DDAL04-07 The Innocent (5e) (9139669)

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The mists have led you deep into Glumpen Swamp to a den of great evil. Within, the unliving son
of an unliving god awaits the peace of death that eternally eludes him. Will you grant him his
rest, or realize the part he is to play in things to come?
Part Seven of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

A Four-Hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters

Michael E. Shea
Adventure Designer

Adventure Code: DDAL04-07

Version 1

Development and Editing: Claire Hoffman, Travis Woodall

Organized Play: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks,
Alan Patrick

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the
Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Introduction Preparing the Adventure
Before you show up to Dungeon Master this
Welcome to The Innocent, a D&D Expeditions™
adventure for a group of players, you should do the
adventure, part of the official D&D Adventurers
following to prepare.
League™ organized play system and the Misty
Fortunes and Absent Hearts storyline season.  Make sure to have a copy of the most current
This adventure is designed for three to seven version of the D&D Basic Rules or the Player’s
5th-10th level characters, and it is optimized for Handbook.
five 5th-level characters. Characters outside this  Read through the adventure, taking notes of
level range cannot participate in this adventure. anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
This adventure is set in the forests outside the while running the adventure, such as a way you’d
village of Orașnou in Barovia. It eventually leads like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use
deep into the Glumpen Swamp. in a combat.
 Get familiar with the monster statistics in the

The D&D Adventurers Appendix.

 Gather together any resources you’d like to use to

League aid you in running this adventure--such as

notecards, a DM screen, miniatures, and
This adventure is official for D&D Adventurers battlemaps.
League play. The D&D Adventurers League is the  If you know the composition of the group
official organized play system for DUNGEONS & beforehand, you can make adjustments as noted
DRAGONS®. Players can create characters and throughout the adventure.
participate in any adventure allowed as a part of the
D&D Adventurers League. As they adventure,
players track their characters’ experience, treasure, Before Play at the Table
and other rewards, and can take those characters Ask the players to provide you with relevant
through other adventures that continues their story. character information:
If you’re running this adventure as a part of a
store event or at certain conventions, you’ll need a  Character name and level
DCI number. This number is your official Wizards of  Character race and class
the Coast organized play identifier. If you don’t have  Passive Wisdom (Perception)—the most common
a number, you can obtain one at a store event. Check passive ability check
with your organizer for details.  Anything notable as specified by the adventure
D&D Adventurers League play is broken up into (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)
storyline seasons. When players create characters, Players that have characters outside the adventure’s
they attach those characters to a storyline season, level range cannot participate in the adventure
which determines what rules they’re allowed to use with those characters. Players with ineligible
to create and advance their characters. Players can characters can make a new 1st-level character or use
continue to play their characters after the storyline a pregenerated character. Players can play an
season has finished, possibly participating in a adventure they previously played or ran as a
second or third storyline with those same Dungeon Master, but not with the same character.
characters. A character’s level is the only limitation Ensure that each player has an official adventure
for adventure play. A player cannot use a character logsheet for his or her character (if not, get one from
of a level higher or lower than the level range of a the organizer). The player fills out the adventure
D&D Adventurers League adventure. name, session number, date, and your name and DCI
For more information on playing, running games number. In addition, the player also fills in the
as a Dungeon Master, and organizing games for the starting values for experience, gold, downtime,
D&D Adventurers League, please visit the D&D renown, and number of permanent magic items. He
Adventurers League home at: or she fill in the other values and write notes at the
conclusion of the session. Each player is responsible
www.dndadventurersleague.org for maintaining an accurate logsheet.

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DDAL04-07 The Innocent 2

Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

If you have time, you can do a quick scan of a Determining Party Strength
player’s character sheet to ensure that nothing looks Party Composition Party Strength
out of order. If you see magic items of very high 3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
rarities or strange arrays of ability scores, you can 3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
ask players to provide documentation for the 3-4 characters, APL greater than Average
irregularities. If they cannot, feel free to restrict item 5 characters, APL less than Weak
use or ask them to use a standard ability score array.
5 characters, APL equivalent Average
Point players to the D&D Adventurers League Player’s
5 characters, APL greater than Strong
Guide for reference.
6-7 characters, APL less than Average
If players wish to spend downtime days and it’s
the beginning of an adventure or episode, they can 6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
declare their activity and spend the days now. 6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
Alternatively, they can do so at the end of the
adventure or episode. Players should select their Average party strength indicates no recommended
characters’ spells and other daily options prior to adjustments to the adventure. Each sidebar may or
the start of the adventure, unless the adventure may not offer suggestions for certain party
specifies otherwise. Feel free to reread the strengths. If a particular recommendation is not
adventure description to help give players hints offered for your group, you don’t have to make
about what they might face. adjustments.

Adjusting the Adventure Running the Adventure

Throughout this adventure, sidebars provide As the Dungeon Master of the session, you have the
information to assist you in making adjustments for most important role in facilitating the enjoyment of
smaller or larger groups and characters of higher or the game for the players. You help guide the
lower levels than the adventure is optimized for. narrative and bring the words on these pages to life.
This is typically used exclusively for combat The outcome of a fun game session often creates
encounters. stories that live well beyond the play at the table.
You may adjust the adventure beyond the Always follow this golden rule when you DM for a
guidelines given in the adventure, or for other group:
reasons. For example, if you’re playing with a group
of inexperienced players, you might want to make Make decisions and adjudications that enhance
the adventure a little easier; for very experienced the fun of the adventure when possible.
players, you might want to make it a little harder.
Therefore, five categories of party strength have To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
been created for you to use as a guide. Use these as a following:
guide, and feel free to use a different adjustment  You are empowered to make adjustments to the
during the adventure if the recommended party adventure and make decisions about how the
strength feels off for the group. group interacts with the world of this adventure.
This adventure is optimized for a party of five Doing so is especially important and applicable
5th-level characters. To figure out whether you outside of combat, but feel free to adjust the
need to adjust the adventure, do the following: adventure for groups that are having too easy or
 Add up the total levels of all the characters. too hard of a time.
 Divide the total by the number of characters.  Don’t make the adventure too easy or too difficult
 Round fractions of .5 or greater up; round for a group. Never being challenged makes for a
fractions of less than .5 down. boring game and being overwhelmed makes for a
frustrating one. Gauge the experience of the
You’ve now determined the average party level players (not the characters) with the game, try to
(APL) for the adventure. To figure out the party feel out (or ask) what they like in a game, and
strength for the adventure, consult the following attempt to give each of them the experience
table. they’re after when they play D&D. Give everyone a
chance to shine.

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DDAL04-07 The Innocent 3

Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

 Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game session
moving along appropriately. Watch for stalling,
Spellcasting Services
since play loses momentum when this happens. At Any settlement the size of a town or larger can
the same time, make sure that the players don’t provide some spellcasting services. Characters need
finish too early; provide them with a full play to be able to travel to the settlement to obtain these
experience. Try to be aware of running long or services.
short. Adjust the pacing accordingly
 Read-aloud text is just a suggestion; feel free to Help From Who!?
modify the text as you see fit, especially when For the current storyline season, Curse of Strahd, the rules for
dialogue is present. spellcasting services are changed for characters adventuring
 Give the players appropriate hints so they can in Barovia. In Strahd’s bleak domain, there simply aren’t any
make informed choices about how to proceed. settlements where spellcasters can accommodate such
Players should be given clues and hints when needs, and those places of worship that might otherwise
appropriate so they can tackle puzzles, combat, provide spellcasting services are overrun with monsters. As
and interactions without getting frustrated over such, unless otherwise detailed in an adventure, the only
individual able to provide spellcasting services is Jeny
lack of information. Doing so helps to encourage
Greenteeth. This will no doubt lead to some uncomfortable
immersion in the adventure and gives players
situations and unforeseen consequences.
“little victories” for figuring out good choices from Refer to Page 7 of the Adventurers League Dungeon
clues. Master’s Guide for more details.
In short, being the DM isn’t about following the
adventure’s text word-for-word; it’s about Spell services generally available include healing and
facilitating a fun, challenging game environment for recovery spells, as well as information-gathering
the players. The Dungeon Master’s Guide™ has more spells. Other spell services might be available as
information on the art of running a D&D game. specified in the adventure. The number of spells
available to be cast as a service is limited to a
Downtime and Lifestyle maximum of three per day total, unless otherwise
At the beginning of each play session, players must
declare whether or not they are spending any days Spellcasting Services
of downtime. The player records the downtime Spell Cost
spent on the adventure logsheet. The following Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp
options are available to players during downtime Identify 20 gp
(see the D&D basic rules or the D&D Adventurers Lesser restoration 40 gp
League Player’s Guide for more information): Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
Remove curse 90 gp
 Catching up
Speak with dead 90 gp
 Crafting (exception: multiple characters cannot
Divination 210 gp
commit to crafting a single item)
Greater restoration 450 gp
 Practicing a profession
Raise dead 1,250 gp
 Recuperating
 Spellcasting services
 Training Acolyte Background
Other downtime options might be available during A character possessing the acolyte background requesting
adventures or unlocked through play, including spellcasting services at a temple of his or her faith may
faction-specific activities. request one spell per day from the Spellcasting Services table
In addition, whenever a character spends for free. The only cost paid for the spell is the base price for
the consumed material component, if any.
downtime days, that character also spends the
However, no religions have established places of worship
requisite expense for his or her lifestyle. Costs are
here of sufficient size to provide spellcasting services.
per day, so a character that spends ten days of Because of this, characters with the Acolyte background gain
downtime also spends ten days of expenses no benefit from this trait.
maintaining his or her lifestyle. Some downtime
activities help with lifestyle expenses or add lifestyle

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DDAL04-07 The Innocent 4

Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Character Disease, Death, and spend their funds to bring back a dead party
Recovery Faction Charity. If the character is of level 1 to 4
and a member of a faction, the dead character’s body
Sometimes bad things happen, and characters get can be returned to civilization and a patron from the
poisoned, diseased, or are killed. Since you might not faction ensures that he or she receives a raise dead
have the same characters return from session to spell. However, any character invoking this charity
session, here are the rules when bad things happen forfeits all experience and rewards from that session
to characters. (both those earned prior to and after death during
that session) and cannot replay that episode or
Disease, Poison, and Other Debilitating adventure with that character again. Once a
Effects character reaches 5th level, this option is no longer
A character still affected by diseases, poisons, and available.
other similar effects at the conclusion of an
adventure can spend downtime days recuperating Resurrection Madness
until such time as he or she resolves the effect to its In Barovia, the souls of the dead are as trapped as the souls
conclusion (see the recuperating activity in the D&D of the living. They become caught in the mists and can’t
Basic Rules). travel to the afterlife. When a humanoid who has been dead
If a character doesn’t resolve the effect between for at least 24 hours returns to life, either by way of a spell or
sessions, that character begins the next session still some supernatural means, it gains a random form of
affected by the debilitating effect. indefinite madness brought on by the realization that its
spirit is trapped in Barovia, likely forever. To determine how
Death this madness is expressed, roll on the Indefinite Madness
table in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
A character who is killed during the course of the
adventure has a few options at the end of the session
(or whenever arriving back in civilization) if no one Vampirism and Lycanthropy
in the adventuring party has immediate access to a Vampires and lycanthropes are not included in the
raise dead or revivify spell, or similar magic. A allowed rules for character creation or advancement
character subject to a raise dead spell is affected (see the D&D Adventurers League Player’s Guide).
negatively until all long rests have been completed These conditions grant characters powers and
during an adventure. Alternatively, each downtime abilities that are not suitable for organized play, and
day spent after raise dead reduces the penalty to typically impose a restricted or prohibited
attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks by 1, in alignment. As such, characters afflicted with
addition to any other benefits the downtime activity vampirism or lycanthropy must have the affliction
might provide. cured before the start of their next episode or
Create a New 1st-Level Character. If the dead adventure.
character is unwilling or unable to exercise any of Afflicted characters have the following options:
the other options, the player creates a new  Lycanthropes can be cured with a remove curse
character. The new character does not have any spell. This spell is available as a spellcasting
items or rewards possessed by the dead character. service for 90 gp (though Jeny Greenteeth might
Dead Character Pays for Raise Dead. If the have additional requirements; see “Spellcasting
character’s body is recoverable (it’s not missing any Services” later in this guide).
vital organs and is mostly whole) and the player  Vampires can be cured by a wish spell cast by a
would like the character to be returned to life, the fellow player character (wish is not available as a
party can take the body back to civilization and use spellcasting service). Alternatively, a vampire
the dead character’s funds to pay for a raise dead character can be slain and returned to life with
spell. A raise dead spell cast in this manner costs the raise dead, at the normal cost of 1,250 gp. If a
character 1,250 gp. character chooses to end a vampiric curse in this
Character’s Party Pays for Raise Dead. As above, manner, the Dark Powers (see Page 8, Adventurers
except that some or all of the 1,250 gp for the raise League Dungeon Master’s Guide) do not offer a
dead spell is paid for by the party at the end of the free raise dead, though Jeny Greenteeth might be
session. Other characters are under no obligation to willing to make a deal (see “Spellcasting Services”
earlier in this guide).

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DDAL04-07 The Innocent 5

Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

An afflicted character who does not end his or her Be sure to play to the mindsets of these people who live
curse is retired from play until able to do so by one threadbare existences, constantly on the precipice of horror
of the means above, or through the application of during your roleplaying encounters.
DM rewards to the character. As is the case with most of the denizens of Barovia, most
of the people that reside in the village don’t possess a soul.
These people are empty shells created by Strahd’s
The Demiplane of Dread consciousness to populate his domain. However, about one
in every ten people in Barovia are actually possessing of a
This adventure is set within the Ravenloft campaign soul—the souls of the original denizens of Barovia before its
setting, in the lands of Barovia which exists in the transition into the Demiplane. When a being with a soul dies
Demiplane of Dread. There are several atmospheric in Barovia, its soul remains trapped until it is reincarnated
and thematic elements to keep in mind at all times later. Souls tend to wear clothing with a splash of color or
while running your game: have other features that demonstrate even a small bit of
The Land is Bleak
By the will of the Dark Powers, the sun never fully Alterations to Magic
shines in the lands of Barovia. Even during the day, The land of Barovia resides in its own demiplane,
the sky is dimmed by fog or storm clouds, or the isolated from all other planes, including the Material
light is strangely muted. Barovian daylight is bright Plane. No spell—not even wish—allows one to
light, yet it isn’t considered sunlight for the purpose escape from Strahd’s domain. Astral projection,
of effects and vulnerabilities, such as a vampire’s, teleport, plane shift, and similar spells cast for the
tied to sunlight. Nevertheless, Strahd and his purpose of leaving Barovia simply fail, as do effects
vampire spawn tend to stay indoors most of the day that banish a creature to another plane of existence.
and venture out at night, and they are subject to These restrictions apply to magic items and artifacts
sunlight created by magic. that have properties that transport or banish
creatures to other planes. Magic that allows transit
Winter in Barovia to the Border Ethereal, such as the etherealness spell
The winters are cold, wet, and stormy here. The natives of and the Etherealness feature of incorporeal undead,
the Demiplane are prepared—well, as prepared as they can is the exception to this rule. A creature that enters
hope to be. the Border Ethereal from Strahd’s domain is pulled
The characters, however, are unfamiliar with the realm. back into Barovia upon leaving that plane.
Thankfully, the region they came from was experiencing the For the purpose of spells whose effects change
worst winter in living memory, and are likely to possess
across or are blocked by planar boundaries (such as
winter clothing. If they are not, then, preparations are in
sending), Strahd’s domain is considered its own
order. The village has a single shop called The Hare & Hair
where they are able to procure such supplies if they wish.
plane. Magic that summons creatures or objects
from other planes functions normally in Barovia, as
A dark sentience infuses the very soil, twisting and does magic that involves an extradimensional space.
contorting everything within. In places where you Any spells cast within such an extra-dimensional
would normally expect wildlife such as deer, rabbits, space (such as that created by Mordenkainen’s
or squirrels, you instead find wolves, rats, and magnificent mansion) are subject to the same
mangy dogs. Vegetation is rotted and dead, and restrictions as magic cast in Barovia.
forests are filled mostly with gnarled, thick trees While in Barovia, characters who receive spells
with bare branches. Colorful, vivacious things simply from deities or otherworldly patrons continue to do
do not exist. so. In addition, spells that allow contact with beings
from other planes function normally—with one
The Denizens of Orașnou provision: Strahd can sense when someone in his
Most Orașnou residents are mundane laborers, farmers, domain is casting such a spell and can choose to
fletchers and other folk who fall under common professions. make himself the spell’s recipient, so that he
They typically have gaunt features, as crops often fail to take becomes the one who is contacted.
root, and creatures of the night frequently kill and devour
their livestock. Cosmetic Spell Modifications
Most are sullen, and often filled with fear, be it from the
At your discretion, a spell can be modified
lands themselves, what lies within them, Lord Strahd, or their
cosmetically to enhance the horrific atmosphere of
own tyrant of a Burgomaster; Ivan Randovich and his cronies.
Ravenloft. A few examples are presented below:

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DDAL04-07 The Innocent 6

Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Adventure Background
Alarm. Instead of hearing a mental ping when the
alarm is triggered, the caster hears a scream.
Bigby’s Hand. The conjured hand is skeletal. Recently, a well-dressed visitor arrived in town.
Find Familiar. The familiar is undead instead of Somehow, he quickly gained the confidence of the
being a celestial, a fey, or a fiend, and is immune to townsfolk. Farmers and vendors sought his
features that turn undead. guidance. Laborers and smiths sought his assistance.
Find Steed. The summoned steed is undead And a pair of young lovers, Benedek and Sari, sought
instead of being a celestial, a fey, or a fiend, and is his blessing in uniting them in marriage.
immune to features that turn undead. Unbeknownst to all of them was that the Visitor was
Find the Path. A child’s spirit appears and guides an incubus—drawn to the small, sleepy village by
the caster to the desired location. The spirit can’t be the whispers of power.
harmed and doesn’t communicate. What the people of Orașnou also didn’t know was
Fog Cloud. Misty, harmless claws form in the fog. that another stranger lurked about town. This one
Gust of Wind. A ghastly moan accompanies the however, had spoken to no one, had earned no trust,
summoned wind. and had not even made his presence known to
Mage Hand. The summoned hand is skeletal. anyone. The second stranger was the ghost of the
Maze. The surfaces of the demiplane’s maze are half-black dragon troll, Graxxygak.
made of mortared skulls and bones. Graxxygak is precisely what lured the Visitor to
Phantom Steed. The steed resembles a skeletal town, however. By embracing the gifts granted by
horse. the Demiplane of Dread, the Visitor plans to bind the
Rary’s Telepathic Bond. Characters linked ghost to his will. But doing so requires a sacrifice.
together by the spell can’t shake the feeling that And who better than Benedek and Sari—two foolish
something vile is telepathically eavesdropping on children who made the simple mistake of loving one
them. another. And so, rather than dirty his own hands
Revivify. A creature restored to life by a revivify with the task, he conspired and enchanted Benedek’s
spell screams upon regaining consciousness, as brother Regold and convinced him to do the deed for
though waking from some horrible nightmare. him. What would have been the night of their
Spirit Guardians. The spirits appear as ghostly, marriage, Regold coldly murdered them both while
skeletal warriors. the Visitor watched on, his eyes full of greed.
Wall of Stone. A wall created by the spell has But Graxxygak wouldn’t come and the Visitor
ghastly faces sculpted into it, as though tortured learned that the sacrifice was for naught; only a
spirits were somehow trapped within the stone. willing sacrifice would draw enough of the Dark
Powers’s attention to grant his request. And so, the
Count Strahd Von Zarovich Visitor pinned his hopes on poor, hapless Regold.
Lord Strahd is the Darklord of Barovia. He rules his domain The adventure begins as the Visitor and Regold
from Castle Ravenloft as Strahd IX; a descendent of Strahd I. move towards the Vault of the Honored Dead—an
In actuality, Strahd I and Strahd IX are the one and the same-- ancient yuan-ti temple of great power and greater
a vampire. As a mortal, Strahd fell in love with Tatyana evil. By the time they arrive, he will no doubt be able
Federovna; the bride of his younger brother Sergei. In his to stoke the flames of guilt in Regold’s chest. Then,
jealousy, Strahd murdered his brother and became the the Visitor need only hand the man a blade and let
Darklord of Barovia; which was swept away into the him do the rest.
Demiplane along with its ruler. Since then, Strahd is cursed to
seek incarnations of Tatyana for eternity. NOTE: Strahd is not Graxxygak, The Second Obsession
present in this adventure.
The half-dragon troll is the son of Throstulgrael first appeared
in DDEX1-12 Raiders of the Twilight Marsh. Now a dracolich,
Not Without Humor Graxxygak was spawned when the dragon still drew breath.
The bleak and oppressive landscape must give way Slain by adventures in the now-dracolich’s lair, Graxxygak
now and then to some moments of respite, not only rose from death as a ghost, eternally in search for the respect
does this break up the taxing mindset that Ravenloft that his revered father never provided him in life.
can evoke, but it also provides good chances for Graxxygak’s arrival in Barovia was noticed by Esmae who
horror to sneak back up on players just as they least appeared before him one night. It was by playing on the
expect it. simple-minded ghost’s weakness for approval that she
enlisted it to her cause. With Graxxygak’s help, she would

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DDAL04-07 The Innocent 7

Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

recover the Tatyana’s gloves from Orașnou—if he was smart Graxxygak’s spirit. In order to deny the Visitor
enough to figure out how to find them, that is. victory, the characters must prevent Regold’s death
Despite his ferocious nature in life, Graxxygak is timid and and defeat the Visitor along with summoned, undead
easily startled as a ghost—a condition that he still has not minions. However, they may be able to convince
grown accustomed to. He has located the gloves, but has Graxxygak to assist them in their efforts. Otherwise,
been unsure how to retrieve them without arousing
they may face the full wrath of the half-dragon ghost.
suspicion—something that his mistress told him that he must
be careful not to do. He attempted to muster the support of
The Glumpen Swamp
another ghost, that of Talaric Daoran, to assist him, but
Talaric insisted on exacting his revenge against Jeny The Glumpen Swamp is yet another portion of Faerûn that
Greenteeth (DDAL04-06 The Ghost) and cared little of was swept away by the mists. It is separated from the
Graxxygak’s task. Twilight Marshes by the Vanishing Hills.
Just as he began to grow desperate, the Visitor arrived and The hills and the swamp north of it are inhabited by yuan-
took an interest in Sari, the owner of the gloves. Graxxygak ti, who perform vile rites to even more vile entities.
took this as an opportune time to accomplish his task.

Adventure Hooks
Graxxygak appears as a large, brutish troll with curled ivory
horns, however he has a jagged, heart-shaped hole in the
center of his chest—a manifestation of his ties to Esmae If the characters begin this adventure from within
Amaranth and the Evening Glory.
the Forgotten Realms or a setting other than
Dark Gift: The Dark Powers have granted Graxxygak the
Ravenloft, have them be transported to the
ability to affect things on the Material Plane while remaining
on the Ethereal. This ability is limited to possession and the
Demiplane of Dread just outside Orașnou via an
ability to telekinetically manipulate objects. unnaturally thick fog or mist while traveling
overland, preferably at night. Proceed to “Welcome
to Barovia”, below.
Adventure Overview Otherwise, any of the following hooks may justify
the party's presence in the stretch of land between
This adventure is broken down into three parts. the Quivering Forest and the Barovian woods.
Part 1. The characters arrive at the bloody shrine. Jeny’s Warning. Characters that participated in
There they discover the murder of a young couple at DDAL04-6 The Ghost were visited in a dream by the
the shrine and are attacked by trolls—followers of hag, Jeny Greenteeth, warning them of an unknown
Graxxygak. After defeating the trolls, the characters person and her Obsessions. Among the information
meet the ghost of the murdered woman, Sari. revealed was the mention of a set of gloves. While
Though newly formed as a ghost, Sari knows that there can be no saying, a villager named Sari is well-
her killers will soon be conducting a ritual at a den of known for wearing a particularly nice set of gloves
great evil deeper in Glumpen Swamp. Unbeknownst wherever she goes. Sari was last seen venturing into
to them, Graxxygak follows the girl, eager to finally the nearby Svalich Woods towards an ancient shrine
obtain Tatyana’s gloves. with her betrothed, Benedek; his brother, Regold;
Part 2. In the second part of the adventure, the and a third man who the villagers refer to only as the
characters make their way through Glumpen Swamp Visitor.
and potentially discover clues along the way. On Missing Lovers. Rumors are abound within the
their journey they come across a sunken vardo and village of a stranger known only as “The Visitor”
its Vistani owner and the Visitor’s camp. If time whose arrival in the village has caused people to act
permits, they may even happen upon the enormous strangely. To make matters worse, a pair of young
skull of a red dragon being feasted upon by ghasts. lovers, Benedek and Sari, have gone missing. They
Part 3. In the third part of this adventure, the were last seen in the Visitor’s company heading into
characters arrive at the Vault of the Honored Dead, a the nearby Svalich Forest.
former burial ground of the yuan-ti. As they make
their way through the burial ground they are Welcome to Barovia
attacked by a yuan-ti excavation party accompanied
by orc slaves who appear to be digging for artifacts Some characters may be arriving from Faerûn for
in the lair. the first time. For those characters, describe a heavy
Part 4. The characters delve into the Vault of the fog bank rolling through their travel path, and when
Royal Dead. Eventually, they happen upon the it eventually clears, they are on the outskirts of a
Visitor conducting a dark ceremony to bind

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

small mountain village. It’s heavy-handed, but such
is the way of the Demiplane.
Any character that participates in this adventure
earns The Demiplane of Dread story award if they
do not have it already. They should be made aware
that until this story award is removed, they may not
participate in any adventure that does not take place
in Barovia.

Curse of Strahd Adventures

The adventures for the Curse of Strahd Season of Dungeons
and Dragons Adventurers League deliver the most impactful
experience when played in numeric order (i.e.: 04-01, then
04-02, and so on) but this is not required. Please carefully
read the following pages and be prepared to adjust
encounters, especially where key NPCs are concerned!
Although DM tips may be found in the adventure, they are
unlikely to cover every table or situation.
For a Ravenloft game, the world itself should be treated
with great respect—it is a character unto itself, and the Dark
Powers rarely respond positively to hand-waving and outright
Any character afflicted with lycanthropy must receive the
benefits of a remove curse at the end of this adventure in
order to be rid of this horrible affliction. Characters that
choose to remain afflicted or cannot afford this spell, become
NPCs and are no longer playable in D&D Adventurers League

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Part 1: The Bloody Shrine
flee into a nearby copse of trees or otherwise out of sight
to verify that the character is not, in fact, wearing
The adventure begins at the shrine mentioned by Tatyana’s gloves. At no point in Part 1, 2, or 3 does
Jeny Greenteeth in the midst of a particularly nasty Graxxygak outright attack the characters.
You No Be Here!
General Features
A flash of lightning reveals a tall statue of a cloaked and
The shrine has the following general features:
Terrain. For the most part, the terrain is solid— hooded man. Thick stone serpents emerge from its sleeves,
though slightly damp due to the rain. Nearer to the and wrap around its arms and body. A hood shrouds the
statue, however, the ground has been soaked figure’s face in darkness.
through with blood and rain, turning it into thick A moment later, a second flash of lightning reveals a dark,
muck (see Sari’s Bloody Footprints sidebar, below). bloody handprint on the front of the statues robes. At the
Light. The night sky is dark and overcast. base of the statue and the bottom of the smeared stain lies
Occasional flashes of lightning provide bright, but the body of a young man, dressed in home-spun, face down
sporadic light. The only light the characters in a pool of black mud—his hand still resting on one of the
otherwise have is that which they provide statue’s feet. The boy’s other hand holds that of a young
themselves. woman—the front of her flowered blouse stained black with
Sound. Crashing of thunder, buzzing of flies,
blood. Her vacant eyes stare upward, unblinking as drops of
cawing of ravens, distant howls of wolves.
rain fall onto the pale skin of her face.
Smells. Mud and rain. The heavy, metallic smell of
blood. Unwashed bodies.
Allow the characters a moment to take in the scene
Of Gloves and Ghosts before proceeding. However, before they’re able to
In the time leading up to this adventure, Graxxygak has glean much in the way of detailed information, read:
grown absolutely obsessed with gloves. Throughout this
adventure he manifests this obsession in a number of A tree branch snaps nearby and large forms step into the
different ways. As the characters draw nearer and nearer to clearing, growling menacingly.
their final destination (see Part 4, below), the occurrences “We’re enemies,” one of them growls in a gravelly voice. A
become more and more frequent. Due to his Dark Gift (see
third crash of lightning reveals the figures to be trolls with
Graxxygak, The Second Obsession, above), the undead troll is
able to perform all of these tasks from the Ethereal Plane. heavily scarred faces and strange marks burnt into the center
Some examples of the things that Graxxygak may do of their chests. The speaking troll’s horrible mouth breaks
include (but are not limited to): into a malevolent grin—revealing a set of golden teeth.
 A character might wake up to find his gloves missing.
Though they eventually find them, they are obviously not The two trolls are followers of Graxxygak guarding
where they would reasonably be expected to be (up a tree, the shrine. They do not willingly divulge Graxxygak’s
in a freshly dug hole, stuffed into a companion’s shoes, name. The trolls are servants of Throstagruel. While
etc.) Regardless of the characters’s vigilance, they are they are not half dragons, their regeneration is not
never able to catch the perpetrator.
affected by acid damage.
 The characters may come across a surprisingly large pile of
A DC 11 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals that the
gloves in the middle of their path, or beside their fire when
scars they bear appear to be intentionally inflicted;
they rouse from a rest. None of the gloves are their
own. Some them might be mutilated and covered in
they are too deliberate and symmetrical to be
blood, and one or two may actually still contain their earned in battle.
previous owner’s hands or fingers.
 A character may feel a slight tugging on their gloves while Adjusting the Encounter
they still wear them. This begins harmlessly enough, but Here are recommendations for adjusting this encounter.
may escalate to being a deadly nuisance in combat. If These suggestions are not cumulative.
Graxxygak grows impatient enough (if the characters take  Weak Party: At the beginning of each troll’s turn, roll a die.
excessive rests), he might yank on them at inopportune If the result is even, a flash of lightning momentarily
times in the midst of combat—causing a wearer’s attack startles the troll; all attacks made during its turn are made
roll to be made with disadvantage. Or, worse still, with disadvantage.
Graxxygak may try to possess a character and force him to  Strong party: Increase each troll’s hit points to 115.

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

 Very Strong Party: Add a troll.
Roleplaying Sari
Sari has only recently manifested as a ghost and is unlikely to
Development know she’s dead at all. Even if she is shown proof of her
After the characters defeat the trolls, read: death, she may wail at the sight and then simply forget that
she ever saw it. Sari has only feelings driving her in this form
“Is it safe?” and very few facts. She is likely to see the strength in the
The faint image of a young woman in a flowered blouse and adventurers and begs them to stop the ritual she feels is
coming soon.
delicate, lace gloves peeks around a nearby gnarled tree—
Sari can be put to rest if she and Benedek are married in
her eyes heavy with worry and her face streaked with the
accordance with Barovian tradition. Unfortunately, this
traces of silvery tears. would require raising, at the very least Benedek, from the
Bright, red blood stains the front of her flowered blouse dead.
and continues to flow, pooling on the ground at her feet. Quote: “Benedek! Benedek, where are you?!”
At the conclusion of the conversation, Sari
Due to the tragic nature of her death, Sari has approaches whichever character has treated her
manifested as a ghost—with little idea of how or with the most compassion, and touches their chest.
why. Regardless of how their conversation goes, Sari The touch feels little more than the touch of a
reveals the following information: clammy hand, but the sensation fades. Sari departs;
disappearing into the swamp, and leaving a trail of
 Her name is Sari. The dead man is Benedek, her
bright, bloody footprints behind her.
betrothed. She bursts into tears at the sight of the
dead bodies and calls out frantically for
Sari’s Bloody Footprints
Benedek—likely hoping that he, too, has risen as a
ghost. After meeting Sari, the characters catch occasional glimpses
of bright, red blood. The blood is unusually bright and almost
 She and Benedek came here to be married.
seems to shed its own light; splashes of vibrant, macabre
Benedek’s brother Regold accompanied them. She
color in an otherwise dim, dreary area.
doesn’t see his body anywhere. Characters that touch the footprints feel nothing except
 Sari does not know how she died. She felt a the ground that they rest upon; they are manifestations of
stabbing pain in her heart, and then everything Sari’s spirit and nothing more.
faded into darkness.
 If asked if Regold may have been the one to kill If the characters demonstrate any hostility towards
them, Sari shrugs dismissively. She says that he Sari, the ghost flees or if unable to, uses horrifying
has always been an angry man and doesn’t know visage. Even if they run her off, Sari hounds the
why. But she can’t think of a reason why he would characters to investigate the “terrible thing.”
murder her and his own brother.
 Someone else was with them, but she doesn’t Investigating the Area
remember who. She can’t remember his face or Along with speaking to Sari’s ghost, the characters
even what his voice sounded like. Every time she can investigate the murder scene at the shrine. What
thinks she’s close to remembering, it fades from they learn depends on the skill they attempt to use
her mind. and how successful they are with it, as follows:
 She knows where Regold and the Visitor were  Intelligence (Investigation)
planning on going—a place of great evil. She fears
DC 11. The wounds that Benedek and Sari bear are
that something very bad is going to happen there;
precise. They are not those of a troll or any other
something that must be stopped, and soon.
 She feels a terrible, powerful force. It is angry, yet
DC 13. Their wounds suggest that they were
sad—just like she is. Its heart is broken, too.
attacked from behind and slain instantly. Whoever
 If asked about her gloves, Sari claims them to be a did this likely bore two weapons.
gift from her dead mother. If the characters search
her body, the gloves are nowhere to be found. Sari  Wisdom (Survival)
is unable to remove the gloves. DC 11. The footprints of Large-sized humanoid
creatures skirt the edge of the clearing.
DC 13. Though four sets of human-sized tracks
lead into the clearing around the shrine, only two

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

sets of human tracks leave. They head off to the
DC 15. One set belongs to someone—a man—
wore an expensive pair of boots judging from the
heel. The care he took to step in the less muddy
patches in the area reveals that he probably dresses
in finery.
 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion)
DC 13. The altar radiates faint necromantic magic.
A character using detect magic or other similar
abilities is able to discern this without a check.
DC 15. The statue depicts an aspect of Sseth, a
dark being worshipped by yuan-ti.

Sseth, the Sibilant Death

Also known as Merrshaulk, Sseth is a wholly evil deity whose
portfolio includes traps, poison, murder, and serpents. His
clerics—the vreal olo—wear holy symbols bearing flying
snakes with fangs bared.

One of the trolls has four golden tusks that, if
removed (and properly cleaned), fetch 25 gp each.
One of the trolls also carries a potion of greater
Each tooth is engraved with a rune. A character
succeeding at a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check
identifies the runes as those used in advanced
necromantic rituals and spells. The trolls are not
A small, hinged box in Benedek’s pocket contains a
gold ring set with a pair of blood-red rubies worth
50 gp.

The Journey Into the Swamp

While the characters may rest here for the night
without worry, Sari’s ghost stresses the need for
urgency. Sari’s ghost pleads with them—begging
them to stop this terrible event before it is too late.
She warns them that nightmares will befall them and
they will never sleep again. If she gets truly
desperate, Sari might even attempt to possess one of
the characters and run off in the direction of the
Glumpen Swamp.
Otherwise, proceed to Part 2, below.

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Part 2: The Glumpen
vardo sunk into the bog, and thanks to the rather
small windows, he is trapped within.
Reaching the vardo to free Șomoiog is no easy feat.
Swamp Sinkholes within the bog threaten to swallow those
Guided by Sari’s bloody footprints, the adventurers who wish to cross it and thorny vines seem to want
begin their journey into the swamp. to squeeze the life out of any who pass.
The journey from the shrine to the yuan-ti burial Players are free to come up with creative ways to
ground takes two days with one night of rest in reach and escape the caravan or they may make a DC
between. 13 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check to work their way across the small hillocks to
General Features the caravan. On a failed check, roll 1d4 and consult
the following table to see what happens:
The swamp has the following general features:
Terrain. The swamp is a miserable place; it is Bog Hazards
filled with sunken bogs, twisted, thorny brambles, Roll Result
and deep fetid pools of opaque water. Clouds of 1 The character’s foot gets caught in a
buzzing, black flies are everywhere—always biting. twisted mass of thorny vines dripping
Bloody Footprints. A clear path through the with a bright green liquid. The
swamp is hard to find. However, just when the character must succeed on a DC 13
characters start to think they’re truly lost, they find a Dexterity saving throw or take 10
few of Sari’s footprints. They continue for a short (3d6) poison damage.
distance before disappearing (see Sari’s Bloody
Footprints, above). 2 A misstep sends the character into a
Light. The sky is overcast and stormy. Despite mucky bog and the clinging mud and
this, it is well lit. ooze threatens to pull the character
Sound. Crashing thunder, buzzing flies, cawing under. The character is able to pull
ravens, distant howling wolves. Ethereal whispering themselves free of the mud, but must
or sobbing from an unseen source. succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving
Smells. Mud, rain, and rot. throw or gain one level of exhaustion
from the effort of doing so.
A. The Sunken Caravan 3 The character stumbles and lands in a
A few hours into their journey the party finds the patch of strange, green and yellow
following. mushrooms. The character must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
Twisted trees jut from of the scummy, green surface of the
throw or lose 2 hit dice. If the character
has fewer than two hit dice remaining,
bog ahead. Here and there, small atolls of fungi-covered rock
they instead take 10 (3d6) poison
and mud break through the surface. In the center of the bog
sits a once well-built wooden vardo—half-sunken into the
swamp. One corner of the vardo has been pulled deep into 4 The character stumbles and catches
the swamp, leaving the rest at a twisted angle. themselves by resting their hand on a
“You there! Help me!” a frantic voice calls out from within, gnarled, blighted tree. The character
must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving
“My vardo is stuck in the bog and I’m trapped inside!”
throw or be overwhelmed by
nightmarish visions of thousands of
Within the vardo (a type of round-top wagon used by humanoids being tortured and
Vistani) is Șomoiog, a traveling Vistani trouper of consumed by serpent-like creatures.
the Bogarav tribe (DDAL04-05 The Seer), though he Those seeing the vision take 10 (3d6)
stayed behind while his family ventured into the psychic damage.
mists (this occurred at the end of DDAL04-06 The
Ghost). Reaching the vardo isn’t enough to free Șomoiog. The
He was traveling through the swap when he end of the vardo containing the door is submerged in
stopped for a night’s rest. While he was sleeping, his thick mud and the few windows are too narrow for
him to crawl through. Barring the creative use of

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

magic, destroying a portion of the vardo’s wall is the immersed (prone) in the tar takes 5 (1d10) fire
only way to get him out. A 2-foot section of the vardo damage. The tar is also flammable. Any character set
has AC 13, 30 hit points (immune to poison and alight while covered in tar takes 3 (1d6) fire damage
psychic damage). at the start of their turn.
Once freed, Șomoiog happily scrabbles out of the Sound. Bubbling tar.
vardo provides the characters with the following Smells. Acrid fumes, tar.
information: Read or summarize the following.
 A day previously, two men traveled through the
A large pool of a thick, bubbling liquid and twisted, blackened
swamp and past his camp. One was large and
dressed in the clothes of a commoner though he trees surround the skull of an enormous, horned beast. Half
had two fine swords on his belt. The other was of its elongated skull rises out of the bubbling liquid; two
immaculately dressed, like a noble, with a frilled fifteen-foot long horns rising up into the night sky. Each of
frock, royal red doublet, golden buttons, and a pair the two horns is capped in a large, golden ring. Numerous
of fine high leather boots folded down at the knee. white bones pierce out of the bubbling liquid.
 He invited them both to share his fire and a story,
but while the larger man seemed so inclined, the If the characters climb or stand atop the skull to get
richly-dressed man barked an order and they both the rings, read the following:
continued on their way. The larger of the two sure
did look crestfallen.
A black shape rises slowly from the thick liquid; a humanoid
 Șomoiog has heard rumors about a being of great
covered completely in smoking black tar. A number of similar
power in the swamp—a monstrous creature not
shapes follow suit and—wiping the muck from their eyes—
alive, but neither dead. He chuckles to himself and
comments about how silly it sounds when he says poise for attack.
it aloud. The Vistani doesn’t know it, but the
rumors are true and speak of Graxxygak. Six ghasts rise up from the ground in a wide pattern
Șomoiog has no desire to do anything but retrieve around the dragon skull in the center of the bog.
what he is able to from his vardo and leave this They are covered in a thick black tar that gives their
accursed swamp. skin a shining black appearance as rivulets of sticky
black liquid run down their bodies.
As a reward for rescuing him, Șomoiog gives the Adjusting the Encounter
characters a set of stupefyingly beautiful playing Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
cards. The cards are made of lacquered wood and encounter. These suggestions are not cumulative.
inlaid with gold, silver, and platinum with a  Weak Party: Remove two ghasts.
matching carrying case. They are worth 100 gp.  Strong Party: Increase the ghasts’s hit points to 45.
 Very Strong Party: Add two ghasts. All ghasts have 45 hit
B. The Dragon’s Skull points.

If time permits, the characters happen upon what

appears to be a tar pit. This encounter is optional Tactics
and does not serve to further the story. It should, The ghasts are immune to fire damage. If subjected
however, be ran before proceeding to Encounter C, to a fire-based attack, the ghasts become fully
below. engulfed in flame. While ablaze, they deal an
additional 3 (1d6) points of fire damage with their
General Features claw attacks.
The ghasts take great delight in shoving paralyzed
The swamp has the following general features:
creatures—knocking them prone beneath the
Terrain. The tar is thick, viscous, and treated as
surface of the tar. Any creature that starts their turn
difficult terrain. The entire pit spans approximately
fully-immersed in the hot tar takes 5 (1d10) fire
80-feet wide. The pool is relatively shallow and is
damage. Additionally, they begin to suffocate.
only about 3-feet deep.
If the ghasts are attacked from range, and have no
Tar. The tar is scalding hot. Any character that
chance of succeeding, they retreat into the tar. Once
enters or starts their turn in the tar takes 2 (1d4)
sure that the characters are gone, the ghasts follow
fire damage. Any character that becomes fully

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

them from a safe distance. If the characters take a character notices that only one of the occupants
long rest, the ghasts ambush the characters in the appears to have eaten the animal; the bones were all
middle of the rest. They ghasts do not venture into discarded in one spot. Additionally, only one person
the Pits of Blood and Bone, however. appears to have slept. Either that or they took turns
sleeping in precisely the same spot on the ground.
Suffocating If the characters explore the surrounding area,
A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal they find a recently-dug pit toilet. Nearby is a scrap
to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). of crumpled parchment. Give Player Handout 1 to
When a creature runs out of its breath, it can survive for a the character who discovers the paper.
number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier If the characters choose to rest here for the night,
(minimum 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 their rest proceeds uninterrupted (unless they are
hit points and is dying. being tracked by some angry ghasts; see Encounter
B, above).
With the ghouls defeated, the characters are free to
investigate the bones of the dragon. It would appear
that the dragon’s corpse has been here for quite
some time—to the ghasts’s pleasure. A successful DC
13 Intelligence (Nature) check identifies the skull as
that belonging to an adult red dragon.
A character succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check finds a small amount of
powdered silver on the ground at the edge of the pit.
A character that succeeds on a subsequent DC 11
Intelligence (Arcana) check identifies this as what
was likely the material component for a protection
from good and evil spell. There is not enough of the
powdered silver to have any value.

The rings encircling the dragon skull’s left horn are
worth 150 gp each.

C. The Visitor’s Campsite

As the evening draws dark, the characters encounter
an abandoned campsite. Read or summarize the

The moon hangs full in the dark sky, its light seeming to bring
no peace to the land below. A gnarled tree sits atop a hill that
rises above the swampland around it. The faint smell of ash
sits in the air, a sign of a campfire barely a day old. The
position of the hill within the surrounding area gives the
impression that this may be a safe place to rest.

The characters can use this site as a safe place to

take a long rest.
A DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
that the camp was used by two occupants who
caught and cooked a coney (a rabbit) over the
campfire. If the check succeeds by 5 or more, the

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Part 3: The Pits of Bone
including dwarves, humans, elves, orcs, and
countless others. They appear to have died by
violent means centuries ago.
and Blood If the characters spend a few minutes rifling
The journey of the Visitor and Regold have taken around in the trench, it is a full five feet deep and
them to a series of ancient yuan-ti burial pits. filled completely with bones.

The Burial Wells B. The Yuan-Ti Excavation Camp

If the characters decide to investigate the camp, read
When the adventurers arrive, read or paraphrase
or summarize the following:
the following text:
Snippets of a conversation in Orcish come from within two of
Standing upon a rise in the swamped earth, you see a series
the nearby canvas-covered tents. Numerous crates and
of circular stone wells surrounded by a deep trench filled
barrels sit nearby along with shovels, picks, ropes, and large
with rubble. Four smaller stone wells—oriented north, east,
buckets. Mounds of dirt sit off to the side. The camp seems
west, and south—surround a larger, funnel-shaped well that
built around one of the old stone wells. Thick vines and
leads below the surface of the ground. Thick vines and
brambles have been cut away and a large wooden scaffold
yellow-green moss cover some of the smaller wells while
has been built over top of it. A series of ropes hang down into
others lay open, exposed to the skies above. A short set of
the well from the scaffold above.
stone steps lead up the outer rim of the large well in the
A ten-foot tall pole has been driven into the ground beside
center of the area.
the largest of the three tents. The body of a dead orc has
Surrounding the eastern pit, you see the flicker of torches
been impaled upon the pole.
set into the ground around three large tents. One looks quite
majestic, decorated in gold on violet cloth while the other
two appear to be rough canvas. Characters that speak Orcish are able to hear bits
and pieces of conversation—largely complaints
about working, watching, walking, standing, sitting,
A DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals three not eating, etc.
orc sentries patrolling one hundred feet from the As the characters approach the camp, they must
tents, keeping an eye out for intruders. succeed on a Dexterity (Stealth) group check to
A DC 15 Intelligence (History or Religion) check sneak past the remaining orc sentries without being
reveals that the stone circles are open-air burial detected. On a failure, the orcs alert the remaining
wells upon which the dead were placed. As carrion orcs in the camp, along with their yuan-ti masters.
birds and scavenging beasts consumed the bodies, This excavation party includes eight orcs (three of
the bones slowly filled the pits. which are on patrol and arrive at the end of the third
round), a type 1 yuan-ti malison, and two type 3
A. The Trench of the Bound yuan-ti malisons.
As the characters approach the outer rim of the The yuan-ti send in the orcs first and make ranged
trench surrounding the burial wells, read or attacks before engaging in melee.
summarize the following:
Adjusting the Encounter
What appeared to be rubble within the large trench Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
surrounding the compound of ruins reveals itself to be bones. encounter. These suggestions are not cumulative.
The size of the trench speaks to what was likely thousands of  Weak Party: Remove an orc.
corpses thrown in the trench to be twisted by centuries of  Strong Party: Add a type 1 yuan-ti malison.
weather and scavengers. The ten-foot-wide trench circles off  Very Strong Party: Add a type 1 yuan-ti-malison and a
in both directions amidst large twisted trees and hanging type 3 yuan-ti malison.
carpets of wet moss. If the yuan-ti are defeated, the characters are free to
search through their camp. The camp contains a
If the characters get close enough to inspect the good deal of exploration equipment including
bones, a successful DC 11 Wisdom (Medicine) check spades, shovels, winches, hammers, chisels, and
reveals these corpses to be of many different races crow bars. It would appear the orcs have been doing

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all of the labor while the yuan-ti observe. If put to scale or orientation, it isn’t clear where or how far
market, the characters could fetch 10 gp for the lot. away they are.
The yuan-ti tent has large ornate circular mats XP Award. If the characters successfully disable
upon which they slept. A nearby trash pit contains the trap, award each character 100 XP.
stripped humanoid bones. Lanterns and silk
hangings decorate their tent. Their tent also contains C. The Central Well
an ornate, iron-bound chest. The characters find an occasional bloody footprint
The Pit. The characters may also choose to leading around the complex and eventually towards
investigate the pit itself. Knotted ropes hanging from the central well.
the scaffolding descend into the stone well. The The Ramp Down. When the adventurers head for
smell of rot and decay is overpowering; any the steps leading to the central well, read or
character who descends into the well must succeed paraphrase the following:
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or begin to
retch uncontrollably and gain a level of exhaustion A set of three steps leads into the high stone wall of the
until their next short rest. central well. A weather-washed mosaic of war and slavery
The characters find hundreds of skeletal corpses
between humanoids and serpents has been carved into wall’s
floating in the putrid black tar of their liquefied
curved interior. No grizzly detail of dismemberment,
remains. The excavation party has already drawn up
disembowelment, or decapitation has been left to the
what treasures anyone can reasonably find in the
depths of the well. imagination. Serpentine skulls, fangs bared, have been
The Chest. The chest inside the larger tent is both pressed into carved divots that surround the top of the wall.
locked and trapped. Unlocking the chest without the As you reach the top step, you see the central well. It is a
key requires a set of thieves’ tools and a successful full forty feet in diameter and descends into darkness. A
DC 17 Dexterity check. Alternatively, it can be forced narrow ramp winds down from the west reaching deeper into
open with a DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check, or the well. The stone walls taper inwards as they reach for the
destroyed (AC 17, 40 hit points, immune to poison unseen bottom from which the stench of death flows freely.
and psychic damage). Detecting this trap requires a
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) and disabling it requires
The spiraling walkway leads down to a number of
a set of thieves’ tools and a successful DC 15
entry ways into chambers dug off from the main
Dexterity check. Opening the chest without the key
well. Most of these have collapsed over the years.
(including destroying it) results in tiny poison
The walkway itself also seems to have crumbled in
needles being fired in all directions, striking any
parts, but it is sturdy enough. Only two doorways
creature within 15 feet. Unfortunately, the key is
remain unobstructed—one about a third of the way
nowhere to be found; the orc that the yuan-ti
down, and the final at the ramp’s terminus.
entrusted to carry it accidently dropped it into the
pit two days ago—hence the impaled orc.
Poison Needle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
range 15 ft., any creature in range. Hit: 1 piercing
damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or take 21 (6d6) poison
damage. A successful saving throw reduces this
damage to half.

Treasure. The chest contains a golden flagon with

serpentine handles worth 230 gp, a dented ornate
steel helm worth 60 gp, and a golden plate etched
with a strange map worth 200 gp. The chest also
contains a spell scroll of flamestrike.
Inspecting the golden check reveals that the
location of this dig is depicted on the plate. There are
other locations on the plate but due to the lack of

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Part 4: The Vault of the
 The Visitor holds Regold in thrall, but not
completely. Deep down, Regold wants to be

Royal Dead
punished for his crimes. The nagas do not know
what Regold’s crimes actually are.
When the characters arrive at the bottom of the  This burial pit is close to the underworld. The
walkway and enter the door, read or summarize the spirits are restless here.
following.  A powerful spirit has come to this place, angry and
confused yet very strong. “He is here now...”
A. The Antechamber
Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
The walls of this chamber angle slightly inwards, creating a
encounter. These suggestions are not cumulative.
space with the shape of a large trapezoid. Four slender stone
 Weak Party: Remove one bone naga (guardian naga)
pillars hold up the ceiling above, each carved into the shapes
 Strong or Very Strong Party: Add one bone naga (spirit
of snakes intertwined, each one swallowing another’s tail. naga).
Hundreds of urns lay crushed against the walls of the room.
Alcoves along the walls appear to have once housed these Any creature that enters the burning brazier or
starts their turn within it, takes 10 (3d6) fire
urns. A large stone brazier sits in the center of the room on a
damage. A character that succeeds on a DC 13
platform of rune-engraved stone, burning with bright yellow
Strength (Athletics) check can tip the brazier,
and red flames. The flames send the shadows of the broken
sending its burning flames out in a 15-foot cone. Any
urns dancing along the walls. creature within the area must succeed on a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw takes take 10 (3d6) fire
When the characters enter the room, read the damage, or half as much on a successful saving
following. throw.

A voice whispers from the shadows. A fanged skull floats out Developments
from one of the alcoves, held aloft by the bones of a A faded fresco on the wall depicts dozens of yuan-ti
serpentine body. ceremony with hundreds of slaves of all species. The
yuan-ti in the fresco are raising their gore-covered
hands to a black and violet serpent twisting in a
These two bone nagas (one guardian and one spirit) vortex of black clouds laced with red lightning. A DC
have stood guard in the well for centuries, but now 15 Intelligence (History or Religion) check reveals
protect nothing but dust. that the fresco depicts Dendar the Night Serpent, a
If any of the adventurers speak Draconic, the naga dark deity of the yuan-ti.
“So many visitors after such long, lonely time. The Dendar the Night Serpent
other promised a sacrifice to the Night King. What do According to legend, this elder evil was borne of the first
you offer? Do not lie; we will taste it on your breath.” nightmare. She has an insatiable appetite for terrifying
dreams which, if left unsatisfied, would cause every creature
Provide the characters time to respond. If the in existence—mortal or divine alike—to remember every
characters do not respond, the naga shout “lies!”, and nightmare they’ve ever had, in painfully vivid detail.
A character that succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma Leaving the Antechamber, the characters may
(Persuasion or Deception) check is able to convince proceed down the ramp. As the Visitor descended
them not to attack. A Charisma (Deception) check the ramp, he placed a glyph of warding along the wall
that includes a similar offer of sacrifice is made with halfway between the entrance to the Antechamber
advantage. (see above) and the Chamber.
During these conversations, the nagas may A character that succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
provide the following information—even if the (Investigation) check detects the glyph. If the glyph
encounter turns hostile: goes undetected, it activates once a living creature
steps past it. Each creature within 20 feet of the
 The Visitor is not a mortal being. glyph must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A
creature takes 22 (5d8) thunder damage on a failed

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saving throw or half as much on a successful one. If A distant, echoing roar fills the chamber, and the ghostly
this glyph is triggered, the Visitor becomes aware image of a monstrous creature with curled ivory horns
that someone is coming down the corridor.
appears floating above the pool. His eyes scan the room,
The glyph can only be disarmed with dispel magic
falling upon each of you and then the fiend as if looking for
or similar magic.
something or someone. A jagged hole in the shape of a heart
XP Award gapes in the center of the ghost’s chest.
If the characters treat peacefully with the nagas, “Behold your new master, Graxxygak!” the well-dressed
award each character 500 XP. man shouts, “No longer shall you slave away for that foul
If the characters dispel the glyph of warding, witch. You shall belong to me soon enough!”
award each character 100 XP. The ghost of Graxxygak, son of Throstulgrael, roars in
protest as the well-dressed man begins chanting.
B. Chamber of the Night Serpent
The ramp ends at a doorway leading into the lowest A character succeeding on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight)
chamber of the well, the Chamber of the Night check reveals that the ghost—while looking quite
Serpent. When the characters arrive, read or dangerous and angry, doesn’t appear to be
summarize the following. threatening. In fact, it looks more confused than
ready for a fight. If the characters attack it, however,
Torches illuminate this large chamber. Along the walls, a Graxxygak (a ghost) defends itself.
number of stalactites hang from the ceiling all dripping with
Adjusting the Encounter
stinking, black liquid. The liquid runs in thin grooves etched
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
into the floor filling a long, rectangular pool set in the center
encounter. These suggestions are not cumulative.
of the chamber
 Weak Party: Remove a wight.
A man kneels at the far end of the pool, holding a dagger
 Strong party: Add a wight.
to his own throat. Another well-dressed figure kneels next to
 Very Strong Party: Replace the wights with two wraiths.
him, whispering into his ear. Looking up, they see you.
Turning back to the kneeling man who, the second figure
The Scene
whispers a word, and smiles as his companion draws the
There are three aspects to this encounter that the
dagger across his own throat.
characters must be made aware of:
The man’s screams of pain are quickly replaced with
Regold. The characters are able to see that Regold
grotesque gurgling sound as he pitches forward into the pool is not dead. He writhes and thrashes just beneath the
of black water. surface of the black water. The following guidance
The kneeling figure is Regold. The well-dressed man  Regold begins combat at 33 hit points and
is The Visitor. The Visitor utters a brief incantation, submerged in the pool (see sidebar, below). At the
causing three wights to emerge from the pool. The start of each round, he takes 11 necrotic damage
wights spread out on either side of the pool to (the nature of the ritual prolongs the suffering of
prevent the characters from advancing too close to the individual being sacrificed; they automatically
the Visitor. succeed on their saving throw and take half
damage from the pool’s corrupted water).
The Pool
 Once Regold reaches 0 hit points, he begins to
The oily, black liquid is quite dangerous to living beings. Any drown. Each time thereafter that he attempts a
creature that touches the water within the pool must death saving throw, the saving throw is made with
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 22
disadvantage. At this point, the thrashing in the
(4d10) necrotic damage or half as much if successful.
pool stops.
Creatures at least half-immersed in the pool makes this
saving throw with disadvantage.  Regold can’t be seen due to the opaque water.
If he has the opportunity, the Visitor sends charmed Barring creative use of spells, the only way he can
targets into the pool. be retrieved from the pool is by pulling him out.
 If Regold is removed from the pool, he retreats to
At the beginning of the second round, Graxxygak the far corner of the chamber and cowers in fear.
enters the fray:

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 If he still lives, the Visitor uses spells in an attempt 1st level: fog cloud, mage armor, shield
to compel the man to leap into the pool and 2nd level: blindness/deafness, crown of madness, hold
remain there until he dies. person, suggestion
The Visitor. The Visitor is able to continue the 3rd level: fear, hypnotic pattern
ritual without concentration; as the characters fight 4th level: greater invisibility
him, he shouts the incantations at the top of his 5th level: Bigby’s hand, mislead
lungs, laughing hysterically. At this point, the only
aspect of the ritual that need be satisfied is Regold’s XP Award
death; once the he dies, the ritual is complete and If the characters save Regold and stop the ritual,
Graxxygak becomes thrall to the Visitor. The ritual award each character 250 XP.
succeeds if Regold dies and the Visitor is still alive.
The ritual fails if the Visitor dies or if Regold
survives. Conclusion
The Visitor uses his abilities to force enemies into Once combat is over, the adventure concludes.
the pool and—if they look like they stand a good
chance to save Regold—away from the dying man.
As the last echoes of battle leave the chamber, the ghostly
The Visitor begins the encounter having already
used a 1st level spell slot to cast mage armor. If presence of Sari manifests in the room.
backed into a corner, he uses his cape of the Tentatively, she calls out, “Is he ok?”
mountebank to teleport to safety (but not out of the
Chamber). The Ritual Fails.
Graxxygak. Until the ritual is complete, Graxxygak
can’t move or take actions. He floats above the pool, Sari’s ghost strolls further into the room, leaving her tell-tale
surveying the scene. He growls and roars in anger. footprints. At first it looks as though she is moving to
Those that speak Giant hear him make several pleas
approach Regold. However, she continues past him and stops
to “Velvet” and “Black Father”.
in front of the ghost of the half-dragon troll.
 The Ritual Succeeds. If Regold dies before the Sari smiles at the large ghost and at the hole at the center
Visitor, Graxxygak falls under the control of the of his chest where his heart should be. She takes Graxxygak’s
Visitor and is once again able to move and take ghostly hand in her own gloved hands and places it over her
actions. On his turn, Graxxygak immediately heart.
moves towards the Visitor. If he has an action “Same,” the troll grunts.
remaining, Graxxygak grabs the Visitor, and Sari turns to you and smiles as the two figures begin to
transitions to the border Ethereal, taking the
fade from view.
Visitor with him. They both flee the complex. If the
As they fade, Graxxygak’s smile takes a sinister form as he
Visitor dies before Graxxygak is able to aid in his
escape, Graxxygak growls menacingly at the looks down at the tiny ghost by his side.
characters and disappears into the Ethereal plane “Gloves,” Graxxygak says menacingly, “the pretty lady
and leaves the complex. looks for gloves.”
 The Ritual Fails. Free from the ritual, Graxxygak And then they’re gone.
is once again able to move and take actions. On his
turn, Graxxygak immediately moves to the Visitor The Ritual Succeeds.
(if he is still alive) and, if able, attacks him.
“Where is he?” Sari asks, her voice heavy concern. “Where is
Treasure the troll?”
The Visitor wears a cape of the mountebank.
Upon the altar, he had placed a few items used in
the ritual including a golden bowl encrusted with If the characters inform Sari’s ghost that Graxxygak
rubies and emeralds worth 300 gp and a scroll tube escaped along with the visitor (or by himself, if the
gilt in gold and ivory worth 700 gp. Visitor was slain), she grows distraught. Read or
The Visitor carries a spellbook that consists of a paraphrase:
thick brass ring holding a number of brass plates
containing the following spells:

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

“You are all in grave danger,” Sari says, biting her lip, “return
to Orasnou and tell….”
Without warning, the spectral form of Graxxygak
materializes behind the girl. The brute clamps a hand over
the young woman’s mouth, cutting her words short before
the pair of them disappear.
As quickly as it happened, Graxxygak and Sari are both
Faint to the point of being almost inaudible, you hear
Graxxygak’s rough voice say “the pretty lady finally gonna get
you gloves.”

If he was saved, Regold accompanies the characters

back to on the uneventful journey to Orașnou.
Regold returns to Orașnou weary from the
memories of foul deeds and with results he will
never forget.
What happens to Graxxygak and Sari, remains to
be seen.

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
randomly should the group be unable to decide.
Make sure note player rewards on their adventure Permanent magic items are divided according to
log sheets. Give your name and DCI number (if a system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
applicable) so players can record who ran the permanent magic items.
Treasure Rewards
Experience Points Items GP value
Troll Teeth 100
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated Gold and ruby ring 50
foes, and divide by the number of characters present Lacquered playing cards 100
in the combat. For non-combat experience, the Dragon rings 250
rewards are listed per character and per task Excavation equipment 10
accomplished. Give all characters in the party non- Golden flagon 230
combat experience awards unless otherwise noted.
Dented ornate steel helm 60
Combat Rewards Golden plate with map 200
Name of Foe XP per Foe Gem encrusted bowl 300
Troll 1,800 Decorative scroll tube 700
Ghost 1,100
Ghast 450 Permanent Magic Item Distribution
Orc 100 D&D Adventurers League has a system in place to determine
Yuan-ti Malison 700 who is awarded permanent magic items at the end of a
Bone Naga 1,100 session. Each character’s logsheet contains a column to
Wight 700 record permanent magic items for ease of reference.
The Visitor 1,100  If all the players at the table agree on one character taking
Wraith 1,800 possession of a permanent magic item, that character gets
the item.
Non-Combat Rewards  In the event that one or more characters indicate an
Task or Accomplishment XP per PC interest in possessing a permanent magic item, the
character that possesses the fewest permanent magic
Disabling the chest trap 100
items gets the item. If there is a tie in the total number of
Treating peacefully with the naga 500 permanent magic items owned by contesting characters,
Disabling the glyph of warding 100 the item’s owner is determined randomly by the DM.
Saving Regold 250
Cape of the Mountebank
The minimum total award for each character
Wondrous item, rare
participating in this adventure is 2,625 experience
points. This long cape is made of light-grey silk trimmed in
The maximum total award for each character coarse, black fur. Although it is obviously of high
participating in this adventure is 3,500 experience quality, it appears tattered and worn. Instead of
points. smoke, a cloud of stale dust is left behind when the
wearer disappears. A description of this item can be
Treasure List found in Player Handout 2.
The characters receive the following treasure,
divided up amongst the party. Characters should
Brass-Ring Spellbook
attempt to divide treasure evenly whenever The spellbook consists of a thick brass ring holding a
possible. Gold piece values listed for sellable gear are number of brass plates. It contains the following
calculated at their selling price, not their purchase spells:
price. 1st level (4 slots): fog cloud, mage armor, shield
Consumable magic items should be divided up 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, crown of
however the group sees fit. If more than one madness, hold person, suggestion
character is interested in a specific consumable 3rd level (3 slots): fear, hypnotic pattern

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4th level (1 slot): greater invisibility
5th level: Bigby’s hand, mislead

Potion of Greater Healing

Potion, common
A description of this item can be found in the Player’s

Scroll of Flame Strike

Scroll, uncommon
This spell scroll contains a single flame strike spell. A
description of spell scrolls can be found in the
Dungeon Master’s Guide.

All faction members earn one renown point for
participating in this adventure.

Each character receives ten downtime days at the
conclusion of this adventure.

Story Awards
Characters have the opportunity to earn the
following story awards during this adventure.

The Demiplane of Dread. You have traversed the

mists and now find yourself in the Demiplane of
Dread and, until this story award is removed, you
are unable to leave. So long as you are trapped, you
cannot participate in any adventure or event that
takes place outside of Barovia. Tread carefully
during your time here, the Dark Powers are

DM Rewards
For running this adventure, you receive 875 XP, 437
gp and ten downtime days.

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DM Appendix: NPC
The following NPCs appear in this adventure.

Sari Florica (SARR-ee FLORE-ick-uh). Female

human. Lover of Benedek Durril and murdered by
Regold in a jealous rage. Rises as a ghost. Possessive
of the Tatyana’s gloves.

Benedek Durril (BEN-eh-dekk DURR-ill). Male

human. Lover of Sari Florica. Murdered along with
his betrothed by his brother, Regold.

Regold Durril (DURR-ill). Male human. Brother to

Benedek Durril. Deceived into murdering his brother
by the Visitor, but killed his brother’s betrothed, Sari
Florica as well. Charmed by the Visitor and
eventually sacrificed in an attempt to resurrect Sari.

The Visitor. Incubus. Became infatuated with Sari

Florica and convinced Regold Durril that she was not
a suitable match for his brother. Seeks to resurrect
Sari using Regold as a sacrifice.

Graxxygak (GRAZZ-ee-gak). Ghost of a half-dragon

troll. Offspring of the (now) dracolich Throstulgrael.
Esmae Amarantha’s Second Obsession charged with
retrieving Tatyana’s gloves.

Șomoiog (JHO-moe-yohg). Male Vistani trouper.

Stranded in his vardo when it sunk into the muck of
the Glumpen Swamp.

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Appendix: Monster/NPC Ghast
Medium undead, chaotic evil
Statistics Armor Class 13
Hit Points 36 (8d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Bone Naga
Large undead, lawful evil STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (−1)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 58 (9d10 + 9)
Damage Resistances necrotic
Speed 30 ft.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Damage Immunities poison Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of
poisoned the ghast must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12 throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. On
Languages Common plus one other language a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) the ghast’s Stench for 24 hours.
Spellcasting. The naga is a 5th·level spellcaster (spell Turning Defiance. The ghast and any ghouls within 30
save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks) that needs only feet of it have advantage on saving throws against
verbal components to cast its spells. effects that turn undead.
If the naga was a guardian naga in life, its spellcasting
ability is Wisdom, and it has the following cleric spells
prepared: Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Cantrips (at will): mending, sacred flame, thaumaturgy Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
1st level (4 slots): command, shield of faith target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is
2nd level (3 slots): calm emotions, hold person a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a
3rd level (2 slots): bestow curse DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
If the naga was a spirit naga in life, its spellcasting minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the
ability is Intelligence, and it has the following wizard end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
spells prepared: success.

Cantrips (at will): mage hand, ray of frost, shocking Ghost

grasp Medium undead, any alignment
1st level (4 slots): charm person, sleep Armor Class 11
2nd level (3 slots): blur, hold person Hit Points 45 (10d8)
3rd level (2 slots): lightning bolt Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one 7 (−2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 10
(3d6) poison damage. Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison

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Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, and good spell. When the possession ends, the ghost
prone, restrained reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 body. The target is immune to this ghost’s Possession
Languages any languages it knew in life for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) after the possession ends.
Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 feet into the
Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and Orc
vice versa. Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through
Armor Class 13 (hide armor)
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult
Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6)
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
Speed 30 ft.
inside an object.
Actions 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (−2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic Skills Intimidation +2
damage. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Etherealness. The ghost enters the Ethereal Plane from Languages Common, Orc
the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to
vice versa, yet it can’t affect or be affected by anything its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
on the other plane.
Horrifying Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60 Actions
feet of the ghost that can see it must succeed on a DC Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.
If the save fails by 5 or more, the target also ages 1d4 × Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
10 years. A frightened target can repeat the saving reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the 3) piercing damage.
frightened condition on itself on a success. If a target’s
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
target is immune to this ghost’s Horrifying Visage for Regold (Veteran)
the next 24 hours. The aging effect can be reversed Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
with a greater restoration spell, but only within 24 Armor Class 11
hours of it occurring. Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Possession (Recharge 6). One humanoid that the ghost Speed 30 ft.
can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13
Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the ghost; STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the ghost then disappears, and the target is 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
incapacitated and loses control of its body. The ghost
now controls the body but doesn’t deprive the target Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
of awareness. The ghost can’t be targeted by any Senses passive Perception 12
attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn Languages Common
undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed
and frightened. It otherwise uses the possessed Actions
target’s statistics, but doesn’t gain access to the Multiattack. Regold makes two longsword attacks. If
target’s knowledge, class features, or proficiencies. he has a shortsword drawn, he can also make a
The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit shortsword attack.
points, the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or the ghost

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Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 Languages Common, Giant
ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
(1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands. Spellcasting. The Visitor is a 6th·level spellcaster (spell
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The Visitor has
ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. the following wizard spells prepared:

Troll Cantrips (at will): acid splash, fire bolt, friends, shocking
Large giant, chaotic evil grasp
1st level (4 slots): fog cloud, mage armor, shield
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, crown of
Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40) madness, hold person, suggestion
Speed 30 ft. 3rd level (2 slots): fear, hypnotic pattern


18 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 7 (−2) 9 (−1) 7 (−2) Split Enchantment. When the Visitor casts an
enchantment spell of 1st level or higher that targets
Skills Perception +1 only one creature, he can have it target a second
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 creature.
Languages Giant
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Keen Smell. The troll has advantage on Wisdom Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft.,
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. one creature. Hit: 5 (1d64+ 3) piercing damage.
Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points at the Cape of the Mountebank (Special Equipment, 1/day).
start of its turn. If the troll takes acid or fire damage, As an action, the Visitor can cast dimension door.
this trait doesn’t function at the start of the troll’s next When he disappears, he leaves behind a cloud of stale
turn. The troll dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit dust. The dust lightly obscures the space he left and
points and doesn’t regenerate. the space he appears in, and it dissipates at the end of
his next turn. A light or stronger wind disperses the
Actions dust.
Multiattack. The troll makes three attacks: one with its Reactions
bite and two with its claws.
Instinctive Charm. When a creature that the Visitor can
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
see makes an attack roll against him, he can divert the
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
attack, provided that another creature is within the
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one attack’s range. The attacker must make a DC 13
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker
must target the creature that is closest to it, not
The Visitor including you or itself.
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil On a successful saving throw, the Visitor can’t use
this feature on the same attacker again until he finishes
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
a long rest.
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Medium undead, neutral evil
9 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Armor Class 14 (studded leather)
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +2,
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses passive Perception 11

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15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 attacks that aren't silvered
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
silvered paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Damage Immunities poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Languages the languages it knew in life
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
Languages the languages it knew in life Incorporeal Movement. The wraith can move through
Challenge 3 (700 XP) other creatures and objects as if they were difficult
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the wight has terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom inside an object.
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the wraith has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
Actions (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Multiattack. The wight makes two longsword attacks
or two longbow attacks. It can use its Life Drain in place Actions
of one longsword attack. Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The
one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving
target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an
throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction
amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies
lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. Create Specter. The wraith targets a humanoid within
A humanoid slain by this attack rises 24 hours later 10 feet of it that has been dead for no longer than 1
as a zombie under the wight’s control, unless the minute and died violently. The target's spirit rises as a
humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed. specter in the space of its corpse or in the nearest
The wight can have no more than twelve zombies unoccupied space. The specter is under the wraith's
under its control at one time. control. The wraith can have no more than seven
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 specters under its control at one time.
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage, or 7
(1d10 + 2) slashing damage if used with two hands.
Yuan-ti Malison
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range Medium monstrosity (shapechanger, yuan-ti), neutral
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing evil
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
Wraith Speed 30 ft.
Medium undead, neutral evil
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
Skills Deception +5, Stealth +4
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Immunities poison
6 (-2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

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Shapechanger. The yuan-ti can use its action to Bite (Snake Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
polymorph into a Medium snake, or back into its true hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
doesn't change form if it dies. one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and
Innate Spellcasting (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti's the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple
innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC ends, the target is restrained, and the yuan-ti can't
13). The yuan-ti can innately cast the following spells, constrict another target.
requiring no material components: Scimitar (Yuan-ti Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
+5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
At will: animal friendship (snakes only) slashing damage.
3/day: suggestion Longbow (Yuan-ti Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack:
Magic Resistance. The yuan-ti has advantage on saving +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
throws against spells and other magical effects. piercing damage.
Malison Type. The yuan-ti has one of the following

Type 1: Human body with snake head

Type 2: Human head and body with snakes for arms
Type 3: Human head and upper body with a serpentine
lower body instead of legs

Actions for Type 1

Multiattack (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti makes
two ranged attacks or two melee attacks, but can use
its bite only once.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
poison damage.
Scimitar (Yuan-ti Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
+5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
slashing damage.
Longbow (Yuan-ti Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack:
+4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Actions for Type 2

Multiattack (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti makes
two bite attacks using its snake arms.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
poison damage.

Actions for Type 3

Multiattack (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti makes
two ranged attacks or two melee attacks, but can
constrict only once.

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Player Handout 1

I still look at my hands and see the blood on them. The

visitor’s words still echo in my mind. He said it himself.
She was a wicked person, and Benedek was too stupid
and love sick to see it.
Watching them together every day made it worse. I
tried to warn him. He wouldn’t have it. The only way to
show him is to take them from one another—forever.
I didn’t do it because of petty jealousy. I did it
because they deserved it. Love puts out our eyes and
makes us blind. I opened their eyes.
I will never be free of this. I must be free of this.

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Peter Fitzpatrick (order #9139669)

Player Handout 2: Cape of
the Mountebank

Cape of the Mountebank

Wondrous item, rare
This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing
it, you can use it to cast the dimension door spell as
an action. This property of the cape can't be used
again until the next dawn.
When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of
smoke, and you appear in a similar cloud of smoke at
your destination. The smoke lightly obscures the
space you left and the space you appear in, and it
dissipates at the end of your next turn. A light or
stronger wind disperses the smoke.
This long cape is made of light-grey silk trimmed
in coarse, black fur. Although it is obviously of high
quality, it appears tattered and worn. Instead of
smoke, a cloud of stale dust is left behind when the
wearer disappears.

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Appendix. The Dragon’s
Skull Map

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Appendix. The Pits of
Blood and Bone Map

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Appendix. The Vault of the
Royal Dead

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Results Code: April - June 2016
If you are DMing this adventure during the months of April – June 2016, please show your players this page. The QR
code below can be scanned, and will allow them to give feedback and results on the adventure to influence the
storyline in the future!

If a player does not have a mobile device, please tell them to head to dndadventurersleague.org/results to enter
their results.

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