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Full Name: ĐÀO ANH BAN

Date of Birth: 15/10/1987

Permanent Address: 266/82/20 Tô Hiến Thành Street, Ward 15, District 10,
Hồ Chí Minh City, Viet Nam
Mobile Phone: 0984.193.782

In case, you can not be reached by phone (because of objective reason) that can send to my private
email since it ensures to be checked daily

Expected work place: ANYWHERE OVER THE WORLD
2018-2019: VietNam Entrepreneur newspaper
Responsible for all segmentation such as amusement, travel, business, sport, health, tech,
politics, world, …
2014-2017: Hutech University
Responsible for HR, admission consultant
2010-2013: Businessperson & Life magazine, Love & Life newspaper
Responsible for economic segmentation
Besides that have cooperation with Tuoi Tre, Thanh Nien, ...

B2, A2 driver license
2005-2009: Business Administration major, Saigon Technology University (STU)
2010-2014: IT major, Hutech University

Excellent in hardware + software + SEO + photograph + camera + stylist + editor + vocal
music - sound - picture techniques + calligraphy
Labor safety, first aids, designer, hacker, DJ, labor union, preventing & fighting fire

Magic, piano, fluting, social dancer, yoga, tennis, golf, yacht, mobile caravan, bartender
Martial arts of Binh Dinh, vovinam, karate, aikido, taekwondo, judo, gym, Thailand
massage, reflexology, skin care
Knitting, composer, scriptwriter, scenarist, physiognomy, geomancy, astronomy
Social activities
YBA, 2030, Tiên Phong, Nam Định, HiCEO, BNI Chapter, 3 Miền, Sài Gòn Entrepreneurs
Club, Hr All In One, International HR

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