on my thoughts youths
are the future and they are much stronger, and they are capable of doing anything that
is given to them. The youth helps people of a community to voice out the communities
problems and concerns and the take advantage of the opportunities they could get. As
far as I know youth basically is the centre or core of our community, youth part takes in
everything in voluntary works, on site activities and more, I thinks it’s because the
community is positive about the outcome that a youth could do and that they well do it to
improve their community.

Second citizenship building, since everyone has his or her own citizenship and
nationality based on where they were born and due to their blood. Citizenship it a
position where in you are recognized by one state or a country that you are a citizen of
that said state or country. That citizens could have many citizenship but an individual
could only have one nationality, and also and individual could ask a nation or a state so
that he or she could be naturalized by the said state or nation but naturalization comes
with a process and does not come or be order that easily.

Third is the civil society, where in it focus on us the individuals of a community

and a nation or a state. It also recognizes the importance of an individual on his or her
rights living in the society. That we face everyone with respect on their decision since in
our society there are many types of individual and with that they are granted the
privilege to live and point out their own views and beliefs.

For me I think that the most important process and/or consideration needed is
the projects description. Based on what I saw in the file that you gave us the community
action plan project description includes the following statement of the problem,
rationale, and project summary. If I would think of it, I think it is really important,
because in this part of the community action plan, we need to find and look into a
problem for us to found out a solution with seeing the said problem it is hard for the
social workers if they do not look into a communities problem. For me I think that project
description is needed so that we could identify, describe, and know what the community
needs and briefly discuss the possible solutions of the problem. For the social workers
to have a concrete and brief statement that will lead to positive and/or negative outcome
but hopefully only positive outcome.

As a senior high school currently studying as a humanities and social sciences, I

think that this course is helpful, since it tackles different perspective of an individual’s
views and perspectives. It gives me addition knowledge or information about different
types of individual in a community, understand how their basic and daily life differ from
each other. One the most essential thought that I learned in this course not only as a
student but also as an individual is that I should never judge an individual, trust my guts,
and respect and individuals views and values in life. Now knowing the fact the we all live
in different life style, different views, different opportunities, and different nationalities, as
a youth as well I think it’s much more than a major subject in the humanities and social
science. It helps students understand and to differentiate and be able to use in the
different fields in the near future.

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