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Subject Name: Business Environment

Discussion Forum- Assessment 2- Topic 3

Identify the 5 most important internal stakeholders in the organization. Assess their interests and
influence in the business.

Individual/Group: Individual

Word Count: 414 words

Internal Stakeholders are groups or individuals who work within an organization or project. Internal
Stakeholders are those in the) .

As per discussion in the previous topic 2, IDP Education, Australia and the key internal stakeholders
of IDP Australia are employees, Board of Directors, Managers, Investors, IT Support team.

1. Employees: Employees are the primary and the most essential backbone and front face for
IDP Education, Australia. Feelings and employee satisfaction can affect the company's
bottom line and policymaking. Critically, the emotional extremely dependent on employee’s
behavior. For example- if an employee is satisfied with their employment, they will in turn
provide better customer service. Consequently, the mood of staff members can affect the
productivity of business.
2. Board of Directors: The Board of IDP Education, Australia is responsible for the overall
management of the Company. Board of directors is in charge of establishing policies, to
oversee the organizations activity, to determine the company’s vision and mission and to
focus on the future growth. The Board of Directors of IDP Australia are:
1. Peter Polson- Non-Executive Director and Chairman
2. Andrew Barkla- Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
3. Managers: Managers play a significant role in the development of company strategies.
Hence, managers are held accountable for the decisions that are made and function as a
middle point between the board of directors, shareholders, and the company.
4. Investors: As in any business, IDP Education, Australia must address investors as
stakeholders. Investors are individuals who have invested their capital in the company. They
will have a lot of interaction with owners and the selected board of directors. Their
cultivation does not stop once they sign the check, so it is critical for owners to continue to
seek their guidance and involve them in the
5. running smoothly. IT support assist in maintaining and monitoring computer systems and
networks, setting up account for new users and repairing and replacing equipment when
needed. Therefore, IT support team members plays an imperative role in IDP Education,
Australia as they are the backbone of the company and if any system stops working, it will
have an adverse effect on the smooth functioning of the company.


Nilson. (2006: p1706) Internal Stakeholders “Who are Internal Stakeholders”

IDP Austarlia ltd., (2007). Board of Directors. Retrieved from

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