TAFE SA Study Statement 2019

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Description: It is expected that the information provided in addressing the questions below will be

used to form your Statement of Purpose for the Department of Home Affairs and your visa
application, should you be requested to do so.

TAFE SA Study Statement

1. Introduce yourself (name, date of birth, nationality, where you are currently living). Describe
your current situation (working? studying? travelling? Etc) What course(s) are you applying
for and which campus(es)?

My name is Harwinder Singh Bhullar,Born on 7th October 1995.I grew up in

Ferozpur district in Northern India, I completed Advance Diploma in Tourism
and Hospitality Management from Coleman College, Singapore (Aug 2018 to
May 2019).I have applied for Bachelor Of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Managements. Regency Park Campus.

2. Briefly describe your education history from Year10 (or overseas equivalent) to your highest
qualification. If you have had a change in field along the way please provide details as to why
you chose this change.

I did my 10th grade (Matriculation) from P.S.E.B Punjab in March 2012 and 12th
grade (Senior Secondary) from P.S.E.B,Punjab in May 2014. My favorite subjects
were Mathematics, Science and Environment Education. I was elected as the Head
boy for 2 consecutive years due to my all-round interests in academic, extra-curricular
activities and sports.

While in 12th grade, I came in contact with a family friend, who had returned back on
vacation from Dubai. He worked at Hotel Atlantis, The Palm, a premier Hotel in
Dubai. He shared his experience of foreign tourists, the Hospitality industry and the
excitement of being in the service industry with its challenges and learnings. I was
enthused by these narrations and got drawn to doing higher studies in the Tourism and
Hospitality Industry.

I joined the Diploma course in Hotel and Catering Management (Jan 2015- Dec
2016)at Computer Point institute of Technology and Management. I scored over 80%
in Food Production Cookery as well as in Hygiene and Nutrition. My project work on
Food and Beverages Operations earned me the appreciation of the batch and the

To broaden my exposure in the field and gain International exposure, I did Diploma in
Tourism and Hospitality Management (June 2017- July 2018) from Coleman College,
Singapore. Encouraged by my Mentor in the college, I further completed Advance
Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management from Coleman College, Singapore
(Aug 2018 to May 2019).

Reviewed 26/03/2019
3. Describe your employment history (if applicable),since leaving high school,including the
name of the company, job title, duration and task description for each job that you have
had. In additionattach your resume including any employer references.


4. Explain any gaps in studies and /or employment history even if the gap was due to poor
health, family reasons, compulsory military service, travel, etc.


5. Write below the research that you did into your study options in your home country, within
Australia and other countries, and be specific as to why this lead you to this application with
TAFE SA (and University package if applicable). This should compare the different providers
that you reviewed.

My quest for gaining global exposure and establish myself as a subject matter expert in
Tourism and Hospitality sector, led me to explore further opportunities for higher studies. I
researched on academic institutions in UK, Canada, USA and Australia. I considered factors
primarily on quality of education, Practical exposure to Industry, Entry requirements,
Climatic conditions suitable to me, cultural diversity and Costs.

For US, I needed to clear GRE test and also it isfar from India, so I did not opt for US. The
universities in UK such as University of Kent and London South Bank University are offering
degree in my chosen subject but I found that the degrees are based more on theoretical study,
which was not my preference.

I am deeply influenced by Australia’s study environment which I learnt through internet and
also through experience shared by students and professionals from Australia, whom I met in
Singapore. The Australian weather (unlike Canada) is most suited to what I am accustomed to
in India. I like the cultural diversity and the education system that prompts students to ask
questions and learn by experiencing. The cost of living is relatively cheaper compared to the
other countries that I explored for such a course.

I decided to pursue my further qualification from Australia with a Bachelor degree 3-year

Reviewed 26/03/2019
specialized course to equip students with broader prospective of Tourism and
Hospitality industry. This course is suitable for people who are planning to work in the hotel
industry or to open their own hotel business.Amongst the universities in Australia, While
researching on Australian colleges offering courses on Tourism and Hospitality, I found
several good ranking Colleges such as ICHM ,ICMS,BOX Hillare. After comparing on
various factors such as rankings, tuition fee, practical facilities offered, etc., I chose to study
at Tafe SA. I found that Tafe south Australia is a government institute with over 50 campuses
and delivers programs to more than 80000 students each year. It has credibly demonstrated its
excellence in imparting education and practical exposure of high quality. Tafe has
collaborated with Industries in the region to provide short projects/assignments on
collaborative assignments that enhance the students’ hands-on exposure in the Industry. This
would enable me to be Industry ready soon after completing the Course.
Moreover, the faculty is world class and recognized globally. In particular, I am impressed
and inspired by the knowledge and expertise of LecturerMark Hockey who has over 35 years’
experience in Tourism and Hospitality, specifically in the Meetings and Events industry. His
achievements in the industry have been significant and I hope to learn from him and be part of
his projects, during my studies at Tafe.

After doing due research on the courses, I chose to study Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality &
Events Management. This is in continuation to my courses and studies done so far. The
course curriculum, subjects and learning methodology at Tafe, is exactly what I am looking
for. This degree will help me develop skills to become a professional with enhanced
knowledge. The Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management course offers
subjects like - Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Operations Planning and Control,
whichwould add to my overall subject matter expertise. The subjects like Finance for
decision Making, Capstone Industry Projects, Managing Customer Service excellence,
Strategic Planning and Management, Risk and Compliance management will add to the all-
round skills I need. This is the perfect course for equipping myself with the required skills to
enable me progress on my career goals.

6. What employment opportunities do you expect on your return to your home country?
Please evidence your salary expectations, promotion opportunities, etc that would result
due to your studies in this application. (eg web links outlining labour market prospects and
remuneration from reputable publications/organisations).

After completing the degree at Tafe SA, I will be confident to work as aHospitality
Professional and this will enable me to open my own restaurant in India. I will return
to India and start my new venture in my home town Ferozepur (in Northern India);
where my parents and family members reside. My family has settled here for decades.
We have two commercial shops and two house properties in Feorzepur. I also have a
commercial land in my name in city center, where I plan to open the restaurant. Due
to our long-standing connections with the local community, I foresee lot of patronage
and encouragement for my restaurant business.

Besides, there are many good job and career prospects in the top Hotels, Multi Chain
restaurant as most Multinationals in Hospitality business and food chain companies
have their bases in India. Some of the ones I have shortlisted as best places for me to
work initially at the start of my career are - Taj Lake Palace, The Leela Palace, The

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Taj Mahal Palace and The Oberoi Umaid Bhawan Palace. I can get good salaries
(around 3000 AUD dollar) in India and be with my family and look after them.

7. What are your ties to home country for returning home once you have successfully
completed your studies in Australia? Please provide proof to support your statement.

I will be confident to work as aHospitality Professional and this will enable me to

open my own restaurant in India. I will return to India and start my new venture in my
home town Ferozepur (in Northern India); where my parents and family members
reside. My family has settled here for decades. We have two commercial shops and
two house properties in Feorzepur. I also have a commercial land in my name in city
center, where I plan to open the restaurant. Due to our long-standing connections with
the local community, I foresee lot of patronage and encouragement for my restaurant

8. If you already have a qualification after your high school studies then please answer, if not
then please go to question 11. Why isthis TAFE SA qualification of benefit to you?

I joined the Diploma course in Hotel and Catering Management (Jan 2015- Dec
2016)at Computer Point institute of Technology and Management. I scored over 80%
in Food Production Cookery as well as in Hygiene and Nutrition. My project work on
Food and Beverages Operations earned me the appreciation of the batch and the

To broaden my exposure in the field and gain International exposure, I did Diploma in
Tourism and Hospitality Management (June 2017- July 2018) from Coleman College,
Singapore. As part of the course, I did training in IPM Singapore and scored an ‘A’ in
Service Quality and Business Communication. Encouraged by my Mentor in the
college, I further completed Advance Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality
Management from Coleman College, Singapore (Aug 2018 to May 2019). I learnt
more about Development and Planning in Tourism and Hospitality and the important
role of ‘Tourism Marketing’ in growing the business.

The knowledge and expertise gained during my undergraduate course at Tafe on

Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management would complement my earlier Diploma
courses done in Tourism and Hospitality to help me build my career.

9. If your post high school qualification is a higher level than the course(s) in this application
explain why the TAFE SA qualification is a benefit to you to undertake this study.

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10. If you are changing your field of studies/career explain below why you are changing and
what are the needs/benefits of doing so.


11. If you have dependents then please address questions 11-13, if not then please go to
question 14. Please provide the name, age, and relationship to you for your dependants and
whether they plan to accompany you, join you later or remain in your home country.


12. If your spouse is accompanying you, what will they do in Australia while you are studying? If
they are currently employed, provide evidence of leave from their employer.


13. In the case where children are to remain at home who will look after the welfare of the


14. If you have had a previous visa refusal for Australia, or any other country, supply a copy of all
visa refusal documents. In your own words, describe why you received the visa refusal.


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15. If you have previously travelled to Australia when did you arrive & leave (start and end date)
and what type of visa did you enter on?


16. Describe how your tuition fees, living expense and travel costs will be funded.

I am well supported financially to undertake my studies at Australia. I have estimated

the cost of my education at Australia (Including 1 year Tuition fee, Travel, Stay and
living expenses to be around 37290 AUD, for which I am well prepared. My father,
being a successful agriculturist has a successful business,as public is more health
conscious and values the organic produce of the farm. My parents are very supportive
and kind enough to sponsor my studies. My father savings in India (amounting to
well over 42101 AUD) is available for my immediate expenses.My parents have over
43 kanal of farming land (at Village, Karmuwalain Ferozepur) along with a large
ancestral house and have undertaken to sponsor my total cost of education and stay,
while at Australia.

I declare that the information given above is true and correct. If it is found that I have given
false, misleading or incomplete information, I understand that it may result in my application
being rejected.

Name :Hariwnder Singh Bhullar Date: 29/09/2019

Reviewed 26/03/2019

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